Out Now With Aaron and Abe

Out Now 596: Saturday Night

Broadcast on:
15 Oct 2024
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This week on out now with Aaron and a live from our podcasting studio. It's Saturday night We are now recording and this is out now with Aaron and Abe I am Aaron and Abe is unfortunately not here yet coming to work at the last minute We'll be back out now as a film podcast or even I discuss new movies weekly We dig into film the emotional spur for your view the occasional commentary track or some other film movie topic This is episode 596 596 We are really close to 600. We should really talk about what we're going to do We get there, but for this week's episode. We're talking saturday night the bio the comp the comedic ticking clock biopic about the First airing of saturday night live and joining me to discuss a saturday night We have from slash film and the 10 to 1 podcast. He has arrived to just the right amount of cowbell It's brad omen. Hey, that's me Also, joining us from slash film and co-host of bill and ashley's terra theater this podcast This podcasting world frightens and confuses him. It's bill bria. Uh, hey, i'm scared Uh, glad to have you guys both here brad glad to have you back on the show. Hey, thanks But I want to say abe what the hell man? Uh, and the last time you weren't here either I don't know what's going on like is there a thing between us that like we need to talk about I mean, you know call me I mean, you know, I don't know about the bad blood off screen because I you know, I don't hang out I don't see you guys after hours, but uh, you never know if that can we do we do each role with some pretty dangerous crowds Meanwhile your co-host ben conowitz Yeah, old old no reliable ben conowitz, uh, you know, you know how some people are like a jack of all trades Uh, he's just a dipshit And uh, so yes, he couldn't be here today even though he wanted to because he hasn't seen saturday night yet And we're supposed that time to do it, but uh, it didn't work out So it's but well none none of that matters because i'm excited to have bill here bill It's very it's very nice to meet you. It's very nice to have you on the show with us today Um, quickly you you bet you're out you're with slash film and all the people i've talked to from slash film are very nice people Except for that peters are that that's not true. I like he's a good friend He's not even there anymore doesn't even count Uh, but bill real quick along with slash film you you mentioned the bill and ashley's terra theater What is what is that podcast all about? Uh, that podcast is where we talk about uh, variety of horror movies, uh, usually one movie per episode Although sometimes we'll do a full franchise like the paranormal activity series We did once we just recently ran through the terra fire series, which also includes all hallows eve Uh, because you know the the terra terra fire three release and we just did our terra fire three episode We recorded that earlier today. Uh, so that should be out soon. Yeah, it's it's basically just Uh her and i deep diving into each movie or series as it happens. Uh, and um, we approach it from a very Um All around perspective in terms of like if you're a newcomer to the genre You know, it's a good way to like sort of learn about sort of the hits the greatest hits But if you're interested if you're a well-worn, you know, horror fan You want to get the deep midi gritty of like why is this work? What is the origin of the genre itself? Like what's the evolution of the slasher like, you know All this stuff that we talked like to talk about in depth, but we have a good sense of humor about it So, you know Well, very cool I I I I'm excited to go check that out when I when I get the chance here because I do have you a good horror podcast Have you ever thought about doing a terra podcast? Like movies about you like earth or like digging through earth. Oh, uh, yeah terra theater. Uh, I get it. It's a pun What about terra theater where you do episodes? Yeah, it's actually it's gonna be like one heat minute only it's only every minute of terra Yeah, just movie terra. Yeah Or a different version of book of uh or the terra is you could do a movies of terra read That's true. That would give us a little a lot of scary ones in there too urban legend. I'm scary. Yeah that was Yeah, what's it called? I'll fix pocket p. Um What's that old action culture? A lot of uh off brand national ampoune branded I'm sure. Yeah, the important thing is that all of her performances are dynamic and unique So you'll have a good time. I had an allergic reaction to you saying that as it was going on Um My boss's daughter. That's the That's there you go. Was it worth it? Was it worth it to ask the listeners? Well bill speaking of this horror podcast he was this is a perfect segue to our show notes Uh because it it is october in october means that we on out now Uh do all of our special horror themed bonus episodes Uh, we've done two so far one hit wonders and the horror genre and misleading horror but we'll put you out now and uh coming up Frigh the friday of the time this recording. We have our uh bobbie duke special We're talking about the bobbie duke and honor his tent anniversary. These are all a lot of fun to record and um It it you know it takes all the work to get like the just to jam pack a bunch of episodes in the middle of october All of all the other stuff we're doing, but we certainly think it's worthwhile That's we quite we believe doing it for years at a time And not only do we have those bonus episodes that we've you know Scheduled to come out during this time. We have a special terrifier three episode coming on the way as well I had a friend of the show marcus robinson kid nap a even force him to go see terrifier Three a film that he was not inclined to go and see because he does not like clowns and he went and saw the movie And then they recorded uh part of an episode immediately after and then called me and got me into the conversation So we had a solid conversation about the film and that should that should already be up by the time this is coming out So to so check out check that out that episode as well because we had we had thoughts um On the latest air Abe especially because I was seriously curious what he had to say about arth the clown and his shenanigans Um, what else since far show notes go along with our next horror special coming at the end of the month our commentary for the month Because we do commentaries every month here. We were talking gore rivinsky's the ring Uh for this month's commentary tracks so stay tuned for that one as well And you can find all of this nonsense over on iTunes or spotify where you can give us also a rating interview Which will be great pop us up with the old iTunes charts. Feel free to do that to be help. Thanks in advance Okay, let's get into some fun show stuff here. Let's do some math quickies. Do you have me tweaking out now? We will be there talking about during the week as i do weeks I was happy and quick, um bill start with you. What other movies have you seen recently? uh A new new release or or any movie anything anything you want to talk about? Okay, all right. I want to talk about something. I saw the first time yesterday, which was kennith brana's mary Shelly's frankenstein, okay, yeah, uh, which uh I've been getting it to brana recently. I didn't expect to necessarily, but you know, I grew up a theater kid I was um in acting training for years and years during high school and college and all that Uh, so of course I started with the brana shakespeare's, you know the much do about nothing and read the fifth and blah blah And I guess when you're you know at of that age and you watch one of these movies, you're kind of seeing them as you might Um, let's say like a book report or something where it's like, oh, yeah, this is the exact text of the thing I'm just reading in class or we're doing in the case of much do, you know, my theater troupe is doing a production of that at the time So you're you're kind of not engaging with it in the same way that you might you know another piece of cinema or at least I wasn't at that age But then of course, you know as i've grown older and gotten more into This business of film critic dumb and film historian dumb and whatever commentary dumb um I've been you know, like the brana poiro films. I've been very interested with even death on the nial I can find things to appreciate in Uh, but haunting in venice. I was really impressed with uh that came out last year And I said, you know what? I've not seen his frankenstein I should go back and check that out. So I finally got around to it just yesterday and uh, yeah, I was kind of blown away um It it is a lot of movie. It is uh, very theatrical as you might expect. It is very uh grandiose in a way that I would say most movies aren't now, but most movies weren't then either, you know, it's like it's very uptray uh, it's um It's so fun to see Just unabashed nonsense in that way of like it's huge sets and huge opulence and The camera never stops moving in a way that's distinct from say like a michael bay Also, never stops moving the camera, but it's its own thing Um, but really the highlight for me was seeing deniro's monster, which uh, you know, I would agree Completely unlike any other frankenstein monster. I've seen in in any other film really, you know It's something that I think is is so unique about the film and worth checking out for it's finally a monster from the bronx That's what I appreciate for sure um I and like it's certainly fitting as a Semi follow-up to like brown stoker's Dracula. It's a couple of producers this one. It's like yeah, it fits in the world of like You know highly stylish big budget takes on classic movie monsters um My like I think the movie is okay. I think my biggest issue was honestly brana as an actor in the movie I think he's doing a lot of He's very big and he's very much There's a lot of him like open shirt like look how handsome i am as doctor as this doctor He obviously got in shape for it and wanted to make sure everyone knew he wasn't shaped for it. Yeah Well, good. I'm glad you caught it. Have you seen dead again as far as brown as folks go? Yeah, no, that's another one. I should I have to say yeah Wait till you hear is that his american accent in that movie because i can't wait through a loop That was like this is what we're doing for the next two hours Uh very well great brad what have you uh seen recently? Uh, so I watched the count of monty kristo for the first time The uh the two thousand want to one Correct. Yeah with uh guy pierce and jim kevezel and i'm your hero. Yeah, of course Yeah, um, I had never seen it before and so on my podcast go flicks yourself Me and my co-spend innate we assign each other films to watch each week and so that was my assignment this week And uh several people including my fiance were surprised that I hadn't seen it because I somehow didn't know that she loved this movie And she never like recommended we watch it because she'd assume that I had already seen it but surprise i'm a failure Um, and so uh, but yeah, I watch this and it's it's great because like it's it's like several movies in one and just the way the story unfolds Like it's you know halfway through it. I'm like, oh, where are we going now? And kevezel and guy pierce you know make good, uh foils for each other and it's just a really compelling story And it was also amusing to see uh just a little henry calvel just just go around there. Yeah. Yeah, just just a little boy Um, but uh, yeah, it was I I dug it a lot. It's you know It feels definitely like one of those movies that they don't really spend money on anymore kind of like somewhat of a mid budget You know kind of historical drama and with a little bit of swashbuckling and prison breaking and whatnot But uh, yeah, I I wish that there was a lot more space for stuff like this today because it would be great to get a, you know, movie like this I'm surprised we haven't gotten like an you know, that's 22 years ago now at this point I'm surprised we haven't gotten another money crystal Uh film at the same time. I know it's not as popular compared to like musketeers that we get seemingly all the time Yeah, there was just got we just got some musketeers last year right from for friends. I think yeah Yeah, but like it's like a series because it was like part one and part two. Yeah, yeah, musketeer movies um But yeah, I watched it again fairly recently. I think during like Heavy lockdown period because I hadn't seen it a while and like you It seems like it had it's a mass this following where like I saw it in 2002. I was like, yeah, it's good I never like thought about it really but but now it like seems to have this Like everyone really it's like yeah, that nonny crystal, but like that's that's a great. That was a great one And I was like All right. I didn't realize it had this fandom. So I watched again. Yeah, I think it's quite solid like and Yeah, it's not quite the the realm of like um, like mass bizarro in the realm of 90s Right. Yeah, but it's still like a really good adaptation of that story And yeah solid cast. So yeah, I was also surprised that Henry Cavill showed it was like, oh, yeah, there is Superman. Yeah Um, and then I'm also uh, so this is this is an embarrassing admission Um, but I have uh only ever seen the first friday thirteenth movie I never Continued of course. I'm very familiar with like the iconography of Jason and you know I've seen bits and pieces here from the other movies, you know, the some of the funnier bits and more grotesque kills and famous stats and whatnot But I've never actually sat down to like watch each of the the sequels in full So that's what i'm doing now. I'm halfway through uh, the main franchise I just finished the the final chapter and that's uh, that's where i'm at. And it's so it's it's been a lot of fun You can stop. That's the final chapter, Brad That's a good point. Yeah, it all stops there What do you think the title means? Uh That's fair. Yeah, I'll just go on thinking nothing ever happened after this. Are you are you aware of like Detail? I mean, you've seen clips, but like do you know like what's going to be happening in the next couple movies? Um, I I the only one that I know like as far as what's happening that I know Where things kind of just get bonkers in a really fun way is Jason takes Manhattan Uh, obviously i'm aware of that, but otherwise I don't necessarily know okay because all the story unfolds and what happens after this I'm excited for you to see five and then six It's six six being my favorite Now six is my favorite too And a lot a lot of people like six and four tend to be the top of a lot of people's lists and four is very Like the cevini effects and four pretty phenomenal like this. Yeah four four four was a lot of fun Um, I really enjoyed the like the heavy dark 80s synth soundtrack of the third one. It kind of added like it really is pretty cool Like I I'm not huge on the first one like I I think it's fine And I respect it as far as the first but like I I like two and three and four More the nth six more than the more than the and I have a lot of life. I've seen x the most You say when that came out back in the the year of our lord about kind of my christa two doesn't do I uh, I really watched x like all the time it seems so there's a lot of good stuff coming your way for sure I'll be curious just because like there's a lot of mixed feelings about the um like man haten and goes to hell and stuff Yeah I came to it fairly late. Also. I didn't come to it till the shout factory box set came out and I'm like, oh good I could like really watch all of these now instead of just piecing it together and I I have a fonder appreciation for The freya 13 series that I then I've had prior. It's not my favorite slasher series, but it's certainly a fun one to dig in Yeah, I'm having fun with it It's uh, especially the the kills are pretty fun and in grotesque and so it's been it's been enjoyable It's got some yeah, you got some stuff coming Can I geek out for a second here because for the longest time I had a a quote unquote system or or a way I would like to rewatch both the friday 13th and the nightmare nom streets So that it would culminate in friday versus jason, which is go chronologically and go by year So you would watch the first several the first four friday 13th And then after four you'd start with nightmare. No street one and then alternate by year And so you'd end up in friday versus jason. I don't know. I always enjoyed watching I did that for years and years I like that I'm I'm I'm I'm I do that because I've been meaning to go through because I haven't seen a good chunk of the nightmare nom street sequels either See there you go. Yeah, I also have it like after dream warrior. I'm like i've seen i've seen five a long time But I have to have no memory. So like i've been pretty blank and i've been like stubbornly waiting for a boxet to come like a Four, I know there's a blu-ray box. I've been stubbornly waiting for a four for a four k boxet now Yeah, I'm like this just isn't gonna happen anytime soon I know the first one's coming out, but like yeah gonna take a while. I think for the well There's there's something I don't know what they're planning on doing But rachel tala lay the director of friday's dad the final nightmare, which is the sixth one Uh was just posting an instagram about Recoloring or remastering friday's dad. So i'm sure it's doing the work They're doing something with these. I don't know what they're doing in terms of boxes, but yeah, they're doing something cool All right, well very good. Um, i've seen a few things and i'll make a note of real quick here first up piece by piece this is the Lego animated documentary about for real williams. I Really liked this a lot. I I am a fan of forl and I frankly just knew most of the history involving him with the nap tunes and any rd and his collaborations or whatnot, but In terms of music biopics i'm like they made a morgan neville directed a lego biopic for like I i'm not not intrigued by this um, and I was really taken aback by how much I enjoyed it. I think it It's made with like all ages in mind, but even then it still has an interesting way of handling things like interacting with snoopdog and getting high or whatnot For a pg movie. It's like it has choices. It's making And it's also just really visually ambitious. I mean we've had the various legal movies from one of brothers And I like most of those all really well and good This one really makes them cool choices as far as how to use animation as a as a storytelling elements where there's There's Grounded choices like making it seem like there's handheld camera movements going on in the world of lego along with like Feral manifesting his musical prowess and like seeing how that comes alive through color and the music and everything so like I was I was really I found myself very much invested in like how this movie just decided to tell the story of Feral someone who was not that old Um, it probably has a lot more life to still live and yet he's got a lot of fascinating things going on and having all these collat You know having gwen Stefani and Kendrick Lamar and snoopdog and timberland and everybody like participating in this thing. It's like This is I was I was very pleased by this. So uh Big recommend on piece by piece for literally anybody. I think anybody could watch this movie. It's like not Not at least, you know, have a nice time listening to the music I wasn't yeah, I wasn't treated by this because I do want to see it because at the very least I appreciate like Doing something different for the biopic documentary approach and so like this and also I've heard how wild better man, you know Is so I saw them day after one day after the others Stuff like this like if they're gonna do it like this then yeah, like that sounds like fun if you're gonna or for sure like I'm so I don't know as they completely sick of music biopics, but it's like if we're gonna You know if back to black is gonna do the same formula. I'm gonna not like I want the james mangled bob dillah movie to be good at the same time like There's been so many bob dillah movies that are take interesting, you know, I'm not there take such an interesting It's like what else do we have to say about bob dillah? We'll see james mangle's a good filmmaker. We'll see how that goes, but yeah at the very least to be nice to shut up The people who keep talking about well walk hard killed the genre didn't it you know? So if we can get more piece by piece is that it's like we can get past that yeah, that's that's the hope for sure um Let's see. What else I watch vhs beyond the latest vhs entry bill have you seen vhs? I have yes, I have I I liked it overall. I will say I feel like I feel like I'm less surrounded than most people So I've been here a lot of people saying it's the best one yet and I'm like, yeah, I think I'm with you Yeah, it's it's fun I don't think there's a bad vhs movie because the nature of these movies as anthologies means You're gonna end up liking at least one segment so you know and there are two here that I really like There's this one involving a skydiving thing that I was like really into And um, what's the other one? Oh, the first one the first one there was like uh There there's like a lot of a lot of action going on inside of a video gamey resident evil Yeah, yeah, and it's so and this one's vhs beyond it's very much it did it a sci-fi It's still horror like it's still gory and nuts But it's very much has a sci-fi element going on compared to these some of the other ones Uh, which was a neat approach. I was I wasn't getting tired of like 90 98 night or 99 94 But it's like oh, this is neat. It's very modern Which also kind of negates the vhs aspect of it But it's like whatever. It's there's seven of these we can afford this But uh, yeah, I I think my main thing was usually these ones kind of go out on a high Like even if you're not enjoying some of them It kind of gives you like the last short usually is like a pretty like momentum heavy like oh my god This is great. This one kind of kind of peters out and I was like, oh, that's unfortunate Like I didn't feel like I was refreshed at the end of it like like radio silence did like the first one at the Yeah, the first movie and it's such a ride where you're with these guys going through this crazy night Uh, and it by compares this one's like all right. I see what you're doing. It's been really It didn't land. Yeah It's it's you know, the latest vhs entry. It's on shutter as always they're hit or miss But I enjoy this series sounds like you do too though. So yeah, yeah pretty much um Been going along on quickies for a while just do one more thing We saw I saw a Nora the new Sean Baker film Brad. Have you seen the noria? No, unfortunately. I have not Bill have you seen it? You saw it? Yes. Yeah, okay Um, smooth. I what we might have a longer discussion about this one on a different episode So I'll just say right now a door is great. This movie like I can see why it's so heavily praised it is a A very very good movie and also very fun. I can't very much show like much like Tangerine is a screwball comedy that happens to have you know, very specific things going on This movie has a lot of like screwball elements that just happens to be set in a very specific world It goes for two and a half hours But it's uh, it's good. I was very I was a big fan of a Nora All right, that's our quickies. Yeah, let's move on Let's get to our our trailer talk where you're talking about those some of the newest movie trails of the week When they're coming out what we have what what we thought of it would have you Uh, this week we got another trailer showdown. We're talking thunderbolts asterisk and This title from the world of John wick colon ballerina That's the actual title. I I wonder if they're insisting on any marquees to put it that whole thing up. I hope they're not Well, that that's gonna be a nuts. I'm like love you're like regal or amc app when you're like trying to play ballerina Why is it coming up? Yeah. Oh from the where yeah, yeah, so baller for so from John wick ballerina Uh, this is a spin-off entry in the john wick franchise of course is from director lenn wiseman Who I looked up hasn't directed a movie since I I think the total recalled disaster movie remake that came out Um, he's been producing and then tv stuff, but like it's been over 10 over 10 years since he had a movie um, but Starzana der armus I assume angelica houston comes back since it's in the ballerina stage of things. She's in the trailer Oh, she okay. I was I think I was so focused on how quickly they gave away the game. The kiana reads is coming back Yeah, i'll be able to get to that. Yeah. Yeah, it's I believe set between like three and four or concurrent with whatever the case There's a big action movie involving a ballerina play band on on armus. We also have thunderbolts asterisk. This is the next year's summer kickoff film from marvel It's basically their take on the version of suicide squad. We have uh A bunch of villains or anti-heroes that seemingly all have teamed together, including foreign's pews, Sebastian stan, david harber white russell Olga clarylenko, right? And and blue is pullman because you know, why not he's using there too Um, is harris before gonna be in this? I don't know maybe we'll see right Oh, he is yes red hulk is gonna or what some four Why wouldn't he be? I don't know. I'm just making a prediction and of course julia. We strive this We're talking about julia redrips will be returned as well. So we have the big marble movie bunch of super villains or what have you and we have ballerina uh, and uh, which two thunderbolts is directed by jake shear shrier Who? What did he do? What's the thing that he did? He made some things robot and frank. That's a movie. I like robot and frank Paper towns. That's a film that exists Okay First thing i want to jump to as far as the director of thunderbolts, but here we are So, okay, we've all that context about brad which of the two are you more excited for? I think i'm a tad more excited about ballerina because as much as I I don't necessarily have faith in lem lem wysman I think that I have more faith right now in the stylized world of john wick and the trailer Did more to get me excited about the movie it does feel like Uh, a proper john wick spinoff. It doesn't really feel like a sad cash in the action looks good On a darmus. I'm pretty much in for anything Um, and so yeah, i'm i'm intrigued to see how this does and and how it fits into the world of john wick Um, and then like for me, it's just it's kind of just like a you know a thing with marvel where i'm a little bit tired Uh, I don't necessarily have a big investment in a lot of the characters in thunderbolts as much as I like the dynamic between them Um, you know, there could be a couple intriguing thing intriguing things that pop up But like I just don't have the passion for thunderbolts that like I might have had for a marvel movie from the infinity saga Uh, that's just you know the the way the world is right now. So yeah, i'm going with ballerina I know thunderbolts has this asterisk at the end of the title and everyone's like what's that gonna mean or what have you? I'm still convinced that someone like accidentally typed it at one point and then they just didn't want to correct it. So they're just like No, no, it's we'll just write a reason. We'll just we'll write we'll write in a reason. We'll put it in the script. It'll be great Uh bill, where are you with these two? Which are you more excited for? Clearly ballerina, uh, I think that um There's much less at stake because even though the continental that tv show that was the first bit off the john wick series Was very subpar in terms of what it added. In fact, it took away more from the series as a whole I think Uh, because it was just very confusing about where it fits in the world and the canon and the lore And was it even worth doing if it was going to be so confusing? Anyway, I don't know Uh, the action was fine in it, but the you know story was a little haphazard and then the whole the mill gibson of it all, you know That's why I didn't watch it. That's that's why it's not. Yeah, thank you. I'm good So it just felt like much to do about nothing to go back to brana Uh, and uh, and I think that ballerina at the very least, you know, I I have fun with the underworld movies Uh, so at a bare minimum like I have fun with live for your die hard. So at a bare minimum I think wiseman can deliver like Okay, entertainment and I do hear scuttlebutt that chance to hell ski the director of the four john wick movies was heavily involved with reshoots for some of the action sequences. So at the very least I think we're going to get some solid action sequences out of this thing Uh on a darmus Can kick my butt any day. I would love to see that Uh, so I think at the very least we're looking at like a uh down and dirty, you know Just a fun action movie Even if whatever franchise this happens with it even if cano's appearance in it is awkward or wonky or like How does this fit into the rest of the other movies? It doesn't matter as much because we're going to get some cool action I think With thunderbolts, I think there's a lot more at stake of course because we're talking about, you know, another big team movie in the marvel universe And even though all of these or at least most of these characters have been introduced in other media prior to this It doesn't have that special free song of uh, you know The avengers of course, um or even the marvels Uh, and certainly it it seems to be biting at the same apple that guardians of the galaxy did And then of course if you jump over to dc the suicide squad movies as we as you mentioned there and so I even just watching the trailer We it feels like we've seen this movie a lot recently and I hate that usually as a criticism of like Oh, it's just another thing like all these other things Sure, that's just kind of how you know the business works But so far I haven't seen anything personally to get myself excited about oh this thing is a little different because of this or this element You know, so whatever the asterisk is they better reveal it You know because I need a little something more I don't want to keep picking on thunderbolts, but the trailer itself just didn't do much for me beyond like establishing Hey, they're these people in this movie. It's a marvel thing like we i'm going to see this regardless because sure It's the next marvel thing like that's how they've had some other roles, but as a trailer I was I was irritated. There's a whole sec thing towards the end of it You have the whole team like working together at their door. They're thunderbolting or whatever they do And i'm like, okay Cool, they're doing action stuff And then it's like thunderbolts and then it cuts to the end of the trailer and it's like there is bucky And they're all like it's bucky and i'm like But he was just working with you when the rest the other part of the trip. It's just weird. It's awkward editing So it's like I I roll my eyes because i'm like Disney's done this well in the past Like I don't I like when they just when they're straight up lied to us before at least those trailers were pretty good This trail is like, oh, okay All right, we'll see what happens But from the world of jon'thwick goal in ballerita on the other hand I would say like the announcement of this and what especially when it's like and it's being directed by led wiseman Didn't make me think finally we're gonna get that john wickspin off i've been waiting for This trailer I wouldn't necessarily say like maybe super excited for it But at least it feels like okay I have a sense of what this is going to be and I can accept that and hopefully enjoy it I agree with you guys that the stylization of the john wick world to begin with is just enough to keep me Invest to some degree, especially because yes chat salski I know it's much more involved when the continental that was the thing that they did really have much to do with to begin with Yeah, we're like, you know, whatever Seeing that lance redix in this is like wow how long ago the shoot by the way That's Interesting. There's a point where I believe she like shoves a grenade in a guy's face And then like puts a behind a door and then she leans on the door and then the grenade blows up and i'm like, well that okay I'm in like that sold me pretty quickly right there That's like if we're that that's what we're doing The flame thrower versus the fire hose like come on this stuff. Yeah, you know, it's doing some stuff that I think is pretty creative It's an 87 north production. So like Cool the action scenes are going to be in place and I would agree with you I think lenn wiseman at his best can deliver good action Regardless of the films themselves and I like diet believe three die hard 4.0 Uh, I like that fine, but it has but it has some good it has a lot of like Heart for a movie that's PG 13. It has a lot of hard action in it So I'm like I know he has the chops for this kind of thing So hopefully this works out and we'll see where that goes Uh from the world of john wick valorita opens on june sixth next summer thunderbolts opens earlier may second 2025 so I couldn't believe that valorino was so far out I was expecting this to be like a january february release and then I saw like june Ah I mean, I I liked that they kept it's because it was going to come about this past june and then they moved it So like I like that they didn't just shove it off to a january february because at least they seem to have faith in that it could Be a big hit for them. Yeah, but yeah, it is it is a little while to wait. That's for sure Yeah, it reminds me of the long year your year long wait for uh dead reckoning part one That we got that trailer dropping with I think with maverick and that it was like next year. It's like oh crap Yeah, so and it it paid off I don't want to make fun of tom cruise. I went up here. Um, he's listening right now He's right behind me, isn't he? All right, let's uh straight let's move on to our main review for saturday night My name is lord michaels. I'm the producer and creator of saturday night We're excited because there's never been a television show like this Okay, but what kind of show is it Lauren? Do you even know what the show is did anyone ask Edison what a light bulb was before your harness electricity? Who are you in the metaphor? Johnny chains killed a redder and I got how the fuck do you pronounce this? Really these can't be the right size. Yeah, you're right. They should be a little bit smaller I How long have you been standing there long enough that should have been so the trailer for saturday night Having put together two ghost buster films for sony if ever there was a one for me project for director jason rightman and co writer gill keenan It's this movie saturday night is a biopic Comedy and ticking clock thriller all rolled into one as it is purely focused on the 90 minutes leading up to the debut of saturday night on nbc The fableman's gave her labell stars as warren michaels Pipits from one part of studio 8 h and the nbc building to another as he deals a producers execs writers celebrity guests and the not ready for prime time players During a chaotic period building toward his innovative new variety series airing live on television for the first time Will lorn and comedy be able to pull it off chances are you know the answer to that question but brad What's been your relationship with snl and how do you feel about this films covering of its history? Uh, I am a long time diehard saturday night live fan. Um, I Like many I discovered it when I was a kid and probably didn't understand all of the jokes, but I Uh got a connection through it through to it through wanes world um movie that I saw before I had seen saturday night live and then learned where wanes world came from and Constantly wanted to beg to stay up on saturday to see new episodes when they happened was always disappointed when there wasn't a new wanes world Um, but you know as I grew up I came to appreciate Uh the comedy side of things and I you know grew up experiencing the the late mid to late 90s cast and then into the 2000s And by that point I was just going to be dedicated to the show no matter what so i've stuck with it For years leaving even decades now And it's one of my favorite things whether it's good whether it's bad. It's always fun and fascinating to watch and so I had wanted a movie like this for a long time. And of course you have to start at the beginning Um, and this I honestly I think it turned out better than even I hoped a movie like this wouldn't because I would have expected an snl movie to maybe span More time and go across years and see different, uh, you know iterations of the early cast and whatnot But having it be this much more contained, uh, almost real time ticking clock thriller with a really sharp comedy Uh an outstanding ensemble with performances that are fantastic for a number of reasons Not the least of which is you know, everybody being good at doing an impersonation without overdoing it And just uh how Fantastic it feels when it all comes together. It's just it's it's better than I thought it could be and I just absolutely adored it Okay Bill was your been connect with the new ear connection snl and then the henman this movie. Yeah, my I grew up a ghostbusters kid so, uh If I was making movies like Jason Ryman, that would be a one for me if I was making frozen empire Uh, and uh, so I think that's probably how I first came to the show You know learning as much as I could about the people who started ghostbusters and going. Oh, they were all Involved with the show earlier. Well two of them at least um and uh I was also a comedy central kid, uh, and you know, this was the days when county central needed to fill its programming blocks and they obviously licensed uh from broadway video or mbc or both, uh a bunch of old snl episodes and so I was just voraciously consuming those every day after school sometimes during school you know and uh really catching up on on the uh sort of like mid eighties to late, you know or to early nineties cast and then Kind of already being caught up. I you know tried to watch as much of the new stuff as it came out as I could Obviously the rise of you know, people like will Ferrell and all them Uh, and yeah, I always viewed and still do view the show snl as this revolving door institution uh, which is kind of like the tv version of a long standing um Theater troupe or you know something like upright citizens brigade or the groundlings, you know that you know They pull a lot of their talent, you know snl pulls a lot of their talent from I kind of view snl is like the tv version of that where it's like Yeah, there's there's always a show going on, you know, obviously that's not entirely true because they have their off seasons But you can always just drop in check out what's going on check out. Who's do who's who's left who's still there? um If you enjoy it you keep with it if you don't you can check back out and wait until when your gas comes around you know or something like that but It's always been um, you know something that I really appreciated its existence and and that it's there and still to this day how much it can influence pop culture um And so the prospect of an snl movie like Brad was saying I am so glad that they that raidman and kinain took the tack they did here and did not try to go for Even something like a private parts, you know the howard sern movie of like, you know, oh, we're gonna Really be a reverend with it. We're gonna encapsulate so many different years and periods and blah blah and all these you know famous incidents and da da da I I think it was the right way to go to really capture what I think they're after which is to get that spirit of Even as miners it might be a revolution in entertainment of you know, this is the institution of an institution Uh, and you know what what was that like and and you know how In a weird way brave it was to have these people push for it and to get it out there because we know from experience working in This field that it's so easy for things to for dreams to die and people to get stifled and and crushed and you know Not have things happen the way they want it to happen and this was just one of those lucky blessed, you know productions that got through and kind of made it intact and Not that it, you know, we're not talking about curing cancer obviously, but I think that it has that sort of Artist spirit that feeder kid spirit of let's put on a show. Let's do it the way we want to do it Uh, and it can be of value to so many people and lo and behold it does So as far as ssl is concerned, I was certainly like, you know familiar with bits and whatnot growing up When it came to the 90s cast and the 2000s cast when I was in high school and college and stuff So it's like I those were areas where Like I you know, I I didn't watch the show specifically, but I like I knew of The will Ferrells and you know in the atom sale, obviously i'm selling you know all these things Uh by the time I was kind of later in college is when I started kind of I was what tuning in now and again I was not watching it regularly just like it would depend on like the host and if we were like busy on nights or whatever it was it wasn't until like I think the Early 2010s when I started watching and more on the regular and now I watch it pretty much every week And it's less about like obviously i'm there to like enjoy some comedy But there is an aspect that I enjoy of I want to see how this show does the thing it's trying to do on a weekly basis I want to see how it uses how it utilizes the cast what the host is capable of what you know Whatever filmmaking stuff they're doing as far as a live tv shift like that stuff, which I think Brad I mean obviously you have a dope show the podcast devoted to this. I think that's certainly an aspect that you talk about regularly That's something I do find I find that as fascinating as watching it just for the sake of entertainment Um, so that's like that's where my curiosity is now and it comes to seeing some of these things Um So like if I like I wouldn't necessarily say I've been like a devoted fan for a long time But in terms of just I enjoy watching the show for a variety of reasons I certainly do now and it's fun to like you know catch up of older episodes or skips I just haven't seen before because it's been on for so long and there's A lot of stuff. I just frankly haven't seen like there's still Plenty of stuff like from the 80s seasons that I've just never seen before and I've certainly heard reference to Which is Interesting to think there's like this encyclopedic world of sat at night live that I just do not know yet uh, but you know might come to at some point uh with this movie, I definitely agree that the The choice being made of how to make a biopic out of sat at night live is a really good Excuse me really great one. I I love the idea of making it this compressed time let alone like I've mentioned a ticking clock thriller I think that's such a cool way to Tell you how this thing came to be within a Within a system that you know, that seems reminiscent of an actually sat at actual sat at night live episode because of the 90 minute construction But also just like get you in on the the thrill of doing something like that. I think that's That's a really ingenious approach. I'm gonna say some more things that reflect why I do like this movie But it's also gonna sound like i'm being mean and i'm not trying to be mean I do like this movie overall, but I have some thoughts Um, well, we'll talk more about this as we get into it But in terms of like an overall impression. I think there's a lot of great here. And I think the best thing it does is It's editing choices and when it's really feels alive as far as seeing like lorn michaels Glide through the studio dealing with like this that and the other person all at the same time And really seeing like that kind of energy Uh, you know, that that's when i'm caught up in the moment and I stop You know thinking about how a film works And i'm just like in it with lorn and can not think about the fact that I know this show is going to go on for 50 more years Yes, like that's the best thing it can do it can make you forget your you know, forget everything else It just be like I want to see lorn succeed. I want to see this show do the thing I think it does what it's doing that really well. I think it really works And there's obviously those performances and stuff we can talk about. I I think where some my hang-ups are are I think the Because you have such a little amount of time to actually express more It's not so much about character development because that does goes out the window when you do like a 90-minute movie You can only do so much But there is this sense that lorn keeps promoting this idea that You know, we're doing something unique and different We're going to change the way, you know, programming occurs and you know, we're doing it in this counterculture way We have all these comedians or what that I wish there was a little bit more time spent on Show like the actual like talking about what that comedy is what makes this special I feel like where it comes up a little lacking as far as What is it that's so revolutionary about this beyond just the format of it What is it that these could be what what comedic gifts are these comedians offering the world that is? unlike the Cart that's not the tonight show Johnny Carson and whatever the hell Milton burles doing on stage like there I I feel like there's It comes up a bit short in that area At the same time. I don't necessarily need it to be more like self-referential about comedy and the way that the that erin Sorkin show studio studs studio Where that's a show that Regardless of how much you may or may not like that show It's certainly had the erin Sorkin feel of I'm going to make this sound like the most important thing you've ever heard before I don't need this movie to do that And I don't think it really does but I feel like there's some kind of happy medium that When you're approaching how to tell a story of comedy, I think there's something there that could be done a little bit more But I can't quite put my finger on like what but that's that's it's something that kind of took me Down from being like overly amazed by this movie because I still think it works really well But I do wish I had a little bit more just a little bit something more to say about like what they're actually doing beyond hopefully getting the show up Okay, if you say that yeah, is that tracking all do it doesn't make any sense what I'm saying? No, yes Yeah, I think you were saying but you go ahead though Okay, I was going to say what I get out of it is like because I know that a lot of the criticisms I'll call them pre-criticisms because it seemed like a lot of them were coming from people who only saw the trailer read the premise or you know Didn't bother to see the movie You know the twitter people and stuff like that Um of which we are all twitter people so But yeah, uh, it seemed to be oh, this is just going to be a very simpering hagiographic Uh, you know biopic of lord michaels the genius who you know made all these wonderful things happen and you know He's such a smart guy and he's so clever and blah blah I was Worried at one point during this movie when uh, there's a scene in the elevator with wilton defose character What's his name his character's name? I forget, uh, the executive david tenant, uh, yes, uh, and, uh, this guy In the scene is like Gassing up lord michaels to the nth degree in terms of like no don't listen to anything anyone says Especially not even me, you know go for it push for follow your instincts You're such a genius don't listen to dick ever saw dick ever saws and did it screw you dick You know like all this stuff and when that scene was first happening I was a little worried like oh or we meant to take this at face value because uh, oh, you know I I don't know if I want to like you know a movie that goes from this point forward but really That was such a great setup for where boom defose character ultimately goes because that's all nonsense He's just casting up to you know manipulate these he's a puppet master behind the scenes, right? Yeah, uh And I think that ultimately what I come away with Uh in terms of what this movie has to say about lord michaels and what he did You know quote unquote is that he's uh a very clever cattle herder You know he doesn't have a scene in this movie where he's making snap decisions that are so genius or so amazing In fact those moments go to his wife played by ritual senate Uh, she's the one with a lot of obvious talent in terms of like, you know Understanding, you know how much how many how many frames of beat is in a in a sketch at one point and you know Which costumes work best with you know dan acroids character when he's you know being objectified and everything like that So if there's a creative genius in the likeles household at that time it would be her He is just trying to wrangle literally wrangle all these people in the same place at the same time And hope that something happens in front of the camera You know and I think that I appreciate that energy and that and that uh distinction because I myself in real life. I don't know how savvy lord michaels is he's obviously doing something right to stay in the position They stayed in for you know 50 years now, but I don't think anyone and and you know this is coming from decades of interviews with people that have worked with them Of course, you know from you know mark mckinney at the kids in the hall to bill hater and so many other people like myers You know they they love to sort of lovingly make fun of him in terms of his accent and his you know, whatever And how you know Name drop he is I know bill hater gives an interview about lord loves a name drop, you know um And I I kind of get the sense putting it all that together in my head. I kind of get the sense that yeah This guy that gabrio la bell is playing kind of tracks with what i've heard about this guy in real life for so many years Which is that he's a ringmaster, you know and that sort of that has its place, you know Uh in entertainment. He's not some Steve jobs ish guru of like, you know, I have all these genius ideas. I'm going to give them to you the world you know that sort of thing so I think that It was it's a really why I buy the city your pants sort of idea of this whatever saturday life became Where it's like it could have been a disaster easily could have been a disaster It just so happens that if you put the right people in the right place the right time Maybe something genius can happen sort of idea in terms of making him not just Like you're saying this kind of like he gets everything done because he's magic Like and instead he's just a guy that yeah, he just knew how to corral the right people in the right ways I like that the film knows how to how Gabriel Labelle is able to Convey being stressed out but not openly let that affect how others are seeing him I think there's a lot of effort there. That's pretty effective where you can see him You can see the wheels turning in his head often as far as you know, whether it's It willing to foresees this before I get to do this other thing than like something might happen I gotta like kind of delay something there's a lot of just like back like back and forth stuff that he's doing constantly throughout the film That makes you aware that he is definitely like he's not spiraling But he's certainly on the edge every step of the way because of how devoted we are to this taking clock element But he's still holding it in Um, and I think that that plays well to how he interacts with other people as well, especially like you mentioned that Rachel senate Who I think is very good in this film is rosestuster. That's a character that easily could have been Diminished as far as what she contributes to saturday night um and instead Even with not having a whole bunch to do she does a lot with what's there and how they choose to write her You know, I have other things to say about the other women and the guys but Brad. I did you want to add something to Yeah, no, I mean I think that's uh what you said about you know, Rachel said as rosestuster and like that's that's kind of one of my favorite parts about the entire Movie is that they kind of do that with every character because with such a large ensemble cast You only have so much time to like give each character like kind of like a pivotal moment I think they do a really nice job of giving each character their own moment to kind of shine give you an idea of Who they were who they are at this time some of it's a little bit more prescient than uh than others You know, I think gilda gets one of the most heartwarming moments knowing, you know, what what fate awaits her after You know the first, um, you know run of saturday live And you know you you get to see a little bit of like even when he's you know being a complete dickhead Some of chevy chases vulnerability, you know, there's some stuff with dan acrid where he's obviously very confident But he also has a little bit of like insecurity here and there and everyone gets like just uh A chance to like show a little bit of their their character in a way that is The deep enough to like give you something of satisfaction, but not enough where the movie feels overstuffed And because it's always moving that they're able to do that with so many characters is really impressive And it just shows like what an incredible juggling act this movie was especially just how meticulously it was executed with the camera moving all around that, you know No edge of frame set of studio eight age and it's keeping track of everyone and everything and delivering a movie that still feels tight and Sharp and like that you don't really get lost in except in the best way possible I I will say I mostly agree that I do feel When it comes to the presence of like jane kurten and gilder adner and um Lorraine newman. Lorraine new man. Lorraine newman It does feel like there's a couple scenes that are like we need we need to do something with the women And we just like shoved the camera at them and they just like have their own little bit And then we move back away from them again in a way that i'm not going to say this was the downfall of the movie I'm not saying that but it did feel a little more obvious as as far as The screen writing's concerned as far as like oh, yeah, we need to like check in on them. What are they up to? Um, it's not entirely like the avengers endgame scene. We're like and all the women do a thing too But it did feel like I feel like we could have incorporated a little more But yeah, you're not wrong like gilder aden like the ela hunch has that scene That's doing stuff is gilded that I think works quite it is is quite affecting Um and overall. Yes, like the the the balance for the mode for a you know There's like 50 parts in this movie like yes That's not a easy feat As far as how do you make all of this work and how you make all of these characters stay relevant to some degree I do think it's doing a very very good job at that I I want to talk about more of these performances. We talked about labelle and sent it a little bit But obviously you have a number of notable people here Brad, what are they like any like highlights? Do you want to point out? Uh, dillen on brian is fantastic as dan acrod. I mean from his unique speaking cadence to Just giving him like a little bit of extra depth that you don't normally see from dan acrod in the spotlight Uh, there's a really key moment actually where uh during the hard hats sketch where the the women play construction workers who are augling dan acrod in Short jean shorts and a red tank top where as he's preparing to like disrobe He feels kind of embarrassed and shy and this is coming from a guy who you see like basically flirting with every woman On the cast walking around having a relationship with roger shuster while she's married to lorn michaels And to have that little moment of vulnerability just kind of showed You know where someone like dan acrod is at in his life where you're like sure he has this confidence he's going to be on the show But like there's still something else in there that like you know adds A human element that you don't always think of when you think of an actor like dan acrod is but around you know forever now Um, and so there's stuff like that. I I think that the performance besides that that I was Just as impressed with it. Not more so was corny michael smith as chevy chase Uh, he does a phenomenal job of capturing that coxure attitude that young chevy chase had Um, dickish enough to be funny, but also dickish enough to feel like he's kind of a jerk Uh, and so capturing, you know that side of chevy and the dynamic that was you know Really rough to get by with with john belushi Uh, he just did a fantastic job and even just listening to you know When we to the end of this movie where he says live from new york, etc. Night that's such a like you have to get the cadence Right that a certain tone of voice and like he really sounds like chevy chase without feeling like he's doing You know this snls impression and so I I was really impressed with him I I want to hear from you too bill as far as it's just a mark remark on that real quick. I I agree with you that I think Uh corny michael smith is among the The better ones as far as as far as doing like a real performance there where oh brian I do not think he is bad. I do think it does feel more like impression as opposed to living the character And I don't know how to like qualify that statement beyond just saying that's how it felt to me I still I still think he's good and it's it's he's There's a very specific cadence of acroid that he's certainly nailing I get that completely And maybe it's just a writing thing for me or something if there's maybe a little bit like there is enough there as far as what you're saying like the Sort of way presents itself. So this is a ladies man of sorts, but also gets into this vulnerable period I like that and I feel like I don't know. I maybe I just wish there was more that Built into there, but again, it's a short it's a movie that's compressed in time It has to do a lot within with with a little at some point So it's but I but I agree with you on corny michael smith. I think he the way he embodies a version of chevy because I am curious how I'm sure he's always been cock sure, but i'm curious how big his ego was Before said and I live really took because that's like once he was There's a bit of conflation there because he it wasn't really famous such a sensation on this Yeah, and it was like yeah after the first season because he was the one who was saying his name all the time And he became the star of the show But they so they added that little element of like because there was a time when he was considered for late night talk shows and stuff like that And he did get full of himself because of you know that ruffling around So I I do but I like having that in there because it especially with that that clash that it makes When jk simmons shows up as milton burl like that's just a great like back and forth And that's something that really echoes for like people who know, you know what chevy chases career would become too You know, I really like that scene because of that I I would agree and that's and It's a movie not a documentary. So it's not i'm not holding the film back from You know, allowing for certain aspects of characters to kind of like that you know about for certain Why do you hate this movie Aaron? I'm sure I know everything talk you say something I have a comment on it and i'm not trying to be me. It's just more I had these thoughts Lovely to be lively to be like that milton burl scene I think is really good as a scene of tension and I like jk simmons is pretty inspired like I don't you know right that's gonna fit in his boy simmons in here somewhere But like I like that that's what he went for And the extent it goes fun. My only issue is the writing of that scene is It's very on the nose as far as him saying you're gonna be nothing and like he's putting it down. So it's very That wouldn't that wouldn't be an issue for me if there weren't other like six other scenes that also do the same thing It's kind of like narrowing down like exactly what's gonna happen in the future Well That scene itself I think is I think is really good though I'm gonna segue here into something i've been wanting to talk about is that listen to you guys talk here Because I have a take on this movie which this could derail the podcast by the way So I hope not but I have a take on this movie that it makes me enjoy it more which is that yes, there's a lot of uh you know conflation and uh and and you know mixing and matching of events as well as Ideas concepts, you know elements of character that we know Maybe didn't happen until years later and that sort of thing and I did catch on my first watch uh A box of colon blow cereal on a writer's desk, which he'd be into what exactly I think right men and geean and we're trying here Which is that oh, we're not meant to take this literally even though as you said erin It is very much a taking clock thriller. It's very much up to the moment like beat by beat We have this goal. We have to reach this goal and that's the complete like arc dramatically of the movie But in terms of thematically I think that they intend to treat this as a fairy tale version of These people in that story. Yeah, and as and if if you go with me on that if you think, okay If this is a fairy tale version, you know gilda ratner can somehow sense her impending doom as well as john belushi's, you know, sort of idea then the performances by uh tracy let's as herb sergeant jakey simmons is milton burl and uh villain defose david tabbit is uh the ghost of christmas past president future Uh where tracy let's is telling chevy chase like here's your future kid like this is what's going to happen to you milton burl is like i'm the pastor but i'm still on top you are nothing here's my penis, you know and uh And and build defose like it's got to happen now now now We have to have this now and if you don't have it now that you can't do it now and that sort of idea And I love the contrast that they represent of the old guard but also You know the literal future of these kids who it's like, you know When you're a young person and you're a young young artist, especially in new york city or l.a You know one of the two big american cities here for young artists You have big big big dreams where it's like the world is your oyster and even if you have cynicism in you which most people do these days You still think oh, you know what screw all that i've got so much time. I can make it happen We just have to put the group together. We just have to put on a show We just have to get out there and do the thing And it's literally the lorn michaels energy of like if you just make these decisions where other people would hang back or you know Second guess or whatever It can happen and I think the magic of s&l if there is magic to it It's that this is one instance in which it did actually happen Not necessarily in this way, but it did and so those characters those older characters feel to me like the ghosts of you know future, but also reality or you know just cynicism of like Most times it does not happen like this most times People lose they don't get this to go through and you know, this is just one instance where the things turn the other way Yeah, I actually like that reading with the the ghosts and spirits of christmas carol That's a that's a good way of framing it To to go off that too I think that one of the things that makes me like even more because i've heard of like some s&l purists kind of complaining about The movie and because it does conflate certain things and like it kind of hints at things that wouldn't happen for for years You know because like there was a conflict between milton burl and chevy tastes one point not on the first day You know of s&l But like i'm fine with it because the movie overall is more so I think about capturing a vibe of What s&l is both as a show and as a place in comedy history? And that's why when I hear jim henson fans complaining Oh, they're not portraying jim hanson. I could he wasn't like this humorless dork It's like you know, you're right But all of this movie is a collection of accounts from people who were there And the perception of the s&l writers and cast were that jim henson was an outsider They didn't want to work with him and so like yeah, that's going to be how he seems It doesn't mean it's accurate or right, but it's it's almost like as if there were If this were like an s&l version of the history of s&l in a way Um, i'll be at one that's a little bit a little bit more serious But there's still lots of comedy to be mined here and funnily enough Uh, Jason rightman talked about this they actually structured the movie as if it were an episode of s&l It has a cold open. There's a musical performance early on. There's another one later in the movie And then you know, it it ends and so that's a really cool way of looking at the the movie overall Especially if you want to take as like that that fairy tale vibe Yeah, I mean I wrote whimsical in my notes about this movie because I do think that's very clear And it's way of you like i'm not gonna say i'm an s&l historian that knows all the fact But I I recognize so many things that they're bringing up or whatnot And i'm also sitting there like Realizing okay, so like clearly there's the you know It might be structured this way, but it's not representing a certain it's representing a heightened reality, which makes sense. It's a again. It's a movie um So like seeing A variety of things that I recognize being like all this happened in one day. It's like well No, but it's a move I can get past that Um, there's yeah, it's like the one thing I was thinking it's like do you think Eduardo Odoano savorin really smashed Mark Zuckerberg's computer during in that scene? No, but that's a fucking great scene Yeah, exactly. I entirely agree and There's plenty that I could like let's slide and be fun because it's whatever It's entertaining to watch in the regard in the way that is presented I will say it gets a little cute sometimes Like when born michaels walks out the door goes to another, you know a bar and finds alan's we will just sit in there and it's like Hey, you should be a writer on our show. It's like, okay. I mean That's convenience That gotta get me I there's other and but like from the but again, these aren't things that like knock this movie dramatically down Is the more like all right. We're pretzeling get a lot of things here and that's fine and it's Would you have a tone like that where it's not expressly a comedy? It's not I mentioned thriller a number of times I do think it is modeled mostly as a thriller for the most part It just happens, you know, I'm a very specific setting You know, you have to balance that and again, it's movie for all that it's doing It does have a lot of good balance going on that makes it that you know works in its favor There are little things also that I was amused by like billy billy the actor playing billy crystal showing up And i'm like i've seen the first episode of s&l I know he's not gonna be on the show I'm like watching him like constantly trying to needle his way to like figure out like maybe we can do two minutes of our set We can be and it's like and then he eventually just like goes home sad in a cab Billing crystal. Oh, you um And also nico nico spadani the guy playing to the crystal did a fantastic job He does a great. It's crazy. He's like his christ. I was so impressed like for a character That's you know, not in the movie very much like this guy is crystal. He's daily. He's talking it down Bill just to get back to the performance thing. Were there any other highlights that you wanted to point out? Yeah, no, I think that We talk about a lot because it's a you know, it's a common thing to have happened especially Um, you know these days when a lot of actors need work, but I the ensemble effect of this entire movie is really solid in terms of It never felt to me like uh, oh, they're moving the the camera and or the the focus of the scene to this character Oh, no, not them. I don't really like them Anywhere the camera was going I was excited about I was like, yes I would love to spend more time with this person. Oh great. I would love to spend more time with this person, you know sort of idea I think lemourne morris is garret morris is just like, you know, I'd agree. Uh, pretty natural like it's just it's it's incredible Obviously, it's not you know surprising, but like still it's it's pretty great. Um I've been very happy for lemourne morris this year because I thought he was really great on fargot So seeing him like get a surprise and uh, any win. I was like, that's wonderful for him But yes, his his garret morris were for a person that I don't know if people really know Garret like I'm convinced that most people think anymore if he's who he's playing just by oh That they just don't they just like he was on s&l at the beginning, right? But I I don't even then I don't think people really know like how good garret morris was as like There is he's still alive as a you know, not only a comedian, but like he says many times a trained actor and playwright And I really like that there is a mini arc that he gets in this movie that that resonated for me at least I think quite well I like the what they what they what they give him to do. Yeah and then I when we haven't talked about yet is uh cooper hofman as tiki brussell just because I Loved licorice pizza I loved seeing him in it and you know, I like licorice pizza was proof that he was a great actor of his own accord because I didn't I know this is like very, you know thing to do with him, but like I did not see his father in that performance, you know Um, but in this one I did a little bit and I was still delighted because it's like oh, this is great Like I'm talking about their stairway stairwell scene, you know between him and kabria lapel Um as lor michaels and you know, that's when dick, you know Who's generally pretty affable and sort of put upon for most the movie because he just wants to help out And he's just there to try and support, you know and do his little thing But like maybe you could mention the polaroid camera lord, you know, maybe not. We'll see um And finally he gets to sort of lay it on a little bit and be like, you know what there's been too much shit coming my way and please like let's be real about this sort of idea and him as the voice of reason in that moment is is pretty powerful, I think and uh, I'm just excited to see Especially with all these young actors in this movie just this crop of talent in a in a way that's not unlike, you know What the original s and l cast were eventually to the rest of the pop culture world, you know where it's like, yeah Here's here's your new not ready for prime time players. This movie I'm just going back to current events, but this movie works so much better as a hollywood Here's your new a list rather than whatever the hell that article was Okay Yeah, 100% i'm glad you mentioned that about koopra hoffin because I think that he does get overshadowed because dic abersal Is not like a key as a showy role. Yeah, yeah, it's not and it's not a showy performance But he's great at being the the reasonable everyman who's like he really is a nice guy He's not being a dick. He's just being practical and he's just trying to keep the show on track And I actually one of the things I liked is when I saw the movie at tiff back in september The audience actually cheered a little bit when dic abersal brought out the polaroid like i have a camera and everyone's like, yes he does I i'm curious what you guys think about matt wood as john belushi now I don't think matt wood is bad But john belushi is such a specific a specific kind of force where I don't know how you you know cast that to like make it really stand out in its own way But I do think if they Did there'd be some kind of extra spark that maybe this movie would really like kick for me, but I don't know I I I again, I think he's fine, but it does feel like it's just a guy doing a belushi. Not it's like belushi I think that belushi was such a complex person that he's maybe one of the most difficult people to try and capture In this format. And so I think they probably did the best with what they could as far as like, you know showing Largely like bluish's personality and stuff that happened throughout the show because he he was on edge He wasn't happy at race points because he wanted to be the star it kind of felt like it wasn't really going the way he wanted it to and um I I think that if there's one thing Maybe it's it's a shortcoming and just like how much time you have with him as a character to properly dig in to what really made belushi tick If we had more time we'd probably be able to get a much richer fuller performance from him But I think that he was good for what we needed from belushi in this time frame Yeah, and I think that you know This movie could have made the mistake because because let's be real the the script as is as it is Is very reverent of john belushi and i'm not even talking about the real man I'm talking about like how he functions in this script as a character of its own accord like he's the hail mary Like he's a real pivotal element right? Yeah, he's the show go that lorn is like, you know If we don't get this guy this one guy in the show then the whole show is screwed Like he's the one guy and literally the entire final scene is built around him showing up, you know and all that so um I I believed every second of that woods performance. I I definitely wasn't going there wasn't looking at it going Oh, you know, this doesn't this is even a close sort of thing and it wasn't any I will say nothing in this movie is anywhere near the uh awkward uncomfortability of whatever the hell that robin william's fan clip was Thank god none of it none of this went there Um, so yeah, I think that without going to that degree of of you know, uh simpering nonsense I think that this function pretty well, but yeah belushi is like you were saying Brad belushi is a hard character to get Um, you know infamously there was that movie that larry pierce made called wired from 89 when michael chickless is belushi and you know It's like that didn't work. So, um, I think that It'll probably happen at some point if especially if they're doing the chris Farley one Um, but uh, yeah, I think that as far as it can go It functions. Well, I bought it and what i was going to say is because he's such a pivotal character in this movie I think it was actually better to err on the side of not seeing as much as we maybe could have you know where it's like We got enough, but like we don't have we don't have a scene Um similar to the one that we have with Garrett morris when he finally sings a song, which I think is brilliant You know, so I think that you know, we didn't need that from belushi's character It was better to sort of have a little mystery with him I mean, I I can agree to a point as far as I don't need more showcase for him as far as who he was or what have you like And it gives you that a little bit with like that ice skating scene and what that you but when you have like your show pivot, you know, it A big part of the the final bit is like he's in the first sketch of this series And it's obviously it's recreating a you know, the skid from the the sketch from the first Uh, sorry night live It feels like I needed a bigger win out of that moment than the movie the movie seems more Please with itself for what it's able to pull off than I was watching it happen And maybe I just don't find wolverines that funny as a sketch. I don't know Yeah, well, that's the thing too is that so much of early saturday night live You know when I went back and watched them as a as a kid even I was like, oh, this is comedy Like I don't get it. Like what's funny about this. Yeah, sort of thing I mean, it's a very esoteric of its time of its style is a good thing And so I think that you could say that right men and and uh keenan, you know Inadvertently shot themselves in the foot by having to build up to that as their final moment, you know, where it's like It's not the best sketch us no ever did, you know, um, it's just there's a lot of there's a lot of win happening within that I found others like the audience is coming in and will end of those saying you should go You know the bricks the bricks the bricks is like there's so much. Yeah, there's so much Everything's working out and again. There's no spoiler the show was on for 50 years But it seems like it's championing so much about everybody came together and actually pull off this wild thing And then you get to the you know, the big moment where it's like is pollution gonna show up But he does and it's like okay, he's there I'm not laughing too much of this that is at the at the performance going on, but yeah Well, I think it is important to that, you know, the build up of of what SNL or Saturday night, you know as it was called then Could be it's it's not even necessarily I again going back to the fairy tale idea It's more about We have the foreknowledge as audience members in 2024 of what it did become therefore We don't necessarily need to see an encapsulation of like oh, here's how great it was right off the bat it's like That I think that so i'm trying to say is I think for me it works because In the movie itself the goal is to just get the thing on the air It's not it has to get on the air and it's going to be brilliant It's like it's just just getting it on the air is the win, you know, that's the victory That's an entirely fair point to make it again. I overall like what it's doing and how it you know pulls off What is doing as I feel I feel I feel like If we're it's one it's one thing to like, you know to celebrate the idea that yeah I was able to do the thing that they set out to do at the same time. It's like there is something rewarding about like Feeling more meaning behind what that represents beyond just Lauren telling me that it's revolutionary If I had better a better sense of look, we pulled it off and here here's the thing that everyone's going to see And it just it's like the Wolverines. All right, that's that's that's what we all paid for. I guess It's why I'm not saying it ends on a whimper necessarily, but it uh, it just goes back to my own point about Where I think the writing could have been not that's not sharp, but a little bit more I don't know introspective in regards to what saturday my alive is really trying to pull off beyond just being You know a show where the next generation is coming in and doing their thing and you know I guess to that point the win is that it's not uh The rumpus room, you know, it's not it's not the same Sure tripe that's been fed to audiences for however long it was fed to audiences, you know prior to this Where you know had SNL not come along at the time it did Um, we could have been stuck with 70 style variety shows for another 15 years, you know, that sort of video And plus and I don't think that the movie itself is really trying to like I think tooting its own horn and trying to like Say like what they were trying to do and make that the important part of it would be in the the ship the movies favor because I think you talked to anybody who was working on the show that first year Nobody thought it was important It was a job and they thought they could do something cool with comedy and you know an era where They're needed to be a change, but I don't think anyone thought that what they were doing was like Important or significant just it was fun and there was a paycheck, you know, so that's that's it Lauren makes me think it does that that Well, but I I don't see what Lauren says at the end though Is like I don't think he it with the way he talks about it is that like it's important He just talks about it as like like he says He's like it's a night out in New York city when you don't when anything can happen and you don't know And so like I don't necessarily think that has any Significant meaning as far as like being innovative. It's just being cool. That's fair There's a bit of irony that we're 50 years in and Lauren Michael's still the showrunner on this series Not letting anyone else uh take over as far as ushering in new generations go But that's a different conversation. I think Any other thoughts on on Saturday night? I think we've talked about this would be quite a bit here Maybe we left out anything you want to highlight I'll say that if uh you do like Saturday night and you're interested in hearing more about it You can check out friday's episode of the slash from daily podcast where I have interviews with Jason rightman gillkeenin Gabrielle bell rachael senate and dylan o' brian That's all I know right Uh the cat you could get everybody brad you couldn't get everybody You couldn't get tracy latson paul rust But uh, yeah, you can feel free to to check those out on slash film daily That's awesome. Uh one thing I wanted to mention that we didn't In our discussion is just the fact that I I know we did mention taking clock thrillers We did mention, you know, erin sorkin esque biopic's, uh, you know social network and steve jobs and all that but I think that this movie belongs to a tradition of the backstage dramedy if you will, uh, you know, whether you're talking about, um, uh, uh noises off or, uh, uh, uh, course line, um, or, um, something as recent as late night with the devil Uh where you get that on stage offstage dynamic, which I always just eat up, you know, yum yum yum. I love it Uh because it's it's always great to have that contrast between okay. Here's the public facing You know, element that we've put on and here's what's really going on behind the scenes And, uh, yeah, that's something i've always been really drawn to in uh in stories and so I think that um This at the very least is a good example of that I would agree uh very much so actually Um Well bill the way we rate things around here. We don't go with stars or what now we go with when should people go and see this movie So serenite live serenite serenite night is currently playing in theaters when should people go and see this movie Hey, you know, I think you should go, uh as soon as you can because it is just a fun Movie to watch it is not something that you need to be a fan of the show for It is not something you have to have for knowledge of Uh in order to have fun with it if you do have any of those things It's only going to enrich your experience more and you know, I think that even the people that are coming out of it Not loving it as much You know, uh, they're still talking about it. It's still something to have a discussion about Which is a vital part of cinema, which I think is Been missing for a little bit. So it's like it's it's something that you know It could it could start a spark a conversation and therefore, you know in that way. It's uh, it's a fun movie Brad people see this movie. Yeah, I say right away too and uh, yeah I have seen some people say that they think that people who don't know much about s&l's history or aren't fans Who uh would enjoy it, but I have a friend of mine who has an 18 year old son Who took him to see the movie and he doesn't have like an extensive history with s&l or know anything about You know what was going on in 1975 and the show being formed and he came away and loved them So I think I think it works for for anybody just because even if you don't know who these people are what's going on It's a propulsive engaging story that like hooks you and you become invested in what's happening I would agree with all that. I I would think yeah, go see this in a theater We're at a time where we're gonna get a lot of serious films coming out for award season along with of course the various horror films that are available So in terms of something different to watch let alone in the biopic realm where it's making a very specific choice of how to present its subject Yeah, this is refreshing to watch and also makes me happy with Jason rightman It's nice to see him get back to something like this, um that I can appreciate more than his fan films, um, I Like I enjoy this move quite a bit. I think it's really worthwhile. So yeah, it's funny when when I talked to Jason rightman I had asked him if like they would be interested in doing any potential sequels, you know in other s&l eras, you know With a similar vibe and I ended up talking about ghostbusters as well. And he was even said he was like I'm sure sony would love it if I was making a ghostbusters movie instead of this movie I was waiting for that post credit scene where a young black comedian standing outside the doors is like someday That'll be me up there and then they go He walks away The laugh is echo echoes And then baby will fail drops out yeah Roles on stage in a Spartan platform. Yep. Uh, all right It's been a review of Saturday. Let's move on that too. Uh, I think we got some take it away. It's time for it time for some games Uh, I just would like to point out that this is the first time I've ever seen That the xylophone is not a real xylophone for that and I am very disappointed That was absolutely a real xylophone That was of course the improv theme for games and I have a game for you guys this week. It is called live from New York. It's blank What I'm going to do here is I'm going to go through a series of hosts that you may or may not have forgotten actually hosted s&l And you're going to have to guess who I'm referring to based on their films I'm going to read you their films going from the most obscure to the most obvious And if you think at any point you know who I'm referring to Buzzed with your name and then say the answer Everybody got that. Okay. All right. There's a lot of Here's the first one I'm just going to read some movies here smallfoot house party train wreck Space jam a new legacy I really thought that would give it all I guess bill. I'll guess bill. Is it Don Cheadle? It's no, it's not Don Cheadle The I have more than brad brad I guess it has to be No, that's but that doesn't make sense. I Say one more just just say that name that you're thinking of LeBron James. It's LeBron James. That's oh Okay, this is what I was confused because I forgot that the house party remake Yeah, yeah, I was thinking of the original house party. Yeah, Don Cheadle could have been an house party Yeah, that's what I was like the project was old enough to be in house party Brad you're on the board and as I usually say the first one's always the easy stuff Good Here's the next one No meo and juliet This congeniality too arbed and fabulous rhinestone Joyful noise Nine to five Bill bill Dolly Parton Dolly Parton is the correct answer. You're on the board That means you get to come back to the show one day when you go Some people don't get on the board in games and they never And they're perfectly nice people that are great on the show, but I just don't want to be here. Yeah. Oh wow. I wow They had Steven Spielberg on the show and he didn't get on the board and he's never invited back Yes, Sammy Fableman's welcome anytime Steven though, you know Get the hook out of there next one Paw Patrol of the movie oceans eight temptation confessions of a marriage counselor disaster movie Oh dear, I believe this is a harder one. That's harsh because the films are pretty limited. Yeah. Oh limited. Oh, man I'll say a recent season of american horror story Uh bill bill is the Kim Kardashian. It is Kim Kardashian. Ooh, no thanks Good lord, maybe the first of last time Kim Kardashian will be mentioned on this podcast. Okay, here's the next one Deuce is wild movie 43 big trouble Daltry Calhoun lords of dog town Men in black too Teenage mutant ninja turtles Walking tall The last stand I'm so confused turtles 2014 right. Yeah, it was like it has to be the newer Brad Brad Johnny Knox Johnny Knoxville is the correct answer. Good job. Good job I'm really stuck in a test of the movie knowledge of this Here we go. Here's the next one the love guru blonde ambition employee of the month the dukes of hazard Bill jesica simpson jesica simpson is the correct answer But in fact she co-hosted with nichlashay. It was a double host episode. Oh dear Man the new limits. So popular. I'm sure those are some great sketches of those. We got to look at this Lots of chicken at the sea jokes. Yeah, here's the next one dolphin tail Snowbuddies fast food nation the jacket planet of the apes Payback big top peewee Lone star A star is born Bill Chris Kristofferson. Yeah, Chris Kristofferson. RIP. RIP. Yeah, the next one was blades. I was really hoping so we'll get back Here's the next one New year's eve no strings attached gamer max pain rock and rolla Bill bill dried butler incorrect. Oh crash hustle and flow Too fast Brad Brad Brad Terrence Howard incorrect The answer was ludicrous Too fast to furious Chris ludicrous bridges. I knew terra tower wasn't too fast to fear. So it's like That's not gonna be it. I don't know if you'd host Saturday night live. I don't know man Here's the next one torque Yeah, you said that with all the torque in the world That's how you have to say that title Stuck on you mystery men London Dan in real life waiting Bill bill Greg can hear incorrect planes detention mr. Brooks My best friend's girl Brad Brad dane cook cook That's the correct answer on that one good. I'm glad I'm finding some of that I'm fine with that We're about halfway through bill. You're at four Brad. You're at three. I catch up here Here's the next one enter galactic the nutcracker only the lonely Uncle buck bill bill john candy incorrect Party monster brad brad mccullie cola. Yeah, yeah, yeah You know hard it is to make a list of mccullie cola movies that don't immediately get away Yeah, yeah, because it is not easy Because the next is my girl the good son and getting even with dad. We're like the kid had a line. He just knew he was Absolutely. Okay Superstar grind Charlie's angels Stealing harvard Roach brad Tom green tom green is the correct answer Road trip friday got figured Here's the next one the towering inferno Capricorn one bill bill Oj simpson. It's Oj simpson that is What year was he hosting? 77 Here's the next one B movie Zoolander two the bride Block stock and two smoke barrels bill sting sting nice answer Dune was the last one. Oh, yeah It's the next one valentines day the giver the lorax Amsterdam Cats Brad brad Taylor swift swift I forgot about it was just now. I was like who can forget are we sure we're not talking about dick mosses amster damned One of my favorite gifts is from Amsterdam with No, I just literally was out of my memory forever. I was like, oh, right All right, two more it's a tie score. So I might need to get a bonus question ready for this. Oh, no Here we go B booby damn it he throw mama from the train charlotte's web the princess and the frog the butler Selma a wrinkle in time The color purple bill bill Oprah give him a prize. Yep All right last one Brad is gonna be big for you. Mm-hmm. You get this now Zoolander two good blog damn visions good swing vote surfer dude the big bounce the country bears wag the dog thief Half baked the dukes of hazard bill bill willy nelson willy nelson Probably shares like three boobies of Jessica sims You you know what I can see why you spent so much time making that because my goodness What a tangled web you weave sir. Oh for sure Brad you put him a valley and never but bill you have won this week's game Congratulations. I'm just glad I don't get sent to the cornfield that Stephen Spielberg got sent to He knows what he it was a simple question was tag lines to his own movies. He didn't know I don't know What an idiot But no, that was that was fun. I enjoyed going through all those Silly about a movies that big movie really roped everybody in Okay That was our game. Let's move on now. Let's get some out now feedback feedback feedback feedback those were go over the race questions and answers on our facebook page says on our podcast. We asked number questions of the listeners and they gave us some answers You know we got a question or two. I think as well from the listeners bill brad feel free to throw in any answers That we go through as we as we go through these questions here first question up What are some great films specifically set behind the scenes of a major motion major production Uh toddle even out front of the show writes noise is off Uh david maloof writes best and show a prior home companion waiting for guffman and a mighty wood So he just really went on the guest train that one Uh chris cleven has ready for the mic drop one cut of the dead That's a good answer. I think that answer very good answer Any other ones guys? Uh, I believe already mentioned late night with a devil from this year. Um, I think the band wagon could qualify uh the fretist era musical movie um What else brad you got me? Um, I mean, it's pretty recent, but you know birdman. I think bird Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Um, and although not entirely Behind the scenes and it's a different vibe, but bow finger Oh, yeah, yeah, okay. Oh, thank you Yeah, gotcha suckers Chubby ray All right next question here. What are some great films about comedians? Luke Thompson from the show writes joker folly adieu Uh kill me It's a lot of you that has money Christopher hill writes mr. Saturday night Philip writes phil heard writes the big sick David maloof has man on the moon. Everyone said that's right funny people nails adam sandler's film persona The king of comedy has only gotten better with age the big sick with command on johnny at his best and punchline good not great I agree Chris cleven writes dolomite is my name and borat Great comes about comedians Or it's a stretch, but okay. Um, I would say um sleepwalk with me Um, yeah, it's movie if you haven't seen that movie. Yeah, yeah Um You know what I mentioned earlier, but private parts. I think it's worth watching if if only for Paul jimani I like private parts quite a bit like when that finally came to blue ray. I was like great I don't think i've even watched again, but i'm like, I'm glad I own this. I like this movie Yeah, it's a fun watch. It's a really fun watch and it's definitely it captures that moment in time when a radio Uh, personality could become a huge star. Uh, you know, he's also good at it. That's the thing too. He's like, yeah Acts well in that movie. Yeah, it also has a very funny tv edit where like they have to censor a lot of things But like they actually like filmed howard stern walking on to frame in certain parts to like point out the fact that they have to censor the movie Just just very funny. It's like that's a choice Um, all right, who are some of your favorite performers who came from set at night live? Totally been all right. I will kind of want to say Robert Downey jr Just to be funny, but he ranks as one of the worst s and they'll cast me as well time So do Murray Dan Ackroyd and Phil Hartman will be among my favorites. Phil heard rides billy crystal in martin short Chris Cleveland hat was martin short on s and o Oh, yeah He was a cast member, but he was he's been on frequently. I don't know. I know he's been. I mean, that's a cast member. He wasn't he wasn't a cast member I don't right. It's the second city That's what i thought Yeah Yeah, i remember there was if there's ever any like cross over we actually became part of the because you know some did right so Anyway, chris cleland has um probably billy murray and eddy murphy David blue frights al franken also a great writer bill murray who has become dubious lately or maybe he always was doobie Is still great comedic actor john belushi rest his soul bill hater the billions of berry kristan wig who can really give a great Lared performance and lastly I will give a shout out to adam saller because for every ten grown-ups that we get from him We also get some great work like punch drug loving uncut gems, which he really should ever see an academy award nomination for I don't disagree. Yeah Are there uh favorites that come out of us and oh? Oh goodness. I I mean just so many I Was will ferrell in there did you mention will ferrell no i mentioned will ferrell Because um and and the team specifically of ferrell and mckay before mckay took his turn into you know being A soapbox man for the rest of his career. Um, I I mean those are just some of the most irreverent comedy movies ever made And I think that they changed the i mean anchorman changed the form for And mckay was a big play person at snl 2 for basically doing What snl digital shorts would get lonely island famous for because mckay after albert brooks You know kind of became one of the go-to like pre tape sketch guys and they definitely did a lot of cool stuff That would you know proceed what lonely i would do and innovate with digital shorts Um, but yeah, I mean yeah speaking of which the lonely island for sure Um, you know even even though their movies all seem to be destined to bomb at the box office Like that they're all, you know perfectly assessed and like become cult favorites after they release, you know, because I love hot rot I love my groover. Uh, I even have an affinity for the watch, you know, so I you know, I'm proud of it And will forte as well. I think another fantastic person who's gone do some really fun stuff and just has a very Unique comedic voice that's all its own. Yeah and tina fe. Let's let's throw her out there too Yeah, 30 racks one of the great comedy shows, you know I thought they'll pull pull her into the mix as well as far as yeah polar Yeah, absolutely got a lot of reasons, but I mean It is what it is and also was am I wrong julie lewy drifus was a cast member She was on one of one of the one of the what they call one of the best scenes i believe They absolutely absolutely absolutely how great that time was for for her and what anthony fickle hall Yeah, um, yeah, charles rocket charles rocket. Yeah, truck and I and I got a throw. I know she hasn't capitalized on Uh her stardom as much as I hope she would but keit mckinnon has a direct line to my funny bone too. I mean hundred percent Yeah, she's got time like you use Biting her time to like do something huge. Yeah, um, obviously this is all devoted to joe piscopo Um, all right, so next question we have here. What are your all-time favorite s&l? Hey, I love dead heat. Okay dead heat is a classic. All right, man brian depala still says the best thing i've ever did um um What are some of your all-time favorite s&l sketches brandon peters writes philadelphia action figures steven barns writes word association with chevy chase and richard pryer Ken knobsinger tall can writes the original bill brasky gets me every time philip her writes the denis miller's weekend updates So his ten-year-on in that hosting position and they have maloof writes cheeseburger two wild and crazy guys mpr's delicious dish And sweaty balls I'm showing my age not a skit All right, favorite. Uh, I know there's a lot to cull from here, but I have three in particular that I always have to keep coming back to you and i'm not sure how obscure they are brad will definitely know them One is happy fun ball. Oh, he's just enjoyed happy fun ball. My goodness another is uh christ for walking psychic friends network That jmore did which is superlative, uh, and then uh, the chris elliot I think they call it film talk or something, but it's him interviewing jeff daniels as himself And would you keep showing the same clip of him having diarrhea from dumb and dumber? And it is such a stupid bit and it got to me every single time I look at it That's I need to rewatch that's been a while since I've seen that one um gosh, I mean, uh I love the the chris farley Columbia coffee crystals commercial. Yeah, just his slow realizations have always been betrayed. Like that close up shot is great Um, some obscure ones. I've been really into more recently that are some of my favorites that since I was a kid was um There's one where will ferrule plays this. Uh, I think it's called evil boss. Uh, and pierce broadness is interviewing a great job. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. I love I laugh sorry everything was like oh scott jurgensen. I love it. I'm actually going to murder you Um, and then uh, because I think you should leave uh has been so popular Uh, one of tim robinson sketches when he was a featured cast member is round ball rock Where him and jason sudegas play the tesh brothers and they're pitching the nba on nbc theme song And it has lyrics and I fucking love that sketch so much Can I just shout out to because of its special personal significance? Uh, the entire run of will Ferrell's Uh, I'll call it his even though it's more about the other guests and the impressions that they do But the celebrity japanese that they did, uh, was something that literally got me through Um several hospital stays that I had to go through in my youth. So, uh, yeah It was something where my brother brought in a laptop and was like you need to see this right down I was like, yes, and uh, it's just like, you know, that was my patch atoms. So Yeah, I love those celebrity japanese sketches I mean, i'm gonna be pretty basic and say I do love that fucking cowbell sketch. It makes me It doesn't stop being funny Um, I did mention unfrozen caveman lawyer or reference at the beginning of the episode and phil harpman's just the whole deal with that Is very funny to be I don't know the name of the sketch, but this really goofy one with ferrell Where he's a doctor that's like lost Chris parnell and molly shannon's baby and like Meadows comes in at one point as dr poop. Like it's just a lot of nonsense Palomino, why are they beautiful? There's something like that's what where they even break during it because it's just so ludicrous, but it's just it just really gets me Um a couple of recent ones larry david's fbi simulator sketch is kevin roberts I've watched that many many times Adam drivers medieval times actor That's a good one the adam driver as the like at the like the the um The like the parents come into the ways that the parents come into school. He's like an oil prospector Yeah, that was specter. Yeah, that one kills me as well I love uh adam driver one of my favorite ones is the oh man. I'm all out of cash. That also gets me. Yes Adam drivers are very good. He's very good guests participate in else stuff for sure. Fantastic Um, and there's some clap. What's the eddy murphy one where he he just goes in white face that oh, yeah So Even buckwheat's been shot is very subversive in the way that it just yeah Mocks that whole news magazine approach. Yeah, yeah, plenty cool. I have a tradition. Uh, I don't know if you guys have this but um Around the holidays SNL will reair like a new cut of like their holiday special where it's just sketches from different holiday episodes And I always rewatch the halloween Thanksgiving and christmas ones because they they have some classics that they stand by but then they mix it up And they throw some like newer ones here and there stuff something that's been forgot about and so that's I always do that every year There you go. Oh, I I forgot when we were talking about star second on s no I forgot dana carvies one of my guys I championed that dude, uh, not only when he was on the show but also I think that some of the movies he made, you know We're unfairly, you know trashed and bombed. I love clean slate. I think it's a unsung masterpiece Uh, and uh, it's uh, it's something. We're like, yeah, his his sketch what I just thought of The what is it that uh, what's the name of the guy didn't I'd line, you know, but it's um, it's uh, Snyder, right or no, he's doing isn't he uh tom brokaw that Gerald for it is to study Charles ford's debt today and i'm gay. Yeah All right, um next question we have here. What is some great films featuring a ticking clock component Totally, even i writes three o'clock high christmas that has run google run Philip heard as mission impossible fallout Yeah, it does towards the end there. He goes tony coogan has tony coogan has high noon And David malaf writes speed if the bus that takes below 50 miles per hour does it count? Blown, oh blown away also 1994 and beat speed of the punch and it's also just not a good movie Three o'clock high case size best goes pinnacle in a fantastical film nick of time Which on you deaf is the every man the final countdown 90 days 1941 great what if flick and bonus the final countdown by europe Could you hear the song in your head now? Of course you can will it play in your head throughout the rest of the podcast? You know it will damn it All right movies featuring a great ticking clock component I'm trying to think of real time ticking clock like this is Um because there's lots of great thrillers in terms of you know down to the wire suspense of Oh, no, if we make the wrong move at any point, we're all gonna die Yeah, I just recently watched the hunt for in october, which uh, you know has that great Detente suspense throughout it of like there's this mounting tension between the powers and will they stop war in time who knows? Um But yeah real time stuff I can't think of think of anything really. Oh, no, that's really real time. It is I'm sorry. Oh, there's yeah, no in terms of like but reminding you constantly what time it is and You know the the kyron on screen if like it's you know now it's ten o'clock and you know that sort of thing I'm only I've only recently watched the check right movies now. I'm thinking of some of all fears It's not the russians. I know I know I know um Brad do you have anything save me? No, I honestly don't like I'm struggling to come up with any other like specific like ticking clock movies Like run a little run was a pretty good relevant. It was a pretty good example Shoot it's it feels like there's something on the tip my tongue that's recent too. If you know it just shout it out. It's a high stir No, I'm oh boy. Okay. Okay. Yeah Inception might qualify, right? It's actually even tenant. All right. That's it Yeah, yeah clock elements. Yeah, if you if you think of it, just shout it out. Okay. All right We'll do next question we have here. Who's life would you like to see depicted cinematically of legos? Mark off my her hits Jim varnie Phillip her it has winston church hill Chris cluen has offered hitchcock And able of rights marlin blin brando and the entire movie should be about his behind the scenes antics and drama on the set of the island of dr Maro with the cameo by val Kilmer impersonating brando as dr. Maro All depicted cinematic legally goes Yeah, yeah, you had an idea in mind. That's for sure pee-wee Herman Paul Rubens That would fit pretty well, honestly Yeah, that's for that. Okay, we can also say weird al We're not gonna be fun. Although it's gonna be hard kind of hard to top the what they do It will be it will be hard to talk. Yeah, it's a second biopic. We very weird alipid You thought one was enough. That's true That'd be really funny Um, I don't know teddy rose belt Um, perfect. Yeah, big the old lego stick. Yeah All right, next question we have here Who are your favorite cinematic clowns reference to terrify our three opening this weekend at number one Um, and if you have scour scary clown pictures, please present them to a bit So fortunate Abe's not here because he won't look at the feedback then we won't see all the scary clowns people presented on the page But it's all right ludetomson writes 31 deserves more love might be my second favorite zombie move rob zombie movie Uh april circle has pennywise chrisley that has art is probably my favorite such a great mix of comedy and gore hats off david Howard thorton next would be captain spalding the cheeky and the cheeky killer clowns Philip heard writes crushed into cloud in the simpsons movie to which i already thought is he in i mean i'm sure he's in the movie Does he have much to do in simpsons movie? Crusty specific things But he got it in there. He wanted to say crush the cloud he made it qualify Dan beluf writes killer clowns matter space the clown for polter guys to notice the enhanced evil face when it pulls the kid under the bed Batman 89 the dark knight jack niggleson and he fledger weren't clowning around Joker not the dubious 24 release but or the Not the dubious 20 24 release but the night 20 for 19 dubious release and it won in two Cinematic clouds the other favorites. I am big in the art Random right now. Oh, yeah, that's great. Uh bill mary quick change. There you go. That's a good one. I think we got them all Alright, we got a couple questions here real quick first up from mark off mire Would you rather watch a movie about the filming of the first episode of wings or according to jim Oh wings. Yeah, that the ensemble cast for wings is gonna be way more fun. Oh, yes, I would agree Okay, that was easy good question. It's a easy one David aloof asks strangest christopher walk-in role and why is it wittly striber in communion? Hey, I just watched the prophecy. All right. He's playing gabriel the evil angel Let's talk about that, right? I mean you did at least two more times couldn't stop come on. I'm prophesying come on You're just any other favorite strange walk-and-rolls uh Oh, he's created all american murder as the the words world's most demented detective. Uh-huh. Also, he's in a uh CD rom pc uh full-motion video game called reaper. I think where he's also demented detective. He played a lot of demented detectives in the 90s for not a lot of money Um his role in joe dirt. I had joe dirt down. Yeah comes to mind. Yeah Joe dirt, uh, any hall because he's like basically psycho, but not in that movie Um And a view to a kill where he's literally thinking of these and blonde Oh, and uh as the exterminator in mouse hunt. Yes. There you go. Yeah, I love mouse hunt Okay, there's some strange walk-and-rolls for you All right. Well, thanks for all the questions and the answers of course provided by the listeners very much Appreciate that and that's gonna that was feedback and that's gonna do it for this week's episode about now there in an ape Uh, you can find everything I do at my personal sub-stack page the code is I am the editor-in-chief at we live entertainment and I write blu-ray and Retire interviews over at wise blue and I'm on all the socials at errands ps4 Right omen. We're good people find more of you online. Uh, you can find me at slash where I'm an editor and writer and uh, specifically geared towards saturday night live people I have my own podcast called the tend to one podcast that I do with two of my friends who I review and recap new episodes of s&l with them and I also write reviews of new episodes of s&l on slash film So it's kind of a double dose of fun there, especially if you like saturday night live Um, and then uh, you can hear me on the slash from daily podcast from time to time typically Once a week sometimes a little less sometimes a little more and I also have my own movie Podcast called go flicks yourself that I do with my same two friends from the s&l podcast So feel free to check those out wherever podcasts are sold Be sure to link to the uh daily episode where you you interviewed some of the least significant people from the saturday night live movie That would be wonderful. I'll put that in the house for sure bill bria we're gonna be able to have more of you online Uh, they can also find me at slash I am just a writer there Uh, I also uh sometimes freelance with uh discussing film and dread central and some other websites Uh, I as before mentioned uh by by air and I do have my own podcast Uh, i'm a co-host of bill and ashley's terra theater on the stranded pen and network Uh, and i'm on all socials at bilbria. So if you want to yell at me, please don't but you can Uh, and uh as for those ticking clock movies that I was trying to think of Uh, this is a stretch, but the before trilogy that's what I was trying to Oh, there we go. I like that. That's a great answer. Yes. That's a way I had to close with that because I it was gonna bother me otherwise sunset for sure is like a ticking clock Yeah, for sure. Yeah Great, um, you can find all the other episodes about now 30 But I tunes I'd even spot a fight and stitch or feel for the email. I said i'm not podcast to deal where and all the social doubt now podcast Various forums at out now underscore podcast on instagram and twitter and facebook dot. I'm such an underscore podcast um And stay tuned for after the music because there's a small message from the man. I saw saturday night with in theaters Yeah, uh, thank you, brad and bill for joining me for this episode Thank you for having us Glad to have you guys here. Thanks to the listeners for listening next week. She'll be talking smile too wide release And of course we have our many horror themed bonus episodes coming your way as well. We have our baba duke episode coming This friday. So stay tuned for all that. But yeah, that's gonna do it for this week's episode So until next time so long and goodbye Live from my office, it's jonathan van dyke with special guest movie minutes Hey everybody, um It's just me coming to you in this condensed formatting But I just want to say I saw this movie I saw this movie before the podcast came out which never happens And I really freaking enjoyed it And I can't even really defend it because it's like the most empty calorie movie around But like every once in a while you have a movie that's like just so movie like it's just like a really good big screen experience like the energy is frenetic the Performances are really really good and the pacing is just so well and it's it's it's it's the right, you know amount of time And like this is just the most fun. I've kind of had at the theater Um, toward the latter part of this year. So I I recommend it Hey