Bava Basra Daf 114
[SPEAKING SPANISH] The first thing in the daf, Kenya, [SPEAKING SPANISH] The Khmer asked until one can a person retract from a Kenyan. Rabid says as long as they're sitting, if Yasef says as long as they're being a Sikh by a Kenyan, the Khmer quotes him who this did from the previous daf, that if three people visited a Sikh person and he gave instructions on dividing as a state, they can execute the will as judges. The Khmer explains that according to a [SPEAKING SPANISH] the case has to be with a shift from one topic to another, because it also could be [SPEAKING SPANISH] According to Rabid, the case is where they stood up and sat down again. This case is one of the three places. [SPEAKING SPANISH] With the halacha follows a [SPEAKING SPANISH] Second together daf, [SPEAKING SPANISH] [SPEAKING SPANISH] The mission of Khmer says that a woman is Moorish to her son, but not Yerish him. And the same applies to a woman and her husband. The Khmer asked, we already said this in the beginning of the mission. The Khmer answers it's coming to say that a woman being Moorish or son is the same that a woman is Moorish to her husband, just like her husband is not Yerish's wife. After she died, so to a band is not Yerish's mother, after he died, to pass the Arusha-tis paternal brothers. Instead, her own relatives are Yerish her. Third [SPEAKING SPANISH] A shita that a woman inherits her son. The mission says that a woman is not Yerish her son. [SPEAKING SPANISH] That [SPEAKING SPANISH] That [SPEAKING SPANISH] An av is Yerish Benite, and Anisha is Yerish her son. Because the public says [SPEAKING SPANISH] And we're [SPEAKING SPANISH] Just like [SPEAKING SPANISH] Just like [SPEAKING SPANISH] An av is Yerish Benite, so to a [SPEAKING SPANISH] [SPEAKING SPANISH] That says that a woman is not Yerish her son, [SPEAKING SPANISH] I don't know who the mission is. And this round explains that he had his [SPEAKING SPANISH] And therefore, he didn't pass like it. [SPEAKING SPANISH] The first [SPEAKING SPANISH] Second [SPEAKING SPANISH] Second [SPEAKING SPANISH] Third [SPEAKING SPANISH] Third [SPEAKING SPANISH] That a woman inherits her son. The same for a [SPEAKING SPANISH] is a kitty park. The kids playing kinyan's sudder on top of the kitty park slide, who quickly went down right after the sudder was handed over. To make sure nobody could be Reiser, notice that the park was donated in memory of a boy who died before his mother, causing her Yerusha to go to her relatives, rather than his paternal brothers. By his aunt, who inherited a fortune from her son, the kitty park contractor. Kitty park reminds us of [SPEAKING SPANISH] They quickly went down the slide after the kinyan to make sure no one could be Reiser reminds of the first [SPEAKING SPANISH] Kinyan [SPEAKING SPANISH] The boy who died before his mother and caused her Yerusha to go to her relatives, rather than his paternal brothers, reminds of the second [SPEAKING SPANISH] [SPEAKING SPANISH] And the aunt, who was Yerusha fortune from her son, reminds of the third [SPEAKING SPANISH] the sheet that a woman could be Yerusha's son.