Bava Basra Daf 112
"Zuhr for life of Azlaf Khufid base." The first Sukhya on the daaf, Ibishmall's five Makaris that a husband is Yerish's wife. Ibishmall quotes a series of five Sukhim proving that a husband is Yerish's wife, and Ingmar explains why they're all necessary. The first one is the terror required a woman who is Yerish her father to marry within her own shavit. So the state should not be transferred to another shavit. Although Ibishmall said this the first hahasabah's habal, it's not so clear because perhaps the politics talking about hahasabah's haban. So Ingmar means two more hahasabah's haban, which asks to the transfer of estates to another shavit. So obviously that includes the bow, but maybe those two Sukhim are coming to add Lavin onto the assay, requiring her to marry within her own shavit. See, he brings another possek that Pinchas' own land that his father Alaza did not, but that might be because Pinchas inherited his mother. Ibishmall brings another possek that Sogov's son Yawyer owns cities which Sogov did not, and the extra possek is coming to teach us that Yawyer was Yerish's wife. But Popa asked the Qashya on this, and according to the Rishmam, the Qashya's not answered. Second Sukhya on the daaf, does a woman whose Yawyerish have to marry someone whose maternal shavit matches her own? Ibay asked about the requirement for a woman whose Yawyerish to marry someone from within her own shavit that the Qashya's Yawyerish from her mother will go to her husband's shavit, who's a different shavit. Ibay was Mesupic if we say a Sukhvara of Shekhvara Huspa. Since once this woman is Yawyerish from mother, it already transferred to the other shavit because the woman herself is from her father's shavit, so maybe we're not concerned about the mother's estate transferring to the husband's shavit. And if we don't say this Sukhvara's Shekhvara Huspa, the terror would require this woman to marry someone whose father is from her father's shavit and mothers from her mother's shavit to prevent the mother's estate from becoming completely transferred to the father's shavit. Third Sukhya on the daaf, the brice of which identifies one plastic B. C. B. Saban and one B. C. B. Sabal. Two Sukhim asks her a woman who is Yawyerish to marry outside her shavit. They come up with two brices which identify that the first plastic is referring to C. B. Saban and the second one, C. B. Sabal. The first brice of brings the plastic for the cease of Naqal of an ASL, MIMAT al Mater, and that's talking about C. B. Saban. It can't be discussing C. B. Sabal because the other plastic for the cease of Naqal of an ASL is referring to C. B. Sabal. So obviously it's C. B. Saban. And on the next daaf, we'll explain why we assume that the second plastic is referring to C. B. Sabal. Zuhr for life abasad of Khufid base. The three Sukhya's on the daaf may be Schmall's five macchirus that her husband is Yawyerish's wife. Second Sukhya does a woman whose Yawyerish have to marry someone whose maternal shavit also matches her own. Third Sukhya brice which identifies one plastic B. C. B. Saban and one B. C. B. Sabal. This infamous abasad of Khufid base is a Rubik's Cube. When the woman died and her husband inherited her Rubik's Cube with Sukhim written on five of the sides, which she got to her mother, who was some of the same shavit as her husband's mother, her children learned Sukhim, Lisek, and Ashmasa, one about C. B. Saban, and one about C. B. Sabal. Cube reminds of Khufid base, the husband who was Yawyerish, the Rubik's Cube, that had Sukhim written on five sides, reminds the first Sukhya the daaf, maybe Schmall's five macchirus that her husband's Yawyerish's wife. She got it from her mother, who was from the same shavit, as her husband's mother, reminds of the second Sukhya the daaf, does a woman who's Yawyerish have to marry someone who's maternal shavit, also matches her own, and if Sukhim, they were referring to C. B. Saban and C. B. Sabal, reminds of the third Sukhya the daaf, the brice which identifies one plastic B. C. B. Saban and one B. C. B. Sabal.