Bava Basra Daf 111
Zrrifalehvavazdav krufir alaf, the first Suki on the daaf, makhlikis of daughters of Yairish and mother together with sons. The brice brings him a car that sons inherit the mother and precede the daughters from the possek vakhal basi wreshus nakhala, mi matis min aisrael, any daughter who inherits an estate, from the matis of Klaaisrael, which imply that she inherits Tushvate. This must be that the fathers of one shavit and the mothers of another shavit and she inherits both when they die. We can derive that a son inherits the mother from makhavachimer. If a daughter who is weaker regarding her father's estate because a son comes first, still she inherits a mother, a son who's stronger regarding the father's estate should certainly inherit the mother. The brice continues that just like the son inherits the father before the daughter, he also inherits the mother before her. Abschive in the cards of disagrees, and he says the son of the daughter are equal regarding the mother's estate because dai al ababa nadily is kinid. The tenacam brings a hekish of matis, comparing the father's estate to the mothers. Second Suki on the daaf waibachar does not receive a double portion in his mother's estate. Have you heard the nasea ones asked abyani? That if there's a hekish between the fathers of state and the mothers, we should say just like abachar gets a double portion. From the fathers of state, he should get it from mothers of state also. Abiyani told us Shamish, pull me away from here, this person doesn't want to learn. Abayah gave an answer because the politics says bakhalashayim alzaylei. Implying he only receives double from up belongs to him, meaning the father, and not her, which is the mother. Digamar asked maybe that's only limited to abachar, whose mother previously had children, but the first born of both the father and the mother, would receive a double portion of the mothers of state. Ultimately, Reva brings a different possek loin mishpatabakhayre, mishpatabakhayre leish, for loin mishpatabakhayre leishah. Third Suki on the daaf, the first macar that a husband inherits his wife, le shayre vyarashayim. The price that brings a macar that a husband is yarish the wife, but she's not yarish him, sheayre vyarashayim. To teach you that the battle is yarish his wife. The wife doesn't inherit the husband because the politics says vyarashayim, he should be yarish her, and she's not yarish him. The Gmas in the lotion of the possek it says you should give the yarishah le shayre implying that the relative receives the yarishah and is not yarish it, Abaya changes the words around to read, sheayre vyarashayim. His relative he should be yarish. Reva says you can't cut apart Sukiim, so Reva explains the possek when his satimus nakhla's shayre lei, that he should give the yarishah of his relative to him, because he holds gering and receiving the darshan. We can subtract and add letters with an possek and darshan it, so he takes the vault from nakhlasay and lamb it from shayrei, and forms the word lei. The braceda says that this will be keep his darshan, prabi shmall has a different darshan. Zuhrof-lava-bas-lava-kufir-allaf, the first Sukiim on the daaf, makhlakus of daughters and harret or mother, together with sons. Second Sukiim why Behar does not receive a double portion in his mother's estate. Third Sukiim, the first makhaya that a husband inherits his wife, le shayre vyarashayim. The simf-lava-lava-kufir-allaf is a kayak. The kayak of sons who were racing to inherit their mother before their sisters and another kayak got there, saw the bhakar on the shore by their mother's storage room who was upset he didn't receive Pishnayim, standing next to his father who came to inherit his wife with the word lei on his shirt. Kayak reminds the daf kufir-allaf, the sons who were racing to inherit their mother before their sisters, reminds the first Sukiim on the daaf, a makhlakus of daughters and harret or mother, together with sons. The bhakar who was standing on the shore by the mother's storage room, who didn't receive Pishnayim, reminds the second Sukiim on the daaf why Behar doesn't get Pishnayim in his mother's estate, and the father, who came to inherit his wife with the word lei on his shirt, reminds the third Sukiim on the daaf, the first makhar that a husband is Erish's wife, L'ish agriviar-ashay-sa.