Bava Basra Daf 110
Zukr-fil-a'pawaz-daf-kafyud, the first Sugeh on the daaf, Hanayisi-e-Shid-Sar-Shiv-dik-Bakhal. Rava said a person who marries a woman should first examine the character of the brothers. The Gbabimis apostak that Aaron married Al-e-Sha'va, the daughter of Aminadov, who was the sister of Narshin. If she was the daughter of Aminadov, obviously she was the sister of Narshin. It must be coming to teach us that a person who marries a woman should first check her brother's character. The Gbabimis abrissa that most sons resemble the mother's brothers. Second Sugeh on the daaf, Johaineson's defense for becoming a priest for Pasalimicha and eventual Chuva. The postak says that the men of Don challenged Johaineson becoming the priest for Pasalimicha using the words "Pai, Halaim and Bose." And the hints that they were telling him were, "Do you not come from Aisha, who is spoken to with these expressions?" And now you're going to be a priest for Vaidizara? He responded that he has a Messiah from his grandfather that a person should hire himself out to Vaidizara and not require financial assistance from people. He only thought that this literally meant a service of Vaidizara, but it actually meant work that is Zara to him, that is undignified for him. Like Rave told of Kahana, "Skin a carcass in the street and take money and don't say I'm a great man and it is demeaning for me." The Gbabimis says that when David saw that money was dear to Johaineson, he appointed him over the royal treasury because the Pasal calls him "Shavuel," which indicates that he returned to Akkadish Baru with his whole heart. The third Sugeh on the daaf, the source that his son and her parents before a daughter, and not jointly. The Mishnah of Kuresh said that sons inherit the father, implying that when there are sons, daughters do not inherit. We learn this out of a Pasic that says, "Ishkiyamos ubein aenlai," then his daughter inherits. It's only because there's no son, but if there's a son, the son precedes the daughter. Papapa asked, maybe the Pasic means that if there's no son, she inherits alone, but when there is a son, they split it. Abayya said that since we know from somewhere else that a daughter can inherit, obviously she inherits alone when there's no son. Rather, the Pasal is coming to say that a son precedes the daughter. Lehuma means two more Makharis, but Lehuma rejects it. Finally, Lehuma means another Pasic that says, "Nakhal tamaisom l'avenecham acharehem," that you should keep them as inheritance for your sons, which teaches us, not daughters. Even though the Pasic says, "Laman Yerba you may have been made by Lehuma," which certainly doesn't exclude daughters, "Brahha" is different because "Brahha" obviously includes daughters. Zirqa fala fabaas dav kafyud, the first Sugeh on the daaf, "Hanaisei ishitzar shiv tik bakhal." Second Sugeh, Yerenasun's defense for becoming a priest for Pasal Lyra and eventual chuva. Third Sugeh, the source that a son inherits before a daughter, and not jointly. The simphabas dav kafyud is a gold key ceremony. The gold key to the city was presented to the brother of the Kala, because his great reputation was so helpful in making the shidr. By the town treasurer, who just quit his job at the local of Edizaira, while the recipients children looked on, knowing one day the queue will be inherited by the son, not the daughter. The gold key ceremony mans dav dav kafyud, the brother of the Kala, who helped make the shidr, reminds of the first Sugeh on the daaf, "Hanaisei shitzar shiv tik bakhal." The town treasurer, who quit his job at the local of Edizaira, reminds of the second Sugeh on the daaf, Yerenasun's defense for becoming a priest for Pasal Lyra and eventual chuva. And the children looked on, knowing one day that the queue will be inherited by the son, not the daughter, reminds of the third Sugeh on the daaf, the source that a son inherits before a daughter, and not jointly. and now jointly.