WBCA Podcasts

The Jayman Show

Jayman invites Ike Benjamin to host while he takes the seat of the interviewee this time around, giving Jay a chance to discuss his goals and the many hurdles he's overcome having spent his life possessing a speech impediment.

Broadcast on:
15 Oct 2024
Audio Format:

Jayman invites Ike Benjamin to host while he takes the seat of the interviewee this time around, giving Jay a chance to discuss his goals and the many hurdles he's overcome having spent his life possessing a speech impediment.

(upbeat music) - Yes, welcome to the Jay Men's Show. I'm your host today, actually doing the Jay Men's Show. We're gonna be talking to Mr. Jay Men about who Mr. Jay Men is. I wanna take the time, so to thank you for actually giving me this opportunity to find out who you are. - Thank you, absolutely, I appreciate it. - Now, you're Jay Men, where did that come from? - Well, Jay Men is a producer, I used to graduate, a college graduate. This came from I was a kid, and I always wanted to be entertainment. I love music, it inspired me, so this is what I love to do, you know. So Jay Men is a producer, actor, singer, songwriter, you name it, everything I do, I try and do it the best my potential. - Okay, well, that's good to hear, because see, I want the people out here to know. - Yes. - 'Cause you've done a lot, right? You've done talk shows, you've done radio, and whatnot, how'd you get into radio? - Well, let's see, I was at Rock Bay Community College, and someone told me about being in, so I decided to come here, and I'd learn about the workshops they have here, I was posting shows, adding shows, radio shows, so I did an internship here at Bob and Murray, and I just fell in love with it. I was like working on all y'alls. Board, the engineering, sound board, cameras, producing. It just came apart from me, it came apart from me, and it's something, too. And I was like, wow, if I can do this, you know, and I can produce a show, and find people to this, it just came in blessing, you know? - I see it. Now, I have to ask this question, not just for myself, but for the people watching the program. - Yeah. - You do have a speech impediment. - Yes, that's correct. - Now, how does that intertwine with you being, wanting to be out front? - Well, well, sometimes I've had the speech problem, study man, talking loud, so my mother put me in speech classes, and I've worked with special tutors, counselors to help me with my talking, slowing down, speaking clearly, and I take medication like Weddling, like I'm taking right now to talk to you, so it helps me because I'm able to have a good conversation with somebody, and a lot of it's taught me from especially my dreams, and doing this I want to do, you know, so. - And how long have you been doing that? - Ever since I was, I was like five in an entire graduate high school and I was 20, and I still take medicine right now. I was in doubt, you know, I've got my speech to go out and learn the vocal production, and help myself be better, speaking clearly, so it's fun, so it's fun with my name, you know, but I feel it helps me, you know. - Okay, so you're a high school graduate? - Yes, correct. - You're a college graduate? - Absolutely. - Well, what did you get your degree in? - I got my degree in liberal association of arts, and I felt that having an degree hopefully helped me learn my, just hope me try and go for my dreams and become an after-end, just level to my potential. - Okay, so, being an end, how did you end up at what's the neighborhood network, how did you? - Well, somebody told me about it from school, and I decided to come here and check it out, and ever since I've been here since I was 19, it's like, wow, I mean, the services, they have to simplify for the community, you're Boston, and as well as, you know, me to show, work on a bit wide, while we just work on a few, and Bob, I'm money. People have been, and it's just been so wonderful to me, and it's been a blessing, and they helped me with my post, I worked on a me to show, how they helped me with looking at the camera, audio, but engineering, and it's like, I can see skills from me, and maybe try and get a better job of working in the field, and we'll be some practical, so this is like, in here, you know, and it's just been a blessing to be here, and be a part of something that's up in the community, and if I can help the community anyway, that's what I'm here for, so. - Okay, so how did you get into radio? - Well, when I was a kid, I always wanted to be a singer, and I always just listened to people like Michael Johnson, Beyonce, so I got into video by going to Washington Community College, and then taking an after class then, then I came, and someone told me about radio station being, so I came here to be a class of Brad Warriquez, and I got my own show, and it was just my best blessing, so. - And your radio show, what's the name of that? - It's called the Jamie and Shaw, the Jamie and Shaw, and it's like my baby, you know, it's like-- - That's your baby? - I love it, you know, okay, yeah. - Okay, so now, if that's your baby, what's the tell, you got a television show too, right? - Yes, you got it. - Okay, so what's the baby, what's the television show, your second baby, or what? - Yeah, your second baby, you know, 'cause I love both, you know, so. - And how do you, what inspired you to get into television? - Well, because since I was seven, I was like, can I always want to be out there as well? And I saw my first one, I saw my first one to be having the Hennessons, and I can memorize everything, and always imitate what the ads are trying to say, and I was, it's like, any television, any show, I saw I could always imitate after I watched it, and I was like, wow, this is a gift I had, look, I gave you stuff, I can do this, you know, and, you know, and loom for the best, this one, when I'm doing it, if I can sponsor maybe after, you know, it's like, wow, I take, what if I, I can, what if I know, I can try to use it out myself, and have a lot of people also. - So, as far as being here, you've been doing it for how many years now, your radio? - I've been doing this since 2019, so. - And the television in Taiwan? - I started here in '12, '18, so I've been doing ball for you. - Okay, all right, now, and since you've been doing it, have you, have you went into, like, let's say, Superstars, or upcoming people that you-- - Oh, yeah. - Oh, yeah, I actually went into Maya, I actually went into W. Gibson, where I met last night at the City Winery, I went into, our port will be Cara, I also met Karen Wright, and, yeah. - Well, so you met quite a few people? - Yes, I have. - Well, let me ask you this, after finding out that this is something that you like, something that you enjoy doing. - Yes. - When you went out to actually meet some people, were you nervous when you spoke to it, when you saw someone, that's an upcoming start, the first time. - Okay, oh, yes, I remember, I was, I remember, I met first time I saw Obama for, I was never talking to her, but then she opened up to me, she was so nice, and-- - Where'd you meet her? - This is at the World Trade Center, when I was campaigning for her, when she was campaigning for Obama's second, second, oh, yeah, actually. And then, I remember, yesterday, I was doing this for I was seeing Debbie Gibson, but she was nice to me, done earthy at a good conversation, and it's like, she said to me for a while, so she knew me from before. I got best friends, so it's like, these stars, I met, you know, I met, you know, I was like a dream like a person, and as a matter of fact, the disability of our sports was fast, it's like, they were just so kind, done earthy feels like it's a blessing, I meet some people that are at this, but also done earthy now, so. - So, when you went into some people, and they rejected you. - Yes. - And how did that make you feel? - Well, I thought, I had to say, maybe we feel kind of sad, you know, but then I was like, you know what, don't you think I was someone jutted you, that doesn't mean next person will, so I learned that that doesn't stop off, you know, just keep going, try again, you know. So, I mean, just 'cause some of the sudden, there's nothing first will suggest you, and so I could pursue my dreams, and just kept going forward, and eventually I got some yeses, so. - Okay. - Now, you're first, yes. - Were you excited? - I was overjoyed, I was a blessing from God, and I got my first chance to have some come on my show, I can tell you the feeling. - Well, tell me a little bit about it, were you first sweet? I don't know if you could remember your first guess, but once they came on, once they actually said, yeah, I'm gonna do it, you know. Were you excited, did you get out of bed early? - Yes, I remember that one, I woke up early, had a good breakfast, I was just so thank and God for it. You know, I was crying, 'cause someone's like, come on my show, you know. It's like, I'm jive, I don't know, if I lost a gym and they don't wanna come on my show, it's like, it's a blessing. And I was like, I was just so happy, I always joined, it's like a sign will leave us, I lost a come on my show and accept me for my hand, you know, so. - You know, you said the key thing, accept you for who you are. That's why I actually, the first question, look, who is Mr. Jamley? - Okay, so. - And you said in so many words, basically, who you are. As far as, so it sounds like, correct me for long, it sounds like, you don't let them. The speech impairment, you don't let that stuff. - I don't owe you back. - Absolutely not. - Okay. - So what encourage you to keep going forward? - Because, because I love entertainment, I love being in a show business, if I'm passionate, it's like a gift, I can't give me some baby, I cherish it, I love it. And it's what I wanna do now, you know. If I stop now, I never know what I could be now, sorry, it's trying to learn more every day, you know. I keep going forward, 'cause I wanna live up to my potential. I love to be a store and be a dratter. I mean, add to some movies. Maybe we call more music, you know, healthy, you know, I can tell, I mean, this guy's loving, you know. And if I stop now, then I don't know what I can be now, sorry, every day I keep going forward, you know. So if I can help, if I can do it, they can people can do it too, you know, so. - Because you do have a couple of pitches that you took with certain people, right? - Absolutely, yes. - Well, we're gonna look at those in a few minutes. - Okay. - And before we actually do that, when you first realize that, okay, I could do radio. - Yeah. - I could do television. - Absolutely, you know. What was some of the thoughts that came to mind? When you actually realized, well, I could do this. - Well, what kind of I was? I was like, wow, I'm a grown man. I can achieve my hook and wish. He can try and find a ladder and all that, nothing going down, you know. You know, I can handle my business. I can keep going forward. I can have to help, you know. I can be somebody, you know. It doesn't matter with your background, what you have at disability, you can be somebody. You can keep, don't let all my stuff on time, or you can't do anything, you can't do anything. You can do anything at home, you're leaving your heart, you're a different guy. You can do anything you want to be, you know. So that's what keeps you going, you know. - Okay, because I have to, I have to bring you back to like high school days. - Yes. - And on your college days, you don't have to. Back in high school, how were you? Were you picked on? Were you booked? - Boy, I was bullied. I wasn't bullied too much in school, but I was picked on, you know. But, like I said, I guess everybody has it. Everybody, I'm sure people have gone to something like that, you know, but it did hurt being picked on, you know. But no, I was bullied too much in school, you know. But being picked on, you know, yeah. - Well, are you able to share some of that? - Like when you got picked on, what were some of the things? Did you take that home with you? - Yes. I remember someone said something to me. I'm not sure if it was racist back. I remember, I remember someone said something to me, and I ran home that day. I went to my mother, you know, and she sent me down and said, "Well, people can, well, you're gonna come to people "at that, throughout your life, you know." So, and she gave me some tools to, to maybe own how difficult I should say. If it gets to say, you should tell somebody, or if you can't do that, just remember just that, you know, that, but the saying is not true, you know. This is a great job of a problem. Doesn't mean you're, doesn't mean that you, oh, step for every, you know, your car is overcoming, you know, and as some people say, don't you believe you're a good person into my car or blushes, so. - All right, all right, all right. Now, when you, when you graduated, we spoke a couple of days ago and told me something that stuck with me. And you said, you know, you felt when you graduated and you received your, your degree. - Yes. - And you walked across the stage, you said, you felt the presence of your mother with you. - I did, yes. - Share a little bit about that. - Well, when I graduated from, from, from RC, Steve, RC Community College, I was like, wow. This was a tough experience, but I did it to my family. I mean, you know, I got to, you know, and I kept my mother in touch so, I could feel her fear, her spirit. So touched my back thing, that's my boy, you know. You graduated from college, you know, and, and it's like, a sign relief came over for me and I was like, wow, that's, she's here, you know. She's here to face her, she's here, especially, you know. You know, I graduated from college, you know. And it's like, thank you, my mother, you know, if we did it, you know. - So, do you feel like she was with you, crossing, crossing the stage, getting your degree? - Crossing the threshold, yes, I feel like she was, I feel like when I was getting my degree, she was here with her, she was next next, and I could feel her spirit, I could feel her hand, touching her eyes, getting my degree, and my first college degree, you know, so I was like, mom, I can see you in the air, I can feel your presence, I did it, we did it together. - And she, she's inspired you today to keep going forward. - Yes, every day, she does. - Okay. - Is there anything that you, any time in your life where you felt like, okay, I don't think I can do this. - The way you were, the point we're about to give up. - Yeah, well, I think so, when I was in, I think maybe towards the end of when I was in college, you know, I felt like, when these classes are hard, I can do this, but you know what? I talked to my counselors, I talked to my family, my counselors helped me, my big brother, credit helped me, it's like, you know, even though it's hard, it's a challenge, you know, you got all done, you know, and I, just locked it down, I did what I had to do and I graduated, so yes, they were, class was hard, but I said, you know what? At the end of the day, you know, when I came into degree, I would have a job and I'd better make some money, you know, and just, you know, get a better job, you know, so, so, so, so, she had to go to something, to get somewhere, you know, whether it's school, whether we got to go to something or they get to something, you know, 'cause at the, 'cause every storm, 'cause at every storm, eventually, you know, there's a rainbow, so, you can, we all go, it's like, we all go to a storm, you know, but at the end of the storm, it was a rainbow and, and then, they'll say blessings, you know, you know. So, that's how I see, you know. - Well, you know, I mean, it's, it's good to hear, hear from you, and I want to take the opportunity, I don't know if this is a good time, but I'll ask you, you said you met a couple of people. - Yes. - And I think you took some pictures with them. - Yeah, we did, yeah, I did. - That's our, Port will be Currie. She'll have her Monday and have a, excuse me, a holobooks, she was wonderful. And what does she do? - Oh, she's the best sign offer. She's won some books on books and, she was talking about her books and, she'd tell me about how she, how she started out like writing, you know, writing books and got a lot of notes, but then someone, you gave her a chance to, to publish a book, to, to publish a book in every, every five or so. And that's what we're currying. And she just, so she inspired me to do what I do too. - Okay, so how many books have she written, you know? - I think she, I think she wrote like four, five, but I'm not, I'm not sure. I'll tell my head up, I know that's like four, five, you know. - Oh, great. - Yeah, all right. And, and this one, who is this? - Oh, that's, oh, that, that looks like that's Karen. All right, I, I'm, I have to ask for your city mind. I mean, my, I'm, I'm, I've drawn a note in my arm, my arm, and I went down to see her. She was wonderful and, and she was a good singer. She is a powerful, powerful person, not enough, you know, for your loving. And I was like, wow, she just cuts me away from him, you know? So, it was honoring me her, you know. - Oh, okay. - Yeah. - It's good and, and, and these people, that's escape, you know, candy, I see candy, tiny, and, and, and, and I met them in August at the arm. Ladies tour along from SWV and, and like I said, they were wonderful, they were, I love, you know, they love. - But see, I need to hang out with you. - Yeah. - So, you seem like, you know. - Oh, yeah, you should have hang out with me, though. And, and who, who is this? - And that's the, because now it's outside a city mind. I mean, she was so done earth loving, the conversation about my music, you know. Her music inspired me, you know. I actually danced for on stage, you know. I was like. - Oh, you on stage where? - Yeah, she was wonderful. - And, oh, yeah. - Well, see, like now, like that's, that's what, I wanted you to share with you, you know, because stuff like that inspires you. - Yes, it does. - And it keeps you going. - Absolutely, every day is. - Because see, you know, there's some people who would say, well, I can't do it because I don't speak too well. - Yeah. - I can't do it because I don't know what to say, I'm shy and what have you. But you seem to, you don't let that body push that to the side, you go forward. - Absolutely, yes. - Which leads me to the question I asked you before about, when you, when you ask someone and they reject you, you let that, you shake that off and go on. - I do, yeah. - So when you actually meet someone and they say, yeah, I'm gonna do it, you know. You get excited. - I do, yes. - And you have the proof for it because you're gonna pit you. - Yeah. (both laughing) - I can't. - Which is a good thing, you see, because what you're doing, whether you know it or not, you're letting the world know it's no reason to say I can't. - Absolutely not, you know. - It's no reason, you agree with that. - I agree with that. - There's no reason to say I can't, you know. So, when you, when you do stuff like this, when you actually go out and meet people, bring them to your show, and then could show it later on, when you look, when you sit back and you look, do you set goals, what am I gonna do later on? What's my next show gonna be like? Do you tend to do that? - I do, yes. Every day, I try and figure out how I can make my next show better at every show I want. 'Cause like I said today, I want this show to be one of my show, I want my next show to be better. I want, every day, I try and figure out how I can make my show better, how I, what I can do better, what this, what they're asking, what they're asking to better, what we can do better to make our show better. Not just me, everybody else, the other one has a dream, you know, watching me do it about our source every day. I do it about, I think about every day, you know. So, every day, I try and figure out every day I can. - Well, I mean, we have a couple minutes to, we got like five minutes left. - Okay, I see. - I want you to, I'm gonna ask you two more questions. - Absolutely, I'm gonna ask you to just look into the camera and see if there's any positive to that person who's watching the program. - Absolutely. - Because now, I'm just gonna go back over, you know, Mr. J, man. - Yes. - You know, Mr. J, man. I was a high school graduate. - Yes, yes. - Mr. J, man, is a college graduate. - Yes. - Mr. J, man, has a television show. - Absolutely. - Mr. J, man, has a radio show. So, what does Mr. J, man, what don't Mr. J, man have? (laughing) - That's easy. - Oh, okay. - And of course, Mr. J, man loves a lot, right? - Yes, I do. - Okay, all right. - Okay. Well, what they don't have is a girlfriend at all. - A girlfriend? - Okay. - Well, that's what I just saw here on this scene, like you got quite a few girlfriend. (laughing) - Yeah. - Okay, but seriously, why don't I have a, I don't have a house. Maybe house in California, a flower there. - Maybe, you know, I maybe have a pool. I don't know, maybe have a nice, let's see. Maybe have a nice, a nice car, a Benz. - So, so you're saying now, if I was the actual, where do you see yourself, let's say, two years from now? - Okay. - What would you say? - Hopefully, I'll be on, I'll be performing on stage. The sold out crowds, or maybe you can film, produce a film or I'm acting a movie. Or whatever, or whatever God takes me, you know. So, but hopefully it'll be, hopefully I'll be, maybe have the show syndicated, I mean. I guess it's God's doing, you know. So, over God says, how do? - So, basically you'll let nothing hold you back. - Absolutely not. - I don't. - Okay, and that's a good thing, because see, like I said, I'm proud of you. - Thank you, I appreciate that. I remember coming here years ago when you helped in cameras and whatnot, and I think we had a conversation about actually you doing what you're doing now. - Yeah, you did, I remember. - Because, if I remember correctly, you didn't think you could do it. - I did, I remember. - You know, and look at you now, you know. You got all kinds of girlfriends, you know. (laughing) You know, you got all kinds of friends, you know. Now, again, the people that you come in contact with, how do you meet them? - Well, sometimes of which I'll work online, I'll send emails to the ages, to the producers, and sometimes they'll say, yes, we can, and also go to different climate climate interventions, like Rhode Island or Boston, or go to, or go to meet them there, you know. But, like I said, well, if I had to go to New Jersey, I thought I'd go there, you know. But I try and get to, I try and do, you know, work part-time and see everybody, and go to where I had to go and meet them, you know, so. - So you have done traveling to meet people? - Oh, yes, I have. - Okay. - Now, have you met some people in Zoom, or? - Yeah, I met some people on Zoom. I didn't interview with a farm. I didn't work with a shop team, or on Zoom. I didn't even, with Nervia and Zoom. I can't, we just did interview with, you know, with Tasha's grandson. Yeah, quite a few people did it, it was on Zoom, but I've offered anything in person, so we can, so that's very good, you know, professional and, so I guess I'll be, well, here's the first time I show you, you know, it's a blessing. - Okay, because like I said, it seems like you, you're not just in the Boston area, you're doing some traveling. - Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Now, do you do that? How often is that done, you're traveling? - Well, it's, well, sometimes I've got a wild island, like once a month, you know, to see us, to see us short, to see us live, you know, if I have to, you know, or even kick anything, you know. You know, but I love to travel, I love flying, I love going to Florida, California, I mean, I just love to travel and make people my, anyway, Kenya, it's a blessing. - Hmm, that's good, like I said, I mean, it's a pleasure sitting here talking to you, and like I said, I thank you for actually asking me to host you. - Absolutely. - You know, 'cause I'm sitting here with Mr. Jamond. - Yeah, Mr. Jamond. - I'm sitting here with Mr. Jamond, sure. Hosting with Jamond, sure. - I'm excited. - So, I mean, to actually sit and host you, sure, you know, I'm honored to do it. - I really am, and I'm happy that you're not ashamed, you're not afraid, you don't let your disability stop you from going forward, you know. It seems like you're ready to run now and just, what is your next show, by the way? - Hopefully, no, I'm about to. - I'm trying to get off and off, I'm about to not them, maybe, maybe in January 25, you know, so. - Okay, do you know what you want to do? What you want to do with your next program? - If I ask, if I can guess, hopefully, we're talking about music, you know, but I'm not sure. Or maybe try, I mean, just in that conversation, I can do it now, maybe I can be in your show, you know. - Yeah, well, that's a possibility because, you know, it'd be more than happy to bring you on there. - Yeah, that's a blessing, thank you. - But, like, I wanted this action now. If you had the opportunity, what you do, you know, every time you do a show, to speak with someone, or let that person who didn't call your show or didn't have, and don't think they could actually be a part of a television or radio show. What would you say to them? - I always said to them, "I'm shot to look in the camera." - Yeah, you could look in the camera. - I always said to you, "Don't let nothing stop you, whatever you want to do." - Right there, right there. - No, no, no. - Okay, so, this is Jamie, I'm telling you this. Don't let nobody stop you, don't want what you want to do. For God for us, believe in yourself, get help for whatever you're searching, help in, and try and get education, and hopefully, just reach for the sky, and you can be where you want to be, you know, it doesn't matter, people say, don't be afraid, don't discover, just go out there, and prove people who are like, "I did." Prove them why, you can do this, you can really want to be, you know, and put God first, you will succeed. That's what I did, if I can do it, you can do it, so, you know, that's my advice. - All right, and that's pretty much it, well put together, you know? - Again, from where you were to where you were now, you know, it seems like God's been blessing you. - Yes, he is, definitely, yeah. - So, it's not like, you know, you just did this on your own, you know, God got you where you are today. - Yes, he did. - And you're not ashamed to say that. - No. - Okay, and that's a good thing, but I want to take the time, you know, I want to take the time out to let you know, again, I said it before, I'm upset again, I'm really honored to be the host of this show today, you know, and I hope that the young person who didn't, who heard you, you know, could pay attention to you, right? I want to take the time to thank you. - Thank you, so appreciate it. - Actually being, again, let me be the host of your show. - Absolutely, great job now. - All right, well, I think, all I can say is thank you, sir. - All right, I'll say it too, I'll say it too. - All right, I'll say it too, I'll say it too. - Well done, thank you, thank you. ♪ Can I stay with you babe ♪ ♪ You know, that's all ♪ ♪ For the rest of the night ♪ ♪ Can I stay with you babe ♪ ♪ Come on, for the rest of my life ♪ ♪ Can I stay with you babe ♪ ♪ Can I stay with you babe ♪ ♪ Oh, baby ♪ ♪ Please ♪ ♪ Let me stay ♪