VIEWPOINT with Chuck Crismier
. This is Viewpoint with Attorney and Author Chuck Chris Meyer. Viewpoint is a one hour talk show confronting the issues of America's heart and home. And now with today's edition of Viewpoint here is Chuck Chris Meyer. Every year in January the elite of the world gather. And where do they gather? In Davos, Switzerland. Why do they gather there? Because a fellow by the name of Claude Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum and heading it up demands their attendance. In fact, he says you guys are the ones that are going to reset the world. You are the ones who are actually going to give us the real new world order. You're the ones that are going to actually recreate everything that has been common and known among humankind and we are going to reset the world. It's called the Great Reset. And it's scheduled to take its in-opportune entitlement moment in 2030. That's just six years from now, my friends, just six years from now at the loss, at the leaders, at the longest, six years from now, I want you to think about the closeness of this event. And then coupling that with the 2030 agenda of the United Nations, which is corresponding in many respects to that, and the 2030 agenda of so many other businesses and other organizations throughout the world. 2030 is their objective. But what is this Great Reset anyway? And why should we care? Is this just another thing that just going to happen out there in a theory and so on like this, that or the other that never happens? Or is this something of such great moment and such great intent that we should pay attention? Today on Viewpoint, we're going to discuss it in that sense. Our special guest, Michael Walsh, is joining us with the book that he has edited called "Against the Great Reset." It's a compilation of the viewpoints of 16 world leaders, at least in the western world, who are speaking concerning the implications of this Great Reset. And my friends, if you think they don't affect you, you've got another thing coming. Because the Great Reset is just that. Great. That's how it's envisioned. To reset or change everything. You remember the day when five days, I think it was before the inauguration of Barack Hussein Obama, he said, "We are just five days away from the fundamental transformation of America." People paid very little attention to that. They thought it was just talk in the wind, but it wasn't for Barack Obama. And we've been experiencing the repercussions of it ever since, even including the current administration. But if you were to take that language from Barack Obama and amplify it on steroids for the world, that's what we're talking about with regard to the Great Reset. And it comes from mankind's great and perpetual dissatisfaction with our present circumstances, whatever they may be, an urge to make the world a new, as old as recorded history, going all the way back to Genesis 11 with the Tower of Babel. So today on Viewpoint, Michael Walsh joining us actually from Greenland. Michael is going to have you on the program. Well, it's Ireland, not Greenland. Oh, Ireland. I'm sorry. You said it was so green. No wonder I got mistaken. From Ireland. So that's your place of residence, isn't it? Among other places. Among other places. Okay. So why the focus? I think I've set a bit of the stage here. And so many of our listeners understand we've talked about the Great Reset in a variety of different ways. But your editing and compiling of this book and many of the great thinkers of our time is putting a different slate on so many different aspects. Why are you putting this together? Why such an effort at this time? Well, the Great Reset is, as you mentioned, Chukka, the idea of a man named Klaus Schwab, who's a German industrialist who operate out of Switzerland. Specifically Geneva. But in the middle of the winter, in January every year, there's a conference in Davos, Switzerland, which is up high in the Alps, are more literarily inclined readers may recognize Davos as the little village where Thomas Mont's magnificent novel. Sorry, it's late here already. The Magic Mountain. The Magic Mountain. It's focused on America. Where the Magic Mountain takes place. So, Death Alphabet is called in German. And it's a sanatorium town. It was where people with circulist went to get cured or die. I thought sanatorium was where people who had mental problems were going. I'm just being a -- it was -- so Davos is now the center of the world economic forum, which is a collection of the rich and the high and the mighty from around the world who jet in on their private jet even as they talk about climate change and spend a week with panels and presentation papers and extremely expensive hookers and they all have a great time per week and then they go back and tell us peons what we should do. Well, apparently they're not much interested in the moral environment with the expensive hookers up there. That's not part of their objective, is it? No, they're not -- they're not religious in any meaningful sense or certainly not Christian. But they do consider themselves the global elite and they used the COVID panic of 2019-2020 as an excuse to write a book, plus Schwab among others, wrote a book called COVID-19, the Great Reset, in which he decided that that was the time of the world in chaos that we should completely remake the economy. It's essentially fascism. Which properly defined in terms that Mussolini meant it for Italy, say, in the 1920s and 30s, it's a combination of government and big business to achieve dominance over everybody else. And so climate change is the hoax of climate change, I should say, is a very big part of this. COVID-19 and the lockdowns they were thrilled to use those kind of beta testing of how they want to be able to herd humanity around. And from this has come things that I hope some of your listeners are aware of, such as the idea of a 15-minute city where you will only have to, or parentheses, be allowed to travel 15 minutes from your home in order to get everything. And this is pitch test, green and saving the environment. You don't have to drive everywhere. They don't want you driving, traveling, they don't want you eating because cattle now creates methane and that's killing the planet. Well, you've got to be able to grow some insects now, and now all new meat businesses based upon insects are the going thing. We'll be right back with Michael Walsh after this, friends, against the great reset. You're going to want to get a copy of this book, or it'll make it available to just a moment. Once upon a time children could pray and read their Bibles in school, divorces were practically unknown as was child abuse. In our once great America virginity and chastity were popular virtues and homosexuality was an abomination. So what happened in just one generation? Hi, I'm Chuck Christmas, and I urge you to join me daily on viewpoint where we discuss the American moral slide related to the fourth commandment. Listen to viewpoint on this radio station or anytime at Against the great reset. That's what we're talking about here today on viewpoint with our special guest, Michael Walsh, who is the editor-in-chief, shall we say, of this book, 16 world-class, particularly in the Western world, observers. I suppose you could take almost any title that you want. These are the intellectual elite that are opposed to the very concept of the great reset. They're joining us here today through Michael Walsh, concerning this wonderful book against the great reset. It's a $35 book. It's $21. It's on our website, It's a 450-page book, hardbound. And for those of you who are really sincerely interested in this, you're probably not going to find a better book dealing directly with this subject. And I urge you to get a copy of it. It's on our website, You can call us at 1-800-SAVE USA, 1-800-SAVE USA, or write to us at Save America Ministries, P.O. Box 70879, Richmond, Virginia, 2-3255, ready to check at $5 for postage and handling. Now, Michael, at the beginning of your book, you talk about the very problem here, and I've highlighted a number of things that I'd like to just share and then have you comment about them. Sure. Beginning, if something is elemental, as essential to Western thought, as the authenticity of the Bible, not to mention God's linguistic ability could be questioned and even mocked. Then everything was on the table, including God himself, as revealed through a fellow by the name of Frederick Nietzsche. With the death of God, or of God, I sought liberation from the moral bondage, so to speak, of Jesus. So it's fitting that the great reset of capitalism is the brainchild of the World Economic Forum, who has coached this annual conference in the Alpine Village of Davos. In an age of atheism and disbelief, note the religious fervor of neo- and cultural Marxism and the messianic quality of Schwab's anti-humanistic great reset. If the God of Abraham is dead, and the Greco-Roman Christ is dead, reduced to a sacred avatar of weakness and failure, what is there left but man? Thus, the great reset brings us inevitably down to man becoming God. Is that not correct? Yeah, that's basically the thesis behind, I think you quoted that from my introduction to books. That's correct. I did. So we have here 18 essays, including that introduction by 17 writers. Some of whose names, I think, will be familiar to our audience, Michael Anton, who came to prominence writing the Flight 91 election, which was a piece about how we had to vote for Trump, whether we liked him or not in 2016. Conrad Black, Lord Conrad Black, Canadian, Foreign Press Baron, the late Angela of Coteville, who worked both in the National Security in Washington and taught at Boston University for many years. David Goldman, who is a good friend of mine, who is an economist and all around civil of many things. Roger Kimball, who publishes the new criterion and publishes in counterbooks as well. Douglas Murray, who is now quite well known, who is a Brit, who is very much adamantly opposed to the Islamification of England. John Kearney, who wrote for many years for the New York Times, now writes for city journal, and myself and a bunch of other people. I asked each one of these fellows, I was one woman, Janos Fiamango, who is based in Vancouver, Canada, to tackle certain aspects of this program, the economic program, the social program, the religious or anti-religious program, of what the world economic forum proposes. And just to summarize it, in their own words, you will own nothing and like it. That's what they want for everybody. Ownership will be outlawed. You'll eat bugs and like that because you can't have cattle. You won't be able to drive or fly because that's reserved for them. It's essentially a refutalization of world society that are gleaming in their eyes. And what's wonderful about Klaus Schwab is he speaks and looked like a James Bond villa. He has a thick Dr. Strangelove accent. He's bald and wears funny costumes. And he's actually quite clown, but he's a dangerous clown. So we decided that the subtitle of this book is 18 in the New World Order. And from a religious point of view, obviously there's no place for religion of any kind, Christianity in the New World Order. And my final essay, which is called "What an Artist dies within me," which is a quote from the emperor Nero, is actually about secularization and how the arts fit into the great research thing. It's gotten a lot of negative comments from Christians in particular because I approached religion in this particular essay as literature rather than darkness. Oh, I see. In this book to preach drama, I'm a cradle Catholic. But I've spent my new book, which I've just finished and will be coming out next year, talks a lot about Christianity about the origins of Christianity, the victory of Constantine establishing the church as the religion of the Roman Empire in the fourth century. So I go into that quite a step. But in this book, we're not really looking at religion per se, but we're looking at it, at least in my essay, as a part of the overall culture of the West, that these guys want to destroy. Now, Christianity is inseparable from Western culture. Exactly. Okay. That's what I was going to get at because when you really look at the whole picture, all of these other various, I would call them ancillary tributary, so to speak, but the root of it all is spiritual. The battle is spiritual. Yes. Yeah. You know what? Sorry, go ahead. As I started getting into your book, I couldn't help but going back and reaching into my bookshelf to pick up my latest book called Messiah, Unveiling the Mystery of the Ages. It's a book that is so different than what people would normally expect from that title. But what I have done here is, in other terms, translated the massive spiritual import of all of this, what's happening in order to create this great reset. Without even talking about the great reset. Yes. And so, what is happening is, there is a merger of a vast number of quasi-religious ideas, focuses, whether it's new ageism. We could almost call it the age of Aquarius meets the great reset. Yeah. So, what we're looking at here is something of such great import, so massive upon the planet, that it actually converts God into man. Man becomes the ultimate God, does he not? Oh, yes. And I address that in my final essay, too, which, as I say, begins with this famous, famous dying quotation from Nero. I would say there's no such thing as an atheist, just a question of which God you believe in, and which both of us believe in. And I spent much of a cold war behind the Iron Curtain. Did you? Yes. In both East Berlin, I was in Berlin when the wall came down. Wow. And in the Soviet Union, I was in the Soviet Union when Chernobyl blew up. Were you also in Jericho when the walls came down? No, I skipped that one. You skipped that one. Just joking. Yeah. That's for Joshua. But I was at these historic places when these things happened. And one time I went to view the Lenin-Mausoleum, which is right out in front of the Kremlin on Ritz Square, beautiful Ritz Square. Moscow, this would have been around '86 or so, and got a VIP tour because the poor Russians always had to get out of the way of visiting big-foot Western journalists. I was working for Time Magazine. Oh, okay. And the guy said, "You know that this is a waxed dummy, right?" And, you know, it's a waxed dummy. It's obviously a waxed dummy. But even though communism was actually atheist, it had to have this dead messiah lying there about to get up off the slab at any minute now and restore the kingdom. So it aped Christianity in all of Christianity's most salient particularly, while being officially anti-Christian. Now, the irony was that Lenin's tomb is right in the corner from St. Basil's Cathedral with the most famous church in Russia, which they had kind of deconsecrated. But Vladimir Putin, who I first encountered in Dresden in 1985, when he was the KGB agent there, he understood when he took power and in what was left of the Soviet Union that he needed the churches on his side. It's important to remember that the Russians didn't fight for the Soviet Union in World War II. They fought for the motherland, the holy motherland. The Russians called Moscow the third realm. Exactly. I wrote about that in my book "Messiah and on my book Antichrist." Then you know this. Absolutely. Second realm, Moscow's the third realm. So he needed the churches on his side, and he co-opted the Russian Greek Orthodox Church to support him and get a lot of support from that. All right. Well, let's recognize Russia. Well, that's right. He Christianized and decrystionized at the same time. He merged them together, and this is the spirit of what this great reset is going to look like, I believe. I want to make a statement, and then I would appreciate your response. It appears to me that all of these governmental efforts to reframe the world, whatever they are, require and know that they require some kind of religious support. So, what do you make of the fact that the last three popes have each called for a new world order that Pope Francis, the more so, has called for a new world order on no uncertain terms, and that he is doing the dance with Klaus Schwab in the world economic forum. It seems almost that they have become much like Vladimir Putin in the Russian Orthodox Church. What say you? Well, I have no use for Pope Pancho as we call him. He's a fat Italian who happened to have been born in Argentina. He's no more Hispanic than you are, I am. He just happens to speak Spanish as his first language and was born in Argentina, where the largest ethnic group in Argentina is the Italian. So, it's not surprising at all that he would be from there. But he's seeming more in spiritual gravitation to and even undergirding of Klaus Schwab in the whole concept of the world economic forum seems to me to be somewhat prescient. Well, I think there are interests aligned in a certain point. I was about to say he's a Jesuit, and Jesuits used to be Catholic and aren't any more effectively. They're a militant border that has gone off the deep end for progressive leftist causes. Unfortunately, he's the first and hopefully the last Jesuit Pope that we have if the church can survive him. But they do align, they believe in preserving the earth as a kind of dire worship to them. They, to get into very briefly what my new book, which is called, "Araged to Conquer" is about, I talk a lot about Edward Gibbon and the decline of all the Roman Empire. And Gibbon's point in mind is that the Catholic church effectively conducted a hospital take over the Roman Empire and has used all of the trappings of the Empire to run a top. Now, wait a minute, have you read my last three books? No, I have all of those things discussed in detail in my last three books. Boy, are we ever on the same page. Yes. Well, I mean, it's worth remembering that one of Julius Caesar's titles was Pontrex Maximus, which is also a title of the Pope. Exactly. That title in the Roman religion was just transferred over. But anyway, they not to get into too much of the demolition of Catholicism at this point, because I am an Ireland where we used to be a Catholic country. We're not anymore. The great reset is atheist. But as I just said earlier, atheists need new gods to replace the old gods. The Russians try to fail. Every fascist dictator, Hitler, try to fail, wants to create a new kind of man. The Russians call it the new Soviet man. He's almost shot Rousseau as an 18th century, who's the poor progenitor of all this time. Or the new trans humanistic man. That's another threat. Against the great reset, friends. It's going to be on our website, save We'll be right back. There is so much more about Chuck Chris Meyer and Save America Ministries. On our website, save For example, under the marriage section, God has marriage on his mind. Chuck has some great resources to strengthen your marriage. First off, a fact sheet on the state of the marital union, a fact sheet on the state of ministry, marriage, and morals. Save Marriage, divorce, and remarriage. What does the Bible really teach about this? Find all of this at save Also, a letter to pastors, the Hosea project, save And many more resources to strengthen your marriage. It's all on Chuck's website, save Again, you can listen to Chuck's viewpoint broadcast live and archive, save America Ministries website at save ♪♪ Welcome back to Viewpoint Friends. Viewpoint does determine destiny. There are no neutral viewpoints in our world. Your viewpoints are not neutral. Even the smallest of our viewpoints have the effect of setting the trajectory for destiny in one way or another. So it's very important that our viewpoints be in alignment with the word, the will, and the ways of God. That's my viewpoint. And it underlines everything we do here on this program, even though I spent 20 years as a trial lawyer conducting the business of the law. But today we're talking about where things are really heading, sovereignty, and the nation-state, both of which are concepts under the under attack in the name of equality and its totalitarian successor, equity. Everything is included within the realm of the great reset. You think, you hear that it's all about economics, but it's not just about economics. The great reset, reading from the introduction to Michael Walsh's book here against the great reset. The great reset is not strictly limited to matters financial, pecuniary, or macroeconomic. Social and cultural spheres are of equal importance. The reset's unholy relationship with the predatory big tech companies that currently aggregate the first amendment by acting as government censors without actually being commanded by an act of Congress or increasingly an arbitrary presidential mandate. All of these things, friends, it reaches its tentacles into every single aspect of life. And the reason for that, I believe, is because the root of the great reset is fundamentally a final, satanic-inspired attack on God and raising humankind to be the new God of history. That's what I believe it's really about, and there's so many other things to be discussed concerning it, the details, and that's what you're going to find in this book against the great reset. Eighteen theses that are contrary to the New World Order. Again, it's a $35 hard-bound book. Here's for $21. It's on our website, You can call us at 1-800-SAVE USA, 1-800-SAVE USA, or write to us at SAVE America Ministries, P.O. Box 70879, which has been Virginia 2-325-5, writing a check at $5 for postage and handling. Now, Michael, there's so much in this book, and it's written by guys like Victor Hansen, who, these are extremely intelligent folk, who have a vast array of references to history, to the writings of history, and so on, and kind of weave them all together in a way that speaks to the, shall we say, the educated person and also, if you're willing, speaks to anyone who has a will to see what is really happening in our world. That's my viewpoint as I've looked at it. I think that's correct. I'm glad you mentioned Victor Hansen is an old and dear friend of mine as well. This book's not easy. It's not a quickie. As you mentioned, it's 400 and some paces long, and I was very flattered as the person who conceived this book and then went to each one of these writers individually to ask him or her to be part of it, that they all agreed to do it. Were they instantly willing to agree? Yeah, pretty much. Only a couple people turned me down, but I think this is as strong a collection as I could make it. And it's important to understand that this notion of the intersection of faith and government is quite important to me as a writer. Some years back, I wrote a book called "The Devil's Pleasure Palace," which I highly recommend to your listeners. Sounds fantastic. By encounter books, that's the title of an opera that Franz Schubert wrote when he was a teenager and was never produced, but I've always loved that title, so I stole it. Well, confession's quite for the soul, Michael. Oh, yeah. No, plagiarism here. No, what they say is good writers borrow great writers steal, so I stole. But this is a book really about culture, the intersection of culture and religion. And in that in this book, which came out I think around 2015, I used the term "The Satanic Left," which, of course, threw them into absolute conipsions of horror. There are nasty little poison tales that started flying around in all directions, and asked me how dare I compare them to Satan? Well, how can you not, really, because they're obviously satanic and everything they do? And what I mean by satanic is not, you know, cloven hosts and a red guy who's on fire. I mean, I used two important texts as tools of analysis. One was Milton's poem "Paradise Lost," which is the sort of Protestant version of the Hebrew Bible, which comes out right around the same time, just after the King James version of the Bible. And Gertus Faust, in German I speak to Germany permitting yourself. Is there any place you haven't lived, Michael? Well, it wasn't -- you didn't live in Jericho, that's correct. No, I didn't live in Jericho. Satan is the original against guy. He hates God. He lost a fight with God. He lost the battle of St. Michael to go back to the Miltonian retelling of primordial history. So what is the concept of Satan to someone who wishes to destroy, rather than build? And this book came out and it was a huge hit in intellectual circles and in literary circles. I was very surprised by it. And I'm still giving royalty checks from it, which I'm very, very grateful. Well, I'm certain you're going to provide a copy of it to me, aren't you? No, they have. You know, the other thing -- the other thing writers never did give away their books because that's how we eat. So I wanted to point out that this notion of destruction is really important. And I want to say this because it listens right now. I was asked by many people -- it's part of the subtext of the Devil's Plush Appalysis, the Frankfurt School of Marxist Philosophers, whose terrible influence you now see all around you. They came with the mission of destroying America and they've done a very good job of it. I think that battle for America is over, as a matter of fact, but that's a whole another discussion. In any case, people said to me, "Okay, so if the left wants to destroy Western civilization, Christianity, Judea, Christianity, whatever the term you want, I use the word Greco-Roman Christianity." That's exactly the term I use continually. Yeah, because that's what it is. I said -- they said, "Well, then what do they want to replace it with?" I said, "Nothing." That's it. Nothing. Their point is destruction. Satan doesn't want to build a new world. He'd rather reign in hell than serve in heaven as no -- has him say, but he doesn't want anything constructive. So, when you're dealing with the leftists who are in ascendancy everywhere, Satan's winning despite God showing the peanut somewhere in heaven at the moment, and he's busy watching television. He's allowing the godless erigancy to ascend to its highest place before it reaches its penultimate destruction. No, I hope so. But, right, he's evident by his assets. Let's put it that way. He'd current political situation. And it's really important to remember that these people only want to wreck things. There's a famous movie called "Wall Street Direct" by Oliver Stone. And it's the innocent guy, played by Charlie Sheen. Charlie Sheen playing young innocent guys, pretty funny, but it's Charlie Sheen. And he says to Michael Douglas about a company who's a Wall Street arbitrage. He has a Douglas character. Why do you want to wreck this company? Douglas says, because it's wreckable, okay, because it's wreckable. Why do they want to wreck the United States? Because it's wreckable. And it's the highest goal to wreck the United States, because that is, as a president, I personally met and have a photograph to prove it. The book is "Autograph" on a Ronald Reagan said to me, said, famously, you know, the last best hope of mankind is the United States. Well, they've done a very good job of wrecking it. Joe Biden is curiously the one who is doing what Obama said he would do, but didn't. Right. But if we go back to the route of this, we have to go back to the book of Ezekiel and the book of Isaiah, Isaiah I think 14, Ezekiel, whatever, 28 or something, where Satan says, I will ascend to the heights of the North. I will be like the most high God. And so through his massive envy, did he not then choreograph a third of the angels of heaven to join him in his rebellion? And then he descends to the earth to do the same thing among the children of men. And now it's reaching its pinnacle of success, if you can call it that, the destruction and isn't that really what the great reset is about? Yes. A member in, again, using Milton as the text not to debate theological points, but just as a literary construct, God creates man as his special plaything. He loves us more than the angels. And Satan realized the way to hurt God is through man, because God loves man. So he's made the destruction of man his primary goal. And that's the, I write movies in Hollywood, among other things that I do. And that we would call the basic pitch of this story, this narrative. That you have an all-powerful God who permits for reasons that I'm sure you've debated many thousands of times, evil into the world. And Satan is the embodiment of that evil. And now this conflict between good and evil is what we all live through. I'm doing our very brief time here on earth. And the great reset is setting up in a very organized fashion, choreographing the wealthy of the world, and the atheistic leaders of the world, such as the prime minister of Canada, to shall we say, lord it over the rest of the world and take away all freedoms in order to supposedly create the ultimate peace and freedom of the world. It is the... That's what they say. Yes, but that's what they say. And so we'll talk about that when we get back. I want to quote something you have here in your book. Let me write that. Okay. Michael Walsh. Have you ever considered what the early church was like? Many people are developing a heart longing for a greater fulfillment in our practices as Christians. A recent study showed 53,000 people a week are leaving the back door of America's churches in frustration. What is going on? Why has there not been even a 1% gain among followers of Christ in the last 25 years? Could it be that God is seeking to restore first century Christianity for the 21st century? Jesus said, I'll build my church. Is Christ by His spirit stirring to prepare the church for the 21st century? The early church prayed together and broke bread from house to house. They were family and it was said by all who observed, behold, how they loved one another. Incredible. But the same can be found right now. Go to and click sell church. We can revive first century Christianity for the 21st century. It's about people, not programs. It's about a body, not a building. That's Click sell church. ♪♪ Again, friends, we're talking with Michael Walsh, the editor of the book Against the Great Reset, 18 different contributors to this book Against the New World Order, set out by Klaus Schwab and the Great Reset. It's a $35 hard-bound book yours for $21 on our website. You can call us at 1-800-Save USA. That's 1-800-Save USA. Or write to us at Save America Ministries, P.O. Box 70879, Richmond, Virginia 23255, writing a check at $5 for postage and handling. Now, I want to quote, again, from Michael's essay at the beginning of the book, directly from the World Economic Forum's Great Reset website. Here it is. The COVID-19 crisis and the political, economic, and social disruptions it has caused is fundamentally changing the traditional context for decision-making. Leaders find themselves at historic crossroads, managing short-term pressures against medium and long-term uncertainties. As we enter a unique window of opportunity to shape the recovery, this initiative will offer insights to help inform all those determining the future state of global relations, the direction of national economies, the priorities of societies, the nature of business models, and the management of a global common area. Drawing for the vision and vast expertise of the leaders, the Great Reset Initiative has set dimensions to build a new social contract that honors the dignity of every human being. Now, what they mean by the dignity of every human being is every human being because of God in his own right. That's what they really mean. So, if we're all gods, that brings peace on Earth because you can't fight or dispute with a God, right? Everybody is a God in their own right. But, our guest today says immediately following that, the viper tongue of totalitarianism is most often bathed in palliatives before it strikes. In other words, it makes it sound so good and honorable. Where is the viper tongue of totalitarianism here, Michael? Well, as a Satan in text, remember, I think the most important thing about Satan is no matter what particular version of Christianity, what Professor Sartre Judaism, for that matter, is that he uses your own best instinct against you. So, when he asked even the garden half God said, he didn't want to know what God has said, he was going to put a spin on it to allow Eve to second guess or superimpose her own judgment over what God has said. Maybe. I am kind of a scientist. But it's clear from Milton that the state is sexually attracted to Eve, go back and read those passages about what happens. But, as a reason, he's called the deceiver. Yes. But my point being is that he will use your best instinct against you. And the tree of knowledge is you shall be as God if you eat it. And you have to do the same thing. So, as metaphor, that's hard to beat. But I make the argument that this is what Christians call the phyllic cult, the fortunate fall, that without the fall, we wouldn't be fully human. We would have no free will, for example. And that by making that choice, Eve's not the villain of the story, but kind of the hero of the story. And that's what the great reset is all about. When Obama said, as you quote again, and I'm 74 years old, so I remember these things now, of being a great beard, when he says we're five days away from fundamentally transforming, I said, I know exactly what he means. Exactly what he means. Because I've been hearing this since I went to college in 1967. When Herbert Marcuse was dominant among American philosophers, and he was one of the Frankfurt School philosophers. Fundamental transformation means critical theory. Critical theory means that everything that we view as sacred or stable needs to be questioned, attacked, and destroyed. Everything. That's the Saul Alinsky approach, and he gave the methodology for a copy for you. Right, and I wrote a book called The Radical Conservatives, which rifts on the Alinsky rule for radical. So I've grown up with this, and I've known these guys since I was 17 years old, and so we felt that it was time to confront them directly, and I got as many intellectual good writers to believe me. I made them work. I must say Chuck, you'll get a kick out of this. I made everybody work very, very hard on their essay. Because as a young journalist, I came up and I was fortunate enough to get called out of the blue by time magazine of 31 years old to please come to New York and show in the staff, because you didn't ask time to join. They asked you, and I went and it was the best foundation for critical writing that I could possibly have had. And even someone as great as Conrad Black, that's me, the one we were finished, he said, Michael, I've never had to work so hard on a piece in my life. I can see that you made them work pretty hard. Well, I said, Conrad, I'll take that as a compliment. So what we've given the audience here against the great reset is it's homework. I mean, it's not light reading, it's not be treating, but it's really important to understand what they're planning for you. If you're an observant agnostic, if you're Jewish, it doesn't really matter. To the overall argument with the book is what they want to take away from you is your freedom. And that is the essential quality that God gives this this human being. Exactly. And so he did give freedom to Eve and Adam in the garden, and that's what made them human, and they use that freedom to the contrary to their own destruction. Well, but here we are under it. I think philosophically, I mean, the devil's flash of palaces, which is published by encounter books, by the way, is all about that. What would we be if we haven't fallen, and we are fallen, therefore, are we not more human? So, again, this is a long conversation. Well, the story is about to end from a biblical standpoint, and we don't know exactly how long that will be, but I do believe we are in the period of time referred to not just as the end times, because that began on the day of Pentecost. But we're in that period called the latter days of the end time approaching what is called the day of the Lord. Therefore, these things really matter. Well, I think they matter no matter what. I mean, remember Christianity has gone through this before this around the turn of the millennium. In fact, the early Christians believed Jesus was going to come back in their lifetime to restore the kingdom of Israel. They were thinking tomorrow will be just fine. Thank you very much. So, it didn't happen. So, I'd be willing to bet that it isn't going to happen in my lifetime, but you know what, I could be wrong. You might want to consider preparing, because that's why Christianity is called when persecution comes, preparing for perilous times. Yeah, I think that's important. I mean, remember that Christianity has been persecuted in the past. We think of it as being persecuted by Nero, but it really wasn't. Nero blamed the great fire of Rome on the Christians and it doused them in tar and set them on fire to use this lamp and the actual persecution came very, very late before Rome became Christianized. It was just prior to the consent of the Constantine that the real persecution took place. So, that's the persecution of those boys. So, that's right at the end of the 3rd century, the beginning of the 4th century. But it's all driven by envy, and I just trace that in my book when persecution comes. Everywhere, envy is the root. Goes all the way back to the Mount of God in the Heavens, where Satan encountered God and said, "I will be like the most high God." Well, that's it. I mean, that is the parable of the Garden of Eden. Satan is empty. Satan is empty. Satan is empty. He's jealous. And because he would rather reign in hell, he wants to see the world destroyed. You know, to use a current metaphor, it's the Joker in Batman. At one point, the Joker says or actually Alfred says to Batman, some men just want to watch the world burn. And that's what Satan says. And that's what he says to Batman. And that's what he says to Batman. And that's what he says to Batman. And that's what he says to Batman. And that's what he says to Batman. And that's what he says to Batman. And that's what he says to Batman. He publishes a PJ media. He's the writer. But I asked him to tackle the conflict between faith and science. And he did a wonderful job on it. Yeah. It was fascinating to read it. And, you know, I commend you on what you've done here. And that's why I wanted to make sure that we brought you on when this book first came across my desk. And this book is such a privilege to have you come on and all the way from Ireland, right? Sitting right on the west coast of Ireland, looking out over the errand islands all the way to Boston. So what's the future of Ireland? Well, we just had a big election of referendum rather that was defeated. It wanted to take the words women and family out of the way. Active homosexuals and hysterical women. And it's really changed the nature of the country. Having overthrown Catholicism, they've now gone completely to the other direction. And it's -- I've read a column at my website, which is the, the hype and Just yesterday saying happy namies day. So we put women back into the constitution, but these are bad, bad people. And we have to try to stop them whenever we can. And part of my duty is the writer in nonfiction. Fiction is different, but nonfiction, I've tried to mobilize people on our side, religious conservatives, agnostic of whatever conservatives. So quick plug for what we're doing here. And it's very recent. With the first book. And then coming out this fall is against the corporate media. So if you think you hate the media now, wait until you read this book in September. It's just gone up on Amazon. It's available for pre-order right now against the corporate media. It's 42 ways depressed. It's called CZ the moment, right? It is. Carpe diem. Carpe diem. Okay, friends again. The hardbound book against the great reset. Eighteen separate chapters against the new world order. And what's fascinating is it was in the year 2000, as I recall it was. No, 1992. When George Herbert Walker Bush, right after... He used that phrase. He used that phrase. Oh, that's what I was just ready to quote. In 1992. He stood before Congress and he says, you know, this is the opportunity to be seized. We've got to seize this moment. You know the world or... The American president had ever used it. He used it 200 times during his administration. Friends, this is what we're facing. And remember, our relationship with the Lord is right at the heart of it. Get ready. People get ready. As I say, Jesus is coming soon. We'll be coming home. Michael Walsh, our special privilege to have you join us here on the program today. Get a copy of his book against the Congress. You know we don't do advertising on this program. There's a reason for that. We rely exclusively on your donations as an honor. Inspires you. Take the opportunity. Do it today. The other guys won't do it. God bless you. You've been listening to Viewpoint with Chuck Chris Meyer. Viewpoint is supported by the faithful gifts of our listeners. Let me urge you to become a partner with Chuck as a voice to the next time on Viewpoint. As we confront the issues of America's heart and hope. [Music] You You