Jesse Kelly Show

Biden Hearings...Left Wing Language

Broadcast on:
13 Mar 2024
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With Lucky Land Slots, you can get Lucky just about anywhere. Daily Beloved, we're gathered here today. Has anyone seen the bride and groom? Sorry, sorry, we're here. We were getting Lucky in the limo when we lost track of time. No, Lucky Land Casino, with cash prizes that add up quicker than a guest registry. In that case, I pronounce you Lucky. For free at, daily bonuses are waiting. No purchase necessary, Boyd, we're prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply. See website for details. This is a podcast from WOR. It is the Jesse Kelly Show. Let's have some fun, New York, on a Tuesday. Thank you all of it. One, because I missed last night, we are going to do Medal of Honor Tuesday tonight, about an hour from now. That's coming. DOJ silencing immigration judges, firefighters being hunted down for being pro-Trump. A massive tax increase proposed. We'll discuss that. Eligals, apparently a bunch of Haitians are on a boat on the way to America as we speak. We're losing farms compromised by communist China, and I'm missing a good food truck. All that and so much more is coming up tonight on the world famous Jesse Kelly Show. Now, let's begin here with this. The Robert Herr Testimony from today. Maybe you're just now getting in the car for the first time. Maybe you've been out of the loop. Let's just get you caught up in about 30 seconds. Robert Herr. Who is Robert Herr? He was the special counsel who was appointed to investigate Joe Biden, and Joe Biden more specifically Joe Biden's illegal. How do we want to how do we want to say this acquisition of classified documents distribution of classified documents? Okay. Here's what it was. Joe Biden, as vice president, didn't have the authority to declassify anything. As senator didn't have the authority to declassify anything, then most definitely did not have permission to have classified materials in his personal possession. Now, I'm not naive as we've discussed many times. That's what all these guys do. All of them, presidents, vice presidents, Republican and Democrat. They enjoy having access to power. You want to show off to friends, bring home some keepsakes. So every single one of them take, takes boxes of stuff on the way out the door. They shouldn't have. Okay. So let's just get there, however, the elites, the system, I guess I should say they really don't get it. And I'm not surprised by this because powerful people, powerful corrupt people very rarely do get it, but it's wild watching it play out here and here. Allow me to explain and I'll, I'll bring all this back to the her testimony today, a play couple sound clips and then we'll move on to other things. When you read and study any kind of history about any nation that rose and then it hit some hard times and eventually fell. One of the things that is so consistent with nations that rise, especially big powerful ones and then fall is this, the leaders of the society, not just the politicians, the business leaders, the society's elite, just use that word. That's a common word, elites, the elites of that society, they will eventually get to a place where they don't feel any sense of duty to the society, to the nation itself. There it's just all about them. And you see this, look, you're probably thinking about Rome, whenever you bring up a big powerful country that fell, that's one of the ones that always comes up. But you should know, this goes way beyond Rome, it's very, very common. Society gets majorly wealthy and powerful and the men who originally led that society were all patriots. They felt like they had a duty to their country, but the society gets to a point where the elites, they don't have that love of country anymore. The country, the country is just something to be abused, to be, to be looted at your leisure. You don't have any, any sense of nation. And once that happens, there will be a slow, steady increase in the distrust the people have for the government, for the elites in the society. The people will sense that they're being abused and they will dislike it and it'll create this chasm between the elites and the people. And here is this critical moment in every single society, every single one, everyone that I can think of, I've never found a different example of this. There's this critical moment where that chasm begins between the people and the elites. And at that moment, that society can absolutely still be saved. The bones are good, everything's together. But in order to save that society, that chasm has to be shrunk and eliminated. The elites, that the leaders of the society must come back together with the people of the society. The problem is it never happens that I can ever see because instead of doing what they should do, they do the opposite. And when I say they, I'm talking about the elites. When that chasm gets created, they have an opportunity there to earn back the people's trust by holding themselves, not only accountable, but publicly accountable. That is what the people need to see. There is a human need. It's part of how God made us for justice. We have a desire for it. It is built into you. We need to see justice and justice for them, not just for us, for them. And at this moment, in any society, the society can be saved if the elites would simply do that, but they never do it. Instead, at that critical moment where there should be extra justice for them, maybe even over the top justice for them, they do the exact opposite because they've reached a point or a level of power to where they don't actually have to hold themselves accountable. So they simply don't. And instead they do the exact opposite. They not only don't hold themselves accountable, they will rub their unaccountability in the face of the people, which only makes the chasm grow and eventually crumbles the society. Just understand it's good that you don't trust your institutions. You shouldn't. They're not trustworthy. At the same time, it means we will not have a country forever because you cannot have a country where the people don't trust their institutions. The country can't go on without them. There will be an end to the country unless that trust is restored. The trust can only be restored by accountability. The accountability never seems to come for these elites and these nations because they simply exempt themselves from it and then rub it in people's faces. Joe Biden committed crimes. Very obvious crimes. What did that ghostwriter do with the information Joe Biden shared with him on his laptop? What did he do after you were named special counsel? Chairman, if you're referring to the audio recordings that Mr. Zwanitz are created of his conversations with him, he slid, if I remember correctly, and he slid those files into his recycled bin on his computer. He tried to destroy the evidence, didn't he? Correct. The special counsel assigned to investigate the president of the United States of America just outlined not only the crimes. I mean, look, these are all crimes for this year. Mr. Her classified doctor. Hold on one moment. Before I play this, I do need to remind you that if you were a private in the United States Marine Corps and you've had one page of any of these things in your possession, you would undoubtedly be dishonorably discharged and you would sit in Fort Leavenworth for a number of years. Mr. Her classified documents were found at the Penn Biden Center. That's correct. They were found in President Biden's garage. In Wilmington, Delaware, yes. And in his basement, Dan? Also in the same home, yes. In his main floor office? Correct. And his third floor, Dan? Correct. At the University of Delaware? Correct. And at the Biden Institute. Correct. Joe Biden illegally had classified documents everywhere. Everyone knows it. When a special counsel was assigned to investigate him, he destroyed the evidence like some kind of a mob boss shooting a witness and dumping him in a ditch somewhere. And yet the special counsel has announced the entire country that there will once again be no charges brought for one of the important people in this nation. Look, it's just one testimony. It's just, you know, it's just one day. The ghost writer didn't delete the recordings just as a matter of happenstance. Ghost writer has recordings of Biden making admissions of crimes. He then learns that you've been appointed. He then deletes the information that is the evidence and you don't charge him. That is reflected in the report and one of the reasons. Like what does somebody have to do to get charged with obstruction of justice by you? If life like deleting the evidence of crimes doesn't count, what would meet the standard? So Congressman, as we state in the relevant chapter of the report, one of the things that Mr. Swanitzer did not delete was transcripts of the recordings that he had created that included inculpatory evidence relating to Mr. Biden. So if you if you destroy some evidence, but not other evidence, look, it's just one day. That's just one congressional hearing, but it's yet another chip away at the foundations of this country as the American people woke up and once again found out that there are rules for me and not for the and that's a bad place to be. And that all rhymed and that was awesome. Don't worry. We have so much more. Let's talk a little bit about the changing of a culture, the controlling of language and so much of all we have such a great show tonight, before we get into that, listen, it's time to make some preparations. You know and I know it's time to make financial preparations, ammo preparations, water preparations, food preparations, but first let's deal with the basics. You will need no matter what comes. You will need the ability to purchase goods and or services somewhere. That never goes away. So how do you do that when they're destroying the dollar? You saw the inflation numbers today. I don't have to beat you over the face with them. What do you do with that? Well, you buy things that hold value no matter what. You know, it's at an all time high gold who's been telling you for two years to call Oxford gold group and get some gold or silver in your hands. If you listen last time, you're sitting pretty, but don't wait another year. Get some precious metals in your hands and protect yourself and get it in your IRA and 401(k) as well to protect your retirement. Oxford handles all this for you and they make it simple. Just call 833-995 gold and let them handle it. All right. 833-995 gold. We'll be back. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Tuesday. Remember you can email the show Jesse at love, hate, death threats. Ask Dr. Jesse questions for this Friday. President spoke today and I think he made things pretty clear as you just heard Rose. Many of them heard her say, man, many Americans pay for fishing jugs. More money than anywhere in the country. How much clear? How much clear? Can he make it? All right. Quick. All right. So there's a couple of different headlines that they're going to look. They're going to sound totally different. Just stay with me on this because I find this to be really, really fascinating. DOJ silences immigration judges with Draconian gag order amid migrant crisis and growing case black backlog. Essentially, the Department of Justice is telling judges to shut up. Long talk, be quiet about all this illegal immigration stuff. Okay. Set that aside. And then let's go to this one. FDNY, that's fire department New York, of course, boss hunts down staffers who booed New York attorney general, LaTisha James, and cheered for Trump at a promotion ceremony. Hmm. That is interesting, isn't it? This is what you missed. This was the chanting. LaTisha James shows a bunch of New York firefighters there. So not just one or two guys chanting Trump's name in front of the Tisha James. And now the big cheese, the commissioner, Laura Kavanaugh is her name. She's some DEI higher piece of trash. Anyway, she's quote, humping down the guys who were booing. Oh, there's a direct quote in case you're, in case you were thinking, maybe it's just not that gangsterish quote. I recommend they come forward. I've been told by the commissioner, it will be better for them if they come forward and we don't have to hunt them down and we don't have to hunt them down and the DOJ silencing immigration judges. I we've talked about this before in different ways, but then I told you about going to the Gestapo Museum when I was in Germany. Remember that story? I told you about that. I'm not going to go over the whole thing again. That's not the point of where we're going, but honestly, the Holocaust portion of it, it walks you chronologically, chronologically through the Nazi takeover of Germany and the Holocaust portion of it, the back end portion of it, it's, of course, awful and terrible and sad, but it was not the part I found most fascinating because it was the part I knew about, right? You understand the basics of that, that horror and everything that came from it. I found the very, very beginning, the pre blood and guts era. I found it to be way more fascinating and here's the reason why all this is backed up in the museum with all these newspaper clippings and audio clips and there are vid, there's video there in pictures backing up all these things. And it was just crazy to see it laid out, to see everything laid out so clearly how Naziism slowly but surely became the only thing that was acceptable to speak about in a society. That's how it happened. They were committed, they were aggressive and what they did was they slowly but surely eliminated anybody who would speak out against them and they would criminalize speech that was against them and they would intimidate people who are against them and what did that intimidation look like? Well, it wasn't just thing. It was just one thing. Part of an intimidation tactic might be, hey, this business here, I remember, in fact, I remember the picture, this business is run by Jews. This was before the Nazis had taken over everything and they would just drag them out and kill them. But this business was taken over by Jews. We wanted no one to shop here, we want the Jews to leave. So they just simply put someone out in front of the shop, a Nazi in front of the shop to yell at any customer who went in and shame them for going in, aren't you ashamed? That belongs to a Jew. What are you doing? So that was one way. But there were many, many, many other ways. They made sure they slowly but surely got their people into the legal system. So if you found yourself at your job, maybe you're a mechanic in their turn in the wrenches, maybe you hear a broadcast on the radio and you turn to your buddy Alfred or whatever his German name would be and you say, hey, I'm not so sure about these Nazis. This Hitler guy, eh, not 100% sure about him. Well, they don't have to shoot you. They didn't have to shoot you early on. It simply made sure your boss called you in and say, hey, hey, Bob, I heard you were talking bad about the Nazis in Hitler today, Bob, clean out your stuff and don't ever come back here again. You're out of a job. We got a visit today from the Nazi party. They didn't appreciate what you were saying. Go away and never come back. Do you think anyone else who works there would ever speak out against Hitler or Nazism again? No, they just watched what happened to Bob. It's wild watching this culture slowly but surely turn any opposite thought into a criminal act and something people should be ashamed of. It's wild watching you and me get turned into the counterculture when we have been the culture all along. And I have one more example of this that I actually experienced this weekend. I forgot to tell you about it. I'll tell you about that in a moment before we get to that, let's do this really quickly. Your dog needs nutrition the same way you need nutrition, right? I mean, you need nutrition part of being a living thing. Your body needs antioxidants, omega oils, probiotics, vitamins, minerals. This is how your body is made. When your dog is made the same way and your dog is not getting that nutrition in his food because his food is dead. All dog food is dead food. That's why it's brown. You don't have to change your dog's food or throw away his food, pour rough greens on it. Then your dog will get the calories and all the nutrition, rough greens is an all natural nutritional supplement. You will see physical differences in your dog. My dog doesn't even get digestive problems anymore. Your dog will live longer. Watch your dog come alive when you start giving them live food. gets you a free jumpstart trial bag. or call 833-33-my-dog. We'll be back. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Tuesday. We're talking about how wild it is to watch only left-wing thought, only left-wing language be permitted now and watching it, watching it turn into a society, watching our society, turn into a society of intimidation where the good people feel like they have to be afraid. They can't speak out, hunted down, jobs in danger, even the DOJ's telling judges, "Hey, don't speak about these illegals, fire department boss in New York. Who was it that boo LaTisha James out yourself now? We don't want to have to hunt you down over and over and over again." I took the kids to a movie this weekend. It was dreadful. I don't have anything nice to say about it. We left an hour into it, so I'm not going to go into the details of it, but I took the kids to a movie this weekend and you know how in the movies they have a bunch of commercials now, essentially TV commercials before the previews started the movies. So we're sitting there all four of us and we're going to pop porn doing our thing. There were three commercials in a row. Honestly, it didn't even aggravate me. It made me sad. The first one was of course a climate change commercial. Of course it was for cars. It was about cars, buying this new car, but it was all about saving the planet and climate change this and climate change that I forget who the brand was, might have been Kia or someone like that. And boom, next commercial was an advertisement for one of these places that rents out apartments to people and houses to people and it was the whole gist of the commercial was this lovely lesbian couple just trying to find a place to stay and then boom, the next commercial after that was a sports commercial for some kind of sports gear and it was all about girls and now girls have never been respected and girls are so oppressed and I was just sitting here watching how it's only left wing thought, only left wing language that has simply been written into every single part of our culture and it blew me away. It blew me away. Now that's the bad news. The good news is as I've warned about many times, I don't know what warning about me. I think we're probably all cheering about it. The next generation boy, they are not having any of it. My boys were loudly disapproving of the things they saw on the screen and my boys were not the only ones in that movie theater scoffing and mocking this kind of thought. Look, you saw this story, it's a local news story, but still, I'm telling you right now, you think I'm bad, wait till this next generation comes on. Wherever 17-year-old Cameron Blaze it goes, so does old glory. The flag itself represents this country, this beautiful country that we live in. He fastened the flag to his truck this summer. It's very strongly secured in there. I mean, you can't pull that out if you tried. It abides by the US flag code. I got pulled aside by my counselor and vice principal and they told me, hey, you got a permit, but flag off the back of your truck and I kind of looked at them. I said, no, I said, it's not going to happen. I said, I can't. Cameron held the line. Read through Essentials 20-20-2024 handbook and the word flag wasn't even mentioned in the parking lot or driving section, the only section it's mentioned in is the flag twirling section. The next day at school, others showed up with flags of their own. There was a huge support group there that believed and stood for the same thing that I did and I was kind of shocked by that. That's when the principal sent a letter to parents Friday to, quote, "address recent concerns and confusions," writing, "I am pleased to inform you that we are allowing the display of the US flag by students in the parking lot." Tonya, the kids are going to be all right. All right. All right. Now, that's enough of that stuff. We're going to get to some emails and things, but we have to do something a lot more important than that. We've been dealing with America and culture. We got Medal of Honor Monday coming up and all that stuff's really, really important, but this email reminded me of something that, honestly, it's probably the most important thing we do. Anyway, this guy said, "crime wave hocal is the subject matter," obviously New York Governor Kathy Hochl, "arm police officers are attacked in Times Square and now I just heard the National Guard and the subway has banned from carrying rifles and it reminded me about the main mission we have on this show. Know what it is. Priority number one on this show is me being able to brag when I've been accurately predicting things that will happen. The whole point of this is so I can be right and I can rub it in everyone else's face. Do you remember, "Hey Chris, what was this last week I think? Last week when I was ranting and raving about the National Guard being sent into the subway and I said this and if you ask these poor guys, men and women in the National Guard, to go in and secure the New York subway, you and I both know the rules of engagement they're going to be under. If they even have full magazines, if they even have magazines with live rounds in them, I'll be shocked. Chris write that one down. I'll be shocked if they have magazines with actual rounds of ammo in it. It'll be a bunch of show, they won't have the authority to do anything and you're just going to get them hurt. Yet another political gimmick because Democrats are all communists and because they want to pretend like they care about crime, but really they don't care about crime. Headline, Kathy Hochle Bann's National Guard from carrying long rifles in the New York subway. I told you, "Chris, don't you want to know how I do it? Chris, why are you shaking your head? Aren't you fascinated at how the Oracle's mind works?" You're not? No, I can tell. He says he's not, but I can tell he really is. So let me tell you anyway, Chris. Let me explain something. You want to know why I get so many things right when I predict them and you, Chris, get everything wrong? Well, here's why. I understand that communists are evil demons. I understand that everything they do, especially if they're pretending to do something good, it's actually extra, extra evil and they're never trying to solve the problem. And when you accept that you're liberal and Peggy is not liberal and Peggy, that she's actually a worthless piece of communist trash, no different than Joseph Stalin and when you accept that she's just as evil as Stalin is, then you will be able to accurately predict what comes next too. As long as you hold on to this childish notion that she's just a little naive, then you will continue to get things wrong. That's why I get things right because these people were really evil. They legitimately are all joking aside. They are evil. They are. They want murder. They want rape. They want all this carnage. These stories that move you, that move me, they don't move them at all. There's nothing inside of these people you would recognize as human beings. You're just bad, all right. And look, speaking of bad, I don't know. I'm not getting sidetracked, but I did want to address this because this is going to be a big story this week. It'll be a huge story tomorrow when the votes are coming down. There's a bill out there right now to ban TikTok. Now I don't have TikTok, but what TikTok is, it's one of these social media apps where people share videos, short little videos of themselves. It's also Chinese spyware. There's no question it is. It's banned in my home. No one's allowed to have it. I don't have it. Although I have good, well, we'll get details of that in a minute, but I don't have it. It's banned in my home. Okay. So TikTok is bad. It pushes poison on our society and encourages all this child, tranny stuff. Many people believe myself included. China does that on purpose to destroy our children. It's okay. So it's bad, bad, bad. You hear me? TikTok is bad. That said, remember, you cannot get good fruit from a bad tree. You cannot get good fruit from a bad tree. The United States Congress is evil and corrupt. It's not bad. Right? They're not misguided. They're not stupid. Although they are that it is evil and it is corrupt. It is not humanly possible for the United States Congress to pass a good bill. I don't know what could happen to have them actually pass a good one, but it's not possible for this Congress to pass a good bill. I don't care what anyone says. I don't care what the headlines say. Remember to always read past the headline of a bill to they're all going to sell it to you. The Democrats alike is a band TikTok bill. I promise you, cross my heart and hope to die. It's a bad bill because this Congress isn't capable of anything else. Believe me. It's a mistake and it'll be bad and it'll probably pass tomorrow. Anyway, speaking of Congress, we're about 35 train and debt. So we need to make plans. Joe Biden just then just unveiled a budget, $7.3 trillion budget. It's just, there's nobody who's going to stop the spending. No one wants to stop the party. It's just going to be print and tax and spend and print and tax and spend until we're all flat broke and busted. So what do we do? Should we just quit? Should we just sit it out? I'm done. We're finished. Or should we make preparations? Just make preparations. Don't sit and stare at your 401k or IRA and sit and dream about the day or I should say dread the day where it blows up on you. You don't have to do that. Get some precious metals as part of your retirement account. What it does is it raises the floor. So no matter what happens, you're not going to be wiped out. You're not going to lose everything you've worked so hard for. So how do you do that? What do you do? Just get a hold of Oxford and let them do it for you. We'll handle everything. Okay? 833 995 gold, 833 995 gold or, we'll be back. It is the Jesse Cali show on a Tuesday, about 10 minutes away from a Medal of Honor Monday. That's always a good time, but you know, we just did something that's extremely immature where I was playing myself saying something and then I turned out to be right and then I rubbed it in everyone's face that I was right about something and I was just generally obnoxious as I kind of tend to be. And so I've decided that I'm not going to do that again until right now because I was right about something else too. You remember just just for maybe you new listeners and we have all these emails from people, hey, I'm a new listener so they get, they need caught up on certain things we've talked about, but Ken Buck is a congressman from Colorado, all right? You probably have never heard of him, but he's a dork. Don't worry about it. And Christopher Ray came to sit in front of Congress. Now I don't need to lay out all the various crimes the FBI has committed over the years, especially recent years. It's now a secret state police agency only used to attack Republicans and protect Democrats. You know all this, the arrest of pro-lifers, the arrest of January sixers, SWAT team style raids. They straight up executed that fat old man in Utah, it's really, it's a criminal organization by now. You know that. And Congress's job is to oversee the FBI, interrogate the FBI. And then Ken Buck gets a chance to talk to Christopher Ray. And maybe if he was an FBI fan, maybe he would just had nothing much to say. That would have been one way to approach it. But he didn't approach it that way. When Christopher Ray sat in front of him, Christopher Ray was there to answer some very tough questions and had to answer some very tough questions that day, but not from Ken Buck. I want to thank you for leading an agency, as you mentioned in your opening statement, that protects Americans from foreign terrorists, that an agency that protects America's from fries from China and Russia and cyber crime and public corruption and organized crime and drug cartels and human traffickers and white collar criminals. And I want to thank you and the FBI for protecting law-abiding Americans from the evil that exists all around us. And frankly, I am not in favor of defunding the FBI, nor am I in favor of splitting up the FBI, nor am I in favor of using the home and rule for the FBI director. That's bizarre, right? Even if you're Mr. FBI in a hearing like that, you're a Republican, you have the opportunity to question Christopher Ray, it was too much, wasn't it? You know what it was? It was that couple you know, and everyone knows they're having problems. But they get together, it's couples night, couples date night. And just for the first five minutes, all she can talk about is how great they're doing and how much she loves him and it almost gets a little uncomfortable after a while because it feels forced, didn't that feel a little forced? And you remember what I said, without evidence, I admit, I have none. After hearing that, I believe Ken Buck is compromised. It's a very common thing that's been done throughout all of history. It's happened many times in America and other places, compromised in what way? I have no idea. The level lay that accusation out there, I don't know. But he spoke like a man who was intimidated. He spoke like a man who was frankly afraid of Christopher Ray, for some reason. It was bizarre. And then they started all this impeachment stuff and Ken Buck again, out there, bizarrely running cover for that. You can try to put lipstick on this pig. It's still a pig and this is a terrible impeachment. It sets a terrible precedent. The first impeachment of Donald Trump was a bad impeachment and we've got to stop this in this body or we are going to lose our credibility with him further lose our credibility with the American public. Almost bizarre how much he's simply turned into a system serving apparat check all of a sudden. And then this came down today about two hours before the show aired. He did write in part it has been an honor to serve the people of Colorado's Fort District. He said today I am announcing that I will depart Congress at the end of next week. I look forward to staying involved in our political process as well as spending more time in Colorado with my family. He had broken with his party as you mentioned on key votes, including the impeachment of Alejandro Mayorkas, causing that vote initially to fail. He said before that he will be retiring, but this is news that he is leaving at the end of next week. Ben Buck was going to retire already and he just announced that he's retiring now. And if you're looking around staring at your walk saying, Hey, what? It's March 12th of an election year. He already denounced. He wasn't running again. Why would you retire now? Why indeed would you retire now? It almost, look, I don't necessarily don't want to be a conspiracy theorist, but it almost seems like he wanted or could possibly want to give Democrats one last win by further reducing the already very slim Republican majority in the Congress by yet another vote. So as one last up yours to the American right, Ken Buck decides to ride off into the sunset when he wasn't even running for reelection and to cap off Jesse's suspicions. And I totally admit I don't have any evidence. These are just suspicions to cap it off though. Ken Buck said in his statement as he was leaving the ultimate statement you make when you leave for reasons that are not that great. He's going to what he's going to spend time with his family. I'm going to retire and spend more time with my family. Hmm. What do they have on Ken Buck? Ken Buck didn't have that bad of a voting record and then all of a sudden almost almost for no reason it seems like Ken Buck in the final six months of his time in Congress decided to do a 180 and bend over backwards for the communists every single chance he got. I wonder why that is. I wonder why Christopher Ray sat in front of Ken Buck and instead of interrogating him, Ken Buck practically tried to take off his trousers. I wonder why that is. And now he reduced our majority. What a piece of trash. This has been a podcast from WOR. Lucky Land Casino asking people what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky. Lucky in line at the deli, I guess? I'm in my dentist's office. More than once actually. Do I have to say? Yes you do. In the car before my kids' PTA meeting. Really? Yes. Excuse me. What's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? I never win and tell. Well, there you have it. You can get lucky anywhere playing at Play for free right now. Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary. Boy, boy, boy, boy, boy, boy, boy. By law, 18 plus terms and conditions apply.