Jesse Kelly Show

Jesse says the climate change movement is a means to global genocide...Illegal Immigration

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13 Mar 2024
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Lucky Land Casino asking people what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky lucky in line at the deli I guess I'm in my dentist's office more than once actually do I have to say yes you do in the car before my kids PTA meeting really yes Excuse me. What's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? I never win and tell well there you have it You can get lucky anywhere playing at lucky land slots calm play for free right now. Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary for everybody by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply What's everything else this is a podcast from WOR Jesse Kelly show final hour of the Jesse Kelly show on a Tuesday don't forget if you want to email the show love hate death threats asked dr. Jesse questions for Friday Email the show Jesse at Jesse Kelly show calm. We'll talk about illegals and lost farms We'll get the emails all kinds of things this hour Just want to finish up the stocks. I brought it up at the end of last hour US companies are willing To sell your personal data already selling our personal data to the government I I'm a little floored at how common it's become in this country For companies to align themselves willingly with the government. I shouldn't be floored That's that's the whole history of the world especially once government gets big and powerful and corrupt the powerful companies Want to align themselves with it, right? You want to be on the side of the law of the people with all the power means more money means more everything But man alive That makes it difficult for you me the consumer doesn't it if we have a government that hates us Incorporations that helped them hate us. That's probably not ideal speaking of the government aiding us We we talk about the climate change movement as The most genocidal movement in the history of mankind and it is it really genuinely is there's no Movement that has ever come close to killing as many people as the climate change movement does and there's a very specific reason Why it's not because they're naturally more violent or anything like that. There's very specific reason why when you look at Any genocide that's happened throughout history One of the main reasons the genocide happened was a very specific group of people were labeled as being the problem and therefore the problem will go away if we just kill this specific group of people The Armenian genocide hey, these people need to die according to Turkey. They're they're saboteurs. They went filtrators Let's kill them all Obviously the most famous genocide in history is the Holocaust of the Jews during World War two It wasn't a Holocaust of everybody It was hey, there's the Jews. There's the Jews. They're the problem the problem. It's the Jews It was a genocide of the Jews. That's a good point Chris Rwanda's another one It was a very specific group of people. Hey, these people don't like these people. They're the problem kill them genocides have traditionally identified one group of people and Decided that that the problem goes away Once that group of people goes away The climate change movement is the most genocidal movement in the history of mankind Because it's for all people You see it's not the Rwandans or the Armenian Christians or the Jews or the this that that are the problem It's everybody Everyone needs to die or at least a majority of the planet They're on record as saying 90% of the planet needs to die in order to of course save mother earth It is it is at its essence the most Anti-human religion in the history of man Because it flat out states man is the problem man is the poison Man is what's destroying the planet and man has to go away to save us all They've taken very specific steps already to commit this genocide and the problem is Things like this happen So slow at first so we don't realize when they're actually being successful It's not as if the genocide is going to come. It's already underway over a hundred and forty thousand farms lost in America in just five years in Five years we have lost a hundred and forty thousand farms We're not that's not even international data. That's courtesy of zero hedge the international data is even more frightening The anti-humans in the climate change realm Have declared war on the food supply, which that would make sense, right? What's that? What's that saying? We love so much? Amateurs study tactics professionals study logistics You and your fancy army and all your super soldiers you got all your super studs over there with your fancy guns and fancy equipment and You have the superior position on the battlefield. You're dung it. You're dug in on the high ground. Oh, no, I'm in trouble Except I'm not because you have the fancy guns and gadgets and troops But I just captured your supply lines and all those fancy guns and troops and everything They're all going to slowly starve to death Supplies are everything logistics are everything if you're a genocidal monster who wants to kill about seven billion people Well, you don't have to go shoot them all in the back of the head you certainly will but you don't have to You just have to find a way to take away their food And because we have so much we have so much here in America. We just live in this land of plenty It can be very difficult to see that that's what they're doing Nevertheless, that's what they're doing Sad it's it's sad that we've allowed this insanity to weave itself into every part of our society now It's everywhere you can't go anywhere without hearing about this climate change idiocy. All right. Let's move on headline Democrats vote unanimously To include illegal immigrants in the sex in the sexes in the census. That's much different than the sexes isn't it done? Anyway, why do Democrats want to include illegal immigrants in the census? That doesn't make any sense unless of course you just listen to them talk Brooklyn, New York We have a diaspora that that can absorb a significant number of these migrants and I that you know when I hear colleagues talk about the the doors of the envy and clothes No room in the end. I'm saying, you know I need more people in my district but just for redistricting purposes and those members could could clearly fit here oh Migrants migrants migrants. She loves they do love that word right the right is come to fall in love with it as well Anyway, she was being very honest about it. This is all about power It's about destroying America, and it's about power for these people now speaking of illegals I Did get a kick out of it. I wasn't here yesterday So I didn't get a chance to give him a bunch of crap For coming out and apologizing for using the word illegal We'll get to that in a little bit that was Joe Biden before I get to that though I did want to play this back and forth today speaking of the climate day climate change doomsdayers Thomas Thomas Massey the great Thomas Massey gotten a little a little tiff with this representative Jaya Paul This is not ball dirty commie. Here's how it went. We accept illegal immigrants because their climate is changing Mr. Massey if you understood the immigration system You would know that there are different categories for people to be able to come to the United States to apply There is an asylum category. There's a refugee category. There is a category for employment There is a category for being with family and there are a number of reasons that dry which is the You which one is the category that allows them to break into our country illegally Because the climate has changed where they live Mr. Massey, I don't think that people are breaking into the country illegally and I just want to say I think just this pause I'm gonna let her keep going. I want to focus on that last part though really quickly. I Don't think that people are breaking into the country illegally This is something that we have to understand about the liberal amp peggies in our lives They really Genuinely do not believe in the concept of any border at all They have been raised with such disdain for the United States of America They believe this country is so exploitive and so evil That they really Genuinely believe Anyone who wants to come here in pillage this place should be allowed to do so She was being very honest. I'll rewind it and play it again. She was being extremely honest when she said this part here It is we accept illegal immigrants because their climate is changing mr. Massey if you Allegally because the climate has changed where they live Mr.. Massey, I don't think that people are breaking into the country illegally and I Don't think that people are breaking into the country illegally now. You're freaking out You're looking at eight million in the first three years and you're saying what's she talking about? The veer the very idea that there is any immigration law any Deportations any border security is insane to her That's how sick and twisted these people ours and that nuts all right So we're gonna all let her finish and then we'll give Joe Biden some crap for apologizing And we'll talk about the reasons behind that and other things. Dang on Feeling a little starchy Is the Jesse Kelly show on a Tuesday? Remember if you missed any part of the show you can download the whole thing on I Googles fotify iTunes don't forget on iTunes to dial to leave a five-star rating in a review Talking about how handsome I am here. Here's the rest of Representative Jayapal and Massey arguing with each other all I accidentally stopped it So we're starting to from the beginning except illegal immigrants because their climate is changing Massey if you understood the immigration system You would know that there are different categories for people to be able to come to the United States to apply There is an asylum category. There's a refugee category. There is a category for employment There is a category being with family and there are a number of reasons that dry which is the But you which one is the category that allows them to break into our country illegally Because the climate has changed where they live Mr. Massey, I don't think that people are breaking into the country illegally and I just want to say I think looking around the room that I might be the only person who has actually gone through the legal immigration system and when people differentiate between legal immigration and illegal immigration The undertone from your side is that somehow people who are coming illegally are Trying to break into the country that are trying to do something wrong when in fact it took me 17 years The undertone, I don't think I like your undertone. You're trying to say that people coming here illegally are doing something wrong Remember just last segment when I said the very concept of a border is crazy to these people That's how twisted up and and not ball. They are it is though. It's constant. All right So I have to get to this really quickly. I didn't get a chance to make fun of him yesterday And I can't let this go obviously Joe Biden during his state of the union address use the word illegal He's thought he started speaking off the cuff cuz Marjorie Taylor Greene was yelling at him about Lake and Riley And when he went off the teleprompter his brain didn't work properly and he said the word illegal Ever since then he's been on the apology tour. I mean I shouldn't you I regret using that word during your response to her heckling of you You use the word illegal when talking about the man who allegedly killed Riley undocumented person And I shouldn't have usually as undocumented and look when I spoke about the difference between Trump and me one of the things I talked about on the border was that is the way he talks about vermin the way he talks about. Yeah, yeah Well, why did he go on the air and it was 48 hours later He had already scheduled a sit-down interview. Let me bow I'm sorry. Let me apologize. Let me why do that? Well, he had to do that because of the swift response from the system when he used a word That was an honest word. It was a true word illegal immediately the system Free present is walking back a controversial term he used during his state of the union remarks Biden used the word quote illegal He used the term illegal. He used the word illegal. He used the word illegal He used the word illegals to describe people. He did use a word that did bother people Immigration advocates don't want to hear him use the word illegal Do you regret using the word illegal to describe immigrants last night, sir? I kind of jumped as well when I heard that word. We normally don't use that word. I should note This goes on for another minute I'm gonna let it play. It's way too long. I normally don't let sound bites play that long I'm gonna let it play Just so we can all myself included really take in Just how outraged the system was that Joe Biden said the truth once because people are not illegal to be clear no human being is illegal congressman Chewie Garcia saying he was Extremely disappointed to hear the president use that word illegal walking Castro has said like that's using that word and illegal Humanizing is problematic. What did you make? Well, that's probably true. He probably should have used a different word like Joe Biden's ad lives in the past This one kind of got him in some trouble particularly with democrats who don't use the word illegal I'll stop it there. Why don't they use the word illegal? What? Why did Joe Biden go on TV and practically grovel because he used the word illegal? Well, I just want to once again remind everybody That all communism is based on hurting people and lying to people When you have an anti-human religion of death that is a difficult sell to the masses Therefore you only have two routes. You can go You can hurt the people who are in your way and You have to lie at all times. Let me let me explain it to you this way. It's the best way I can explain it let's say I go home tonight and my wife has dinner ready and Maybe she's had a really bad day So she's in a bad mood and I'm feeling bad for her and I sit down and let's say she screwed up dinner And she's a great cook to be honest with you, but let's say this is a night Maybe something was off and it's just bad. It's gross When she asks me how dinner is I'm going to choose my words Carefully, aren't I oh? Babe, I can't tell you how much I appreciate you doing it and it tastes like you did something different tonight and I'll tell ya It's different. I think I like it, right? I'll I'll be carefully choosing my words But if she makes her world famous fettuccine alfredo and I sit down and eat it and I throw my head back and say Oh my gosh, this is the best freaking thing I've ever eaten in my life I can just speak off the cuff. Why can I just speak off the cuff in a second situation? But in the first situation I have to be careful because in the first situation I'm lying I'm deceiving. I Want her to think That I feel a certain way about something that I really do not I'm lying to her. I'm honest in the second situation because well The truth is sounds good Communist control language. They're so focused on language because they're so focused on Deception and stepping outside of that deception Truly was a mortal sin in their eyes That's why they came down so hard on Biden for that. All right. All right, let's get to some emails and some other things before we get to that let's get to caring for our own bodies I know pre-workout is a thing now and honestly, I've dabbled in it myself What is pre-workout? You're getting ready to work out. You take something you pour a little powder It's almost always in powder form in a drink you drink it Energizes you for the workout The problem with pre-workouts is they're all packed full of filth all kinds of crap You don't want in your body. So chalk, of course Figured there had to be a better way a natural way a healthier way That's why they created Chad mode and of course chalk would name it Chad mode. I love them so much Chad mode The ultimate pre-workout a hundred percent natural caffeine That's your new pre-workout get chalk lit powder get Chad mode get a male vitality stack or a female vitality stack Subscriptions have huge discounts at promo code jesse promo code jesse Is the jesse calicio on a Tuesday and yes, apparently there are boatloads of Haitian criminals On their way to the united states of america as we speak. I'm not mean to laugh. It's not funny. It's terrible but Haiti look we talked about this on friday about the concept of cursed lands but They do share an island with the dominican republic and the dominican republic is a very nice place and then there's Haiti Haiti has been a dump for my entire life Disease and famine and crime death murder and it again. It's insane Haiti has It was the site of one of the only successful slave rebellions in human history Slave rebellions never work. Even Spartacus didn't work in the end. This didn't work and then they do not work but in Haiti they pulled it off and You could make the argument the standard of living Hasn't improved since then And now their government is gone and from what I understand the de facto leader of the country Is a gang leader who burns people alive and then eats them There's just this witchcraft voodoo home of the devil thing about that place And we got word today about the prisons They're emptying the prisons and they're putting them on boats And they're sending them to america And america Won't reject them You realize that? america will not reject them in fact the absolute scumbags who run this country Want them to come We're gonna They're telling you on camera. In New York. We have a diaspora that that can absorb A significant number of these migrants and I that you know when I hear Colleagues talk about the the the doors of the end being closed No room in the end. I I'm saying, you know, I need more people in my district Just for redistricting purposes and those members could could clearly uh fit here No worries. I'm sure the Haitian cannibals will fit right in around here You look you do a google search for Haitian cuisine you end up with a mirror Stop grow up. Let's get to some emails. Hey jesse The left is making fun of president trump's idea about building new cities. I think it's a great idea It's not new the american people used to build cities all the time that didn't spring up out of Spring up out of thin air someone built them. Yeah, look. I I like the concept of new cities. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I Here's the thing about it though Cities aren't generally something you just decide to build Cities are something that happen it happens because this part of this it's particular area is a major port or It's on an important part of the river or You know, it's a it's in a major train junction or like cities Become cities Naturally, it's not as if people just draw or ride through a gigantic piece of open territory and look and say, you know what? Right here. We're gonna put a city that'd be great. There's a purpose for them So it sounds good. I have no problem with big ideas. I like it sounds cool to me It's also not something that's necessarily gonna happen. Oh, I have to get to this before we get on to the other stories and emails We often talk about system membership cards And we talk about how the communists are always trying to Jump each other and skip ahead and get a better spot on the central committee They all want to spot on the central committee. They all want an updated system membership card Man alive. These people will just debase themselves for that. Did you hear about war luck? That idiot senator out of georgia. Do you really said in response to vibes in state of the union? And as I sat the other night and listened to the president's speech, I'll tell you I said to my colleagues I don't know if that was joe biden or joe lewis Because the man came out fighting and he never let up and he's not going to let up Uh between now and november is that scallatour up there joe lewis. Yeah, I'm sure that's what he was saying Oh, you thought that was bad. Well today. You know how that they had that hearing with robert her the special council who essentially said Well, let's be honest Essentially came out and said joe biden had classified documents in well every place on her mr Her classified documents were found at the pen biden center. That's correct. They were found in president biden's garage In wilmington delaware. Yes, and in his basement den Also in the same home. Yes in the major and his main floor office Correct and his third floor den Correct at the university of delaware correct and at the biden institute Correct. Mm-hmm. Also correct. Also. Yes So it's bad, right? and look it the hearing went bad went from bad to worse when We all found out together that joe biden told his ghostwriter to delete the evidence That ghostwriter do with the information joe biden shared with him on his laptop What did he do after you were named special counsel? chairman if you're referring to the audio recordings that mr Is wanted to are created of his conversations with exactly what i'm referring to he uh He slid if i remember correctly he slid those files into his uh recycled bin on his computer Tried to try to destroy the evidence didn't he correct? Yeah Jamie raskin is a dirtball congressman and has been one of the most Brazen liars in congress for a very long time But my goodness does james raskin have a bright shiny brand new system membership card at all times why Here's jamey raskin from today the president of the united states who's soaring oratory powerful historical analysis And devastating extemporaneous reparté with even the most skilled ninja hecklers of the freedom caucus We're on full display at the state of the union dress last week for the whole country to see his soaring oratory man i've said it before like we we said last week about joe scarborough When he was talking about this is the best joe biden's ever been What do you think he sees in the mirror at night? Is a man Is he embarrassed? Does he feel bad he's got to be right whatever let's get to some emails jesse On march 8th you mentioned your gwa gwa veteran friends. What is gwa? I may have misunderstood what you said. I don't know how to spell it I said g watt g w o t g watt It stands for global war on terror. That's what you call anyone who fought in iraq or afghanistan. Jesse. I'm a big trump supporter And I would crawl through hell to vote for him again this year However, his continued comments about the poison vax infuriates me Do you think he knows that the covid vax is a poison shot It is so terrified about being the guy who signed off on it that he says it's awesome To cover himself Or that he actually believes it's a lifesaver and says it without losing a wink of sleep I understand he was under enormous pressure and thank god he always said it should be a choice Unlike these commies. Um, but my my love of trump has turned to a love of policy now because of this continued lunacy uh, okay, look He's this is obviously something he believes He believes that poison shot was good He wants it's very very obvious In fact, he said it as he said it as much he wants credit for it Forget about being ashamed of it or something like that he believes that he should receive credit for it and That's not going to change because the primary was never competitive The only chance we had At him changing course on the whole vax stuff The only chance we had was a competitive primary where he felt forced To come to the correct side on that, but he was up by 30 points the entire time He never felt threatened enough. Remember I always said I wanted a competitive primary Well, everyone got in but it was never competitive. So he never felt forced To go, you know the correct direction on it and now that's never going to happen. Just look except there. Don't accept it Is what it is. That's never going to happen. All right You know what else is never going to happen Puretox never going to take your money and use it against you We've been talking a lot tonight about the corporate world and the movies and the shoes and the outdoor brands and everything It's so nice to know that my cell phone company will no longer Dump all over my values Speaking of covid and all this craziness go back go back and look at what t mobile did What verizon did AT&T what these gigantic soulless companies did to this country to their own consumers during covid Puretox loves you Puretox loves this country. They love the country so much. They only hire americans Their customer service team is right here in america 35 bucks a month gets you unlimited talk Text in 15 gigs of data and a mobile hotspot and they're giving out free samsung 5g smartphones right now Switch man. Stop spending your money with those garbage companies pick up your phone dial pound 250 and say jesse kelly That's how you claim your eligibility for a free phone and all the worst all the worst the rest all the rest That's not the worst. It's the best pound 250 say jesse kelly and switch to puretox. We'll be back What? Get the care for rhinos weekdays with the jesse kelly Show on a to stay i want to remind you before we get out of here We don't worry we still have a whole segment left you can email the show and you should jesse at jesse kelly show dot com Let's get to a couple of those. Hi jesse my wife and i have really been enjoying the show this evening appreciate your views support for our country Thank you for sharing the side pan story this past monday this part is really really cool We have a collection of 1930s vintage radios that we listen to your show on Every night a different radio and it makes listening that much more enjoyable. That's so freaking cool We live in staunton virginia shannon doa valley and our transplants from long island, new york We tune into wk ci that's a great station 1970 am from wanesboro virginia keep up the great work many blessings to you and your family That's really didn't say i can use his name so i won't that's cool vintage radios chris I bet i sound even better on a vintage radio what chris the sound of me coming through on a vintage radio man That's as america is it you know freedom is not free well jesse i did it My dad started to go off on trump and rather than just sit back and let him ramble I spoke up and let him know how brainwashed he is I then continued to tell him that biden is a feckless nasty pathetic wretch of a human being As evidenced by what he did to afghanistan I've never hated another human being in my life until joe flushed an entire country for a photo op AC forever, baby He says i can use his name his name is monty and he says to give fred a pat for him and of course i will look We have and i've been raised the same way too. I shouldn't say raise because i wasn't raised to be non-confrontational but our values on the right We have been quiet about them We have been that's how that's how we operate we won't we view it as I don't know intrusive bad decorum rude To bring up politics and things like that in certain events for you for me I don't want to put words in your mouth for me And to this day i'm like this I have times when I don't do politics Even when i'm hanging out with friends a big party or something like that on the weekends And people will obviously bring it up to me because they know what I do But I never bring it up to anyone else. I just do not it's the weekend you set that aside But the communist doesn't feel that way the communist your liberal aunt peggy It's constantly bringing it up again because it's their religion and we have historically Just allowed that to go Because we want them to shut up and go away and oh gosh just let her finish here but What that's done is that's created an environment for all of us Where only their voice gets heard And then these people because they never get any real pushback They get bolder and bolder and bolder and bolder when you think about it the boldest people in your life The boldest political people in your life. I bet you almost all of them are democrats Aren't they the people who bring it up all the time and they speak about it and they speak loudly about it And they don't hold back they're almost all democrats aren't they we've allowed that to happen We have allowed the complete flipping of the social shame system in our society And the social shame system has now flipped to the point where the good guys feel like they have to shut up Feel like they have to be quiet feel like they're and the bad guys Scream from the rooftops. They take their demonic religion and they're yelling it We can't allow that anymore No more No more does the communist get to run his mouth unchecked. No more Start pushing back liberal ant peggy If they're not just for being a liberal if she's just a liberal democrat That's fine. But if she brings that crap into thanksgiving easter's coming up soon Well, not for jewish producer chris, but for the rest of us easter's coming up soon If she brings that crap to your easter party Well, let me put it to you this way The next time there's an easter party She should either not want to come or know that she should shut her mouth if she does Don't you dare let liberal ant peggy walk into your easter celebration and ruin it with her politics Unchecked It's time to get louder. It's time to check these people right and it's also time to buy an emergency three-month food kit Look we talked about the farms 140,000 in five years disappeared and that's only americas The war on the food supply is real and it is ongoing And there's simply no other way around it. There's going to be a problem We know there's going to be a problem at some point my patriot supply you have any idea how many people they've helped how many families Over three Million families have gone to my patriot supply. It's the place to go Non-perishable foods. They last up to 25 years in storage These food kits provide over 2,000 calories a day three-month food kits are now on sale $200 off $200 off you get to save now to get that deal You have to go to prepare with jessie All right Prepare with jessie All right All right Look just remember what joe said as you just heard rose uh, many heard her say many many americans pay for fishing jugs More money than anywhere in the country Remember what he said about our national security And what what they're going to do is to ensure a national Really endanger our national security But it's expanded, you know That are they're going to expand personal freedom. How could it be more clear? How could it be more clear? Oh one more thing before we get the headlines I didn't get to one more thing for liberal aunt Peggy Next time she shows up Starts talking about how she votes democrat in her big city. Here's a little tidbit This is from the local news in pitzburg. Gosh. I freaking love pitzburg so much. That was That was my that was my place residents of the city will see a major change in the way police respond They will no longer respond to calls that aren't considered in progress emergency That means calls like criminal mischief theft harassment and most burglary alarms will all be handled by an enhanced telephone reporting unit That means residents will file a police report over the phone Officers will not respond unless it's an emergency Also between the hours of 3 a.m. And 7 a.m. There will be no officers at any of the six stations throughout the city Callboxes that link directly to 911 have been installed for people to use in case of an emergency One of those four little words you're going to tell your liberal aunt Peggy Once she gets there from pitzburg and complains about the crime Complains about the state of the neighborhood. What are those four little words? Are you going to sit there like a church mouse? Or are you going to use those four magical little words? You voted for this and now Headlines we didn't get to you Congressional probe finds comms device on chinese cranes in us ports Raising security concerns you me What we don't want to do because we want to sleep tonight. We don't want to sit and think about how Compromised china already has us from the inside if something bad were to kick off with them Excessive alcohol deaths surged 29 during the covid pandemic CDC data reveals oh wow You mean if you take away someone's livelihood and their social setting only you keep the liquor stores open you might create Uh an extreme amount of alcoholism in the country if only there was this wildly handsome guy on the radio who warned about that at the time Consumer prices climb 3.2 in february as 2% goal remains elusive Elusive that's one way to put it. This has been a podcast from wor With the lucky land sluts you can get lucky just about anywhere This is your captain speaking. Yeah, we've got clear runway and the weather is fine But we're just going to circle up here a while and uh get lucky No, no, nothing like that. It's just these cash prizes add up quick So I suggest you sit back keep your tray table upright and start getting lucky Play for free at Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary void. We're prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply See website for details