The Howie Carr Radio Network

ANOTHER Huge Update in Karen Read Case | 3.13.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

First this hour, Howie is joined by Jess Richardson of the Massachusetts Family Institute to discuss the latest high profile Massachusetts case of a biological male dominating and injuring in a female high school sport. Then Howie reports on a breaking story of a new investigation into a MA State Trooper (I'm shocked, shocked!) in connection to the Karen Read case. Aidan "Turtleboy" Kearney joins the show to explain.

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13 Mar 2024
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Investing in precious metals may seem daunting to a beginner, but now maybe one of the best times to begin doing so. Find out why in the latest episode of Meet the Experts with Howie Car. With this week's guest, Silver Dave, of Local Silver Men, wherever you get your Howie Car Show podcast. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. 2021, though, you did say that inflation was transitory. Do you regret saying that now? I regret saying it was transitory. No, you don't. Prices fell over the last year for gas milk, eggs, chicken, appliances. No, they didn't. No, no, no, they didn't. But you can imagine what it'd be like if they did, right? Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. New reports suggesting the inflation fight has stalled. Consumer prices in February were up 3.2% from a year ago. That's slightly above what was expected. This is quite a shock. On the other hand, it's not surprising in the least. Who do you love? Howie Car. Yvonne Buss is mad at me, and I just put out a statement about what happened between him, me, and the interview that he is apparently so upset about. Oh my god, who the hell cares? Rum swabs, hacks, and moonbats beware. It's... Howie Car. 844, 542. We did sell out of the flip locks, the secondary door lock. We sold the final one to a woman in the villages in Florida. So I think everybody's going to really like the product. It looks like a really good deal, a good deal too, for 30 bucks. 508 says, "I just got my three pack of Eden Pure Thunderstorms yesterday. I'm very impressed. It is a good product as well." We have another cheap bastard deal that's going to get you very excited, everybody, especially if you live in Florida in a couple of days. I'll give you a tease on that. 844, 542. And joining us now on the line, for the last few months, we've been doing a segment every month from the mass... someone from the Mass Family Institute, which is doing a good good job trying to keep what remains of good conservative and family values in Massachusetts going. And this evening, we are joined by Jess Richardson. She is the Communications and Research Assistant for the Mass Family Institute. And Jess, thanks for being with us here on the Howie Car Show. Thanks so much for having me, Howie. I'm thrilled to be here. And we first wanted to talk about this situation with men in women's athletics. And you know, there was another terrible story. I mean, they're everywhere around the country. Obviously, Riley Gaines, as we've had her on the show. But there was a recent incident where there was a team of women's basketball team that was already down some players because of illness. They had eight players that dressed for the game. And there was a male player. And according to some reports, the male player injured three of the female players. So they had no substitutes. Is that an accurate description of that game? Generally speaking, yes. So you're talking about this happened last month. It was the Collegiate Charter School of Lowell. They forfeited one of their girls for a city basketball game about halfway through the game. They were playing Kip Academy in Lynn, who had a large biological male playing on their team. He was identifying as female. And there were the coaches reasoning for the forfeit were that there had been several injuries. At least one of those we know for sure was at the hands of this large male player, possibly all three of them. This is happening, you know, in greater and greater numbers is more biological men joined these women's teams. I read something about in one sport where a female, a young girl, had her some of her teeth, her front teeth knocked out. That's very, that is very serious, as you know, Jess. I mean, your teeth don't grow back. No, absolutely. And I'm not sure you may be thinking of the incident that happened last November, also in Massachusetts, which was during an MIAA field hockey tournament game. Again, Daiton Rehobis against Swamscott. And one of the players on Daiton Rehobis suffered severe facial and dental injuries, including having multiple teeth knocked out after being hit in the face by a ball that was hit by the male, the male senior captain from Swamscott. That same male player scored both of the goals during that game. And they, and they did knock Daiton Rehobis out of the tournament as well. So what is the, what can the Mass Family Institute or anybody else do about this? I heard today on another radio talk show that the NCAA is, or someone, maybe Congress, someone in Congress is trying to rework Title IX so that there won't be a problem with men taking part in women's sports, which seems to sort of do away with the entire rationale behind creating Title IX all those years ago, which was to make a, make it a level playing field for female and male athletes, right? Yeah, yeah. Oh, definitely. So like the issue in Massachusetts is really kind of twofold. Like in reference to the field hockey incident, field hockey, um, boys are allowed to play on girls field hockey teams in Massachusetts because schools don't feel the boys field hockey teams. And that is done as a result of a 1979 judicial decision from the Massachusetts Supreme Court that basically said that having a blanket band on boys playing on girls teams, if a boys team was not available, is a violation of the Massachusetts Constitution. And then when it, so, when it comes to transgender students, which is a slightly different issue, but you end up in the same place, that is coming from the MIAA that says that a student shall not be excluded from participation on a gender-specific sports team if it's consistent with their stat students bona fide gender identity. And so basically they leave it up to the student's school to determine if that student meets that standard and then the MIAA takes their word for it. So in reference to what we can do, I mean, that's actually one of the things that the Mass Family Institute is doing right now is we have started a petition, um, you know, and we feel like it's really important to get voices from, from all sides of the spectrum on this issue, despite what you see from national political figures on the ground, this really is a bipartisan issue. Common sense people on both sides of the political aisle tend to agree that girls' force should be protected, right? So that's the spirit behind our petition. Um, and the thing that's important-- What is it, what's on the, who, who do you present the petition to? I mean, it's already the, the uh, the signature gathering to put it on the ballot has passed. So, I mean, what, what's the petition for? Right, so we haven't decided exactly when and where we're going to present it, but we really want to send the message to the MIAA that there are a lot of Massachusetts residents, a large number, that are really concerned about the state of things and that it's not just this one, you know, this one conservative group or anything like that. And the thing is, I mean, it is in some ways difficult, right? The MIAA is bound to the current law to some degree, but we do still think that there's more that they could do to protect female athletes. So we ask them to, in the petition, we're asking them to amend their rules to adopt a common sense standard, which basically says, if there are no equivalent boys' teams in a sport, a boy may play on a girls' team. But only if, number one, the boy would not displace any girls from the team's roster, two, the boy would not pose an increased safety risk, and three, the boy would not provide his team with a significant competitive advantage. So we feel that the MIAA could revise their rules in that way, and that would help to protect girls, and it would still be in line with the law, as it's correct. It's ironic that this law was passed, or not a law, this ruling was made by the Supreme Judicial Court in 1979 to allow boys on a team. They never could have conceived the way it would be used. I guarantee you, just like the legislature would have passed the right to shelter law in 1983, same general time frame, never would have imagined that it would be used to provide free housing and free everything else for now soon to be tens of thousands of illegal aliens. And this is the law of unintended consequences. They didn't, they didn't think it through in either case, and this is what we get now. Right, and it is a growing issue, right? So in right now, the new Boston Post got some information from the MIAA to find out just how many males were playing on these girls' field hockey teams, and they found out that it has more than doubled from fall 2016 to fall of 2022. So there were 28 boys playing on these girls' teams in 2016 and 66 in 2022. And so you know how it goes, right? The more this happens, the more other kids pick up on it, the more boys are going to play, and the more girls are going to lose their spots on those teams, not to even mention the injuries. It's just really sad. One other quick issue here, Massachusetts schools are offering sexuality themed clubs for elementary school kids. Elementary school kids? Yeah, it's shocking, isn't it? We were shocked too, but we had received reports from a few parents at these clubs. So most people are familiar with day straight alliances, or now they're usually called gender sexuality alliances. And those typically happen in high school, occasionally in middle school, but they are now the similar style clubs cropping up in some elementary schools, and they're usually called rainbow clubs or rainbow alliance. I actually heard a news report today up in California called a UBU club, so they could have a slightly different name. But we have found them in five districts so far, East Longmellow, Meadow, Billerica, Cambridge, Arlington, and Newton. And Billerica, I always think of Billerica as being a conservative town. Yeah, well, you know, it doesn't take a lot of people to get one of these going, and it doesn't necessarily, I mean, if clubs are student activities, and so if those don't usually rise to the level of something that needs school committee approval. So these things could be happening in specific districts without parents knowing, and, you know, possibly without your school committee knowing too. I'm looking at your press release. The rainbow clubs are designed to quote, interrupt binary thinking, unquote. Hey, you know what, I'd rather have the kids working on their reading and writing in arithmetic. Call me all-fashioned rather than interrupting binary thinking. Yeah, absolutely, absolutely. I know, right? And so some of them, you know, the kids are doing trans awareness posters, personal pride flags. They're bringing in, you know, books about transgender characters for the kids to read. And so the worst part is, obviously, it's grossly inappropriate for that age group, right? But these kids, most of them, they have a little a they have the little stickers like you when you go to a convention. Yeah. Hi, my name is my pronouns are right. I mean, to some of these kids, we have reports of clubs meeting as, you know, kindergarten first grade. So do those kids even know what a pronoun is? Period. Never mind which pronoun they use for themselves. You know, so we really want to get the word out to parents that this is a thing that exists because most people have never even heard of this. This could be happening in your district. And if it is, let us know because we're creating a list of schools where this is happening so that we can put the word out and parents can engage and help to protect their kids from this. One of the texts they're said to most of these schools, they don't even teach them what a pronoun is. And now they're going to ask them what their pronoun is. Things are totally out of control. Totally. Yeah. And the scariest thing with these clubs is that some of them are happening without the parents having the consent. And when you're talking about really little kids, that's an extremely dangerous situation. So, Jess Richardson, thanks for being with us here. And where can people go to learn more about the Mass family? So our website is And I want everybody first thing to go to our website and sign the petition. That's right on our website under the Get Involved tab. And you'll click on that. And there's actually a place to sign the petition and also a place to email the MIAA directly. But we really want everyone, especially to sign the petition. So please go and do that. Mass family Institute. And it's Thank you, Jess Richardson. And again, we're going to do this is our monthly segment. We're going to just check in on these issues. I mean, I know there's a lot going on, but we need to keep a breast, shall we say, of what's going on. Thank you, Jess Richardson. I'm Howie Carr. Because of Howie Carr Show's super fan. Subscribe to Howie's newsletter and you'll get the latest news, columns, cheap faster deals, and other special offers from The Howie Carr Show. Just enter your name and email at Today's poll question is brought to you by Tobias Hearing Center in Quincy Mass. They help me get fitted with a pair of state-of-the-art hearing aids and they can help you too. And for a limited time only, mention Howie Carr and receive up to $200 off your hearing aids. That's They helped me and your family will be as happy as you are, if not happier, when you get your Tobias hearing aids. They're the best in the business. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is if you were in Congress, would you vote to force the sale or ban of TikTok? No, I would not. 34% say no. Okay. It's a tough issue. I mean, TikTok's no damn good, but is the government any damn good? Somebody said they're competitors with Google and Facebook, whatever they call themselves, now alphabet. And the Congress owns a lot of stock. Congressmen and women, both parties own a lot of stock in Facebook and Google. And they don't want the competition and money talks again. And they, Facebook and Google, have a lot of lobbyists. They have all the money in the world. 844-542-42. It is all about money, ultimately. Money and power, that's what everything's about, right? By the way, there is a breaking news tonight on the Carr and Reed Turtle Boy front. This is another huge development. This channel 25 is reporting this. 25 investigates. They just posted it just moments ago. Massachusetts State Police investigating a detective in the Carr and Reed case. This is Michael Proctor, the guy who, according to Turtle Boy, said that he's the head investigator for the, he's a detective assigned to the Norfolk County DA's office in Quincy. And he's the one who led the investigation. And he claimed he had no connections to the to the McAlberts, as they call them, that they can't in townies. That John O'Keefe, the dead Boston police officer, was drinking with that night. And apparently, he's in like Flynn with him. And they got text messages. The feds have text messages with him back and forth with the family that had these dealings with John O'Keefe before he ended up dead. And Proctor is the one who was in charge of the investigation that said that O'Keefe was killed by his girlfriend in her SUV. And now the FBI and the feds have said they hired three accident, accident investigators outside people. And all of them said that was not possible. So how can they charge care and read with a murdering or boyfriend with a car if the feds say the murder couldn't have been committed with a car. But anyway, according to Channel 25, the Massachusetts State Police Internal Affairs Unit is investigating a state police detective for a potential violation of department policy in connection with the Karen Reed murder case. 25 investigators learned of the internal affairs investigation today. One day after hearing for Karen Reed, the woman accused in the death of her boyfriend, Boston police officer John O'Keefe. Her defense argued that Detective Michael Proctor was not truthful with his relationship with people he has identified as witnesses in the case. According to the defense, Proctor admitted this to a federal grand jury. He didn't want to get jammed up with the feds because, you know, in a federal grand jury, probably most state grand juries too. They sell to match you a question unless they already have the answer to it because if you answer improperly, perjury, obstruction of justice, etc, etc, we'll be right back. I'm Howie Carr. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. The wheels of justice usually grind slowly, and they have in this case with Karen Reed, her boyfriend, John O'Keefe, was killed more than two years ago, but now things are moving very fast. The FBI documents were introduced, not into evidence, but they were brought up publicly yesterday, showing that the FBI with experts think that John O'Keefe was not killed by a car and that they also found all these text messages between Michael Proctor, the state cop who's in charge of the investigation between some of the McAlberts, the people that O'Keefe and Karen Reed were partying with that night. And so this afternoon, just now, Channel 25 is reporting Massachusetts State Police, the Internal Affairs Unit is investigating the detective Proctor. Again, this is Channel 25, and Proctor has admitted to a federal grand jury, according to what was said publicly in court yesterday, that he did exchange. He did know these witnesses that he should have been investigating, or he was supposed to be investigating, and that he misled people in hires up about his relationship with him, and that one of the witnesses offered the by Proctor a gift when the case against Reed was over. This guy is the lead investigator. In this case, this woman is charged with murder, and the FBI says she couldn't have murdered the guy with her boyfriend with the car, because he wasn't killed by a car. On Wednesday, Reed's lawyers filed a request for information from the State Police Internal Affairs Unit. The substance of that request is unknown because the defense is asked to be sealed by the court, joining us now to talk about this latest development as Aiden Kearney, aka Turtle Boy. This is a pretty big story, isn't it? Aiden, things are moving fast. The beginning of the end is coming finally, how he, you know, one domino falls, they're all going to start falling. This should have happened a long, long time ago. This has all been out there. The State Police know it. What I'm worried about is that they will just have a fall guy. It'll be the fall guy, and that's it. You remember a few years ago, Lee had didn't do so, you know, got on there. We broke that story about her being a fraud drug dealer and getting on. Who was the only person that went down for that? Her. Not the people who hired her, who got her on there, who looked past all that. Yeah, they all got huge pensions. One of them's working for Sean O'Brien now, that the guy that's the head of the Teamsters, it's yeah, yeah, you're right. She was the only one who took a fall. Yeah, so like with this, it's like Michael, they all knew about Michael Proctor's relationship with the Proctor's and with the Albert and the McCabe. They all knew. And as much as I want to see Michael Proctor go down, if it's only him going down, then that's an injustice. His bosses, Yuri Buchanan and Brian Tully, the lieutenant who was charging me with witness intimidation, they were both well aware of it. And what did they do when a journalist started exposing all of this? All of everything I've reported has now been vindicated. And what did they do when I arrested and protested these people? I apologize. When I wrote about and protested these people, they arrested me. They sent the steeply skewedative unit to my house to arrest me in front of my kid. And justice is coming for them. Dude, I asked you last night, do we know who Proctor told? Did he, did he tell the state grand jury that he had no relationship to the McAlberts? Or do we know that yet? Well, it's according to what we heard yesterday, he minimized his relationship with the Proctor, with the Alberts and the McCabe's. I guess in front of the, the, the steep grand jury, that'd be the only place he would have been able to admit. Right. And so then the feds, with, with the feds brought him in to Mokley Court, to the Mokley courthouse, they, they already had the, the, the text messages. So they, so he knew, and he knew he was jammed up if he, if he lied. So he told the truth. Right. Right. Right. And in my case, you know, we've seen that Lieutenant Tully was asked specifically at a grand jury about whether or not Michael Proctor had a relationship with the Alberts. And he specifically said, no, he lied. And that's why I ended up getting indicted, because these people lied. It's not just Proctor covering things about. It's Buchanan. It's Tully. That's the state. That's the state grand jury he lied to. You're saying, Tully? Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. In my case, that's good. How do you, how do you know you weren't there? How do you, how do you know he lied to the, to the grand jury? Because that's what the, this is all documented. Okay. Okay. Yeah. So I'll listen to this. State police tell 25 investigates the Trooper Proctor remains on full active duty amid the investigation. That's pretty funny, isn't it? I mean, can you imagine that, you know, all the cases he's involved in, if this is all true, they're all going to be thrown out every pending case. They're going to be appeals on all the ones he got convictions on. They're not, I don't believe they're going to let him contaminate any more cases if I, if this is all going to pan out the way it appears to be panning out. I mean, do you still investigate in the Reed case? Because that's still ongoing. There's still, he remains on full active duty. That's what this, that's what I guess David Procopio at the state police told, told channel 25 tonight. Well, I don't think that's going to, that can't possibly last too long. I mean, if you do an actual internal investigation, what's the over, what's the over under on the day he, he, he files to for retirement? I'm going to guess Tuesday. What? He's only been on for less than 10 years. Oh, well, disability. Yeah, I mean, it wouldn't be much of a country to retire now, but, uh, you know, uh, he's got bigger fish to worry about than that right now. We need to look at it federal. Oh, there's no, there's no bigger fish to fry for the state police than a pension turtle boy. You know that that's true. That's true. But if I were, I might be worried of a lot more than just my pension. Yeah. Well, listen, you got another, I don't want to hold you long. I know you got other stuff to do tonight. What, what's the, you are going into court tomorrow, correct? Yeah, that's correct. What, uh, we'll see. They're going to try to revoke on some BS that I was at the courthouse at the last read hearing and, uh, the person who made up a lie about assault and battery and the charges were dropped. They have an order on me and they showed up with Jennifer McCabe as like a human shield for the first time. I've never come to a case before. Adjected me from the courtroom. I left. I went where the officers told me to. I told them about the, the, uh, order being in place. And now they're trying to say that I came within a hundred yards of the violation. So they're trying to jam me up on that. Wow. They don't give up, dude. The corruption never ends. The corruption never ends. So we'll say, boy, we have, my lawyers were well prepared. We're going to fight this and, uh, hopefully it doesn't end up like last time. And it's first, uh, it's first thing in the morning, right? Yeah, nine o'clock. That's right. Nine o'clock in datum? Dun district. That's correct. Yeah. All right. Uh, turtle boy, you know, congratulations on your victory yesterday. And this is a, uh, you know, like you say, the, uh, the, the dominoes are starting to tumble now. Yes. Yes, they are. One after another. Hopefully he starts ratting on his superiors. Yeah. That's all. That was my, that was my final question. The old mob question will proctor stand up. I mean, if I were him, I'd say, I would just say, oh, I told them all about it. I told them, they do all about it. That's what I would say, but he could do what he wanted. The answer, the answer to that question turtle boy, as you know, is always no. Yeah. We'll say, we'll say, nobody takes the fall anymore. All right. All right. Uh, eight turtle boy, Kerney, congratulations and good luck tomorrow in court. All right. Thanks for having me. All right. Thanks. Eight four, four, five hundred, forty, two, forty two. It's pretty serious though that the state police have already admitted that they have the investigation. I mean, I know they, you know, oh, he's still on full active. Come on. Well, as dumb as Michael passed the gravy morsey and his gang of hack minions in Quincy are, they're not dumb enough to have a proctor working on any more cases when, when all this, uh, this excrement is falling down around his, his, uh, himself and all of his pals in Canton. Eight four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. And again, they, according to, according to what was said in court yesterday, the, uh, the Mac out, one of the Mac Alberts said, uh, when this is all, we really appreciate the way you're handling this investigation. And when, uh, when this is all over, we want to get you a nice gift. And he, he responded in writing, according, according to the, the documents that are, they're still under seal, but they were talked about in court yesterday by the defense. Karen reads attorneys. He, he responded when they said they were going to buy him a gift. Maybe you better buy it for my wife Elizabeth instead. Yeah, you covered your tracks, man. That's why you're a detective working for Michael Morrissey, the, uh, the crusading district attorney of, uh, of Norfolk County. Eight four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, eight four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. Yannetti should file to dismiss. I think they have filed to dismiss. I think they filed to dismiss over and over again. It's just a, it's just a, a, uh, it's getting harder and harder for even, uh, anti-bev, the judge, uh, hack that she is, second generation hack that she is to, uh, to let this, let's go forward. Uh, we'll, uh, we'll see what we can, uh, we'll see, we'll have, uh, we'll have more reports on this tomorrow, obviously. And I'm sure Grace will have some on, on her show, because this, this should be over very quickly, uh, tomorrow morning. I, I can't admit, I don't know. I mean, again, I, I, I have a pretty significant losing streak in court at every level in every type of court. But I can't imagine them sending Turtle Boy back to jail on this, especially after. Now that now Proctor is jammed up. And it didn't take long, did it? 844, 542, 424, 542, 442, 442. When we come back, we have some fresh Brandon cuts from Milwaukee. And as usual, he sounds like what made Milwaukee famous has made a loser out of him, even though he doesn't drink. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show returns after this. He's Howie Carr, and he's back. What's made Milwaukee famous has made a loser out of me. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Before we play the Brandon cuts, 508 says if there's a Netflix documentary about this case, it should be titled Proctor's Gamble. That's pretty good. It was a bad bet. 508, it's looking like 603 says, so how long since the last Mass State Police arrest or investigation now? Three weeks? Yeah, that's right. It's been three weeks since anyone was doing the Perpwock down on Northern Avenue in South Boston. The Mass State police thought they were turning the corner, you know, three weeks without an arrest. It's a good, it's a good run for them, you know? It's over now, though it looks like. You know, they've been, they've been arrested on all kinds of things over the years. You know, I mean, I don't need to go over the whole list, going back to Leidgen, though, so that Turtle Boy was talking about it far beyond further back than that. But, you know, if this, if these allegations against Proctor are true, I mean, he's right up there in the, in the Massachusetts State Police, bad cop hall of fame. And remember, too, there, there are still guys out, troopers, guys who never did anything like this, like any of these guys did, and they got fired because they wouldn't take the jab, and they're still not back on the job. Some of them have come back in various ways, and some of them don't want to come back, they've just had it up to here with the BS and the corruption. But there's some guys that would still like to get back on the job, and they're not on the job, and they're issuing a statement today. Oh, Trooper Proctor is under investigation by internal affairs, but he remains on duty, collecting his pay to protect and over serve the motto of the Massachusetts State Police, unless it's to protect and steal. 844-542-42. Okay, let's go to these sound cuts here. This is investing in America, President Biden in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Cut one. Thank you for your passport and the city and your leadership in this project. I'm here to talk about. Look, the communities everywhere at this Boys and Girls Club, although I've been a gigantic supporter of Boys and they're just the biggest in the country. But when I was a senator, I provided a lot of money during the crime sprees for going on for Boys and Girls Club. Well, that was labeled properly mumbling incoherently. That's exactly what he was doing. Bowdoin Girl. I like the way, you know, he makes it sound like he took his own wallet out of his pocket and gave some money. During the crime sprees. Crime sprees? How dare you call them crime sprees? These are reparations, tourism packages. How dare you? Crime sprees? It's almost as politically incorrect as referring to aliens. Cut two. All of this, locking people out of opportunities and leaving them more isolated from the social and economic life for the rest of the city. Crime's woman Moore told me when she was a child, she lived a short walk from a public library, a safe place to read and learn, where libraries who were given cake, the library would give cake to children when they showed up to read. That's true, isn't it? He was supposed to read lock and he read look. It was the last time he mixed up lock and look. Remember when they, you go to the Nickelodeon, they'd give you taffy, saltwater taffy. Never, never knew what fish were in there. I remember when fatty arbuckle came in and he appeared at the Blats Brewery with Laverne and Shirley. Cut three. Imagine what they contributed then and what they could have contributed all these years and what that would have meant for all the Milwaukee and all the communities across the country. What that would have meant for all of the Milwaukee. Okay, cut four. Opportunities of the city and central hub from watching the Milwaukee Bucks play to attending Milwaukee Area Technical College. And if I didn't mention the Technical College, I'd go home and sleep alone because my wife is a full-time teacher at the community college. I don't think, I don't think she teaches anything technical. It would be as is that. Just stick to the teleprompter. Okay, Brandon, cut five. And for every life lost, I expect there was estimated eight close family behind. Eight. I didn't quite catch that, Mr. President. Can you repeat that? And for every life lost, I expect there was estimated eight close family behind. Eight. Maybe we quote you on that, Mr. President. Cut six. There are also cities all across America where highways used to be and they along with redlining, they disconnected the entire community. That was pretty pitiful. It may not have been up there with the guy losing his Johnson. In the deposition, but that was a fairly sad performance this afternoon. And what was once the beer capital and the great cheese thing of Wisconsin. See you tomorrow. Good luck, Turtle Boy. I'm Howard Dark.