The Howie Carr Radio Network

They Were Very Good Boys and The Chump Line | 3.13.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 3

Three teenagers allEDGEDly shot up a school bus in Philadelphia. Of course, we reached out to their mothers for comment. And Howie gets made sport of on today's Chump Line.

Broadcast on:
13 Mar 2024
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Investing in precious metals may seem daunting to a beginner, but now maybe one of the best times to begin doing so. Find out why in the latest episode of Meet the Experts with Howie Car. With this week's guest, Silver Dave, of Local Silver Men, wherever you get your Howie Car Show podcast. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. 2021, though, you did say that inflation was transitory. Do you regret saying that now? I regret saying it was transitory. No, you don't. Prices fell over the last year for gas milk, eggs, chicken, appliances. No, they didn't. No, no, no, they didn't. But you can imagine what it'd be like if they did, right? Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. New reports suggesting the inflation fight has stalled. Consumer prices in February were up 3.2% from a year ago. That's slightly above what was expected. This is quite a shock. On the other hand, it's not surprising in the least. Who do you love? Howie Car. If on bus is mad at me, and I just put out a statement about what happened between him, me, and the interview that he is apparently so upset about. Oh my God, who the hell cares? Rum swabs, hacks, and moon bats beware. It's... Howie Car. 844-542-42. Again, to repeat, Don LeMone got to $24.5 million a couple weeks ago from CNN. He was a pitiful host. He was ridiculous. He got drunk on the air on New Year's Eve, and he had... No talent was not enough. Another great Gorbodol saying that applied to him. And if you gave me $24.5 million, you would never see me again unless you saw a guy outside the Publix and Palm Beach walking up Blackpug. That's the only way you would ever see me again. You wouldn't see me on social media. You wouldn't see me writing or reading or... or bitching. Just go away, Don. You got enough money for the rest of your life. Living well is the best revenge. 844-542-4844-542-4271 is your heart like an alligator. Howie since Rachel Rollins' license to practice law was suspended for non-payment of fees. She's the former U.S. Attorney and former District Attorney of Suffolk County who was fired for trying to rig an election and lying under oath about it last year. You know, the thing is, it's kind of a moot point because no one was going to hire her anyway after that as a lawyer. So she's got a no-show job, though, for $96,000. I mean, they call it part-time, but it's a no-show job at Roxbury Community College, which has itself been on life support for about 40 years. And now she's going to deal with a have a program for "returning citizens." I don't think I need to translate that. What "returning citizens" means under Democrat new speak. It means jailbirds. It means ex-cons. Is Representative Presley's husband going to be in the program as a returning citizen? He did 10 years for drug trafficking. Nobody ever talks about that except for me. 844-542-42. By the way, we have only a handful of flip locks left. That's our cheap bastard deal today. It's a secondary door lock that's easy to use and toughen up for the worst-case scenarios. They bought the industrial strength ones in the city of Revere to use in the schools. These are the residential, the original flip locks. They're a $60 value just and you can get them for $30. And you have it that's in your choice of silver or bronze. Go to, click on store to purchase and also to see a video of how flip lock works. Shipping is free if you buy one or if you buy two or more flip locks. But we've only we've sold most of the vast majority of them. So get on board quickly if you want them. Time now for the Chumpline. You know, I have a lot of respect for a special investigator, her. But after reading those transcripts, man that stenographer did one hell of a job. You're right. That was that was a stenography above and beyond the call of duty. There's no question about that. And her, you know, that's a very interesting story, Mr. President. Now can we get back to those boxes of documents and the broken down box next to your vet? Joe Biden did not have a state of the union bump. You could have fooled me. The only bump he was going to get out of that speech was if he fell trying to get down to the to the podium or away from the podium. Did he ever have his come to Jesus meeting with with Benjamin Netanyahu? It's funny that he was he was dropping Benjamin Netanyahu's name on page one of the transcript on October the 8th. And now Benjamin Netanyahu can't get arrested in this town. Today's Chumpline is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. When was the last time you had someone audit your insurance to see if you're getting the most coverage for your money? Contact Dan or Paul Rizzo at Rizzo Insurance dot com. They have helped me and my staff and they can help you save money too. Get the Rizzo Insurance audit at no charge, no obligation. Rizzo Insurance dot com. Howie, Donald Dwight Carley, huh? I wanted to thank you for saying all those nice things about me and your radio program this week. Like a good deer field grad, you're certainly being worthy of your heritage. You know, with all this great press and a subpoenas expiring, I think it's a good time for me to announce my candidacy for governor in 2026. Say, will you be in our class reunion this year? Coos. I'm passing it up once again. In the early years, I always used to say it's us. It's on Saturday night. I won't be out there, but any of my fellow grads want to make it down to Foley's in the south end. I'll buy around after one o'clock when I arrive after I get up my lobster shift on the Herald. Howie have they tallied up the election results from the green states yet? No, the green the green mountain state. That was that was Nikki's big victory, but the green states have they're they're still counting. They're still they have ranked choice voting, you know, the green states. Bob Dylan wrote a book a stream of consciousness poetry called Tarantula, and that was more cohesive than the brand in deposition. The last will and testament of Dutch Schultz, the gangster who was killed in Newark, and they they took down his last words, the stenographer from the Newark Police Department. That was a lot more coherent than his transcript. When I represented that young man, a war the wrong team when he was creeping tiny uranium bubble every eight months or years or six months, whatever, his pain has got fire, and he lost his membership. I made sure that my offer didn't charge him any junk please. Hey, you know what? That's going into my column on Friday or Sunday whenever I write it. Hey, Ali, that poor guy that lost his testicle certainly wasn't having a ball at that time. Taylor, do you think I should read that segment again from the deposition? It's too good not to. I won't do it right now, but I mean after after the next break, we'll have to we'll read right into the and then and then he segues into going to the Wilmington Club where they don't let in Catholics or Blacks. I don't know what I don't know how exactly he segues in it, but the stenographer signed the document saying this was a this was a faithful transcript of of what he babbled. So I hear Joe Biden make car noises during his deposition. How did that go? Something like I think come here to be made sport of. I didn't come here to be made sport of. I don't like that. How dare you compare me to Brandon? Come on, man. Why the hell was Robert Sheeher asking me about what my predecessor John McCain died? It happened when I was leaving the Senate in 2019. Professor Congressman Donald Hump and Koropop were on the grassy knoll and I was in the book depository. Or was I getting a suppository? Thank you, everybody. Press conference. Axios broke it out nicely today. Believe it or not, a left-wing website. They just had the his confusion over dates. When did I announce for president in 2019? If it was 2013, when did I stop being vice president? In 2009, am I still vice president? Trump gets elected in November of 2017. Question mark. Trump has questioned the nomination three years in a row and the panic on the left continues to grow. The deep state will cheat to avoid defeat, but in the end, their demise will be dementia Joe. Your lips to God's ear, Limerick, I hope. What's the new catchphrase at Josiah Quincy, upper school in Chinatown? Don't case me, bro! I didn't even want to get into that. There was a teasing incident. That's one of the better schools in the city, too. Maybe that's damning with faint praise, but it always was. Anyway, That was your last chumpline message. Thank you for calling Howie Carr. You chump. All right, that's it for the chumpline today. The chumpline is the recorded voicemail message service of the Howie Carr show. You can call and leave a message at any time between the hours of 1 and 4 p.m. Eastern daylight time. And if you wish to leave such a message, the number is 844-542-844-542-442. Press 2 for the chumpline. Leave your message. We may or may not play it at this time each weekday. If you didn't hear your message, you just like to hear a second brand new chumpline. We have one every evening around 7 o'clock. It's posted every week night. And you can get it wherever you get your Howie Carr show podcast. Chopped chumps. It's called and we use all the messages. We didn't have room or time for it just now. That's our second chumpline of the day. Chopped chumps. Today's chumpline is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. When was the last time you had someone audit your insurance to see if you're getting the most coverage for your money? Contact Dan or Paul Rizzo at They've helped me and my staff and they can help you save money too. Get the Rizzo insurance audit at no charge, no obligation. So I hear Joe Biden make car noises during his deposition. How did that go? Something like, "I think I'm here to be made sport of." That was the best message of the day. Making sport of me? I'm Howie Carr. Howie Carr is Howie Carr. 844-542-42. Today's poll question is brought to you by Tobias Hearing Center in Quincy, Massachusetts. They help me get fitted with a pair of state-of-the-art hearing aids and they can help you too. And for a limited time only mention Howie Carr and receive up to $200 off your hearing aids. That's They did a great job for me. They'll do a great job for you. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is if you were in Congress, would you vote to force the sale or ban of TikTok? No, I would not. 32% say no. All right. 844, it goes up a little bit, but I know it's a sinister influence on the youth of America, but what isn't? And I just think it's a, you know, you don't want to do anything about the First Amendment. They're already doing, look what they're already doing to the First Amendment. And who knows what the next step will be? I mean, people are speculating, they'll force Elon Musk to sell X or Twitter, whatever you want to call it, that there are all kinds of ways it could be used for evil, just like the Patriot Act. 844, 542, 42. Okay, page 57 of the transcript of the Biden interview, it was released yesterday. I finally got around the reading it, and there's a lot in here, but this is probably the craziest thing. He's talking about his first job as a, as a lawyer, and he's waiting for it to get the results of the bar exam. I got hired in the meantime by this firm appropriately named Prickett Ward Burt Sanders, and to make a long story, not quite so long, he didn't succeed. Wait, hold on. Why was that appropriately named? Prickett. Okay. Oh, I see. I get it. I was sitting in the chair with the, with the, with the guy who ran the firm, Prickett, Mr. Prickett, and there was a young man who we were representing, and this poor kid is down a hundred foot vessel chimney, scraping the hydrogen bubbles off of the inside. They were made to shut the plant down once every, whatever, about eight months or six months or a year, whatever it is, and he was wearing the wrong pants, wrong jeans, and he, a spark caught fire and caught, got caught in the containment vessel, and he lost part of his penis in one of his testicles, and he was 23 years old. And so the senior partner turned to me and said, "Right, a memo for tomorrow. We're going to make a motion to dismiss after presenting this case." I said through the presentation, we had in Delaware, which is the DuPont family had no influence, of course, contributory negligence. If you were slightly contributory negligence, you were out. So I, I wrote the memo, and son of a bitch had prevailed, and I looked over at that wife and, at that kid and his wife home with two little kids, and I thought, son of a bitch, I'm in the wrong business. I'm not made for this. And I, there was a famous club called the Wilmington Club. No blacks, Catholics are allowed, have been allowed to be members, the DuPont family name, and we went to a place called the Wilmington Club, and he thought he was doing, he said, "Take the lunch at the Wilmington." I said, the only time I ever lied that I can remember looking somebody in the eye, and I mean sincerely, I said, "Oh, my dad's coming in today." I was going to see, okay? He didn't give a damn where I went, etc, etc, etc. But, and how dare the Republicans say that this deposition proves that Joe Biden has lost his mind? How dare they say that? How dare that Republican hack operative, Robert Herr, who told him about a million times. That's very interesting, Mr. Preston. How can, can we move on to something from the last 50 years or so? Can we move on to those documents behind the Corvette? John, you're next with how we car. Go ahead, John. Hey, Howie, only 24 and a half million to make you go away. Come on. Yeah, listen, don't go away, man. Just go away, right? Right, exactly. How can we miss you when you won't go away? All those sayings and songs, they all apply to Don Lamone. Right, so this whole TikTok is just the tip, or the whole shebang of socialism just going to hit us in the face here. I mean, what are we seeing here with this? I don't know. Why did all the Republicans vote for this? Well, probably because there's money in their pockets coming from it. That's how I see it. Yeah, it's the genopause word China. China. China. I don't know. It's a complicated issue. But again, if Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi are for it, I'm going to get it. That makes it a lot simpler, doesn't it? I'm how we car it. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. We have one flip-lock left. That's our cheap bastard deal. It's the secondary door lock that's easy to use and toughen up for worst case scenarios. It's normally 60 bucks, and it's being offered right now at Click on store for 30 bucks. We originally had silver and gold models. We have one bronze left. Go for the bronze. Click on store. It's the last one. All right. 844-542-844-542. I don't want to get into the whole thing about this guy losing his equipment and all that. He had kids before he lost the equipment. And again, as the caller said or the text there said, I'm sure that if he's still alive today, almost 80 years old, despite his terrible tragedy early in life, I'm sure he's very glad that thanks to Brandon's legislation, he's no longer going to have to pay junk fees. Get it? Get it? Junk fees? Cetera. Ha, ha, ha, ha. 844-542-442. Three men, all teenagers have been arrested in the harrowing Philadelphia bus stop shooting the wounds at eight high school students. Jamal Tucker and Anili Boggs, A-H-N-I-L-E. Maybe it's Anil Boggs. Anil Boggs. Do they call them Bugsy? Both 18 and 19-year-old Jamad Carter, J-E-R-M-A-H-D, were part of the For some that sprayed 30 rounds of bullets at Northeast High School students who were waiting to load onto the septa, the city bus. Boggs, Anil, Anil Boggs, was cuffed Monday in a stundi, in a sting that involved 25 feds. They were covered a fully, outloaded and fully automatic 40-caliber Glock that matched casings found at the scene. Last night, those terrible inflation numbers came out. Did you see that? We're going to talk more about that a little bit later. These inflation numbers, they put the light, everything Biden says, about everything, as you know. The loan network last night to report on the February inflation numbers in an embarrassingly brief report at that was ABC. Here's that report in its entirety. Cut six. Economy tonight, a new report suggesting the inflation fight has stalled. Consumer prices in February were up 3.2% from a year ago. That's slightly above what was expected. The cost of gas and rent rising last month, but food prices were flat. The Federal Reserve meets next week. Anil is still thinking interest rate cut could come this summer. 18 seconds on one network. Here's the CBS report. Could I have crickets, please? Okay. Here's the NBC report. So do the math. Three networks, 18 seconds. That's six seconds. How about if the inflation rate had gone down to nothing? 844-542-42. I didn't see this on, I didn't see this anywhere else, but Jesse Waters tweeted it out. I guess some of the pork in the latest pork bill. I don't even know what the pork bill is. AOC wants a half a million dollar taxpayer dollars for an anti-racist oyster reef. I'm not familiar with too many oyster reefs, except for well-flayed. I've never noticed any racism in the oysters and well-flayed or anywhere on the Cape, for that matter. An anti-racist oyster reef. $3 million she wants to study if a barge should be removed from the harbor. How about we flip a coin and just heads and goes, tails, it stays. How about we sink it? How about we sink the barge and make it into a reef and we'll put a sign on the reef that says the sunken barge and say, "Hate has no home here. No oyster is illegal." How about that? Jerry Nadler wants a $1 million taxpayer bailout to widen his sidewalk. Well, he's kind of wide himself. Maybe, I wish I knew more about these cases. Pelosi wants $5 million to get reimagined and entrance to a subway station. Imagine there's no Nancy in Congress. It's easy if you do. No one will be raving about tic-tac-toe. Ilhan Omar wants $4 million for George Floyd Square. Great. 844-542-42. By the way, where the Philadelphia shooters mothers reach for comment. He's a good boy, a very good boy. Yes, that goes for both Jamal and Anil and Jamal. 844-542-42. Linda, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Linda. Hi, Howie. So, did you share about Joe Biden getting some good help from G? They're emptying out all the engineering schools there and setting them up through the border. So these men, they're turning me up through, because before in your segment, you said something about making the chips that we're not going to get to Taiwan and nobody wanting these jobs. Yeah, nobody, they were giving away billions of dollars but the DEI requirements are so stringent. You basically have to hire incompetent people and just keep them around forever. So even with billions of taxpayer handouts, they can't make it work. So they're just going to South Korea or somewhere offshore where they don't have to deal with box checkers and affirmative action, et cetera, et cetera. I'm thinking if they're vetting these people, I mean, they're obviously going to technology and they're just going to say, "Oh, I never completed engineering school but you can teach me, train me on the job." I mean, they're CCP. All these people coming, the only reason they were a law-cometer. Don't you think maybe that they're going to work at the marijuana farms, like the ones they got up in Maine with all these Chinese nationals working there? Or how about the chemical, the Wuhan lab-like facility they had in Stockton, California, with the cops finally went in and they found thousands of dead mice and other animals they were conducting experiments upon. I mean, those Chinese nationals that are crossing the border, they could be coming across for any damn thing, any damn thing that would hurt the United States of America. That's what Biden's for. 844-542-42. You know what Omar's anti-racist reef, you know what the slogan is? Racism shocks. That's from one of the textors. That's pretty good. 844-542-781, one of your all-time greatest lines about Nadler was, that guy is one Twinkie away from exploding back during the Clintonate impeachment. Now I would say he's one hot dog away from exploding. Now that we know that it's, he's more of a, his Jones is hot dogs, not Twinkies. Maybe it's changed. 844-542-42. Chuck, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead Chuck. Hi Howie. I just got a quick question here. Can you tell me what the hell the difference is? Well, he got Biden on tape and he broke the law and they're not going to impeach him. Is that correct? Yes. And I just want to get my phone across okay. So why do they impeach Nixon for the same damn thing and they won't get rid of this guy? What the hell's going on? I think Chuck, you know the answer to that question. Nixon had an R at the end of his name, Biden has a D. It's pretty easy, right? To figure out. I mean, I mean, I mean, the crazier thing is that Biden did worse than Trump. Trump had the right to these documents at some level because he was the, he was the president of the United States. Biden, some of these documents went back to his Senate days and he stole them from the secure viewing area for Senate documents and he had no right to have the documents from when he was a senator or a vice president, but they gave him a pass because her said correctly that he was senile and that it therefore, I mean, and then this he, he went beyond the obvious that he was senile and said a jury would never convict them because he's demented. And that, I mean, I don't know, you know, you could make an argument. He made the right decision, but shouldn't it be up to the jury to decide whether he's senile or not or whether he's pulling events at the chin and, you know, putting on an act? I don't think he is, but isn't it up to the jury to decide that Chuck? Yeah. Well, yes, I agree with you. But why, you know, why the Nixon was no jury? They just impeached him. They hated Nick. They hated Nixon. They hated Nixon the way they hated Trump. You know, the Democrats, it was the deep state. It was that that's all it was. And, you know, they were using a Bob Woodward who was a, you know, a Navy intelligence guy. They were, they were funneled the FBI through a disgruntled agent who thought he should have taken over for Jay after Jay Edgar Hoover died, a guy named Mark Felt. He was funneling information to Bob Woodward and I was being put into the paper by, by Ben Bradley, who was a crony of the Kennedys. It was, it was, it was early deep state maneuvering. Thanks for the call, Chuck. 844, 542, 42. Nixon wasn't so bad. You know, at the time, I really disliked them. But he ended the draft just before I was going to get drafted. So, you know, what, what, what's my real complaint about him? I is, as I look back, I don't have a complaint. 844, 542, 42. Taylor, you're next with how we car. Go ahead, Taylor. Hey, howdy. Do you have a good signal with me? Yes, I do. All right. I just wanted to call in and tell you that stick to your guns with the, the TikTok. A lot of people are, you know, like you said, banning free speech is the most, that's why it's the first amendment. That's why it's not about TikTok. It's about the first amendment. And like you said earlier, buyer beware notices, San Michael Sifres. So, we shouldn't, it's a slippery slope. And I'm pretty sad that we only have 65 house members that get this out of the, what, 435 members? Yeah, though, I think, I think one of the earlier callers was right, though, Taylor, you know, money talks BS walks, you know. Yeah, unfortunately, we have too many sellouts and our chambers. And, you know, I'm kind of concerned with the Senate. Rand Paul is doing a good job. I was, uh, ran a Ron Paul delegate in 20, 2011, 2012. I've been an analyst since 2007. And I listened to, oh, I listened to all sorts of shows quite often. And, uh, you're right on this issue, even though, don't ever, don't ever, I know you won't because you get it. But other people, I've seen it on my Facebook too. I scroll through my Facebook and there's just so many people that, oh, yeah, let's ban it. Well, look, what's going to happen to telegram, like you said, and I thought the same thing, and all these meta was forced to improve their platform with their video editing software because of TikTok. A lot of people are leaving meta and drove. And I'm surprised TikTok's not suing Facebook. Well, you probably can't, because it's just, you know, you can't, you can't have a monopoly on features, but they copy, they copy them. Good luck suing Zuckerberg after he gave $400 million to the Democrats in 2022. You know, I mean, talk about money, money talking and BS walking, you know, in the halls of justice, you know what I say, the only justice is in the halls. I just, I just, I don't, any reform, I look at a scans at any, anybody who's telling me they're there, they're, they want to reform something and make it better. Because 98% of the time, maybe more, it makes it worse. And it's a scam and a grift. And I just, my, my radar goes up on this one. Thanks for the call, Taylor. 844-542-508. Sweet Jesus, it's a private business. You don't have any constitutional rights for the love of God. 844-542. 42 marches here. And so is allergy season, which is why you need the Eden pure thunderstorm air purifier three pack. Paul Rizzo from Rizzo Insurance just ordered another three with code Howie three. He uses them both in his home and his office and he also buys them as gifts. It's not a surprise that everyone wants and loves the thunderstorm due to how well it works and how affordable it is. Dave Henshey has one in every room at the Nossett Beach Inn. Dr. Matt the vet swears by them. Not only does it help with pollen in your home, but with the USB cable, you can use it in your car as well. Every time you open that door to your car or home, pollen is coming inside. Pollen can give you itchy eyes as sore throat or just overall feelings of fatigue. Take care of the air inside your car with a thunderstorm air purifier. The Eden pure three pack is small enough to hold in your hand and doesn't take up any floor space. It also doesn't need filters and that saves you both time and money. For pet owners, odors, cooking smells, tobacco, musty basements, you need the Eden pure thunderstorm three pack. Taylor, I know you use it in the basement, but use it in other places as well. Well, I use it for other purposes, not just for basement smells, but the basement is also where I keep a lot of my suits that I wear on my gigs and I do a lot of cigar bars. When I come home, I hang up my suits that reek of cigar smoke right next to the thunderstorm and usually by the next day, 90% of the smell is gone and the next time I wear the suit, you couldn't even tell that I had worn it in the cigar bar the week earlier. So it saves me a lot on dry cleaning. So there you go. It's another way to make up for the Biden inflation and the Eden pure thunderstorms are back in stock now. Order now at Use code Howey3. That's the number three and get yours now. That's code Howey3. I'm HoweyCar. The HoweyCar show returns after this. HoweyCar is back. Still got that one bronze flip-lock left. Oh, the cheap bastard deal. All the others are gone. You got one chance left to get the $60 secondary door lock that's easy to use and tough enough for worst-case scenarios. It's a $60 value. You can get it for $30 right now and no cameras, no monthly fees and you can put it inside the house too if you're worried about security in the house. Makes a nice gift for your kid if it's going off to live in their first apartment or their first college norm in the fall. At, click on store the one left, one flip-lock left. Get it now. Dana, you're next with HoweyCar. Go ahead, Dana. Hey, Howey. You played an 18 second put from CBS and News or whatever. ABC. The news lies a lot. I was waiting down in a parking lot for my wife to get out of the dentist today and I tuned in to your show at 3, but it was CBS News was on and they said, "Well, you know, the first relief trucks are going into Gaza since it started the war." Since what? Since Israel started the war? Yeah, since Netanyahu. My God. It's just technically that's a total lie. That's not... It is a lie, period. You don't have to use technically or anything else. It's a damn lie. They started the war. That's why I don't mind seeing these Hamas people being blown up. You know, I actually enjoy it. That guy, Muhammad, whatever his name was that got blown up by the IDF today in Raja, where ever it is. He wanted to cease fire. He got to cease fire. They started the war, Dana. You know, and now they're begging for a cease fire. I couldn't believe that CBS said that. I couldn't believe it. Anyways, I'll let you go. Thank you. No, I know. It's all the network newscast, even Fox. I mean, Fox wouldn't... I don't think would be quite that bad, but fine. They all slant left, way left, not just NPR, but even the so-called commercial networks. 844-542-42. I'm how we car. [Music]