The Howie Carr Radio Network

Stop the Steal '24 Edition and Nix TikTok? | 3.13.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 2

Jay Valentine, an independent fraud-watcher, joins the show to update the listeners on what tactics may be tried by the Dems to steal the election from Trump and what their chances of success may be. And TikTok....should it be banned in the US?

Broadcast on:
13 Mar 2024
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Investing in precious metals may seem daunting to a beginner, but now maybe one of the best times to begin doing so. Find out why in the latest episode of Meet the Experts with Howie Car. With this week's guest, Silver Dave, of Local Silver Men, wherever you get your Howie Car Show podcast. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. 2021, though, you did say that inflation was transitory. Do you regret saying that now? I regret saying it was transitory. No, you don't. Prices fell over the last year for gas milk, eggs, chicken, appliances. No, they didn't. No, no, no, they didn't. But you can imagine what it would be like if they did, right? Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. New reports suggesting the inflation fight has stalled. Consumer prices in February were up 3.2% from a year ago that's slightly above what was expected. This is quite a shock. On the other hand, it's not surprising in the least. Who do you love? Howie Car. Yvonne Buske is mad at me, and I just put out a statement about what happened between him, me, and the interview that he is apparently so upset about. Oh my God, who the hell cares? Rum swabs, hacks, and moon bounce beware. It's Howie Car. Our cheap bastard deals are going fast. The flip lock, the secondary door lock, a $60 value for $30. If you want to get one, you better get on board now. We have two colors, silver and bronze. Silver's going really fast. So if you want one and you want a silver one, you really got to hop on it fast. But we've got a number left, but it's a good product. 844, if I go to and click on store. If you want to check it out, and there's a video there to check. All right, we get calls like you, I see these polls every day. Trump's ahead in this state or that state. Trump's ahead in all of the swing states. Trump's further ahead than he ever was in 2020 or 2016, et cetera, et cetera. You know, I look at them, but I take it with a grain of salt because I don't know what's going to happen. I remember what happened in 2020. How can you forget? It was it was horrible. And the question is, what are they going to do about it? They just got rid of Aarona McDaniel as the RNC chairman, and they put in this guy Michael Waitley from North Carolina. He has an army of lawyers. I'm not sure I've said this before. I'm not sure an army of lawyers is what you need to ensure voter integrity, because once once the ballots go into the boxes, you know, the lawyers didn't have much luck in 2020, did they? And I don't know how much luck they're going to have in 2024. You got to you got to stop this before before the the the fraud or or the shenanigans. Well, that could be not canceled. The shenanigans take place. And I know a lot of people talk about it because they call in they text. And one guy that I've been following is Jay Valentine, and he writes for American Thinkors sometimes, and he has a quantum technology team called Fractal, and it's based out of Austin, Texas. And he seems to have some pretty good ideas. So I wanted to have him on just to check in. And in a way, this is CYA because if something terrible happens in November, I don't want everybody to say it. You didn't you didn't tell you didn't warn us about this, and you didn't you didn't bring up this issue. Jay Valentine, thanks for being with us here again on the highway car show. And I will point out this is your third time on the highway car show. We're trying to keep the pressure up on I don't know who, but on somebody. Is it working at all? Are the Republicans across the country starting to show more interest in trying to deal with this Democrat Death Star technology when it comes to voting machines? Well, thanks, Ali. Always a pleasure to speak with you. And yes, things are actually changing. So one of the things that we've been saying, and you said it in your introduction, is that you can hire all the lawyers in the world. It's not going to help you in 2024. 2024 is going to be decided in 15 counties in seven swing states. And we know who they are and we're deeply engaged in everyone. And in those counties for 20 years, leftists have been loading the voter rolls with fake people with real people at fake addresses and with real people at real addresses that are ineligible addresses like a Walmart or gas station. And there are hundreds of thousands of them in every state. And so as you said at the opening, yeah, Trump's leading in the polls by what 2%, 3%, howie, we can show you in every swing state, 7 to 10% of the voter roll is completely illegitimate. So Trump would have to win each of the swing states by over 7% to break even. And that is not going to happen. Well, is the Republican national campaign apparatus, the Republican National Committee, are they talking to you? Are they talking to anybody? I got a guy down here in Florida who has a security company. And I passed stuff that he wanted me to get to the Trump campaign. But I never know if anybody's doing anything about it or if Trump really believes that 500 lawyers are going to save the day. Well, I can tell you that we have conversations with people in a number of campaigns every day. And so the one that we had today, which I think was really interesting, is in the Midwest, there are three guys, men, they have to be men running for the U.S. Senate in the Republican side. And in Ohio cases, yes, in all three cases, these folks said that they learned that the Republican National Committee's data is 50% incorrect. So when you're knocking on doors or you're sending out mailers, you got a 50/50 chance of even having the right vote. So pitiful. She ran it for seven years. I know she's gone now, but what a lost time frame we had. So what's going to happen in Ohio, just as an example? Well, I can be the better example I can give you is actually in Wisconsin. So in Wisconsin, we actually had a call with Wisconsin and Michigan earlier this morning. And in those cases, we have teams up there. We have a group of guys we work with out of Wisconsin who have won the previous U.S. Senate seat because they used our technology and some other technology. That's the Ron Johnson one where he was going to get knocked off by that radical nitwit, the lieutenant governor. And what they did, what they did, how, and this is really important. The first thing is they clean the voter rolls with this advanced technology that which is interesting. But here's what they did. It goes through your opening. They did something that what they did was they determined all of the people who were going to get mail in ballots, but were ineligible. So if you live in a Walmart or if you live in a gas station, you might be an okay person, an okay voter, but you are in an eligible location. So what they did was they didn't challenge a person's right to vote. They challenged being able to send an mail-in ballot to an ineligible location. Well, Walmart. And they were able to stop. Now they're probably sending them to all these thousand of dollar tree stores that are shutting down. That's all another place for Democrats to register voters. Well, when that's happening, the issue though is that now we can identify those locations. And because we can identify them, we've built something called the undeliverable ballot database. We're working with a bunch of the campaigns. I mean, they're not working with me. They're working with people who are in the field using our technology. But what they're doing is they're identifying where a mail-in ballot is going to go. And it's an ineligible location, not an ineligible person. And it's really a big deal because you can't challenge a person to vote. Even if he's from Mars and you can show that he's green, it's okay. But if you challenge a location, there's no laws that protect location. And that's starting to work, Ollie. And that is becoming really a big tool for 24. And we're pretty optimistic about it. Well, that's good. But I mean, Wisconsin, it's really going to be necessary because they've taken over the Supreme Court. And they're trying to put in this gerrymandering of the districts to screw up the legislature so they can't change the laws anymore and voting. But what about the Trump campaign though, Jay? I know you have your own company and all that. Should we be optimistic that the Trump campaign understands what the scope of the problem here is? Well, I can't answer that for you because I'm not sitting at the table with those guys. However, I do talk to some people who are sitting at the table. And I think that the word is getting through to them that the way to do this is not with an after-the-fact thing litigating afterwards. They have to find a way to stop this before the votes are cast. And I can't tell you that they're going to do it, but I can tell you that they are talking about it. That's good. How much time do we, I mean, honest people, Democrats and Republicans alike, how much time do we have to prevent this from happening again like it did in 2020? Well, not much. We were hoping, you know, we've been doing this for a long time. You've been talking to us for two years, how we've been saying two years ago, that was sort of a pretty good idea to get started. And nobody was doing it. But the big reason they weren't doing it is you had Ronald McDaniel running the RNC was totally incompetent. But now what's happened is that the Trump people have taken over the RNC. I cannot tell you that the problem's fixed. But I can tell you right now, we've seen more activity from those folks in the last 72 hours than we have seen in the last 36 months. Good. Oh, and this means the RNC since they took over and started firing all the hairdressers and the caterers, etc. Right. Right. And I mean, the RNC plus the people who are in the Trump campaign, we've had some very substantive conversations. But we're also getting calls from people running for US Senate because they know that the RNC data is jacked. They can't do anything with it. And so they're working with some some people who are users of our technology and other technologies. We're not the only ones. But what it is about is cleaning the voter rolls. And if your voter rolls are 50% wrong, that means that 50% of all the mail you send out is wasted. And we can tell which 50% it is. So we can make that problem go away, which is that's important. Someone says that's great. But what if cities and towns and counties and states don't want to address the correctness? Here's the issue, how they're not going to correct it. So we cannot, we cannot even have a conversation right now about are they going to correct it? We have to take it as prima facie that they're not going to correct it. That being said, how do we stop it? We stop it by stopping mail-in ballots going to ineligible addresses. That's the only tool we have, Howie. So do you have to go into court, though, to do that, right? So you do need lawyers? Well, you don't. I mean, how do we do it in Wisconsin in 2022? They sat down with regular straws. So here you are, and you sat down and you say, Howie, you're going to register here in XYZ County. And I'm going to show you 150 addresses at which 4,000 ballots are ready to go out to these addresses. But this is a hairstyling place. This is a mentoring restaurant and a Walmart. And I'm telling you now, there's a photograph of it. If you send a ballot there, we are coming after you criminally with the sheriff. And the sheriff in many of these counties was willing to back them up, not at all, but in many. It didn't solve 100% of the problem, Howie. But it solved enough. But Ron Johnson kept the seat. Thank goodness. He won by 22,000 votes. So I'm telling you, it's the only tool we have in the time that we have remaining. Right. Where can people go? Where can people go to read stories about this? People are obsessed with this, right? And rightly so. But where can they go to learn more about what's going on and to tell their local Republicans to get involved with this? We have a website called Omega, the number four America. It's also tied to our sub stack. We have a sub stack that goes out once a week that explained in detail all of the things that are going on with these bad voter rolls in all of these states and how some of the things that are being done at the last minute to thwart the steal of 2024. And I can tell you right now, if you think it was a steal in 2020, see nothing compared to what's being prepared for 2024. I believe you. I think anyone who doesn't believe you would be a fool, they're capable of anything. We saw it yesterday in that congressional hearing when they were trying to defend Biden. I mean, I know it's a different subject, but they were out of control. All right. Just so you know, they'll do anything to stop Trump in 2024 and anything at all. And that's just the way it's going to be. Jay Valentine, give us the addresses and where people can find your information again one more time. Okay. It's Omega, OM, EGA, Omega, the number four America, omega for and that I store a subject account. Thanks again for the chat, Howie. Okay, Jay. Can we get John again in about a month or so? This is it's we're coming down to the wire here. We got to we got to pay more attention here. All right. Sure. You know how you got my number, Howie. I do. I do. Thank you, Jay. And thanks for your thanks for your good work. And thanks for saving Ron Johnson's or helping to save Ron Johnson's Senate seat. That would have been a real tragedy. That guy Mandela Barnes was his name. What a freak. 844 542 42. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Dr. Houghton of perfect smiles is a superb dental architect. When it comes to dentistry, he's the best at what he does. He fixes your teeth, your smile. But what he really does is build the self confidence of all his patients. When you have a smile that you are proud of, it builds confidence in your professional life and your personal life. The better you look, the better you feel. And that helps every aspect of your life. Every interaction you have daily. If you're not afraid to smile, every other part of life becomes so much easier. Summer will be here before you know it with weddings, cookouts, and family reunions to attend. You have the opportunity to smile with more confidence than ever before. Have you thought about perfect smiles for years but never called? Take care of yourself. You deserve it. Call perfect smiles in Nashua, New Hampshire. They are conveniently located off Route 3 and have plenty of parking. You can reach them at perfect That's perfect Change your smile, change your life. I'm Howie Carr. Howie Carr, we'll be right back. You're listening to The Howie Carr Show. Today's poll question is brought to you by Tobias Hearing Center in Quincy, Massachusetts. They help me get fitted with a pair of state-of-the-art hearing aids so they can help you too. And for a limited time only mention Howie Carr and receive up to $200 off your hearing aids. That's to They did a great job for me and they'll do a great job for you. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is if you were in Congress, would you vote to force the sale or ban of TikTok? No, I would not. 30% say no. Okay. I'm getting texts on both sides and you don't people are saying, well, it's Chinese technology. They're spying on people. They're stealing our technology. They're spying on journalists. You're the usual thing, etc. I understand all that. I'm even willing to accept it. It's true. So you want to have Joe Biden, his deep state minions, the George Soros types, the Mark Elias types, you want to give them this kind of power? Okay. How's that? How'd that work out with the Patriot Act and the FISA courts and warrantless surveillance? 844-542, 42-844-542. Jocelyn, you're next with HowieCar. Go ahead, Jocelyn. Hi, Howie. Long time listener, first time caller. Thank you. A couple of things, please. There is someone by the name of Louis Natalie of the Freeport Society who is touting the fact that August 19th Biden is going to be asked to step down to be replaced by Gavin Newsom. What are your thoughts about that? I think you're going to need the jaws of life to pry him out of there. I know there are a million theories on what's going to happen, Jocelyn. I just, I don't know. I mean, I don't know how we can run. Every time I see it, and I went through this deposition 269 pages, it's worse than you've read. It's as bad as the worst story is, it's worse when you see it. And this guy, her, was trying to give him every benefit of the doubt. It was being super polite, more polite than you or I would have been. And they still tard and feathered him yesterday. Thanks for the call. 844-542, 42-42, Janet, you're next with HowieCar. Go ahead, Janet. Hi, Howie. I've got a question for you. After listening to that gentleman on his, your interview, my question is, what is the Republicans going to do when they start to get these illegal aliens the right to vote? And we've read this in several catalogs and news reports. Yeah, I know. I mean, you know, they claim that they're not going to be allowed to vote. I think you just got to, you know, what he's saying is you can't let people be voting out of these places where they shouldn't be voting. I mean, like, take East Cambridge, you know, where you got all the illegal aliens are being moved into the old probate courthouse. You can't be letting people vote out of the probate courthouse on nights. Everybody knows the address. It's on Cambridge Street or the clarion hotel in Taunton or the holiday inn in Marlboro. Nothing Massachusetts is a swing state. You got to be working with swing states first. Worried by Massachusetts later. I'm Howie Carr. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios, 844-542. Yeah, there's quite a battle going on the text line about this TikTok vote. The house voted overwhelmingly to force either a sale of a TikTok or a ban if they don't sell the red Chinese. But 919 says TikTok government ban, whatever happened to user beware warnings. Yeah, caveat emptor, let the buyer beware. 860, TikTok already sent out messages telling people to call their reps. They could send out lies telling the sheep on the app who to vote for. Well, aren't they already doing that on social media? I mean, wasn't that the whole thing behind the ban on Twitter before Elon Musk bought it? A ban on the New York Post reporting the story about Hunter Biden's laptop and the millions of dollars in payoffs to himself and his father and his uncle. If the Americans or the so-called Americans are in Silicon Valley and doing it, I mean, maybe they just want to put a competitor out of business. Do you ever think about that? And again, I mean, it sounds good. A lot of stuff sounds good. You know, oh, if we give illegal aliens, drivers, licenses, they'll all get insurance and they'll all register their cars and things will be and they'll have they'll have automobiles that they can go to work in. How's that working out? How's that working out? You know, most government reforms make matters worse, don't they? That's what I think. 844-542-42, I think voting no as a legislator is severely underrated as an achievement. Jesse Helms from North Carolina knew that. They called him Senator No and he reveled in the nickname. He said, "That's damn right. That's what I am." Senator No, I want to stop this crap from happening. 844-542-42. 802, I agree with you. Any ban by government on free speech is a slippery slope. No one wants to go down. 774, only a complete fool would give their information to China. I'm not given my information to China. Are you? So I've made my decision. 844-542-42. Let's see here. George, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, George. Yeah, hi, Hilary. Great show was always. Thanks. That was a great guest you had on there. We're going to have him on again. When you go to the doctor and you got a deadly disease, you want the doctor to tell you the truth. And what can I do to get better? Because I can feel it. I can smell it. The Dems know Trump's going to beat us unless we double up on the cheating. They know Trump got the votes. And another thing, Howie, France. Remember when Obama used to say, "Oh, we've got to be more like Europe." France banned mail-in voting years ago. Right. Right. And you know, another thing they did in George, all the European countries have banned, for that very reason. You know, another thing the European countries have banned is the wealth tax, which is what Elizabeth Warren, the fake Indian and Bernie Sanders, they just want to, if you're worth, they say 50 million or 100 million, but you know, damn well, it would go down to a million bucks. If you have these illiquid assets, like land or paintings or any of their stocks, you would have to sell a certain percentage every year to meet the 2%, 3% threshold to pay the tax. And George, you know what happened in Europe when they put this in? Everybody just fled. All the rich people fled. They just moved to the few countries that didn't have the wealth tax. And it's insane. They, the Democrats just keep making the same mistake over and over and over again. I talked to a guy today from Connecticut. He said, "Yeah, we moved there in the 70s and it was a great state. They had no income tax." There was a guy named Lowell Weicher, a rhino, a former Republican senator who'd become the governor. And he put, "Oh, it's just a small income tax." Yeah. Then they put on the millionaires tax. And pretty soon, you know, everybody that had a job who could get out of Connecticut had got not a Connecticut. And the place is, the place is turning into a pit like most of New England, except for New Hampshire and maybe part of Maine. Thanks for the call, George. 844-542. Jonathan, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Jonathan. Hey, Howie. I'm really impressed with your position on the TikTok ban. I'm a TikTok user. I've been using the site for maybe two or three years. I'm 50 years old. I got like 29,000 followers. And I, you know, your screener asked if I was an influencer. No, I hate influencers. But I'll tell you, TikTok, first of all, it's not a panacea because I get hit with community guidelines, violations all the time. There's stuff that I can't say on there as a libertarian. And it's just, they're going to go after rumble in next next. Right. Right. They never stop. You know, that's why the NRA, you know, they may have had problems in the last few years with, you know, the same problems the RNC had. The people had been entrenched too long and they were overspending. But the NRA understood that anytime they just, they want to get like the one, get the camel getting his nose under the tent. And then they just keep burrowing deeper and deeper. Then you think they're going to stop with TikTok, Jonathan? There's no way. This is a, you're, you're, you're hitting it, you're hitting the nail on the head, because it's the first amendment issue with the TikTok ban and the second amendment issue with the NRA stuff. Right. So they're really coming for the freedoms of all Americans. And it's just like the Patriot Act. It's the same thing. You're right. Yeah. Yeah. They say they pay. Well, wait a second. I don't want the government to have the right to put a wire, a surveillance on me without a warrant so that I can't, why can't I defend myself? Well, how we we're not going to use it against you. We're only going to use it against Muslim terrorists and the occasional Republican who's working for Donald Trump. So we can get to Donald Trump. I mean, one thing in life, you have to learn from the mistakes you've made. You can't, if they sell you a pig in a poke, you can't buy a second pig in a poke. You know, fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me, Jonathan. That's my feeling. I'm not a bit, I don't care about TikTok, but I just care. I just don't, I don't want them coming after me. And I know this is just a way. This is the starting, this is the starting shot of going after me in a different way. And you too, and everybody, I think they're going to get into the signal, the telegram, all of the WhatsApp, they're going to go into the private stuff, which is supposed to be protected. And they're going to say, well, we've got, you know, we've, we've passed this bill, you know, yeah, yeah, I know, I don't add, and again, if Biden will sign this bill, what does that tell you? How much more do you need to know Pelosi was for today on the, on the floor of the house? Again, how many more warning signs do you need? Thanks for the call, Jonathan. 844-542-42. Tom, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Tom. Yeah. Hi, Howie. Back to the gentleman you had on earlier, that was a great interview. Thanks. But what I always thought is when they wheel those boxes into the polling places, who says those are empty? Who says they don't have a bunch of Democrats by ballots and they are already? Well, you know, I know, I mean, there's an, there's any number of ways to steal, you know, I mean, I used to see primitive ways in Boston City Hall, but it's much more sophisticated now, but you got to, you got to try to, you know, we're playing whack-a-mole with them, basically, and you just got to try to hit the ones that you can get and hope for the best and hope you can win some elections and clean the rest of it up, Tom. Well, I think the biggest moles is mail-in ballot thing. I mean, I'm older and I voted in quite a few elections and I have never seen a mail-in ballot and the whole excuse was COVID. I didn't buy it then. No. I thought Biden declared COVID over. So why are we continuing with the, it's like, it's like now. Because they say a lot of states like Massachusetts signed in and, and you know, it was silly to, to, for the previous Republican leadership in the, in the state committee. We're filing a lawsuit. The law was changed by the legislature and signed by a Republican governor. You can't change. You can't file a lawsuit against that. It's not, I mean, if you can, but it's, it's just a waste of time and they wasted time and money on it, the previous people, the cult, but you know, the, the problem is in, in Massachusetts, I don't think it's, it's not a state that's in play or anything like that. Personally, I know I'm a registered Florida voter now, have been for a couple of years. My, my daughter is a registered New York voter and we still get the ballots, the mail room and with the mail room manager. We get three, we get three absentee ballots, whether we, whether we ask for them or not. It's ridiculous. And I don't think anyone's going to steal them, but who's to say that they couldn't steal them out of a, you know, out of the, out of the mailbox or, or out of the post office before they're even delivered. Thanks for, thanks for the call, Tom. 844-542-4242. Greg, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Greg. Yeah, Howie, I just talking about this TikTok thing. I mean, what about Google? They're gathering information about us every second. They know where we are, everything like that. TikTok, if I'm not on TikTok, TikTok, I'm not on Facebook, I'm not on X. I try to watch what I do for myself. I think people should be smart enough on their own to make the judgment and say, well, well, what's the Chinese going to do with information? What kind of information are they gathering? It's nothing more than what Google's getting. And the next thing you know, you Google something and now you got, say, how much do my house insurance be? And now you have 15 people sending you emails or whatever, saying, hey, you should buy insurance from us, you know, oh, this is information. I don't know why they're so afraid because the Chinese already are doing things to us. And TikTok is not going to stop that. Right. How about fentanyl? They don't seem to care about fentanyl, do they? Or the fact that China was to take over Taiwan where most of our chips come from. And Biden says, oh, we're giving billions to American companies to produce our chips, semiconductor chips here in the US. But they're putting so many diversity, equity, inclusion requirements that they can't recruit, recruit qualified Americans to work at building chips. And now they want them to hire unqualified people. So you know what, guess what? They're walking away from these billions of dollars. They've been stories about it in the papers. I mean, it's just another Biden Democrat disaster. But you know, it seems like there are bigger problems than TikTok. And I don't want, I don't want them screwing around with anything that has to do with the first amendment. And maybe I'm naive. You could tell me if I'm naive that it's, but you know, you told me you told me the Patriot Act, would given the government the right to surveil Americans was it was a good thing. I don't think it is. I've tried, I've tried to learn from my mistakes in life. 844, 542, 42, 8. It's not an attempt to ban TikTok. It's an attempt to make TikTok better. Tik Those are scary words. However many eight nine words. Spring is here and the outdoor opportunities on the Cape are special, especially if you have a room at the naucet beach in the only public lodging that is available in the Cape Cod National Seashore. There's the Cape Cod rail trail on an electric bike. You can get discounts on the e-bike bike rentals at the naucet beach end when you check it. You can watch the great herring migration in Brewster, one of a kind fish run with swarms of fish. There's there are endless beach and shore paths to hike. And of course the return of the humpback whales visible from the comfort of the fire pits at the naucet beach end. And who knows you may see one of those elusive gray whales that were thought to be extinct until last week. And now they're back. Want to warm up after a long day outside every room has a fireplace. When I visited the naucet beach end I was so impressed with how every room not only has an ocean view but that the ocean view is ever changing with a different surf to watch. Naucet beach end is also pet friendly. Each room has two queen sized beds so it is very family friendly as well. That means you can take the kids to the to with you and you can just have them sleep in the same room with you. Sit by the fire pit and enjoy the sunset cocktails or conversation. The naucet beach end a short drive to a vacation far away. April rooms from 249.99 and in may rooms from 269.99. Reserve your room. They won't last naucet beach end dot com. That's naucet beach end dot com. I'm howie car. Adding your two cents is easier than ever. Call howie at 844-542-42 or text the word howie followed by your message to six one seven two one three ten sixty six. I'll be car is back. 844-542-42. Muhammad Abu Hassan a commander in Hamas's operations unity. He will not be down for his austere Ramadan breakfast tomorrow. He's got seven that's the bad news. The good news is he's got 72 virgins. IDF I'm reading headline from the Jerusalem Post. IDF kills Hamas's operations unit commander in Rafa air strike and I check I check this out. I'd like the the the video they have this guy was just walking around and then all of a sudden he wasn't walking around and you see the two two rats in the area just scurrying away to get rid of him. I'll just tweet it out right now. It's they post these pictures every couple of days sometimes once a day and I just I'm just tweeting it out right now. Check it out. It's it's worth checking out the Jerusalem Post and the times of Israel. They both run these shots of the IDF blowing up these these Muslim Nazi savage terrorists. 844-542-42-802. I'm a 24 year old woman. My dad loves your show. He's a conservative. I'm more Democrat leaning. I'm infuriated with the attempt at banning TikTok. It's funny how they are trying to ban it yet. The White House is using it currently and making videos of and for Joe Biden. Very hypocritical. Don't you think I'd forgotten about that. Thanks for reminding me and keep listening to the show. 844-542-42. Lisa you're next with how we car go ahead Lisa. Hey Holly thanks for taking my call. I want to point out something that was a great interview with that gentleman who was talking about mail in ballads but this this isn't new and this didn't happen in a vacuum. Go back in your memory bank and remember back when Obama was in office. He passed something called the Hava rap to help America vote acts and essentially what it did is it broke his down to two things. If you want this federal money for your election you have to either adopt same day voter registration or motor voter. So I know Massachusetts has motor voter. Unfortunately I'm in New Hampshire. We have same day voter registration. Now they had the legislature in our state had scaled it back to the point where you can have to have one iota of identification to file for same day voter registration. I know and you know Sununu is always defended that by saying well we have to have legislation that can survive a court challenge by ACLU and George Soros at at all. You know but I'm not I don't know if I buy that Lisa. I think you've got a bigger problem in New Hampshire than we have in Massachusetts. Agreed. And how crazy is that? I mean I don't know about the I don't know about Trump but I think Kelly A. I definitely lost the Senate seat six years ago because of the same day registration with all the college kids in those four or five towns. Absolutely. Absolutely. You take away those four or five towns she's still she's still the US senator. Exactly. No I couldn't agree with you more. I should ask for the witness protection program. That's okay too too late Lisa but we'll protect you. The US marshals will be there to assure your safety from the from the wokesters in the in the granite state. We'll be back with more of this when we come back eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. I'm how we start.