The Howie Carr Radio Network

Ben Weingarten on the $10 Billion Iran Sanctions Waiver, TikTok and the Hur Report | 3.13.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Don't miss Ben Weingarten's interview. He delves into how the Biden administration is offering Iran a financial lifeline, the potential problems with a TikTok bill and Biden's bizarre interview with Robert Hur.

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13 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trateria studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Stand-up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. I'm so excited to bring on our next guest. You're all very familiar with Ben Winegarten and his excellent work. He's a contributor to, well, really everywhere. But somewhere you might know him from is real clear, investigates. He does some really great projects there. And he's also a great follow on Twitter. He's an author. He wrote an amazing book about Ilhan Omar, which we will get to her in just a second. But Ben, I wanted to start today with this report from Free Beacon, which I'm sure you have an opinion on, that the Biden administration is poised to grant Iran billions in sanctions relief. And there's this waiver that's come up. It's a fresh sanctions waiver. Republicans are very worried it will be approved. Before we get into the meat of this waiver, how does this system work? What has to happen for these things to be approved and who approves it? Well, this is essentially the Biden administration and the State Department engaging in what I've argued is a shadow Iran nuclear deal. The administration brought in a former architect of the Obama Biden administration nuclear deal, Rob Malley, to try to reprise that deal, which flowed tens of billions of dollars into the coffers of the democracy, allowed them to build up their nuclear program. Legitimized it and pledged the U.S. to defend it. And while Malley has been sidelined because he appears to have engaged in an Iranian espionage operation and himself in careless with classified materials. Nevertheless, the administration has persisted in doing everything possible to allow billions to flow into Iran's coffers under the insane premise that somehow ultimately that's going to lead to some kind of peace. And so there have been a few different waivers that the administration has issued either granting Iran access to frozen funds or otherwise enabling them to access funds that are held at other financial institutions or to be able to trade certain assets or for certain assets. And we're always told that, well, you're not supposed to believe you're lying eyes that money isn't fungible or that goods that the Iranian regime is able to import can't get created ultimately for cash, or for weapons. But the bottom line is there's been a repeated effort by this administration to allow funds to flow into the malocracies coffers, most notably by refusing to enforce oil sanctions, which also flow billions of dollars into the hands of the malocracies. And which fund all of the jihadist activity across the Middle East from the October 7th attack to attacks from Hezbollah to Israel's north, obviously the Houthis as well, the so called militia in Iraq and Syria that have operated against US forces. So, the entire perverse plan is actually to flow billions to the terrorists and underwrite their jihadist activity and the administration's efforts to topple Benjamin Netanyahu to threaten to condition weapons sales on Israeli conduct to try and force Israel to trade hostages, trade hundreds or thousands of jihadists for hostages and ultimately force an end to the war where Hamas won't be destroyed. And then there's a Palestinian terror state that the US is going to unilaterally recognize, help establish all of that is part and parcel of the Iran first agenda and power Iran put the screws to its adversaries led by Israel. Do you think the American people know enough about Biden's relationship with Iran and I know you could take this back to the Obama years, but it seems like with the exception of a few conservative outlets. This isn't something that's talked about that often I don't think people would understand just how dangerous his, you know, playing footsy with Iran really is and to give a little more context to it. A former member of the White House National Security Council is named Richard Goldberg. He worked on the Iran portfolio. He said the Biden administration's decision to renew the waivers subsidized October 7 as well as the murder of three American soldiers in Jordan. Do you think that that's a fair assessment and do you think enough people are actually asking the Biden administration about these decisions. Well, I think it's just a fact that any funds that flow to the mallocracy ultimately underwrite terrorism because Iran is the chief state sponsor of most of these proxies. It helps provide them operational support, intelligence, weaponry, help organize their efforts and command and control those efforts. So, to the extent we are unfreezing funds or not enforcing sanctions and thus permitting the funds to get to that regime, then obviously flows into its coffers and enables all of this behavior. To the American people understand the zealotry of the really Obama ice that populate the entirety of the Biden administration. I don't think necessarily and that's probably because the media is in the tank. Obviously, the media was in the tank when, as you noted, alluded to under the Obama Biden administration, you had Iran deal. And there was the infamous Iran deal echo chamber that the then director for strategic communications at the National Security Council. Suppose that we had a mind mode with Barack Obama, then roads helped build where they use the ignorance and the leftist ideology of the media to promote the administration's line on Iran deal and really cover up the fact that basically Iran deal made the U.S. the world's leading state sponsor of the world's leading state sponsor of jihad. And it's been Iran deal reducks under the Biden administration. Again, I'd call it a shadow Iran nuclear deal where the administration goes soft on and helps aid a bad enable on power. Underwrite the activities of Iran's democracy. And that has a direct correlation with all of the jihadist activity that we're seeing in the Middle East. So I don't know if Americans fully comprehend the betrayal. I suspect that they understand, first of all, a poll show that the U.S. is on the side of Israel and against Hamas, which stands contradictory to the administration. But then the administration also argues what we have is roseback and the media continues to parrot that, but it just does not sink at all with the policies. I put out on my sub stack, a running list of all the myriad ways the administration has betrayed Israel materially almost immediately after October 7, despite the rhetoric to the contrary. There's also a long Twitter thread about it. But again, I think it's important to note that it's all part and parcel of the same agenda. Yeah, and Ben, I was just going to get to that, but I'm glad you pointed it out that there's a lot of criticism and there's a lot of focus on the IDF and what they're doing in Gaza. And they're trying to eliminate Hamas and it's ironic that, well, you know, the United States is very critical, especially the Biden administration of every move BB Netanyahu makes at the same time. And we're not helping matters by funding all of these terrorist groups. But I wanted to ask you on that note of October 7. Ben, did you notice yesterday? I know you were keeping an eye on the Robert her testimony on Capitol Hill. I noticed that a lot of Democrats who had been very quiet about October 7 didn't mind bringing it up when they could use the proximity of it to Biden's interview with Robert her, almost trying to give him like an excuse as to why he wasn't as sharp as he would be because he was dealing with this international crisis. Now, meanwhile, when it comes to actually, you know, asking for the release of the hostages, these same liberal Democrats are very, very quiet. Yes, and it's an interesting point. And, of course, you know, they also, while they ignored the fact that the IDF is operating under impossible constraints, rules of engagement that the US is de facto imposing upon them. That's built into the civilian infrastructure in an urban warfare scenario. And then you have the restrictions that the admitted the US administration has placed on Israel in terms of what weapons it can use. And timing of the operation, the intensity of the operation. So all of it prolongs the war, makes it much more dangerous for Israeli soldiers. And still, despite these impossible conditions, even if you use the Hamas numbers, which the administration now uses on casualties. Still, it's an unbelievably humanitarian ratio of jihadist death to purported civilian deaths there. Despite all of that, there are also tens of thousands of Israeli refugees in Israel right now created by the fact that the administration to go back to the earlier issue is is deterring and preventing Israel from dealing with the Hezbollah threat. So tens of thousands of Israelis in northern Israel near the Lebanon border have been out of their homes for months. Refugees displaced in their own country because the Biden administration won't let Israel attack and obliterate Hezbollah there. So there's actually a refugee crisis created by the administration in Israel. There's another refugee crisis, so-called created in Gaza as well, because the administration would not use its leverage on Egypt to force Egypt to open up its border and allow refugees to take refuge in the Sinai away from the fighting in Gaza. So all around the administration has blood on its hands. And of course, let's note, dozens of Americans were killed on October 7th, and there's still American hostages held by Hamas and Gaza. But as you know, the Democrats, the administration, they put all their focus on Israel as a bad guy. And this is in part because they're pandering for the Dearborn vote in America, and in part because of their progressive ideology and this devotion to the Iran deal. But going back to your point, it is interesting they use that as an alibi to say that, well, maybe Joe Biden was distracted. When you read the transcripts, though, it's obvious he operates as if he has all the time in the world. Andering tangents about how Ford Broncos operate. Yeah, exactly. Making up lies, it seems, about his time at Syracuse Law School. He goes into all manner of these side stories about when he was starting out as a lawyer in Delaware. Simply bizarre aside, I can't tell it can't recall what a fax machine is, but it'll tell you where he bought furniture in Wilmington, Delaware. It's all over the place. I don't think it had anything to do with October 7th. I think it's entirely about the cognitive abilities of the president. And so for the Democrats, you have to ask yourself, either he's there, he hasn't lost his marbles, and he should have been prosecuted, or he's in cognitive decline and he has no business being president. They didn't want to address that. And that's in part why they tried to throw cold water and create the versions like, as you know, the October 7th or try to shift the focus to Trump. Because they really didn't want to deal with the merits of the report. You're right. There was no sense of urgency as he was joking around about them finding a doctor, Jill's risque photos in the garage. I didn't get the sense that he was really under the gun during those moments. Ben Winegarden, we're running out of time here. Very quick response on this. If you'd be so kind, TikTok, there's a bill that just passed the house. Not sure what's going to happen with it in the Senate, but it has a lot of Republicans divided, at least the ones that we hear from on the day to day. You have Tom Massey saying this is a Trojan horse. You have Rand Paul saying this is a dangerous road to go down. And then you have other conservatives who are saying, we need to do this. We need to ban TikTok or divest TikTok. It's too dangerous. I don't think there's any question really that TikTok isn't good for the youth or for just people in general. But is that enough reason or is even the data being sent to China enough reason for us to pass something to ban it? Or do you think that could be a dicey territory? TikTok, by all accounts, is a toxic asset of the Chinese Communist Party that's used to surveil and target Americans really rot and corrupt our brains. So if TikTok was no longer in the hands of the Chinese Communist Party tomorrow, that'd be a great thing. If TikTok disappeared from the face of the Earth, tomorrow, for my vantage point, that'd be a great thing too. I don't think that's going to happen. Now, Sean Davis, I think, has raised good points that this bill isn't really about taking the fight to the Chinese Communist Party in TikTok, but wanting to put it in the hands of essentially US deep state controlled players that is turning into like another intelligence asset or surveillance asset or propaganda aspect that the US government likes the ownership of more like most of the social media platforms that they use to censor and surveil Americans. So that's one issue. Now, would you rather have it in the hands of effectively the US deep state instead of the CCP? Yeah, I guess so reluctantly so. However, if the bill did what it said it does, I think that would overall be a net positive thing, no more CCP involvement in TikTok here. However, why should we operate under the assumption that this bill won't be exploited, ultimately, like everything else? You go after X rumble anything else that the regime doesn't like. And so I think we have to be skeptical and scrutinize it very carefully. And also note that this somehow arose with massive bipartisan support, support from the national security intelligence apparatus in the middle of an election year. I think we ought to be skeptical and really scrutinize the language and really be sure before getting behind the piece of legislation that it does what it's supposed to do and that it won't be exploited before we get fully behind this. That said, people that I think are strong on the CCP threat and also strong on opposing the deep state. Some of them are very big champions of this bill. So maybe it does what it's intended to do and maybe it'll be a good thing. If TikTok is out of CCP hands, excellent. The question is, what are going to be the potential unintended consequences of this? And I haven't yet to see a great analysis about the downside case. Yeah, and Ben, I think you might have been the person who told me when it came to Ukraine. You said when people see bipartisan support, they oftentimes think, "Oh, this is an issue where everyone's on the same page." And that means that it's an obvious, it's obviously the right thing to do. And you said it's actually the opposite. When you see Republicans and Democrats coming together in the swamp, you should be very concerned. Ben Winegarden, we thank you for coming on. Everyone should follow him on Twitter at BH Winegarden. Sign up for his sub stack. Ben, give people the URL for your sub stack. Yep, the URL Winegarden, and follow me on Twitter at BH Winegarden. He's awesome, guys. He's so, I don't have to convince you. He's so smart. You can tell by this interview, but also all of his work is worth a read. So check that out. We will be right back. We'll take your calls. We'll talk about TikTok and more on the other side. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is The Grace Curly Show. Today's poll question is brought to you by The Nosset Beach Inn. Book your spring stay at Nosset Beach Inn with April rates starting at $249.99. To reserve your pet-friendly ocean view room with a fireplace, go to That's Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is do you think the Karen Reid murder case will get dismissed? There were a lot of updates in this case from the hearing yesterday. We will be talking to Turtle Boy at two o'clock about the latest involving some of the conflicts of interest here. The special experts at the federal authorities hired to see if it was possible that O'Keefe was hit by a car. They determined that his injuries were not consistent with someone who had been, you know, backed over by a vehicle. And so we're going to talk to Turtle Boy about all of that and also just the general feeling in Canton and how the town in Canton is dealing with it. I know there was a town committee meeting last night that got kind of out of hand. And I want to play Soundcut here of Karen Reid. This is Karen Reid outside the courthouse yesterday. This is WCBB Cut 4. So it feels we're the only ones fighting for the truth of what happened to John O'Keefe and me and my family and my attorneys and my team have marshaled every resource to get to the truth. It just feels like no one else wants it. And that's a theme. A lot of people are talking about how this will be made into a true crime documentary, maybe on Netflix or somewhere. And I think it absolutely will. It has all the makings to be a great one as someone who consumes a lot of those documentaries. I think this one would be unbelievable. But one of the things they talk about in a lot of murder documentaries is how when authorities get super focused, and this is, this is putting aside the fact that there could be a cover up at play. When authorities get super focused on pinning it on somebody, they don't actually end up very curious about other possibilities or finding the truth. And so that's my other question is not just will the case be dismissed, but will they ever find out what actually happened or will they just dismiss the case and hope it goes away. But my vote, Jared, is it's going to be tossed. 57% of the audience agrees with you. 43% say no. Alright, we got Turtle Boy at two o'clock, so you're not going to want to miss that. When we come back, Jana Yellen has a few regrets she wants to tell you about. Plus more from Joe Biden's transcripts at that Her Report. Don't go anywhere. Live from the Aviva Thratria studio. Big tech billionaires are very concerned about this bill that just passed the house in regards to banning the talk. Elon Musk put out a tweet. This law is not just about TikTok, it's about censorship and government control. If it were just about TikTok, it would only cite foreign control as the issue, but it does not. And it goes into this question of the downsides of banning TikTok and creating legislation that allows for the banning of TikTok. And I thought Ben Winegarten, if you missed it, he was our first guest of the hour, you can check that out wherever you get your podcast. I thought he did a really good job of explaining the positives. If this bill does what it says it's going to do and also the potential downsides and he said, I haven't heard enough about those downsides. Now, he also mentioned that people who are tough on the CCP and at the same time, tough on our intelligence agencies here who have a tradition or maybe you should say a habit of taking advantage of things when it comes to legislation, when it comes to things that are meant to protect our security. They oftentimes will take those things and use it to their advantage and kind of invade people's privacy, thinking of the Patriot Act, among other things. But he said, we need to hear from people who've been strong on the deep state and also strong on the CCP. I would also argue that we just need to hear from people who know what TikTok is. And I'm going to go out on a limb and say Nancy Pelosi does not fall under that category. Can I have the latest from the floor Nancy Pelosi explaining what this bill is trying to do? This is not an attempt to ban TikTok. It's attempt to make TikTok better. TikTok toe, a winner. Tiktok toe. Jared, do you think somebody wrote that for or was that just pure master legislator brilliance on the house floor? I think somebody probably gave it to her, but Pelosi perfected it. Yeah, she really she made it. She even had the arm motion for winning diagonally down. There's nothing better. There's nothing better on the back of a menu at like iHOP when you get that. TikTok toe. Anyway though, moving on from that octogenarian focusing on another octogenarian. Joe Biden yesterday, this transcript is released of his conversation with Robert her and forgive me. I was not able to get to every single nugget in this transcript. There were so much to unpack and has been lying garden pointed out. Even though this this interview supposedly took place October 8th and October 9th right after the slaughtering of Israelis at the hands of Hamas. You wouldn't know that he was dealing with any sort of international crisis. The Democrats are trying to use that as an excuse like for why he might have been a little scrambled in his memory. He was he had so much on his plate. But Bayon Winegard said you never know that he was in any sort of rush. He's meandering through all these stories that go back decades. And part of my question when it comes to this Robert her transcript is how have we not heard some of these stories before Jared. I get this point when Joe Biden speaks whether he's speaking to union workers. I got my mind going here. No matter who he's speaking to state of the unions, he starts a sentence. And if you paused it like if this were a game show and you pause the sentence and you said grace. Give us a gist of where you think the story is going. I could give you I think I'd be very good at that game. Like finish the lyric type of thing because I've heard these stories so many times. You actually did a game show on this a while back. Yeah, it didn't take off. Did not take off. You know the thing. But we did we did an entire segment. Because it's so easy to know where he's going. You start to understand the rhythm of these stories and the way his brain works as confusing as it might be. But I never heard the archery story. I had never heard the risque Dr. Jill photos. I had never heard about the kid coming in and out of his garage to take the Corvette to the Chevrolet dealership. These were all new things to me. But who was our school looking kids back there? And something that I heard today from a friend who's very into politics. My friend called me up today and said, you know, you oftentimes talk about how Joe Biden panders to whatever group he's with. I'm going to give a couple examples. Jared, please help me out here. He's with a Greek community. He suddenly Bidenopolis. He was raised in the Greek Orthodox community. He's with Puerto Ricans. He was raised in the Puerto Rican community. He's with Jewish people. What does he say when he's with Jewish people? Oh, I was going to say he went to the black church. I don't remember exactly what he says when he's with the Jewish people. But whoever it is. Yeah. He's a trained guy when he's with people who work on trains. He's a car guy when he's with people who work on cars. And you'll notice that one of these stories he's talking to Robert Her. And so he has to bring up his time as a lawyer. Like he's pandering to he will really try to take anyone's experience and relate to it in some way and make it about himself. And so one of the stories he told, and I'm going to read here from West Wing Playbook, which occasionally I do think is pretty humorous. And I thought that their writers on this one did a great job. There's Biden waxing on about his Corvette, the torque of electric vehicles, and making engine noises. I like to think the engine noise was wrong, but it's kind of up for debate. He describes the seven types of wooden molding in his home, calling himself a frustrated architect. Ah. Okay, he's art van de lait, frustrated architect. I didn't see that part of the transcript about the seven types of molding in his home. And he jokes that he hoped her didn't find any risque photos of First Lady Jill Biden in his search of the president's garage for classified materials. Then he says, this is the weird part. He goes, which you probably did. She's beautiful. Good. God. Yikes. This man makes my. I have a lot of hair on my head and it all just stood up. You know, sometimes though, when you're married, it's like somebody makes, you know, your partner makes a joke or something. And you go, don't, you know, you're at a dinner party or something, right? You come home, you go, don't, don't do that again. Like, don't, if somebody, not just a partner, but like anybody, you go, you embarrass me. Don't do that again. Can you imagine the conversation she has with this guy? Like, please stop joking around about our sex life. Please stop making jokes about how they're going to find dirty photos of me in the garage. Like what did, as much as I can stand Dr. Jill, and I guess this is the price she has to pay for being a bad wife and letting this guy run again. But this is cruel and unusual. He's going around talking nonsense about her. It gets worse. Oh, and by the way, just that point I made earlier, is as much as his memories slipping, he always, it's like Jared, that being a weirdo, like being a pervy kind of creep, that's muscle memory at this point. That's just built in. Like, he hasn't lost a step on that front. The transcript at times read like a McSweeney's parody, answering a question about documents he had at the Naval Observatory, the official vice president residence, Biden launched into a story about how once, in his brief law career, he represented a client in a freak accident. He lost part of his penis in one of his testicles, and he was 23 years old, the president recalled. This is what, this is what we're hearing. Keep it together, Jared. This is serious stuff. West Wing Playbook writes, "Ouch, but also why?" I have to imagine Robert Hur was asking the same thing. Like, okay. When pressed about his Delaware home, Biden offered so many details that some were redacted from the transcript for security reasons. He's like, "Then you walk down the hall, you take a right turn. That's where you gotta put in the code." One specific rum he quipped as he described an intense remodeling project cost one-third of the entirety of my house, swear to God. Yeah, this is a poorest man in Congress, by the way, seven types of molding, and one room cost a third of the house. And in trying to explain why he kept so many things from his time as vice president, Biden diverted from a description of the photos in his downstairs TV room to a story about a 2011 visit to Mongolia. You all know that one. That's when he said, "I'm not a bad archer. In pure luck, I hit the GD target." He loves those expressions like, "Son of a bitch. The guy was fired." And I'll be damned. It came to fruition. Like, he loves that, "Buttum-pump." That big, "Ooh, you never guess what happened next." Then he talks about the Snickers. Biden said Snickers was 10% fewer Snickers in it. The bar has 10% fewer Snickers. And then also in this story, it says, "Snickers, parent, company, Mars, deny that it's shrunk the size of its candy bars, but we digress." I don't think you should digress. I think somebody at Politico should focus in on that a little bit. I can tell you right now, if Trump was going around talking about a candy company or any company disparaging them at the State of the Union and lying about it, that company would be getting full media coverage and would be filing a lawsuit against the White House. Am I wrong? Do we have a chart that does conversions of what unit of measurement a Snicker actually is to be 10% less snickery than the original Snickers? You just don't want to lose 10%. You don't want to have 10% fewer Snickers in it. Okay, Jared, you just don't get it. Now, this is Kate Beddingfield. She used to work at the White House. Now, I think she's a contributor on CNN, maybe. Don't quote me on that, though. I'm not really sure. I thought I had it here, but now I'm losing it. It says, "It's amusing that the Republican line of attack." This is Kate Beddingfield's use. She said, "It's amusing that the Republican line of attack on this is he doesn't remember details because the transcripts actually saturated with details." Social media is designed to clip and capture the most concise and edited version of things, but that is not how Joe Biden talks. He paints big pictures. He's like Bob Ross. He paints big pictures. As he's raising a point, he will follow a tangent to illustrate his main point and then come back to make the main point clear. Now, there's two things I want to say. One is that when she says he comes back to make the main point clear, that's usually at the point of the story where when he's supposed to come back to the main point, he goes, "What was I saying? Anyway, I'm going to get in trouble. I shouldn't say that." That's him making the main point clear. That's him painting these strokes and illustrating this picture. The other thing I will say is the idea that Joe Biden's memory is sharp because he can remember all of this extraneous detail from things that happened decades ago is actually very, very concerning if you know anything about people with cognitive decline. I'm not saying this to be mean. I'm just reading this from the Alzheimer's Society. It says older memories, which have been recalled or spoken about more often, are more firmly established than newer memories. This means that a person with dementia may forget recent events but still be able to recall detailed memories from earlier life. I know people know that, but it's part of this cognitive decline. He can remember a trip to Mongolia from 2011, but he can't remember where he is right now. Maybe I just speak for myself, but I'm more concerned with right now than I am with his archery skills in 2011 in Mongolia. Maybe I just have my priorities mixed up or something. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. And one more thing before, yeah, I'll save. I'll save the Janet Yellen for after the break. She's changing her tune on inflation. And I don't even know why. It's not like she's at risk. Nobody ever gets fired in this administration. She says she regrets saying it's transitory. Why? You haven't been punished. You're going to keep your job. Just stick with it at this point. Just doubled down. It has to eventually, technically speaking, Jared, eventually inflation will hopefully go away. And then she can say, even if it's 20 years from now, she can say, I told you it was transitory. You didn't believe me, but I said it. Massage is bait transitory right there. Recently, recently a Grace Curly show listener Candice called in to tell us how much she loved the thunderstorms. Her furnace was serviced and afterwards the smell of oil was lingering in her home. She turned on the thunderstorm and it really does work in minutes. You turn this device on. It's small. It doesn't take up any floor space whatsoever. Plug it into the wall. It's like you said it and you forget it, but you're not going to forget it because you're going to notice that it's clearing out. The smells and it's clearing out pollutants. And the other thing, Jared, I was just reading about this allergy season we're gearing up. We're heading into is supposed to be brutal. And this is a great device to have if you have allergies. Yeah. Look, Jack, I made a salmon dinner back in 2012. Sam, Kat, I remember it. And this thing got rid of that odor. Jack. No, as you can tell, I am dealing with the allergies, probably a cold too, honestly. But even pure thunderstorm is fantastic for allergies because what it does is it actually purifies the area. It eliminates allergens and pollutants that are in the air the same way it does with any smells that are in the air because it ionizes the air and that creates a super oxygen. That's what eliminates the odors. You will have an absence of smell is what I like to call it with the thunderstorm. You're not going to get some some flowery, sticky, gross tasting air. You're going to get clean purified air. And that's really what you want. Yeah, with a three pack, especially, you can use one in your kitchen, your office or even your car. It's going to eliminate odors. Like Jared said, it's going to eliminate allergens. And it's going to do it all quietly, which I really love. Go to Don't forget to use code grace three when you check out. That's It's code grace and the number three. When we come back, we'll talk about Janet Yellen and just one more thing for people. According to Yahoo News and a YouGov poll, there was no state of the union bump for Joe Biden. It showed zero improvement in perceptions of the president. Now, if I'm team Biden, Jared, I'm chalking that up as a major win. If it had no effect whatsoever, then they're better off because it was going to have any effect on people. It would be people who don't typically tune into those things, who might have turned it on and said, "Yee gods, what's going on with this man? Why is he yelling about Snickers?" Why is he so focused on Snickers and on... I don't even know what the rest of his speech was about. It was so discombobulated. So I would say if I'm at the White House today and I get this news, I would go good. Good. That's the best news we could have asked for. And I'd be scared if there were people out there who's opinion of him improved from that state of the union, from him screaming at everyone. If somebody watched that and said, "Yeah, you know what? I had my doubts about this guy." But after he yelled at everyone and compared half the country to Nazis, I feel better about him. I think he's on to something. We'll be right back. We'll take your calls on the other side. God saved the Queen, man. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. Hello, everyone. This is The Grace Curly Show. People are mad at me that I was comparing Trump lying and Biden lying. They're saying, "How could you equate it to Biden's is so much worse?" Even if you say something and you can get fact-checked, I made the point of saying sometimes Trump exaggerates. I don't think his intention is to lie versus when Joe Biden talks about how much he reduced the deficit. It does seem like after you get fact-checked 6 billion times and 4 Pinocchio's from people who love you, that you do have the intention to lie. But I'm also not going to sit here. The people are so crazy. I said that given the option, I'm choosing Trump every day and twice on Sundays, but I'm not going to sit here and pretend that he doesn't occasionally say things that aren't true or that are exaggerated to a really far degree. And if you can't handle that, if you don't think I'm loyal enough to him because I say that, then I don't know. I'm never going to make you happy. I'm never going to make you happy because that's the best I can do. 844-540- You know nothing about anything, frankly. You're a loser. And by the way, I've said things that if you fact-checked me and somebody comes back and says, "That was wrong." I come on the show, I go, "Yeah, it was wrong." I guess you could say I lied. We all lied. By the way, it's the human experience. Show me someone who's never lied before. We can get into what was the intention, but then we sound like Robert Herr. Then we sound like the mainstream media. Well, I know Trump's heart, and he's such a good person. He didn't mean for it to be a lie, whereas Joe Biden's evil, and he meant to lie. I don't know. Is that really what you want me to do here? Is dissect, try to do an autopsy on all these things that people have said over the last couple of years? I'll leave that up to all of you because I'm not interested. When we come back, we are going to talk to Turtle Boy about the Karen Reed case, and just because I'm not going to spend the time when he's on here, having him listen to these cuts that he's very familiar with, can I get cut three from WCBB? This is the defense attorney Alan Jackson. Reed's lawyers, they want the case against her thrown out, and they want the district attorney, Michael Morrissey, disqualified for what they say is the unethical way that he has handled the murder investigation of Reed's boyfriend, Boston police officer John O'Keefe in 2022. They say the DA's office has hid evidence that would help Reed and hid relationships between police investigators and key witnesses. The simple fact you honor is the presentation by the Commonwealth before the grand jury in the state court action. It just wasn't fair. That's the easiest way to say it. Yeah, we'll talk to Turtle Boy about all of the news that broke from this hearing yesterday. It has the Karen Reed, the followers of this case, who are very passionate about it. It's taken hold of the country, has them captivated, and it has a lot of people thinking that this might be it. For the Karen Reed murder case, it might get tossed because of this latest information. Turtle Boy is going to give us all that detail and more when we return. [Music]