The Howie Carr Radio Network

The J6 Details Liz Cheney Suppressed plus Breaking News from Fulton County News | 3.13.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

Is the latest news from Fulton County a good sign for Trump? Grace isn't so sure. Also new information on January 6th is poking more holes in the Democrat narrative

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13 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trateria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Stand-up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello everyone, welcome back to the Grace Curly Show. Today's show, this is how I described it. This is what I'm envisioning in my mind. It has something for everyone. If you're a true crime buff, you're very interested in local news. We've got Karen Reed updates from Turtle Boy. He's going to join the show and there was a lot of breaking news yesterday. We did cover it. We did talk about it. But then what I did was, I reached out to the Karen Reed, you know, Internet sluice, the people who are way more in the weeds of this story than I am. And I asked them their takeaways from the hearing yesterday and they had takeaways that I hadn't even been focusing on. There was details of that hearing that I don't think have gone enough attention. So we are going to talk to Turtle Boy about that in the two o'clock hour. I haven't asked him this yet. I'm hoping if I keep them on the line, I can just keep saying, "Can you stay on for one more segment?" And he'll be game for that. Fingers crossed. We've also got news about TikTok, the TikTok band, the past the house, unclear what's going to happen with it in the Senate. I think I'll talk to Ben Winegarten about that because I made mention yesterday that I always am deeply interested in topics that divide Republicans and not anything to do with Trump because we know that, you know, it's going to divide the Mitt Romneys from the Tom Cotton's. You know, the guys who just want that strange new respect versus the actual competent senators. But when it comes to TikTok, you have a lot of people, you have like Thomas Massey, for example, who feel that this is a Trojan horse, that if you do this, it opens the floodgates and soon we'll have presidents and we'll have politicians banning websites. And then you have other people, like Tom Cotton, as I just mentioned, who feel that TikTok is just too dangerous, it's too dangerous to be sending all our data to China. And I was saying how it's hard to know who's opinion to trust and maybe that's because with politicians, you also don't know what their motivation is. Like they all have sneaky motivations, they all have lobbying firms that are telling them one thing and telling them how to act. And so I think having Ben Winegarten on who's incredibly intelligent, but also not a politician could shed some light on this topic. We also are going to get his reaction to the her report and to her his testimony yesterday more importantly. And there's more nuggets in this Joe Biden transcript that I didn't even catch. I didn't realize that he was talking about risque photos of Dr. Jill being in the garage. You know, it's amazing about the thing about Joe is it doesn't matter how off his game he has become and he's become very, he's lost a step to put it mildly. He'll never forget how to be a creep. Like he always remembers how to be a creepy old man and to work that into every conversation. That part of his brain ain't slipping. Sex action. That part of his brain sharp as ever. He's constantly talking about sex, all this stuff, all the time. And so we'll talk more about that and some of these little moments that I may have missed plus new polls around about his State of the Union address and also something I want to talk to about with Ben Winegarten is the Iran sanctions. This new waiver that's come out free beacon had a really good story on that. In between that, though, in between Turtle Boy and between Ben Winegarten, we've got some pretty big bombshells to discuss and we've got some updates. I have an update for everyone and I want to start with this on it's a Fannie Willis update. It's a Fulton County update. Judge Scott McAfee dropped six counts against the former president Donald J. Trump in the election case that is underway in Fulton County. Now, Trump is facing after this decision by Judge McAfee. He's facing 10 felony charges in the Peach State. And essentially, McAfee thought those counts, the ones that he decided to dismiss were too broad. They weren't specific enough and it involved because keep in mind here. It's not just Trump who's, you know, has his feet to the fire in Georgia. It's also there's 15 defendants, including Trump in this case. And so the charges were that these defendants violated that they solicited the Georgia Secretary of State and members of the Georgia House and Senate to violate their oaths, not just to the U.S. Constitution, but to the Georgia Constitution. And Scott McAfee thought that there was not enough specificity in these counts. Count two, five, six, 23, 28, 38. So there's not enough specificity. Now, keep in mind, we are supposedly, this is an important part of the conversation, we are supposedly going to get the disqualification ruling on Fannie Willis and whether or not the woman who hired her lover to be the lead special investigator or I'm sorry, special prosecutor in this case against Donald Trump while also going on cruises with him. Talk about, yeah, we're going to hear whether or not she should be disqualified in this case. I think, yes, I think it's absurd that it's even a question, but I haven't made up my mind about what I think Judge Scott McAfee is going to do. I don't have a lot of faith right now in judges when it comes to Donald Trump. There's been a few good judges, Judge Norika, in the case of Hunter Biden, she kind of restored my faith in judges, but not enough, not enough. I've seen too much at this point. And so keep in mind, we're waiting for that disqualification ruling, which they tell us we're going to get. Here's another song for you. Any day now, still waiting on it. And when I saw this news today, I saw the Chiron's about Georgia, immediately I think, oh, it's a ruling on the disqualification hearing, then I find out, no, he just decided to drop six counts against the former president. Still big news, and still news that you would think is headed in the right direction for Trump. You know, it's better than having a charges added. You know, you hear that he's dropping six counts and you go, okay, well, that's good. That should make me happy. No, I'm sitting here. I'm sitting at my desk here at the how we car radio network going. But why don't I feel happy about this? Why does this actually leave me a little uneasy? And when I was thinking about that, and it kept saying he's quashing, do you see that word Jared quashing certain charges? That's the word they're running with. It's really interesting how when the media chooses a word, they all run with it. Like the words have their moment in the sun. Looming, for example, if they're ever talking about a government shutdown, which they do every like three months, a government shutdown is looming. And today the word is quashing. NPR says the judge in Trump's Georgia case quashes certain charges. The New York Times judge quashes six charges in Georgia election case against Trump. I'll be real. I don't mean to be picky here, because I'm not a wordsmith. But I don't love it. I don't know why I don't love it. It just doesn't seem like a real word. I know it is. But in my mind, I want them to say squashes, but it's not supposed to be squashes either. So I just want to go on the record, which is the most important thing right now about this conversation is saying I'm not on board with quashes. But that's what they're running with. Judge quashes six counts in this Trump case. And that's supposed to make us happy, I guess. That's supposed to be in the right direction. But for some reason, it didn't. And then I saw a response from Bill O'Reilly. And I thought, there it is. There it is. That is where this uneasy feeling is coming from. Bill O'Reilly wrote, "A judge in Georgia threw out some charges against Donald Trump in the Fulton County election case. I suspect that happened to blunt criticism when the judge allows D.A. Fannie Willis to continue despite her scandal. I could be wrong. I think Bill O'Reilly is right in this circumstance, because I don't think any of these judges being a judge now, it's so political. Like you're in such, especially if you're involved with Donald Trump, you have a light on you that you probably never envisioned when you were, you know, a young person deciding to be a judge. And so I think we'd all be naive if we don't think that they make a lot of these decisions based off how they're going to be received. You know, they try to soften people to certain decisions. They try to strategize how to make one decision kind of offset the other. And so when I read that by Bill O'Reilly, I was like, damn, that's exactly why I wasn't thrilled about this. Because I, for some, it just gives me the feeling that he's not going to disqualify Fannie Willis, which would be absurd. And like Bill O'Reilly said, I could be wrong. And I'll add in, I hope I'm wrong. But I think he might be onto something. Now, the other story that we'll get to, I'm going to stop here because I'm trying to do this thing now. I'm trying to keep the openings a little shorter so I give people more time. There was a pretty big update in the January 6 committee case. And I don't know if we're going to see this anywhere besides the Federalist and a handful of conservative outlets, but Molly Hemingway had a story about Liz Cheney. And really the lengths she went to to suppress information that I think exonerates Donald Trump in the case of January 6. And we talked about January 6 yesterday because it was hard to watch this Robert Herr testimony and not think of when Jerry Nadler is putting up these montages of Donald Trump. It's hard not to think of the kangaroo court that was the Blue Ribbon Commission of January 6, where Nancy Pelosi said that Republican can't join, that Republican can't join, that Republican can't join, but it's still considered by partisan. And when I was watching the hearing yesterday, I just, I had a flashback to having to watch those January 6 hearings. And I remembered how ridiculous it was that those were even considered by the media or by anyone to have any place in a conversation when you only have one side putting up their narrative. And when I read you this story from Molly Hemingway, and it all focuses around the 10,000 national guard troops that Trump had suggested and had encouraged Bowser to have in DC before the riot. When you read about what Liz Cheney knew and the length she went to to obfuscate that information. I don't want to say it will blow your mind because I don't think a lot of people here trust Liz Cheney, but I think it's amazing that we haven't gotten to the bottom of a lot of this stuff yet. And I don't talk about January 6 a lot, mostly because you open the can of worms that people call in and say, "Oh, you know, January 6 is the worst day since the Civil War and I can't have this conversation anymore for my own mental health, I just can't do it." But whenever people ask me, like, "What's one investigation you hope Trump takes up?" There's so many to choose from. But this is one of them for me. Because all of these topics about what did Trump request? Who did he tell? How many national guard troops did he want? Why were they rejected? Why don't we have any transcripts? You know, there's transcripts of everything. Why don't we have that call between Trump or Meadows and Bowser or Meadows and Pelosi or whoever had the call about the troops? Why don't we have that? This is exposing all of it. And we're going to talk about it when we come back. 844-500-42-42. Get on the line now, we're awaiting the decision when it comes to Fannie Willis and this latest update on the six charges, it does not, it does not give me confidence that she's going to be disqualified. I can't even really explain it, but I think Bill O'Reilly said it best. It's like this seems like something the judge is doing to offset some bad news for Donald Trump. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Dr. Houghton of Perfect Smiles is a superb architect. Nobody is better when it comes to transforming your smile, giving you a smile that you're proud of, and just making you happier. Because when you have a smile that you love, you're going to show it off. You're going to be happy. You're going to feel confident. And confidence is so key in your day-to-day life. So the better you look, the better you feel. It's not simple, but it also is that important. And if you're not afraid to smile, every other part of your life becomes easier. Now, something I want to tell my listeners is I know a lot of you have a lot going on and you put a lot of people ahead of yourselves. I've met you before at events. A lot of you have kids, a lot of you have parents that you take care of, and you're stressed out. Oftentimes, you'll put yourself on the back burner, but you shouldn't do that. You should take care of yourself because everyone else is going to benefit when you feel good. Call Perfect Smiles. Just take the first step. Just get the ball rolling. They're conveniently located off Route 3. They've got plenty of parking, and you can reach them at That's We'll be right back. We'll take your calls on all of this. Don't go anywhere. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. I always do this thing where I try to save certain stories for later, and then I'll never get to them because life happens. Stories break. So, I'm going to try when I think of something to just tell you right away. And one of the things that I noticed is I was reading these stories about the polls coming out saying Joe Biden didn't get a bump from the State of the Union, and they didn't really help them with his poll numbers. And I would consider that, if I'm team Biden, I would consider that to be a win. Because the fact that he didn't do any damage with that State of the Union speech is, I think, more than they could have hoped for. But the second thing I'll say is, in that State of the Union, I didn't catch this. I think how he probably played it. He mentioned the Snickers Bar thing. And he always mentioned Snickers bars when he talks about Shrew Inflation. He's got that in his head. That must have been something they told him. And for some reason, in his brain, he could grasp onto that and relate to it. It's like the dears and Kevlar vests, you know, certain things just stick out to Joe Biden. But I was reading a story today. I don't know if it was Politico that said Snickers has come out and said they haven't, they haven't made their candy bars smaller. They're refuting that claim. They're fact checking him. Big candy is fact checking Joe Biden. They're saying, no, we didn't decrease the size of our Snickers bars. And I just have to say, if that is true. If Joe Biden, and there's a way to find out, I mean, this isn't a hard thing to fact check. If Joe Biden is lying about Snickers Jared and I work there, I'm Mr. Snickers Bar twirling my mustache. These are hard things. Evil, big candy. And this guy's out there using my candy bar, my company. And I know that Snickers is owned by another company, which is owned by another company. But let's just pretend that it was just one big Snickers company. Is that not a lawsuit? Like, should I get Mark Salinas on the line? I just feel as though he's disparaging and defaming them around the clock to prove this point. And he's not even right about it. It's one thing to do it and mischaracterize what's happening and not let on about your own responsibility when it comes to inflation, when it comes to these prices, when it comes to the economy. But then to single out Snickers and not even be correct, I think that's a huge story. There's no way Joe Biden would ever do anything like that to say, I don't know, randomly a tractor trailer driver, his wife's ex husband, the special counsel that, you know, sat down with him for an interview. He'd never mischaracterize or attack those people warrantlessly. It's just slanderous. Leave Snickers out of your mouth. How about that, Joe? William, you're next up on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, William. Hi, Grace. Good afternoon. I just wanted to comment on, I really enjoy learning things from President Trump, because he always points things out that the media doesn't report. Some of the things that come to mind were the fact that babies are being aborted after. Oh, you think Jared, is he? Yeah. He's a scam caller? Yeah. Oh, okay. I wasn't sure. I didn't know what he was going to go to. But you know what, Jared? That's your call. That's what you have the button. So if you think he's going to do some bad, Ron, you're next. Well, then a scam call, just one of those tireless, well, you know, tries to start to make a point and then just hacks on Trump needslessly for no reason. You know what? I would have liked to hear it, though. I'll be real with you. I was curious where you're going to go with that. And also, I think you might be wrong. I think he might have been a genuine caller. I guess now we'll never know. Ron, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Ron. Hey, Grace. I'm a friendly. I don't care. I welcome the unfriendly. I really do. Should I last person who might not have been friendly might have been snarky. Call back. We'll give you a second chance. But go ahead, Ron. All right. Well, two real quick ones. Right-hearted one first. The TikTok vote was going on. But the other day, Mr. Wonderful had said that he would buy TikTok similar to the way that you on Monday. The way that you on Musk bought Twitter. That I thought was kind of interesting. I don't know if that's off the table now because it's in the vote process. But the big one, I think, is a lot more heavy. And there's no shortage of anxieties these days. But is that Ken Buck in Colorado is dropping out of the house? Right. I think in like a week or so. The majority is going to be if there is even a majority, it's a majority of one. The Democrats, all the Democrats need at this point is for the house in the Supreme Court to fall to them. And they've got their hooks in all other areas of our life. Yeah, it's a really good point, Ron. I'm going to run out of time here. That's a really good point. We can talk more about it when we come back. But I just want to say something about your first point before we run out here. Kevin O'Leary, Mr. Wonderful from Shark Tank, he says he wants to buy TikTok. I don't know everything about that guy's finances, but does he have TikTok kind of money? That's a big...that's...that might be bigger than Twitter. They have 170 million Americans on TikTok. I got to look into that. I don't know if Mr. Wonderful has that kind of money. We'll be right back. Live from the Aviva Trattria studio. All right, to everybody on the lines. The friendly and the unfriendly. Just stay there for a second because I want to do the poll question quick and then we'll go right to your calls. Today's poll question is brought to you by the Nosset Beach Inn. Book your spring stay at Nosset Beach Inn with April rates starting at $249.99. To reserve your pet friendly ocean view room with a fireplace, go to That's Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is do you think the Karen Reid murder case will get dismissed? Yes, yes I do. After what we heard yesterday about the text messages, the conflicts of interest between one of the lead investigators on the case and the family where John O'Keefe's body was found, not just that. There's a lot of other details we'll get to with Turtle Boy. Also, the feds bringing in their own experts or hiring their own experts to kind of reset up the scenario and see if it's possible that his injuries would be consistent. With someone who was hit by a vehicle and then coming to the conclusion that no, they wouldn't be, I'm going to say the case gets dismissed. And then you get into the DA Morrissey of it and some of the issues that he's dealing with. And I just don't see a scenario where that doesn't happen, where they can charge this woman and let alone get a conviction. So yes, I think this case is done for. I think what happened yesterday is you don't want to take victory laps if you're Karen Reid or any of these people. You know, on her side, any of her lawyers, but definitely good news for Karen Reid. 54% of the audience says yes, 46% say no. We are going to ask Turtle Boy what he thinks. You'd be surprised what the percentage he gives of this case being dismissed. Chris, you're next up on The Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Chris? Hey, I know why there's no transcript for those 10,000 troop requests because it never happened. The Department of Defense already investigated that and they said no request was ever made. If you look at the source of that story, Trump made it up. Oh, oh, he did. Okay. Hold on, Chris. I'm really glad you brought this up. You ask for unfriendly colors and they shall arrive. I'm really glad you brought this up because the Deputy Chief of Staff, his name is Anthony Ornato. And just for a little, you know, he's not a mega crazy person, like I'm sure I'd be considered. He's a career Secret Service official who had been detailed to the security position in the White House. And there was a transcribed interview with the committee, the J6 committee, Liz Cheney, Jamie Raskin, you know, all these wonderful Democrats who were so sure of themselves. And this was conducted January 28, 2022. And in this interview, Ornato told Liz Cheney, and I'm reading here from Molly Hemingway's article, you can check that out at the Federalist. He told her and investigators that he overheard White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows push Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser to request as many national guard troops as she needed to protect the city. He also testified that President Trump had suggested 10,000 would be needed to keep the peace at the public rallies and protests scheduled for January 6, 2021. He also described White House frustration with Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller's slow deployment of assistance on the afternoon of January 26. So you might say, well, there's no transcript. There's no interview. None of this was released by the committee. It was actually suppressed from the public. But let me tell you, the mayor nor Nancy Pelosi has any authority to request or turn down troops. She couldn't turn them down if she wanted to. And the Department of Defense investigated that do your Google work or not. Wait, wait, hold on. Do my Google work. Meadows wanted to know if she needed any more guardsmen or not out testified. And I remember the number 10,000 coming up. You know, the president wants to make sure you have enough. He is willing to ask for 10,000. I remember that number. Now that you said it, it reminded me of it. And that she was all set. She had, I think it was like 350 or so for the intersection control and those types of things not in the law enforcement capacity at that time. Or not was correct. Bowser declined the offer asking only for a few hundred National Guard and requiring them to serve in a very limited capacity. But that wasn't the end of Trump's attempt to secure the Capitol. Trump's team tried to secure troops ahead of the protest. They requested a quick reaction force from the Defense Department in case it was needed. This is again, or not. Oh, I remember Chief Meadows talking to DOD about that. I remember Chief Meadows letting me know, Hey, there was going to be National Guard that's going to be a joint base Andrews in case they're going to need some more. We're going to the mayor would need any. We're going to make sure they're out there. Meadows was concerned that DC would be unprepared for the size of the crowd coming to protest the controversial 2020 election. Once the Capitol was breached, the Trump White House pushed for immediate help from Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller and grew frustrated at the slow deployment of that help, according to the testimony. So I've done my research. I suggest you check this out. And also something I think is worth noting, Chris, since we're all about transparency. And we were told by the January 6 committee that they had given us all the information. They've been so transparent with the public. I also think it's worth noting that the transcripts and documents and exhibits. There's fewer than half of the 1000 interviews. The committee claims it conducted that are posted on this site. So Liz Cheney oftentimes refers to this site for people to go to. Maybe that's what I should be going to for my information. They've got this site. It provides supporting documents to the claims made by Cheney. However, transcripts of fewer than half of the 1000 interviews are on that site. So I'm confused why if all of these transcripts show how guilty Trump is and how he never asked for any of these things and he never tried to secure the Capitol and he never had any concerns about it and Mark Meadows never had any concerns about it. Then why not release all these transcripts on the site? Why are they suppressing this many documents? Why is the committee hiding so much? That's my question. Thank you for the call, Chris. You can check that out. Nice little plug for them. But that's all I got on that front 844 542 42. But I do find this very interesting because that has been a real point of contention. You remember that the J six committee at one point was going to call up people to testify. And then the Republicans said, Okay, cool. Well, we'll question Nancy Pelosi, which I think would get to the root of this really quickly. Get to the bottom of it. As Democrats love to say, you know, connect the dots. And it was the weirdest thing, Jared, because right when they said they suggested talking to Nancy Pelosi, we wrapped everything up really quick. They said, never mind. We're all set. You know what? We'll go to another call. William, you're next up on the Grace Curly show. Go ahead, William. Yeah, you cut me off before, but your producer was nice enough to let me call back. I was talking about all the things I learned from Trump that the media doesn't report such as that AI was responsible for that terrible video that they showed during the congressional hearing yesterday. I didn't know that that was all doctored by AI. He also talked about $8 gallon per gas in California. He also has informed me that people are coming here speaking languages that no one has ever heard of before. I also learned from him that he never met with Carol. We get where you're going for it. And you know what, Jared, just for the record, William, correct the record, Jared. I was wrong. That was incredibly entertaining. Thank you, William. And Grace was the one who agreed to let you back on. Yes, I was the one, William. First of all, who agreed to let you back on. I want the record to show that that I'm a benevolent radio host and I welcome everyone. And the second thing that I would like to correct the record on is Jared was right. That was a pointless call. And you got me, William. You got me. Trump said that people are coming in and speaking languages. No one's ever heard of. That's, I could see Trump saying that. Like, there's no one who's, there's, this is the part of it that really gets me is that people are always, it's like they want me to say that everything Trump has ever said you can fact check and he never tells a lie. I'm never going to say that. The man loves the drama. He loves to speak in hyperbole's. He loves to over exaggerate. He oftentimes likes to joke around, which I know people don't like. I know that that doesn't bode well with people when he makes jokes or he sarcastic. But it's just weird to me. And I could point out, which I'm, I don't really want to bore people with this. I could point out all the lies that Joe Biden just told of the state of the union, which I think are actually a lot more dangerous, including lies about the border, including lies about inflation, lies about the economy. But let's just put that aside for a second and say both these guys lie that you could catch both these guys lying at one time or another. I'd rather Trump than Biden. Simple as that. I'd rather the economy under Trump. I'd rather him say that the video was put together by AI, which again, it was an edited video. This is like, you know what it reminds me of. It reminds me of Trump would talk about wire tapping. And people would say, he wasn't wired tapping. And it's like, yeah, well, he, no wires were tapped. The phones were surveilled. He used to terminology that maybe isn't the most up to date. He meant spying on him, which ended up being true. But sure, if you want to get him on that one, go ahead. Like, if he's saying, yeah, they have this edited montage of me that they're playing at this hearing and you want to say it wasn't AI. It was just edited. Okay, I still like, I still want him to be president. I'd still take him over your guy. Like, that's what, that's the part of this that they don't understand is that you're not bringing me towards your guy by hating Trump. I know you hate Trump. I've accepted you hate Trump. I've accepted there's nothing Trump can do that's make you going to, you're never going to change your mind. But it doesn't change the fact that I prefer this country when it's run by Donald Trump. I don't love everything he says. I don't love his delivery. I don't love all of his true socials. I think some of those are kind of out of bounds. But I'd still take him over Biden and isn't that what it has to come down to, Jared? Don't you have to make a case as to why your guy's better? You've made the case as to why you hate Trump. You've made that case. Mission accomplished. But explain to me why Trump exaggerating or Trump lying. Go ahead. Let's just say Trump lying about something. Should make me choose Biden over him because I'm telling you this right now. Biden lies a lot more often than Trump. If we still have one of those little counters at the bottom of the screen. Biden's lies. Trump doesn't even compare when it comes to lies. And I prefer this country. I prefer my life. I had a better quality of life when Trump was president. Gas was cheaper. Eggs were cheaper. The border was more secure. Was it perfect? No. But it was more secure than it is if you just go based off the numbers. And my argument now to people is like, you don't have to convince me that you hate him. I get that. You've made that part clear. But can you explain to me what you like more about him? Why are his lies, by the way worse? If anything, I would say his lies more exaggerations as where they tend to go. But they're both lying. They're politicians. Biden lies constantly. But that doesn't bother people. Strange, strange thing. Jim, you're next up on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Jim. Yeah, hi, Grace. You know, when Trump says people are coming and speaking, you know, languages nobody's heard of, I think he's referring to cases like with the murderer of Matthew Denise, who was an illegal alien who spoke some odd dialect. No one had heard of. And there was no translator available for these liberals that call the smudging dismissive while being astonishingly ignorant of facts. It just drops my dry every time. Yeah. And it's also, like you said, a lot of these things. If you watch the full cuts, which I know these people that call in don't watch the full cuts, it adds a little bit more context to what he's saying. It reminds me of last week when we talked about that Republican gubernatorial candidate in North Carolina who said he wanted to go back to a time when before women could vote. And if you just took those words in that order, you would go, wow, that's a crazy headline. But if you actually listened to the full cut, he was making a point about back when Republicans were fighting the good fight and making social justice changes in this country. And yes, as somebody pointed out online, the point might have been too cute, but it doesn't dismiss the fact that it was wildly taken out of context. And that's part of this problem as well. Mike, you're next up on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Mike. Hi, Grace. Just a quick thing on the National Guard thing. One thing to delve into, I haven't myself. But a question to ask is, after the inauguration, Washington, D.C. was in the state of martial law. We had fences, we had National Guard, poor guys were sleeping and parking garages, but somebody arranged that. Now, the second thing I want to address is something I want to kick up for anyone who wants to use it, anyone going for Congress, all the way up to Trump. But as far as our policy on deporting people, I'd like to see something added if it's permissible to craft this legally, where if you come here, you commit a crime. And like anyone else, you end up in prison, then we deport you. I'd like to see an additional suspended sentence put on somebody so that they ever come here illegally again. They can be immediately processed back to jail. Say the first offense is 18 months. Second, we kick you out a second time. You come back again a third time, five years, and escalates from there because people go where they're welcome, and that includes criminals. Yeah, thank you for the call, Mike, and actually something you said at the beginning of this, I forgot about the National Guard and the parking garages. That was a huge story at the time. And you know what just made me think of is remember when that happened, and Jake Tapper tweeted out, "Whoever in D.C. is in charge of this National Guard sleeping in a Senate parking lot mess, please get in touch with me." And everyone was replying like, that would be your guy. That would be Joe Biden. That's when you got the first taste of what the media coverage of Joe Biden was going to be like January 2021, who's ever in charge. They couldn't even think of his name. What's this guy's name? Who's ever in charge from that outfit from the White House? Get in touch with me. We'll figure this out together. Just a slight difference if you're really paying attention to the way they covered Donald Trump. Thank you for the call. Thank you to all the calls, even the haters and the losers. We will be right back, and we'll talk more about all of these things. Plus, don't forget Ben Winegarten in the one o'clock, Turtle Boy in the two o'clock. It's going to be a great show. Nossa Beach Inn just opened reservations for spring. This is such a beautiful time. I wish Jared when I was leaving here today. I wish I was cruising to the Nossa Beach Inn because the weather we've been having lately, it's 10 out of 10. Yeah, this is a perfect day to go to the Nossa Beach Inn. It's the perfect time to get there. Before the seasonal rush, it's still technically the off season. The sun is out. I'm sure the beach looks glorious right now. And whatever room you're in at the Nossa Beach Inn, you are steps from the beach, so you don't have to worry about not being able to get there. And it's almost like having your own private beach this time of year, really, because you know, you can hear the waves. You can bring your dog. You can walk up and down. You can enjoy it. You don't have to deal with the crowds. And the rooms at the Nossa Beach Inn themselves are also fantastic. You know, at the end of the beach day, you want to come in. You want to be cozy. If it's a little cool, you can turn on the fireplace because every room has a fireplace and a nice picture window. So you can look out. You can get the ambiance and the tranquility that comes from Nossa Beach in the winter and the spring and the off season. And right now you can book your April Stay at the Nossa Beach Inn from $249.99 a night. And this May rates from $259.99 a night. So don't delay because these rooms go fast. To reserve your ocean view room, go to That's We'll be right back. Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gunworks. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for 2A Tuesday, Tuesdays at 2PM. This is The Grace Curly Show. Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show. Some people are texting in about the National Guard situation. And again, I encourage you to read this from Molly Hemingway because it's an exclusive and the headline is, "January 6th Committee hid Trump exonerating evidence, Liz Cheney and January 6th Committee suppressed exonerating evidence of Trump's push for National Guard." One of the textures that I think it was arrogance where the Democrats never thought he would get that big of a crowd, I think that's a very generous hypothetical. I think that's a very generous idea of where their heads were at. I think a lot of people are curious if it was more nefarious. If they did, in fact, think that there would be chaos, and they wanted there to be chaos, so they refused Trump and Mark Meadows' suggestions of deploying 10,000 National Guard troops. But we can debate it all. Another thing I wanted to mention here before we go to break is that when we come back, we're going to talk to Ben Weingarten about not just TikTok, but also about President Biden. This is from the free beacon. It says Biden administration poised to grant Iran billions in sanctions relief, and Republican lawmakers are rightfully very concerned about this, about giving them more money, unfreezing more of these assets, and what it means when it comes to the fight right now against a lot of these proxy groups that are being funded by Iran. We'll talk to Ben Weingarten about that. He'll take your questions on TikTok as well, and also I want to get his reaction to some of these transcripts from the Her Report and what it means for Joe Biden's administration. Don't go anywhere. [MUSIC]