The Howie Carr Radio Network

Red Carpet rolled out for illegals while Netanyahu gets the snub | 3.14.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

Take a listen to this audio clip from Sen. Chuck Schumer, who is Jewish, and what he says about America's oldest ally, Israel.

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14 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." ♪♪♪ Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. The Democratic Party, they promote black women, particularly if she's a lesbian. They promote black women who are not even qualified. ♪ I told you, what did I tell you? ♪ ♪ Didn't I tell you, 'cause I told you ♪ ♪ And when did I tell you a long time ago? ♪ Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. I am surprised that in the year of our Lord 2024, there is a public relations agent for Hamas sitting in the United States Congress. Guess who? Some people did something? It is grotesque for Americans who hyperventilate about foreign interference in our own democracy to call for the removal of the Democratic Party, elected leader of Israel. Five months into this conflict, it is clear that Israelis need to take stop of the situation. I believe a new election. How about new? Rump swabs, hacks, and moonbaits beware. It's... ♪♪♪ Howie Car... Welcome to the Howie Car Show 844-542-844-542. You know, I never say I can't believe it anymore. I try not to say it, but let me just say I'm rather surprised by Chuck Schumer's comments, as I think everybody is. As Mitch McConnell said, and you know, you've got to give Mitch credit. You know, every once in a while, he's on target, like Merrick Garland, for instance, when he stopped him from getting on the Supreme Court. But he was on target again today with Chuck Schumer. Who the hell is Chuck Schumer to interfere in the Israeli politics? Is Chuck Schumer in Israeli? I don't believe he is. I mean, they were so angry. We'll play all these cuts. But Mitch McConnell was right. These are the same people who were hyperventilating about Russian interference in the 2016 election, which, by the way, there was no Russian interference of any consequence. It was all a ginned up story by Hillary Clinton spending a seven figure amount through various cutouts to disguise the fact that she was just creating fables, fake stories, bogus hoaxes. But having run with that for all these -- a fake story for years about Russian collusion. Now, he just goes right out there on the floor of the United States Senate in front of TV cameras that are providing live coverage, not just to the U.S. but to Israel and to all of the mid-east and saying Netanyahu has got to go. And I just -- the brass balls of this guy to say this, it's just astounding. They're just so afraid of the pro-Nazi Muslim thugs in their party. Ilhan Omar, Rashida Talib, and so many more, all these academics like Claudine Gay, and the whole crowd of them, the whole DEI industrial complex, that they hate Jews. Schumer's a Jew, but he's afraid. He's afraid to cross these people, these genocidal Nazis. And it really does not speak well of him, but also, I mean, it's one thing to say, you know, we're trying to work with our partners in the mid-east, the only democracy in the mid-east, and we're trying to get them to see the lie. And, you know, I don't understand this whole thing. Why do they want them to stop before they've destroyed Hamas? It was the United States in a mood to stop before we destroyed Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan. Not that it lasted forever, but we did knock them out. We knocked out Saddam Hussein in Iraq. When Trump was president, we knocked out ISIS. Going further back, you know, do you think we would have -- we would have accepted in treaties from some other country, not in the allies? Oh, you're going too far with Adolf Hitler. It's March of 1945. You got to stop for humanitarian purposes. Don't take him out. Oh, the Japanese in the summer of 1945. They -- you know, they did bomb Pearl Harbor. They did -- they did enslave -- they did kill millions of Chinese and Koreans and not to mention Americans in British and Australians. They killed millions, but let's let up on them. Can you imagine -- no, that would not happen. And the United States and Britain and France, they would not have put up with that. You have to get rid of -- sometimes you have to get rid of people. This isn't like some, you know, border skirmish. This isn't the war of Jenkins' ear where, you know, the British felt they had to go to war because the Spanish chopped off some British sailor's ear. You know, it was just a -- this is -- Hamas was trying to destroy Israel. And Netanyahu got caught flat-footed, and he admits it. I don't think he would survive another election myself. I don't care what the polls say. I don't know Israel politics. I just know human nature a little bit. And I don't think -- I think the voters will be ready for a change, just like they were ready for a change from Winston Churchill in Britain in 1945, even after he won the war. But, you know, who is Chuck Schumer to say something about it? I mean, this is obviously just American politics here. And it's really unseemly. And especially from a guy who said that the election was stolen by Vladimir Putin. Well, let's play a couple of these cuts. It really is outrageous, what he said. Cut, too. The fourth major obstacle to peace is Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has all too frequently bowed to the demands of extremists -- Like Mr. John. -- like Mr. John. -- in the U.N. -- and the settlers in the West Bank. How about the suburbs? I have known the Prime Minister Netanyahu for a very long time. While we have vehemently disagreed on many occasions, I will always respect his extraordinary bravery for Israel on the battlefield as a younger man. I believe in his heart he has, his highest priority, is the security of Israel. However, I also believe Prime Minister Netanyahu has lost his way by allowing his political survival to take the precedence over the best interests of Israel. Look in a mirror, Chuck. You're doing the same damn thing. You're allowing your political survival -- your party's political survival -- to take precedence over the security of the only democracy in the Middle East. The only westernized -- I mean, I know Egypt, Jordan, they have problems. They're not ISIS. But they're not western democracies. And remember now when we play this cut, remember Netanyahu is ahead in the polls. And he hasn't always been ahead in the polls, but right now he's ahead in the polls. So Schumer's just making this stuff up. Cut three. As a lifelong supporter of Israel, it has become clear to me that Netanyahu coalition no longer fits the needs of Israel after October 7th. What are you to say? The world has changed radically since then. And the Israeli people are being stifled right now by a governing vision that is stuck in the past. Nobody expects Prime Minister Netanyahu to do the things that must be done to break the cycle of violence, to preserve Israel's credibility on the world stage, and to work towards a two-state solution. The world has changed. The polls have changed. They're worried about Michigan. They're worried about Minnesota. They're probably worried about Jersey City. There are a lot of Arabs living in Jersey City. They remember the people that were cheering after 9/11. And they said, "Trump made that up." And then they went to the videotapes of the New York City newscasts. And there they were on the roofs in Jersey City watching, though, the towers go up. 844-542. 919. What if the Knesset came out and said Biden shouldn't be re-elected to office? Yeah, that's a good point. Didn't Obama make Netanyahu come in the back door of the White House? You know, Al Sharpton comes in the front door. You know, all these racial hustlers and arsonists and green grifters. They can come in the front door and they roll out the red carpet. But Netanyahu's an elected official. And by the way, I think he went to high school in the United States. But he was a legal alien, so I guess that doesn't count. 844-542. Boy, these people. I can't. The Democrats, they are really, every day they hit a new low. Octions are one of the oldest forms of commerce known to man. Octions are how economies determine values for assets and commodities. Octions are not a fire sale at a discounted price. Rather, auctions are an accelerated sale with competitive pricing. So, just because your parents listed their house for sale at a set price doesn't mean you have to. JJ Manning's accelerated auction process is one of the fastest growing segments in real estate. Manning's time-tested approach began over 16,000 auctions ago in 1976 with its founder Jerome Manning. 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The Emperor of Hate, Howie Carr, is back. 508 says the Ninja Turtles of Massachusetts want to know if our leader, Turtle Boy, is a car, so far as I know, no. I thought this thing would be over in a matter of a few minutes in the morning, but the judge recessed the case and they're back hearing more arguments today. By the way, that knit with Ken Mellow, the special prosecutor, he showed up today an hour late. That's one reason it's dragging on. And then when he said, "I've been sick," and he's like bending over. He can't even stand up straight to make his arguments. I don't think that was the case, but it kind of reminded me of the way Morris he used to look at after a couple hours at the stockyard and brighten back in the day. It was bent over. You see, you see the picture that's on the Herald website. He can't stay. Mellow, the special prosecutor, can't even stand up today. Which raises the question when Michael Proctor stands up, the state trooper. I think the answer to that is definitely no. But anyway, we'll let you know as soon as we hear something. I don't think he's going away. There are ways to tell. I can't give away a source, but there are ways to tell whether or not they think he's going to be incarcerated. There were no such signs last night or this morning. Ray Kaun, Everyday Air Buds offer amazing audio quality in a 32-hour battery life at half the price of other premium audio brands. That explains the tens of thousands of five-star reviews. Get 20% off plus free shipping at Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is, "Will the judge in the Fulton County Trump trial disqualify corrupt DA Fannie Willis and her boy toy from trying the case?" Yes, they lied under oath among other improprieties or no, the judge is too frightened. I've gone back and forth on this one, but right now I think the judge is too frightened, so I'm going to say no. 73% say the judge is too scared, and 27% say yes, they lied under oath among other improprieties. You should write that in his ruling. I'm scared. I'm scared. I'm scared of my job. I want to keep being a judge. I'm only 34 years old, and this looks like a lifetime gig to me if I don't cross the Wokesters. 844-542-42. Tim, you're next with Howie Car. Go ahead, Tim. How are you doing, Howie? How many Chuck Schumer flatness gums will not election interference? Exactly. It is election interference. I mean, they talk about it, other governments coming to us and talking like that, and yet he does this as the Senate majority leader. It's pathetic. It is. I'm just reading from Breitbart. Ironically, the more Biden and Schumer criticize Netanyahu, the better Netanyahu does in polls, his voters rally behind him as the sole leader capable of standing up to the White House. I mean, the more he was, after October 7, he was behind in the polls because people were angry because they got caught flat-footed. It was like their Pearl Harbor. But now he's now he's back ahead because and the more they attack him, the stronger he gets. This is from Naftali Bennett. He's a former Netanyahu aide turned rival who ousted him as Prime Minister in 2001. Regardless of our political opinion, Bennett said, we strongly oppose external political intervention in Israel's internal affairs. We are an independent nation, not a banana republic. With the threat of terrorism on its way to the West, it would be best if the international community would assist Israel in its just war, thereby also protecting their countries. They're not asking for troops. They just want some military assistance. Unlike Ukraine, they're not basically begging us to come in. We may have a few troops in Gaza and I don't think we should. I don't think we should have any troops anywhere. I think we've got more troops in Ukraine where we have significantly fewer interests than we do in Israel. 844-542-42. Steve, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Steve. Howie, the left has been going after Netanyahu at least since the Obama days. They hate him for his support for the settlers. They hate him because he has tried to mitigate some of the problems by the extremely left wing Supreme Court in Israel. They hate him because he won't kowtow to them. This is nothing new, although I think that you're right that because of the polls, Chuck seems to really feel that at this point he really needs to go the distance and try to interfere. I think this is going to backfire on him. Another reason they hate him is Netanyahu says they can't be a two state solution when one of the states wants to exterminate the other state. A vast majority of Israelis agree with him and a somewhat smaller majority of Americans agree with him too because our rear ends aren't on the line actually. Why would you want to set up a state that wants to exterminate you? If these are such great people who just want to live in peace, why don't the Jordanians want to let any of them into the country? Why did the Jordanians fight a war with them? Why did the Egyptians fight a war with them even after the Jordanians fought a war with them? This idea that Netanyahu is pursuing his policy just to keep himself in power is ridiculous because I've read from good sources that the Israeli people overwhelmingly support the policy that Netanyahu is following right now. Right. I mean, this is the same policy that any nation follows that is attacked, mercilessly attacked in an effort to exterminate the entire nation, you have to get to the root of the problem and get rid of the organization that was trying to destroy you. It's common sense. You don't let them survive and come back to attack you again and how it are. Like everyone else, you're busy. You're on the go. And you know what's the best thing to bring with you wherever you go? Raycons, everyday earbuds. Raycons offer amazing audio quality at half the price of other premium audio brands. They're optimized gel tips are designed to fit comfortably in your ears and to actually stay there, whether you're working out at the gym or just doing chores around the house. Raycon earbuds can come with you everywhere so you can listen at any time. With 8 hours of playtime and a 32-hour battery life, you don't have to worry about whether you're up for the task. Raycons also come with three customizable sound profiles, noise isolation and awareness mode, so they're perfect for listening to anything. That explains the tens of thousands of five-star reviews. Right now, get 20% off your Raycon order plus free shipping at That's 20% off and free shipping at Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-542-442-844-542-442-413 says, "Why are we building peers to supply the enemy of our ally?" That's a very good question. There is no good answer to that except Michigan and Minnesota and the Muslim Nazi vote that the Democrats are concerned about losing. Why are we giving them money? You know, I retweeted that last night, the picture of the IDF blowing up the Hamas terrorist leader. You know where they got him? UNRWA, one of the storage areas where they're getting all these international relief supplies. He was just arranging for it to all be sent down into the tunnels to supply Hamas terrorists, the remaining ones that are going to fight the IDF in Rafa. They blew him up. But that's all our tax dollars are largely sending those supplies to keep Hamas. And Biden, by the way, gave $10 billion to Iran yesterday. No one's reporting that $10 billion. And the Houthis are upgrading their rockets to attack the Western shipping in the Red Sea. By the way, Turtle Boy is free. He has, as expected, the judge has tossed it out. He just, I just retweeted his post. Yeah, that's, I mean, again, talk about it. This is really an injustice. 8-4-4-5-1. I hope Proctor rolls on all these people that were involved in this because they're setting him up. He's, you know, Lee Harvey Oswald said, "I'm just the Patsy." In this case, Proctor is the Patsy. 8-4-4-5-100, 4-4-4-4-5-100, 4-4-4-2-4-2. Obama forced Netanyahu to use the back door of the White House and kept him waiting for hours total disrespect for our closest ally in the Middle East. I agree. I agree. You know, Obama, he said on national TV he was a Muslim, and George Stephanopoulos had to correct him and tell him he was a Christian. Did you ever mistake the religion you were, especially not, you know, well, I went to the Episcopalian Church this week, but, you know, I was raised the President. Very few people who are Christian in the larger sense mistake themselves for Muslim in the larger sense. Am I right? We know why Barack Obama hated Israel, hated Netanyahu. What does Joe Biden's excuse? I thought he was raised Jewish. I thought he went to the synagogue after he went to Mass. He said that, I believe. Hasn't he, Grace? Hasn't he said that? Yeah, he was raised in a lot of different churches. It's amazing. I don't know how many of these spare time. He was going to church every single day. He'd go to the Black Church, then he'd go to the synagogue, then he'd go to the Greek Orthodox Church. He was in the Civil Rights Movement when he wasn't going to the Wilmington Club, which didn't let in Catholics when he wasn't defending the guy. I never quite could figure out if he was defending or going after the guy who lost half of his Johnson and one of his testicles. Yeah, it was a confusing story. One of many confusing stories that Robert Herr was able to listen to. And by the way, Robert Herr was one of the most polite guys you would ever say. If your grandpa was senile and committed multiple crimes, you would want a guy like Robert Herr to be prosecuting him because he was very sweet and gentle. Yeah, like when Joe Biden would say, "I'm serious. I'm serious." He would say, "We believe you." That's very interesting, Mr. Preston. But we've got to move on to some of the real issues. Why don't you commit this crime? And then he goes back into his wearing an onion on his belt like Grandpa Sampson. Howie, a little bit more here. Time now for Grace with the news so we can play this out. A little bit more on Israel here. So there's been responses from both former Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and War Cabinet Minister Benny Gantz. So I'm going to read you both. The first one is from Bennett. He said, "Regardless of our..." Oh, I got that. I just read that one, Grace. Give me the other one. I'm sorry. The other one is he said, "This is Gantz." He said, "Any external intervention in the matter is incorrect and unacceptable." He also called Schumer's remarks a mistake. I'll say. Yeah. And obviously now you have conservative senators, like Lindsey Graham's on the floor right now, rebuking what Schumer said. But I think a lot of people are taken aback by this. But you know what, Howie? I'm surprised that it was Schumer, but I'm not surprised that this happened. Because the uncommitted vote in Minnesota, in Michigan, it's really wreaking havoc on the Democrat Party. They're in a panic and they realize that anything they're saying, it's not enough. Like, you can't tell these radical progressives who are spray painting pieces of art in museums, "Oh, we're going to give aid." That's not what they want to hear. They want to hear something, you know, big. And this is it. This is it. Schumer saying that we must continue. We talk about this all the time, Grace. This is a case of the revolution devouring its own. Absolutely. Absolutely. And it's, it's insane to watch. West Point Military Academy drops duty honor country from mission statement. Stories starting to heat up here. The US Military Academy at West Point has made the decision to remove the duty honor country motto from its mission statement. And they're going to replace it with the words "army values." That's, that's so pathetic. It's, they said, our responsibility to produce leaders to fight and win our nation's wars requires us to assess ourselves regularly. Thus, over the past year and a half, working with leaders from across West Point and external stakeholders, we reviewed our vision, mission, and strategy to serve this purpose. I never understand why places do this, though, because... Will you understand why the, why did, why are they throwing Israel under the bus for the same reason they've changed honor duty in country? Because those words offend the same people who are offended by, by us supporting in our longtime ally. Yeah, but was there a push for this, Howie? Like, was there a push from people who were offended? There wasn't one that I heard of. I just think you, you make it a bigger story when you actually acquiesce to this kind of stuff. And you go, "Okay, we'll change it because, you know, you want us to, who's asking for them to change it?" Who was saying to West Point, "I don't like the duty, honor, and country in your mission statement?" Somebody in the White House, who's 25 years old, who has a nose ring and purple hair. Yeah, that is not a bad guess. Um, Howie, the FDNY is reversing course on their hunt for the firefighter, who booed LaTisha James and cured Donald-- The hunt for Red March. So I want to ask you this, Howie. If we reverse this, okay, and LaTisha James was a Republican, and she was at this event, it was a ceremony at the Christian Cultural Center in Brooklyn. She was at this event, and she was booed by a bunch of Biden supporters. And then I told you that those Biden supporters from the FDNY were all being investigated. Would you think that was right? I know what the word that would be used would be, and it starts with an F. Fascism. Yeah. That's what they would say. I just don't think. I really-- I don't know if I'm giving both of us too much credit, but I don't think that we would be on board with that, even if we didn't like the booing. You can't start investigating people for booing. It's insane. So leaders of the New York City Fire Department have extinguished prospects for a hunt for rank and file members who jeered the Empire State's Attorney General LaTisha James when she took the stage at a ceremony last week. This is from Fox News. It says, "At no point has there been an investigation into members booing." Now that's a spokesperson for the FDNY, but here's where it gets weird because it says that FDNY Chief of Department John Hodgens handed down a list of talking points last week after some members booed. He said the behavior was unacceptable, or this is what the memo said, and members who appeared on video from the event would reportedly be investigated internally. I think you just accept the booze and just say, "Yeah, we all have a right to our opinion." You know what, your great-grandfather, James Michael Curly, there was a short guy that used to follow him around and yell at him and hiss and boo. He was very short, and let's just say his name was Jones. Curly would look at him, look over there and say, "Jones, come out from behind that fire plug and address me directly." Yeah, it says, "I recommend they come forward. I've been told by the commissioner it will be better for them if they come forward, and we don't have to hunt them down." Isn't that crazy? What are we talking about? No, no one's heard of the barber strikes. Why don't we hunt down some of the illegal aliens committing crimes in New York City, rather than fire fighters? No, this is a bigger deal. This is a bigger deal. If you booed LaTisha James and it wasn't just how the booing wasn't really what it was. It was the chanting, "Trump, Trump, Trump." That's what really pushed this over the edge. How dare those firefighters have foreign interference in our election, our re-election of Joe Biden? Grace's News is brought to you by Toyota of Portsmouth, where you can enjoy a buying experience that is easy, personalized, and moves at your own pace. Car buying the way you want it to be. Toyota of Portsmouth, Route 1 in Portsmouth. Also, Howie, there's some news about Joe Biden's shoes. Have you seen the story on Red State? It kind of broke three weeks ago, but it's picking back up. Oh, this is the shoes that they give him so he doesn't fall down? Yeah, he's got these big shoes on, and Red State wrote a piece on it, kind of wondering what's going on with them. But then I also was looking into it, and I guess the Daily Mail broke it a while ago. But they look like orthopedic shoes instead of dress shoes. No, I've seen those. He's a mess. 978 says, "Too bad they didn't hunt for the mob that burned and destroyed private property during Trump's inauguration." Yeah, we were down there in January of 2017. It was crazy. We saw one of those limos as we drove by burning. They burned the limos. But, Howie, isn't getting booed kind of like part of being a public figure? Yeah, it is. Absolutely. If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. I'm sure you've been booed before. Absolutely. I've witnessed you being booed before, so I know that for a fact. I've been heckled. Yeah, it's just part of what it is. It's like, "Okay, don't dish it out if you can't take it." This LaTisha James, she's very tough when she's smiling at the cameras and has that smug look on her face like she's going to take down Donald Trump. And then a couple of boos from some firefighters, Cinder Crying? I don't know. They all got glass jaws, Grace. It's so true. It's so true. That's it for me, Howie. All right. 844-542-42. That's it for Grace's news. We will be right back. We'll play the Mitch McConnell cuts his response to Schumer. I mean, boy, what an obnoxious thing to say. And the guy's been in politics his entire life, but I guess maybe that's the problem. Wherever I go, I take my Raycon everyday earbuds with me because they make everything I do better. And I don't do a lot when I'm not working. I walk around, I sit by the pool, I take Roscoe for a walk. But wherever I go, I put in my Raycon everyday earbuds and it just makes everything so much more pleasant. Raycons offer amazing audio quality at half the price of other premium audio brands. Don't believe me? How about there are tens of thousands of five-star reviews? Raycons' optimized gel tips are designed to fit comfortably in your ear and to actually stay there. Whether you're at the supermarket or lying by the pool or exercising, whatever you're doing, Raycons make your day a better time. My Raycons come with me everywhere so I can listen to it anytime. With eight hours of playtime and a 32-hour battery life, I don't have to worry about whether they're up to the task. Some of the things they have to make them so great, customizable three of them sound profiles, earbud tap functions, noise isolation, awareness mode. Taylor's got young kids and he can still put them in because he's got the awareness mode, right, Taylor? Yeah, you can put them in and still keep an ear on the kids because you're able to hear what's going on all around you. But it's not interrupting the music at all or whatever you're listening to. You can kind of keep an ear on both things, so it's great for that. And when you're walking, you can put them on so that you can hear the cars coming so you don't have to worry about walking into the street or getting hit by a bicycle or something. Go to today to get 20% off your Raycon order plus free shipping. That's right, you'll get 20% off and free shipping at I'm Howie Car. Howie Car! You're listening to The Howie Car Show. You know there's plenty more when you shop at Howie store for another Howie Car Chief Master deal. Howie Car, the cheapest bastard around. As the days get longer and the weather gets warmer, I think about going back to the Cape for the summer and Harwichport is where I hang out. And one of the great places in Harwichport is Jake Rooney's Tavern and Family Restaurant. And every time I read the spot for the jump line or for the poll question, I think about what a great place it is. There's something for everyone at Cape Cod's favorite, Jake Rooney's. They have an expansive menu filled with local favorites like the fish and chips. The ultimate burger stacked between two grilled cheese sandwiches and so much more. They have plenty of live entertainment throughout the week. They're open year-round, obviously, including trivia and karaoke nights. While supplies last, you can purchase a $50 gift card to Jake Rooney's Tavern and Family Restaurant in Harwichport for just $25. Get yours now at and click store. With us now to tell us more about Jake Rooney's is Kate Lomask. Kate, thanks for being with us and I can't wait to get back to Jake Rooney's. Hi, Howie. It's good to hear your ads and good to talk to you again. I hope you say sometime this weekend to stop by because we're really excited about St. Patrick's Day. We've got so much going on all day long. We're going to have Irish food, Irish music, Irish dancing, and we have the Irish step dancers starting at 2 o'clock. St. Patrick himself is going to stop by at 2.15. Then we have more music, dancers again at 5.30 and then a band from 6 to 9. It's going to be a great day. So this is Sunday or Saturday? Sunday. Okay, that's the actual St. Patrick's Day. That's great. It's a full day of St. Patrick's Day celebrations at Jake Rooney's in Harwichport. I love the stone grilled dinners you guys have. That's a unique part of the Jake Rooney's cuisine, isn't it? Yeah, that's one of our signature dishes. My father brought it back from Australia a couple of years ago and we've been serving it ever since. People love it. It's just a really good place and it's very comfortable. The thing is, you know, you think of Harwichport in the summer, but Jake Rooney's is such a comfortable place at any time of the year. It's cozy in the cold weather months and in the warm weather months, it's just a fantastic place to be. It's really good. Even if you're not going to be on the Cape on St. Patrick's Day or until the summer arrives after Memorial Day. Now's the chance to stock up, get some $50 gift certificates to Jake Rooney's for just just $25. It's a really good deal. We will be back broadcasting live, I think, Kate. Won't we at some point this summer? Yes, I think in June. Yep. Yep, we're looking forward to that around Father's Day, I think. Again, I really enjoy it. You guys do a great job for us when we come in and we have lots of people who love to come in. A lot of my summer neighbors stop by, too. Exactly. Yeah, last time it was a blast. It's just a really fun place to be and you guys have all kind... What is your number one entree right now at Jake Rooney's? Kate, we'll ask. The heat is. The heat is at a number one. Yep. But the steak tips, your favorite, that's around a second and then stone grills around number three. Oh, wow. Are they like traditional Irish fajitas? What's going on there? Oh, on Sunday? No, on Sunday, it's going to be corned beef and cabbage all the way. The heat is an Irish word. It's a Gaelic word. You're damn heathen, Taylor. It is. It is. I'm just an ignorant person. I'm sorry. We're going to be serving corned beef ophahitas that day. All right. That's great. So, give us the lineup for St. Patrick's Day one more time at Jake Rooney's on the curve in the Harwich board. Okay. At two o'clock, well, first of all, noon, we open and the Irish food starts right away. And we have that all day long and all evening long. And then at two o'clock, we have Irish step dancers from the Canally School of Dance in Orleans. And then we have St. Patrick himself stopping by at two-fifteen and then between two-fifteen and five-thirty, we have a musician named Dave McCoy who sings Irish songs and at five-thirty, we have the second round of dancers and then from six to nine, we have a band called Rose and the Thorns. Oh, that sounds great. I want to hear dear old Donnie Gal. That's my favorite. Oh, yeah. I'm stopping by in the afternoon. That's the kind of stuff that's Dave McCoy. All right. That's great. Go to, click on store and get your $50 gifts and fingers at Jake Rooney's in Harwich board on the curve for just 25 bucks., click on store. Thanks, Kate.