The Howie Carr Radio Network

Won't You Condemn Hamas? plus Karen Read updates | 3.14.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

Grace has covered the Karen Read case for a while now, and it's finally reaching the limelight it deserves. Tune in for updates on Turtleboy's work to free Read in the fishy case out of Canton.

Broadcast on:
14 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattoria studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring you a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace, stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello everyone and welcome back to The Grace Curly Show. We started the program off today playing a sound cut from Senator Chuck Schumer. We actually played multiple sound cuts because this was, he dropped quite a few bombshells in his speech on the Senate floor today. He thinks that Beebe Netanyahu has lost his way and that he is an obstacle to peace. That is right, the Israeli Prime Minister is the obstacle to peace, according to Chuck Schumer. And as always, Hamas seems to be very much left out of the narrative. The barbarians who went into the kibbutzas and butchered Jews, and in a number we haven't seen since the Holocaust, that all seems to get kind of buried here. They buried the lead quite a bit. So Senator Chuck Schumer comes out today. He also called for a new election in Israel. And Mitch McConnell, who I'm no fan of, I give him credit, he pointed out the irony of the same people who are constantly melting down Russia for an election interference. There was a Facebook meme of someone arm wrestling Hillary Clinton and it changed the whole outcome. They are, they are obsessed with foreign election interference meddling. They use all sorts of different words. But then, a quick pivot, Chuck Schumer gets out there and says they need to have a new election in Israel. And he doesn't even understand how ridiculous he sounds. Well, I wanted to update everyone because obviously that's cut of... That cut of Chuck Schumer is getting a lot of attention, but there was also an interesting segment on CNN last night. And Elhan Omar went on CNN and she was criticizing Israel. No surprise there. She's been pretty outspoken about how she feels about Israel and, and honestly, how she feels about Jews in general. And so she was on CNN talking about this and then after the fact, and I don't have to play that for you because you've seen enough cuts of Elhan Omar talking about Israel and you probably read her tweets saying it's all about the Benjamins and Israel has, you know, the idea that they've hypnotized the world. I don't know the exact phrasing of each of these, but you get the gist. But what I will play for you is the response from Scott Jennings. Now, Scott Jennings is a contributor on CNN. He's supposed to be like the conservative guy and he does a good job. I've played a lot of cuts from Scott Jennings over the years because he actually holds his own. And he was on with Abby Phillips after the fact and he pointed out so much of what the guests who call into this show say, and I wanted to play it for you here because it's a little bit of sanity on CNN, which we really don't get ever. So here it is. Scott, were you surprised to hear her say pretty clearly she would support President Biden in November? Some of her colleagues, I'm not sure they would say that today. No, she's a Democrat. They're going to vote for Biden. I'm not surprised about that. I am surprised that in the year of our Lord 2024, there is a public relations agent for Hamas sitting in the United States Congress. The reason Israel is not at that meeting is because Hamas will not provide a list of the living hostages. I didn't hear a word, a word of concern for the hostages. You know, ceasefire, she said, don't happen magically. You know, there was a ceasefire in place on October the 6th and who broke it on October the 7th? I cannot believe, honestly, what I heard out of that interview, what I want are for those hostages to come home. And I want somebody, somebody out there to show just a little bit of remorse that Hamas broke the ceasefire, raped and murdered horrifically women, all kinds of people. That's it. How about a little bit of concern for those folks? That's what I'm looking for. No, I don't think you're, you can keep looking for it, Scott, but based off the current state of the Democrat party and their supporters, you're not going to get it. David Harsani, who we have on the show quite a bit, he wrote, Schumer wants to release the whirlwind on the Supreme Court, but not on Hamas. Yeah, it's amazing. You can tell a lot about these Democrats, not just based off of who they support and, you know, who they give constant attention to, but also who they refuse to condemn. And keep in mind now, this is coming from a Republican. I'm an evil conservative. I'm asked to condemn a lot of people. I'm asked to condemn. I sound like Trump there. I'm asked to condemn a lot of people denounce a lot of bad people. And I do. But Democrats never, they can't even condemn these terrorists. That's too far for them. That's too far. And there's been so many great responses to Chuck Schumer's horrible, horrible speech today. Ben Weingarten wrote, Democrats won't defend our borders, but they'll seek to topple Israel on behalf of a genocidal enemy that seeks to erase its borders. Yeah, the goal to hear, which people should remember, the goal of Hamas is not to have a ceasefire, is not to have peace, is not to have a two-state solution. Their goal, and they're very clear about this. And I don't mean clear as in Joe Biden, clear where he says he's been clear, but you have no idea what he's talking about. They're clear that they want to wipe Jews from the face of the earth. They're very clear on that. And so I don't know how negotiations, how you meet somebody at the table when that's their end game. 844-542-42. Now, on a separate note, there's so many stories out there today. Jared, there's a sound cut here. And I didn't mention it because I thought it was going to be used on a woker joke, but I did see this circulating. It turns out that, you know, we focus a lot on what's going on in the U.S. Canada's having some issues with carjackings. Yes, car thefts, crime in general, specifically Toronto and the suburbs of Toronto are under siege. You have a sound cut. This is from City News Canada, and it's kind of going viral. People are... Yeah, it is bonkers. Okay, let me hear this. This is Cut 7. There's also updated advice for all vehicle owners. A message echoed by Toronto Police speaking at an Etobicoke safety meeting last month. Constable Marco Ricciardi had a new message for vehicle owners who keep their fobs in Faraday pouches. To prevent the possibility of being attacked in your home, leave your fobs at your front door. They're breaking into your home to steal your car. They don't want anything else. A lot of them that they're arresting have guns on them, and they're not toy guns. They're real guns. They're loaded. What? Wait, wait, wait, hold on. They're saying make it easier for them. So basically, yeah, just, you know, hey, just sacrifice your car so your house doesn't get broken into when they go looking for your car. I mean, at that point, why don't you just leave the fob in the car, make it super easy? Like, why do you even want them to come in the house? That doesn't really... This is reminding me of San Francisco and other really wonderful, progressive plays like Canada. Canada is pretty progressive. Oh, yeah. And I think they're pretty progressive when it comes to that control. Oh, yeah, we're sure, eh? Yeah, eh, eh. Yeah, that's all I got. I can't do anything else. But they're pretty progressive when it comes to gun control. They're not big on, you know, letting their citizens arm themselves. But it's all about responsibility up there. But Jared, it's so weird because based off that cut, I'm going to, he said that the people coming in to take the fobs, the key fobs have guns. Right? Isn't that crazy? Like, strict gun control? But you're not supposed to have guns. Right? But somehow they, somehow these people who are, I don't want to use the term criminals, but these people who are committing crimes, somehow have guns magically. And the people who just want their cars to stay in their driveways don't have guns. So now we have a situation where people who have property that they don't want to have stolen are without any sort of help. They have no protection, they have no guns, they have nothing. And so their last resort is to just hand over their stuff to people with guns, who are also not supposed to have those guns. But, weirdest thing, they're not following the rules. This reminds me of in San Francisco, remember they used to tell people to like, people would park their cars, and I'm sure they're still doing this. I say it like it's past tense, it's only gone worse. But people would park their cars and they put signs on their windows basically saying there's nothing here. Don't smash my windows in. I have nothing. Or they roll their windows down. Pop the trunk with nothing in it. And just leave it all open and say there's nothing here. Like you can't take anything. But it's this is what happens. This is this is utopia. I hope people in Canada know this. This is utopia at work. Leave your fobs at the door. Make it as easy as possible. This is the way we fight crime. Who could have seen that one coming? 844-542-42. When we come back, I'm going to give you an update on Karen Reed. I'm going to take more of your calls still waiting on this Fannie Willis ruling. Jared, if you were a betting man, which I know you're not, what would you say for Fannie Willis? Do you think she's getting disqualified from this? Or do you think she's staying on? I have zero faith in the justice system in this country. I think she's going to stay on. You know, part of the reason I think she's going to stay on is because during the hearings or during the trial, the questioning. It wasn't a trial. You know, disqualification hearing, I think, is the way to put it. During those back and forth with the lawyers, I thought that the judge gave her way too much leeway. And you know what? Eddie Scary did write about that and how this is what Eddie Scary wrote. I'm just going to read you a little bit. It says, as for McAfee, that's the judge in the Fannie Willis disqualification hearing, the limited extent of his fortitude was further revealed when he allowed Willis to put on a berserk performance in her own hearing before she was even asked to testify. In it, she shouted at the defense attorneys called them liars and used her race as a shield against all scrutiny. The entire ordeal has cheapened the criminal justice system and McAfee is sat on his bench watching it happen like a mute Elmer Fudd. You almost can't blame him. Not only is he up for re-election facing a Jesse Jackson anointed opponent, but he knows just as well as everyone else that at shaking down Trump, Democrats ain't playing. Any attempt by McAfee to check Willis, whom he supported in her election, will be invariably characterized by all Democrats and their media friends as an act of white supremacy. A move to thwart a powerful black woman holding Trump accountable. The attacks on his reputation would be withering and relentless. In his ruling on the Willis hearings, he will likely acknowledge her obvious deception of the court, but ultimately concluded doesn't change the underlying case against the former president and his associates. It takes a lot to stand in front of the get Trump train and it doesn't look like McAfee has much of anything. I thought that when she was going on in that exact thing that Eddie Scary was talking about, that rant that she went on. When she first showed up, remember she came in hot Jared, she had her dress on backwards and she was mad at the world. I was waiting for the judge and people said to me, Grace, this is what happens. You let the person say what they're going to say, get all the information you can. But she was going back and forth with merchant, who was the Trump lawyer. She was so rude and she was so aggressive. And I was waiting for the judge to remind her that she has to answer these questions in like a polite way. You should know this. You're the district attorney. Why are you acting like this? But he didn't. He just sat there kind of nodding his head like one of those little bird feeders. He was very much, "Oh, and he would criticize the lawyers, but he would never criticize Fannie Willis." And that's why I'm nervous. If I'm wrong, if he comes out and disqualifies her, I will make an apology. Maybe I'll sing it for everyone. I'll sing it to the tune of "Cruisin" by Gwyneth Paltrow. I get bad news for Judge McAfee, though. It doesn't matter if you say Fannie Willis. If they want you out, you're going out anyway. There's no loyalty there. Like you said, he's up for election against a Jesse Jackson person. They'll take him out if they want him out, even if he does let her stay on the case. That's a good point. 844-500-4242 will be right back with your calls. Do not go anywhere. Recently, a Grace Curly Show listener called in. She was telling us how much she loved her thunderstorm. And there are so many reasons to love your thunderstorm. It can get rid of smells, pollutants, allergens, whatever you have going on in your house or your car or your office. The thunderstorm can tackle it, and it does it quietly. It doesn't take up any space. I really love the thunderstorms in the office, Jared, because we have a lot of windows here that you can't open, so the air can get really stale, and it's nice to keep it circulating and to keep it fresh. Yeah, you want to get that ionized air, the super oxygen from the ions that the thunderstorm sends out that eliminates the odors, and it can eliminate allergens and pollutants. It gives you clean air. It doesn't just cover up or make things smell flowery. It doesn't make the air stick. You know, there's actually an absence of smell with a thunderstorm, and you just plug it in, you turn it on, and bang. It just goes and does it. And with the three pack special, you can use one in your kitchen, your office, or even your car. Like Jared said, it's not going to take up a lot of floor space. It's very low maintenance, but it gets a lot done. So go to Use code grace3. That's Code grace, and the number three will be right back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houghton in Nashua. Call 1-4-4 of Perfect Smile or visit Jared, what is the poll question, and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is should misdemeanor marijuana convictions be pardoned? Yes, this is what Governor Maher-Healy's doing. I think it's fine. I haven't heard any arguments against it, but there's a lot of people who are voting who say no. Yeah, 43% say no, 57% say yes. Well, here's another weird thing on this same topic. Kamala Harris is meeting with Fat Joe, the rapper. He's the one if you guys aren't aware, if you're not as musically inclined as I am. His big hit was Leanback. Leanback. That's the only one I remember. I think that was big when I was like in middle school. But Vice President Kamala Harris on Friday will hold a roundtable discussion at the White House on cannabis policy, bringing together a group of people who have been pardoned by Biden or the Biden administration for marijuana related convictions. Of course they're sitting in the circle. I think this is so strange, Jared, because isn't she the face of locking people up for marijuana? Yeah, that was a big problem for her when she was the top tier candidate in the primaries. That's how Tulsi Gabbard kind of put her back on her heels a little bit when she brought up how she had locked up so many people because of marijuana charges. And the other part of it that's so weird is that I understand that if you're just hoping people are going to forget about it, that's one thing. But during the state of the union, when Biden talked about this, when he talked about marijuana charges and convictions and whatever, she stood up and was like clapping like a like a seal, like all the rest of the Democrats. They were all clapping like train seals, but she was clapping and I'm sitting here going, you're clapping at this? This was your thing, this was your brand. Eric Adams says New York has a brand. Your brand was putting people in jail for marijuana related convictions. That was your brand for a while. That's how you made your bones. And now you want to pretend like you want to rewrite history. You know what the problem with the Biden administration is, their pivots are too fast and they're too severe. There's no nuance to the pivots. It's the same thing with the border. It's like, okay, so we go from there's no issue with the border. It's totally secure. And then before you can even catch your breath, they one day wake up and they say there's a problem, but it's not our fault. Well, give me a couple of weeks and we have a problem before you immediately tell me it's not your fault. Because yesterday you guys wouldn't even acknowledge that there was an issue. And now you're acknowledging it only to tell me that you have nothing to do with it. Do you know what I'm saying? My head is like it's whiplash over here. Now on a different note, we were talking about Chuck Schumer, what he had to say about BB Netanyahu. And Jared, can I get a little bit of that first cut? I want to play cut two, please. The fourth major obstacle to peace is Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has all too frequently bowed to the demands of extremists like Minister Smotrick and Ben Gevir and the settlers in the West Bank. I have known Prime Minister Netanyahu for a very long time. While we have vehemently disagreed on many occasions, I will always respect his extraordinary bravery for Israel on the battlefield as a younger man. This is how he shows his respect for BB by asking for a regime change, for calling for election interference from the Senate floor. But the other thing I wanted to point out here, and this is from Breitbart, it says Netanyahu tops rivals as Biden pressure campaign fails. And there's a part later in this poll and it says that the poll that Netanyahu, the poll found that Netanyahu is preferred to blue and white leader Benny Gantz by 47% to 37%, and that he is preferred over the opposition leader by an even wider margin of 48% to 28%. And that's Israel's channel 14. So I don't know where Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden and this anti-Israel crowd is getting their information, but check the polls, Jack. We'll be right back. Live from the Aviva Thratria studio. We've been having this conversation about TikTok for the last couple of days, and when Trump was president, this was also in the news a lot. It was a similar situation where people were seeing, you know, if it was going to be banned. I remember it was during COVID. It was during the Tiger King period. And here's what I will say. I think there's pros to getting rid of the app, which is spyware basically for China. It's sending all your data to China. It's bad for people's mental health. It's dumbing down the American population, specifically the younger people, the Gen Zers. But I also understand why people are skeptical that if you pass some sort of legislation to ban a social media app, that it won't be abused down the line and used for other things, and that our government won't take this and run with it and end up, you know, invading our privacy or trying to censor other websites they disagree with or other social media apps. But the one group that I really know are wrong on this, Jared, because there's something to be said for both sides. There's people like Tom Cotton who are very anti-TikTok thing and needs to be banned. There are people like Tom Massey who say this is a Trojan horse, and I can see little bits in each of their arguments that make sense to me. But the one group that is out of their minds are the people with the signs in front of the Capitol that are saying, like, "TikTok made my life better." Come on now. Come on now. Those have to be influencers. Yeah, and I get that, but even influencers, like, I saw this segment recently on TV. I think it was on Fox, and people were talking about how these young women who are influencers, a lot of them are going back to nine to five jobs because it's not fulfilling enough. Like, it's just too much of yourself. There's a limit, Jared. There's a very thin line between self-care and, you know, showing people your morning routine and showing people your skincare routine versus just shallow existence and feeling like a narcissist. And I think a lot of, and to their credit, a lot of these young people are going, "I can't do this for my life. Like, this can't be my entire life is setting up the tripod and showing people how I clean my counter." So, and that's honestly on TikTok. That's the educational content compared to some of the crap that gets pushed nowadays. That's not even the bad stuff. But yeah, there's people with signs that are saying, you know, "TikTok's great." And I just, I don't know, 844-542. Now, Aaron Rodgers is being floated as a VP for RFK Jr. Not sure what people think of that, not sure if it's a serious idea. But he has said he's spoken, you know, he's spoken very highly of Aaron Rodgers. He's a big fan. And there's some debate about how important a VP pick is. But I think that Hugh Hewitt had a really great point in his piece today in Fox where he said, "It's especially important in this election because you've got, first of all, two guys who are old." And then you also have a VP in Kamala Harris who has such a low approval rating. People are not impressed with her. Oh, did I mention the latest country club drama? Did I keep you over? No. Okay. Move over Sheldon Whitehouse. There's a new sheriff in town. Kamala Harris and Doug Amhoff are caught up in a scandal over their elite Hillcrest Country Club that's been labeled a racist aristocracy that disregards reports of sexual assault and rejects anyone, not white or Jewish in blockbuster lawsuit. The ultra elite Hillcrest Country Club in LA is at the center of a furious race storm in a new lawsuit filed this week against the club. And it's leaders, the club known for having mostly Jewish members, has been branded racist by Matthew Winick, who claims the club retaliated against him and his wife, VP Kamala Harris's husband, Doug, is a member there and has said it's one of the couple's favorite places in the city. Just a quick update. They have great salads. Just a quick update for anyone who's curious about that. Now, a big story that I wanted to give you guys an update on. We've been talking a lot about Karen Reid recently, especially in the two o'clock hour. And this is from It says, "State police investigating detective and Karen Reid murder case." One of the lead investigators in the Karen Reid murder case is now under investigation. Massachusetts state police confirmed the MSP have opened an internal investigation into a potential violation of department policy by Trooper Michael Proctor, a state police spokesperson said in a statement. Trooper Proctor remains on full duty. Now said spokesperson did not say the nature of the alleged violation, nor did he confirm whether there's any connection to Reid's case. I would go out on a limb and say I think it might have something to do with the thank you text, but I could be wrong. I mean, if it doesn't have to do with the case, that guy's got problems. Yeah. The 44-year-old is accused of hitting her boyfriend. We won't get into all the details of the case. If you want to know more about it, you can check out our podcast. We've had Turtle Boy on to talk about it. It says the defense team targeted Proctor during a court hearing on Tuesday, alleging that Proctor had an undisclosed personal relationship with a family of Brian Albert, who owned the home where O'Keefe's body was found. Defense attorney Alan Jackson pointed to a text message in which Proctor allegedly discussed having Albert's sister-in-law babysit for him 10 days before O'Keefe was killed. So clearly, you're texting about babysitting. You have some sort of relationship with this family. According to Jackson, Proctor's sister also texted the trooper a few days after O'Keefe's death to tell him that Albert's sister-in-law wanted to give Proctor a thank you gift when all of this is over. I don't think they realized how long this was going to be going on for. Jackson said the text messages came to light during a federal investigation into Reid's case. And Proctor, he said, reportedly admitted before a federal grand jury that he knows the Alberts and has socialized with them. You know what's crazy to me about this, is that not only is it very easy nowadays to find out, you know, if people are sending you texts about babysitting or thank you gifts, they're going to find out either way because the text exists. But in this community in Canjara, they're big Facebook people. A lot of Facebook photos. It wasn't hard. You didn't have to be like Inspector Gadget to put this guy in the same orbit as the Albert family. I bet you I could have figured it out and I'm an amateur detective at best. But if you're always on Facebook, like checking into all these places and taking photos at the local, you know, pizza place with all your friends and family, it's not going to be hard for that to come out eventually. Prosecutors have repeatedly rejected the defense's claim that Proctor had closed ties to the Albert's. In a rare video statement last August, which I have to assume he regrets at this point, Norfolk district attorney Michael Morrissey declared that Proctor, and this was the quote, "had no close personal relationship with any of the parties involved in the investigation, had no conflict, and had no reason to step out of the investigation. Every suggestion to the contrary is a lie." I wonder if he would stand by that quote. Those absolutes that I always get you. Yeah. You got to leave a little wiggle room for yourself there, Michael Morrissey. Kyle, you're next up on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Kyle. Hey, my service got patchy. Can you hear me? Yeah, I can hear you. Okay. First, are you a province college grand? I am indeed. All right. As am I. Are you watching the game tonight? I will be watching the game tonight. I'm so excited. Go Friars. Yes. All right. That's not why I called. But it was nice that they'd be Cooley through Thames in a row. It felt good. I was curious your take on an RFK Rogers ticket. Who do you think that would help and/or hurt more? This is a big question that the polls and Kyle, if you listen to the show, you know how I feel about the polls. I love the polls when they make me feel good and I hate the polls when they tell me something that I don't want to hear. So I clearly have a very non-biased approach to these polls, but there have been a lot of polls that show that an RFK ticket would hurt Trump more. And if I had to guess, if I had to guess, I would think it would hurt Trump more. And here's why. RFK Jr. has gone on a lot of these media platforms like Joe Rogan, you know, alternative media and reached out to a demographic that I don't think would typically vote for Joe Biden but might vote for Donald Trump. And I think he's won some people over. I think he's had some interesting, you might not agree with everything he says, but he's very outspoken about certain things. He's found some niche causes that he is really, really passionate about and has written books about specifically with vaccines. And he's managed to energize a base of people about that. Do I think there's probably a mix? There's probably a mix of people. There might be some Biden supporters. But I would say if I had to guess who he's going to take more away from, I fear it would be Trump. Yeah, there's more of a crossover with Trump and RFK voters and I think there would be with Biden and RFK voters. And I know I keep referencing Joe Rogan, but that's the only thing I can think of. It's like, okay, the same guys who listen to Joe Rogan who go, oh, you know, Riley Gaines was on. Oh, she's pretty good. Like, she did a good job. They hear RFK Jr. He had an episode that was very viral and they say, oh, he's a likable guy. He's got some good points. I don't think those same people would ever think about voting for Joe Biden. Yeah, I agree with that. I think the initial hope was, oh, RFK Jr. is a Kennedy. So some Democrats who are old school Kennedy Democrats would vote for him, but I don't think they would. I don't think they consider him part of the Kennedy, you know, family tree. Yeah, and he doesn't have the D next to his name anymore. Like you say, Democrats always come home, they always come home. They're very good about that. I wish Republicans were better about it, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. When we come back, and I'll ask how we that too, because I think it's a good question. When we come back, we'll talk to Howard Lawrence Carr about everything from Karen Reed to Fannie Willis. So don't go anywhere. We'll be right back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show. Today's car crossover is brought to you by TuxTrucks GMC in Hudson, Mass. A TuxTrucks GMC in Hudson, Mass has GMC Sierra 2500 HD and GMC Sierra 3500 HD trucks ready for commercial businesses to get your work done. Some with dump bodies to fit your needs shop online at tuxtrucks How we car joins us now, how we thank you so much for coming on the show. Just because we just finished with this story, I would love to get your take before we move on. Karen Reed in the news, again, the lead state police investigator in the Karen Reed case, Proctor is the subject of an internal affairs probe. They haven't said how we whether it has to do with the Reed case. What do you think? They sure threw him under the bus really quickly. You know, I remember a couple of years ago, we heard about a state cop on the drug gang unit and he went home with some apparently some contraband and he overdosed and we got the story into the paper when he was taken to the hospital. But we never found out that he was fired until we read it in an obscure court filing two months later and this happened 24 hours. They announced it 24 hours and they confirmed it. They leaked it to Channel 25 and then they confirmed it almost instantaneously. And now it's I mean, finally, the globe has woken up and they're getting into the story. I think the story is picking up steam very fast. I hope I hope that I'll put Turtle Boy back in jail this afternoon. I don't think they're going to, but I'm surprised it's taken as long as it has. The case is apparently still going on in that of district court. Yeah. Well, also that the quote that I was reading from from from DA Michael Morrissey about how Proctor never had any conflicts of interest and you know, it was like he was saying it as a fact that there's no question that he had no conflicts of interest. And it couldn't be further from the truth. Even if you just eliminate the text, howie, which right there, you're writing stuff down. That's not a good idea. You're texting with people before it even happened. And then after the fact about thank you gifts, but also as I was talking to about with Jared, this can community, they seem to be big on social media, like Facebook, photos. It's not hard to connect all these people. You know, I was just writing my call up grace and I said, one reason this is a great Netflix Hulu movie or documentary is Karen Reed is good looking and the McAlberts as Turtle Boy calls him. They look like they look like the extras in the in a remake of Deliverance, don't they? And they're always giving people the fingers. They got these rotten tattoos. They drink in Bud Light beer. They're just, you know, they're just trashy. Well, it's going to be a good documentary because they have so much content. I mean, like I just said, these people have a real digital footprint. They've never been shy about it in every character in this story. You know, every person has their own digital footprint that the documentary people can pull from. Howie, the other thing I wanted to ask you about is question is what other cops are going down though with them? I mean, you know, sometimes the state police emo is to let one guy be the fall guy and it looks like looks like Proctor got the short straw here, doesn't it? Yeah, I'd like to, you know, they hate, you know, the state cops hate Turtle Boy with a passion. He brought down like at least one or two of the old corrupt regimes. I wonder how I wonder what ties some of Proctor's bosses because he's kind of a junior guy. I wonder what ties his bosses had to the old regime, you know, the MacKians and the resteens and the Hughes that crowd well, how do you ask him for a friend, Grace? Do you get the sense that when it comes to Morrissey and all these other people and maybe I'm wrong on this, but that they're over there. This, this is way beyond what they thought it was going to be. Like, I think they're overwhelmed. I do not think that when this whole thing first started that they thought like the feds would get involved that it would pick up this kind of steam that it would become this sort of national story and I guess I used to see, I used to see Morrissey, he used to hang out at the Stockyard and Brighton, believe it or not. That's a long haul when you've had a few, especially from to Quincy, but he used to hang out there because he had a friend, I won't mention this friend's name. And I, I'm pretty sure Morrissey wishes he were back at the Stockyard. Do you think he can survive this? I don't think I, I think it's, you know, it'd be like prying him out of an all you could eat Krela contest to get rid of him. I mean, he's, he's been, he's had this job his entire life, 191,000 bucks a year. He has a, he has a big boat. It's called class action. And he, you know, he, you know, he, you know, he eats every night big time at Alba or, you know, Cafe Pacific, you know, you know, these places, Grace, you think he wants to give up the good life? It's a good question. Howie, another thing I wanted to ask about really quickly, we have about a minute left. Mark Schumer today made a pretty crazy, I thought, I thought it would be everywhere. It's not as big on the news channels as I thought it would be basically saying that we need to interfere in Israel's election to make sure BB Netanyahu gets thrown out and there's a new regime installed. Yeah. I thought it was pretty shocking too, actually. And you know, the thing was he was behind, BB was behind in the polls for a while, but now BB seems to be pulling ahead in the Israeli polls. I read the, I read those papers every day for the war news. And so Schumer waits until he gets ahead in the polls and then says he can't be allowed to win. I mean, I think I've seen this movie before, you know, in a domestic release. Yeah, it's a crazy thing to say. And then how we, I was actually very happy that Mitch McConnell pointed this out. Mitch McConnell is like, you guys are the same people who are apoplectic about election interference. And now you're on the Senate floor calling for us to interfere in Israel's elections. It's so inappropriate and it's dangerous. So, you know, Obama, you know, what did he put in 350,000 bucks into, into efforts to get rid of, get rid of Netanyahu in an earlier election? Yeah, this is the first time they've tried to interfere, but I'm just so shocked at how, how he didn't even try to hide it at all today. Howie Carr is coming up next. He's got a great show plan for you guys. Thank you all so much for tuning in today. Do not forget if you missed anything, if you missed Walker joke, if you missed any of our interviews this week, you can get them where you get your podcasts and also remember that we'll be back tomorrow for a fabulous Friday program. We'll see you then. [MUSIC]