The Howie Carr Radio Network

Schumer asks for Israeli regime change | 3.14.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

According to Sen. Chuck Schumer, Bibi Netanyahu is the obstacle in the way of peace in the Middle East. Grace and the listeners wince at the comments from Schumer, who himself is Jewish.

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14 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trateria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. Thank you so much for tuning in today and every weekday from 12 to 3. We've got a great show planned for you, no surprise there. A lot of news and some news that we're waiting on. So Trump is in court today in Florida. For those of you keeping track at home, today's court visit concerns. Do you think they give him a little rundown every single time? Because it must be like when a rock star goes to a concert and they say the wrong name of the place they're in. You've got to give him a prep every time. Hey, we're here for this one. Because every single day he's traveling to a new courthouse to fight a new battle. Yeah, I'm sure he has a little note card. I'll let Joe Biden, you know, just detailing which travel at this time. Yeah, because they're really, it would be hard for me to keep. I get them confused. I'm 31 years old. I like to think I'm semi with it and I get them confused. But today is the documents, the National Archives case, and that's what he's in Florida for trying to get that dismissed. Now, meanwhile, though, what a lot of people are more focused on when it comes to Trump's legal battles is that we are waiting on the Fannie Willis decision. And I don't know if it's the way Fox sets it up, or if this is just, they've always got it in the right hand corner, like, awaiting any minute now soon. We're going to get this Fannie Willis decision. I'm hoping it comes today, Jared, because I would, first of all, I'd love for it to drop during the show, but I don't know how long I can keep up my attention span with this. Yeah, they said by the end of the week, today's a Thursday that feels to me like a Friday, let's get this decision out there. It all comes down to Judge Scott McAfee and what he's going to rule when it comes to the disqualification hearing pertaining to Fannie Willis. Now, Fannie Willis is the DA of Fulton County, Georgia. She was heading up the get Trump election interference case. And we're expecting, I think we're going to get it today. I think it's going to be any minute now. And I will keep you all abreast of that situation. I will let you know. I don't have high hopes. I was reading a story today by Eddie Scary, who is talking about someone who does not mean words. He isn't, he is one of those people, Jared. He's unafraid. He writes whatever he wants. He does not care. And so he wrote about Judge Scott McAfee, and he brought something up that I had been thinking. I thought about this the other day, and I thought if I said it on the air, people would go, "Oh, boo-hoo. I feel so bad for these judges." You know, they get nice pensions and nice paychecks. Oh, I'm expecting to feel bad for them. But it is a lot of pressure nowadays. To be in one of these cases, I wouldn't want it for myself. If I was a judge and they said, "Oh, you get to preside over the Fannie Willis stuff," I would be like, "Oh, God, are you kidding me? Because let's face it." And this is what Eddie Scary wrote. If this judge does the right thing, if he looks at this and he says this is insane, there was so much corruption here. There was so much conflict of interest. There was so much inappropriate behavior. This is not to mention the fact that it's the fruit of the poison tree, the way this recording was obtained. There's just no way you have to be disqualified from this case. If he does that, it's almost inevitable what's going to happen. He's going to be right behind BB Netanyahu and Donald Trump. He will be -- and maybe Elon Musk, so it will go like this -- Donald Trump, BB Netanyahu, Elon Musk, Ron DeSantis, and then Judge Scott McAfee. Like, he will be the worst guy. They'll call him the racist. They'll call him the sexist. They'll say it was unfair. And he knows that. And that's going to be pretty intimidating. And Eddie Scary doesn't think he's made up of the stuff, you know, that he's courageous enough to actually do what he has to do. Who knows, though? I've been surprised before. So fingers crossed, I'll be surprised again. But I don't think we really understand the level of pressure that these judges are under from the left. The left can be pretty scary when they want to be. Now, speaking of election interferences, I wanted to start today with the sound that I think is the biggest sound of the day. I'm willing to open up the lines if you disagree, but I could not believe what Senator Chuck Schumer said. Now, some people might say to me, "Well, Grace, it's Chuck Schumer. You know, this is a guy who threatened Supreme Court justices. He told Donald Trump, the intelligence agencies have six ways to Sunday to get back at you. He's not afraid to say stupid things." Said, "If you don't pass the border bill, we're going to send your kids to Ukraine." Yeah. That was his most recent, right? I forgot about that. He is never afraid to say what's on his mind. But I did not expect this to come out of his mouth today. This is a sound cut from Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer today. We're going to take this bit by bit, but I want to play cut two first. The fourth major obstacle to peace is Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has all too frequently bowed to the demands of extremists like Minister Smotrick and Ben Gavir and the settlers in the West Bank. I have known Prime Minister Netanyahu for a very long time. While we have vehemently disagreed on many occasions, I will always respect his extraordinary bravery for Israel on the battlefield as a younger man. I believe in his heart he has his highest priority as is the security of Israel. However, I also believe Prime Minister Netanyahu has lost his way by allowing his political survival to take the precedence over the best interests of Israel. I have so many questions about this. But if what he's saying is true and he believes that BB has Israel's safety and security as his number one priority, then how can he also be an obstacle for peace? That just doesn't make any sense to me. This is truly astounding. And then he goes on to say this, and we should just play both of them before I go into my thoughts on it, but let's play cut four. Five months into this conflict, it is clear that Israelis need to take stock of the situation and ask, "Must we change course?" At this critical juncture, I believe a new election is the only way to allow for a healthy and open decision-making process about the future of Israel. At a time when so many Israelis have lost their confidence in the vision and direction of their government. I also believe a majority of the Israeli public will recognize the need for change, and I believe that holding a new election once the war starts to wind down would give Israelis an opportunity to express their vision for the post-war future. Okay, so here are my thoughts. I knew the establishment Chuck Schumer, Joe Biden. I knew they were going to capitulate to the angry progressives at some point. It was just a matter of time. I actually thought this. I actually thought this moment was going to be delivered to us in the State of the Union by Joe Biden. The uncommitted votes in Michigan and Minnesota have clearly frightened a lot of these officials. It has the White House sweating. And the State of the Union comments about sending aid to Gaza. It was not nearly enough for these young radicals. You didn't have to be a genius to figure that out. But I will be honest, I didn't think Chuck Schumer would be the one to make a statement like this. Beebe is the obstacle in the way of peace. So my follow up to Chuck would be so if you got to install someone, because this is what we're doing now, right? We're just asking for regime change. Okay, Chuck. So if you got to install some other leader who you liked better, I don't know, maybe he's more progressive. He has pronouns. He, I'm not sure exactly what Chuck Schumer's looking for, but let's just say it's a unicorn style Israeli Prime Minister. It's the perfect Chuck Schumer's perfect idea of what this person should be. And he gets to install him in Israel. Do you think Hamas would have a change of heart and all this? This is the key component that I think people leave out. Do you think that Hamas would start seriously considering a ceasefire and not just use it as an opportunity to restock and re-strategize and re-arm themselves for more savagery? Do you think the same group of people, because we're saying that Beebe is the obstacle to peace, right? Beebe is one of the obstacles. Do you think the same group of, I said people, sorry, I misspoke, the same group of savages that raped the corpses of Israeli women would be a bit nicer if they were dealing with a squad-approved Israeli Prime Minister? And keep in mind, I just, I always like to remind people of this, if this happened in the US, if what occurred on October 7th in Israel happened here in the US? And if you take it like based off population, what happened that day was roughly 15 times the scale of 9/11. If something that horrific were to happen here, on American soil, where we had a group of savages begin chopping people up, kidnapping toddlers to hold them hostage, raping women, dragging them through the streets. How does Chuck Schumer, how do any of these people who are spray painting artwork and carrying a dummy of Joe Biden's head around at the Oscars and wearing the red pins? How do any of these people think we would respond? Do you think our leaders would be worried about what another country's peanut gallery, another country's Chuck Schumer had to say about our decisions? I don't think we would be. I don't think we'd be all that concerned about it. Carol Markowitz wrote, "Not a single Israeli leader would be doing anything less dangerous or inflammatory," and she used quotes around that to quote Chuck Schumer, then Netanyahu. This is just the left trying to get a political win. And they're willing to do anything to get that political win. This is all about Joe Biden's reelection. Doesn't matter if you have to sell out our oldest ally. It's worth it. It's worth it for the power aspect. We're going to talk more about this. I have more to say, 844-542-42. But first, I got to let you guys know that it's that time of year. It's such a nice time to get away. And Jared, there's no better spot than the Nossa Peach Inn. Yeah, I got to say, I kind of wish I was there right now. I'm dealing with this cold. I could definitely use a getaway down there because the Nossa Peach Inn, it's the most tranquil place that I've ever been. I know you hear me say that all the time, but I actually mean that. Every room, you are just steps from the beach. You can enjoy the sound of the waves, especially in the off-season. Spring is still considered the off-season. You don't have to worry about crowds. You're not going to have to worry about getting reservations. It's enjoying the cape as it's meant to be enjoyed and enjoying Nossa Peach Inn. As it's meant to be enjoyed, there's hiking trails. There's the beach. They have fire pits. You can just sit outside. My wife and I, we went down there. We sat by the fire pits. Had our morning coffee. We watched the sunrise. We looked at the stars. We walked the beach. It's the perfect getaway. And it's really close. And right now you can book your April stay at the Nossa Peach Inn from 2.49.99 a night. And this May rates are from 2.59.99 a night. So don't delay because these rooms go fast. To reserve your room, go to We'll be right back. Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gun Works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for 2.8 Tuesday, Tuesdays at 2 p.m. This is the Grace Curly Show. Welcome back, everyone, to the Grace Curly Show. People are texting in election interference from Chuck Schumer. Yeah, we're going to get to that. There's just, there's always so many layers to the hypocrisy when Chuck Schumer opens his mouth. You need more time. My opening statement here doesn't do it justice. And it's crazy too, because he started off this diatribe, we'll call it, by talking about how he's like the first Jewish minority leader in the US House. And his name means guardian and all this stuff. Like, okay, but then you go out and say that. Yeah, people are. People are living on Twitter. I was, I was looking at Ari Hoffman. I was going to ask him to come on today. I'm sure he's very busy with his own show, but he was disgusted with Chuck Schumer. And it's just, it's an amazing thing that, you know, Israel is held to this, the IDF in Israel in Bibi Netanyahu are held to this incredible standard. And that's all well and good, but then to turn around while you have these bloodthirsty savages, who still have hostages, by the way, in case anyone's forgotten, we would know every single name of every American who died in Israel, of every American who's being held hostage, if anyone else were president. But because of Joe Biden, this is like a non-story. And so you have a situation where it is so dangerous. There's so much at stake and they really just want Israel to lay down their weapons and just wait for another attack. Just, just wait for another October 7th, which by the way, and you could be, you could hear that and say that's an exaggeration. Hamas has told publications, they've gone to outlets, including I think the New York Times. You can all correct me on that if I'm wrong. Instead, we want October 7th to happen again and again and again and again. But Bibi Netanyahu, according to Chuck Schumer, he's not woke enough or he's not, you know, he's not trying enough to do things humanely, which I also don't believe, show me the evidence of that. But I just, to look at the group that is refusing the ceasefire, Hamas has refused the ceasefire time and time again. And to say that Bibi Netanyahu, the prime minister of our oldest ally, Israel, is the obstacle to peace. To me, even with all the nuttiness I hear nowadays, that one's still, that hits, man. That's a different level. Jerry, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Jerry. Grace, good afternoon. Long time I haven't spoken with you. So congratulations on your marriage, your beautiful daughter, your home and your puppy. Oh, thank you. We're all caught up now. Thank you, Jerry. I appreciate it. Grace, who the hell is Chuck Schumer or Biden or Tony Blinken or any of these people to be preaching to the Israelis? Right. Who the hell do they think they are? Right. It just sickens me. And furthermore, the great Palestinian people, all those wonderful people in the West Bank and Gaza, they voted unanimously. 84% of the population voted for Hamas members to be elected into their parliament, which now their parliament contained 74% of Hamas people. So I'm supposed to feel bad for these people. I'm supposed to say, yeah, yeah. Let's send them humanitarian aid. Yeah, yeah. Let's go in there and rebuild it. They want to talk about doing a martial plan now in Palestine in the West Bank and Gaza. Jerry, I want to rebuild the whole country. I want to read you something here from, I hope I'll be able to find it, but it was probably a while ago. Well, first of all, let me say this. Any innocent civilians I feel terrible for war is horrible. It's a horrible thing. And there's a lot of people who are dying. And I'm not diminishing that. I'm not trying to negate anything that's happening. But what I will say is there's this narrative that the left seems hell bent on pushing. That for the most part, Palestinians don't support Hamas. And that's just from what we've gathered from the information we have, which is obviously, it's hard to tell how accurate that information is when Hamas is running a place to know if you're getting anything that's actually true. But from what we have, it seems like there is a lot of support for Hamas. Now, Barry Weiss, formerly of the New York Times, she left for obvious reasons. She was recently in Gaza interviewing people. And she interviewed this man. And of course, it's one interview. So I'm not saying, I guess you could call it anecdotal because it's just one guy. But she asked him what the percentages were like of people who agreed with Hamas. And he said something along the lines of 70% of people openly agree and 30% of people agree, but don't say it out loud. And that's what he told her. And, again, that's just one, you know, I'm sure there's people there. And I've seen people there who speak out against Hamas and then are immediately dragged away from the cameras and told to be quiet because they're ruining the propaganda, the narrative. But you're not helping those people either, for the people who are there who are innocent who don't like what Hamas is doing, trying to tell Israel that they need to lay down their weapons or they have to stop defending themselves. You're not helping those people. Those people are being used by Hamas. Their homes are being used. Their schools are being used. Their children are being used as human shields. So really, it's crazy that the focus of this, the focus of all of the scrutiny and all of the criticism and all of the hate is so disproportionately pushed on BB Netanyahu in Israel. And, you know, to tie this in and to the people on the lines here, stay on the lines, but to tie this into the TikTok thing for a second, the amount of anti-Israel propaganda that is pushed through the algorithms of TikTok is mind-blowing. The numbers are staggering. And it's working. Like you see all these radicalized young people. There was that guy recently who lit himself on fire and died as a free Palestine protest. So this narrative that everyone in Gaza, no one in Gaza agrees with Hamas, and everyone in Israel is evil, it's really, really prevalent right now in the U.S. through these social media apps, through the media, and unfortunately, through our politicians. We'll be right back. ♪♪ Live from the Aviva Thratria studio. ♪♪ We haven't even gotten into the second part of this, which is the fact that Chuck Schumer and other Democrats who are constantly melting down over election interference are now just openly calling for the U.S. to interfere in the Israeli elections. But that's not supposed to be a big deal. By the way, I want to correct myself. One of the textures said, "Israel is our oldest ally in the Middle East, not ever." And you're right, I was on a little bit of a rant there, and I misspoke, I guess you could say, or I left it out. And you got to give that to France. We don't give them a lot, so we'll give them that one. Now, let's go back to Chuck Schumer. I want to play this cut, and I was actually very impressed, Jared. How often do I say this on The Grace Curly Show? Very impressed today with Mitch McConnell. I thought Mitch McConnell's response to Chuck Schumer was very appropriate. But first, I want to play the second part of this one more time for everyone. This is Chuck Schumer calling for a new election in Israel. Now, by the way, I was looking at Ben Weingarten's social media feeds today. He's very, very knowledgeable on all of these topics, and he was able -- and this is something I was trying to find online, I wasn't able to -- but he was able to find a study out, a recent poll that shows there is a lot of support for BB in Israel, despite what Chuck Schumer might think. So this is cut for, please, Jared. Five months into this conflict, it is clear that Israelis need to take stock of the situation and ask, must we change course at this critical juncture. I believe a new election is the only way to allow for a healthy and open decision-making process about the future of Israel, at a time when so many Israelis have lost their confidence in the vision and direction of their government. I also believe a majority of the Israeli public will recognize the need for change, and I believe that holding a new election once the war starts to wind down would give Israelis an opportunity to express their vision for the post-war future. You know what I think sums this up really well, if you put it in this context, Ben Weingarten wrote, "All Hamas had to do was commit a holocaust in a day. To get Democrats to demand regime change in Israel, pressed for the unilateral establishment of a Hamas-fata-led Palestinian terrorist state buttressed by hundreds of free jihadists, threatened to leave Israel disarmed and sanctioned its leaders and deter Israel from obliterating Hezbollah." Yeah, Israel, it's amazing how Israel didn't start this. You know, there was a ceasefire before October 7th, and yet all of these sanctions and all this anger and all this condemnation and all of this shame is being placed on Israel. And of course, he's also calling for a regime change from the floor of the Senate. We're all going to act like that's normal, like it's not a terrible, dangerous idea, but I thought Mitch McConnell did a really good job of describing this. And why it is so rich to hear it coming from Chuck Schumer, this is Cut Six. It is grotesque and hypocritical for Americans who hyperventilate about foreign interference in our own democracy to call for the removal of the democratically elected leader of Israel. This is unprecedented. We should not treat fellow democracies this way at all. Things that upset left-wing activists are not a prime minister's policies. There is Israel's policies. Make no mistake, the Democratic Party doesn't have an anti-BV problem, it has an anti-Israel problem. Yeah, I know that was well said. Dave, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Dave? Hi, I do Grace. Listen, my first comment is irrelevant after hearing that. You know, Chuck Schumer, if you replaced every time he said Israel with America, it would be true. Everything he said there, replace the name Israel with America, and that's true. We've lost faith in our government. Our government isn't protecting us. We've got thousands of people living literally as prisoners in their own homes right now because of illegal immigration and every other thing that drugs on the street. So, no, we've got problems here. Deal with our problems. Israel is just fine. They're our most valuable ally because of where they are, and they're our most militarily powerful and advanced ally we have in the world. So, you know, it's pretty stupid to turn out back on them. Yeah, and I think there's something to what you just said, Dave, about focus on our own problems. I don't know if Israel's necessarily taking advice on how to secure, you know, their homeland from a country that is letting people just flood through our borders. Like, I really think they're probably looking at us and, yes, of course, as far as military aid, as far as these aid packages go, it's Israel's best interest to keep a good relationship with us. But they have more restraint than I do because if I was BB Netanyahu, I'd say, I'll make you a deal. You don't have to send us any more money. Just leave us alone, and we're going to figure this out on our own because you guys have done nothing but criticize and put all this pressure on Israel to follow these rules. And then, at the same time, promote Hamas propaganda at every turn. When given the option between believing the IDF or believing BB Netanyahu versus believing the Ministry of Health in Gaza, most of the American media would choose the Ministry of Health in Gaza every single time. And you're right, there are so many issues here, Dave, and you actually just brought me to another one because when Dave was talking about all these people coming into this country, and I don't know if people have been reading today about what's happening in Massachusetts. There's a lot of chickenpox outbreaks specifically, I think, at Malnea Cass and Roxbury, or, you know, in that general area, there's been outbreaks of chickenpox. And our government officials are being very secretive about it. They're not being very transparent about it. Maybe they just don't want people to panic. But also happening in Florida is something else because there's another issue, and DeSantis is on top of this one. This is the headline from Fox. DeSantis sent soldiers aircraft to protect Florida from illegal immigrant boats amid Haiti unrest. So if people have been following the developments that are coming out of Haiti, it's very scary what's happening there. It's very dangerous. And gangs have burned police stations and attacked the main airport. Now, because of that, there's a lot of Haitians who are trying to come to America. And a US, but any unrest in Haiti raises the possibility, this is from Fox, that even more displaced Haitians may attempt to reach the US, including by boat. DeSantis, in a statement, said the Sunshine State has been dedicating significant resources to stopping illegal vessels coming to Florida. Given the circumstances in Haiti, I have directed the division of emergency management, the Florida state guard and state law enforcement agencies to deploy over 250 additional officers and soldiers, and over a dozen air and sea craft to the southern coast of Florida to protect our state, he said. So that's Governor Ron DeSantis keeping a close eye on this, and I'm sure just like what happened with COVID where he decided to keep the schools open. I'm sure we're going to be hearing from liberals melting down about how this is terrible. This is inhumane. You can't stop people from just coming into our country. That's evil. And it's crazy how far we've come where we have one governor who says, I'm going to use all of my resources that I have to protect my state. And then you have a president of the United States that says, you want to get into this country illegally? There's an app for that. I have an app that will fly you here. You don't even have to walk across the border. We will fly you across the border. And you can just come into the country. Easy is that 844 542 42. We will continue to take your calls, but I thought that this story with Chuck Schumer is amazing because not only is this from a Democrat who claims to be very supportive of Israel or he has in the past. But he's also asking for election interference. He's calling for election interference. I thought that was the worst thing in the world. I'm old enough to remember when that was a bad thing when we had to protect against it. But those, I guess, were the old days. Not so much anymore. Nancy, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Nancy. Hi, Grace. I just had a couple of things. Number one, Chuck Schumer's speech was despicable and disgusting. And number two, I don't hear anybody calling on Hamas to do anything. It's all Israel. Number three, if we would just encourage Israel to fight, to win, to get rid of Hamas, fewer Palestinians would die. Hamas now knows that the whole world is rooting for them, so they have no incentive to give up. Really, so hard to do anything. There's no pressure on them, whatsoever. So it's really disgusting. Chuck Schumer. And I understand that perhaps people don't like to put themselves in these situations, but I do feel as though, and I felt this before in other circumstances. It's very easy. You know what it always reminds me of? I go back to this all the time. People probably hated at this point. But I go back to that monologue from a few good men, because the real point of that monologue is this idea, you know, you want me on that wall, you need me on that wall, which is, you know, there are hard decisions that have to be made, and there's a lot of people who don't want to make them. There's a lot of people who want to talk like Chuck Schumer about democracy and about all these ideas and patriotism and this and that, but when push comes to shove, they don't want to have to make any of the hard decisions. But the people who do make the hard decisions, they're making them for a reason. And what I go back to here is if it were your mom who were being held hostage, or if it were your daughter who were being held hostage. And not only did everyone suddenly not even talk about it, but then everyone is sympathizing with the terrorist group that has your mom or your daughter or your brother in a tunnel. And the same group that could end this now, if they just released the hostages and refused to do it, I just, I can't imagine the frustration and I don't get why people act like if it were someone that they knew, they wouldn't be telling BB Netanyahu to eliminate Hamas fully. If it were your loved ones there, you'd be feeling quite differently about it. And also, it kind of goes back to another thing I saw recently about this, because I follow a lot of great accounts, especially on Instagram. There's a lot of good Jewish accounts that give you updates on these things. And it's this idea, it's like this narcissism in the United States where we really think Jared, whether it's at the Oscars, or whether it's at the Harvard campus, or whether it's at a yogurt shop, all these young people, they really think that Israel is worried about losing their goodwill. Do you know what I'm saying? Like, they really think that BB is sitting here going on all the young people in America are mad at us, they're doing a hunger strike, they hate us. Some people have a little bit of a stronger backbone than our president, like not everyone is as moved by the opinions of these young radicals as the lawmakers in this country are. I don't think the people in Israel are worried that you don't agree with them. I just don't get that sense. Leslie, you're up next on the Grace Curly show. Go ahead, Leslie. Hi Grace, nice to talk with you. So many people, like Schumer, who I picked them more on, they're all concerned with Israel. Why is he questioning what we're doing in Ukraine? We give them billions and billions of dollars, lots of artillery and everything, but nobody says anything about that. And that T-shirt wearing crumb over there, he's built enough and he's, this money's being, what is it being used for? We don't know. You know what Leslie, that's such a great point and there was an excellent, I think it was David Harsani who wrote that we'd never asked Ukraine, can you imagine if right after Putin invaded Ukraine? If we had said, oh, you have to cease fire, cease fire, you have to, we didn't start talking peace ever. If you brought up the idea of some sort of resolution, you were called a puppet of Putin. You were run out of town. You were Vladimir's best BFF. It was outrageous to even suggest that there could be some sort of peaceful resolution in Ukraine. No, you just have to continue to send a blank check. But with Israel, holy Lord, it was, it was five minutes after, I mean the videotapes, the live videotapes of people being butchered of children being murdered in front of their kids, or children being murdered in front of their parents, and parents being murdered in front of their kids. The live footage wasn't even finished yet, and people were already going cease fire, cease fire. Israel needs to come to the table and find peace. Huh? It's a great point Leslie, you're not the first person to bring it up, but I'm glad you did right now because I forgot about that and you're right, a lot of this has to do with you do not get the same, and there's a reason. You do not, Ukraine is not being asked what their plan is, you know, how they plan on doing this or that, how much money they, they're going to need all of this criticism, all of these standards, all of these tests, these hoops that Israel has to jump through. Ukraine has never been asked to jump through, and it's definitely a great point Leslie, and I do appreciate the call 844-500-4242, recently a Grace Curly show listener called in, she was telling us how much she loved her thunderstorms, and we're not trying to start marital problems here, Jared, but she also did say her husband, he was being a hater, he didn't think that the thunderstorm really worked. And then, they got their furnace serviced, she brought out the thunderstorm, she had two of them, and her husband had to kind of admit he had to eat, eat some humble pie, he had to admit he was wrong. And that's a tale as old as time, that's what we hope to see all over the country. The Candace Mandis principle it's called. Yes, and so if you're out there and you're questioning the thunderstorm, you're saying I don't know if I'm going to have use for it, you will have use for it, maybe you'll use it in your kitchen to get rid of kitchen smells, maybe you'll use it in your basement to get rid of that musty basement. Or maybe Jared, like you, I can hear it in that beautiful voice. Yes, my dulcet tones today. If only I could harness this without the naseliness, I'd sound great. Well, I was talking to the mail manager about it, I sent her an article yesterday because she has really bad allergies, and they're supposed to be terrible this year. Yeah, it's already bad this year. I keep one in my car, so that way when I'm driving, if it's warm and I want to have the windows down. Some pollen gets in, I can just turn on the thunderstorm because each unit comes with a USB cable, you plug it into the unit, you plug it into your car, you turn it on, you get that ionized air in the car, which eliminates those allergens and pollutants. The same way it eliminates odors in your house. Yeah, it's a really great device, and with the three pack special, you can use one in your kitchen, your office, or even your car, so go to Use code grace three, that's, code grace and the number three, we will be right back. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is the Grace Curly Show. Alright, so I think Jared's setting us all up for failure with this poll question, because you know if we bring up marijuana on the show, it's going to dominate for the next three hours. So maybe that's why I waited to the last segment here. Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houten in Nashua. Call 1-844-a-perfect-smile or visit Jared, what is the poll question, and what are the results thus far? Alright, this poll question, because Governor Maher-Healy now wants to pardon Mr. Meener, marijuana convictions for basically everybody. So the question is, should Mr. Meener marijuana convictions be pardoned? Now, I am going to preface this by saying I haven't looked that far into it. I obviously know about Governor Maher-Healy's platform here, you know, what she hopes to do. I know that this has been happening a lot, and the Biden administration is a big fan of this. But I don't see a problem with it. If anyone has, you know, beef with that and has their reasoning, I'd be open to it. It's not one of these poll questions where I'm like, totally one way or the other. I'm going to say that it's fine. 61% of the audience says yes, that it's okay to, that they should be pardoned. 39% believe no. Lock 'em up. Vice President Kamala Harris on Friday will hold a round table. This is from Politico. A round table discussion at the White House on cannabis policy bringing together a group of people who have been pardoned by the Biden administration for marijuana-related convictions. Isn't it weird, though, that she's going to be the one hosting this round table? Wasn't that a huge part of her resume? When she was in California, was locking people up for marijuana possession? Stay off the weed. I'm the only one who remembers this. We'll be right back. We got a lot more to get to. We're going to talk RFK Jr. and his potential VP picks, plus Trump and Fannie Wills. [MUSIC PLAYING]