Turley Talks

Ep. 2433 West Virginia Doctor OPPOSES Parents’ Rights to Choose Vaccines for Kids!

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15 Mar 2024
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West Virginia just passed a bill acknowledging that parents are the rightful ones in charge of their child’s healthcare. This gave parents the right to choose vaccines for their kids. However, among those in the legislative hearing was Dr. Mike Maroney, who strongly opposes the bill and called it “an embarrassment” to be a part of. There is clear contempt for parents’ right to choose what is best for their children. 

Joining me today is friend and sponsor David and Nancy Flynn, founder of Warrior Essentials. David and his wife Nancy founded Warrior Essentials in response to the COVID-19 vaccine’s effects and also because of their life experiences with their own son’s vaccine injury. 

We talk about how the COVID-19 vaccine has left its mark on all of us in one way or another and how the Spike Protein Detox Support System will rid the body of the toxins from the vaccine and restore health to those suffering from the effects. 

Warrior Essentials graciously offers its Spike Protein Detox Support System to our Turley Talks family at*.


  • “There’s always people out there that want to help get the truth out and that have the right knowledge and experience to help but you have to find them.” - David Flynn
  • "It’s not just the people that got the shot, it’s people that were around the people that got the shot. We all have this. We weren't vaccinated. We were around people who were, so we probably have it inside of us as well. It’s a ticking time bomb.” - David Flynn


[00:40] West Virginia doctor opposing a bill that gave parents the rights to their child’s healthcare

[02:50] David and Nancy’s experience with their son’s vaccine injury

[05:06] How they find doctors and experts willing to go out on this limb to discuss something that was heavily censored by the American government

[10:05] What is a spike protein and how unvaccinated person can acquire it from others who got the shot

[17:45] Who will benefit from Warrior Essentials’ Spike Protein Detox Support System

[21:15] Is there a growing wave of support as people realize that they’ve been tricked into getting a vaccine?



*The content presented by our partners may contain affiliate links. When you click and shop the links, Turley Talks may receive a small commission.* 

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Are we seeing the revitalization of conservative civilization? All over the world has been a massive backlash against globalization, its leftist leadership, and its anti-cultural liberal values. And it's just the beginning. I'm Dr. Steve Turling. I believe the liberal globalist world is at its brink, and a new conservative age is rising. Join me every day as we examine these worldwide trends, discover answers to today's toughest challenges. And together, learn to live in the present in life of even better things to come. This is Turly Talks. Hey gang, it's me, Dr. Steve, and of course you all know, vaccines have been at the forefront of our medical and cultural discussions for the last few years now. While originally we were told to basically shut up and obey the so-called experts, now that more and more information is coming out, a number of legislatures around the country are beginning to take action. I'm thinking in particular of bills like the parental rights act that just was passed in West Virginia. They are openly acknowledging the parents, other rightful ones in charge of the child's healthcare. Why we even need legislation like that in the first place tells you where we are. And yet, as I'm sure you're well aware, there are a number of detractors who are railing against these bills. They continue to demand that these so-called experts, rather than parents, ought to have ultimate say over what's best for our children. Joining me today is friends and sponsors David and Nancy Flynn, founders of Warrior Essentials, which offers a spike protein detox system to rid our bodies of the spike protein that the COVID vaccines leave behind. Warrior Essentials is a very gracious special offer for our Turly Talks family at the link down below, or you could just go directly to So David, Nancy, great to have you both with us. Hey, Dr. Steve. Great to be here. Thanks. Before the interview, I have to remark because I know we have some sports fan there. You've got Muhammad Ali behind you, but he's not standing over. Who was he standing over back in the dead? Joe Lewis. Yeah, Sonny, listen. Sonny, listen. Sonny, listen. That's it. No, it's somebody else. No, there's been some friend here. This is Mr. Fauci. I love it. That is so cool. All right. Now I'm going to have to go and get my own. I love that, though. You know, most of our audience would not know, but this is obviously very personal for the both of you. Can you, you don't mind share with us a bit of your own personal experience with your son's vaccine injury and how that led you to create this amazing solution for those affected by the COVID vaccine? Sure. Yeah, our son was born premature in 2006. So he's 17 now. And, you know, I inherently trusted these doctors because they saved my life as well as his. So when they said, you know, are you ready to vaccinate? I was like, no, he's still too little. He was severely premature. And they highly encouraged me, almost strong army to protect him with the B shot. So I thought, okay, like I said, I trusted them. And instead of just giving him the happy shot, they gave him five vaccines within one 24 hour period. And this sent him back into the NICU. I didn't know it at the time, but the smoking end was there in all the documentation, the paperwork of what happened to him, but he had started having seizures. So this is where the damage had occurred. So we, you know, started cleaning up his environment. And what we did was we removed the toxins from his environment, whether that was the way we cooked or what we fed him. And then we started repairing the damage that had been done. So it's kind of that same philosophy that we took. And when the COVID vaccine came out, we kind of knew to be a little bit skeptical of, you know, what it might do. So. Yeah, it was. It was a, Dr. Steve, it was, it was deja vu. So what we learned over this 17 year journey dealing with vaccine injury, we saw what happened there just happened on a much larger scale on a much more compressed timeframe with COVID came out. So it, you know, it was a painful journey and it, so we still deal with that every day, but it gave us a lot of insight. So it allowed us to kind of see, see through what was happening and really brought us to the point where now that experience is helping us to go out and help other people. So there's good coming out of it. So you had a, you had a micro experience that you just saw, splashed out on a macro level. I mean, literally hundreds of millions. Did you find doctors and, and experts willing to go out on a limb with you in terms of sharing your, these concerns that you had right away just based on your experience, given that how heavily censored people were being at the time. You know, again, we were dealing with, we've been dealing with that for 17 years with our sons injuries as well. So there, the doctors that were willing over that journey to work with us, you know, some of those are doctors that we consulted with on what we're doing here. But there's always people out there that want to help get the truth out and that have the right knowledge and experience to help. But you have to find them. And actually, in the case of what we're doing here, it wasn't just, you know, focused on the medical people. It was what technology people will work with us, what branding people would work with us. And, and because of our pride, we can't even advertise on Twitter, you know, they talk about how Elon's there, but somewhere between Elon and us is someone blocking it for unspecified, what is it, unspecified violation of terms. And they won't, they won't tell us what that is. So it's because of a product is because it doesn't fit with the narrative that they want to advance. They're still telling people to take the vaccines and get them to their kids. Right. So it's really kind of a sick paradigm that we're living in right now. But if I can ask you about it too, just, but it's interesting that it's being broken through politically here with someone like Robert Kenny Jr. And I'm even, it's very interesting because from the populist perspective, you would think there would be almost unanimity there and pushing back against the establishment. But unfortunately, the one area I disagree with President Trump, because he still seems to have been doubling down on Vax's. Any opinion on that in terms of the way it seems that a, that, shall we call it vaccine hesitancy? I think that's a term I've read in the literature. How vaccine hesitancy has been picked up as an issue by someone like R.F.K. Jr. in the more on the populist left side of things. While it, it still seems to be ignored by the populist representative, Parak Salons. Trump, do you have, do you have an opinion on that? We have lots of opinions. I mean, don't forget R.F.K. Jr. has been vilified by the left for that also. Yes. Oh, absolutely. Yeah. I don't think it's a right verse left. It's almost a, maybe a more of a deep state of bureaucratic state. Yeah. You look at the real story. I've heard it put it's not horizontal. It's not that it's vertical. It's people versus elite. Yeah. Yeah. Perfect. Yeah. Exactly. It's been, and I agree with you on President Trump too. I think that's the one area when we look at that he really, he just doubled down on it in the last couple of days. He has. Yeah. It's something where, you know, I think his intentions were well, but unfortunately the result wasn't very good on that. Right. Which again, there's a lot of truth coming out. There's a lot of people that are pushing for accountability and pushing for transparency. And we all have to do our part. So there's people doing that and we need people fighting those fights, the hearings that they just had recently in the Capitol. Fantastic. The group of people that were around that table, they are just fighting and fighting and fighting for that to come out. Our role in this battle, you know, we're not on Capitol Hill pushing for transparency. We're looking at the other end of the spectrum, which is if all these people have been poisoned and they have this toxin in them. And it's a ticking time bomb and we see people dying suddenly. But what we don't see is the wave that's coming because I'm sure we'll get into this later, but it's not just the people that got the shot. It's the people that were around the people that got the shot. Right. We all have this. We weren't vaccinated, but we, you know, we were around people that were. So we probably have it inside of us as well. It's a ticking time bomb. And if we don't heal those people, none of the rest of it's going to matter. So our job in this whole environment that we're in is how do we go out and help heal those people? And we were uniquely positioned with the doctors and the scientists and we've had a chemist and biologist. It was a whole team that put this together, but that team came together through this journey we've had with our son. We just happened to be the people right there with the right experience and the right context at the right time. And, you know, like I said, to actually have something good came out of what personally has been a really painful experience. Yeah, I forget there was a Polish philosopher that argued all the great innovations in human life always come out of struggle and adversity. So in other words, we're all just sitting on a beach sip and peanut coladas. We actually ended up becoming incredibly lazy and we don't really do much. It's actually, ironically, life comes out of encountering adversity and it seems your living testimony of that. So, yeah, give us a little sense of warrior essentials and spike protein detox. I was doing this research before the interview. I mean, this is obvious that this is a thing, spike protein detox systems to rid our bodies of the spike protein. Can you flesh it out for us a bit? Yeah, so I think first we need to talk about the spike protein because the spike protein is a toxin in the body. We were all told originally, you know, the excess deaths that we're seeing, they didn't start with COVID. They started when the vaccines came out. And we were told that, you know, it's just an mRNA, it's in your body already, your body knows what to do with it. And if that was the case, maybe that would be true, although I know there were a lot of problems in the development of other mRNA vaccines. But what we actually found out even just recently, I believe Pfizer just came out and admitted that it's not mRNA, it's modified RNA. And modified RNA, it sounds like it's a very minor difference, they're completely different things. The body doesn't know what to do with modified, it's completely foreign to the body. And one of the biggest issues with that is the body can't turn it off. So, we were told these spike proteins, they're the proteins, they'll be out of your body in a couple of days, in a couple of weeks, and you're all crazy for saying there's a problem here, and yet people are still testing positive. And there's people that got shots a couple of years ago and they're still cranking out these proteins in the body. And the body doesn't know what to do with them. And there's something else called shape shifting, and that's where there's, it's almost like an error in the code. If you remember the matrix, they're like, oh, you see deja vu, that's an error in the code. Well, there's an error in the code in some of the, in what is transcribed into your cells, where they're not even making spike proteins. They're just making gibberish in your body, so I don't know what to do with that. So, all these things are going into the body, and we need to get them out. And it's funny, we talk about something good coming out of adversity. This is also, we talk about this journey we've been on, and I think we've been directed down this app. It's certainly, there's been a lot of really strange coincidences and revelations and things that were kind of pushed in front of us. And I do think there's a higher power at work here. And we've felt the handle got through this for sure. Absolutely. So, and I think what paints that maybe the most clearly is that we weren't trying to make a COVID price. We started this journey with Warrior and with this product two years ago, almost to the days, maybe a month shy of two years. And we were trying to make an anti-aging product that could help people lose weight as well. And what we wanted to do is make something that mimicked the effects of intermittent fasting in the body. So, we assembled our team of experts, we put together this formula, and we found something very effective at doing that. Because intermittent fasting has a lot of health benefits, but the average person is never going to do it. People aren't going to go two, three days without eating. So, if we could marry those two together, we could come up with a really effective product to help people. And what we found is in that process, when the body is fasting, the body thinks you're starving. So, the body goes into these, has all these stress response mechanisms because it thinks, "Uh-oh, we're starving. We better batten down the hatches and, you know, have a garage sale and clean out the garage and get ready because bad times are ahead." And part of what it does is a process called autophagy. And all that means is self-eating. And self-eating means the body is actually finding all these things that aren't useful and aren't essential. I hate using that word essential because that's what they call all of us, not essential, but the body finds the non-essential things. And it doesn't just eliminate them, it literally digests them, it breaks them down. So, in terms of the spike protein, it breaks it down into amino acids, and then the body is able to take those amino acids. And power mitochondria, you know, build new cells. And it was that process that we activated. It turns out that's actually the only way to get rid of the spike protein. And there's a kicker to that. The spike protein is able to block that process. So, people say, "Why can't I just fast?" Well, you can. We recommend people fast. And this works better if you fast. But the spike protein has, it's a protein it releases, ORF3A, and that is able to actually block the process of autophagy. It's almost like it was intentional. Yeah, it's almost like someone put that, you know, designed that into it. Yeah, right, right, right. These healing properties in the body, it's fascinating. And you mentioned we can actually, in effect, catch this. We can acquire this from others, the spike protein. Can you have a shedding? Definitely. You want to talk about that? Shedding is real, unfortunately. And we've talked to a lot of doctors that specialize in this. One of them we spoke to recently runs one of the most successful COVID recovery clinics in the country. What they shared with us is that, you know, all of their patients are testing positive for the issues from the vaccine, but a lot of their patients weren't vaccinated. Wow. That doctor actually used the word zombie apocalypse is about 18 months away, and no one even sees it coming. Wow. That was kind of scary here. Doctors say that. But shedding has been proven. I mean, it's scientific. It's the data is there. A lot of our customers that we talked to started had noticeable, you know, immediate side effects, and they weren't vaccinated, but the side effects came, you know, a day, I think in some cases, even hours after being around someone who was recently vaccinated. Lazy. It tends the shedding seems to happen more, you know, in the days and weeks after someone gets vaccinated. I don't know that there are still out there, but as people are re exposed to the virus, then, you know, that seems to reignite all of this. So we have customers, one customer I talked to. He got COVID. He was recovered. He was fine. Then he went to his doctor. And for some reason, his doctor said, well, now you got to get vaccinated. That seems kind of odd, but he got the vaccine. He was fine. And then a couple of weeks later, he got COVID again. And when he got back, COVID that next time, it just triggered everything. So it's the more exposures. And that was the science that we talked about. The studies on M R and A vaccines were even before they released the COVID vaccines. They were finding an M R and A vaccines for a long time. And what they would find is they would give, you know, like mice and they'd give them the vaccine and they would give them the disease or give them the vaccine. They would all get cured and healed and everything was great. And then they'd get re exposed to the virus, you know, a couple of weeks later and all of them died. So it's repeated whether it's repeated exposure to getting multiple shots and multiple boosters or getting a booster or shot and then being re exposed to the virus. It's just exponentially. Yeah. Yeah. I see it. Right. No, back to the shedding. The other thing that our expert doctor shared with us that he's seeing in their clinic is that 100% of the people that they're treating have this micro clotting. So that's super frightening. Yeah. That's real frightening. Yeah. I don't like that word cloth. Never liked that word. The only thing worse than the micro clotting or the macro class. Yeah. Some of their picture. That's scary. That's really scary. Yeah. I can do that. That's for sure. So for those out in our audience now, we're obviously very concerned. They can click on the link below. They can go to recover with Charlie calm. Kind of walk us through. So first of all, who should click on that link. And then once they click on that link, what's the process? What are they going to discover? What are they going to find? Well, you know, as we said, unfortunately, it's pretty much everyone. Three out of four people got the vaccine. And if you're the one that didn't, you were around the other three. So if the needle went in you, you definitely have this inside of you. And whether you've experienced it in a negative effect or not, it's in there. It's like a ticking time bomb and it needs to be addressed. And you don't have to come to warrior essentials. You can go on the internet. You can do all kinds of research. Just do something. Just don't put your head in the sand because it's not going to make it go away. If you were around people, there's a good possibility that this is in you as well. So we recommend everyone go to recover with And what they're going to find when they get there is a lot of information. It's a lot of information. I can break it down into three words for you, though. It's remove, repair and restore. So that's this protocol that we have. There's nothing like it on the market. There's absolutely nothing even close to this out there. There's a lot of people that have NATO based products. And that seems to be the big trend. In our opinion, they're misrepresenting the science and the studies that NATO breaks down blood clots. And NATO is actually one of our products, but we use it as the repair product to go in and break down the clotting issues. It doesn't really do a lot with the spikes, because if you remember the spikes are designed, they drill into the cell and they deliver their payload to the nucleus to turn your cells into spike producing factories. Those cells are protected by the cell membrane. So there's really not clear science showing the NATO can even get to it. It can get the free loading stuff. So that's a great product. But the product that we use that mimics fasting with about a year's worth of science, one thing we didn't mention, is once we discovered what that process could do, we spent about another year perfecting it and finding out what do we need to add to this? What would make this the ultimate spike killing formula? And so, and part of our pending patent on the product is the ability to inhibit the spikes ability to stop the process. You know, the spike, it's like you're riding a bike and someone puts a wrench right in the middle of your gears and you go flying off the handlebars. That's what the spike does right in the middle of that process. We're able to help inhibit that. But we remove, we repair, and then the restore is just such a unique product. But what they're going to see to go back and answer your question fully, is there going to see a lot of information. They're going to we're going to walk them through what each product does. We've got a special offer for everyone here. So it's a big discount. Our goal is to get this out at a price people can afford so that we can start the healing process, because we see this as a really big problem for our society, if we're not able to address this. If the doctor we spoke with is right that there's a zombie apocalypse coming, then we need to head that off because it doesn't matter what happens in the election and what happens with China and Ukraine and all these other things. If we experience what we've been told and what we feel is going to happen, none of that's going to matter because who got the vaccine in our country, all of our medical, all of our first responders, all of our military, all of our pilots. We're in big trouble. Wow. Wow. Wow. Have you noticed a wave of support from people in the last couple of years? Again, I could imagine people being very tentative at the beginning, but now that all this information is coming out. I'm noticing there's almost a little bit like see I told you so kind of. I want to say there's a big awakening happening, and it's slowly happening and it seems like it's coming more from the right side politically, but it's moving to the center and we have customers. We want everyone to take this. This is we want everyone to take this, but there's an awakening that's happening, but one of the unique things that I wasn't expecting. And the answer that's expecting is, is if you go back a couple of years when this came out, the unvaccinated, they were ostracized. They were outcast. They were killing grandma who should take their kids away, put them in reeducation camps. They were people saying they should be killed. Now that shedding has turned out to be such a real thing, and you know, the data shows if you got vaccinated, you're more likely to get sick, not less likely to get sick. So now that that's happening, we've been at events where we've talked to people that aren't vaccinated, and they're like, you know what, all these vaccinated people, they can go die. We're like, stop. Like, really surprised me. We're all in this together. And it's not vaccinated versus unvaccinated. It's we're a people and a country and a society and a world really, because this was a global event. We need to come together. And while the other people are working on transparency and accountability and making sure this doesn't happen again, we need to come together and heal the people, because there's a lot of people that aren't going to pay attention to this. They're going to put their head in the sand and it might be a year from now, might be five years from now, they're going to get horrible news from a doctor or they're just going to fall over. And you don't want that to be your first sign that maybe I should have addressed this. Right. So, so I go back to our site. Our site's a great whether you use our products or not. It's a great starting point to get a lot of information. Right. And really, the awareness and the information is is coming out and it's coming out faster and faster and faster. And the one thing I'll say about the vaccines is it's like an onion, but every time you peel back a layer, it gets worse and worse. And it's worse than we thought. I believe the intentions behind it. We're not good. But again, that's not our concern or concerns on healing people, but the actual what was in the shots and what they're doing to people. It's we keep hoping we're going to find stuff like, Oh, you know, it's not as bad as we thought. No, it's, it's worth some thoughts. Everyone needs to address it. Oh my gang. Obviously, as you get here, the supplies to all of us. We've likely either been around someone who had the vaccine or we're fearmongered and getting it ourselves. Click on the link below, or you can go to just straight to recover with recover with and check out this amazing resource order the spike protein detox support system for more essentials. As you guys could see it, it's a personal resource, but also absolutely amazing one as well. David and Nancy, thank you so much for being with us. Yeah, let's have you again soon, real soon. Thank you, doctor. Much appreciated. You bet. Thanks so much for listening to this episode of the Turley Talks podcast. 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