Gemara Markings Daf Yomi

Bava Metzia 15b

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14 Mar 2024
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approximately halfway down plus a line or two on tesla, but all if there's a goofa is the last word on the line, we'll start there, goofa, we go back to something we had said earlier, it was about eight lines earlier in the Gomorrah, Amr Schmol, I circled Schmol's name, a Balchive Gueva Essashvach. So the Balchive, the one who was owed money, he will collect also if there were improvements put into that what she's collecting. Amr Rava, and Yandland Rava's name, now Rava says that know that this is true and correct, Teda, that the Balchive will collect even the improvements that the Lokeach put into the property, because when the Lokeach made the original deal with the mochre, there was a chryus in shikakh, klesav le mochre le mochre, this is the way that the mochre, who's one who owed the money to that Balchive, writes that's Lokeach, he essentially writes like everything is guaranteed, don't worry about it, and even improvements that you put in, like I'll cover that, and here's what he writes, quote, "Ana eikum ve ashbiv a adki ve imrik", I hereby am confirming and silencing any other claims that there might be, and making clear and pure, and that Zveni elain, that this sale, enon ve am lei ein ve chafrei ein, it, and any monies that you might put in to improve it, or any increased value that there might be in it, the ikr here for us is the schvach, ve eikum kata machane, it is hereby firmly established before you, in other words, he's basically saying he'll take care, should anything happen to it, including the improvements, ve zaviz vina donan ve kable alloyi, and this hereby sale is validated and approved, and accepted upon himself. Kama, oh, it's basically when the Balchive comes to Caesar, he seizes the field along with the improvements that might have been made by the person, because that person will be able to go back to the seller, and get compensation for that. Amalai revchia bar al-Vina elain, his name, he says to rava, and well, el amiyatif, that's the case then, if the whole issue, that something was seized away, was not something that he bought, but rather, a mataana de lok siv lei hachia, like a regular gift that someone is given, Al gives Bob, and then Bob gets it seized away, and it doesn't say anything like that. Hakanami de lotarish vacha, should we say then, in that case, that the rightful owner cannot take the schvach. Amalai, says his back rava de revchia bar al-Vina, yeah, that's right in. That's amazing, I guess, says back rava de revchia bar al-Vina, that gives greater co-act to somebody who receives something as a mataana, that somebody who actually paid money for it. Does that make sense for her? Yafa kayaq mataana, mimecha. Question mark. Amalai, says back, yep, in, yafa, yafa, that is correct, even though it might be somewhat counterintuitive, it is correct. Amalav nakhman. Hamas nisa, the snake source, we're about to see in about a line and a half from now, is A and B, A, miseya, lei lamar schmul, is a support to what Schmul had told us above, namely, that about Haiv, who comes to collect, collects not only the field, but also the schvach, that might put into her, not only the land, but also the improvements. And B, vuhunah havren, mai kimla b'amila krinni. And rava kim says, in our colleague, Huna, they were Bali pluksir of nakhmanir of Huna, our, our, our colleague, our friend, buddy, Huna, which refers, or vuhna, mukimla. He'll say the brace is talking about mila krinni with a different type of case. Desanya. Here we have a brice that goes for a word plus three lines. Amai kursa to lekha bei rei. Let's say al-cell's Baba field, varei yot-sa-a, mitak-as-yad-dei, and Bab has it seized away from him. Well, Kishuhu, gueva, gueva esa-carim minna khasa-meshubadim, u-shvach, gueva minna khasa minna khasa minna khairin. When he comes to get compensated, he gets compensated for the acre price, the main price, of the principal price of the field from even khasa-meshubadim, not only assets that are current, but even assets that had a previously known them, and the shvach, and this is, obviously, if he's getting compensated for the shvach, it must be that the balclut of the shvach, the shvach, gueva minna khasa minna khasa minna khasa minna khairin, only from actual current assets. Okay, that is a support issue. Well, Bhunachavran, our colleague Revunam Wukimla bemiliachrin, in a different type of scenario, where you, the person was lokayach minha gazlan. When he purchased something from a person that actually stolen it, that the, the one in how that stolen from him, for sure, collects, obviously, the thing that he's stolen from, but also, any improvements that were done to it, because it's actually his land. Period. Tani, they'll have another price of this price, it goes for just over five lines and starts here. Amokos adal kehavere, the al-sells of fields of Bab, the heish becha, and Babin proves it, Oobab al-hayv vetarfa, and then a balclave, or, but you say, it's not that welcome, but somebody comes who has the right to seize it and sees it away. Now, this lokayach just paid money and even improved it, and he had it seized away. So now, he's going to have to get compensated. Who is he compensated from? Well, Kishu Gova, we'll see here, A and B. He put improvements into the field. Do those improvements, are they, do they increase the value above the value of the improvements, or they increase the value, but not even as much as the improvements, you see the one or the other. So, A and B, A, Imashvak, yes, Raul Yitzia, if the actual, increased value of this property is more than the amount that was put in, then this is where the, where the lokayach will get his compensation from. Nota le sashvak, Mibala karka, vahyitzia, Mibala lokayv. He gets the schvak, which is basically the increased value in excess of how much he put in. He gets that from the balskarka. The one who is going to have the land, like the rifle on the land, and the Yitzia, that would be the expenses he put in that, he would get from the balskhoiv. So, the balskhoiv who sees the land, while he's got improved land, he would have to compensate the person who sees it from. Kompati, you might get see a sera le sashvak, if, let's say, whatever, and the improvements put in costs $5,000, and the actual, increased benefit is only $3,000. Well, ain lei ella, ho yitzia, shir shvak, Mibala karkaiv. All he's entitled to is not, listen buddy, it's great that you put more money into it than it's worth, but you're only going to get back, since it was seized from you, what it was worth, above, from the, from the balskhoiv. That's the end of the tenaic source. The Gamora asks, though, a question it takes about four lines to develop, a Hashemol, but my Mokimla, this tenaic source, and what ishmol going to, how's he going to explain the background of the case? We have two possibilities, and both of them seem like Hashemol won't be able to explain things in that way. So, ei, squiggle it on the word e over here, and two lines later, second word on the line is ei, else is squiggle it on the end of that. So, we're either talking about where the person who purchased it, purchased it from a gazlin, who himself stolen it, or, and then the niggzal is coming to seize it, or it's from the balskhoiv that is seizing it. So, if it's like, cakmigazlan, well, then kasha-ratia, the ratio is difficult, because dama-shmuel, like cakmigazlan, leis leis schwach, is not entitled to the schwach, and yet this Bob Bryce was talking about, it's just entitled to the schwach. And on the other hand, eba-balskhoiv, if the one coming to seize is, because he, he was owed money, and, and the seller defaulted, well, then, kasha-ratia, vek-asha, seif, both of them, dama-shmuel, schmuel, it's said, a balskhoiv, is yes, goive esa-shwach, and I double it on the word gova. So, good morning, answers, one of two approaches, and within the first approach, we have two versions. e-bias-aime, either you could say, belle-kach, me gazlin, he purchased it, he purchased it from a gazlin, ke-gun, shi-e-schloy, karka. So, if there's karka involved, then it takes it out of being a ribous issue, enami, or you could say, bish-a-konomiyade, which is what you mentioned about these things earlier, that if you made a Kenyan to the effect of that, that, at the time of the transaction, that changes things. So, e-bias-aime, alternatively, a second approach, or maybe like a third approach, we're talking about a belle-kach, but like kasha, we'll make a distinction between shwach-aime, gila-xafayim, and kamish-aime, gila-xafayim. That, in the brice, we're talking about shwach, which would be, let's say, I don't know, in a wheat field, it would be the wheat stocks that are almost fully grown, whereas kamish-aime was talking about where they're less developed, and therefore more, we'll say, land-like. Shwah was bish-aime, literally like a benefit, or improvement, shayne-aime, gila-xafayim, that does not reach the shoulder, maybe it reached the belt, or the chest. The gamaris, as well, one second. This is all within shmul. Shmul was a famous dai-an-vaha mai-symbach-aime, like, it happens, seemingly, like, almost every day, bhikha magvi-shmul, and shmul himself, I don't know the name shmul, he would collect that field of bish-aime, gila-xafayim, even from the grain growth, it's, like, say, 95% grown, he would collect, even from that. Well, it says, like, more like, "Hosh, there's no difficulty." It depends how much the money was owed to the one who's coming to seize it. Ha-demasik-bei-kashir-ar-a-us-shwah-kha, that's what's owed to him, and therefore, he can take the land and the shwah, whereas, ha, the other cases, de-lo-masik-bei-el-a-kashir-ar-a, that's all that's owed to him is the equivalent amount of what the land is, and we basically tell the bhauch-aive, de-lo-masik-lei-kashir-ar-a-us-salaik-lei, that he should, the bhauch-aive, it basically his decision. If he wants, he can compensate him and remove him from the situation. Well, as the kamurah-hat-nih-cha, I squiggle and I'm just gonna say, "Hah-nih-cha," and two lines, there, there's an "el-a," we go under like that. So, ha-nih-cha, l'amandamar, this is all fine and dandy, according to the approach that holds, yis-la-kash, yis-la-kash, has money, and he wants to say, "Listen, don't cease the land, like here, I'll give you the monetary equivalent, l'omat-se-ma-salaik-lei-el-a-kashir, if he's not able to, then shopper, it makes sense over here what we've said. However, and we'll see from the flip side, why it would be a problem, l'amandamar, yis-la-kashir-a-kashir-ar-a-us-salaik-lei, oh no, if l'a-kashir, he purchased this land, and then, some guys come and claim he's the right full owner, well, if that purchaser has enough money, ki-is-la-ei, zus-la-l'o-kashir, m'azim-asalaik-lei-bal-kashir, if you can tell about kai-blissen, why you see he's in the field, he want money. So, here, I'll give you, I'll give you money. Well, the name of l'a-l'a-ei, let the l'o-kash say, "Listen, ilu ha-vei-li-zus-i, if I had the money, ha-vei-mit-salaik-ne-kul-a-ra, I would remove you from any right standing in the land, ha-shir-da-l'a-l'a-ei-zus-i, now that, hey, well, I don't actually have that much money now, ha-vei, give me, please, a griv-a-da-ra-ba-ra-shir-shwa-hai, give me, like, a piece of the land, which would be the equivalent of the improvements that I put into the land. So, ha-kul-mai-sik-ne-ne, what's the case over here? It's more shy in that the field is going to be collected, and the field only the field, and you can't offer money. Why kagun-shah-so, ha-pai-tuk-i? It's where the mochre had made for the bal-kra'iv, a a-poh-tuk-i, which is sure for a-poh-tahai-kai, over here is where it is. It's not just like, you borrow money. Well, I'll pay back money, and if not, if not, there was a specified property that was going to be the one should the loan be defaulted on. Da-am-ar-lay, loye-wa-hapi-royn, el-mizu. And everyone agrees that, in that case, there's not an ability to give a cash equivalent, rather the... it comes from that particular field. Period. I don't underline these five words. Heqir-bash-e-in-a-sh-aloye. Let's say the fellow realizes that the guy selling it, it doesn't belong to him, and he gives him money and takes it. So, a much more struggle. Shmul-maw-hai-s-e-sh-fah-hay-n-l-aye. A refund for the money paid, he's entitled to, but not for sh-fah, not for any improvements. Where sh-mul-a-hai-s-r-kul-sh-mul-a-maw-hay-s-e-l-maw-hay-s-e-n-l-aye. No, it doesn't even get money done, it's entitled to his money back. As-where might come if leaky, what is the essential point in my cloak is being robbed and sh-mul-a-hai-s-r-w-hay-n-l-aye. Well, Rob, will you underline the sub-r? I'll do me a day at Shikarka-ain-light. Listen, the one who paid the money knows that the one he bought it from doesn't have any land. The gum are of an awesome l'chum-p'kaw-dain, and he had decided firmly, even though he knows that he doesn't have any land, that he wanted to give him the money. Now, why do you want to give him the money to watch over the money? Because it's not always comfortable to watch over your own money, it's not always as safe. OK, he asked more of the name of the l'chum-p'kaw-dain. Well, then, if he gave it to him as a p'kaw-dain, why not just say it's a p'kaw-dain? Well, the reason is because, if he's Talis because then, the recipient might actually say, "I don't think that I can take that Sufferly Maccabell." That's Rob, who's shmw-w-hay-l-o underline the sub-r? I'll do me a day at Shikarka-ain-light. Listen, the guy knows that I don't really have any land. The gum are of an awesome l'chum-p'kaw-dain, and you know why he's giving it to him? As a gift! Well, then why not just straight forward, if you name a lay? L'chum-p'kaw-dain, here, Bob, I'm giving this to you as a gift. Why all this work around? Well, Cifole Milsa, it's actually embarrassing for him a little bit. Ha! Ask the Gomorrah, though, we had not that long ago in the end of Seder-Noshim. P'kaw-hay-dazim-na. Didn't Rav'nchw-w-hay-r? Are you about this point once? De Itmar. The case here is on the Kaddish-sah-hay-se. Man walks up to a sister, so they're emacu-dessiously. That gives her a hundred dollars. Rav, when you circle down, Marmaui, Sclay-sah-hay-se. The money goes back. Ushmul, who you circle down, Marmaui, Smatana. No, no, the money stays, but it's definitely a gift, because like every brother knows you can't be makash. Your sister and every sister understands that as well. Well, Rav, Marmaui, Sclay-sah-hay-se. I know that in Rav's name. Rav, Marmaui, Sclay-sah-hay-se. Ushmul says the most, Marmaui, Sclay-sah-hay-r? A gift. Rav, Marmaui, Sclay-sah-hay-se. The money goes back. Other than you did, Sclay-sah-hay-sah-hay-se. Well, that's wonderful. However, if you feel that by telling the person that it's a pikado, and they might not take it. So, I believe in the compliment. He had figured and thought that maybe they wouldn't take it from. Ushmul, we underline our Marmaui, Smatana. Sshmul was one who said, "No, the money is looked at as a gift." Why do you say that? Because on an edition, he doesn't taste in bakash. Like everyone knows you can't marry your sister. The Gama Vinasla Shumatana, and he, though, had definitively decided to give it as a Matana. Vinay Malay, well, why not just say "la Shumatana" as a gift? Sclay-sah-hay-r? Because it would be embarrassing for him. So, bottom line, we have Rav and Shmul here in the case of, if he realizes that it's not the guy who's selling it. It's claimed it is, but it really is. That makal is Rav and Shmul, and then we have it, again, by a man who's trying to make it as your sister. Why do we need both? It's Sreha. We need both. DE, I squiggle London, in the word DE, and three lines later, and the second word of line is another VE. DE, it's Mar Beha. If you're going to tell me in that case of the land, "Beha Ka Amar Rav", "Dolay Avedanish", "Dolay Avedanish", I would say that one second. If it's by a sister, I can't understand. People do want to help out their sister. Usually their family more than some stranger off the street. "Ama mo de la Shmul VE", and I squiggle London on this word "E" also. If you're going to tell me "Beha" in the case of the sister, "Beha Ka Amar Shmul", that's what Shmul goes so far to say is what he does. "Ava Beha", in the other cases, "Ama mo de la Rava", I would have thought maybe there's an agreement there for Sreha that no, they disagree across the board. Asla Khmera, "Beyn Le Rav d'Amar Pikaadam" in Le Shmul d'Amar Matana, then what's going on with the land? "Beyn Le Rav d'Amar Pikaadam" in Le Shmul d'Amar, "Beyn Le Rav d'Amar Pikaadam" in Le Shmul, "Beyn Le Rav d'Amar Pikaadam" in Le Shmul d'Amar. He is of the opinion, "Ana echys la Rava ech Aave" in Le Shmul, I'm going to work some of the land. I'll even put "V'Aave d'Aave d'Aave d'Aachil" excuse me. Asla Khmera said, "Beyn Le Rav d'Amar Pikaadam" in Le Shmul, "Beyn Le Rav d'Amar Pikaadam" in Le Shmul d'Amar. That's all I've got.