Jesse Kelly Show

Border Issues; Urban Democrats

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16 Mar 2024
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Hey guys, it is Ryan. I'm not sure if you know this about me, but I'm a bit of a fun fanatic when I can, right? I like to work, but I like fun too. It's a thing, and now the truth is out there. I can tell you about my favorite place to have fun. Shumba Casino. They have hundreds of social casino-style games to choose from, with new games released each week. You can play for free anytime, anywhere, and each day brings a new chance to collect daily bonuses. So join me and the fun. Sign up now at No purchase necessary. D.W. Ready? A fantastic day, and here's what's on tap for tonight. We're gonna hear from somebody who survived communism. No, not a guest. It's a little soundbite. We'll make fun of Joe Biden. We have asked Dr. Jesse questions on everything from "Can Trump win New York?" What does it mean that we have a president who can open the southern border? NGOs, these non-government organizations, we'll talk about them. The people problem we have. It's Julius Caesar's birthday. Or no, it's his death day. It's Andrew Jackson's birthday. But all that and so much more is coming up tonight on the world famous Jesse Kelly's show. I want to begin here. Right here. And this one may be a little sobering, but it's a good talk we have to have. It's a good, what's the state of affairs kind of a talk? One of those type things. Anyway, this one says, "Jesse, why is the sovereignty of our southern border left up to the whims of whomever is president at the time? Shouldn't border security be an amendment to the Constitution and that the president can't arbitrarily decide whether to open it and let in as many illegals as possible?" So on and so forth. Okay. Says, "I love your show. Thanks for sticking it to the communists." Well, this exposes something that we've discussed before on the show, and it's worth discussing again. But the people problem we have, you see, our people problem in America, it extends way beyond urban Democrats, lazy GOP primary voters. We have a people as a whole problem, and this is going to come back to answer the questions here in a moment. And if you have a people as a whole problem, there is no legal solution to that. You have to fix the people, or you can't fix the country. We must fix, this is up to you and I, we must fix the American people, or we cannot fix America itself. It's the American people who are actually broken, and I'll tie this into the border. Just stay with me in a moment. You see, let me explain it to you this way. If we are, if let's, let's do this. You ever see one of those old boats, one of the old boats that had the oars sticking out the side? I'm not talking about you and your dad trout fishing. I mean, the old, like old Greek boats with the oars on the side. You got that, right? You know these old boats. Now, I want you to, I want you to picture this. You are the best boat captain ever. You are the best boat captain ever, right? And you get on your boat and you are going to try to go from this island to the next island. And so they bring on the people who are going to handle all the oars for you. Let's say it's 50 guys and they bring you 50 guys except none of the guys feel like rowing that day. In fact, they've all decided they're not going to row that day. Let me ask you something. Wonderful captain. No matter how wonderful you are, are you going to be able to make it to the island on the other side? Well, you can't because the people who make the boat go don't want to do it. What we have here in the United States of America is a bunch of people, not just the elites. We have lazy Republicans. We have America hating Democrats. We have a bunch of people who genuinely don't want to improve. They don't want to make anything better. They don't want to fix things. In fact, they want to break things and there's no way you can ban your way out of that or pass an amendment your way out of that. It reveals something about us that is that we don't like to talk about because it sounds terminal and it might be terminal. What I'm discussing for us as a country, let's be honest about this. It might mean our end. It very well might. Historically, it has. Once a nation, once the people in a nation lose their connection to it, lose their love for it. And once you fill up a country with people who don't care about it, don't care for it anymore, then you've already started the countdown to the day that nation will end. You can't survive like that. We can't survive like this. We have to fix this. But it reveals something broken about us that it's even possible for one political party to take over the White House and then just decide they want the border open. You shouldn't have people like that in your country and neither political party in a normal country would ever support something like that. It shouldn't be border security. It's not a left or right-wing thing or at least it shouldn't be. It's simply how everyone in the country operates. It's what everyone thinks. Everyone wants to row the oars. Everybody wants to secure the border after all. We all love America. Right guys? I do. You do. Right. We do. Right. Oh wait. You don't? I love America. But you don't. Not talking about you but we're talking to the other side. Well that is a whole different problem that we share a country with so many people who want the border open. That is the problem. Honestly, that's a bigger problem than the border being opened. What this has revealed about the modern Democrat party, about modern America, it may be terminal. You cannot survive as a nation with a border wide open. You can't survive as a nation if half the people hate it and don't feel like you should even have a border. You can't you can't make it like that. It's not possible. We're not going to make it unless we change the people. It's like it's like we've talked about with abortions or your child tranny stuff. The child tranny stuff is on the news right now. But it's the best example of all this. Do I believe that trans insanity, surgeries, kids, should that do I believe that should be banned? Oh yeah, definitely ban it. Should the doctors, psychiatrists, parents be locked away in dark cages for the rest of their lives for doing that to a kid? Yep, absolutely. Yeah, pass the law, arrest them all cinnamon prison. Yes, of course. But that doesn't fix the problem. You see in a normal country, you shouldn't have people who want to chop the breasts off of a 15 year old girl. There shouldn't be doctors who would even perform that surgery. And even if you did, let's say, because you're always going to have a turd doctor out there. Even if you did have a turd doctor out there who had no morals and would maybe want to do it, he should be so afraid, afraid for his reputation, afraid for his career. He should be too afraid to perform a surgery like that. He should look around at the society around him and say, Oh my gosh, if I even attempt this, they're going to be out in front of my house with pitchforks and torches. I can't do this. You shouldn't have to ban child trans surgeries. That's not a thing that should ever come up. Back to the border, you shouldn't have to win an election with Republicans in order to have a secure southern border. That shouldn't be a thing. That is a thing, obviously, that's very clearly where we are. Now that Democrats are all communists, they believe they are right on the precipice of burning America down the way they've always wanted to. The open southern border is their best way to do that. So they get in there and they throw open the doors, fill up the country with drugs and murders and rapists and sit back and laugh while Rome burns. But it shouldn't come down to November whether or not we have a secure border. That's not a thing that should happen. And as I've said before, even if, even if, let's say Trump wins in November and he wins and he blows out Joe Biden. And let's say this absolutely will not happen, but let's say that mass deportation everyone's talking about, let's say that happens too. They mobilize ICE in the National Guard, in the military, and soon it's millions, five million, six million, 10 million illegals being deported. It's everything you want. It's everything I want. We're getting the drugs out. We're getting the gangs out. We're going, okay, so whoo, life is good. Okay, so a year from now, that's where we're at. Millions of people being deported. Joe Biden's no longer president even then. We will have a terminal cancer that we have to find a cure for or the expiration date on our country has already been decided because it shouldn't be possible for one political party to win an election and then intentionally flood the country with illegals. And even with all the nasty portations and Biden lost and president Trump and that should still be something that's in the back of your mind, in the back of my mind, hey, we're only one more election away that doesn't go our way away from them opening up, but opening it up again back to what we've been talking about. We have a people problem. We have a cultural rot issue that we have to address or every election, every law, every band, every wall, none of it matters at all if we don't fix the people themselves. All right, enough of that. Can we win some blue states? What about New York? Their chance? Should we go for New York? Let's talk about that. Before we talk about that, let's talk about your vitality stack and how much you're loving it. I love the emails you sent me about chalk. I really, really do. Chalk has helped so many people who listen to this show and you should understand how responsive chalk is as well. It's not just some online store with a bunch of natural herbal supplements. Hey, buy our stuff. No, no, no. They get only the best and they will work with you. Find something that will improve your life. Maybe it is a female vitality stack or a male vitality stack. Maybe you just need some chalk lit powder every single morning. Start your day off, right? I don't know, but they do.,, huge savings on subscriptions with the code Jesse. So get a promo code Jesse. We'll be back. It is the Jesse Kelly show on and asked Dr. Jesse Friday. Yes, in case you're wondering, I am aware of the dude everyone's talking about today who got shot in the face in the New York subway and there's audio of it. It doesn't sound good and you can't see it and you don't need to consume that stuff. But look, who'd you vote for? And how do you respond to some of your fellow Democrats calling the move theatrics that play into Republican narratives that blue cities are poorly run war zones? I'm not buying it. I'm not buying it. My job is to keep people safe. I have to do any way I can. I'm going to keep New Yorkers safe. Who'd you vote for? I see all these people, all these New Yorkers screaming today. This has got to stop. This is crazy. Who'd you vote for? Honestly, this is this is what we have to keep bringing home to the Democrat voters in our life. The urban Democrat voter is responsible for the state of his city. You cannot march to the polls and vote for a Democrat every time and then look around and complain about the illegals and the crime and the homelessness and oh my gosh, someone just shot in the face. You voted for this. You did this. And that brings me actually to this email. Jesse, this is, he didn't say I could use his names. I'm not going to can Trump rallies in major cities like New York City, Chicago, Atlanta, San Francisco, Seattle, swinging up voters to let suburban rural voters carry the states. Even these residents want lower energy, food costs, safe streets, transportation, even even minority neighborhoods are realizing Democrats promise of improvement, promise of improvement, deliver nothing. Am I overly optimistic? Yes, you are. Listen, let's, let's do it this way. Have you ever been to a track event? You ever been to a track meet? My oldest son does track. But okay, so you may, whether you're not, you've gone, you know what they look like, right? You've seen the Olympics in the very least. Do you understand that? At a track meet, there's a 1600 meter race. Just stay with me. So let's get to come back to politics. There's a 1600 meter race. What that is, it's four laps around four circles, four loopties, yeah, four loopties. And at these big meets, there will be schools from all over the place. And schools of varying degrees of athleticism, you will have some tiny little Christian school show up that has 50 kids in the graduating class. And that track team is going to have people on there who can't really run. You're going to have big schools, big mega schools that have peak kids who are getting ready to go to college. And I'm talking college on track scholarships. And they're all going to be at the same meet. This is going to come back to politics, stay with me. And the kids will take off. And on these long races, it really, really stands out the separation in athleticism and ability with the children. And so by the time they're done with the first lap, the top guys, the top, there's always two or three top guys, they will be at least a quarter lap ahead of the next closest group. And by the time this third lap comes around, the top guys will already be lapping the tiny schools, you know, the chubby kid from the tiny school who's out there just exercise it. And I give them all the credit in the world for it. The studs will be lapping him. So I want you to think about yourself in this way. We're all getting ready to have a race. All right. And the race is trying to win, trying to be correct, trying to get the country to a correct place on the issues. Okay, that's what's at stake here in the race. And boom, gun goes off. Gun goes off. Everyone takes off running. Who you are in this race, you're the super stud in the front. You've got a division one scholarship waiting for you. You're track times. You might make the Olympics. You're the guy informationally who's destroying everyone else that that next group behind you. Look, they're they're the next group behind you, but there's still there's still a quarter lap behind you after one lap. Like they're way behind you. Those are norm and normie Republicans, most GOP voters, they're way behind you. Everyone in every Republican in Mississippi who just went out and voted for Roger Wicker. That's them. That's the group behind you. The group of unbelievable morons who vote for their own demise every time because they're so far behind you. Now, remember the chubby kid from the tiny school? That's the American Democrat. They are Oh, they're heading in the same direction. Eventually they're going to get there to wake up, but they are so far behind even normie dork Republicans, let alone you that it's going to take ages for them to get there. You are so hyper informed. You are so far ahead of every other American when it comes to these issues. So when you when you when you think about the New York Democrat who just yesterday watched or at least saw a video of a man getting shot in the face on the subway, you because you're hyper informed and way out ahead, that's an easy choice to make for you. Oh my gosh, I just watched some dude get shot in the face on the subway. I'm not voting Democrat anymore. That's a logical normal sane response from you. The fat kid is too far behind. Is this too far behind? He's so far behind. He's so many years behind where you are. And you know what? Let's let's expand on that really quickly. Give me a second. Hang on. It is the Jesse Kelly show on an ask Dr. Jesse Friday having a blast today talking about in case you're just now joining us. One of the questions was, Hey, can we win a place like New York? What if Trump does a bunch of rallies in New York? And I've been explaining I'm not going to go over it all again about you don't realize how far ahead you are informationally. If that's even a word, you don't realize how far ahead you are of just normal Republicans. You are miles so far ahead of the average urban Democrat. And I swear on my life, I didn't do this for a bit on radio cross my heart and hope to die as I was doing that last segment. And we were discussing how far behind the average urban Democrat voter is. Unbeknownst to me, there was a text message conversation going on on my phone, one that I've long since muted. So my phone doesn't respond to it. In this group, it's a big group of well, it does a big veteran group is about 10 guys in it. And there's one Democrat, a New York Democrat in there. And all the other vets are piling on about the subway shooting in New York today. And then that turned into illegals talk about illegals and the crime. And so I'm just going to read this verbatim. These are just a couple things, just a couple things that the Democrat, the New York Democrat has seen or has said, every time I vote, they check registration and voter ID. How does an illegal get past that? And how many illegals make up the voting population? Is that enough to sway the vote? No way. This New York Democrat doesn't believe that illegals can vote because they have to show ID every time. Of course, it is mine. That's what he believes. And then someone brought up the illegals in New York and all the crime and the homelessness and this New York Democrat, I could go on, but I'll stop. But this is what he said in response to that. He said, yeah, I've seen a few of them. They're all very friendly to me. You understand a little better now how far ahead you are. Just because you're awake doesn't mean your urban Democrat friend is right there with you, even if your urban Democrat friend happens to be unhappy with the state of things. Your urban Democrat friend is still not ready to make actual life changes. Let me explain it to you this way. Let's picture someone who's too happy, wants to lose some weight or thinks maybe they should lose some weight. Their first indication of it is when you go for a walk, get a little out of breath after a little walk or maybe you're looking at yourself in your mirror and your cupcake and a little bit and you're thinking to yourself, okay, wow, I maybe need to lose some weight. That human being is not on some kind of four day a week workout program and strict diet right now. In fact, they're just now starting to figure out something's wrong. You, you're well past the I need to lose weight thing. You're on a diet. You're at the gym already. You're making life improvements. You're getting your blood work done. Life is good and you're acting like you two are in the same place. That person hasn't even walked into a gym yet to sign up to even inquire about a membership. The urban Democrat knows he's fat. He doesn't yet have any kind of a plan to address it and it's very unlikely that he will ever know how. I remember you and I've talked about this before. Carol Markowitz is one of my good friends. She was a lifelong New Yorker speaking of New York and she's packed up moved her whole family to Florida. She's done with all the filth and everything else and she was talking to me. I was interviewing her on TV. You know, I do a TV show on the first TV every night, 9 p.m. Eastern time. You can watch me do a TV show. But I was interviewing her on the first and she was, we were talking about New York crime and she was talking about all her Democrat friends in New York and for her, this was a big reveal. She said, Jesse, I've never heard them talk like this before. They are so upset with the crime and the homelessness and they're so upset with the state of the schools. They don't feel right about the schools and now the illegals are in the schools and Jesse, they're so mad and I've never heard them and she went down this list about how upset all her New York Democrat friends are. And so I just asked, I said, oh, well, that's that's great news, Carol. Are they, are they planning on voting Republican next time? And I remember it like it was yesterday. She laughed. Well, no, no. You see, they know they're fat. They don't have any idea how to fix it. And even if you told them, there's a chance they'd be unwilling to fix it. The urban Democrat is so far behind you. Not saying you're wasting your breath or your efforts. I'm not saying that, but you might be. All right. All right, Jesse, I hear you repeatedly say we have a people problem. The people don't invest enough time and energy and choosing a better candidate. But I wonder if it's possible for a decent, honest politician to survive in the corrupt system that we have. Is it the problem that we don't have enough candidates with integrity or is the problem that the system is so broken, the good candidates don't stick around? I love the show, your perspective, your history lessons, so on and so forth. She didn't say I could use her name. Okay. Well, let's talk about that. You remember when Mike Johnson got got an elected speaker of the house. Mike Johnson had a pretty good, obviously far from perfect, but had a pretty good voting record before he was speaker of the house. And Mike Johnson had and and has an incredible reputation. Your reputation really follows you. DC is not that big of a town. You know who the dirtballs are. You know who the good guys are. There's nobody, nobody who has a bad word to say about Mike Johnson by all accounts. This is a good human being. But remember what we talked about when Mike Johnson got made speaker of the house. You're taking a good man and you're placing him in a position where it's a guarantee that he will disappoint you because he's now part of just very similar to what she was talking about in the email. He's part of a system that is so broken and corrupt and evil that even if he wanted to do things differently and he may, he probably lacks the power to do things differently. And so Mike Johnson, since he's been speaker, has done nothing but to disappoint you, has done nothing but disappoint me. And we've been hard on Mike Johnson. And the truth is maybe, maybe, maybe I've been too hard on him because it's very likely that he can't fix the things that need to be fixed in a Congress that broken and evil. But to answer your question, can an honest, decent person make it in this? Well, the problem is, honest, decent people have been shying away from politics for a very, very, very long time. Pull after pull after pull after pull after pull show that the more normal American you are, you know, family, God, country, all that stuff, the more normal you are, the less likely you are to run for political office to get involved politically. If you are an American hating piece of commie trash, you are already involved politically. But the good Americans, the people who think like you, who have your values, they're the least likely ones to run. And that has created a vacuum. And that's a big reason why we have so much scummy filth in our politics now. It's all the scumbags who run. It's why I talked to you about running. And I warned you about the evil system that you're going into. No matter what level you're on, local, state, national, it is evil and it is gross. But we can't fill up the government with evil people and then look and act shocked when the government turns evil. Good people have to get involved. You've heard me rant about this when it comes to the church. Christians, American Christians will look at politics and they'll be so grossed out by it. The lies and the accusations and the hit pieces and the this and the that that they'll wash their hands of it and think that that's the right thing to do. No, it's not. Get off your butt and get in the game. We need you in the game in the game. Not watching the game from the sidelines. The good people have been watching while the bad people have played the game. We have to change that. We have to change that. All right. Speaking of good people, let's talk about tunnel to towers. Before we talk about NGOs, a possible good pick for attorney general and all the other good stuff still to come. Let's talk about tunnel to towers. Tunnel to towers. You know why it started, how it started, started after 9/11. All that loss, all that heartbreak out there. Tunnel to towers stepped up and decided somebody had to do something for these fallen first responder families. And then this is, you know, Afghanistan, Iraq, all these gold star families now. Now mom's not coming home. Now dad's not coming home. What do we do? What do we do? Tunnel to towers started paying off mortgages for gold star families and fallen first responder families building them entire communities in places like Florida just good after good after good. Your $11 a month has done so much good. And you know what? Don't take my word for it. Don't look up tunnel to towers. Go look up their charity rating. It's unreal. 95 cents of every dollar goes right to its programs. That's unheard of in that world. T the number two T dot org. All they asked for is 11 bucks a month. T to T dot org. We'll be back. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Friday and asked Dr. Jesse Friday. Remember you can email the show Jesse at Jesse Kelly show dot com love. Hey death threats asked Dr. Jesse questions. Did you hear this wing nut on MSNBC going crazy over dome visiting an abortion clinic? I just I just want to remind you we have a people problem and these people are committed. These people show up at every election. Do we care as much as these types? So interesting because she gets so much anger towards her so much press that's very kind of pejorative and and a little bit mean and I think quite racist. And here she is out there. She has you know yesterday she did this historic thing where she went to a Planned Parenthood in Minnesota. It's the first time a president or vice president has ever gone to and it's an abortion clinic but it's also STI treatment. It's primary care. I mean this is a really a crucial you know clinic for a lot of people to get health care and she went there to highlight this freedom tour you know that she is going around trying. Those people were committed all the way committed. Those people vote in every election. That's how that's how abortion got enshrined in Ohio's Constitution because those people show up every time. The good people have been sitting it out. The demons have been showing up and that's why we now have demons who run the country. We got to do better. Jesse what do you think of Trump naming Ted Cruz as attorney general? I think that's a magnificent idea. I'm not so sure that Cruz would take it. Keep in mind Cruz is running for Senate this year. These senators only run every six years. So if he wins this Senate seat that gives him six more years as a senator of Trump wins and then it appoints him. It gives him what two years as a g maybe four you can squeeze that out. I don't know. I don't know who's private ambitions. I don't know but I like the idea. It's a very good idea. Oh by the way you remember Ken Buck how I go off on Ken Buck all the time and how I've gone off on him now resigning Congress basically doing everything humanly possible during the last six months to a year of his time to screw over the GOP every single thing possible. And remember when I told you I thought he was compromised and I still believe that. I don't have any evidence of it. I just when I heard him interrogate Christopher Ray that's when I thought to myself this guy is being blackmailed. This guy is scared. He it wasn't like he was soft on Christopher Ray. He practically powdered his butt for him on the air. It was bizarre bizarre how loving he was. I thought to myself oh someone's got a file on Ken Buck. There's some oh yeah you've you've got to go and play it because you remember this. I want to thank you for leading an agency as you mentioned in your opening statement that protects Americans from foreign terrorists. That an agency that protects America's from fries from China and Russia and cyber crime and public corruption and organized crime and drug cartels and human traffickers and white collar criminals. And I want to thank you and the FBI for protecting law-abiding Americans from the evil that exists all around us. And frankly I am not in favor of defunding the FBI nor am I in favor of splitting up the FBI nor am I in favor of using the home and rule for the FBI director. He was not prompted to say any of those things. He had prepared that speech and statement ahead of time. Bizarre right. And then he resigns from Congress after he stands against the impeachment. You should note he stands firmly against impeachment. So he's throwing a huge wrench in the works there. And then he resigns from Congress. I'm not going to go into the details of it. But there's a redistricting thing going on in Colorado. Ken Buck resigning when he resigned screwed the GOP over badly in Colorado in May very well permanently cost them that house seat. And then he went on the air after he resigned and said this. You already had announced that you were going to not run for reelection. Why leave now and leave a vacancy in an already very narrow majority for your party? Yeah, because it's to me it's important to get in the mix of this election cycle and start talking about the issues that people recognize are such a problem right now. It's important to get in the mix of the election cycle. You were just a United States congressman. Now you've resigned. You've resigned your position in Congress to get in the mix. What could that possibly mean? Well, I think you know what it means. Ken Buck, according to my theory, of course, Ken Buck will spend the remainder of this year doing everything humanly possible to cost Republicans up and down the ballot elections. I believe Ken Buck is being blackmailed. I believe he is compromised by the other side. I believe he will do as he's told over the next year. And I'm sure he got that little phone call that said or else. Did you notice his resigned statement as well resigning to spend more time with my family? Always a dead ringer that someone got caught doing something wrong. I just miss my family so much just retiring to be with the fam. Yeah, sure. Sure, buddy. All right, quit. Focus on good. Focus on relief factor. You know, you don't have to live with pain. The everyday pain that just nags us to death. Your back hurts and your neck hurts and your muscle hurts. Sucks, right? You don't have to live like that though. And you also don't have to turn to big pharma. There is a drug free solution. That's what relief factor is all natural. What it does is it helps your body's natural response to inflammation. So you can fight off that joint pain, that muscle pain without wrecking your liver. You have to get a three week quick start kid. Try it. Three weeks. You'll never stop. Three week quick start kids are just 1995. Call 1 800 the number four relief 1 800 the number four relief or go to relief factor dot com. You don't have to live with pain. All right. I mean, you do have to live with inflation. In 2021, though, you did say that inflation was transitory. Do you regret saying that now? I regret saying it was transitory. It has come down. But I think transitory means a few weeks or months to most, most people. Yeah. Well, anyway, how's that working out for everyone, Janet? There's a number of experts who say the high cost of living we're all experiencing now is forcing a record number of people that's happened to their 401ks early for extra financial help. Now, according to the investment management company, the Vanguard Group, about 13% of its customers took out a 401k loan last year. They also found more than three and a half of its plan participants took early withdrawals. People are already tapping into their 401ks. Maybe that's you. And that leads me to this question. Hey, Jesse, will the great reset have an effect on our American way of life? Let's discuss this concept of the great reset next. I have no doubt you've heard of it. If you have entered your, you just want a little, little backstory on it, I'm going to give a 30 second minute long definition on what the great reset is, what it might look like, what it might mean for us. Let's do that. That'll be fun on a Friday, right? Hang on. Step into the world of power, loyalty, and luck. I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse with family, canoles, and spins mean everything. Now, you want to get mixed up in the family business. Introducing the Godfather at Test your luck in the shadowy world of the Godfather Slodge. Someday, I will call upon you to do a service for me. Play the Godfather. Now at Welcome to the family. VTW Group, no purchase necessary, avoid where prohibited by loss, See terms and conditions 18 plus.