Jesse Kelly Show

Lying to Congress; United States vs. Europe

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16 Mar 2024
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With the Lucky Land Sluts, you can get lucky just about anywhere. This is your captain speaking. We've got clear runway and the weather's fine, but we're just going to circle up here a while and get lucky. No, no, nothing like that. It's just these cash prizes out of quick, so I suggest you sit back, keep your tray table upright and start getting lucky. Play for free at Luckyland Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary. Void we're prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply. See website for details. It is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Friday, another hour of the Jesse Kelly Show on an Ask Dr. Jesse Friday. It's also Andrew Jackson's birthday today. Happy birthday. It's Caesar's death day today as in Julius Caesar's death day. Maybe we'll talk about that in a little bit on the show. What else do we have on tap for this hour? Aligned to Congress. Why is that allowed? NGOs. The Great Reset. Eligals, should we let some of them stay? There's so much to get to. I want to address this one though, because the question was about the Great Reset and what effect it will have on our life. Here's how I understand the Great Reset. Here's what helped me understand it. I was trying to figure out what's the goal and whose goal is it? Who's doing this to us? So let's just lay it out this way. Western civilization is incredible, and it is something because you're part of it, you should be proud of that. You should be proud of the fact that you have been part of Western civilization for so much of the world's history. People have been ruled for the majority of human history. People have been ruled. Slaves essentially subjects and eventually Western civilization blossomed, and this idea that man should be free started to really resonate. And it obviously started to resonate with the people. They were getting tired of the kings of old and the monarchies and the death and the war and the poverty and the poverty and they were starting to realize, wow, mankind should be free, and you have rights as an individual. You are not a subject. You know, it's wild. It's crazy for us, especially as Americans, to think how many people throughout history lived this existence where, let's say you're at home, a wife, couple kids, and the king is riding through. And he pulls off to the side, and he looks and he says, you know, I actually, I like your home. In fact, I like your wife and kids too. So, hey, chop his head off real quick. He gets his head chopped off. And lady, you belong to me now. One of the kids is complaining. I kill him too. So now you, that's a crazy story. That's how most people have had to live. You're nothing compared to royalty. That is that wild to think. That's how people had to live their lives. And now we sit here in Western civilization where you have rights. You have rights. How do you have? There are rules. There are things you can't do to me. That's a good thing, right? However, it's not a good thing if you see yourself as being that king. Yeah, life got better for you. Life got better for the masses, the normal people, the poor, the peasants, the middle class. Oh yeah, life got better for all of you, but the king. What if he wants your wife? What if he wants your kids? What if he wants your house? And now because all these people in Western civilization have these rights. Now he's severely restricted on what he can and can't do, but he's still a king. Dang it. And that's, listen, that's how these people see themselves. They see themselves as kings and queens. So the elites of the world, especially, let's make this in the West. So leaders, political, business leaders, entertainment leaders, people in America, England, Germany, France, they're all doing it, Canada. They're all doing it right now. They've started to figure something out. They started to figure out that, that the kings and queens they want to be, that that is a possibility for them if they would just get the stupid people in their country out of their way. You see, the elites eventually looked around and decided, the problem isn't this foreign country or this or that the problem is my own people thinking they have rights and trying to lay claim to these rights. So if we just start attacking that, figuring out a way to destroy these people, we will in the end be able to go back to the time where I was a king who could take your wife and your house. And so what they do now is try to destroy everything, mainly in an effort to destroy their domestic political opposition. And this is not only here in America, if you want to feel better about this, although it may make you feel worse. Talk to people in Germany, they're going through this as well. They feel like their leadership is hostile to them. Talk to people in Sweden and France and Canada. Gosh, they're really going through this in Canada. They feel like their leadership is hostile mainly to them because it is. The people who lead our nation now hate us. That's why they've slowly but surely turned the national security apparatus of America on their own citizens. They view you and me as being the problem. If you would just shut up about your rights and your guns and your, if you would stop having opinions that are not approved by the regime, if you would just shut up and go away, then they could finally fix everything and get back to being the kings and queens they've always wanted to be. That is how the leaders of the West now see themselves and it's why we're in such a bad situation. So what the great reset is, is what they essentially want is another turning, another phase change on the planet. The planet has had several phase changes. Well, one of the last ones would be, you'd probably call it a 20th century thing, 19th and 20th century thing really, where the kings and queens of old were finally cast off. No more dynasties, no more royal families, no more this, no more that. No, the people are going to choose for themselves, the government. Well, what these people want now, what the elites of the world want now from the big cheese in Germany to Bill Gates to all the George Soros, all these Klaus Schwab types what they want now is to go back. They want to go back to a time when you are a subject, not a free citizen with rights. No, no, no, no. If you would just go back to being a subject, then everything will work out better for them. Of course, not for you. But remember, these are not people at their core. Part of the reason this whole thing is so evil is these are not people who are mindful of you. You know, a good leader in any realm, a good leader of a home, of a business, of a sports team, of a country, a good leader is always mindful of the people he leads, always mindful of them and once what's best for them. But these people don't have that because they're not good people. They're inherently evil, selfish people. So as we've discussed many times, we make it about Biden, but really it applies to so many of these people. It's not even just that they hate you. Oftentimes, they don't ever think about you at all. The people, the people, what? That concept is as foreign to them as shellfish is to Chris. What, Chris? I was making a comparison, but you understand what I mean? They're never mindful of you. Remember that word I said if you could describe the Biden administration with one word, the word you would use. We've done that before. What was that word? Cold, just so cold. Remember when it was just recently? Remember when we had Corinne diversity hire and she was asked tragedy and death and she gave an answer that was so bad. She was just piled on by everybody, even people on the left. She sounded so uninformed and uninterested about the death or anything else. And we, you know, it's sacrifice and we kind of have people sacrificed. And obviously we honor that. Someone died. I don't really know. They just, they can't make themselves even appear to care now. So the great reset is them trying to destroy the free citizens of the West so then they can control everything. And they do so many things in that effort. That's part of what, it's part of the appeal of illegals. Remember, you fill up the country with illegals, you water down a culture so that our culture doesn't reflect American values anymore that helps you destroy the country. Plus the illegals gobble up all the goods and resources made for America. It collapses the system. The great reset is the elites trying to collapse the system. This is what people don't understand. It's not a byproduct of idiocy. Although many of these people are idiots. They want to bring it down. Remember, I've brought this up many times before. No one else talks about it, but it hit me so hard. You know the debt and the deficit situation. And you know how bad it is. I'm not going to do that again right now. It's really bad. And the crisis is coming. It's inevitable and it's coming very soon. And the Senate majority leader, Chuck Schumer, just gave a speech on the Senate floor bragging that they didn't cut a nickel from the budget. He bragged about it. He should be up there bragging about everything they cut. He bragged that they didn't cut a nickel. Everything is full steam ahead with these people. That's the great reset, the destruction of the free citizen. So then these people can achieve total power, which of course is what they always want all the time. All right, let's talk about lying to Congress and NGOs and many other things before we get to that. Obviously, crime is bad. You know this. You are well aware that our country is filling up quickly with criminals from all over the planet. And that's on top of the criminals we have here. Now, we can't sit at home and suck our thumbs. We have to simply take more ownership of our self defense. That's what Berna is all about. That's what a Berna pistol launcher is all about. It is a non-lethal pistol you carry. It shoots pepper balls or tear gas balls. Those are really freaking cool, by the way, or the kinetic rounds, which are just hard plastic, but it is a non-lethal component to your self defense and everyone needs one, whether you're like me and you already carry a weapon. I want a non-lethal option, or whether you don't do that at all. Berna is legal in all 50 states. No permits, no background checks needed. They'll mail one to your front door. 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Just dial pound 250 and say keyword "Jessie Kelly" and claim your eligibility for your "free" brand new Samsung 5G smartphone and start saving on wireless today. Again, from your phone dial pound 250 and say the keyword "Jessie Kelly" to switch to my cell phone company, Pure Talk. It is the "Jessie Kelly" show on an Ask Dr. Jessie Friday. Remember you can email the show "" whatever you want. If you missed any part of the show, download the whole thing on iHeart, Google, Spotify, iTunes. Let's get back to the questions. Dear Jessie, Sensei of Burgers. Let me get this straight. We build an offshore port for Hamas to supply them after they invade one of our closest allies. You are a history guru. Within history have we or any other countries supplied enemies in the middle of an ongoing conflict. This port is a massive betrayal to Israel and shows how upside down our foreign policy is now. He didn't say I can say his name so I am not going to say his name. Listen, we don't have clear enemies anymore as a nation because to have clear enemies you have to stand for something yourself, right? That's how enemies work. If I have someone who I view them as an enemy, it's because they oppose the things I stand for. But if I don't stand for anything, I can never truly have an enemy. Let's go back to what we were just talking about about the great reset and how the elites of the world have turned against their own citizens because this actually plays a part into why our foreign policy looks so convoluted and insane and we talk out of both sides of our mouths. Hey, we hate Russia, but we'll buy your gas. I love Ukraine. Let's get involved there. Hey, Israel. Here's some missiles. Oh, Hamas. You'd like some supplies to it looks all nuts. So to us, it looks so schizophrenic and all over the place. But the great reset talk actually explains it when you understand that the people running the foreign policy of America don't see foreign enemies. They only see domestic enemies. Then you understand better why our foreign policy looks so nuts so in so bad. They don't have foreign enemies in their minds. They have domestic enemies. A lot of this really started with Obama, but honestly, he's not the genesis of all, but American foreign policy was going that way for a while. But remember, we'll talk about Obama here and make it more about him and said helps explain things. Remember how Obama, I'd never seen this before in my life, not with Republicans, not with Democrats like Clinton didn't do this. You never saw this. Remember Obama would go overseas because presidents have to do that from time to time and at every single stop he made, he would make some sort of an apology statement about America. I know we've done a lot of bad things in the past. You never saw that as a president. Traditionally, American presidents have been over the top patriots when they go abroad. It was simply expected of an American president. When you go abroad, you brag about America. America is great and will be great together. That's what American presidents, it's what was expected of them. And that's why it was such a big deal when Obama started this apology tour stuff. We never heard anything like that before. Hey, wait a minute. Why are you apologizing? What's your problem? Well, what his problem was, and this is obviously extended to the Democrat party of today. It's the same party for Obama. America was the bad guy. Always. Barack Obama was raised to hate America. His mentors like Frank Marshall Davis. Frank Marshall Davis is Barack Obama's mentor. You understand that he was a card carrying communist. And I mean, as in, he had a card and a communist number. Barack Obama was groomed to despise this country. The modern Democrat party, they've been groomed to despise this country above all others, above all others. As I've said before, I've made this comparison. If you were to hold a gun to the head of a modern day Democrat and you were to tell them they had to, they didn't have a choice. You absolutely have to drop a nuclear weapon on one country on this planet. Roughly 100% of modern day Democrats would drop it on the United States of America. They would, they would, they have been taught that this country is the evil of the world. This country is the uniquely evil place that must be brought down. So how could you conduct a foreign policy on behalf of your country if you hate that country? If, uh, okay, we're going to have a big neighborhood celebration. And everybody in my neighborhood, everyone wants to be the one to host a big party, a big Easter party. That's the next holiday coming up. That's the next holiday coming up, a big Easter party. Everyone wants to be the one to host the Easter party in my neighborhood. Okay? I, I want us to host it, except I hate my house. My family sucks. And I don't want anyone to come over to my house. The house sucks and my family sucks and everything sucks. How could I go be an effective ambassador to the neighborhood selling the Kelly home on hosting the Easter party if I hate the home? I can't. It's not possible. We can't have a foreign policy that makes sense when our foreign policy is led by people who hate the country. Our state department, all those dirty commies who run the state department, all the subhuman commie filth that occupy the Biden White House, CIA, all these guys, you hold a gun to any one of these guys heads, and they'll tell you America is the height of all evil. So how's the dirty little commie at the state department who hates America going to conduct foreign policy on behalf of America? It's not possible. That's why we do these insane things like, Hey Israel, here's some missiles. Hey Hamas, here's some food. And everyone looks around and says, wait, what? Who side are we on? Well, they're on their side. And they're against you. That's the truth. Let's play this little tidbit again. This is the media celebrating the vice president visiting an abortion clinic. It's so interesting because she gets so much anger towards her so much press that's very kind of pejorative and a little bit mean and I think quite racist. And here she is out there. She has, you know, yesterday she did this historic thing where she went to a Planned Parenthood in Minnesota. It's the first time a president or vice president has ever gone to an abortion clinic, but it's awesome. That's the evil we're up against. That's why we support preborn. It's not enough to just say we're against that. We have to do things that are against that. Preborn takes those young women and they give them free ultrasounds before they can harm their baby, saving the mother and the baby because once a mom hears a heartbeat, she chooses life almost every single time. That ultrasound costs $28. That's what preborn asks from you. Dial pound two five zero and say the keyword baby or slash Jesse sponsored by preborn. It is the Jesse Callee show on an Ask Doctor Jesse Friday. Did you hear this girl? We've had her on the show once before. It's beyond me. Park is her name. She made a long time listen to the show will remember her. She escaped North Korea with her mother and her story is. It's awesome, but it's hard to hear. It's hard. It's hard to imagine how many people go through a living hell like that. It was not a pleasant escape for her and her mother. I think she was 13 or 14 when she escaped and she was actually caught in China, not by nice people who sold her into slavery is a really, really, really hard story. But you remember how often we talk about communism being a religion? Your liberal and Peggy is not a Democrat. She's a religious zealot. She has more similarities to a radical Islamic jihadist than an actual political person. She is a religious zealot. You'll understand her better when you accept. She's a religious zealot. Well, I want you to listen to this girl. Jan Mi Park. Talk about that. No true religion in North Korea. The why those communists first thing they do is kill the religion because the state has to become a religion themselves. They have to be got themselves. So what North Korea did unique was that Kim Il-sung, who grew up in a Christian family, he realized he wanted to be a god. So he got rid of Christianity and he made himself god and he copied the Bible, made 10 commandments for North Korean people to follow and bring much to believe that he was god who loved us so much, gave us his son Kim Jong-il. Kim Jong-il is like just Christ. He dies, but his body is with us forever. His spirit is with us forever. That's how they know what we are thinking in our head. That's how they have the power to read our thoughts. So North Korean children grew up believing that Kim's are gods. And that's what I thought at school every day. I was so grateful. I lived in such paradise. Yeah, religious. They are religious people. We must accept that. Alright, let's move on and talk to other things. Jesse, I recently found a dime. She's not into politics at all, but her family is all blood read. And she assured me she will go to the polls with me every time to do the Lord's work. We've been dating for a couple months now and I recently brought up the Civil War in conversation and she didn't know what I was talking about. I confirmed tonight that she legitimately doesn't know or care about the American Civil War at all. I love how horrified you can already tell this guy is by this. He's just mortified. What do you mean you don't know about Stonewall Jackson? Anyway, he goes, should I be concerned? Part of me kind of likes that she doesn't have to worry or think about politics. She wants to be a mom and support her family, but I don't want my children to be confused. If you think I'm lying, I went to the first two years of the Civil War. I went into it and what led up to it and all the battles and she had no idea what I was talking about. Is this a problem? He's so upset. Is this a deal breaker? I don't need my future wife to be no stardomist, but I'd like you to at least understand where I'm coming from. He said his name is Tyler. He said I can say his name. Listen, brother. You know what my wife knows about politics? Whatever I tell her. That's what my wife knows about politics. And she didn't look. She grew up listening to Rush Limbaugh in the car with her father, so it's not like she didn't already lean that way. But when we go home, I'll walk in the door and my boys, they still have still blessed that my boys still want to talk to me. I'll walk in the door of the house and show run up and give me a kiss and I'd make dinner or whatever, whatever we're doing that night. But the boys will mob me right off the bat and they'll start talking about, "Hey, what you talking about on your show? Hey, what's the news of the day? Hey, do you see what Joe Biden said? Jesse, do you see what her dad? Did you see what happened in North Korea? What happened in Russia today?" So immediately my boys will launch into the issues of the day. This is the issue of this. This is that, dad. What did you talk about? What did you say about this? She generally will say, "Really? What happened there in Russia? I didn't hear anything. What's in?" And there's nothing wrong with that because she still votes every single time. In fact, she'll hound me. If she go votes before me, she votes every single time. She asks me who she should vote for and I lay it all out for her and she does. If your dime isn't into the Civil War, it's really not a big deal. You've found a dime who wants to care for you and care for your home and support you and love you and raise your children. If she's not all boned up on the first battle of Bull Run, I don't think it's the end of the world. I love though that it bothers you so much. Look, my whole family, you want to hear something devastating? You ready for this? Oh man, I can't believe I'm just telling on myself. I'm narking out my whole family right here. I can't believe I'm doing this on National Radio. My family hates history. Did you know that? It's not that they hate history stories as I tell them. If I get up and I tell a history story, if we're watching a movie and I want to add some perspective to it, I'll pause and I'll ask, "Hey, you want me to give you the background on this?" And they listen and they love that when I'm telling a history story to them. But if my wife walks in and I'm watching a documentary, and oftentimes if I'm watching something, it's a documentary, the scorn. She will pour down on me. You're such an old man. What a nerd. It's horrible. And you know what? That's just all right by me. Don't worry about that. All right. Hey, Jesse, serious question. When did it become okay to lie to Congress? Everyone does it and there are no consequences. I love the show. It's actually a very good question. When did it be okay? Well, these things happen like most things happen in life. It starts slowly and then eventually it builds to where it is. How many times have we talked about a mafia story or something like that or some gangster, some cartel guy? And it starts out small. Every single time you read some old cartel story, some old Italian mafia story, and he didn't start out as some hit man shoving knives into people's ears. He started out swiping oranges on the sidewalk, running with some other nine-year-olds who did want to go to school. Hey, we ditched math that day. You know, let me, let me, let me, speaking of old, you want to hear me sound like the biggest funny duddy in the world, the biggest old funny duddy in the world. All those warnings we got from our parents and grandparents about slippery slopes and things like that. Yeah, those were all right. They were, they were right about all of those things. It actually is a very big deal if you're a kid who skips a lot of school because statistics say you're heading for a very, very, very bad place. It actually is a huge deal if when you're 12, you grab a Snickers bar out of the gas station and slip it in your pocket and shoplift. It actually is a very big deal because that's step one on the road to you killing someone in a bank robbery 10 years later. I know that sounds crazy, but you read story after story after story. How many dudes right now are listening to the Santa Mai voice in prison right now? We have a bunch of prisoners who listen to the show, state and federal prison, and I've always loved that. I think that's cool. How many dudes are listening to the Santa Mai voice right now? Nodding their head as they sit in prison because that's their life's trajectory so far. So far, that's where their life has taken them. That landed them in an orange jumpsuit where they currently sit listening to the Jesse Kelly show. They didn't start out robbing banks, assault this guy, this and that, dealing drugs. It didn't start out like that. It started small. And then you got away with it and enjoyed it. See, it did it a little more. And then a little more. And then a little more. And that's how it always goes. How it always goes. The same thing applies to lying to Congress. We let one person get away with it. And then the next guy gets away with it. Okay, it was a little lie. And then the next guy gets away with it. Okay, it was a little lie. And now it's just what they all do. Whether or not they get prosecuted for those lies depends on whether a Democrat or Republican is in charge. His Democrats will, of course, send them to prison for those lies. Republicans lack the stones to do that. So Republicans get lied to even more. All right. Let's talk about Europe. Some guy wants to know. Is it better living there than here? That's interesting. Let's talk about that before we talk about that. Let's do remember these are the people running the economy. In 2021, though, you did say that inflation was transitory. Do you regret saying that now? I regret saying it was transitory. It has come down. But I think transitory means a few weeks or months to most people. Yeah, do you have any gold yet? We talked about the great reset already on the show and what they're doing and how they're attacking us and part of that is attacking the money, making sure you are not financially able to exist on your own. That's why you need precious metals because they can't destroy the value of that. Precious metals have stood the test of time. Your precious metals you buy from Oxford Gold Group today will have incredible value forever. Your children will spend them or their children. Call 833-995-Gold and let Oxford deliver you some. 833-995-Gold. We'll be back. It is the Jesse Kelly show on an Ask Dr. Jesse Friday. Don't forget you can email the show during the show Jesse at I feel like I'm talking too fast a little bit today. Am I talking too fast? Chris, Chris, have I been talking too fast today? You know what it is? It's my tea levels. Alright, once again, took my male vitality stack with breakfast. Odd woke up and made croissants. Look, we're going to get to Europe here in a moment. Obviously, you know I speak European now. She made croissants. That's how you say that in German or whatever. She made croissants and they were delicious. And I washed those down and my scrambled eggs down. And my male vitality stacked down with a glass of orange juice. And now I'm all pumped up. Listen, gentlemen. You want to be full of energy at the end of the day? Have your mind working a mile a minute? Not ADHD like me, but just feeling better?, boys. Male vitality stacks for all of us. All natural herbal supplements., huge discounts on subscriptions. So don't pay full price like a chump. promo code Jesse. All right? This was an embarrassing moment. Mr. Her classified documents were found at the Penn Biden Center. That's correct. They were found in President Biden's garage. In Wilmington, Delaware, yes. And in his basement, Dan? Also in the same home, yes. And his main floor office? Correct. And his third floor, Dan? Correct. At the University of Delaware? Correct. And at the Biden Institute. Correct. Basically, everywhere. All right. Dear balding oracle. I just spent an extended period of time in Europe. Visiting five different countries. I know you were recently there as well. Is it no longer hearsay to say living in Europe is better than living in the United States? I love my state and my country, but it feels safer and more capitalistic in many parts of Europe than it does here. Curious what your take on life in America versus Europe is. Thanks. Okay. This is something I'm not insulting this guy in particular because this is something fairly universal. And I don't know when this became a thing or why this became a thing, but this is a thing with Americans who go to Europe. And I know it's a thing because I watched my own family do it when we went to Europe at Christmas time. Americans when they go to Europe, they will see things that are different there. And honestly, some things are better there. And I'll be honest about that in a moment. But they begin to say things like it's just better here. This is better here. It's better over here. This is better over here. It allowed me to explain why you think that and I'll acknowledge some things that they do do pretty well over there. Maybe better than us. But let me explain this. I want you to picture you're going to New York City. And you're going to New York City to live. You're going to go live in New York City. You're not visiting. You're going to live in New York City. And you make $100,000 a year. Obviously, that's great money. Normally, except in New York City, you will quickly find out that you're $100,000 a year. It does not go very far. And so in New York City, your experience will be you will have an apartment. It will not be a nice apartment and it will not be a big apartment. And because it's not very nice and not very big, you're going to have some ratty neighbors. Maybe even a little bit of a dangerous neighborhood. You have to get to and from work every day. You can't really afford to cab it or Uber it. So you find yourself walking about 10 blocks every day. A lot of homelessness. It's getting loud. There was a crazy guy assaulting a woman on the subway this morning. You didn't feel safe. And this becomes your life in New York City. You rarely go out to eat. You don't have the money to do that. It's a lot of Kraft Mac and top ramen. Okay. So you have your picture of your mind. I'm going somewhere with this. Stay with me. All right. So for you, the transplant to New York City, how has New York City been? What's the New York City experience been for you? Right? Not so much, right? Okay. Now set that aside. Let's set that aside. You are going to New York City. But hold up. Hold up. You're not moving there or anything like that. You just won a trip to New York City. Airfare has already been covered. They are going to put you up in the nicest hotel in New York City. What's a nice hotel? The Plaza. It's a famous one. It's the one from Home Alone. They're putting you up in the plan. I'm sure that's not the nicest one anymore. It doesn't matter. They're putting you up in the penthouse, in the Plaza Hotel in New York City. And you will have a, what's a ridiculous amount of money? $5,000 a day over the extended weekend to go out and shop and buy food and eat steaks and go to do tourist stuff and whatnot. Okay. So you just did three days in New York City like that. And you're getting ready to fly back home. What's your impression of New York City? Did you come away from New York City thinking, "Man, this place is sweet." Of course you did. Why? What's the difference? There's a huge, huge difference between visiting a place and doing fun, touristy things for a week versus actually living that way day in and day out and living the life of a normal citizen. The American, and I'm not insulting Americans. It's very common. Other countries do this too. But as an American, like at Christmas time, we went to Germany in France. Remember we went to Germany in France. Well, did I experience life as a German citizen? No, we were on the Rhine River, stopping by these pretty little river villages. Hey, can I have a German beer in a bratwurst? And then afterwards I get right back on the boat and cruise up to the next little river to have a special pastry, Jesse. Am I living the life of a German citizen? Do I have an accurate view on what it's like to be a German citizen? Because I did a week-long river cruise in Germany? I don't have any idea what it's like to be a real German citizen. We went to Paris when it was done. Because we wanted to see Paris. We always wanted to see Paris. And I think we were there for two days, two or three days. And we stayed in a pretty nice hotel. And we were down by the Louvre and all the artsy fartsy crap in Paris. And so we'd walk out of our hotel and we'd walk down. And there's a wonderful little artist. And there's a restaurant right here in that store. And it's very nice. And everyone was very polite. Now, do I know what it's like to live in Paris? I don't have any idea. None. I visited for a weekend. This is what we do when it comes to Europe. We visit. And it gives us a false sense of what it's like to live there. We're not living there. We're visiting there. Now, I said all that to say this. I do acknowledge there are some things that are better. Our food really is poison here. It really is with the preservatives and everything we put in our food. Food really does. You can taste the freshness. You can taste the difference over there. They're not as peeled out as we are because the big pharma companies aren't really allowed to do what they're allowed to do there. That said, there's no place like home. Believe me, you'd move there. And in a year, you would miss the United States of America. Visit. Have fun. Enjoy yourself. Enjoy the bratwurst. Have a beer. But then come back home. All right. All right. We'll be back. Hello. It is Ryan and I was on a flight the other day playing one of my favorite social spin slot games on Chumba I looked over the person sitting next to me and you know what they were doing. They were also playing Chumba Casino. Go incidents? I think not. Everybody's loving having fun with it. Chumba Casino is home to hundreds of casino style games that you can play for free any time, anywhere, even at 30,000 feet. 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