Jesse Kelly Show

Lawsuits Against Trump; How Letitia James Views Herself

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16 Mar 2024
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Hello, it is Ryan and I was on a flight the other day playing one of my favorite social spin slot games on Chumba Casino calm I looked over the person sitting next to me and you know what they were doing. They're also playing Chumba Casino Go incidents. I think not everybody's loving having fun with it Chumba Casino is home to hundreds of casino style games that you can play for free anytime anywhere even at 30,000 feet So sign up now at Chumba Casino calm to claim your free welcome bonus. That's Chumba Casino calm and live the Chumba life necessary Voigtability by loss in terms of conditions 18 plus Jesse Kelly show final hour of the Jesse Kelly show on a Friday I hope you are ready to enjoy and embrace your weekend and all that is good out there Remember to be grateful for things. I'm grateful We still have another hour to discuss NGOs and the lawsuits against Trump more stuff about the illegals the overton windows So many other things and let's tackle something right off the bat this hour. Hey, Jesse After terrible COVID response and poor staffing pics, I was ready to move on from Trump With all the frivolous lawsuits and especially LaTisha James tweeting out how much money she's trying to steal from Trump I would be willing to crawl over broken glass to vote for him Do you think it's working the same? Unnormy norms and his name is Rick. Yes, I do Yes, I do the the communist has many advantages and we've discussed those many many times but one of the disadvantages the communist has is He can't help himself Because he's a religious zealot. He can't help himself The communist is very very rarely able to put the brakes on himself If they were smart and coordinated, which they were not we'll get into that in a minute They would have taken one Trump case and Maybe pursue that this year maybe even that probably would have been a mistake, but remember this They're not alternating they're competing Alvin Bragg is competing with LaTisha James who's competing with Fannie Willis She's competing with Jack Smith all the various commie legal entities are Competing with each other trying to be the one who takes the man down these people have in their heads Created this Nazi dictator image of Donald Trump That's nowhere close to reality even if you hate his guts That's not even close to what he is but in their minds. They've created that image. They've created this ultimate devil and They understand there are going to be Generous rewards waiting for the communists who actually takes him down That's what they're all going for but what they can't see is What it looks like to the people outside of their circles if you're uh, Alvin Bragg Alvin Bragg is a committee communist that has been for a long time He's the DA of New York City because George Soros Recognized his communist leanings backed him financially and now he's the head the big cheese the legal cheese in New York City Who does Alvin Bragg work with every day? Other communists. That's who he would staff his office with that's who he has staffed his office with Pro crime pro rape pro murder communists. That's who he works with. Okay. That's who he works with What about his home life? Do you think Alvin Bragg when he gets off work every day goes home and Sits down and spends time with his arch conservative father who talks about the greatness of America Do you think Alvin Bragg has a single person in his life that can give him perspective on things? No, of course not. He lives works worships only around other committed communists So he can't see the forest through the trees These people can't see how it looks to normal Americans to people around the world to take the Republican nominee and Charge him with Rico charges and some of the most ridiculous things in the world But again, it's one look they have many advantages they stick together. They're very passionate There are many many many advantages the communist does have But one of the ultimate disadvantages that gets him into trouble and it has historically time and time and time and time again As he can't help himself he can't put a check on himself he He just can't do it. He can't make himself stop That's a good thing and no, you're not near alone look Remember the primary polling right Trump was always ahead in the primary polling, but people seem to forget After heavy deed won his reelection in Florida, and he was doing all these things everyone loved in Florida He's still doing all these you say these things everyone loved they were I think it was 10 11 points So obviously that's a comfortable lead for Trump but primary was 10 11 points and it was all trending they were getting closer and closer and Then you can track all this go back and look at it and then boom first Trump indictment dropped I don't think the race was ever within 30 points after that that was the bridge too far for so many people What no you're not gonna destroy our guy. Nope team Trump now The communist tries to stop him and because he can't help himself with his own mental illness He ends up screwing the thing up. Hey, that's all on these same minds. Hey Jesse Will the system allow Trump to win in? 2024 having been so success successful shifting the overton window in 2020 Will they want another Trump term so they can do the same in 2028? Will they allow him to win in 2024? Okay? Well There's no need to bring everybody down, right? We don't have to bring everybody down Let's have a talk about this. I have believed for the longest time and I still believe that they will not I hope To God. I'm wrong about that. I Have great concerns about Donald Trump's personal safety. I've been very honest with you about that many times Jesse that's crazy. You're being a wing nut really read a history book That's what happens to people read a history book. I'm worried about his personal safety. I am no I don't have any inside knowledge on that. I am worried that someone's gonna hurt him I am worried they're gonna find a way to get through one of these ridiculous criminal cases and throw him into prison. I Am very worried that the system will not allow a second Donald Trump presidency and I'm going to get increasing the word as we get closer and closer to the election if These poll numbers don't start looking better for Joe as of right now Joe Biden is not within the margin of error in any of the swing states That's how badly Joe Biden is polling right now. If we get to August September What if those poll numbers look worse? What if Donald Trump's re-election? Almost starts to look like a guarantee. I call it a re-election. I guess that doesn't count because he was out of it But you know what I mean? What if Donald Trump is up not six or seven in all the swing states like he is now What if Donald Trump is up 10? 12 points in Michigan Pennsylvania, Wisconsin. I'm not saying I'm not predicting that I'm doing a what if What if things keep going to crap here because we know on some level it will remember they're not going to close the border They're not going to make any real adjustments that would improve your life. They're not allowed to they're busy trying to destroy your life, so they're not going to make adjustments like that What if What if it looks like a blowout in September What are they going to do? I don't know I don't have the answer to that question. I don't know But I do know These people are very very very fearful at a Hopefully more educated Trump and what I mean educated educated about how evil the system is These people are fearful of a second run at that. What will he do next time? I don't know and I don't know the answer to that question either, right? I don't know that whether or not we're gonna get a bunch of normal swampy dorks like we did last time in there Who won't reform anything? Maybe we will I don't know but I know on the left They've convinced themselves whether it's true or not that there will be real reforms that come will they allow him to win? I don't know I Have always believed that they will not and I hope to God. I'm wrong about this Don't think if he ends up winning you're gonna send me an email and be like ah ha ha you were wrong And I'll be like mad about that. I'll be thrilled. I'm dying to be wrong. I hope I'm wrong Jesse Why do red states red state governments allow these NGOs to operate illegal alien smuggling and their jurisdictions? Why are they not ordering them rated arrested and charged with human trafficking? It seems like a simple solution Red state AGs are A huge problem and red state governors and a lot of this look here I'll pair this with another with another email here Jesse you always say you get the government you deserve well I voted for Dan you banks, but I got that card carrying loser Roger wicker. He's from Mississippi I also see Nikki Haley get more votes than every D I'm thinking Mississippi isn't as red as we thought we can't rely on the SEC states Who can we rely on his name is Ken? Okay? I? Rants all the time about reforming red state GOP's For exactly this reason they're not a little behind They're a million miles behind on the things they should be doing They don't view themselves as they should view themselves And we're gonna talk about that in just a moment when it comes to AGs and stuff that they should be doing before we talk about that Let me talk to you about your cell phone Then we talked to you about this new soundboard item Chris and Michael put on it. This is not an attempt to ban tiktok It's attempt to make tiktok better tiktok toe a winner Makes total sense makes total sense right tiktok toe Switch to pure talk you see you were a loser now that you have a rise in AT&T AT&T or T-Mobile you're funding dirtball communist companies That's being a loser, but pure talk is the patriotic cell phone company on the same 5g network That's how you go from being a loser to a winner. Do you want to play tiktok toe not an attempt to ban tiktok It's attempt to make tiktok better tiktok toe a winner a winner tiktok toe switch to pure talk free Free Samsung 5g smartphones right now when you switch to pure talk on top of all the other money savings on top of the fact You're not gonna send your money to a dirtball company every month Pick up your phone dial pound two five zero and say Jesse Kelly get a free phone switch to pure talk pound two five zero say Jesse Kelly we'll be back Jesse Kelly's show private eyes watching you right through the radio. I'm just kidding That's actually weird and kind of creepy. Don't don't I'm not watching you. I don't need to watch you at all Anyway, remember you can email the show Jesse at Jesse Kelly show calm Question was about AG's these red state AG's and blowing up these NGO organizations these non-government organizations Who work hand-in-hand with the illegals oftentimes in Mexico to ensure that these people are brought into the country They get them legal representation. They ship them all over the United States of America It's really really evil the things these NGOs are doing lots of them are Catholic NGOs and things like that And then that's caused a rift in the Catholic Church a bunch of Catholics are correctly saying. Oh, what are you doing? It's really bad, right? Well, the red state AG's They don't view themselves as they should be viewing themselves. They're beginning to they're just beginning to but again Remember everyone is behind you. You're way way way way way ahead of the race. You're years ahead of where these people should be a Red State AG Generally sees himself as being the top law enforcement officer of the state and we are just gonna get here And we're gonna crack down on normal crime here in the state and do this and he wants to be a normal AG who just does normal things but red state AG's should view themselves as Being the tip of the spear against communist aggression in this country That should be the mission focus of every red state AG It should be investigation after investigation of NGOs that bring illegals into the country It should be you know George Soros should be being dragged through the courts in America hit this entire George Soros Soros family perverse network of Foreign dark money that flows through our politics funding all these murderous pro-rape AG's The Soros network should be destroyed legally By Republican AG's who can and often do Combine their efforts and do one gigantic legal case where West Virginia will join with Texas and join with Florida and go after them Red State AG's should be tearing apart the network that supports American communism and they don't do it They don't view themselves like that. They want to do I'm gonna do things the right way And I just want to do no brother. We need help from you We need you to help us These people are killing us. We need you to help us. We do People are insane. Christian that audio I just sent you this is a state senator in Tennessee These are the people who make our laws. These are the people who have infiltrated every level of power Red state AG's get off your butt and dig in. Well, we see here is drunk on power I don't like that you take this position on this bill. So I'm a silent shoe That's a form of slavery. I feel like a slave sometime in this building I'm over it and all the members standing here are over it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, these people are insane We need red state AG's to view themselves as being Anti-communist tips of the spear because that's what they need to be if we're gonna if we're gonna survive through this And if we're gonna save everything and I believe we can and we're gonna do this legally and locally as we talk about all the time That's how we do this. That's how we'll save the country legally and locally Well, then legally We need the help of the people who are supposed to be on our side We don't look I when I see This AG in Alabama or something like that when I see that he took down a big drug network of some kind Okay, that's good. I'm not not not poo pooing that I'm glad take down the drug dealers all that all that stuff is fine But you should have a headline about him taking down the latest George Soros quote non-profit Right alongside that one and you never see that at all and to their credit the communists view themselves totally differently How's Laetitia James view herself? How she view herself? She views herself as being the communist tip of the spear She views herself as having a job a role a duty to destroy any right-winger She possibly can using the power of her office unless we respond in kind We will lose we cannot win a battle where they use power and we do not and that is the game We've played for way way way too long and you're right our red state AGs have failed on so many levels They're getting slowly, but surely getting better though. Remember again I say this to make you feel better, but also because it's true It takes time. It's going to take a lot of time for the people in this country including people on our side to catch up to you We I've used the analogy about the race How you're the really fast runner and there's a pact that's way way behind you That's most of the GOP our elected representatives the norms and normas in our life Your mom who just watches Fox News for ten minutes every night She's so far behind you on realizing where we are and what needs to be done and our elected officials are the same way They're behind they'll catch up Slowly, but surely we will have to drag them into where they should be slowly, but surely We will it's just they're always going to be behind us Sadly angrily behind us Jesse Kelly show on an ass dr. Jesse Friday Let's get right back to him because we still have so much we have to get to and not very much time Jesse I'm concerned that the communists are going to steal the election in November 2024 with the illegal immigrants mail-in ballots early voting and no photo ID How do we prevent the cheating? Look? I don't know that we can But I do know that the RNC They hired Scott Pressler That's a good thing Scott Pressler's been out there getting voters registered to vote doing groundwork blocking and tackling work The RNC under Ronald McDaniel ignored him for a very long time basically. It doesn't matter who he is They brought in someone who understands blocking and tackling is this a solution? No, but it shows we're taking the matter seriously for sure, and it's gonna help. It's gonna help look We're not gonna know what's gonna happen in November until November. All right, just keep praying and open Jesse no matter what Biden wins the open winds on the open border How many anchor babies have been birthed in the last three years the birthright laws stupid so on and so forth Yes, this is the thing it This is what I get frustrated about Democrat wins have for the longest time been pretty permanent wins Republican wins are temporary wins and this is a great here's a great example of it. What do we get under Republicans? Tax cuts you usually get a tax cut remember Trump passed the tax cut Republican House Republican Senate and they passed the tax cut Okay, well, that's good. I'm not talking on that more of our money. It's good. It was a good thing. It's a good good good thing but the tax cut expires we didn't get anything but a tax cut as In new laws that we had a Republican House Republican Senate Republican presidency for two years and we got a tax cut that expired in 15 minutes Democrats take over and they open up the border and Bring well by the time he's done it'll be 12 million more 12 million illegals into the country illegals they know Will not be deported because the American people simply don't have the stomach for that kind of an effort Therefore the gains Joe Biden has made in his four years are fairly permanent gains This is why we need a GOP that is so much Bolder than what they are they get in there and they still feel like it's 1990 and I'll pass a little tax cut here and maybe a little reform there No, the country is shifting left under Republicans and under Democrats the country is shifting left Under Democrats it goes left a lot faster under Republicans slower, but left it still goes We don't shift it back the other way because we lack courage right now on our side our political leadership lacks courage They still do things trying to get along trying not to be yelled at instead of going out there with the absolute intention to be Yelled at your goal as a Republican politician whether it's local state federal your goal should be to earn the Undying hatred of the American media that should be a goal of yours if you are Going into politics and you want to get along Or you want to be seen as a good guy nice guy You have no chance because the evil people who are wrecking this place are only going to say that about you If you don't do anything if you don't do anything significant unless they hate you you're useless Hey, Jesse the Jewish community has been voting largely Democrat for years They had to know this anti-Semitism was in the Democrat party So why do they keep voting for them just like with the back black communities? It's their constant support of Democrats that has now put them in their children in danger elections have consequences. Well, yes, it does The anti-semitic the Jew hating portion of the Democrat party though is Fairly new You really only started to see this rise up again. It was under Obama. What is that reporter's name? She's dead now Helen. I wanted to say Helen Carter, but I don't think that's right So I'm gonna I'm gonna screw that up, but she was ancient. She was like 8,000 years old and she was a reporter and She got herself in a little bit of hot water I forget exactly what her words were but she essentially came out and dawgged on the Jews those Jews And it was met with all the everyone was kind of shocked But that was only 10 years ago or so the real real is real hating Jew hating strain of Democrat only started to take power in the last 10 15 years and remember something about Jewish Americans The orthodox types the more practicing Jewish types They're actually on our side Two-thirds of American Jews vote Democrat many not all but many of them are not religious They don't go to synagogue. They don't practice at all the orthodox types are with us It's the non-religious types that are not there's a whole history behind that a lot of this goes all the way back to FDR as FDR was really the first American president who welcomed Jews into his administration and So a lot of this simply comes back to tradition like people will dog on black people today for voting Democrat and obviously you're voting Democrat you're voting for your own demise. So a lot of that's very fair I'm not not not not refuting that but remember a lot of this goes back to Lyndon Johnson and a lot of that great society stuff Black people were not voting Democrat back in the 50s. That's not something that was that was happening the Democrat Party evil pieces The trash that they are figured out that hey if we just pass a series of laws and kind of blow up the black family Remember I think it was in the 50s. I believe 75% of black homes had a mother and father in the home We look at America's black community today with no fathers and we say to ourselves gosh, that's horrible What's wrong? It was not like that? It was not like that the nuclear family was held together and the black community was rising rising They were thriving in places like Detroit and LA and other places where they'd gone and then Democrats figured out Hey, this is a problem But I bet you it's a problem We can fix if we just blow up the home one Centivized people to have babies outside of wedlock will pay people to have babies outside of wedlock Essentially, we'll just do this massive welfare state and look when in johnson's famous for this He's very famous for this. There's a very off-color to put it mildly statement that is attributed to him where he said I'll have those blank starts with an end. I'll have those blank voting Democrat for I think he said 200 years or something like that It was it was how long how long hundred years hundred hundred years that that's LBJ. That's why you did it Let's blow up the black family. Just hand them a bunch of checks They're never gonna vote against us remember. There's a history behind all this and also remember this We like to be prisoners of the moment myself included. This is human nature But voting demographics do change over time as parties change values change the conditions in communities change People do over time again always behind you. They're always gonna be behind you. I'm sorry They are but people over time do slowly but surely change how they vote the Democrat party for the longest time has been The quote working class party the party of the working man. That's how they were always thought of When I was raised and if you were a a pipe fitter you were a blue-collar guy You leaned Democrat lots of the time We are seeing especially in recent years a slow steady shift with working people to Republicans as the Democrat party has become more of a coastal elite Slash illegal immigrant party what they've done is they've just flat out ignored the working man You can't be pro working men and pro climate change crap those two things don't work. So again, it's slow It's not near as fast as it should be but the working people are shifting You're going to see shifts in the Democrat coalition towards Republicans You're probably already seeing the early stages of that now with things like urban blacks With with Jews who live in the country who are not that pleased about people like Chuck Schumer and all the pro-homostop The shift will not come as fast as you want it to but demographics do shift All right, we'll talk about some more things some more offensive things in a moment. Let's get to this Let's get to our dogs you know The sad part about dog food and how early our dogs die is We think we're taking care of our dogs I know you take time to choose the right food for your dog because you love your dog and our dogs love us, right? I love Fred. I admit it. I'm embarrassed big fluffy idiot. What do you want me to do? He throws himself on you But there's not such thing as good dog food Dog food is dead. It's all empty calories. That's why it's brown They kill everything in the factory that's in your dog's food on purpose. So it will last longer on the shelf It's just dehydrated. It's gone. There's no nutrition in it You have to pour rough greens on your dog's food to give your dog nutrition Otherwise your dog never gets it. They count crazy. That is we raise our dogs and love our dogs And we never give them vitamins and minerals and probiotics and things Go get a free jumpstart trial bag. You will see a difference in your dog rough greens calm slash Jesse or call eight three three three three my dog The Jesse Kelly show Mr. New York mark Simone Monday from 10 till noon on 7 10 w o r. I Keep hearing that a lot of people are still on the fence about owning gold and silver Have we already forgotten about the bank closures inflation global instability world war three that sadly may be coming look precious metals You need them for various reasons. You want tangible currency on hand a portfolio diversification strategy It's a hedge against inflation. You need value stored value that stands to test the time I know you're paying attention to global events wars bubbling up everywhere countries are buying and hoarding mass amounts of gold Why aren't you it's time to pull the trigger with Oxford gold group and buy gold and silver? Nobody can predict the future, but we can't put our heads in the sand either the Oxford gold group are the pros They make owning gold and silver easy and simple call Oxford gold group right now And you may qualify for up to ten thousand dollars in free precious metals call eight three three nine nine five gold That's eight three three nine nine five gold eight three three nine nine five G. O. L. D You can download the show if you missed any part of it I hard Google Spotify iTunes We're gonna get to as many of these as we can get to here in the end. So let's do it. And now Emails we didn't get to I love this one. Oh wise one. I'm a single woman in her late 20s long story short I took in my neighbor's new kittens after they neglected them women I was able to secretly find homes for all but one in the past two months He's really bonded with my female German Shepherd. I'm not a cat person, but he's growing on me today I was thinking I'll just treat him like a dog and leash him and train him and then it hit me This might qualify for crazy cat lady behavior What do I do get rid of the cat and break my pups heart to save my reputation or risk looking like a single? Crazy cat lady. I'm single and can't have this affecting my date of my my dating life So I'm not gonna say her name. All right, listen ladies The crazy cat lady thing is overdone allow me to explain as As men We understand that there are things you're going to do that are Insane and they don't make any sense And God knew that as well when he made you and that's why he made you so hot I've explained this to what Chris I'm explaining this I've tried to explain this to the wife and she she scallowed a lot too, but I'm trying to explain this more clearly God understood that He made you to be a huge pain in the rear end sometimes and that's why he made you so hot So we will look past these kinds of things focusing only on your hotness if You have a dog and you walk your new cat with your dog Are you gonna look a little crazy? Yeah, is that gonna stop a guy from putting a ring on your finger? No, of course not because you're hot or at least I assume you're hot so it's not gonna stop him. We are so shallow and simple as men the whole crazy cat lady thing is only thing because of these women Who end up being man-hating feminists and men sock and men sock and men sock and they end up with 10 cats in their home And the cats become everything to them and they that's the crazy cat lady thing It's not the lady who owns one cat believe me your hotness will overcome so much for you Jesse, how do you feel about tarring and feathering? Specific to our low T. Weenies we've eat something more aggressive than just waiting to primary these losers at a minimum We should pelt these parasites with rotten eggs when they return to their districts. Okay pause pause pause for a moment one Please don't throw any eggs and any of the representatives. Please do not tar and feather anybody Listen to me. I'm not trying to be a nice guy. You cannot save the country from prison You cannot save the country from jail The powers that be in this country would love to send you to prison. They would love it They're dying for a reason to send you to prison. Look what they did to the poor January six people They were that shows you that the this country was dying for a reason to gather up any Republican They can and abuse them and torture them and lock them in cells They're dying to do that to you too Throwing eggs at your local politician All that's gonna do is get you arrested. That's all it's gonna do You're gonna go to prison your family's gonna be left without dad or husband or something like that It's gonna cost you a fortune properly your job. Just don't go to jail legal and local legal and no and local now that said Our politicians Should fear our bad ones. I should say they should fear going back home. Just not for their physical safety not like that You should if your congressman or senator is a dirtball who's abused you in your liberty You should make things uncomfortable for him in the grocery store if you run into him You should he doesn't get to abuse you and your country without consequence We have previously shied away from things like that, but let's be honest The polite route has not worked this whole silent majority route has only brought us into being the silent minority It is time to stop being silent. I talk we've talked about it before but the social shame system It is a real thing Social shame systems are important. What what are people proud of today? What are they ashamed of today? Ours it's all upside down Abortion's actually a great example. We played this a couple times today. It used to be That was a shameful hidden thing that everyone kind of knew you needed to hide from people today They brag about it on the news so interesting because she gets so much anger Towards her so much Press that's very kind of pejorative and a little bit mean and I think quite racist and here she is out there She has you know yesterday. She did this historic thing where she went to a planned parenthood in Minnesota It's the first time a president or vice president has ever gone to and it's an abortion clinic, but it's also STI treatment its primary care. I mean this is a really a crucial, you know clinic for a lot the social shame system should keep someone from going on television and Bragging about an abortion clinic, but ours is upside down because we have been silent for so long We can't keep being silent. We have flipped it. So yes, make your representative uncomfortable if they deserve it Make them uncomfortable legally always stay legal All right, one more here Jesse If communism started with Karl Marx did it start with Karl Karl Marx or did it always exist? His name is Brian from Queens Well, it's not that communism always existed Karl Marx was the one who kind of came up with it, but power evil people Using people for power to gain power for themselves is nothing new. There's nothing new under the Sun It's just has a different name today. We just have to always be aware of it Now you what you have to do is put your phone down put it in a drawer put it away Put it just be done with it for the weekend. We will come back on Monday. We'll do Medal of Honor Monday. We'll laugh have fun You ready? That's all it is Ryan here and I have a question for you What do you do when you win like are you a fist-pumper a woo-hoo a hand clap or a high-fiver? 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