Jesse Kelly Show

Jesse thinks Chuck Schumer's comments on Benjamin Netanyahu are because Democrats are worried about Michigan in the upcoming election

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15 Mar 2024
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Lucky Land Casino asking people what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky lucky in line at the deli I guess I'm in my dentist's office more than once actually do I have to say yes you do in the car before my kids PTA meeting really yes Excuse me. What's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? I never win and tell well there you have it You can get lucky anywhere playing at lucky land slots calm play for free right now. Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary for everybody by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply What's everything else this is a podcast from W. Oh. R. Jessie Kelly show Let's have some fun New York On a Thursday, you can almost taste it. It's the end of the week Well, not quite but we're almost there so put a big fat smile on your face and it's gonna be an amazing show tonight First we're gonna go from never having any guests the two of them tonight There was a big trial to that not a trial There was a legal proceeding today about the Trump documents case in Florida Julie Kelly was actually there And she's joining us about a half hour now. She's gonna give us an update what happened there I don't know what she was there. So we'll talk to Julie Selena Zito's on the ground. What's happening with the Elector it which way are they leaning they hate Biden do they hate this they'll go talk to her about that But we have more We have great news actually I have great news. I'm gonna open the show with there's terrible news about illegal immigration Great news about Don Lemon getting fired terrible news about Hey, Wisconsin Supreme Court seat that we should have won and didn't we get to laugh at communists getting burned by their own Communism I remain convinced that Boeing is under attack all that emails so much more is coming up tonight on the world Famous Jesse Kelly show, but I want to begin here today Because something happened to happen today and it's Wonderful and so many people are not getting it. They're misinterpreting it Chuck Schumer New York Senator Chuck Schumer is a very very very powerful man. You should understand that I Know that's horrible. Look you don't hate Chuck Schumer as much as I actually maybe you do But look we both hate Chuck Schumer. So I'm not celebrating that but understand that Chuck Schumer is a powerful man and Powerful in ways that that you and I will never know that when Chuck Schumer Look if Chuck Schumer goes to takes his wife to Europe To London for Christmas time or something like that if Chuck Schumer Once a private dinner with the PM That's probably something that he can make happen with a couple phone calls as power if Chuck Schumer wants to be on a Private jet this afternoon flying. He's leaving New York. He wants to go to Napa Valley That's where rich people go and he wants to go fly out there for a glass of wine and a steak at his favorite restaurant That's probably something he can make happen Chuck Schumer is one of the most powerful people Politicians in the United States of America by a mile To be the Senate majority leader is a big deal billions and billions let's be frank trillions at his fingertips and Chuck Schumer rose to that spot By being the ultimate company man When I say company man, I mean the ultimate Democrat remember now I'm going somewhere with this just stay with me you rise to these incredible positions of power within the two major parties By raising a ton of money for the party and Handing that money out as favors to other people who are running Therefore what you know about Chuck Schumer is this he has raised Gigantic sums of money for Democrats He has handed that money out to various Democrats senators and House members when they were running in hard races When they needed help Chuck Schumer was there with the checkbook and what he has bought himself is a ton of favors that's how you end up getting voted into leadership so Chuck Schumer is Mr. Democrat the ultimate Democrat and Chuck Schumer shocked Not just Americans on both sides today Around the world people were listening to these comments from Chuck Schumer made from the Senate floor as a lifelong supporter of Israel It has become clear to me the Netanyahu coalition no longer fits the needs of Israel after October 7th The world has changed radically since then and the Israeli people are being stifled right now By a governing vision that is stuck in the past Nobody expects Prime Minister Netanyahu to do the things that must be done to break the cycle of myelas to preserve Israel's credibility on the world stage and to work towards a two-state solution if He were to disavow ministers smote Rick and Ben Gavir and kick them out of his government coal as governing coalition That would be a real meaningful step forward But regrettably, there's no reason to believe Prime Minister Netanyahu would do that Okay Don't think that that's a small deal a United States senator is calling for the removal of Essential personnel in Israel's government. That's a major deal Israel is Considered to be an ally somebody we work hand-in-hand with not some third world dump that we've taken over essentially that We've colonized Israel's a major nation The senator just called for the removal of government personnel and I'm gonna get to why this is good news in a moment Stay with me, and he's flat out calling for a new election Netanyahu's gotta go this critical juncture I believe a new election is the only way to allow for a healthy and open decision-making Process about the future of Israel at a time when so many Israelis have lost their confidence in the vision and direction of their government Why is this good news? Why am I even talking about this at the beginning of the show? I don't talk about all this Israel Hamas stuff everyday Why is this great news? Well, remember Chuck Schumer is the ultimate Democrat the ultimate Democrat Democrats are scared to death for Chuck Schumer to come out today and publicly call for the head of Essentially the head of the Israeli government. That's what he did on the Senate floor For Chuck Schumer to take that step today Here's what you have to understand He's mr. Democrat. He doesn't care at all about foreign policy because he's a communist He only cares about domestic power keeping his power and gaining more for himself So because he doesn't care about Israel Hamas Chuck Schumer calling for Netanyahu's head should be interpreted as the best news in the world Because there's only one reason Chuck Schumer would take a drastic step like that a step that has been played out on every news Program in about 200 countries on the planet today. Why would he do that? Democrats think they're going to lose Michigan It's official we've talked about this tightrope Democrats are having to walk for the longest time now you already know the reasons I don't have to go into all of them again Democrats have a domestic coalition of Well, I should say it's an odd domestic coalition is the best way I'll put it together What is the domestic Democrat coalition? You have of course single women are the ultimate heartbeat of it They're the true beating heart of its single women, but you have black people you have American Jews They vote about two-thirds Democrat Muslims It's ridiculous the percentage of Muslims who vote Democrat in this country all the LGBTQ freaks They vote Democrat in this country the climate change genocidal nutballs They vote Democrat in this country, but at the same time you have union workers So you have the climate change guys who want to destroy all industry, but then you have the auto workers They all vote Democrats. Okay, so it's a very weird hodgepodge of a domestic coalition Why is it such a weird coalition because remember communism's the religion of the malcontent? Democrats simply find new malcontents and create new ones and then swoop them up promising that they'll destroy Whatever the malcontents angry about so you end up with your if you're a Democrat You end up having a domestic Jewish coalition and a domestic Muslim coalition and this Israel Hamas thing has made it Very very difficult for them to hold those two worlds together in fact. They found it to be impossible So they kept trying to walk this tightrope. Oh, we stand with Israel, but hey take it easy Israel You got to be humanitarian. Hey Israel. You need any more missiles. Hey Gaza. Here's some extra food you guys look like you're hungry today For a Chuck Schumer to come out and call for the head of Netanyahu What it tells you is Democrats have poll numbers from Michigan remember Michigan is a critically important swing state You would lay down and die for it if you're either one of the major parties a critically important swing state in presidential elections. It also has a high Muslim population It's a swing state can go either way clearly Democrats have numbers that are telling them the Muslim population in Michigan is Angry enough that it could hand the state of Michigan to Donald Trump There's no other reason Chuck Schumer would get up and make a step like that today Republicans and Democrats Immediately showed their shock at him making a statement like that It is a shocking statement for an American politician to make even loser dork McConnell came out and said whoa That's so at a line Israel's not some third world country You could just order around even McConnell was that way? So why would Chuck Schumer take a step like that because he would know how it would be taken He would know how shocking it would be Chuck Schumer is being a company man and Chuck Schumer and the Democrats are very concerned about November and That's a good thing. So I know that was a long way to explain why it's a good thing But still it's a good thing nonetheless put a smile on your face. All right All right, we have we have much more much much more. Let's Let's do keep in mind though. There are some concerns for for the future. Here's the economic advisor So if you actually unpack the numbers we're doing precisely what you've said on both fronts We're both trying to raise revenue. We're trying to say I should say three fronts We're we're proposing ambitious highly progressive revenue raises. Nobody under 400k gets touched Highly progressive revenue raises the people who are running the country are trying to bankrupt it So are we operating like that? Or are we not? All right Oxford gold group Oxford gold group will mail precious metals to you You must buy things now you can touch and feel hard assets hard assets How many smart people do you hear out there right now saying hard assets gold is where it is you just tell them I told you to call we'll be back truth It is the jessie Kelly show and it is a Thursday and also you know what that means that means tomorrow Tomorrow is an ask dr. Jesse Friday all three hours dedicated to you and whatever questions you email in right now To jessie at jessie Kelly show calm Ask me anything and we will spend three hours having a good time answering all of that stuff tomorrow Before I get to this news out of Toronto, New York Julie Kelly's coming up ten minutes from now What happened in that Trump trial today? It's do some emails here actually because I have to clean a bunch of these out Jesse 100% agree with you about the low Information voters, but it's not Fox News causing the issue. It's Donald Trump Trump has been endorsing all the low T GOP incumbents as you are ranting about the Mississippi Senate primary The big thing you glossed over was Roger Wicker was endorsed by Trump and the article you were reading Well, one I didn't gloss over anything. I read it. What do you want me to do to? Donald Trump endorses terrible people all the time. What do you want me to tell you? I've never sugar-coated that Look as I have explained before love and hate Make people's do stupid things it turns people stupid What happens when you have someone who becomes more than a man in someone's eyes? You have set people up for a brutal brutal fall and there are so many examples of this not just in politics There are a million different examples of when you make a man more than a man in your mind when he becomes a symbol of something more It's human nature to do this, but you are setting yourself up for disaster You've seen how many churches have you seen? collapse in your lifetime famous scandals why? Because the church became about some pastor some wildly charismatic dude everyone loved look at all the people given their lives to Jesus and Then after 10 years it turns out the guys attacks cheat with 10 mistresses And it all comes crumbling down the church doors closed why? Because the people took a man and made him more than that and because they made him more than that They made themselves stupid. So when he came crashing down, they gave it all up and nothing else mattered Yes, Donald Trump endorses people who are awful all the time He endorses people who are great all the time Donald Trump endorses whoever is nice to him That's why he's terrible at choosing personnel hiring and firing. He's just Honestly, it's not even bad. It's embarrassing how bad he is at choosing people. He chooses people outright hostile to him and you it's very frustrating You know, you know this this is all known but what happens is Trump has become The lazy man's catch all for Republican politics and here's what I mean Not talking about you not talking about you and your love of Trump and America first and not talking about that I'm talking about the norms and normas and I'm specifically talking about many people. I know many people I'm friends with many people who may actually be listening right now. I will have conversations with people and instead of getting involved voting in primaries getting involved in school board races things like that They will take their support of Trump or their vote for Trump as Being the ultimate in political involvement and as being the way to solve problems Hey, man, you see how crazy it's been in New York. I know Jesse. It's nuts We got to get Trump in there and fix all that and these are not this is not morons These are guys with decent jobs and families and I've got various levels of success But I don't want to act like these are a bunch of drooling idiots But they'll say things like that to me all the time. Yeah, I saw that murder in a New York City subway You got to get Trump back in there and you look at him and you say what hold him Wait Trump's running for president. He won't have any authority in New York City to fix the subway What do you what are you talking about? But for them? For that guy he doesn't want to actually do when he work He doesn't want to get involved. He doesn't want to educate himself on primary candidates and jurisdictions and school boards and things like that For him, he wants to feel like he's involved Without actually being involved and so the way to do that is yeah, that's why I support Trump MAGA baby We'll get Trump in there. Hey, that's great. I'm glad you support Trump. Did you vote in the primary? Oh? No, I mean that was race day. I was out of the races. That was a good time Okay, so you didn't vote in the primary. What about the school board election? I told you about it was a couple months ago in the it was on a Saturday So anyone could go and I told you about that and I told you who to vote for did you go do that? Oh was that Saturday? Oh gosh Dang, I slept in that day. Anyway, this borders nuts. Let's get Trump in there, right? He's become the lazy man's cure all for politics. Drives me crazy. Love of Trump doesn't drive me crazy Using Trump is an excuse to be a moron Drives me and say it does and if you vote for someone in a primary because Trump says so you're an idiot Trump picks bad people in the primary all the time Trump's policies are great. Trump's picks in the primary coin flip Sometimes they're great. Sometimes they're not because he picks whoever's nice to him do your own research But that doesn't apply just to Trump when Trump's gone We are always gonna have to do our own research and dig in and find out things about this guy or that guy There is no symbol we can just blindly follow who's going to fix it all for us And that's really what we want. I Understand the heart of people and I understand why people do it and I understand people come from a good place when they do it They just want someone Someone anyone come fix it, please Can you just give me a guy who will save us? I have a million emails a day and Half of them are some version of Who will save us? Is this guy gonna save us if he can't can he help save us who will save us? We have to save ourselves or we can't be safe period all right all right Speaking of Trump had some great legal news when it comes to Trump Julie Kelly was there today for the hearing she was in it Let's talk to Julie Kelly about that next Then we'll get back to the future of cities speaking of subway and things like that. Let's also get to this Let's talk about food. No not normal ways that I love to talk about food Let's talk about making sure we have emergency food ready to go and people will ask when you talk about having an emergency Food kid or the importance of it. Oh, what are you worried about zombies? And the answer I always give to people is I don't know what I'm worried about here's what I do know I do know we're an EMP away from not having a grocery store anymore I know that the people who run the planet are attacking our food supply on purpose They now feel comfortable saying so on camera. I know both of those things are a fact I feel better because everyone in my family has three months worth of food no matter what happens Courtesy of my patriot supply. That's what they do three-month emergency food kits $200 off right now Prepare with Jesse Kelly comm everyone who lives in your home Needs an emergency food kit and my patriot supply has them prepped and ready to go over 2,000 calories a day Sealed up up to 25 years in storage Prepare with Jesse Kelly comm go get yours now It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Thursday And it does my heart so good now to introduce for the first time I'm just kidding, you know where she's on the show all the time Julie Kelly You need to go subscribe to her substat called declassified and she was actually in The courtroom today, but I don't know where there's a lot of courts out there and I get confused Julie. Where were you? Where was I Jesse? Like I'm like where's Waldo? Where was Julie Kelly today? I was in lovely fort pierce Which is About maybe 60 miles north of Palm Beach the president was there luckily I was way ahead of his motorcade, so I wasn't trapped like so many other people, but that's where I was but most of the day today Okay now. What was this today Julie is so hard to sort these things out This is the classified documents trial correct Correct, so this is actually the second hearing Jesse in two weeks for the classified documents national defense information espionage case the special counsel Jack Smith brought against Donald Trump and two code defendants last summer This was a hearing related to two defense motions to dismiss the case One based on the unconstitutional vagueness of the espionage act and two protections by Donald Trump under the presidential records act So while there was really interesting discussion about both of those motions to dismiss what I took away Is that judge? I mean Canon is very aware of what has been happening with the Joe Biden investigation The Robert her report and his testimony this week because she brought up many times asking both the defense and special counsel Jack Smith's team about the arbitrary enforcement of the espionage act and It's signaled to those of us listening. I was in the press room That that she really understood that there's a double standard at issue here where you have a former president who is indicted For bringing home records that he thought that he could Facing 32 counts under the espionage, but yet you have Joe Biden who Robert her as you know report concluded that yes He will fully retained classified documents including national defense information for years But the only reason he's not charged is because a jury wouldn't find him guilty and I guess because he has dementia and She's a scientist and pathetic old man. So she's very aware of the political environment right now And it did not go unnoticed by myself and other reporters Julie can you explain to those of us who aren't there if this thing does go to trial there? What kind of a jury pool are we dealing with? What kind of an area is this? We all know what kind of jury Trump's gonna get in Manhattan or DC? What kind of what part of Florida is this? I? Mean this is relatively Trump country. So this is the southern district of Florida It stretches up from that area was talking about Fort Pierce. I think it grabs parts of Orlando down through Palm Beach So it's not exactly Southwest Florida, which is a hundred percent Trump red country You know the Naples area, but there are plenty of Trump supporters here in fact every time I've gone to this courthouse There are a lot of people there with Trump flags and showing their support for the former president This is not only Jesse not a slam dunk base Slam dunk case for the government because of the jury pool But because of the case that they're gonna have to prove which is that Donald Trump Wilfully took national defense information from the White House took it tomorrow. Lago Stashed it away refused to give it over to the government and FBI and DOJ when he was asked and That posed some sort of national security risk So that's what they're gonna have to prove to a jury that's going to be hot much more skeptical of the Department of Justice Then say of course they would will be in Washington DC Julie again, I'm speaking with Julie Kelly. She was actually at this hearing today judge Eileen Cannon, okay So Julie that obviously was good sounds like no any way you slice it. It was a good day whether it's tossed completely or whatnot That was a good thing. But in ten days a bad thing begins from what I understand in ten days Trump's trial in New York City begins, right? Well, there was a little wrinkle in that cage today Shocking right that now that trial will be delayed at least 30 days because this same Department of Justice an Assistant US Attorney in New York dumped. What was it 73 73,000 pages of discovery material in this case? I'm sure Jesse that was just a total coincidence just an oopsie, right? They just overlooked this 73,000 pages of discovery. They should have turned over So I think I'll come team is actually asking for a 90 day delay. It looks like The DA's office Alvin Brad is allowing a 30 day delay. I'm just sort of catching up now And that trial now it's interesting to Jesse because the big reason why the classified documents Kate that trial was set for me 20th That was kind of put on the back burner as all these issues were sort of being flashed out But one reason that Judge Cannon said it couldn't really proceed with scheduling a new trial date is because of the Alvin Bragg trial starting on March 25th So this will delay even what Judge Cannon and both sides if they're trying to settle on a truck new trial date In Florida this will push that back even more Lots of moving parts here as you could see Julie can you explain and I know this is gonna this is stupid, but but I'm stupid and it's hard to keep all this stuff separate Is this different from his Letitia James his massive business find there's a lot of New York stuff going on And it's hard for people to keep this stuff separate. There's a thousand different trials. What this is different, right? This is the Alvin Bragg hush money Trial in New York that I guess claims that Donald Trump violated FEC rules by not claiming that on campaign forms So that's that one then there's the Letitia James one. That's already been settled Then of course, we've got this one in the Georgia case of course that we got news on that Judge McAfee dropping Certain counts in that Rico indictment by Fannie Willis Still not sure if she's going to be disqualified or not now We have the classified documents case in Florida and then of course we have the postponement of what DOJ really thought They were going to get quick and dirty conviction in Washington DC on Donald Trump for the events of January 6th and 2020 election Interference that is indefinitely postponed until the Supreme Court comes down With an answer as to Donald Trump or any president a Munity from crib and criminal prosecution for acts during his time in office Julie, where do you stand on soup? I just I can't wrap my mind around and I'm not talking about a bowl of chili right? Everyone likes a bowl of being this chili, but I just don't understand why I'm supposed to be enjoying this It's not a drink. It's not a word. Where do you stand on it? I? Understand as long as it has like a lot of cheese and bread in it Safe French onion soup It's passable right if it's just chocolate really good things like veggies and beans It's torture, right? Thank you. It's torture. Now now when I go out to eat you brought up French onion soup And I'm glad you brought this up if we ever go to some place that has French onion soup I will order it and I'll ask for extra cheese And then I'll just eat all the cheese off the top and hand it back and my wife is Horrified when I do this she says it looks like a child is eating here, and I don't understand that at all as you just laid out That's the only good part You are allowed to order French onion soup without the onion just simply the crock with a little bit of broth And a lot of French bread cubes Underneath there, so look I used to be a cooking teacher as you know I've made homemade French onion soup I don't recommend it because it takes like ten thousand onions for one little bowl But I feel like as the expert I'm allowed to weigh in here and I'm on your side. Thank you Julie. Thank you jelly Julie sorry, I'm too bad Julie's on my side Julie Kelly everybody. Thank you Julie You know, you know what? Ob does make Chris and I tell you about that Chris. Can you people eat French onion soup? Is there anything not kosher about that you can't? Have I told you about Ob's grilled cheese sandwiches? Let me clarify. Yes, she will make if I'm just in the mood of the boys or in the mood for a basic Kelly family white trash grilled cheese sandwich with American cheese show make that but she makes French onion grilled cheese sandwiches They're well how Chris? I don't know how she does it like the onions how they caramelize everything She gets gobs of those and then takes all that cheese the special kind of French onion cheese Yeah, I don't know. It's the I don't speak French, right? But she takes a bunch of that on there and she makes a grilled cheese sandwich that has like the French onions and cheese on it Dude, I'm telling you legit. Anyway Rough greens is also legit now. I cannot confirm or deny whether or not it tastes like French onion soup I don't know because it's not for me. It's for my dog. It's for Fred. It's for Fred and you know They really do become part of the family our dogs do do they not? And if you could give something to a family member to keep them alive longer you would wouldn't you don't you do that for your kids? Hey your veggies. Why why veggies are disgusting you want your kids to eat their veggies because you want them to have a happy healthy long life Well, that's why you give rough greens to your dog the natural nutritional supplement that you pour on your dog's food Your dog's food has no nutrition. It's just empty calories your dog needs help your dog needs rough greens Do you have a dog with medical problems lethargic bad breath dull coat? Try nutrition rough greens calm slash Jesse or call 83333 my dog What Chris we can make jokes. It's fine Jesse Kelly show on a Thursday reminding you that tomorrow is an asked Dr. Jesse Friday And you did to get your questions emailed in right now Jesse at Jesse Kelly show calm ask me anything We will have a blast tomorrow also you can download the entire show I heart Google Spotify iTunes That's where you go for the podcast version of it Did you hear this story out of Toronto and I know it's foreigners, but this is out of Toronto, Canada you remember? You remember a little ways back probably two or three weeks ago I came on and we were talking about the future of cities We were specifically talking about New York City But we're talking about the future of cities when it comes to crime and how we're we're bringing in entire gangs now Not just criminals entire gangs are coming in slowly, but surely conquering these cities and I said it was outlandish. I said There's going to be a time When city leaders in New York City, it'll be in the future. It's not gonna be tomorrow where they will sit down with the criminal leaders and They will essentially give them a seat at the table. They will have discussions with these guys They will that's how ingrained violence and violent crime has to be during the revolutionary phase here And people thought that was crazy Jesse. That's nuts. Let me introduce you To Toronto, Canada the criminals aren't sitting on the city council quite yet But I think we all know we're only a step or two away Paths have become more prominent across the GTA up nearly 25% in 2023 from the year prior now police in York region are out with a new safety tactic Doorstops have been handed out to some residents in an effort to prevent door kick break-ins to steal car keys There's also updated advice for all vehicle owners a message echoed by Toronto police speaking at an Etobicoke safety meeting last month Constable Marco Richie already had a new message for vehicle owners who keep their fobs in Faraday pouches to prevent The possibility of being attacked in your home Leave your fobs at your front door because they're breaking into your home to steal your car They don't want anything else a lot of them that they're arresting have guns on them and they're not toy guns They're real guns. They're loaded. That's why Galinski says they will be installing the doorstops and taking YPR's advice seriously Just leave your key fob by the front door. Hey, these guys are gun these guys have guns You don't want any trouble do you? Leave your key fob by your front door so the animals can show up and take your car from you You hear the latest that in New York City cannot let this guy out Jenny Aquino and her daughter Bella are still traumatized and now terrified knowing their attacker is again accused of attempted murder Christian Valdez was convicted of stabbing the mom and daughter on their Bronx fire escape in 2017 the sixth grader was only four at the time But the ordeal left her with mental and physical scars over the weekend the girl and her mother saw Valdez on the news The 30-year-old ex-con allegedly threw a romantic partner on a subway tracks as a train pulled in Both of the victims legs are now amputated Do not let him come out. Do not let him come out cuz he's gonna keep doing it Velez allegedly did this while on parole for stabbing the Aquinos not to mention Valdez is accused of trying to murder An ex-girlfriend last December days after being released from The animals are being turned loose on to the normal people on purpose on purpose to create chaos and violence and insanity because a society that Is happy and feels safe would never accept the scourge of communism But a society that's scared full of angst would It's part of the reason look don't fool yourself It's part of the reason they sent the National Guard into the subway system. Oh, did we do we create a situation where it's a bunch of rapists and murders in a subway? Man, that sounds pretty scary better. Let us send in the troops show me your papers everybody And then of course they took their long guns away. How do you respond to some of your fellow Democrats? Calling the move theatrics that play into Republican narratives that blue cities are poorly run war zones. I'm not buying it I'm not buying it. My job is to keep people safe Anyway, I can I'm gonna keep New Yorkers safe. Hey, I'm just trying to keep you safe Sorry about those troops in uniform in your subway look we had to it got so dangerous down here Jesse I'm not so concerned about who Trump would pick as a run and meet as I am who he would appoint should he win another term as attorney general Seems to me that an announcement beforehand of a well-known hard core anti-communist AG would not only fire up his base It would drive the commies insane Here's the problem this guy's name's John said I can use his name Here's the problem with that with that. Hey, I want him to have an anti-communist AG Well, so do I I want him to announce it Hold on remember Part of the hold up a huge part of the hold up part of the reason I scream and yell about down ballot races the House the Senate State local elections part of the reason I scream so loud about that is again back to something We've already talked about on this show we make so much out of the presidency and the power of the presidency If Donald Trump wants an AG if he's gonna be elected president and he wants an AG That's really going to clean things up and really attack the deep state Imagine if we got the kind of AG we needed who would make it his mission to go after the FBI CIA military to clean out All the bureaucratic scum of this country. That's really what we need. You know that night. I know that so let me ask you that Let me ask you something Do you think an AG like that? Would get through the Senate nomination process? Really? You think the Republicans on the Senate and remember Democrats currently control the Senate Do you think they would let an AG like that? Through do you think the deep state would ever actually allow a deep state AG? To take over the top law enforcement post of the country and again This is this comes back to what I've talked about we focus on the presidency all the time the big cheese the House and Senate matter a lot That's why I've been asking so many people when it comes to November. Okay, it said the presidential polls Yeah, I got it Biden versus Trump. I got it. What's a house look like? What's the Senate look like are we looking at up? How are we looking up there, right? Speaking of which a down ballot issue that we ignore that might mean everything This has been a podcast from WOR with lucky land slots. You can get lucky just about anywhere Nearly beloved. We're gathered here today. Has anyone seen the bride and groom? Sorry, sorry. We're here. 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