The Howie Carr Radio Network

That Rat is High! and other stories | 3.15.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 3

You've heard of Cocaine Bear. I give you...Reefer Rats! Tune in for this week's edition of Police Blotter Fax Friday, where Howie and Taylor recap the craziest stories from across the country...but mostly the Villages.

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15 Mar 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm 3-Pack Special. Everyone loves the Thunderstorm. It doesn't take up any floor space, there are no filters to replace, and it's only one-third the cost of those bulky air purifiers. Take advantage of the Thunderstorm 3-Pack Special at and use promo code HAWAY3. Better strap yourself in, it's time for the Howie Car Show. So very clear there, he's saying you cannot go forward unless... What? One of you has to go. Either the DA and with her the entire office, or Nathan Wade, this will be the easiest decision the DA's office has ever had to make. Who are you gonna believe this judge of your lying eyes? We all know there was an actual conflict of interest here. She made money from this case. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. My grandfather used to say that being Irish isn't enough. Anyway, I won't go into that. Great story, compelling and rich. Who do you love, Howie Car? They need to do something to close the border. Well, the analogy that I use to some people is, if you got a leak in your house, if there's water going all over the place, you don't get a bucket and start popping it up. You stop the leak and then you clean up the mess. Rump swabs, hacks and moon bounce beware. It's... Howie Car. Next time you're overdue on a bill and someone comes looking for the money that you owe them, just tell them, I wouldn't... You don't have to say I would gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today like the cartoon. Just say it's seasonality. I'll pay you when the seasonality is over. That's their new excuse. Was the seasonality unexpected? The February Produce Price Index report, PPI, was released on Thursday, once again debunked, Brandon's claim that inflation is moving down. Instead, the latest print of the gauge measuring cost upstream from consumers showed prices surging. They're surging like illegal alien criminals surging the border faster than expected according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, BLS. Expected by Wall Street to rise three tenths of one percent month over month, headline PPI inflation doubled projections. There's a lot of jargon there, but just figure doubled projections to 0.6 percent advance, 0.6 percent advance, 844, 542, now it's time for the Chump Line. Bernie Sanders hasn't done 32 hours of useful work in his entire life. I think I said the same thing yesterday. I think that occurred to everybody simultaneously. Yeah, the guy's 82, 83 years old and he's never done a damn thing. I think when he was briefly a filthy hippie in Vermont after he left Brooklyn, he tried to be a carp in there. But he was about as good as being a carp in there as he is at all of his other non-professions. The only thing he's ever been good at is Yappen. It may be stealing his neighbors of Washington Post off the front step on Sundays back in the day when people still got Sunday newspapers delivered to their houses. Come on, man, I remember when I was working for Wilson Pickett Ward and Colonel Sanders. There was this young fellow whose pants were on fire and he ended up getting castrated. I think his name was Carr and buddy C.A.C. was there. I thought son of a bitch, I'm in the wrong business. So I went to work as a bouncer at the Wilmington Club where Catholics and blacks aren't allowed. I'd let people in by saying, "You ain't black." Thank you, everybody. This time, I'll press off. I did. I was involved in a fire in Delaware. As I've told you before, in 1973, my beloved 59 Chevy and Palacotte Fire in Newark, Delaware. That's my… But no, none of my private parts were incinerated, thank goodness, in the blaze. Today's Chumpline is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. When was the last time you had someone audit your insurance to see if you're getting the most coverage for your money? Contact Dan or Paul Rizzo at They have helped me and my staff and they can help you save money, too. Get the Rizzo Insurance Audit at no charge, no obligation. I was pulled over for speeding recently. The police officer said, "If I broke up with my girlfriend, he'd give me a warning." The more I think about that decision by Judge McAfee, the less sense it makes. I know, I know. He doesn't want to have to go out and get a real job. He's retired with a nice set of black robes at age 34, but you know what? Sometimes you've got to do the right thing, Judge. You want to hack like you. I think we can say Judge McAfee's wishbone is where his backbone should be. It wasn't surprising, though, wasn't it? I mean, Bill O'Reilly called it on the money more than 48 hours ago. He said he threw out all those bogus charges just to sort of... It was a "sop" to the right-thinking Americans. I wasn't going to say Trump, or is it just anyone who wants to live in a society of laws, not of men? So he tried to give all of us a "sop" and he's just a tease. You know things are messed up when Ken Paxton can prevent Pornhub, but not illegal migrants from ruining text. I've seen that before, but it bears repeating. Hey, Ali, the best thing for stopping Joe Biden's weeks are pampers. No, I think he prefers depends. That's the adult version of pampers. Come on, man. One of the best things about being vice senator is when you're on your porch, you don't have to yell at people to get the hell off your lawn. Someone does it for you. No joke. Did you see him walking in today, somewhere, and he totally looked lost. No wonder Robert Herr treated him so kindly. I hope, as I've thought about that deposition from the special counsel on the day after October 7th, the invasion. If I'm ever in a nursing home, I hope I get a caregiver as kind and as compassionate as Robert Herr was to dementia Joe Biden. Eremere, this is the traditional St. Patrick's Day weekend. Eremere, when St. Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland, Erem, which is coincidentally when the Kennedys ended up in America. The traditional St. Patrick's Day weekend, that's what, you know, Ted Kennedy, when they had the rape case down here in the early '90s. He said, Eremere, we were celebrating the traditional Easter weekend. The traditional Easter weekend was a lot like the traditional St. Patrick's Day weekend and the traditional every weekend in the Kennedy family, getting bombed out of our minds and then grabbing some girls. Joe Biden's family left Ireland when St. Patrick got rid of all the snakes. A recurring theme on today's jump line, Ireland and snakes. So, I'm here in Judge McAfee and prosecutor Willis. They're up for re-election this year. Expect the good judge's decision, save two fannies. Yeah, it's non-partisan, the judge's election, but apparently they put up a Soros type, a guy who has a radio talk show, but I assume he's got a law degree in addition to his credentials in the broadcast industry. But they put him in to obviously scare Judge McAfee. It worked. That was your last jump line message. Thank you for calling Howie Carr. You chump. That's it for today's jump line. The jump line is the recorded voicemail message service of the Howie Carr show. You can call and leave a message at any time between 1 and 4 p.m. Eastern time. Every weekday, the jump line number, if you wish to leave such a message, 844-542-844-542-442-442, press 2 for the chump line, leave your message. We may or may not play it at this time each weekday. If you didn't hear your message or you'd just like to hear a second brand new chump line, we have one. It's called Chop Chumps. It's posted every week, night, evening, around 7 p.m. Eastern time. You can get the second chump line of the day, Chop Chumps, where we put the messages we didn't have room or time for just now, at wherever you get your Howie Carr show podcast. Today's chump line is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. When was the last time you had someone audit your insurance to see if you're getting the most coverage for your money? Contact Dan or Paul Rizzo at They have helped me and my staff and they can help you save money too. Get the Rizzo Insurance Audit at no charge, no obligation. I was pulled over for speeding recently. The police officer said if I broke up with my girlfriend, he'd give me a warning. Octions are one of the oldest forms of commerce known to man. Octions are how economies determine values for assets and commodities. Octions are not a fire sale at a discounted price. Rather, auctions are an accelerated sale with competitive pricing. So, just because your parents listed their house for sale at a set price doesn't mean that you have to. J.J. Manning's accelerated auction process is one of the fastest growing segments in real estate. Manning's time tested approach began over 16,000 auctions ago in 1976 with its founder, Jerome Manning. One of the main benefits of a J.J. Manning accelerated sale versus a traditional listing at a set price? Well, in the Manning method, there are no contingencies. In the Manning method, the buyer signs our exclusive P&S and makes a 10% non-refundable deposit that day. In the Manning method, you set the terms which all buyers must follow. J.J. Manning uses their own 30-30 marketing plan, 30 days of marketing saturation and 30 days to close. No deviations to the purchase in the buyer's feet are kept to the fire. To learn more on how to get your commercial, residential, or land sold quickly, contact Charlie Gill at 800-521-0111 or visit J.J. Call Charlie today at 800-521-01-11 or go to J.J. and get your real estate sold. I'm Howard Carr. The Howie Carr Show will be right back. The Howie Carr Show is back. 844-542-42. Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houghton in Nashville. Call 1-844-a-perfect-smile or visit Taylor, what's the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is will Republicans be prepared to stop the steal in 2024? Yes, no, or I hope so, but sadly, I have my doubts. 64% have their doubts, 27% say no, 8% say yes. All right, 339. On my way to pick up my $23, formerly $18 pizza. Thank you, Brandon. It's only the seasonality, okay? Come the next season, maybe it'll be $18 again. We've got a cheap bastard deal for you, though. If you want to save some money, if you come to Florida or you're in Florida right now, Kelly's Roast Beef, the Florida locations only there in Sarasota, Naples, and South Pasadena, and they're going to soon be opening in Fort Myers. Kelly's is a continuous to operate as they have since 1951. The famous Boston Roast Beef flavor you know and love is now available in Florida along with the full belly clams and all the other great Kelly's products you've come to know and love. And this is only for the Florida location, Sarasota, Naples, and South Pasadena. While supplies last, you can purchase a $50 gift card to Kelly's Roast Beef for just 25 bucks. These gift cards are valid only at the Kelly's locations in Florida. Don't take it to Revere and say how we sent me, how we didn't send you to Revere Beach. Get yours now at and click store. All right, 844-500-4242, 844-500-4242. There's a good column in town hall about the wokeness in the airline industry, diversity, equity, and inclusion. In 2021, United Airlines President Scott Kirby bragged that his company was now devoted to ensuring that 50% of all trained pilots would be the people of color or women. The Federal Aviation Commission FAA had similar diversity, equity, and inclusion mandates for hiring air traffic controllers, including I think they want to hire mentally ill people. As air traffic controllers, what could possibly go wrong, right? In 2023, Boeing bragged that it was using inclusion as a criterion for executive compensation pay from now on would be calibrated in large part on the success of hiring new employees on the basis of their race, gender, and sexual orientation. So, you know where I'm going with this, where town hall is going with this. Something seems to have gone dangerously wrong with the entire airline industry. What could it possibly be? In January 2023, thousands of domestic flights were canceled or delayed because of a series of FAA computer failures. Over the last 10 years, near crashes and collisions of commercial planes have more than doubled. In the last two weeks alone, United Airlines, where they are now devoted to ensuring DEI hiring practices, has suffered numerous near catastrophic events that may have involved crew lapses, air traffic controller errors, or problems with Boeing jet construction or maintenance, or all of the above. Specific details have been mysteriously kept from the public. A United flight from San Francisco to Mexico had to make an emergency landing due to failing hydraulics. Another United flight down from San Francisco from Sydney, Australia had to return due to a maintenance issue. Yet another United flight out of Chicago O'Hare, likewise suffered undisclosed maintenance issues and had to return home. At Houston's George Bush intercontinental airport, a United plane simply taxied off the runway and got stuck in the grass. Another United flight from San Francisco lost a wheel while taking off. Yet another United flight from Houston to Florida was forced to make an emergency landing after one of its engines caught fire. At about the same time, a United flight bound for San Francisco from Hawaii experienced an engine failure in mid-flight. Dozens were injured on a Boeing jet during a Chilean airline flight from Australia to New Zealand due to what officials called a technical event. Technical event during the flight, which caused a strong movement. As Town Hall points out, anytime ideology and dogma trump merit logic and safety, the result is predictably scary and dangerous. And it's not even talking about what might happen to you in an emergency room if you run into a doctor who checked all the boxes but didn't study so hard. Or really wasn't up to the task of sewing you up or opening you up. 844-542-42. 802-2 says, "Do you know that today is long COVID awareness day if you can believe it?" I can believe it. Long COVID awareness day. When is short COVID awareness day? Is it December 21st, the shortest day of the year? 844-542-42. New York City subway rider who shot aggressive strap hanger during rush hour commute yesterday won't be charged self-defense. What about Daniel Penny? Is he going to have his charges dropped against him? He felt endangered. I guess this guy is going to get away with it because the other guy had a gun and the person that Penny sat on and he happened to die was semi-unarmed. He was just threatening people. There's also another reason. I think the guy who shot the aggressive strap hanger. He technically checks the box as opposed to Daniel Penny who's just merely a marine veteran. That's not a box check on how we car. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-542-42. 781 says, "You'd never believe how many remote workers are at Legacy Place in Dediment two o'clock in the afternoon on a Wednesday." Oh, I believe it. How many illegal aliens now are at the Legacy Place in Dediment? It's kind of close to one of the flop houses, isn't it? Are they drifting over to break into some cars? Are you comparing remote workers to illegal aliens? No, I'm just pointing out that as the illegal aliens come into Legacy Place, that will probably drive the "remote workers" to go to some different place where there are fewer illegal aliens. But at least the remote workers are working. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to tell that they're remote workers. Yeah, they're working. They're working about as hard as the illegal aliens are. Alright, 844-542-42. Breaking story on Breitbart. Florida law enforcement recently intercepted a vessel carrying Haitians armed with guns, drugs, and night vision gear. Governor Ron DeSantis announced today. The Florida officers prevented it. Do you mean an inflatable kiddie pool? I don't know, intercepted a vessel. DeSantis said Florida officers prevented 25 potential illegal aliens hailing from Haiti from entering Florida. How many were cannibals, Governor? Can you tell us that? Alright, time now for the Trump, not the Trump line, police-bladder facts for ID. Why do you still read the newspaper? I like to keep up on local news, like the police-bladder. Whenever the laws of any state are broken, a duly authorized organization swings into action. A fact! A fact is coming through! Oh, yeah, a fact! Here's the kind of adventure you've been waiting to hear. Hard-boiled action and mystery. So, stand by for trouble and suspense. Stand by for adventure. You know how police-bladder facts Friday works all week long. We ask you to send in your funny stories that you read online or in the newspaper if you get it daily or weekly. Just any kind of funny stories involving the local police or the not so local police. Just funny stories involving cops and first responders. And you can always send those stories directly to us at And at this time, every Friday evening we read, in our opinion, the best stories of the week. And the two best entries into police-bladder facts Friday get a nice prize. What do they get this week, Taylor? They will get a go-woke go-broke t-shirt. Alright, so what do we got? These are the runners-up. They do not win a prize. Florida motorcyclists arrested after fleeing with will-run license plate. Law enforcement in central Florida arrested a teenage motorcyclist who said they drove... ...who they said drove recklessly at high speeds in an attempt to evade multiple agencies earlier this week. According to a post on the Volusia County Sheriff's Office Facebook page, the motorcyclist Ashton Jarvis, 19 years old of New Smyrna Beach, fled during an attempted traffic stop on Tuesday. Aerial video from the Sheriff's Office helicopter showed Jarvis weaving in and out of traffic at speeds, reaching 145 miles an hour on Interstate 4. They said he taunted and fled to Port Orange Police, New Smyrna Beach Police, Ormond Beach Police, Edgewater Police, South Daytona Police and Volusia County deputies. Jarvis was finally arrested in Sanford after the helicopter tracked him into Seminole County. The Sheriff's Office said that the motorcyclist had an invalid license plate that said will-run and he lived up to it. You know, I didn't think kids rode motorcycles all that much anymore. Ooh, what are you talking about? What gave you that inclination? I just... When I see people on motorcycles nowadays, it's mainly like boomer types. You know, people that have been... Especially on the big... I mean, you see the old guys on the big hogs. On the hogs, I guess. Right, right. The people riding the Japanese bikes, they're usually wearing a full-face helmet and you don't know what they look like. But yeah, they're all young kids for the most part. Obviously, judging from... What's his name, Ashton Jarvis? Ashton Jarvis, 145 miles an hour. That's incredible. He's lucky to be alive. All right, this story comes out of, let's see, Nashville, Tennessee, drunk and naked. Damien Newman, shares his last name with Randy, refuses to leave gas station. 23-year-old Damien Newman refused to leave the Shell gas station. Well, he may be a fool, but he's a half fool. Festler's Lane in the early hours of March 11th, when detectives arrived, Newman was outside of the Shell, fully naked, showing signs of intoxication... No. Officers asked him where his clothes were, but he had no response. Newman was deemed a danger to himself and taken into custody for public indecency and public intoxication. Damien R. Newman, maybe the R stands for Randy, of Swanholm Drive in Nashville, Tennessee, was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail, March 11th, charged with public indecency and public intoxication. A judicial commissioner set his bond at $200, and the Davidson County Sheriff's Office gave him pre-trial release from their facilities. Back out on the streets. Public indecency, isn't that a rather judgmental offense, Taylor, in our new woke society? Who's to say what's indecent and what's not indecent? I guess so. I mean, people throw parades nowadays, and, you know, you could be arrested for what they're not wearing at these parades if it weren't for the parade. Yes. Yes. Viral video shows raccoon walk around McDonald's in Scarborough. This is in Toronto. One cheeky and brave raccoon decided to skip rummaging fat. Fat raccoon. He was a fat raccoon. Too many shamrock shakes. He decided to skip rummaging through the trash and go straight to the source of McDonald's in Scarborough. Do they have shamrock shakes in Canada? I would assume they do. A video shared on TikTok has gone viral. A person recording the video quickly makes friends with the raccoon as the animal takes an interest in his winter jacket before walking out of sight. An employee is then seen trying to shoe the animal outside just before the video ends. At one point in the now viral clip, you can hear someone say, "Give him a burger," which would be adorable according to Toronto City News, but perhaps not the best idea inside a fast food establishment. Many commenters compared the raccoon to Darwin, the famous IKEA monkey of 2012. One cheeky commenter, that's the second time cheeky has been used in this article, noted that the raccoon must have been there to pick up his mobile order. Give him a burger. I think that would be animal cruelty, wouldn't it? Give him a McDonald's? I mean, you give them a burger or any kind of food at a fast food restaurant. They're never going to go away. They're going to come back. I see these videos of people, like a deer, wanders up to their house where they take in this fox and then they release it back to the wild. And it shows up a week later with its entire extended family looking for handouts. I see those all the time. I see that on all the time in Massachusetts and these hotels. I figured that's where you would take it. Another naked man. 60 years old, almost three times the age of Mr. Newman, arrested for indecent scenario on Florida beach. What? An indecent scenario, so... I never have heard of such a thing. Nor have I. Are you going to explain it to me? I'm going to try. The 60-year-old sound engineer went to the beach Saturday afternoon hoping... Sounds like he was a sight engineer. He was hoping to arrange a sexual encounter or maybe just go home with someone's phone number according to court records. While such goals may be commonplace, this man is named Nauman, not Newman, Nauman. His unusual tactics resulted in his arrest at Blind Creek Beach, a clothing optional spot in Jensen Beach, Florida. In response to prior complaints about lewd behavior... It's a nude beach that's named Blind Creek. Blind Creek, yes. Blind Creek, okay. In response to prior complaints about lewd behavior occurring on beach pathways, a sheriff's deputy was... Who could have made a nude beach lewd behavior? It happens. Who would have ever guessed? I guess it's not properly signed because later in the story it says that people often wander onto the beach not knowing it's a clothing optional beach. So there's a sheriff's deputy, he was on foot patrol when he came upon a naked Nauman seated in a recliner's chair. That was the sheriff's deputy clothes or not? I believe he at least had his utility belt on. He had a hat covering his face, Nauman did. An arrest report offers an explicit account of the genital presentation observed by the cop. The description contains multiple rings, a metal chain, and a note advising passers-by to "please feel free to investigate gently." While the beach allows nudity, please report that the pathways are accidentally frequent. Now this is public indecency. I don't know about Randy Nauman and Nashville, but this is public indecency. Well, at least the note was rather polite. You said "please." The pathways are accidentally frequented by parents with children as well as other beachgoers that now in scenario is unacceptable at a public beach. He was busted for indecent exposure, a misdemeanor and booked into the county jail he was released later that day upon posting $500 bond. Doesn't this happen all the time? If you're taking a hike in the Blue Hills, you could run into something like this. Yeah, but I think the hinge pin here is that he was actively soliciting or rather passively soliciting sex on a beach or a sexual encounter on the beach with the note and the metal rings. There's a reason why they've padlocked and then took down all the public restrooms and rest stops, Taylor. In Florida? Everywhere, haven't they? I don't know. I don't really often go to the beach. I'm talking about it on highways. Oh, yes, yes. Yeah, no, no. New Orleans Police Department tackles pothead rats in their headquarters. Crime in New Orleans is so bad that even rats are participating in drug crime. The city's police department is reportedly dealing with pothead rodents in its headquarters. The problem is the result of poor maintenance on the building, a problem that has persisted for years. It has become so pronounced that vermin have infested the New Orleans Police Department's evidence room and partaking of its marijuana supply. Heavy mold and deteriorating elevators, HVAC units, and plumbing are some of the issues that have been plaguing New Orleans Police Department headquarters, but those aren't the only problems at aging police facilities around the criminal justice complex near Tulane Avenue and South Broad Street. Don't forget the vermin, NOPD Superintendent Ann Kirkpatrick told the City Council's Criminal Justice Committee Monday, quote, "The rats are eating our marijuana," Kirkpatrick said. They're all high. And then they go to McDonald's and they get in line behind the raccoon. The raccoon, exactly. Rodans have infested police headquarters scattering feces across desks and feasting on narcotics in the department's evidence room. Cockroaches are also abundant. I don't think they scatter the feces. They just leave it. They scatter scat? Yes. It's not just at police headquarters. It's all the districts. The uncleaniness is off the charts, Kirkpatrick said. The janitorial cleaning team deserves an award trying to clean what is uncleanable. Do you think Kirkpatrick is maybe trying to cover for maybe a few officers who have been delving into the evidence room? How can we prove these rats are high? Right. Have you ever walked around like the French Quarter? It's a pretty dirty place. I've not. Forget the police station. You know, just Bourbon Street. You know, everybody's there. I hear there's a very unpleasant aroma that is incessant. It used to be kind of, you know, exotic and nice. Now it's just kind of nasty from what I can see. All right. So we will come back with the winners. Taylor, correct? Yep. Spring is here and the outdoor opportunities on the Cape are special if you stay, especially if you stay at the Nossett Beach Inn, which is the only public lodging available on the Cape Cod National Seashore. You can visit the Cape Cod Rail Trail on an electric bike and discounts on e-bike rentals are available from the Nossett Beach Inn. You can view the great herring migration in Brewster. It's a one-of-a-kind fish run with swarms of fish. There are endless beach and shore paths to hike and you can watch the return of the humpback whales and maybe the gray whale. Visible from the comfort of the fire pits at the Nossett Beach Inn. Want to warm up after a long day outside? Every room at the Nossett Beach Inn has a fireplace. When I visited Nossett Beach Inn, I was so impressed with how every room not only has an ocean view, but that the ocean view is ever-changing with a different surf to watch. Don't forget, Nossett Beach Inn is pet-friendly. Each room has two queen-sized beds, so that means it's also very family-friendly as well. Sit by the fire pit and enjoy the sunset, cocktails, or conversations. Every time of the year is great to be at the Nossett Beach Inn. It's a short drive to a vacation far away, April rooms from $249.99, and in May, rooms from $269.99. Reserve your room today. They won't last long. That's I'm Howie Carr. If you missed any part of the show, we've got you covered. You know what, Darce? This could be a podcast. Subscribe to the Howie Carr radio network on your preferred podcast platform and start listening to previous shows. An exclusive podcast-only feature. It's actually not a bad idea. He's Howie Carr, and he's back. All right. Do we have time for any more runners-up? I'll read a runner-up, and if we don't have time for the last winner, the runner-up will be declared an honorary winner. Okay. So this, I only read this because it sounds like something that you would do if you had found out about this loophole. I think a lot of us would have done this. Woman hit with felony after allegedly pumping over 7,400 gallons of free gas over a six-month period. Don Thompson, 45, has been charged with one count of theft by unlawful taking of over 5 grand by allegedly participating in a fuel scam that allowed her to pump over $27,000 of gas for no charge. Fuel pumps at Pump and Pantry in Lincoln, Nebraska, received a software update in November of 2022 that left the machines vulnerable to theft by rewards card holders. Police investigation revealed that all customers had to do was swipe their rewards card twice to implement a demo mode on the pump, allowing them to receive all the free gas they wanted. So she kept- How was that a fuel scam? It's not a scam. God wanted Don to have that gasoline. It's a glitch, exactly. She just exploited the- I think it's the responsibility of the company whoever manages this. I agree. I agree. You're right. I would have done that. Yeah, because who am I to go against God's will if he makes this free gas available to me? All right. This is one of the official winners. Men who bombed a woman's home wanted a python to eat her daughter. What? Two Georgia men are accused of blowing up a woman's home and planning to release a python in the house to eat the woman's daughter. The woman is unidentified but is reported to be an ex of one of the men arrested. Stephen Glosser, 37, and Caleb Kinsey, 34, both from Richmond Hill. Maybe it's just me, Taylor. Why did they have to bomb the house? Why didn't they just release the python? We'll find out, hopefully. They're accused of creating a plan to kill, intimidate, harass, or injure the victim. The lengths these two losers went to play out a revenge fantasy is truly special and horrifying. The plot began in December of 22 when the two men made contact via cell phone. The plan included a large python, finding a large python to place in the home to eat her daughter, shooting arrows at her front door and mailing dog feces or dead rats to her. They also spoke about something. Where do you find a python? Anywhere. Pythons are plentiful. Just go down to Florida. They hunt for pythons to get rid of the invasive species. We have a zoning ordinance against pythons. Exactly. They don't want them but they're an invasive species. You can pick one up just about anywhere. So they ended up bombing the home apparently and they were... Were they bombed when they bombed the home? They may have been. They may have been. And our last story. Business made allegedly threatens to ruin dock worker, drops his pants and heated dispute over yacht parking. This was a California philanthropist, Ajay Thakor, a local entrepreneur in San Diego. He was parking his Lamborghini yacht momentarily and the dock worker told him, "You can't park here." And he basically gave him the... Do you know who I am? The whole I am! He's a philanthropist. Have you ever met anyone who said, "What are you doing for?" I'm a philanthropist. Yeah, right. We'll be right back. I'm Howie Carr. (drum roll)