The Howie Carr Radio Network

Tulsi Gabbard talks Trump 2024, Tucker, and new book | 3.15.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 2

Former congresswoman and presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard joins the show to promote the upcoming release of her latest book, For Love of Country. Howie asks her the hard-hitting questions listeners are dying to know, like her status in regards to President Trump or her potential partnership with Tucker Carlson. Tune in!

Broadcast on:
15 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. So very clear there. He's saying you cannot go forward unless... What? One of you has to go. Either the DA and with her the entire office or Nathan Wade. This will be the easiest decision in the DA's office as ever had to make. Who are you going to believe? This judge of your lying eyes. We all know there was an actual conflict of interest here. She made money from this case. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. My grandfather used to say that being Irish is enough. Anyway, I won't point to that. Great story. Compelling and rich. Who do you love? Howie Car. They need to do something to close the border. Well, the analogy that I use to some people is if you've got a leak in your house, if there's water going all over the place, you don't get a bucket and start popping it up. You stop the leak and then you clean up the mess. Rump swabs, hacks and moon bounce beware. It's... Howie Car. 844-542-42844-542-442. That's the number if you'd like to call welcome to The Howie Car Show. Soon as we went to the break, my daughter called me from Dallas, my daughter Charlotte. And she said, "Dad, Kelly's roast beef. Why didn't you mention the hamburgers?" I said, "Jeff Thaward mentioned the hamburgers." That's the best thing about Kelly's roast beef. The hamburgers. Well, you know, everybody has their own favorites and I happen to like the whole belly clams. And I also happen to like the clam chowder. But, you know, like I said, everybody's got their favorite. So, we've got the deal going on. Kelly's roast beef, $50 gift certificate for Kelly's roast beef, the locations in Florida. And they're going for 25 bucks. But only Florida. They're not good anywhere else. I'm good Revere Beach. Soggess, et cetera, et cetera. 844-542-442. They're moving fast though. It's good to see. We have on our streaming service at this time of year, Florida is our number two state for listening. After Massachusetts, it's even ahead of the New England states at this time of year. 844-500. And so it's a good deal. Even if you don't live in Florida, just got people you know in Florida. It's a good deal. 508 says, so there's an inappropriate relationship. Nathan Wade steps down, yet Fanny Willis can stay on. It's the same as Joe Biden being unfit to stand trial, but perfectly fit to be president. That's how it works. That's not a bad way to put it. I don't think. The thing is that, you know, the people make the decision about whether he's going to be president. But I guess you know what, the jury should make the decision about whether or not he committed a crime. Right? 844-542-442-617. Howie Mike Pence was just on Fox with Martha McCallum and she asked him if he was voting for Trump. He said no. She asked him who he was voting for. He said he was keeping that to himself, but he would never vote for Biden. Real sweetheart POS. I agree. I just hate it when these people say, "Oh, I'm not going to vote for Trump." He said, "He's such a bad man." Oh. Hey, Mike, you ran for president. How'd that work out for you? Trump made sure that you didn't lose the governorship of Indiana. You were behind in the polls when he picked you to run with him in 2016. It was the best thing. He did more for you than anybody else, certainly in your professional life. And this is how you repay him. 844-542-442. I'm wearing my Triple O's sweatshirt for St. Patrick's Day. And someone says, "What is Triple O's?" That's someone who hasn't read any of the organized crime books that I wrote. Triple O's was Whitey Bulger's bar that he stole it from the killings, and he couldn't own the liquor license because he was a felon. So he gave it to Kevin O'Neill, who had beaten a murder rap. He was a big fat guy. And he had two brothers. That's why they call it Triple O's. Kevin O'Neill and his two brothers, but it was in the lower end. They killed people there. And I got this guy came in one day to a book signing. I think it was in Soggis, as a matter of fact. Home of Kelly's roast beef. And he said, "Look at this jacket." And it was a velvet jacket. It was a nice-looking jacket. And it said Triple O's on it. I said, "Where'd you get that?" And he said, "I was a bouncer there." I said, "Wow, that's good." I said, "Stand by. Let me take a few pictures of that." And so we took some pictures. I had one jacket made for myself, but it was right before I had the sleeve operation. So now it would fit three people, the jacket. I think I gave it away, finally. But we made these sweatshirts with Triple O's on them. I think they're pretty nice, actually. But it's Whitey Bulger's bar. This is the trademark of the bar. 844-542-774 is Charlotte still working for my distant cousin. He mentions her name. No, she moved to a different branch of the family, but she got an even better job than working for your distant cousin. But she's still in Dallas, and she's still working for that same general group of people. And they treat her very well. 844-542-542. I should do my little St. Patrick's Day thing right now. It's very brief. Don't change the dial. Just like to read the poem by John Boyle O'Reilly. He was an Irish poet, not the greatest poet in the world. He was no Joe Biden. But he did write a poem, "The Exile of the Gale," about the arrival of the Irish on the shores of the New World. It's only a few lines. I'm only going to read a few lines. No treason we bring from Aaron, nor bring we shame nor guilt. The sword we hold may be broken, but we have not dropped the hilt. The wreath we bear at the Columbia is twisted of thorns, not bays, and the songs we sing are saddened by thoughts of desolate days. But the hearts we bring of freedom are washed in the surge of tears, and we claim our right by a people's fight out living a thousand years. Like I said, it's not the best poem in the world, but I like the part about no treason we bring from Aaron, nor bring we shame nor guilt. All right, so that's it. Happy St. Patrick's Day, everybody. Get your Kelly's gift certificates. It's a thing of shed a tear for Ireland, as we used to say. 844-542-4844-542-508. Never mind the love affair. Fanny should be charged with perjury. That's what I think too. I mean, these payoffs, I mean, it's obviously nonsense with this thing about the cash. But the more important thing is she lied. She lied. He lied. She's aboard the perjury of this guy, Terrence Bradley, who told the truth when he was talking to the defense lawyers. And then he's confronted with the text and he goes, Oh, dang. It's pitiful. 844-542-42. Mr. Garcia, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Mr. Garcia. You there? Yeah, I'm here. Good afternoon. I want to ask you a question. Why Donald Trump campaign California? Well, I think he wants to have a 50 state campaign, Mr. Garcia. But I dare say that, you know, when he was out there, you know, what else is out there in addition to a lot of votes and a lot of illegal aliens? There's a lot of money in California. Wow. Yeah. Don't you think that's why he's really out there? Yes. In New York, too, on the same way. It's the same way. New York, California, right? You can go out and win the state. Oh, no. I'm never going away. Yeah. You know, it would be nice if California were like Maine and they, you know, they divided it up. You get electoral votes by congressional districts because that way, instead of, you know, Brandon or whoever it is on the Democrat side in November getting, I don't know, 4850 electoral votes. Probably Trump would get 15 20 electoral votes because they have a lot of Republican congressmen out there. Thanks for the call, Mr. Garcia. 844. 844 542. Okay. Let's take a way. I said Tulsi Gabbard was going to be on, but she was delayed. She'll be on at 433. So we will have Tulsi Gabbard on a little bit later on today. 844 542 42 marches here and so is allergy season, which is why you need the Eden Pier thunderstorm air purifier three pack. Paul Rizzo from Rizzo Insurance just ordered another three with code highway three. He uses them in both his home and his office and he also buys them as gifts. It's not a surprise that everyone wants and loves the thunderstorm due to how well it works and how affordable it is. Dave Henshey has one in every room at the Nossett Beach Inn. Dr. Matt the vets, whereas by them to it, his animal clinic. Not only does it help with pollen in your home, but with the USB cable, you can use it in your car as well. Every time you open that door to your home or car, pollen is coming inside. Pollen can give you itchy eyes, a sore throat or just overall feelings of fatigue. Take care of the air inside of your car with the thunderstorm air purifier. The Eden Pier three pack is small enough to hold in your hand and doesn't take up any floor space. It also doesn't need filters and that saves you both time and money. For pet odors, cooking smells, tobacco, musty basements and more, you need the Eden Pier thunderstorm three pack. Taylor uses it for his cat Gracie, right, Taylor? Yes, she lives primarily downstairs and does her business down there. So, you know, cat smells. Nobody wants cat smells. So that's where we have the thunderstorm and it takes care of the cat smells and any other smells that an older basement might have and takes care of them without any problem at all. Eden Pier thunderstorms back in stock now. Order now at Use code Howey3. That's the number three and get a three pack. Get yours now. That's code Howey3. I'm HoweyCar. Want more from The HoweyCarShow? Yes, always. Watch HoweyLive at He's not just another pretty face. He's an extraordinarily good looking man. He's HoweyCar. That's a little bit of a bromance going on there. He's HoweyCar. Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by impostors with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houghton in Nashua. Call 1-844-A-PerfectSmile or visit Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is will Republicans be prepared to stop the steal in 2024? Yes, no, or I hope so, but sadly, I have my doubts. I hope so. But sadly, 63% say they have their doubts, 28% say outright, no, 9% say yes. All right, 844-542. Somebody says, well, Trump doesn't have a good campaign team to stop this because he just hires people from Fox News who look good on TV. That's not true. That's not true. There's one guy he's got to put in as the reports are. He's been considered for Treasury Secretary of Trump wins. Again, Jeff Yas. He's a big business guy. Mnuchin, the Treasury Secretary, he's another guy that he was in the first Trump cabinet. He's a big business guy. He's trying to raise money to buy TikTok. I mean, Wilbur Ross was in his first cabinet. He's got a lot of people with managerial and business experience. You want to go look at a cabinet that's got nothing going for it. You know where I'm going with this. What does anyone in Biden's cabinet ever done? There's Vilsack, I think, was a kind of a businessman, the former governor of Iowa. But that's about it. Everybody else is just a hack, you know, a box checker of some form or another. 844-500-42-42. Officer Mark says, "Did you donate your fat Howie Triple O's jacket to Jerry Nadler?" I don't remember who got that jacket. I was sad. That was one of the few things I was sad about when I lost all the way because that was a very nice jacket that I had. But I got the sweatshirt, so that's all. That's the important thing. Matt, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Matt. Hey Howie, I'm calling from the woods of Maine. I was calling to see if you knew anything about the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. No, I don't know anything about it. So, this past week, the main Senate, last week, the House passed, and the main Senate just voted to join this. It's basically whoever gets the popular vote gets the electoral votes from. I forget how many states lasted. Sounds unconstitutional, Mike. Matt. It sounds pretty uncountable. You hear about that? I'm hoping the Supreme Court puts their big boy pants on and puts the kibosh on it. I think they would have to, in this case. It's like that Colorado Secretary of State. They had to strike that one down on a 9-0 vote. You can't just randomly change the Constitution, although they look the other way when Pennsylvania changed the election laws with the Secretary of State rather than the legislature in 2020. And Texas raised a very, very pertinent question about how they could do that, and they wouldn't take it up. So I guess you can't rely on them doing anything. Thanks for the call. Mike, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Mike. Pretty scary where Maine's going, lately, with that Janet Mouse. The question I have for Talcy Gabbard, is he pro agenda 21-2030? Because I know her and Dan Crenshaw, the guy from Texas with the iPad, isn't that his name? Yeah, I think it is. Yeah. Yeah, they were a couple of the chosen few from Carl Schwab at the... I don't know where you go with this, Mike. 844, sounds like you're deep in the weeds as well. 844-542-42. How about a Joe Biden Tibetan Plateau story? Usually I don't play these because they run like 55 seconds or thereabouts, but this is a short one, right? Taylor? Yes. Cut 5. I was with Xi Jinping a couple of years ago in the Tibetan Plateau, and he asked me could I define America? And I said it's a possibility. I recorded him as well. I said, "Yes, in one word." He said, "What's that?" I said, "Possibilities. Think about it." This was at the Irish luncheon. Possibilities. Very relevant story about meeting with the leader of China at the Irish luncheon. It's about as relevant as anything else that he does. Cut one. Diplomat Shane Leslie once wrote, "Every St. Patrick's Day. Every St. Patrick's Day. Every Irishman goes out to find another Irishman to make a speech to." So, thank you for allowing me to find you. Mom, it's okay. It's on days like this when I'm tempted to wear orange and celebrate my non-Irish side hug. Let's play the cut from the intro because it's a pretty pitiful cut, too. And finally, to all, they wish they're Irish. I'm glad you're here, too. My grandfather used to say that being Irish is enough. Anyway, I won't go into that. You know what they say? Irish Alzheimer's, you forget everything but the grudges. Biden's forgotten his grudges, too. He's forgotten everything. 844, 500, 42, 42, cut three. Let's go out with cut three. In fact, as many of you know, when I served in Capitol Hill, my colleagues used to kid me because I was quoting Irish poets. They thought I quoted Irish poets right because I was Irish. I don't do it for that reason because they're the best poets in the world. That's why I quoted them. Does anybody think he knows anything about Irish poets or any other kind of poets? Please. 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 542, 42. 5.0.8 says he got his three pack of Eden Pier thunderstorms the other day and they work great. Yes, they do. They're fantastic. Pick them up. Use code, how we pray. [Music] Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844, 500, 42, 42. Sorry about that. Tulsi Gabbard is with us. She's a former congresswoman from Hawaii, former presidential candidate. She is speaking Saturday morning at the New Hampshire Liberty Forum at the Double Tree by Hilton. That's in Nashua. You can get tickets at New Hampshire NH Liberty, NH Liberty She's got a new book coming out next month. It's called "Love for Love of Country." Tulsi Gabbard, thanks for being with us here on The Hawaii Car Show. Great to talk to you. Howdy. Thanks for having me on. Well, I got to ask you the Hillary Clinton question first. Are you still a Russian secret agent? Never was, never will be. What is it like? The idiocy, the idiocy, howdy of, you know, you might be shocked, but you're not the first person who's ever asked me that. Number one, number two, with Hillary Clinton and her friends in the propaganda media, they use this old playbook of telelie and repeat it over and over and over again until the American people start to believe it. It's so insane of an accusation. And yet when we look at what's happening today in this election in 2024, they're using that same playbook again on so many issues. You know, it's the big lie. What I don't understand, Tulsi Gabbard, is he? Why are there so few Democrats can stand up and say, this is nonsense, and I'm not going to do this anymore. I'm not going to go along with this. And that speaks to the other issue, and one of the reasons I left the Democrat party, and I go into this in my book for "Love of Country" through my experience in the Democratic party at the highest levels, is how the leadership of the party today, and I want to be very distinct, because the leadership is very out of touch with many rank-and-file Democrats across the country. They've created a culture where free speech is squashed, anyone who dares to dissent or challenge debate or even question is threatened with retaliation, and the fact that they will be censored or silenced if they dare to speak out against the Biden-Harris administration and the Democrats in charge. It goes directly against who we are as a country and who we are as Americans, and what our founders envisioned for us, and when you couple that mindset with their ability to access, weaponize, and politicize our institutions, like the Department of Justice and law enforcement, even the IRS and other agencies in the federal government, that's where we see them pushing us closer and closer to the likes of a banana republic than a Democratic republic. But they forced you out of the party, basically. There were two sort of semi-centrist Democrat senators, and they're both gone now, or they're leaving, cinema and mansion. Cuellars kind of stood up on the border, and he's been indicted. Menendez, he's corrupt, but he said no to, you know, Iran giving money to Iran, and he's been indicted. I mean, you're right. I mean, they politicized everything. Are there any moderate Democrats left in the house? You know, I know that there are, but it's hard to say because the people who are there are so cowed by the threats that come their way, or they see how people like me and others have been treated, and they're not willing to put their political ambition or their political future on the line. And so they're very quiet about it. I remember how when I was running for president in 2020, you know, I had the audacity of actually calling for the party to be returned to its roots as the party of the working people in this country, the party of free speech, the big tent, open party that encouraged debate and discussion. That message wasn't received very well by the power elite in the Democratic party, but even at that time in 2020, almost five years ago, I had some colleagues of my Democrat colleagues who would find me on the house floor after a vote and whisper in my ear, "Hey, we really like what you're doing. Keep it up. But don't tell anybody that I said this." So it's sad, but this is the reality that we're facing as we unfortunately lack people of courage in the Democratic party and in the Republican party, frankly, in Washington who will do the right thing, putting the American people's interests first, and standing up to the special interests and to the bureaucratic and Washington elite. I remember when you said, when you were running for president, you supported and believed in the First Amendment. And I thought about it, and how can that be a controversial position? But you're right. You were criticized for saying that. Criticized for saying that, criticized for being an advocate for ending counterproductive, costly wars of choice, excoriated for standing up for civil liberties and our Fourth Amendment rights as Americans, standing up for freedom of religion. And as we're talking through these things, people say, "Gosh, those of you sound so conservative." Well, how is it that these fundamental freedoms enshrined in our Constitution belong to any political ideology? These are things that every one of us as Americans should be standing up for and celebrating and promising to defend because they affect us all. And that's the sad part of where we are today, but that is also where I find hope. How we, as we head into this election, it's what I'm dedicating my time to almost full time between now and the election is just reminding people of the truth, of the mandate, the challenge that our founders set out for us to be that more perfect union and what we must do to save our country and our freedom. So I assume you're with Trump. Well, I see his opportunity, should he be reelected, to be that leader of courage to challenge the establishment of Washington in both parties and to bring about the transformational change that we need to see. I am warning people everywhere I go about what the Biden-Harris administration is doing. And I hear the gossip that, "Hey, Biden may be replaced." Whether he is or he isn't, that's not really the point because whoever it may be, we will see more of the same destructive policies we've seen over the last three and a half years. And if they're allowed to stay in power, it'll only get worse. And my fear is that the freedoms that we cherish and the country that we love will become so unrecognizable that it will be difficult, if not impossible, to get us back on track. You know, I've thought about this and some of my textures are now mentioning it. They're saying, "How could Tulsi Gabbard be with Bernie Sanders in 2016 when she feels this way?" Very simple, very simple response to that. In 2016, I was a vice chair of the DNC. I resigned that position, which you're supposed to be neutral in any presidential primaries, which of course the chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, was not at the time tilting the scales for Hillary. But I resigned as vice chair of the DNC and endorsed Bernie Sanders around a single issue. The contrast between his largely non-interventionist foreign policy and Hillary Clinton being the queen of warmongers herself. I saw the opportunity to do what no one in the mainstream propaganda media was doing, which was to use that platform to call her out for her record that has cost us so many American lives and put our country in a less secure position what to speak of the impact she's had on the death and suffering for people around the world. She was getting let off the hook for that. I endorsed Bernie Sanders because of that issue and saw it as an opportunity to expose the truth. What do you make of this obsession with Ukraine in Washington in general, but specifically in the Democrat Party? They seem more concerned about the Ukrainian border, about Ukrainian security than they are, about our US security. They are, and it's disgusting. It's absolutely disgusting because on top of all that, they claim to care about the Ukrainian people and their lives, but they don't. Our government, our leaders have stood in the way of and stopped progress towards peace negotiations between Russia and Ukraine that other countries have sought to facilitate. They have shut down those efforts, which means they don't actually care about the Ukrainian people's lives who are, they're the people who are paying the price for this. The reason why this obsession exists within the war mongers in both political parties is twofold. In my mind, it's their continued obsession with wanting to enact a regime change in Russia. Once again, like we've seen with other regime changes in the past, they have no idea who would fill that power vacuum and take control of Russia. And in all likelihood, what we've seen based on the other players is that it would likely be someone far more radical and a greater threat to the American people in our security interests than we are seeing currently. And secondly, they're feeding their friends in the military industrial complex. And we know this by their words. They're going around and saying, "Hey, the American people should be okay with sending billions, tens of billions, hundreds of billions more." Ukraine, because that money is actually staying here by feeding our military industrial complex defense contractors. Number one, but they're also not telling the truth about how our money is going to prop up the Ukrainian government, which is among the most corrupt in the world, and paying their pensions and paying their administrative costs just to run the government. They continue to lie to us and continue to show us they don't care about the dire needs that we have here in our own country or the well-being of our security, our border, and our people. Ukraine was the first thing that Biden mentioned in the state of the union. He didn't get to our border until 40 minutes end. I mean, it was outrageous. Outrageous and exposing what they really care about most. It's exposing their twisted priorities. And again, it's maddening to see them so brazenly abusing their power, so brazenly undermining our freedom, our rule of law, our security, and I hope that their brazenness is waking up enough Americans in this country to see what a threat they are to us all, regardless of political party and vote them out of office. Because we have to hold them accountable. If we don't hold them accountable, the precedent will be set and things will continue to get worse, and we'll lose the country that we love. Do any of your former colleagues and people you were in politics with say, "Tulsi, what happened to you? You could have been a contender." I've had a couple of people say that to me, but what almost surprises me is that so many of them have just gone silent. I'm surprised that they don't have the courage to come and say, "Hey, exactly that." Because I'd love to have that conversation, and I'd love to challenge them on what's happening and why they are not seeing the truth about what is playing out in our country and in our politics today. This is one of the reasons how I wrote this book, "For Love of Country, Leave the Democrat Party Behind." Because I know there are a lot of folks who are like me, who've been Democrats for a long time, who are dissatisfied and frustrated and disheartened by what the leaders of the Democrat Party are doing, but who love our country and want to be the change, be a part of the solution. And so I'm hoping that those folks will read my book and learn from the experiences that I've had so that we can stand together as Americans, first and foremost, and save our country. Tulsi Gabbard, you still talk to Tucker a lot? I do. I just saw him about a week ago down in Florida. I was on his show, and it was great to have spent some time with both him and his wife's duty. They're wonderful people. Are you going to be joining that Tucker's outfit? We'll see what happens. I've talked to him, and I think they're creating something new and very necessary. I was on his show talking about my book and my experiences as a Democrat and now an independent in Washington. He knows all of the things, as you know, having been in and of that world for so long. But I just really appreciate his independence on so many issues. He has been a voice of courage, unwavering, unwavering, and representing so many people. Tulsi Gabbard, so people can see you tomorrow at the Double Tree by Hilton in Nashua. You'll be speaking at the New Hampshire Liberty Forum, and you can get tickets right now at Your new book is for love of country. I assume it's available now at, or you can order it at other books a million, whatever. I look forward to reading your book, and it's always good to talk to you. Tulsi Gabbard. We appreciate you being with us. Thank you so much, Howie. Great to talk to you. Have a great weekend. Thank you. Same to you, Tulsi. If you're like me, you need your sleep. Not five or six hours. I'm talking about seven or eight blissful hours of uninterrupted sleep. And there's one thing that makes my night complete, and that's my pillow's famous Giza Dream Sheets. They're luxurious, ultra soft, and breathable. They come at a variety of sizes and stylish colors. And right now, for a limited time, Howie fans can get a queen-sized set of sheets. I got to write this type sort of set of sheets for $59.98 and a king-sized set of sheets for just $69.98. The lowest prices in my pillow history. Just go to my and click on the radio listener's square. You'll find this amazing offer in deep discounts on all my pillow products. You'll even get 60% off the original, also comfortable, My Slippers. Sleep better than ever. Go to my to get comfort and savings. You can also call them at 800-658-4965. Don't forget the code Howie. Don't love them. Don't worry. My pillow has a 60-day money-back guarantee and a 10-year warranty. Go to my or call 800-658-4965 and use the code Howie. I'm Howie Car. The Howie Car Show. Howie Car is back. 844-542. So there are a bunch of stories out that the inflation since Biden became president is just under 19%. 19%. I thought I'd be making that at the poll question today. Have your wages, has your money coming into your household increased by 19% since January of 2021? And of course the answer for the vast majority of people is no. It is not. But Joe Biden wants you to know that it's not a problem. Cut 10, please. Wages are rising faster than prices. And now we have among the lowest inflation rates of any country in America. And still we're still fighting it a lower even further. We have among the lowest interest rates of any country in America. May we quote you on that, Mr. President. But you know the rates have gone up. CPI was up. A consumer price index. Now the PPI, that's the price. So the leading edge indicator was through the roof. That was released yesterday. And they have a new reason. Other than unexpectedly, they have another reason. Another, they have another word that they've invented for why it goes up. This is a guy named Daniel Horning. He's one of their, I doubt he's ever run a lemonade stand, but he's a big economics expert now. Cut nine. You know, I won't comment on monetary policy in the Federal Reserve. You know, I think what I can say if you take a step back. You know, our progress on inflation does continue down from, you know, a peak of 9% to the 3% range. Always, I think we've expected some seasonality in January. Seasonality. We didn't expect the progress to continue on a straight line. But I think if you look at what we have from CPI and PPI and now looking ahead to core PCE for the month of February, expect, you know, some continued progress there on that core annual inflation number. And, you know, from the President's perspective, I think, as you saw in the State of the Union, a continued focus on his part of continuing to really make clear to the American people that he has a series of plans that would lower costs for American consumers and really drawing a contrast with the Republicans in Congress. But what about the seasonality? He's taken it down from 9% to 3%. When he took over, it was 1.4%. And now we're supposed to be happy about 3%. By the way, I think it's more like 5%, like it's 3.5 times what it was with Trump, with President. That's the seasonality I want. Trump is our President. I'm how we car.