The Howie Carr Radio Network

St. Patrick's Day, Long-COVID Awareness, and More on Last Call with Emma Foley | 3.15.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

On this week's very special St. Patrick's Day edition of Last Call, Emma shares the celebration of the Irish by the numbers, and one special city lands on top. Tune in for news about Long COVID Awareness, the latest referendum votes out of Ireland, and more.

Broadcast on:
15 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Tretria Studio... American Irish, stick to More Irish to the Irish. It's The Grace Curly Show. My grandpa was named Andros Swittigan. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the Spectator. Where the hills are green, the streams are clear, and the sweaters are so thick. Even the bony-est-fingered nun could poke in the chest and it wouldn't bother you. Here's the millennial with the mic. The large lady had a backbone like a ramrod. Grace Curly. Hello, everyone! Jump in the morning to ya! I was in a play once, a cripple of anishment, what it was called. I played an Irish woman, an old woman. I actually had my back turned to the audience for the entirety of the show. And they brought in a dialect coach to teach us how to do an Irish accent. Mine would always veer into Jamaican. But I had one line that I still remember, "Bitt be a shark." That was the one line I could really. You know, you need one line, Jared, to bring you back to the accent? That was my grounding line. That was my homie. Slap it up, be a smun. Yeah, it would go into it and then the dialect coach would say, "Grace, ya goin', Jamaican again, gotta keep it Irish." It was tricky. Joining us now, another Irish lassie. Emma Foley, Emma, are you fully Irish or you 100%? 75. Ooh, yeah, I got that Italian in me. Oh, very good, very good. And what are you here to do today? I'm here for last call. Last call! Time now for your end of the week, wrap up with Emma Foley. It's last call. Last call. Last call. Last call. Last call. Last call. Let's go. Last call, everybody. Okay, Emma, last call is when you wrap up all the stories of the week. You let us know what's going on in the world. So what do you got for us today? We have a very special St. Patrick's Day edition of last call this week. So, Boston has been not doing so hot ranking on, you know, people moving out of the city, people moving out of the state of Massachusetts, people are not too happy with the mayor, the governor, but exciting news for Boston. Today, we have ranked number one in places to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. Yeah, I've been, I've been to the St. Patrick's Day parade. It is fun. It is a good time. It gets rowdy though. It gets very, very rowdy. As my grandfather Ambrose Finney would say, that's the Irish of it. You know how it's a good parade to situate? Situate's got a real good parade for us. They did not make this list. So we've got a list, there's, there are all different parameters for tradition, cost, safety and weather. So Boston did fantastic for overall ranking and tradition. It did not do so great for cost and weather, but it tops the list. So we have most traditional is Boston. The least traditional is Laredo, Texas for obvious reasons. The worst cost is going to be Anchorage, Alaska. Best cost, Madison, Wisconsin. So if you're looking for a frugal St. Patrick's head to Madison, this is, I think, the start of, for the college kids, this is the start of day drinking season. It's the same. Borg season. Borg season. I had forgotten. Jared, do you remember the Borgs? We were obsessed with the Borg story last year because Emma, you were, I mean, at that point, you were a fresh out of college, so I was asking you, you know, did you have experience with the Borg? I've seen them, but you haven't actually tried one. No, no. Will they come back this year or was that just like a moment in time? I'm sure they'll come back. I think, I think March 17th actually marks the first day of Borg season. Oh, okay. Nice. Well, happy Borg season to all those who celebrate. Yes. Um, safety is going to be Boise, Idaho. If you want to save St. Patrick's Day. Oh, yes. Most dangerous, don't go to St. Louis, Missouri on St. Patrick's. I don't know. I don't know exactly how they determined that that's the most dangerous place. Yeah. Where are these facts from? Generally good advice anyway. And then St. Patrick's Day, whether best Columbia, South Carolina, worst against St. Louis, Missouri. Oh, wow. Okay. Missouri just Missouri is Joe Biden would say, okay, what else you got for me, Emma? It's not only St. Patrick's Day weekend, um, more, and it's not only the Ides of March, which would be today, but it's also international long COVID awareness day. Oh, wow. What? Oh, yes. But they have it. They really do have an international day for everything now. Maybe not an international, but they have a national day for everything. Well, this one's international because it's affecting everyone, although some say the science is still out on long COVID if it's a real thing. But the Office of Disability Employment Policy wants us to recognize, uh, long COVID awareness day and it wants to share resources to help employers understand how long COVID affects workers. And there are some links for resources for employees who hope to maybe return to work someday. Do they have a way, because I know with, with actual, with regular COVID, not long COVID, but with regular, you can take a test. Is there a test for long COVID or is it just kind of a determination by a doctor that you have long COVID? The science is still out. I was a science out, but there's a day for it. Don't we wait to have days for things where the science is in? Because this is the Office of Disability Employment Policy and not the CDC. Okay. So I have a feeling that long COVID keep an eye on this, because I think it may be covered by the ADA in the near future. Ah, okay. That's your prediction. My prediction. And you know, I wanted to combine the two festivities today, St. Patrick's and long COVID. So I found this study out of Stanford University. Um, it was a small study and there were only two, two individuals who helped form their conclusion. Does that make a study then? Not at all. I mean, I hate to sound like a stick. Is one of them here at the Fauci. Um, so this is out of Fox News, a small study by Stanford University, which was published in the journal Korea's examined alcohol sensitivity in four people with post acute COVID or long COVID and it determined long COVID could be the cause of your bad hangovers. Okay. Again, the, this sounds like something that would be really hard to pin down. You know, when I noticed the other day about hangovers, I noticed that everyone, when you get a terrible hangover, a really bad one, I'm not speaking of a personal experience, but everyone has this moment where they, where they try, like, okay, so in the beginning, they're like, oh, I'm hungover from drinking too much, whatever. And then everyone hits a moment in the day where they go, I must have had something bad to eat. Like it must, it must be food poisoning. There's no way that this headache and everything else is just from the hangover. And it's like, no, it is. What's that step? Step two or three is denial. Yeah. There's a denial factor where you have to say to somebody, no, it's just because you drank too much, it's nothing to do with, you know, the shrimp you ate last night, because nowadays, too, with food poisoning, it's, I think it's very rare to get food poisoning, knock on wood. I think most things, they go through such a process in this country that you got a pretty slim chance of that. And here's why I really questioned this study. So the two patients who reported worse headaches after drinking prior to having COVID, so one patient is a 40 year old woman who has asthma, anemia, hypotension, and migraines. Before COVID, she, she alleged she could tolerate seven mixed drinks. And now, now the headaches are getting to her. I wonder why she has hypertension. Seven mixed drinks. Second. It's like a borg. I, yeah, I forget the ratio of a borg. We're going to have to check that out. We get a refresher. Yeah. It's been a long winter. Um, mixies. Hoof. Seven of nine. Yikes. Second, I'd be curious with that woman to know what order she's going in because I find with, with people who are in my being that a big part of it is, if you're going from like dark to light liquor or, you know, vice versa, they say liquor before beer, you're in the clear. I also think that was one of those two people studies that didn't really make it. Who decided that? Here's the, here's the, uh, the medical history of the other woman, diabetes, celiac disease and breast cancer. She is, she's reporting worse, hangovers, post long COVID. So I'm going to, I'm going to argue with that study. I'm no scientist. I'm no doctor. But did the second lady say how many drinks she could handle before? Oh, let's see. Let's see. Because the first lady said seven mixed drinks. She claims she consumes several drinks per week. She's noticed a decreased alcohol tolerance. Okay. There's also so many factors though, like how much water did you have that day? Did you eat a good meal beforehand? I mean. You have diabetes and cancer. Everything factors into it. Maybe. Yeah. Maybe there are some other health changes. Um, good news out of Ireland though. I want to, I want to give a shout out to the motherland on the St. Patrick's Day weekend. So Ireland has been putting out as the, the country is becoming more progressive. They have a lot of newcomers in Ireland and there's also a decrease in Catholicism there. So as the country becomes more progressive, they've got these referendums and in Ireland, all of the people vote on these referendums, the changes to the constitution. So in 2015, you saw they voted in favor of same sex marriage in 2018. They all voted in favor of abortion. I believe this was the only country to ever do this by a democratic vote. They put two referendums up last week and the population struck them both down. What were the referendums? So the first one, the constitution says that the, that a woman's duty is in the home and they wanted to change that. So the, um, the elected officials wanted to change that second one. They were going to redefine the term family to no longer require marriage. So any group of people can be a family. The first one was struck down by about two thirds. The second one was struck down by over 70%. So Ireland is fighting back lately. You're seeing them fight back on the mass immigration and these progressive changes. And so the, I have a feeling the, uh, the elected officials are going to go back and regroup. But right now this is, this is good for the Irish constitution that's been around since in 1930s. I was wondering that today, how conservative, uh, versus progressive Ireland is, like what the makeup is because I saw today that there were some, um, politicians in Ireland who were speaking out against Joe Biden's support of Israel. And I saw that was a big story today because people were saying how Ireland's going more progressive, but I didn't know what the actual, it's definitely becoming far more progressive. And, um, I don't, I'm not an expert on the political scene over there, you are wearing green though. I am wearing green. Um, lots of it too. I got my hat on and, um, but even the Catholics over there are turning more progressive. They're on the side of like Palestinian freedom. So it's an interesting landscape over there these days. Yes. Indeed. Emma Foley. Thank you so much for coming on the show. Happy St Patrick's day to you. I hope you have as many borgs as your heart desires, but probably you should just have one because they're massive, uh, we will be back. We'll take your calls. I want to talk about this, um, story out of Massachusetts, but this is from Bill Malooge and per DHS sources, um, to me and Griff Jenkins, the Haitian man arrested for raping a 15 year old disabled girl at a migrant hotel in Massachusetts on Wednesday night came to the US via the Biden administration's parole program for Haitians, which allowed him to fly into JFK airport and NYC direct from Haiti in June, 2023. We'll talk more about this. There's a lot of detail in this latest update from Bill Malooge. And so don't go anywhere. Take poll question is brought to you by the Eden peer thunderstorm three pack special. Everyone loves the thunderstorm. There's so many reasons to love it. Doesn't take up any floor space. There are no filters to replace as only one third. The cost of those bulky expensive air purifiers. So take advantage of the thunderstorm three pack special at Eden, pure and use promo code grace three Jared Diglio is on the board. Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far today's poll question, which you can vote in at grace, curly is what's Joe O Biden's most offensive Irish stereotype remark. None of my Irish family were in jail. People think I'm not Irish because I don't hold a grudge. I'm the only Irishman who never had a drink or I may be Irish, but I'm not stupid. The jail one for me takes the cake that is currently at 14% still well in the lead 70% I may be Irish, but I'm not stupid 10% for the only Irishman who never had a drink and 6% for people thinking he's not Irish because he doesn't hold a grudge. But we didn't really get a lot from him today kind of like down as far as Irish, you know, luncheons go. No poems. No poems. Oh, there was a poem. Okay. Did he, did he quote it correctly? Was it James Joyce? I don't know. I'd have to check and see who it is because Irish poets are the greatest. So there's so many. He loves to quote the Irish poets. You know, I had talked earlier about quoted his great grandfather, not Ambrose Ambrose is Edward Francis blew it. The that's right. The name sounds familiar. Okay. Very good. Very good. We'll keep you posted on this. That have been confirmed in Chicago. We talked about the cases of chickenpox that are breaking out at Melnea Cass Recreation Center being used as an illegal alien shelter. And I had mentioned this horrific story out of Rockland, but I actually have updates for you. I'm going to read directly from Bill Malujian's tweet here. He says per DHS sources, the Haitian man arrested for raping a 15 year old disabled girl at a migrant hotel in Massachusetts on Wednesday night came to the US via the Biden admins parole program for Haitians, which allows him, which allowed him to fly into JFK airport in NYC direct from Haiti in June of 2023 with a two year parole grant. We're told that ICE has now filed a detainer on 26 year old Corey B Alvarez with local authorities and that he had had a sponsor listed in New Jersey as part of his parole. The Biden administration's controversial CH MV parole program allows up to 30,000, 30,000 Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguan and Venezuelans to fly into the US after they've supposedly been vetted and have a sponsor in the US. The recipients typically receive two year humanitarian parole grants, which allow them to apply for work authorization and live in the US. According to CBP data, at least 138,000 Haitians have been brought to the US since the start of the Biden administration's program in January of 2023. The Biden administration considers this program a lawful pathway and the recipients bypass the border entirely, flying over it instead. The program is an effort to cut down on high numbers of illegal crossings at the border. Yeah, because I don't think the Biden White House appreciates the optics of the mass influx of people at the border, especially when you have Fox and Newsmax and other places. They constantly have drones, aerial shots over the border. They'd rather just fly people in so that you might not notice as much. But this is a really, really disturbing story. And unfortunately, like I said yesterday, when it comes to Lake and Riley, when it comes to all of these victims, it's not a one off. You know, Katie Porter and other Democrats might have you believe that these stories are totally secluded from the other stories or that they're individuals and that none of this pertains to the overall topic or the overall issue. But this is something that happens multiple times a day at this point. We're getting these stories and each one is more horrifying than the next somehow. 844, 500, 42, 42. Another thing I wanted to mention here. So this decision by the judge in the Fannie Wills case, there's another in line of it that stuck out to me. He said this finding is by no means. So he says, you know, Fannie Wills can stay on, but she has to get rid of her boyfriend. She has to tell Nathan Wade that he can't be on the case anymore. This finding is by no means an indication that the court condones this tremendous lapse in judgment or the unprofessional manner of the district attorney's testimony during the evidentiary hearing. My question is, how is it not an indication that you condone it? If you're telling her she can stay on the case, what else are you indicating? Like, what else am I supposed to be gathering from this? Well, what else are you telling us if you're saying, Oh, here are all the things she did wrong, but she can stay on the case. But I'm not suggesting that we condone her behavior. Well by allowing her to stay on the case, aren't you suggesting that? Aren't you condoning her behavior? It's very strange. When we come back, I want to talk about the latest news out of New York City involving a very violent and horrible crime in the subway and how now you have a lot of members of the Democrat party, including Kathy Hochl changing their tune when it comes to trying to secure the subway and make it a little safer for residents of the Empire State. Don't go anywhere. We've got that and more when we come back. [Music] Live from the Aviva Thratria Studio. [Music] Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. Thank you all so much for joining us today. I wanted to mention here, you know, there is a big story last week about how Kathy Hochl was deploying the National Guard in New York to help with all of the crime on the subway. And I talked to Howie about it and he said, you know, there used to be another solution for this. Let the NYPD do their jobs. But I would remind everyone that back in 2019, there was a shooting on the subway and there was a push to bring on more cops to patrol the transit system. And a lot of far left Democrats who have since moved on to other things. They were very much against that. This is from the New York Post. This is from April 2022. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and several fellow progressives vehemently opposed an MTA plan to hire 500 new cops to patrol the subways. The 2019 letter, because they love to send letters, there's nothing, there's nothing people like more nowadays than to send letters to one another. They're constantly sending these letters, letting you know how they feel. And the 2019 letter from the group has come under new scrutiny. Again, this was April 2022, so it was a while ago, after a shooting rampage in a Brooklyn subway left at least 30 injured and caused mass panic. In our view, desperately needed resources would be better invested in subway, bus maintenance, and service improvements. We are urging the MTA to divest from this current model of criminalization. The letter warned of the historical racial disparities in enforcement and claimed the communities of color would be unfairly targeted by new officers. Jerry Nadler and Ocasio-Cortez had previously called for defunding the police. Now, fast forward. What are we in now? In March of 2024, a lot changed, but you know, Jared, the more things change, the more they say stay the same. The violence on the subway hasn't decreased. Despite the left constantly asking for less police officers, let's defund the police. They tell us that, you know, that the right wing is coming up with these stories. They're fear mongering about crime. Here's a headline. Very brawl sees man shot in head with own gun. Passengers run for cover. Dramatic videos captured a violent fight breaking out on a New York City subway on Thursday, where the agitator ended up getting shot in the head as terrified bystanders scrambled for cover. And you know what else besides this headline, which you see these, you know, people being pushed into the tracks and all these kind of things happening in the New York subway. But the other thing I thought of is so in the world of AOC and Jerry Nadler and all these progressive Dems, it's like, okay, so you don't want cops there. And now I guess it's okay to have the National Guard when Tom Cotton suggested deploying the National Guard when Trump was president, that got people fired from the New York Times. But now the National Guard's in vogue again, that's okay. But you don't want cops in the subway. You don't want people to be able to defend themselves. And also, if a Daniel Penny type shows up and tries to help people and tries to protect people from a crazy person, which obviously there are a lot of them, there are a lot of crazy people in the subway, then he's going to get charged with manslaughter. So who in their right mind would be riding the subway at this point? And I understand the sad part is some people have to, like some people, it's the only way they have their only means of transportation. But they really do. The left really wants all of these people in New York to be sitting ducks, no cops. You can't just defend yourself. And if someone dares to defend you, rest assured, they will have the book thrown at them. They will have, they will be punished. They will be the biggest villain in America. If anyone dares stand up and try to defend people in the subway, New York has a brand. Yeah, it's all part of the brand in New York, 844-542-42, we'll take your calls. I wanted to say one more thing in regards to this Chuck Schumer remark from yesterday. It's getting a lot of play, obviously, today, it was very unprecedented. I think it took a lot of people by surprise, not just in the Senate, but also a lot of former prime ministers in Israel are speaking out against this. And even people who are not fans of BB Netanyahu in Israel are saying that was an inappropriate thing to say. So Chuck Schumer, for people who don't know, the Senate majority leader, he called for a new election in Israel because he thinks that BB Netanyahu is an obstacle to peace. Mitch McConnell called out Chuck yesterday, and his point was, you guys always talk about election interference, and now you're trying to interfere in Israel's elections. But this was also a great line from the Wall Street Journal. The idea that Israel is the obstacle to Middle East peace rather than the Iranian regime sponsoring terror proxies across the region, is so naive it's more suited to a faculty lounge than the Senate floor. Now, I don't know though, Jared, because in that case, if we're choosing between a faculty lounge and the Senate floor, I would have a hard time distinguishing which one I'm looking at, very similar at this point in time. I think, I don't think this is naivety on the part of the Senate, on the part of Chuck Schumer. And I think there's a naivety to his understanding of international affairs. I think as one of our previous scholars said, he's an outright leftist, and part of the leftist agenda is anti-Israel. And I think, I think he's just, he's in that agenda now, I don't think there's any naivety here at all. Yeah, yeah. And I think what he was really trying to do there was give Joe Biden, throw Joe Biden a bone. He knows Joe Biden is hurting from these uncommitted votes. And so that was his way of placating the left, and hopefully endearing them, endearing Joe Biden to them a little bit more. And this is also from the Wall Street Journal. The bigger problem is Mr. Schumer's own surrender, rather than placating the anti-Israel left in his party, he and President Biden ought to be trying to lead them. Well, there's no shot of that. That ship has long sailed, so they're not going to try to lead them. They're going to do whatever they're going to grovel. They're going to get on their knees and beg the left to just love them and give them another chance. And what does Joe Biden keep saying? Next time around, next time around, I'll be able to do all these things. And so Jared's right, I think that what Chuck Schumer was trying to do there is trying to tell that faction, as Nancy Pelosi said, it's like five people, that group, AOC, and the other progressives that, hey, Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer and the other establishment Democrats are fully on your side. We don't like BB either. We don't like Israel either. We're right there with you. And by the way, since we're talking about how Israel is supposedly, and BB is supposedly the obstacle to peace, it's worth mentioning that on Wednesday, and we talked about this with Ben Winegarden, if you ever miss any of our podcasts, check them out wherever you get your podcasts, Spotify, Apple, all those places. But we talked to Ben Winegarden, who's such a wealth of knowledge on all of these things, and we were discussing the Iran sanctions and how that waiver was up for renewal, and the Biden administration did renew it on Wednesday, which unlocks, you know, $10 billion for the regime. So what do you think is more of an obstacle for peace? The $10 billion we just unfroze for Iran or BB Netanyahu? Well, considering a lot of that $10 billion is going to go to proxy groups and terrorist organizations, I know which one I would vote for. Tom, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Tom. Oh. Hi, go ahead. I was in the National Guard back shortly after Kent State, and they were going to just put us into crowd control and protection, and A, they said, "You won't get any bullets. You'll be the gun, but not the bullets." Lieutenant, the back would have the bullets, and he'd give them out if you'd ease them. And if you heard anybody, you were on the hook to defend yourself at your court. Really? Oh, yeah. You check into the, and, oh, and, oh, don't worry about it. We're only going to use you for the post offices and stuff like that. What do you make? Real time. Real story. What do you make, Tom, of HOCO, deploying the National Guard in the subways, New York? No, but they're trade for. They have a very specific purpose. They're very good at it. They train on all the time, is to go to war. If you have to go to war, then you would be confused into the regular military, and you'd be trained, but also in national emergencies, whether, I don't know, whatever happens, earthquakes, whatever, to go in and help with the disaster preparedness and stuff like that. But police powers, that's not what we're there for. Yeah. Yeah. And, and they won't back you up if you do something and somebody suits you. And if you get hurt, like, you're on the hook to pay for your own medical. If you get an accident, you're on the hook for that, too. There's no backup. That was the official policy of the National Guard. Yeah. Well, when I, when I think of the subways in New York, and that's why I, in my head, I was like, I knew there were a couple stories that came to mind from 2020, 2021, 2022. And one of them was the one I just read about the progressive saying, we don't want NYPD. We don't want more cops in the subway, which to Tom's point, those are the people who'd be trained and who would know what to do in that situation. And it's no disrespect to the National Guard. But if what Tom's saying is true, then that's not really their, their expertise. That's not what they're meant to be doing. And we do have people, cops, men and women of the NYPD, who could be of use in those subway systems and, and deterring crime. But furthermore, the other thing I thought of was remember when they came out with that home, that way to prevent crime or, or to protect yourself if you're on the subway and it was something like, if, if you're nervous, I'll find it, but it was something crazy. Like if you're nervous that someone's acting erratically, ask them if they went to high school with you. Oh, yeah, to defuse the situation, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, to bring down, to bring you down a couple of notches. It was like, Oh, spill, carry a soda with you and spill your soda to distract from the upheaval. Is that what you're supposed to do when people have guns and they're waving them around or, you know, Daniel Penny has to have someone in a chokehold, he's supposed to have a orange soda on you? But again, so we went from that. We don't need NYPD. We'll just have our sodas. We'll just have, you know, we'll ask people if they went to high school with us. And now we're at deploying the National Guard. And nobody seems that up in arms about it. Like if this were during the Trump years, I have a feeling you'd be, you'd be hearing a lot more from Jamal Bowman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Jeremy Nadler, Chuck Schumer. Not hearing a lot about it. Hey, one other thing I want to mention before we bring Howie on, we're almost done here on this very special Friday show before St. Patrick's Day. Do you see the cut of Joe Biden? He was campaigning and he was on the porch. And I think he was in Michigan, which we know he's having a lot of trouble there. That was one of the states that had a lot of voters voting uncommitted. And he's on the porch and he asks, can I take a couple of questions? He asks that. And then the shoe girls come in. Do we have the sound of this? Take a listen. I always say that I would be great at this job, Jared. I'm starting to wonder if I have what it takes because these girls are, these women, I'm sorry, these women are aggressive. They are not letting anyone come near that guy. Take a listen. We're going to take a few questions. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. We got to go. Why is the cadence always the same? And thank you. You know what they sound like? They sound like the David Spade SNL sketch. Yeah. Bye. Bye-bye. Thank you. Come again. Thank you for flying with us. Thank you. Thank you. So my favorite part of that video, and it's all over Twitter, R&C research has it. It's all over the place. You have to watch the video because as they're shooing the press away, somebody who I'm assuming is a member of the press because he's leaving has an umbrella because it's raining in Michigan. He collapses and shakes his umbrella to soak the shoe girls on the way by and it smirks and says, "Oh, sorry." And just why. It's the best. It's like whack. There you go. Jared, you know what I don't get about that cut? They say, "We're going to take questions." And then they get rid of the press. But we need to get rid of the press. Who are you taking? So is he taking questions from the people on the porch who are just like there? Must have been, I guess. Yeah. Wow. Again, it's this clown show of an administration. Excuse me. It's the most transparent administration in history. Transparent is sitting in for stupid. Watch yourself. Okay. 24, 500, 42, 42, we'll be right back with how we card. Don't go anywhere. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. Today's car crossover is brought to you by ReadyWise with inflation, food, and energy costs rising. Families are feeling the financial pinch as they struggle to make ends meet. Preparation is key. Our friends at Wet ReadyWise have emergency food kits that will provide peace of mind. Go to and use code Howey20 at checkout to save 20% on your order. Again, that's Howey20 when you go to to save 20% on your order. I wanted to read this text or I'm sorry, this tweet from Curtis Hauck, his response to the Fanny Willis ruling from Judge Scott McAfee. So if I have this right, Fulton County Judge Scott McAfee decided to pull a James Comey, Robert Mueller, and Robert Herr, write a ruling saying Fanny Willis and Nathan Wade are guilty as hell have no ethics and aren't good role models dot dot dot, but Fanny can stay. Howey, what's your reaction to this ruling? Do you think Curtis Hauck has that right? Yeah, I don't think that's bad reasoning on what happened. I mean, I know some people are now saying, well, it's not so bad because she's all dusted up. But I think what you wanted to have happen was to just stop the damn trial before the election. And I don't think that's going to do it. This isn't going to do with this ruling. You know, my favorite phrase into this is the odor of mendacity. You know, I mean, it's kind of a stench, isn't it? The odor of mendacity. And you know, they keep saying, well, we can't really prove, you know, because she says she gave him cash back. I mean, come on. I don't think, you know, I don't think that you have the standards here of a criminal trial beyond a reasonable doubt, do you? I mean, whatever happened to the old thing, the appearance of impropriety. I mean, there's certainly an appearance of impropriety. If you talk about the odor of mendacity, right? Yeah, no, I totally agree. And, you know, I said the same thing to Mark Salinas. I said of hiring somebody to be the lead prosecutor and paying them more than everybody else and then going on cruises with them and getting, you know, gray goose and caviar and going to tattoo parlors. If that's not a conflict of interest, then I'm not sure what rises to a conflict of interest. Yeah. Well, well, again, I mean, and the other thing is, I mean, you know, I don't think and the other thing is too. So, so the, the, the judge is pretty much saying that, that he lied. So if he lied, then she lied too. Right? No, exactly. And how my question for you is, is there any chance? So the judge basically says, and I've never heard of anything like this, he says, Fanny can stay, but she has to fire Nathan Wade, do you think there's any chance based off the lovebirds relationship, which I think has ended? Is there any chance she says, no, I'm leaving too. I'm standing by my man on this one. No way. No way. I mean, he's going to be taken care of by some George Soros type, you know, it's, they're going to make it worth his while to go away. You know, he's going to, it's like dead cap space in the NFL, you know, they just pay you money to go away so they can, you know, write off part of it. Yeah. No, I think that's absolutely true. Howie Carr is coming up next. He's got a great show prepared for you and howie, any St. Patrick's Day wishes you want to give people before we sign off here, want to give us a little, uh, brogue? Faith be Jesus, may the road be rising to meet you, and the leprechaun always be at your back. Beautiful. With a little baby Jameson with him. Wow. Wow. Excellent way to end the show. Thank you. Howard Lawrence Carr. Howie's coming up next. I'll see you all on Monday. Enjoy the weekend and happy St. Patrick's Day. [MUSIC PLAYING]