The Howie Carr Radio Network

Biden Backs Schumer's Shocking Speech Calling for Election Interference | 3.15.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Remember Sen. Chuck Schumer's appalling words from yesterday? Guess who's seconding them today! Grace shares President Biden's latest cringe-worthy takes plus more on the Grace Curley Show.

Broadcast on:
15 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattaria Studio... The American Irish, stick to more Irish than the Irish. It's The Grace Curly Show. My grandpa was named Andro Srinigan. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the Spectator. Where the hills are green, the streams are clear, and the sweaters are so thick, even the boniest thing. Even the boniest fingers none could poke in the chest and it wouldn't bother you. Here's the millennial with the mic. The Irish lady had a backbone like a ramrod. Grace Curly. Hello everyone and welcome back to The Grace Curly Show. Thank you so much for tuning in today. We're celebrating St. Patrick's Day just a wee bit early for all of you. And big news today is that the judge who is presiding over the disqualification hearing for Fanny Willis has decided that either Fanny can stay in fireweight or they both have to go. And I think we all know which option Fanny's going to choose. I don't get the sense that she's a very selfless person. I don't get the sense that she's going to sacrifice herself for this relationship, which I think is already over or on the rocks to put it mildly. But I got a little more information here. Obviously, you can read the whole decision a lot of places have at New York Times, Washington Post. But the Daily Mail takes the more interesting, the spicier parts of it and puts it all together. So it says Judge Scott McAfee in his bombshell ruling Friday writes that neither Fanny Willis nor defense lawyers were able to establish conclusively when her affair with special prosecutor Nathan Wade began, but still says an odor of mendacity remains. He calls out the Fulton County DA for legally improper statements, blast Wade for lying in his divorce case and rips the credibility of a witness who couldn't recall key elements of his own text exchange. You know what's insane? Because now, and somebody had said this today, I'm sure I read it either Red State or, you know, New York Post or something. But someone had said that Scott McAfee now joins like Bob Mueller, James Comey, and Robert Herr, all of these people, because what's the theme here? The theme is we get page after page after page of infuriating proof that these people are as crooked as can be, but the decision is always, and we're not going to do anything about it. It's maddening. It really is so gutless. It's like, okay, so here are all the reasons what you did was really bad, but you're fine. You can still stay. As long as you fire your boyfriend. As long as you tell your boyfriend to hit the road. He calls out he addressed a key dispute from his evidence hearing last month about when the steamy affair began, which brought conflicting testimony between Willis and Wade on one side and a former college friend and the text of Wade's former lawyer on another. The court is not under an obligation to ferret out every instance of potential dishonesty from each witness or defendant ever presented in open court. Yeah, if that were the case, there'd be a lot of ferreting in this situation. Such an expectation would mean an end to the efficient disposition of criminal and civil proceedings. Yet reasonable questions about whether the DA and her hand selected lead prosecutor testified untruthfully about the timing of their relationship, further underpin the finding of an appearance of impropriety and the need to make proportional efforts to cure it. Well, yeah, and I go back to, you know, you knew what the lesson is here. The lesson is, you know what it all goes back to Joe Biden's German shepherds. But how grace, how can that be? Well, when Joe Biden's German shepherds first started biting anything they could see. All the Secret Service agents, there's ripping through people's coats, and they were just on a tanger. The White House wasn't very transparent about it, and there was a reporter, I believe he was from the New York Post, and he brought this up and he said, you know, we now found out about all these biting incidents. If you lie about this, what else are you lying about? Like, if you lie about the small things, then how can we trust you on the big things? Now, the things that Fannie Willis was lying about, they're not small things by any means, but it does lend credence to the idea that when it gets to even bigger things, she's still going to lie. She's a dishonest person. Not only is she a corrupt person, but she's a dishonest person. Because when questioned about her corruption, she didn't tell the truth. But I digress, although the judge was unpersuaded by defense lawyers' claims of an actual financial conflict of interest, he ruled that there was an appearance of one and that the DA should have anticipated it. Well, yeah, I guess it's hard to prove considering she has no -- she has -- she's using cash for everything, according to her. She says enough cash to get her through her whole life, she never would have to use a credit card. So how can you prove that -- but even so, it's like -- it's still strange that she gives this boyfriend so much more money than the other people involved who actually have qualifications to handle it. And we're not supposed to believe that she's benefiting from all that money that he's getting, that they're going on all these trips. Like, Jared, if you hire someone you're dating and you know they can't do the job, you know they're not qualified to do it. But you go, listen, I'm going to give you like $160,000 a year for this job. You think when you're going out to get a cup of coffee that you don't say, "Hey, this one's on you more than once," and they're not going to get cups of coffee. They're going on cruises, they're going to believe, they're going to tattoo parlours, they're going to wine tastings. So I think it's more than an appearance of a conflict of interest, but fine. If that's the way they want to say it, then sure. 844-542, we've got a lot of stories involving illegal immigration. I want to hit on one specifically here out of Massachusetts. A man who lives at a hotel housing -- this is from the Boston Herald -- housing migrant families in Rockland is charged with the rape of a child. Corey Alvarez, 26, pleaded not guilty in Hingham District Court on one count of aggravated rape of a child. He's being held in jail ahead of a dangerousness hearing scheduled for Friday. Rockland police responded to the comfort in on Hingham Street where Alvarez lives. Now, that hotel is part of federal and state program to house migrant families, which I think is -- I read something that's costing us like $10 million. I think that's low-balling it, but it's also part of this conversation now because recently -- it was actually a lot of Democrats who were coming up with this nine-month idea, "Oh, we'll limit these shelters to nine months." And Republicans are pushing back on this legislation and saying, "This is not fixing the problem. This is not an actual solution. Where are those people going to go?" And once they leave, more people are going to come and take their places. And then another story from Massachusetts, which is interesting, or alarming on the illegal alien front, is all of the chickenpox cases that are breaking out at Melnea Cass Recreation Center. Melnea Cass Recreation Center used to be used so that kids in the neighborhood could use it for track, practice, and it was like a community area they could go to. And now it's housing all of these illegal aliens, and there's chickenpox cases that are breaking out. And, of course, now they're breaking out in schools because these kids are going to school. And in Chicago, there's cases of measles breaking out. This is just part of what's happening. And, you know, there's a really good piece today. Where do you think it's from? I'm like a broken record here from the federalist, but it's Mark Hemingway, married to Molly Hemingway. And he says that the 2024 elections are becoming -- let me read you this -- says 2024 shapes up to be the "we were right about everything" election. Yeah, it's the "I told you so" election for Donald Trump. And he lists -- and let me go through a couple of these because this would actually be a really good poll question one day. Like out of all of the things that Trump warned us about when Joe Biden was running in 2020, which won -- how would you phrase it, Jared? Like, which one was he the most right about? Which one proved to be true the most? I don't know, but there's a lot of options. So, let's go through just a couple of them. One is COVID. COVID was huge. And Mark wrote, "On COVID, the idea that our strain healthcare system was laying off people for refusing to take a vaccine that we now know doesn't prevent you from getting the virus has been a disaster to say nothing of our strain military in the middle of a massive recruiting crisis." And by the way, there is criticism for how Trump handled COVID as well. So, I don't think Mark Hemingway is necessarily saying that Trump has been right on everything, but he is saying that the Republican base has been proven correct on a lot of things, and that's going to help Trump win in 2024. He says, "Then there's the fact that COVID killed off 200,000 businesses in just the first year. How many businesses could have been saved with more reasonable COVID regulations? Even left-wing publications now openly acknowledge COVID school closures were unnecessary and disastrous for American kids." As for the economy, for months now, leftist pundits have expressed disbelief that Joe Biden is not being given credit for an improving economy. Meanwhile, his own Treasury Secretary is apologizing for saying inflation was transitory and food prices are still 21% higher than when he took office. The average 30-year mortgage rate is near 7% after hovering around 2-3% during Trump's presidency. He goes on to talk about, and this I think now is becoming the biggest one, which is foreign policy. And Mark wrote, "It's hard to know where to begin on that front. I mean, you have so many issues breaking out of right now. We have this, but some people are calling it low-scale civil war in Haiti. We've got obviously all of this conflict in the Middle East. You've got Chuck Schumer calling for new elections in Israel." And by the way, yesterday we talked about election interference. The National Review had a good point. They said, "There's no elections on the books right now. This isn't even election interference, it's worse. It's not like he's encouraging people to vote against Beebe. He's encouraging them to have a sudden election just because he doesn't like Beebe Netanyahu." You know what's even scary? The White House officially, tacitly, apparently endorsed that today. Do you have any comments or Senator Schumer's speech on Israel yesterday? Senator Schumer contacted my staff, my senior staff, who's going to make that speech. And I'm not going to elaborate on the speech. He made a good speech. I think he expressed a serious concern, shared not only by him, but by many Americans. Yeah. They're just worried about the radical progressives who have them by the "you know what." That's all they care about. They don't care about Beebe. They don't care about Israel. They don't care about any of this stuff. They just are concerned with the votes. This is what National Review wrote. They said, given that there are currently no elections scheduled in Israel, what Schumer did on Thursday was nothing short of calling for the collapse of the democratically elected government of a close American ally during a time of war. Is that what they would call unprecedented? Is that part of restoring norms? Until we see a meme. No. It's so crazy that, and let's talk a little bit though about Chuck Schumer because we have Jared, maybe we'll save this for when we come back, we have a very nice throwback of Chuck Schumer that wouldn't support the outrageous speech he delivered on the Senate floor yesterday. We'll talk about that when we come back, 844-542-42, you know, I love my Eden Pier thunderstorm and my house, I use it in the kitchen for after I cook or sometimes after my husband cooks. We'll turn on the thunderstorm. It clears out any smells. So if you're cooking fish, you're cooking steak, you're cooking chicken, you can cook it, you can enjoy it, and then you can get rid of the odor so they don't linger. They're gone. It eliminates the smells. It also works for allergies, for pollutants, for anything that's in the air that's going to bother you, the Eden Pier can handle it. And right now, at the 3-pack special, Jared, you can put one in your basement, put one in your office, maybe in your car. Yeah, anywhere you want purified air. I mean, it's the thunderstorm air purifier. It purifies the air. It doesn't make things smell flowery. It doesn't fill the air with this thick, you know, moist, flowery stuff that you kind of can smell and choke and taste. No. It ionizes the air. It gets rid of any odors in the air, and it can also get rid of allergens and pollutants. That's why I love to keep it in my car. Because each unit comes with the USB cable. I plug it into the unit, plug it into the USB port in my car, and when I'm driving, I don't have to worry about allergies because I get that clean ionized air in my car. Yeah, there's so many good reasons to have the Eden Pier thunderstorm. So with the 3-pack special, you can use one in your kitchen, your office, or even your car. So go to Use Code Grace 3. That's Code Grace and the number 3. We'll be right back. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is The Grace Curly Show. Yesterday Chuck Schumer gave a very dramatic speech, and he talked about how even though he respects BB Netanyahu, he also thinks that he's failing Israel and that he's an obstacle in the way of peace. And you know what I would say trumps all the obstacles in the way of peace? Because he listed a bunch, Hamas, BB Netanyahu, all these things. He actually, on the list, he put, I think BB was like 3 or 4, Hamas was one of them. But this is like rock's paper scissors. One of them is going to trump all of them. And the one thing that trumps everything else is the fact that Hamas wants to kill all the Jews on the planet. And that's going to, I think, if we're going to compare obstacles here, whatever you think BB is doing, that one is going to be worse. Like whatever BB is doing in Chuck Schumer's mind to prevent peace, the people who want to kill all the Jews are probably presenting more of an obstacle than he is. Just my thoughts. And this is what National Review wrote. They said, because there's all this talk about a two-state solution. You know, we need a two-state solution. We need peace. We need a ceasefire. And listen, I would love for there to be peace. I would love for there to be a ceasefire. But again, there's one side of this conflict that tends to break the ceasefire. That would be Hamas. And now the idea is, oh, we'll give the Palestinians a state. And it just seems like that's a bad response to have after Hamas comes in and slaughters all of these Jews is to now say, oh, well, in response to that, here's a state. But this is what National Review wrote. They said, giving Palestinians a state now would suggest that the horrific attacks were rewarded. And it would give Palestinians the ability to launch attacks that could be even worse. Polls show that about three in four Palestinians supported the massacres. So that is something that the left does not want to accept and does not want to talk about, which is sure there are innocent lives in Gaza. I'm not denying that. But we would be kidding ourselves if we did not say that a lot of Palestinians in Gaza do agree with Hamas, which is their government. They do agree with what happened on October 7. That's just what the facts are showing us. That's just what the polls are showing us. And it's what people have been telling reporters that are there. Lou, you're up next on the Grace Curly show. Go ahead, Lou. Yeah, hi. The left in this country, and I think in the Democrats and left around the world likes to make Netanyahu into the big boogie madness. If it wasn't for him, we would have there would be peace there. The entire Israeli population, I think most of it, 75% or more, is all aligned behind what they're doing now from the far left all the way to the far right. So it's not Netanyahu, Israel's fighting for its survival. And the thing is that Schumer is nothing but a committed leftist. I think he's more of a committed leftist than he is a Jew, quite honestly, because he never went after anything dealing with Iran. Never tried to stop any of the deals with Iran, the money going to Iran, the recent money going to Iran, the getting rid of the sanctions, or anything about it. And he knew that that would cause more terror in the Middle East and would support Hamas. And the other thing, he's getting involved in an election, an election, and trying to get involved in an election in Israel. But yesterday I heard, and I don't know if you heard this or not, market Rubio was questioning Chris Ray. And Chris Ray actually admitted that through TikTok, the Chinese with the algorithms can actually influence elections in the United States. And he's afraid that they could do that. And you know who said that they would be on if they influence elections in the United States through TikTok and the TikTok algorithm. So Schumer's really full of it. And everything he says is just is his garbage because he's just another committed leftist, just like Biden. And the Chinese are probably someone else. He would also someone he would criticize for their interests. Here's a part of it that the same piece in National Review points out, which is by doing this, by Biden, like Jared, Jared told us earlier, by Biden going along with Chuck Schumer's statement, by Chuck Schumer even making that kind of statement on the Senate floor. They're actually making BB stronger in Israel because, and this is what National Review wrote. They said that Schumer's call for the collapse of the Israeli government, ironically only serves to help Netanyahu, whatever their problems with him. Netanyahu is strongest among Israelis when he can argue that he is standing up to tremendous external pressure to achieve Israel's war aims destroying Hamas and preventing a repeat of October 7. Now, he looks like now he's not only fighting Hamas, but he's fighting all of these radical leftists who want him to stop and give up. They'll go anywhere. Live from the Aviva Trattria studio. Five months into this conflict, it is clear that Israelis need to take stock of the situation and ask, must we change course. At this critical juncture, I believe a new election is the only way to allow for a healthy and open decision making process about the future of Israel. That was Chuck Schumer now, but he didn't always feel this way. He wasn't always so pro-election interference. He feels very pro-election interference now that it involves Israel. But I want to have a little flashback here of Chuck Schumer. This was on CNN, Jared. Can I have cut six, please? A hundred days away from the election, how worried are you on a scale of one to ten about interference in the election? I'm very worried. They did it before. A lot of countries are trying to do it. We have to be prepared. We have to be guarded. We have to make sure they don't. There was less of it in 2018 than 2016, but no one knows if that's because some of these countries decided to lay off and give us a sense of complacency or not. But we should be ever vigilant. If people think that a foreign country helped determine our election and lose faith in our democracy, that's the beginning of the end of this grand experiment in democracy that's been so successful for more than 200 and some odd years. Wow. So I guess election interference when it happens to us is bad, but when we do it to other places, it's okay. Such wisdom from Chuck Schumer. By the way, now there's bands boycotting this festival in Texas over the war in Gaza. And again, I just go back to Beebe Netanyahu and Israelis and how they're probably watching this and going like, "Oh, okay, we get it. You're not happy with us." But the part of it that kind of blows my mind is that they're so mad at Joe Biden. Like outside the Oscars, there was this protest and they had a fake, bloodied stump of Biden's head on a stick and they're walking it around. And then you have people doing these hunger strikes, you know, these kids on college campuses freaking out, lighting themselves on fire. And I don't want to be, and maybe I'm totally wrong. Maybe Beebe Netanyahu is like scrolling Twitter. He sees all this. He hears about, "Oh, somebody spray painted." But I just don't think that this is factoring into, I'm sure he heard about Chuck Schumer because there's been responses now from former prime ministers in Israel. There's been responses from, you know, leaders all around the world. And it's a big deal. I mean, there's no denying the Senate majority leader calling for election interference in Israel and publicly blasting Beebe Netanyahu is a big deal. But as far as all these other things, like an Irish band pulling out of a festival in Texas, do they think that Beebe Netanyahu's seeing this and going, "Ah, now I really do want to change course. Like, now I feel differently about it." I don't mean to be flipping, but it's just, I'm not sure how this is moving the needle at all. 844-542-42. By the way, I can count on one hand the amount of times that someone has texted in and told me that I'm on the mark on anything. And because I have this text, I'm going to read it. This is about the decision by Judge Scott McAfee. Grace, I think you were on the mark with the idea that this judge was afraid of being the target of protesters at his home. He tried to come up with a psalamonic decision, but really let them all off the hook. Yeah, and this is, again, it goes back to what Meghan Kelly said, split the baby. But Jared, and, you know, I'm not going to pretend to be like a theologian or anything like that. But in that case, because really what I know it from, I think it's from the Hebrew Bible, but what I know it from is from Seinfeld. When Newman, when Kramer and Elaine both want a bike, and so Newman says, "We'll split the bike in half." And then Kramer says, "No, no, no. I don't want you to split the bike. I'd rather her have it." And Elaine says, like, split the bike. What does it even mean? And Newman says, "Oh, Kramer's the rightful owner of this bike because he really cares about it." But in that case, you're determining who is right and who is wrong based off their reaction to splitting the baby or splitting the bike. In this case, we know who's wrong. This whole thing. Do you know what I'm saying? So, technically, it doesn't make sense. Calling it a split the baby decision, that decision was made so that you could see the reactions of people. I think that Judge Scott McAfee, I don't think it was that much of a strategy. I think his strategy was, seem like I'm doing something here, but really do nothing. Because, again, you get these decisions, right? And there's pages and pages and pages of how it was inappropriate and how she shouldn't have done this, and how she didn't have... She didn't have a good demeanor when she was on the stand. And yeah, yeah, yeah. And it all leads to my shoulder shrug. I decided to do nothing about it. What good are all those pages? Stop giving me all of this reading and then not giving me any results. And I would say that to everyone. I say that to Robert Herr. So now I got to sit through page after page after page of a creepy Joe Biden talking about risque photos of his wife and how his car goes room room. And I got to sit through all this and I got to read all this crap only for you to tell me that there's nothing you can do about it. I'm sick of a whole lot of nothing coming from these things. It's very frustrating. And Jared, should we do the poll question here? Today's poll question is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm 3-pack special. Everyone loves the thunderstorm, doesn't take up any floor space, and there are no filters to replace. It's only one third, the cost of those bulky air purifiers. So take advantage of the Thunderstorm 3-pack special at and use the promo code GRACE3. Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results this far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is what's Joe O Biden's most offensive Irish stereotype remark? None of my Irish family were in jail. People think I'm not Irish because I don't hold a grudge. I'm the only Irishman who never had a drink or I may be Irish, but I'm not stupid. I'm gonna say none of my family are in jail. I thought that one was way out of line. That is picking up some momentum. Now that's at 15%. I may be Irish, but I'm not stupid. Still well in the lead at 71%, 10% for the only Irishman who never had a drink and 5% for not holding a grudge. Alright, the number is 844-542-42. We will grab some of these calls and get right to you. But I just wanted to give everyone an update on the Biden boom, the February Produce Price Index, the PPI report released on Thursday, once again debunked President Biden's claim that inflation is moving down. This is from Town Hall, and it says here that expected by Wall Street to rise 0.3% month over month, headline PPI inflation doubled projections in February with a 0.6% advance. On an annual basis, PPI inflation is up 1.6%, the largest rise since moving up 1.8% for the 12 months ended September of 2023. BLS said Thursday morning. So I don't think Joe Biden will be talking about the economy when he goes to this Irish luncheon. He might leave that for another day. That's just based off how he tends to do a victory lap when the numbers look good. And keep in mind the numbers only look good for a short amount of time and then they usually revise them down a month later. But in this case, he can't even go out there and brag about anything. Byron, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Byron. Thank you, Grace. I'd like to know what is the American left afraid that Israelis might find when they get to Rafa. As this war has wound up up to the southern city in Gaza, we're finding more and more shrill attacks against Israel. And I'm wondering if there is some body of information that they're going to discover possibly about Hamas involvement penetrating the American government or possible Hamas attacks in in the United States that might be revealed after the Israelis get to Rafa. Or am I overthinking this? I think you might be overthinking it. Byron, I think that there's just a real anti-Israel sentiment that is very pervasive. And you know, one of our callers brought up TikTok and it's easy to go, Oh, it's a social media app. You know, what power does it have? But it's in the hands of over, like, I think 170 million Americans and they are extremely anti-Semitic and also anti-Israel. And they push that in their algorithm. And I think you're seeing it. You're seeing it on college campuses. You're seeing it everywhere. So I don't think that there's some sort of conspiracy. I think people really just are angry at Israel. And I also would go back to the response that we got right after October 7, because you can hear from people who say that they're very, very mad about the way Israel has responded. And that I think the word they use is it's been a disproportionate response in Gaza. But a lot of people came out in this country to celebrate. That's the only way I can describe it before Israel even responded. Like, right after the slaughter of Jews, a lot of these groups were out there celebrating. So for me, that kind of, that kind of dismantles the theory that, Oh, no, no, no, it's not that we are happy about October 7. We're just mad at the response to October 7. Well, then explain why all these, all these people who up until that point, I hadn't seen all these people lining the streets, waving flags. And then suddenly October 7 happens, and we get this real outpouring of support. Before BB Netanyahu or the Israeli, the IDF even responded. Bob, you're up next on the Grace Curly show. Go ahead, Bob. Hey, Grace, you already mentioned we had the two state solution, and that didn't seem to work until these Hamas led people decided to attack concert goers, music loving people of which party were Americans that you don't hear about the 40 US citizens that would kill that day. It's such a good point, Bob, and I truly do believe that if there were anyone else who are president right now, if it was not Joe Biden and the media wasn't trying to cover for him, then the pictures of those Americans, their names would be all over the mainstream media. And instead, it's callers like you who remind us that there were Americans in Israel who were butchered by Hamas, and that are still being held hostage. Otherwise, you wouldn't hear about that anywhere. And so what's Chuck Schumer's response? His response is basically BB Netanyahu has to get out of the way and allow for another October 7 to happen again. And everyone wants to talk about negotiations and, you know, coming to the table. And there's really it's the idea of negotiating with a group that just doesn't want you to exist. Seems futile to me. Like, I don't really know how you can, how you can partake in good faith negotiations when the other side of the table. And it not only wants to destroy you, but has told media outlets it over and over again that that's their goal here that there will be no ceasefire. There will be no solution. So there's there's a lot here to unpack. But I think Chuck Schumer is off the mark when he says the BB is the obstacle to peace. When we come back, we're going to switch gears. We're going to talk a little bit about Joe Biden. We're going to continue to talk about this. And also, we're going to talk about what's happening in Haiti because Ron DeSantis has hired more officers or has, you know, told more people more border security to get to the south of Florida to stop Haitian refugees from entering the country. What? I didn't know you could do that. Well, you know, it's crazy. You can do that. He's anticipating this influx of people from Haiti, because it wouldn't make sense. It's like the closest way for people to get in. But I think that if he, and I have no reason to doubt that he would do this because he's very strong on the border. And he's also very capable at governing. So if he makes a decision, he makes things happen in Florida. So if he says, okay, you know, we're not letting people in, then I think what they'll do is they'll just go right through Mexico. We've already been seeing that. Remember the photo of the border patrol agent on the horse who was supposedly whipping Haitian migrants. There's been a huge portion of these illegal aliens who are Haitian coming into this country for a very long time. And I think oftentimes they do come in through Mexico. So I think that if Ron DeSantis says you can't come in here, they're just going to reroute to Mexico and come in through the southern border, which we know, unfortunately, is pretty much. An easy way. It's, it's, it's an easy way to get into the country. The only easier way I would say is the app. If you download the app and you book yourself a flight, then you don't even have to walk through. You can just fly on through. And I wonder if we down, like if I downloaded the app and I applied, could I get those benefits? I don't know. They probably cracked down on you, Jared. I have to show up in an airport. I'm sure somewhere in the middle of the night. But hey, whatever. Noss. Worth a try. The Nossa Beach Inn just opened reservations for spring. Jared, you've stated the Nossa Beach Inn. What do you remember the most about your business? The most tranquil place that I've ever been. It's great. We went in December. The off-season in the Cape is a fantastic time to go to the Cape because you don't have to fight with the crowds. You don't have to deal with traffic, not being able to get reservations. And this time of this week has been glorious. This would be a great time to get down to the Nossa Beach Inn and spring is still considered the off-season. So if you want to get down there, they have trails that you can walk. You can walk along the beach. You can just enjoy being outside, listening to the waves, the ambiance. They're pet-friendly, so you can bring your dog. They have two queen beds in the room, so if you want to do a family vacation, that's the best way to do it. There are fire pits. If it does get too cold, it doesn't look like it's going to now. But if it does, or if you just want to be cozy around a fire pit, you can do that. Every room has a fireplace and a nice picture window. You can be cozy. You can be tranquil. You can have a very relaxing getaway. Not far away. And right now you can book your April Stay. What do they call those? Stay-cations at the Nossa Beach Inn from $249.99 a night, which is an unbelievable deal. And this May rates from $259.99 a night, so don't delay. Go to That's I just got an email from somebody named Christopher, and he said, "Dear Grace, the Karen Reed case is weird, possibly because it's an old-fashioned local criminal case that involves an American citizen who doesn't work for Donald Trump." Yeah, I actually, I was having this conversation with the mail-or-manager recently. We were talking about how this case has captivated the nation, how people are obsessed with it. And I think Chris just hit the nail in the head. People are looking for something that's non-political. People are looking for something that is just true crime without, you know, a slant, a political slant one way or the other. And they definitely have it with this Karen Reed case. We'll be right back. I mean, there's local, you know what I mean? There's local politics in the sense of the townies versus the yuppies, or however you want to describe it. But it's not Trump versus Biden. We'll be right back. We'll take more of your calls. Don't go anywhere. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. My grandfather used to say that being Irish is enough. Anyway, I won't go into that. My grandfather used to say that being Irish is enough. Ah, he won't go into that, though. Another story. You know, there's so many things he won't go into. There's so many untold stories, Jared. You know, unfinished chapters, cliffhangers that I'm just dying to know. Where does it go? Where's the rest of the story? What happens next? We need the deleted scenes from Joe Biden's brain. By the way, there's more information about this Haitian illegal alien who's been arrested in Massachusetts for allegedly raping a 15-year-old disabled girl. There's more information on this. We'll get to it in the two o'clock, so don't go anywhere. Paul, your next stop on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Paul. Good afternoon, Grace. Grace, I spoke to you for this. I was going to go in the direction of Hamas, but you brought up the Karen Reid story. And I hope you allow me to speak just a little on it. I spoke to Howie last night. My friend, Billy State Trooper, Billy Johnson, got wrapped up with the bulges and chasing down money at the airport and a decorated two-time Vietnam war vet. It was a cops' cop. He was just a great guy. And I saw what it did to tear Billy down how these corrupt people, powerful people, can beat you down. And I see a conspiracy of giant proportions here and all built from a grain of sand from Turtle Boy in a small blog. And my question is, not that Karen Reid's going to get off, but what's going to happen with this case from this point on? Is this just going to go away? Are they going to actually win it all? When all the dust settles, are they going to get someone to roll, and are they going to try to find who killed this cop? And I'm going to tell you, the Boston police have conspicuously laid silent on this, one of their own brothers, because they were banned to brothers, and they all conspired together to keep the emote gun. I don't know about that last part, but what I will say, Paul, is as far as this case goes, if I had to guess, if she doesn't get charged, if the case gets dismissed, then I think we'll never really find out the truth, unless the feds get involved. We'll be right back. (upbeat music)