- Are we agreeing that it gives the average show, the average guy on the street a fighting chance to be better, to do better, to get that promotion? - To compete. - You start with you all. - Absolutely. - Start some more, start with you all, don't let one bag at a time. - Let's leverage this AI tool, you know. Let's not just think it's for certain people. It's for you as well, because AI tools will help us to stay competitive. - Yeah, I'm at the course. What do I need to get the job done? And then you use these, like, okay, you know what, I need this one, I need this one, I need this one. And then you just pay for it. - Right. - And just get it done. (upbeat music) - Let's chill. Hello Bonjour Ola. Sunny Bonane. - Namaste. - Namaste. What up, Chapla Chilis. Yes, it's your boy, Coach L.J. Yes, I'm with my best friend, my business partner, my arsonist, the one and only lady sees us, she is end of building. - Ba-ba-ba-ba. (laughing) - Yes, it's your guy, Lefa De Aljo. You know how it is, are you ready for-- - Now. - Nine Wing. And transform into episode a channel with the chat. We are elevator lives and power one businesses, United cultures, and feeling success. - That's what we're about, yes. - That's what we're about. So if you're looking for any of that content, welcome, welcome, and don't forget to press that subscribe button. It helps us to reach more people. And it's free, okay? - Yes. - We'll share whatever comment that you make like, whatever that you feel touches you as we speak, and we'll be happy to read them. So today, actually, we will be diving into a game changer in the business and career world. What is that? - Artificial intelligence, A-K-A-A-A-I, all right? So artificial intelligence is here to stay, and it's getting bigger and better, let me tell you. So we're gonna be touching a few things to help you realize that if you don't jump on this boat, you're gonna be left behind because this boat is moving. But the big question is, is A-I the Great Equalizer? What do you think? - Well, I think, of course, I believe it is. I believe it is, it can get anyone competitive advantage if they start using it. Learn how to use it and begin to start implementing to their life and to their businesses, to their career. It doesn't matter if your business, it doesn't matter if you're trying to go to school, it doesn't matter what. - 'Cause it's infiltrating all of those places. - All those places. - You're contemplating the business, the careers. If you don't teach yourself, first of all, computer, and then take it a step higher, teach yourself the different apps that are out there to help make your job, your business. - Your performance. - To step higher and easier. And I think it has come to make life easier. - We are agreeing that it gives the average show, the average guy on the street a fighting chance to be better, to do better, to get that promotion. - To compete. - Right, to get that promotion and to scale their business. - I think so. - To scale their career. - Right, well, get the promotion, right? - To get A's in school. - And yeah, to get great. Listen, this A-I is writing board exams. It's writing bar exams, I mean, for attorney. It's helping doctors. It's writing, listen, you better get on board or else. So, but other people will argue and say, but it's just overwhelming, there's just so much. You know, I just can't keep up 'cause one second you're checking this app is out. The next second, it's another app, or it was 3.5. Now it's six. - It's five, it's like, how do I-- - It's coming fast, it's coming fast, it's coming fast. - So how do I now write this journey or jump on this bandwagon when I'm just overwhelmed? What would you say to somebody who says that? - You start with you all. - Absolutely. - Start small, start with you all, don't let one back at a time, we always the same. It's not built in the day. You build it brick by brick by brick. So wherever you are, it doesn't matter. Resource is money, you start where you are and you just build it up. - Absolutely. - And if you had to get one, your research to apps, your research, those softwares, all the different things, that's like you research and you pick one. Start with one. - Yeah. - Pick one and say, you know what, I'm gonna use this one app that's gonna help me and propel me to my career, my business to the next level. - Yeah. - So join us as we explore how AI is reshaping the landscape of opportunity and challenges. Let's get into it right now and tell us what you think as we touch on the subject, AI unleash, how it's leveling the playing field for everyone. - Hmm, yes, 'cause that's real good because it is leveling the playing field. - And like we discussed earlier, that it's moving so fast, you know, as we see, because the goal is, eventually, you know, you're gonna be able to do everything on AI. - I think you're already able to do anything. - Yeah, they get into the point where it's gonna be Jennifer AI, where, you know, you remember Google search? You remember when people jump on the way of Google search and the people that, the first move advantage is those that took advantage of it, those that learned how to use Google, the tags and all that kind of stuff, they got the first page on Google. That's how it is with Jennifer AI. If you learn how to use it, you got, especially if you got small businesses, if you, the cold, the AI is gonna learn everything about you, it's gonna learn everything about your business so that when people are searching, you could be on the first page because it's gonna be, it basically, they're gonna be searching through the AI and not really Google. You still use the Google, but AI is gonna be the main search. The way how it is, how is it talking? - Yeah, and I think it takes us a step higher and business people, like we said, of all industries who can actually reach success 'cause success can be obtainable in any area. - In any area, and that's critical, you know what? Because, and that's the other else. And this is why we talk about vision last week because you can have success in any industry and any area you wanna be. And this is, but you had to follow your vision. You gotta follow your why and don't get distracted for the clout, the things, the gurus that say, oh, you could do this, you could do this. And now you say, oh, you're only gonna make, only gonna be a millionaire being in this industry, but not in this industry. And as we see in the Sunday episodes, these women, it was, they made them millions in multiple ways. As we've seen, some of them bank in, some of them register, some of them are singing, entertainers, TV, all the different things. So let us know that you can be in any industry and make it big, but you gotta stick to your vision. You gotta stick to your why and don't get distracted when things come your way and you feel like in the next new day and coming on. So, you know, stick to your vision and then take advantage of the new AI tools because it giving you that finding chance to compete against the glamorous, against the big businesses, you know, because back in the days, you know, the only one that was using AI was big businesses. - Big bucks. - People with the big money, you know, because back in the 80s and 70s and 60s, you know, to tap into the market, to do to market research and data analysts and all the different things that you had to do. It costs money to do research. It costs money to have ads. They didn't have social media back then. How do you gonna build your audience or get that target, reach your target market? It's through pay ads, it's through commercials. You know, they're coming, you know, they used to pay a lot of money just to be in the suitable app 'cause they know that's a lot of people. That's gonna be in the watch. I'm gonna be in the watch. But now, because of AI and social media, it made it so much easier for anyone to compete if you know what you're doing. - Even if you don't. - That's key words. - It helps you. - It helps you. - Yeah, there's apps that really, all you need to do is put in keywords. - Yes. - And they got you. - Yeah, yeah. - You know, people who are now, you know, don't need editors anymore because there's AI who do editing, like professional editing. - Yes. - From AI that does ghost writing. Let's take a solar entrepreneur, for example, who uses AI to analyze markets, collect data, optimize their small business strategies. They don't need strategies anymore. AI will build-- - AI, yes. - Without a need of a pricey consultant because those consultants can be pricey. - They can be pricey. - And that's what the consultants are also using AI. - Yes, yes. - To get a first turn around, you know, so that they're more efficient. - Yes. - So if they're gonna be using AI, why don't you use it for yourself? - For yourself. And so, even like the marketers and like for myself, you know, because I didn't go to school for marketing, I understand marketing. So I know how to implement data and what I'm looking for, how to get the data analysis. And so, even with our business and with the podcast and with the community and with the six women, the Shibuoka, you know, I use AI to help me research, to help me analyze my talking audience, to help me to find out different information that I need that's gonna help me become a better marketer. - Absolutely. - You know, to help me tell the messages and tell the different messages to help my audience, to penetrate my audience. - Yeah. - And another example would be a writer and author who uses AI for, like I said earlier, editing, publishing and competing with large publishers, because guess what, the editors that they're using and they're professional, they're editing at a professional level, it's the same league as a publishers editor, high-quality stuff. And I know that you've been using a bit of AI in writing your book, I wish there was AI in my time when I'm writing my book, 'cause it would've made life so much easier. - Oh, amazing. - And so it's gonna help even authors to remove the driver's blog. - Yes. - Because you're just gonna put an idea and AI is gonna come up with ideas. - They'll come up, yeah. And so this is why if you know what you're doing, right, you were able to tweak it, you were able to tell it the way how you want it. So even like with me, when I'm writing the book, I have the data, I have the information. And so I'm just adding into it the data that I want and how I want it and then AI do the rest, because like I said, it writes it so much better than a human being, you know, so much better so, but it needs to get at that soul to give it that spark. - But you need to tell it is what I'm saying. I know, for example, Trachie PT, you can tell it that be emotional, you know, be, have empathy in the writing style, so. - Professional, but even like when you put your own, when you put different stories that you want because eventually, what happens is because even if you do that, but if you don't put your stories into it, that you were like, right about this, and then it's just gonna give you a blend, something generic that you could just, that anyone deck and that they put the same thing that I get the same stuff. - So I've just been able to understand how it works as well. Just like with computer, computer book, if you want to give it, you know, some people will be like, I don't know why it's giving, well, because that's what you input it. You're getting what you give it. - But you're like with the Google search. Whatever you input in Google search, that's what you're gonna make it. - Yeah, people like myself who are experts. - Yes, you're S for yes. You're S for Google search. - I love people like you who are not so great with Google. - Yes. - But you're great with AI and I'm not so great with AI. So I'm still learning the AI language because it makes just life easier. Let's take another example. A career individual uses AI for tailored learning and skill acquisition, right? Staying and staying competitive in their respective careers. So I mean, the whole point of me tapping into giving examples of all these various scenarios is that people look at AI as just for business. You can use it even for your personal use, your career to boost your career. - Boost your career, yes. - Because you can't remember it can help you out with telling your resume. It can help you out with the interview questions. - I wish you a resume too. - Resume interview questions, answers. - Everybody's doing like the best bullet points ever. - Yeah, so all these different things it can help you out with the boost your career. You know, when you want to write a cover letter, you know, so it makes it a little more professional, you know, to help. - You know what you're talking about. - Like, you know what you're talking about. And so when you do your research with different, like, let's say you want to work at a company, right? You work at a company, you look on their website, you tell, you got some points that stood out. You know, and then you just put it into the AR2 and you tell it the right you will cover letter that fits your buyer because you're going to put your buyer, your information so that now it can make that cover letter. - A little professional. - A little professional because it's using your buyer that you wrote, you wrote it, you tell it it. And this is why when you, even with your business, when you got a business plan, you're going to put your business plan in the AR so that it learning, learning your language, it learned your business. And so it, and then as it, as it continued to learn, now you could be on that first page, on the AR thing. So when people search in your business or when people search you, you will pop up because why it knows everything. This is why you had to put your data, your input because so that it can learn about your, can learn the things of your business. - But I guess it depends which app you're using as well. - Yeah, yeah. - Because every app is different. - Every app is different. - Like now you're talking about charging. - Charge it with tea, yeah, charge it with tea. Or any other, you know, Gemini, Gemini is another one. And it makes so easy with Google, with Gemini, Gemini is part of Google. And so it's all the matter. If you look on your phone, you will see Gemini. That's, if you look on your phone and you go to Google, look, you see that, that's Star? That's Gemini. - Okay. - So if I click on here, Gemini. So it all the matter on your phone, Gemini. So that's another app, this part of AI. So you use it anyway. You are using, if you're using Google, you're using AI. But the thing is, if you don't know how to use it, you know. - Like I didn't know about Gemini, I am learning it. - Yeah, so this is another, Gemini is like AI. - It's like, you mean it's-- - I mean, chat, chat should be tea. So, Gemini is like chat should be tea. And so that's the competition, they're competing because, you know, because they're similar. And so, and right now probably, Google has the advantage because they have more data. They have more data because they have video. - I had been chatting to you, I was taking from Google. - Yes, yes. So Google, Google, just so right now, chat should be tea is good and they have a lot of people that they were the first mood advantage. So a lot of people started using them first. But Gemini, because it's part of Google, they might have it that, you know, this is what people are in, might have it because-- - I think they need to promote it 'cause a person like me saw that stuff, I thought, whatever. I didn't think anything of it. Now, yes, I know. - Yeah, so it lets you know, see, and this is everybody, the average Joe's thinking, they see the star, but they don't know what they're saying. - The average Joe? (laughs) - But anyways, I think-- - And this is why we say AR, the great equalizer. Because of that, because you're using an AR even when you don't even know what you're using. - Just like how you have in your conversation, all of a sudden, Siri responds and says, "Oh, what you're talking about?" Siri, I'm not talking to you. Like, I think almost every person who has Siri, like their phone, has had that challenge with Siri. - Yes, yes, yes. - Siri always be overhearing our conversation and wanting to respond. But I guess the biggest takeaway from this is that, it's leveraged this AI tool. Let's not just think, it's for certain people. It's for you as well, because AI tools will help us to stay competitive and to have that competitive edge, where it's our business or it's homework for just kids at school, college degrees. You name it, there is an app out there to help you make life easier. - Make life easier. So that's why we say, it's a learning code though. - Yeah. - It's a learning code, but-- - 'Cause some people are saying, AI is here to replace us. If it will replace some of those who are not leveraging or using it, but AI is actually here to make life easier. - Make life easier. - Like how technology came and made life easier. So now it's the AI era. And whether you embrace it or not, it's here to stay. - It's here to stay. And it's only gonna replace those individuals that don't learn, that afraid or not. And it's AI thing. Okay, you're gonna get it left behind. Just like people that didn't take advantage of Google or they didn't take advantage of that AI boom and whatever, what happens. The one, the older individuals that took advantage of that AI, of that technology boom of Google and all these different technologies that came around, Microsoft, guess what happened? They was profitable. So we in that bubble right now. And it's the early stages. And this is why we try to, we encourage because we as a self-improvement podcast, we are elevating the lives, we are empowering businesses. And so we're trying to tell the person that's just on and out that anything's possible. But you gotta learn-- - Don't count yourself out. - Don't count yourself out. But you gotta be willing to invest in yourself. You gotta be willing to invest in the tool that you need to, like we talk about last week and I've talked in the assignment that you gotta begin to count off the course. Figure out what do you need to get the job done? What do you need to finish school? What do you need to start that career? What do you need? And then whatever you need, you just go out and learn it. Do what you gotta do. And this is what happened when I went back to school. I knew I was a business person, right? I knew I wanted to study business. I wanted to get into business, but I know nothing about business. So my option was to go back to school, learn about marketing. And then once I learned about marketing, I understood that I heard a professor that, you know, yeah, it's good to be started business, but guess what, you need to management. So that's why I went to management. So I wasn't afraid to invest, and I'm over $100,000 a day later. But I wasn't afraid to invest in myself. And this is what you have to do. You have to do it with everything. It's a learning code when you start that new job. That's why they have orientations. That's why they have training, because when you're starting a job, there's a learning code. In AI, there's a learning curve, but they got training. Even in the six-month mentorship boot camp that we offer, we're gonna be out one-hour curriculums. You're gonna learn how to use AI in your business, so that you're able to know how to research, and so that you can tap into it. So definitely, yeah, we say join the six-month mentorship boot camp, so that you're able to learn how to use AI and chat, GBT, and Gemini, so that it can help you, so that now you put in this data about your business inside the content, yeah. - Yeah, so we use AI for various things as well. AI analytics to boost campaigns. We leverage AI for creative efficiency, and to be more efficient even with the research, like I said, LJ is doing his PhD and guess what? He's using AI to research for his papers. So for us as content creators as well, the best way is to use AI to turn the long-form into short-forms, because we know that right now, YouTube is pushing for short-form videos for short. We know that even, what's the TikTok? One short-form is the real deal. You can use AI to do your reels. You can use AI to put in the writing. - Yes, so what we do is, right? We record the long-form, right? The long-form, this video, it goes on YouTube, right? And so then now we can take that link on YouTube, or Google Drive, whatever, it could be Google Drive, it could be YouTube, so we take that link, and this is how we transfer our long-form, and it's a short-form, because now there's an app that you could put the link from your long-form into this app, and it'll spit you out clips. - And the sad part or the funny part of it is that we used to pay someone-- - Yes, to do the, yes. - A lot of money before we knew that we could do it ourselves with AI, and I'm yet to find a good AI that does video editing as well, as pictures and all of that, because I was doing it ourselves. - Yes, and so-- - 'Cause I'm sure there is an app out there. - It is, it is, and so also, too, you could turn your long-form into video, from the video to blog posts. So now because people are, we are, everyone different, and we learn differently. So some people learn by reading, some people learn by watching, so we could turn our long-form into blog posts, so now you can read it on our website. So now another thing you could do, too, they have apps, right, where you could be in multiple languages. You could be in English, you could be in Zulu, (laughs) you could be in Spanish, so they have an app that you could turn your long-form video into multiple languages. - Very impressive. - Yeah, oh, it's your form. - Even Tyler Perry discovered-- - Yes. - I was building a billion-dollar studio that, oops, I think that-- - He was about to. - Oh, yeah, he hadn't started. - He hadn't started, that's why he changed his mind. - He was on, I think, 80 million-dollar studio with a lot of different small studios, but he's seeing how AI is, he's seeing what it can do with the video. He said, "Why am I, I can like, why am I build a studio?" Because when I can use the app, because now you could use the video, these AI because, and make it yourself, and look just like you. You can put your image, your picture, and then record yourself, and you could record your voice, and now AI is doing the talking, it's doing, so you don't have to be here sitting there on being, we sitting here like we're doing, when it could be AI. How do you know if AI not recording right now? - So I think the bottom line is, let's move from excuses to execution. Let's get the work done. Let's stop saying, oh, it's only for young people, it's only for educated people, it's for everyone. - For everyone. - AI removes those traditional barriers, and excuses, pushing, everyone should actually adopt, and get the work done. - Yes, basically, yeah, so removing those barriers, removing those excuses, because it's affordable. - Yeah. - Again, I said before, it was expensive to use AI, it was expensive to market your business, it was expensive to get ads, it was expensive to do all the different things. AI came in and made a affordable-- - It's an equalizer. - Yeah, they made it affordable, and if you're 20 dollars here, 30 dollars here, got some more admins for these different apps. 30 dollars, they're very reasonable, 30 dollars, 20 dollars, you know. Of course, if you got multiple apps, or you get an app, and this is why I say, you gotta do your restore of the course. What do I need to get the job done? And then you use the, okay, and you know what, I need this one, I need this one, I need this one, and then you just pay for it. - Right. - Then you just get it done. - Another example is a business automates customer service with AI, and I think almost everyone has experienced that now, we have bots. - Yes. - How can I? - Yeah, bots, yeah. - And you have to actually keep saying customer service, customer service, because it will be a bot, because guess what, they wanna hire less people. - Yes. - 'Cause bots are not asking for health insurance, they're not asking for time off, their kids are not getting sick and stuff like that. So it's overcoming the limited manpower as well, because after COVID, most people didn't wanna go back. - They wanna go back to work. - Well, most people wanna work from home. - Yes. - So with that in mind, AI is like, hey, I can solve that problem. You know, I actually saw a video where they're using AI in a burger joint, where AI is the one flipping burgers, like robots. - They're flipping burgers. They are making fries. And nobody's complaining of, oh, these snows are too hot. AI does the job at the right time, 'cause they're giving the instruction and they do it to the point. Nobody's getting undercooked burgers, you know, because they are doing the work that their employer has imported, or their owner has imported. And as a result, it enhances customer satisfaction. - Yeah. - And another thing, this is why there's a new name for entrepreneurs, solopreneur. Because of AI, you could basically be a solopreneur. - Right. - And you're the only one that's doing all the work, because AI do them most of the work for you. They do them the emails, they do it, you know, they got automation for emails. - For everything. - For everything, so even for campaigns. So basically, they're using different AI's for all the different things they need for their business without hiring employees to do the job for them. - And I think that's where they're trying to add. - And they keep mostly money. And they keep it mostly money to themselves. All the problem. - They spend so much money on the Apple, on the robot or whatever. And then that's just the ones of payment. The rest, it goes to your product. - It goes to your product. - Another example would be an aspiring artist. Employers AI, well, not employee, but users AI. You've got an employee AI to create unique designs for them. Breaking through creative blocks, like I said, even with the writers and answering the competitive markets now. Because now the AI is going to give them ideas on, why don't you use this paddle? Why don't you poke your brush this way? I mean, listen, they are about to get crazy. - Yeah, yeah. 'Cause I remember even when I was writing it, right? And I told AI to write this part of the chapter. And AI even told me, like, that was good. - Oh, okay. - Yeah, yeah, like, that was a good point. Yeah, it told me, like, that was a good point. - Sometimes AI think scares me because it seems so human at times. - Yeah, like, it's just, that was a good point that you wrote. - And it felt good about yourself. - Yeah, yeah. - A robot just told me that I'm good. - Yeah, like, that was a good point. That was a good point. I like it. But another thing too, with the creative designs, like, you remember back in the days, like, the architectures, they used to do everything by hands. You know, building the bridges, the buildings, you had to, they had to draw over by hand. Now, AI, they do everything to three days. - 3D. - 3D, and designing the buildings, all they got to do is take it to the contract, take it to the next person to do the job for them. But now they use the AI, making their job much easier. - They're taking a job, architects job, because AI is there to be the architect now. Or maybe architects should upgrade and use AI to make their design. - But, of course architects use the AI now, but I'm saying, but remember back in the days. - Yeah, everything was-- - Everything was done by hand, even like when you was writing, everything, when you write, you write things by your hand. So now, with AI, the architect is using AI to draw the art funnel. Of course, they give it an alarm, how they want it done. And then AI just, let's say, an office building. Or I want this many offices. I want these many windows. I want these many rooms. And then it's just design your building. They design you the thing that you want. I want this square feet bridge. So, AI just design it. I want this kind of texture. So, yeah, it's powerful. Yeah, it's powerful. It's powerful, it's powerful. - Another example is a student utilizes AI for tutoring programs and for personalized learning. I think we already mentioned that. It's been very helpful tool for your PhD, making just the PhD's demand for papers much easier. But you still have to import. You still have to import, you still have to research. You can't copy. But another AI tool that I use, if you're a writer, it's Grammarly. Grammarly, yeah, yeah, check it for the print. That's Grammarly. - 'Cause it's easier to plagiarize. - Yes, it's very easy to plagiarize. And this is what happens if you're using chachi routine and you're not careful. You don't have a app like Grammarly. Sometimes, chachi routine would give you something that's similar, that's what they're doing. So that's why you need Grammarly so that you check in your work. And then what happens is if you see something that's plagiarized, you take that line, that's sent to us or whatever, and you sell chachi routine to write it again. - Rewrite it. - Rewrite it. - Yeah, yeah, we-- - But we don't have a lot more people excelling academically now. - Of course. - Yeah. - Of course. - And there's no excuses for failure. - Yeah, no excuses for failure. It made it easier for you. And so even like with the school, you don't have to be afraid of chachi routine because it's gonna enhance. - Even the teachers work, the teachers, that's great in it. So it makes the better. So definitely. - So let's talk about the AI advantage. I think we've touched on it with all these examples that we've mentioned. But, you know, if you are a small shop owner and if you wanna double your customers in about six months, use AI marketing, you know. There's just so many ways that you can advance by just using AI to your advantage. - Yeah, yeah. They got a lot of marketing tools out there. You know, like ConvertKit is one with my emailing. That's email marketing. So I use ConvertKit to help me to send out emails to my subscribers. So every week you get it, you know, I just put it in ConvertKit and send it to all my subscribers. - Love that. - Yeah. - So if you also wanna self-help-- - And you got Melcha, anyone know by Melcha? - Not everyone, but-- - A lot of people know by Melcha. Melcha been around for a long time. - Yeah, so if you wanna also self-publish, you don't have to, like, remember the olden days where they would write a book. - Yes. - And these-- - Yes, it was so expensive. - No, but not just the expense. They will reject your book and you know that it's a best seller. - Yes. - And you've had a group of authors who went through that. When self-publishing came on, all MG, most people were writing books and they didn't have to care what-- - Yeah. - What can I say, what, 'cause now they have-- - And you can get it out in less time because remember, when you're going through a publishing, it takes longer, they gotta do the research, they gotta do this, and so it can be, like, a year, two years before you publish your book. 'Cause you gotta go through now. And then also too, they own your rights. They only because you use it on the intellectual price, so they own it and they get your percentage and the percentage is more. - So now you keep everything. - You keep everything in my self-publishing. Thank God for Amazon to help you self-publishing. And then also with audio. You could use audio for audio books. - Right. So I mean, there's endless of examples that we can put out there, but the whole point and the takeaway is that anybody can use it. - Anybody, if you use it, you wanna write a book. There are tools out there to help you out to write that book. There's tools out there to record your videos, tools out there to edit your videos, whatever it may be. All you gotta do is to execute. 'Cause it doesn't matter where you are in your stage. It doesn't matter if you wanna publish that book, you just gotta execute. No more excuses. We said it. No more excuses and you make adjustments. And AI is allowing you to make adjustments and to pivot in your business, to transition. You were like, oh man, I'm stuck right now. What to do next? You know what? You tap into, first step first. If you don't know how to use AI, you find a course. You find something that to help you learn how to use AI so that you could begin to pivot and transition to the, you know, if you don't have the money, you know, because a lot of times, that's the first thing. A lot of times, that's mindset, people that I don't have the money. Well, that's mindset because when you wanna do something, you'll find a way. - Absolutely. - You'll find money out of somewhere. When you want something, when you wanna get something done, you'll get that thing done. You'll come up with strategy and come up with ways to get that liability a lot of time. Most of the time, be a liability. But when it's something that you need that's gonna help you or advance you, you say, you know what? Oh, it's gonna cost me a lot of money. Oh, I can't invest into that. So yeah, you gotta-- - It means something to you. You're willing to go all the way. - You're willing to go all the way. I was willing to invest over a hundred thousand hours in my education. Why? Because I knew it was gonna help me. And my endeavors in life are gonna help me in business to be a better marketer. This is why we able to do the podcast and do the different things that we're doing now because I understand marketing. And then guess what? Because the landscape is always changing. I'm always still advancing and studying and learning and growing because, you know, even though I know about marketing, but you two, I had to get a course. I had to listen to different things so that I understand how to grow the YouTube channel. You know, so yeah. - So we've seen a lot of trailblazers making a success using these AI tools. So I guess it's our turn to change and claim that success ourselves as well. They've opened the gate for us and it's our turn to tap into it as well. - So let's talk about future proofing for your skills or future proofing your skills using AI. How has that helped? How can that help in developing your skills? - Hmm. How can it help? Like we're talking about to develop your skills. It can help you evolve in your inner marketplace. Wherever you're trying to do. Doesn't matter, like we say, we know, we talk about business, but we understand everybody is not an entrepreneur. Everybody is business is not, it's for everyone, but we know it's not for everyone. - Right. - Not everyone are gonna get into a business. People like-- - Like we said earlier, it doesn't necessarily have to just be business. - Yes, it can be in your nine or five, yes. You could go from an entry level to a manager. It helped you out to grow because, like I said, because you're like, oh, the excuse is, I don't have the education. Nah, we're AI, you don't really have to have the degree now. AI can help you. - Take advantage of your skills. - Yeah, it can help you. You could be on an entry level today, but guess what, five years from now, because you're learning, you're getting all the different skills, you know what you're doing, you're gonna go from an entry level to a manager, to a C level executive, to VP, to a president, to CFO, CMO. - We get them. We get them. - The only good thing. - So the question to you, Chaplain Chiles, is that are you ready to future-proof your skills and stay ahead in this AI-driven world? Because guess what? If you don't jump on the bandwagon, unfortunately, you might just lose what you already started building, because other people are jumping on it and it's moving fast. - Fast, fast, and it's learning. And it's learning every day. It's learning the people that adopt their earning, they have opportunity to put their data into the information. Like we're doing with the podcast, like I'm doing with the community, I'm putting data in these different AI tools and it's learning about me, it's learning the business. So now as it learns, and they get to that gender to AI, and it's where, you know, because now it's going for text to speech, to video all the different things, it's going to know everything about your business. And so it's going to be easier to market, to the company you want to work for, it's going to be easier to market to your customers, it's going to be easier to tell the messages to game, to get that market share. You know, to get that competitive edge, to build that brand, to build that, whatever you want to do. - So I think in summary of what we've said, 'cause we've said are mouthful, let's learn these AI tools. Let's find out which one will help us to take our businesses, our careers, and even our education to the next level. Learn AI-driven data analysis to tailor, make your campaigns and to be more effective in whatever that you're doing. Use AI tools for innovative digital creativity for those who need to be creative in one way or the other, and blend it with your traditional techniques and use it by using modern technology. - Yes, that's king, that's king, because-- - But you don't have to, it's like Jesus who said, "I'm not here to break down," or to just-- - Oh yeah, I'm not here to actually fulfill it. - Build it, yeah, and that's what AI is doing. It's fulfilling the thing that you already know already. I still understand, so I'm using both. I'm using my traditional. I'm blending it together, my traditional methods that I would use for marketing, but I'm using AI, I'm blending AI so that it enhance it. Just like we talked about architecture, they know the skills, they know how to do it by hand, right? They know how to design that building, how to draw it out by hand, but guess what, now they blend the AI so they don't have to do all the work. And this is what happened when you blend the AI with your traditional skills, with your traditional tasks and your traditional tools that you're using every day. When you blend it, it just enhance your work, it makes it better. - So that's a wrap for today's insightful journey into the world of AI and its impact on leveling the playing field. I think we get an idea now of that AI is not too big for anyone. You can start where you are and you can make it work for you and take your business, your career, your education to the next level. There's no more excuses. - Yes, no more excuses. We make an adjustment. - We're making adjustments. - We make an adjustment, that's exactly what we do. We make an adjustment. - So remember, Chaplain Chiliz, AI is just not a wave of the future. It's actually a springboard to get you to where you're supposed to get to, right? It's taking away the excuses and opening up doors to endless possibilities. You can do and be anything you wanna be using these AI tools because they make life easier. All you need to do is just give them keywords or give them an instruction, give them prompts and they got you. - Got you, got you. - So the key is to dive in, learn and harness its power. Make use of it, take advantage. And you'll see your respective areas that you are trying to promote or make better. Take flights. - Take flight, yes, yes. - So as we close up, we wanna remind you once again, don't forget to subscribe, hit that notification bell. It's absolutely for free. And leave us a comment and we love reading your comments and we love engaging with you. - Thank you, yes. And we said, we have another book club coming up in April. Yes, so the link is in the description. All the focus written by Dan Khor, Dan Khor. So the link-- - Very interesting. - Yes, definitely if you lack focus, you wanna learn how to strategies and techniques, how to focus and put all the things we are talking about with vision and AI. You gotta give focus. You gotta stay for it because it's easy to get distracted. And so we're talking about the autofocus and I'm a book club in April. So we say join the community. Be a part of the book club. Be a part of the book club. We wanna make this thing big. Where we had to come together, we had to learn, we had to grow, we had to connect, we were able to share ideas and learn from each other. So the autofocus, join the community, the next opportunity, win the community and be a part of the book club. Come join us. - So if you enjoyed this episode, you can check out? - Check out the next episode we have for you. We said, thank you for watching, tooling in. Thank you for being a part of the children. And like we always sign off with... - Nooses. - Thank you. - Peace.
Send us a textJoin us this Friday on Chilling With The Chaplins for a groundbreaking episode titled Leveling The Playing Field: AI Unleashed | Episode 120. Dive deep into the world of artificial intelligence with us as we explore how AI is becoming the great equalizer in technology, education, and business sectors. Don't miss out on insightful discussions on the transformative power of AI and how it's reshaping our future.What Will You Learn:AI: The Great Equalizer: Discover how artificial in...