Turley Talks

Ep. 2434 You Won’t BELIEVE What the Judge Just Decided with Fani Willis!!!

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15 Mar 2024
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Are we seeing the revitalization of conservative civilization? All over the world has been a massive backlash against globalization, its leftist leadership, and its anti-cultural liberal values. And it's just the beginning. I'm Dr. Steve Turley. I believe the liberal globalist world is at its brink, and a new conservative age is rising. Join me every day as we examine these worldwide trends, discover answers to today's toughest challenges. And together, learn to live in the present in life of even better things to cover. This is Turley Talks. Hey gang, it's me, Dr. Steve. Come on in one and all. I got a quick livestream this morning. As many of you know, I have an election integrity webinar that I'm doing at 11 a.m. today. You could still sign up for it if you want to by clicking on the link below. But I just had to weigh in on this insane, this utterly insane uni-party oligarchical debacle ruling that we just got in this whole Fanny Willis insanity gang. Welcome. Good to see you all. Unfortunately, you know, I'm wearing this. This is symbolic. This outfit is symbolic for this morning. Your host, Dr. Steve, is officially black pill. It took me seven and a half effing years to say that on this channel. I've been doing this is November 1st, 2016. I actually started this channel making the argument, extended argument of one video per day, November 1st to November 7th, that Donald Trump was going to win the 2016 campaign. He was going to win the 2016 election. That's how this channel started. And I had people whoa, it's never going to happen. I have had black pill people after black pill period telling me all is lost. The sky is falling and I have stayed steadfast throughout seven and a half years and said not to worry. Things are going our way. The wind's at our back. The world is turning in our direction. And it's just a matter of time before the pathetic corrupt uni party that rules our nation eventually falls and Magga wins. And I got to tell you today, I'm officially effing black pill. I'm with you. I'm at skies falling. Where's my bunker? I'm done. I just don't know how else to interpret this. I'm sorry. I just don't. Now I'm just going to say it. I have no idea how else to interpret this other than just raw stinking corruption. Judge McCaffey, Scott McCaffey's 30 year old child has just ruled that district attorney Fanny Willis can stay on the Trump Georgia case if and only if she gets rid of her boy toy. That was the ruling. And kid, you know, you can't make this shit up. That was the ruling. Scott McCaffey has ruled that big Fanny can stay on this sham case. She can continue to prosecute President Trump with these idiot bogus charges. But only she agrees to get rid of her lover. Nathan Wade. He can't be the special counsel. You're a special prosecutor. She has to find someone else. Even though he's never prosecuted a felony case in his life. Did that say anything? But no, she's got to find somebody else. And why does she have to find someone else? You may ask. Because this judge fully acknowledges that the two of them were having an illicit affair. They admitted to it. The two of them were, were shacking up. And then they were traveling the world and all of these opulent luxurious vacations spending the money that she was paying her boy toy after she appointed him as special prosecutor. We got the receipts. But then she turned around and said, no, no, no, no. I reimbursed my paid in cash. I remember. Oh, really? Where did you get all that cash? Oh, I hadn't my mattress all these years. I don't know here, there. The very fact that this corrupt court is admitting that she has to give up her lover. So deciding she has to give up her lover admitting that she was engaged in an illicit, illicit, inappropriate behavior in the course of this prosecution. They're admitting it. And yet there's a. Have at it. Have at it. Let's take this effort. Trump out. Let's do it. And you got the Republicans to thank for it. I'm literally Gomsmacked. I am, as you would say, across the pond, I'm Gomsmacked. Remember those who are charging Willis and Wade with on an unethical behavior, the defense, they never had to prove that she or Wade actually lied in court about when their affair began, even though they basically did. They never had to prove she financially benefited from the prosecution by paying Wade an inordinate sum of money, which she did. And then the two of them went on all these luxurious vacations together that he paid for, which he did. They didn't even have to actually prove any of that. They didn't have to prove actual wrongdoing for both Willis and Wade to be removed from this case. All they had to do was show that there was the appearance of inappropriate behavior. They didn't have to demonstrate. They just had to show there was the appearance of illicit behavior. That's enough to constitute grounds for removal or resignation. But not according to Judge McAfee, pimples McAfee, you can prove that there was clearly inappropriate. They admitted to inappropriate behavior between the DA and the special overall prosecutor. You can admit to it. You could prove it. You could show all kinds of evidence that they were financially benefiting from it. But just get rid of the boy toe and you're good to go. That's the decision. He basically said, Miss Willis, either you go or Wade goes. One way or the other. Either way, the case continues. We are living under a corrupt oligarchy over which we have no control. They rule according to their own values, interests and concerns and benefit. And they tell the rest of us to F off. You all know, I don't need to tell you. You all know New York Times has reported McAfee, this judge, did at one time work for Willis. He was appointed to Georgia's complex trial division some years back. It's a division that prosecutes cases of domestic violence, assault, non-fatal shootings and the like. He was appointed to that complex trial division when Willis was the head of it. She was the head of that division before she became Fulton County DA. So McAfee did work under her and Newsweek has confirmed that McAfee did in fact donate to Willis's campaign for Fulton County DA. Now admittedly, it was a very small donation, $150. I don't know why he contributed to it. Unfortunately, Georgia law doesn't give a shit about judges contributing to DA campaigns or even when he was just a prosecutor. They don't care. They don't think it's a conflict of interest. But regardless, here we are. Here we are. Look, gang, I mean, the key in all of this, in my view, as we talk about often on this channel, but I guess right now it's just, it's hit me hard, is that we are dealing with the politics of a uni party. We are dealing with the politics of a single political class whose priority is only to protect itself. It's to protect and perpetuate itself. The priority of the political class is its own protection. It governs in accordance with its own values, interests and concerns, which of course have nothing to do with the values, interests and concerns of the people, the wider population. You might wonder why we put up with that. Why do we, but why do so many allow this oligarchy to rule over us like this? And the answer is ironic. It's rather simple. I mean, again, we've talked about this on the number of occasions on this channel. C.S. Lewis, you know, the author of Lion Witch and the Wardrobe, the Narnia Chronicles. C.S. Lewis actually wrote about this phenomenon back in the 1940s in his book, The Abolition of Man. When all said and done, our modern day oligarchs, Lewis saw this as a problem inherent in the modern age in general. But our modern day oligarchs have convinced enough of the masses that we are most free only when they are in charge. We are most benefited when they have the most power. And this is a very modern conception of the governing class because modernity is all about conforming the world to run desires and ambitions. This was Lewis's argument. Lewis basically made the argument that pre-modern man, so what we might call classical man. Humanity, you know, thousands and thousands of years before the rise of the industrial revolution in the 19th century. Humanity basically believed in something called cosmic piety. In cosmic piety as this notion, the world is filled with divine meaning and purpose. And therefore, my highest freedom is realized when I conform my life into a harmonious relationship with that divine meaning and purpose. And the way I do that is by cultivating wisdom and virtue, and that's cultivated primarily, ironically through prayer. Prayer for Aristotle, all the way through the Christian tradition, prayer is considered the highest human act. Prayer is that act that most separates us from the animals. In the Latin, they would literally call it contemplation, contemporary, to think thoughts in accordance with the temple. The highest human act is to contemplate, it is to pray. So we are most human when we are praying. And so the whole goal of humanity was to, the fundamental question was, how do I conform my desires and my ambitions to the divine meaning and purpose around me? That was pre-modern man. It doesn't matter if you were in ancient China, ancient Russia, ancient Africa, ancient America. That was basically the fundamental question of pre-modern man. But when modernity comes in, and the Industrial Revolution comes in, and scientific rationalisms, one soul way of understanding reality comes in. Then something fundamentally different happens, the world basically inverts, it re-orients. Now in the modern world, the fundamental question is no longer, how do I conform my soul to the divine meaning and purpose around me? Now the modern world asks, how do I conform the world through science and technology to my own desires and my own ambitions? And what Lewis recognized is that that required a class of experts who supposedly alone have the competence to harness the technology to conform meaningless purposeless nature to my own desires and my own ambitions. And out of that arose of politics, whether it was communism, fascism, or liberalism, out of that rose a politics that effectively said, you are most free only when I, the expert, the technocrat have the most power. Because I supposedly alone have the competence to conform the world to your desires and in your ambitions. I like to use the example of the cash assistance card, basically a food stamps card, that's issued by the state of Maryland. Does anyone know what the cash assistance food stamp debit card is called in Maryland? It's called the independence card. Let that hit you. It's called the independence card. You are most free when you are most dependent on them. That's the evil genius of modern day politics. So when all said and done, our unit party has convinced much of the masses that they are most free when the oligarchs are most in charge. And so the oligarchs ultimate job is to protect and perpetuate that position of authority. And what you just saw today in that ruling is exactly that from this 30 something year old kid. Now, the good news, maybe, maybe there's going to be a little bit of white killing now, but the good news is those days do appear to be waning. We're currently going through a massive crisis of legitimacy in this nation and that is good. Where the divide between the people in the political class is growing by the day. There was such a massive gap between the people and the permanent political class, the ruled and the rulers in terms of values, interest, concerns. And this is a hugely important dynamic for what's happening today dynamic known as de-legitimation. It's the process whereby public institutions lose their confidence and trust among the vast majority of the population. And what's happening today is that de-legitimation is basically spiraling out of control in the United States. Every single poll, every single one shows an absolute implosion in trust in all of our public institutions, government, military, police, courts, banks, schools, universities, all across the board. Americans in the highest numbers we have ever seen no longer trust our public institutions. And that de-legitimation that distrust has basically spun out of control. The media can't control it, politicians can't control it, courts can't control it, indictments can't control it. And the danger in all of this, as I'm sure you've gas, is that as de-legitimation festers, the stability of government begins to falter as de-legitimation festers, stability of government falters. All you got to do is ask the Soviet Union or the Berlin Wall, what happens when enough people see the government is incurably corrupt and de-legitimate. So that's my biggest takeaway from this decision. I am gobsmacked. I mean, I cannot believe a judge seriously handed down a decision that said, you can continue with this case as long as you get rid of your boy toy. I just cannot, I mean, I didn't, I couldn't even conceive that the corruption was, had festered that deeply. So I, and gang, I got to tell you, I think we're seeing this is a foretaste of what we're going to see in November. You can be, you are guaranteed, this is what they are going to effing pull in November. I'm telling you now. That's why I'm black pill. I'm sorry. I'm going to be black pill today. This is the, this is the shit we're going to be dealing with this November. You, you thought 2020 was bad. Here you go. Here it is. Right there. If, if you have decisions that say you can continue with this idiot sham case as long as you get rid of your boy toy. If decisions like that can be handed down, can you imagine what we're going to see in November? They're going to pull up all the stops to stop Trump in November. And so that's gang. That is why I am hosting and just what are we half an hour from now, 11 a.m. Eastern. I'm hosting a live event off platform where I'm sharing three actionable steps that we all can take right now to protect the election in November. Now I shared this plan with a number of you last month. And it was so helpful to so many of you. We got such great feedback. We decided to do it again. Every single patriot out there needs to hear this message. A short virtual course off platform on election integrity and how we can fortify this upcoming November. So it's half an hour from now 11 a.m. Eastern. Just click on the link below to register or just go to election. We're going to talk about totally right now. The snag a seat. I believe we only have a few seats left. If you want to come on and join us, I'll see you in a few minutes. It's going to be something that's really important. Obviously we can't even talk now because I've been demonetized by YouTube so they we don't have super chats so you can't ask me your questions. Now that you want to talk about anything you want to discuss, register for this online event and just click on that link below and we'll chat off platform on a different virtual platform that we have so we can talk more about this and try to assess what's going on here. So just click on that link below and and register. You know, again, trying to find some white pills here. I mean, judge McCaffey did throw out six of the charges that Willis tried to bring in this ridiculous lawsuit against Trump. She is also facing congressional subpoena of her use of federal funds misuse apparent misuse of federal funds. She's being investigated for unethical behavior by the Georgia Senate. And, you know, and the good news about the throwing out of those six charges is they did include throwing out really the essence of Willis's racketeering charge, which was Trump's phone call with that in neck Georgia Secretary of State, Brad Raffensberger, who's also engaged in his pathetic shenanigans over the last few years. And then Georgians just happily put him back in office in 2022. That's again, I'm getting really black bill here gang. I'm sorry. I'm just, I don't know what to say. I think our hope is looking outside the United States right now this rising civilization of this order that's happening all around us. 80 90% of the world's population turned their back on globalism. They're embracing tradition, nation, custom civilization. And we're just stuck with feckless idiots like this running our lives. I mean, I've just had it. This is ridiculous beyond ridiculous. But anyway, this, this Scott McCaffey judge. He did throw out that phone call that Trump had with Raffensberger when he basically said, Dude, all we needs 10,000 votes. And we got this. So Fanny Willis is trying to pass that off as Trump pressuring Raffensberger to alter the election results when in reality, it was Trump trying to push Raffensberger to do his effing job. The Trump was just pointing out, dude, if you just, if you just do some signature verification and some chain of custody verification, we got this, we just need 10,000 votes. It will easily throw out 100,000 votes easily. It was not about, it was not about getting rid of votes. It was about counting only legal votes. Regardless, I mean, you know, I mean, I've argued this for three and a half years. A charge got thrown out, nevertheless, which many consider to be the heart of Fanny Willis's case against Trump. That was the racketeering part. She can still bring it up. Many people bring that point or raising that point. She can still bring it up, but she would have to refile the charge and that would take months and that would extend this trial beyond November, which would defeat the whole effing purpose of the trial, which, of course, is to interfere with the election. The whole purpose of the trial is to happen before November. If they can't do that, it's all pointless. So I did point out on Wednesday, she did get a huge setback this week, regardless of the way McCarthy ended up ruling. But in the end, just the absurdity of this ruling is so farcical on its face. I just, you know, that's, that's what's blackmailing is that is that something like this could be something like this could be handed down. MSNBC and CNN are all going to treat it. You know, like the, the, the, the pull up your prop again this that they are. They're all going to treat it like, Oh, you see, there you go. Here you go. Now Trump is cooking all this shit. And, you know, all this judge and, and, and in fairness, you know, Brian Kemp did just sign into law yesterday, a commission, that's going to go after rogue prosecutors but if it's an oligarchy who cares, they all just hang out to protect their own power so I'm not putting any trust in it. So no, the answers in our hands, we have got to rise up. We have got to mobilize. We have got to create parallel structures that are so powerful and so strong that like in the Soviet era and in Eastern Europe. It just caused the whole thing to implode the whole communist corrupt structure to implode and then they were able to put in very nationalist populist traditional structures and they're placed throughout Eastern Europe and, and Russia. So anyway, with that gang. Just click on that link below and register for this election integrity virtual platform that we have this lecture that I have where I'm going to show you three actionable items you can take right now. To protect the election November because boy, are we going to need to do that so click on that link below. And I'll see you on this other side. Maybe, maybe you can white tell me all right. God bless, then. Thanks so much for listening to this episode of the Turley Talks podcast. Don't forget to subscribe. Leave us a five star review and share this episode with your friends. Help us defeat the fake news media and rank us the number one news and commentary podcast all over the world. Come back again tomorrow for another episode celebrating the rise of a new conservative age. [MUSIC]