Gemara Markings Daf Yomi

Bava Metzia 16

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15 Mar 2024
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Khassaam would bathe approximately 13 lines from the bottom, last word on the line is 'rava'. 'rava' sums up what we've seen the past day or two as far as what the halach would be. I'm a 'rava'. Hilchassa, I put the Hilchassa marking on this, is going to be three things that we will pass. And now, here's the first. 'Hilchassa' - 'Yaschle Mollies v'ishle schlach of it turns out that the person who saw the line is not really theirs, and he gets seized, the buyer is entitled to both a cash refund, as well as compensation for the improvements he put in. But 'affa' pishle schlach of it, even if the seller never spoke out specifically that he would compensate him for improvements that were put in, certainly he does. Secondly, number two, 'Hikir Basha'ina shalayvallakha, less of the purchaser, knew that the line wasn't the guy who was buying it from. And then it sees the way from him. So, 'Moes yaschkahn', apparently, 'Moes', the value that he paid for it, he 'Yaschle', he would be entitled to, that would be, again, like 'rava', and schlach ain't like, but he's not entitled to whatever improvements he put in, like he knew the line was stolen in the first place. 'Achrias' and the third issue, that's the halach is, as told to us by 'rava', a lack of 'Achrias', guaranteed, is written into the document, is not considered purposeful, rather, 'taus saifu', it's simply a mistake on the part of the sofa, because anyone who goes through the hassle of writing a document out certainly wants to have their guarantee, the ability to get paid back, what they should be paid back, and that's any type of doctrine, 'Bishdari hal vop', and 'Bishdari mekahum emk,' or whether it's a loan document, or whether it's a purchase document, which, again, is not like schmool, it's something all three of these are not like schmool, but I mean a schmool, me 'rava', underlying schmool, and I fireboxed 'rava', the following question, let's say, we had a case of Al-Hadlan, Bob stole it from Al, he's the Ghazlan, and then he sold it to Carl, let's say Khazrvelach, a Bob, the Ghazlan, went back, and actually, originally it was stolen, but he then purchased it from Al, the Lachlami Balam, resheinim, mahu, what do we say, is he considered in place of the Bailim now, and he can take it from the guy that he sold it to, or not, Amalay, so Rav answers, and we will extensively question this answer, but Rav answers, well, one second, mamaharloy, reshein, lachaini, reshein here is the Ghazlan, lachaini is lachir, when Bob stole that stolen land to Carl, mamaharloy, what exactly was he selling him, obviously the land, but he was selling him also, kolschitavliate, any benefit that would eventually come to him because of the land that he's selling would go get transferred to Carl, now, my time up, live in, with the Ghazlan, purchased the land, knowing that it's just going to go straight to the Lachayach, well, there's two reasonable explanations for that, Marsutra, who he circled on, mar, nihale, de la nikariya Ghazlan, it's, it's desirable, to the Ghazlan, he's not like a compulsive Ghazlan, he just, I don't know, got the better of him, he didn't realize, but he doesn't want to be known as a Ghazlan, de la nikariya Ghazlan, he doesn't want the lachayach to say you thief, so he goes and purchases it, and actually, the thing that he sold last week, he purchases this week, so that it'll be able to be rightfully the Sellers, and then the Sellers will do the buyer. Ravashi, we circled on, mar, nihale, it's desirable, to the Ghazlan, a slightly different approach, de la coup behem nousse that he will be established in his trustworthiness, in other words, that he stands by his word, okay, is there any enough community between these two explanations? My Benayu, what has a few attempts, and then a final approach, attempt number one is here, I put a number one in the margin and circled it, on the fourth line of Tessain, but all of it, first one of the line is Elis, squiggle underline the Ela, and put a number two in the margin, and about four lines later, first words in the line are self-self, I put a number three in the margin. Where is there an Ika Benayu case, whether you're going to say it's that he doesn't want to be called by the purchaser, a thief, versus he prefers to be understood to be a man who stands by his word. So Ika Benayu, imagine this, the Miss Lechach, where the guy who purchased it, passed away, and therefore, Monda Amr, according to the approach that says the issue is nihale de la carigazna, that the Lechach, not call him a Ghazlan, well, the Lechach is six feet under now, he ain't going to be calling him a Ghazlan anymore, huh, Miss Lech? And the other hand, Monda Amr, the other opinion that says the issue is nihale de laikum behem nusei, he wants to be considered a trustworthy fellow, well, Bahadeh Bani, nami, nihale de laikum behem nusei. He certainly wants to be considered trustworthy fellow by the sons of this fellow that he sold the land to. The Khmer says that's wonderful, but so self, at the end of the day, Carly Benelo kayach, the Lechach's one who bought it from him, but the Benelo kayach, if they realized that they're inheriting a field from their father that was actually stolen, Ghazlan, they'll call him a Ghazlan also, Ela. So he had squiggling on the Ela, second approach as to what the Benelo, what's the ikabenayu, ikabenayu, demis ghazlan, I died underline demis ghazlan, that the ghazlan dies after he had bought the field. Colin Monda Amr, nihale de laikum behem nish, de laikar yuha ghazlan, according to the penis, the main thing is that he doesn't want to be called a ghazlan, well, huh, mislay. He's dead, so he can be called names anymore, he's six feet under now. Le Monda Amr, nihale, that it is desirable to the ghazlan, de laikum behem nish, that he be established in his trustworthiness. Well, Hachanami here too as well, even though Afa-Gav demis, he certainly wants his reputation after he's passed away, nihale is desirable to the ghazlan, de laikum behem nish, that people feel that he was a real trustworthy guy. The gory jexus says, well, and says, well, safe, safe, even if they're not going to call him a, he's dead, so he doesn't want people to call him a ghazlan, well, he's dead, but they're going to call his sons, sons of a ghazlan. So if Le Monda, they'll call him binay ghazlanah, a lot, so he's squiggling around the elus is the third, and I believe the final approach, elaikabenayu, what's the difference between the marzutra way of explaining things in the rivashi way? De yah vivimatana, that's the case. I dah dah, dah dah, binay vimatana, the ghazlan didn't sell it, bah, the ghazlan didn't sell it to Carl, bah, the ghazlan gave it to Carl, ooh, he, that is solemn properly originally given as a gift, now people are much, let's just say much more forgiving when they receive something as a gift, if it turns out they can't really keep it as opposed to if they bought it. So he said that he wants to keep his trustworthiness, that was the rivashi approach, well even if it was a gift, matana nami, nihale, it's desirable to him, de lekum binayu say, as opposed to monda amar, the opinion, I guess it was marzutra who had said, de lo de kuri ghazlanah, they don't call him a thief, well they might not call him the most honest guy, but amar lay the ghazlan, can say to the person, I didn't steal anything from you, why would you call me a ghazlan, gave me something, okay it wasn't mine, that's a little bit unusual, strange, but it won't be called a ghazlan, period. The gomara now presents a case, let's say you have the case, the one we've been dealing up till now, Al owns something, the ghazlan stole it from him and sold that land to Carl, let's say Pshita, one of the following three cases, number one Zavana, number two Orta, number three, Yahavema matana, it's for sure, and we're going to have four different insights over here, here's the first, we'll call it insight number one or point number one, Pshita if that gonna then goes and sells it to a second person or Orta, he writes out a will that it'll be, he's bequeathing that to his son or Yahavema matana or gives this someone else as a gift, it's pretty clear if you then go buy this from the original person, he stole it from La Vluk, make Kamelele Kha'kha'boy, that he has no intention of trying to provide it for that location because he sold it to someone else in the intern, or he wrote it over to his son, or he gave it to someone else as a gift, okay, that's obvious, number two, Nafu Lebirusha, let's say, I guess he had really originally stolen it from his father, his father died and then he inherited it, well, what do we say then, because now it's his possession, no, there was no effort on his part to get it to try to make good on his word to the person who bought it, Yerusham and Meilahu, it comes automatically, Vilav Ihu Kha'kha'kha'kha'bastra and he, the ghazlan, wasn't like, expending any effort to get the field and therefore we did not assume that it goes to the fellow he sold it to. Possibility three, Gavi Ihu Bhe'kha'vai, let's say the person who stole the field from is someone who owed it money and that person defaulted and then he, this ghazlan, because he had stolen the field, actually sees it, or collects it in lieu of the loan, well, Khazina, then we have to look into this, colon, E is Quigal and I know where to eat, E isle arahrini if the nigs are the one who had originally had a land stolen from him who now defaulted that loan has to pay if there's all sorts of lands, the amarha and this ghazlan says, okay, you defaulted on the $10,000 loan I gave you, I want that particular parcel of land, Hibulina, why would he pick that particular parcel of land, it's pretty clear, l'ukma kami l'kha'kha'bai, that he wants to make good on his original deal and get that land in his position and hand it over to the original l'ukha'kha'kha'vai, squigal and I, this word v, vie, lo, if there's no other lands, well, zusi, who did, boy, afrui, simply money is what he wanted to pay. A fourth scenario, yahavah niele bematana, if the one who had the land stolen from him, al had the land stolen from him by bahb, when insult is to someone else and for whatever reason, don't ask why, but then al gave that land to bahb as a matana, what do we say there, pligiba makhlokus evaka and ravina, colan, qad, I squigal and run the word qad amar, matana, that matana which he, bahb, just got from al of the land, keyirusha, dahamamele, matana, it just came automatically, he didn't pay for it and therefore be just like a yirusha and it would not necessarily go directly to the one who bahb, it's all the two, to qarul, bahb, I squigal and run the qad, qad amar, matana, kamekhir, oh no, a, a, given a gift to someone is similar to selling it to them, why, do you love to tarah for artsi kame, in general, if somebody gives a gift to somebody else of anything of value, if it wasn't for the fact that previously over months or years, maybe even decades, that that person did a lot of favors and tried to appease the giver, lo, have a yahavah to lay matana, don't just give a gift stomp to somebody, it's because it was a relationship with them, therefore, you know what, why was he doing all those favors for the one who ended up giving the gift, lo, haqi tarah for artsi kame, this is the reason that we'll have to conclude as to why he did all that qiyashi, de laikum, hab noisei, because he really, he sold the field, it wasn't really his, but he really wants a field, so he spent maybe years, possibly even decades treating that person very nice, so that he would eventually get the field that bahb would eventually get the field that he had sold to Carl, period. Okay, now, this whole idea that he wants to be trustworthy, up to one point, obviously, if the case has gone to court and they had to seize properties or seize assets, it's not the case, so up until what point, vat amas, do we say nihale, that it's desirable, it's in the interest of the ghazlan, de laikum, bahm noisei, to be established in his ultimate trustworthiness, so three approaches, approach a, amarafuna, achas ha'mada bedin, that works up until the court case, once the case has gone to court, then no longer do we say that, bihi bharav amar, it's actually a little bit of a later stage, ademat aaddrachta liade, until the seizure document, which the court, after they heard the case, said, had to be written up for the purchaser to get his money back, at that point, it's already too late, and rahpapa has a slightly later stage, si rahpapa amar ademat halan yumi achas also. If they had to go so far as to seize a particular property, but then they had to announce that that property was up for sale, to be able to pay the loan, that would be the stage, semicolon. The reason I put a semicolon in over here is because we have a mosque, if I put a triangle on this mosque, and five lines later, directly underneath, there's a mosque, if I put a triangle on the mosque, both of these are going to be, I believe, questions on our fireboxed rahp that we had seven lines from the bottom of the previous summit. Rahv was the one who had told shmuel, shmuel had asked if the gazan goes, so you have al-Babstol al's field, sold it to Carl, and then Bob goes back and purchases the field from al, and Rahv had answered, well, what was Bob selling Carl when he sold the field? It was sort of like any rights that continued to come, and therefore it goes to Carl. So mosque, if la rahmibarhamma, I half-boxed rahmibarhamma, rahmibarhamma is questioning that which Rahv had said. Mikhti, how now? Let's take a look at this. Hailekei, bemai kannila haiara. Carl, when Carl purchased the land, what was he, what was the means by which the purchase took place? Baha'i starah, while it was with a document, but if at the time it was sold, Bob didn't even know the land, hai starah Hasabama was, it's a worthless piece of broken pottery. So there never really was a sale. Amalei rahvah, I half-boxed rahvah, I guess rahvah responds to rahmibarhamma and says, well, tahai bemai aminoi. That which rahv said, we're going to view it as though he's mai aminoi. Like he had said to him, listen, I rely on you that you will get it into my possession, which is kama connector, baha'u wahana, with that benefit, de laikha, amalayimidhi, that he never said anything to him, the kasamikal, and he relied on him, that he would tarahumai slay, to make sure that that which he sold to me actually had the possession of it, gamma rahmaknile. It's with that benefit, did he, not through the star, because the star was really not true at the time, it was that that benefit that he received that caused him to give over to Carl, the property in question, masa rahvashashas. We put a triangle in this masa, rahvashashas asks a question from the following, tanek source. It's an excuse that we're going to see goes for just over three and a half lines and it starts here. If al is selling to Bob, mashi irashmi aba makhorlaach, al has a father, his father has things, and he wants to sell to Bob. I'm going to hear by sell you that which I will inherit from my father, he says, it's sold to you, and I don't know, is his father going to die tomorrow? He's going to die in 50 years, I don't know, or masha talmetsudasmi makhorlaach, or whatever my traps trap, whether it's, I know fish or animals, it sold to you, loi amar clume, I squiggle under in the law, I'm a clume, that's, you're not saying anything because it hasn't yet happened, and who knows if it will happen, there's no smikos hadas in these cases. However, if al says to Bob, mashi irashmi in aba hai yaim, that which I will inherit from my father today makhorlaach has sold to you, or masha talmetsudasai hai yaim makhorlaach, the traps they set out this morning, that whatever they trap today, it sold to you, then vahr of clume, and that would work. Now, that's the end of the thanks source, we'll see why the distinction momentarily, but ama rami bahrkhamma, I have pox rami bahrkhamma, and rami bahrkhamma notes, ooh, that rami bahrkshesus mosa, that's a pretty good question, hagavra, there's the man, rami bahrkshesus, the hatsy utan, that sort of refutes what rahve had said, um, because rahve had said that it goes to the lookev, that carl gets it, but it doesn't seem like that from here. Um, ama rava, I have pox rava, now rava interestingly responds from a bahrkhamma, and says, well, darra kahazina, I could see the man, I could see refhesus who brought that as a massive, however, I'm having a bit of a difficulty seeing what the question is exactly, it's uvta, lo kahazina, I don't really see the question, because the cases are not comparable. Why? hai hai, squiggle on the word hai hai hai, in the case of what rahve had said on the bottom of the previous amaud, samcha deite, there was a full, um, reliance of his intentions by carl, that bahb was selling him something, and if it didn't have it at the time, that bahb would get it. The hai hai, however, here, in the, uh, Bryce that we just had up above, uh, three, four, five lines ago, lo samcha deite, and here's the reason why, in one case, there's a, because that's one case, there's not, colon, hai hai, samcha deite, underline those three words, da azil tarikul mai si lei, the purchaser carl, trust that bahb, either he actually has it, or he'll make sure he gets possession of it, kihiki, doula ne krayagazina, because the last thing bahb wants is to be known as a thief, however, in the above case, hai hai, lo y samcha deite, the lo kah hai hai hai, if he's purchasing, you know, that which this guy's gonna hear it from his father at some point, or that which is, uh, traps, or his fishnets are gonna catch, like, I don't know, over in the next year, like, maybe, yeah, maybe, no, there's no smiqasad das, period, shalhu hai, double in the word shalhu hai, and four lines later, second one in the line is havi, double in the ninth havi, we're gonna have a few, um, outside opinions to what we've been discussing, shalhu hai lakamei, they sent this scenario in the presence of ababa bar zavda, amaluhu, and ababa bar zavda upon hearing this case, uh, his comment was zu aena tshriqalif nim, that, uh, question that was brought, we don't really bring that into the base medrash, that's not really a good question, amar rava, half box rava, rava, says, oh no, zu tshriqalif nim, villif nivelif nim, you bring that right into the base medrash to, like, the, the holy of holies of the base medrash, colon, connector, vill answer, just like we did hakhasam kratate, vahakala isam kratate, kama, i double in line this havi, because this is another case, havi uvda, once happened, a case like this in the city of pulpitisa, villos vei, and they brought that above the next source is a question, amaluhu, villos of vin, villos of said, it's not really a question, zu aena tshriqalif nim, you don't need to bring this even into the base medrash to discuss, it's not a question, vamalaya baay, and i, half box rava, baay, a baay, a baay, said, oh no, sriqat are a really good question, you bring it in to discuss, to the lifnaivlif nim, even into the innermost sanctums of the study hall, and the difference is, the answer will be, like we had said already, twice before, colon, connector, hakha, in this case, sampratate, the case of the rava, whereas, hakha, baay, sampratate, okay, now, when we read the brice about 10 lines ago, we said we would give an explanation as to why there's a difference between the ratio and the ratios, le amor clume, but the safe it works, in other words, if it's le amor clume in the ratio, it sounds like it shouldn't work, so why, if a person is selling that which he is going to inherit from his father today, or that which is nets or traps are going to catch today, why does that work, here's the reason why, my generation, my sampratate, the safe, the safe is the case, now, why is he selling that which he's going to inherit from his father say, must be his father is like on his death bed and about to die, and he doesn't have enough money to pay for the funeral and things, so, masha, ireh, schme habaha yum, those four words and right angles, the reason why the ravaanan allowed it was mishum kvaid aviv, to keep the honor of his father who's about to die, and it would be terrible if the sons don't have the money necessary to give him a proper burial, the other case, and I put this right angles, these four words, masha, talam, zudas, yum, why do they allow the the trapper, the fishermen, to sell that which is, haven't yet caught, but that which is net, or his fish traps are going to catch today, because clearly the guy needs the money, if he's selling like today's catch before he even gets it, mishum kvaid aviv, so that he'll be able to have a little bit of money to be able to support himself, now he certainly, therefore, cannot sell that which his traps are going to trap, like for the next month, the next year, but at least for the day, yes, period, amra vu nammarav, I circled Rob's name, ha'imil ha'vairai, a person says to his friend, quote, sadas shani lei ke'ach, the field that I'm going to buy l'ish ke'le, kish ek'achenna when I actually buy it, kenu yalakmashaq is here, buy, give it over to you from now, does that work, kana, it works, okay, amazing, he didn't actually have the field, but he says the field which when he does have it, he's going to give it over it, it works, and therefore, if he does get the field, he can't back out and it goes to the receiver, ama rava, rava qualifies, or attempts to qualify what Rob said, mistabra mil sa dharav besadda stam, it's where, let's say, I said to Bob, hey, Bob, you know, a field, when I acquire it, it'll be yours, that'll work, however, eva besadda zu, if I specify a particular field, and tell Bob, hey, Bob, that particular field, when I acquire it, it'll be given over to you, lo, why, me, ama, demaz vin lay niele, like, who says that I'm going to be able to get that field ever, and therefore, there was no semik al-sadas, no reliance on the part of the receiver that this would ever come to be, vaha elo, ye keem, or valo heem, by lord, by golly, by gosh, ama rava, fi loo, besadda zu, when Rob said is in, it's even, if there's a specific field, why, comma connector, mikti, Rob holds like, which tana on this issue, rava kimman ama lush maysay, oh, he holds like, the shi tas yawkut of the tana rebi mayor, who we'll see shortly, da amar, rebi mayor is the one who holds, a de makna davar shalabala alla, and that it is actually possible for a person to transfer ownership of something that has not yet even come to be yet, de sanya as we see in the following, brisa, the surprise goes for about four and a half lines and starts here. Imagine you have a man who is a gentile or a woman who is a non-joo, hai millisha manses to a woman, his kauchi li, will you be mikti shi tas yawkut of me, la akasha es skair, he's currently, maybe going through the conversion process, he's currently a gentile, but he says after he converts, or he says to a man, la kasha tis skairi, he's Jewish, but the woman's not yet, he says after you convert, or la kasha es skairi, he's currently a slave, and he wants to get married to someone, so he says after I get freed, he's not even freed, or la kasha tis skairi, he says to a woman who's a shifcha kinainess, after you get freed, or he says to a woman who's currently married, haramikitesh sli, after your husband drops dead, la kasha mus balik, or her, she was married, but they had no children, and she's waiting for the surviving, her surviving brother-in-law to do Yibum Rekalitsa, and the man comes up and says, remikitesh sli, la kasha sli, vimir, after your man gives you rekalitsa, or imagine you have a man who's married to one of two sisters, and he says to the sister, he's not married to a remikitesh sli, after your sister, then currently married to drops dead, in all those cases, since like, at the moment, he said it, it wouldn't work, and imikitesh s, whereas Rebi mayor, who he box, actually says, mikitesh s, because Rebi mayor is the one who says even something that has not yet come to be, if it does come to be, it works. Now, the ha isha, notes the gamara, ke sada zu dambya, a woman, the particular woman, is just like a, this particular field, who says to love, we get it, but if it does happen, mammera mayor mikitesh s, and therefore so too, by the field. mammera shumulai, a circle shumul's name, and four lines later, the last term in line is rivnaqmanai circle rivnaqman. Shumul saysha mitesh star haqnaa ba shuk, yaksiran ala bailim. Somebody who finds a star haqnaa, or rosh is a star haqnaa, is that there's an agreement that the one who has to pay back, will pay back, even if he never received the loan. So you find a document like that in the marketplace, yaksiran ala bailim, you give it back to the one who is owed the money. Why? Because like, what is the possible concern? Why would you not give it back? D'imishu my squiggling round the word D'imishu mikitesh s, if you want to say it was written out to, like, for the loan, but the loan never, never took place. Well, since this is a star haqnaa, ha, sha bit nafshay. The borrower agreed to pay back, regardless whether the loan ever took place. V.E., I squiggling the line in the word v.E., V.E., if you're a concern that, oh, maybe, like, the loan did take place. And he actually paid it off. The imishu and piran, no, we're not, hoshish, that maybe it was paid off, like, because you're on the piran. Why not? Comic-connector D'imishu de parre, because if it was true that the loan was paid off, what is a person who pays off a loan? That's the first thing he does, mikrahave karele, he would tear up the document, and yet the document wasn't torn up. And therefore, we return it to the malva. Amoravnachman, I spoke with Ravnachman. Ravnachman is going to report that his father actually was one of the scribes in Schmuelz, based in Abba, says Ravnachman. My dad, Min Sifri Daini, was one of the judges scribes, de marshmulhave, in Schmuelz court, the havina kabarschis kabarschis. And I remember when I was, like, about six or seven years old, Udekarn, I remember to have a mikrahavevamri, that there were those who went and announced the following, honey starry, agnaisa, de marshmulhave, beshukkah, a starhakna that happened to be found in the marketplace. Nahadrinul and Mariah, what do you do with it? You give it right back to the person who, in the document, is set aside the money. Kama, Amoravamram, as a further support to that, I handle on Ravamram. Ravamram says, Afanan, nami tani na. Well, we also have a tinek source that would bear out that point. The tinek source goes from here till the end of the line, and it says, as follows, kol misa based in hareza yakhzir. Now, at this point in the Gomara, we think what's a misa based, and that's a document, but not just a document that was written out. It's a document that is court approved, like they checked into it, and the basin was mikayem it, and since there's no concern that maybe like the loan didn't take place, because the basin mikayem it's a loan didn't take place, we're also not going to be concerned. We're not going to be concerned that maybe it was paid off. Alma, what do we see from there? Le chashina le pero, and that we're not concerned that it might be paid off. That's a further support to what Schmul had said. That, though, the Gomara wants to say maybe that's not a good support. Amorlei, ribzera, ribzera cestervamram, my handle line ribzera. Well, not really support. You know why? Massnissin bisteri haltasa veradrakta. I've done underlined Massnissi bisteri haltasa veradrakta. It could be that what we're talking about is certain types of documents. A stari haltasa is a star that's written by, based in, for let's say Al comes to court, and he produces a star that Bob owes him money, and the court says, "Yeah, Bob has to pay him the money," and Bob didn't pay him the money, and they go down to Bob's assets, and they assess the assets for Al, and they give him a document that he's entitled to it because the basin looked into it. That's a stari haltasa. A stari haltasa is a similar type of thing. It's like a seizure document, but it's not for a specific field. It's for whatever field it is, and those documents, by the way, the la vene pironinu. They're not considered documents that have to be paid off. That's what we're discussing. Well, one second. Amarava. Rava says, you're saying it's not a support, we're talking about stari haltasa veradrakta. Vahani. You're saying stari haltasa veradrakta, la vene pironinu, are not documents that might have to be paid off? That's hardly the case, because Vahamrinah Hardoi, Shumah Hadar, if the basin came in and assessed for someone who has owed money, a particular land, and the land gets seized, but then that person comes into money afterwards. Hadar at Traciarichasif, like 10 or 11 months later, up until 12 months later, he can actually go back, pay off the loan, and get the land back. Vahamrinah Meemarah Meemar says, Anami Naradah, and I'm from the city of Nahardah, who's fierly, and I'm of the opinion, just shumah Hadar La Ilam. You can come back 10 years later, and get the land back as long as you pay off the loan that you hadn't paid off before. Ella Amarava is squealing on the Ella, underline Rava, and here's the main difference between the Bryce that we had about seven lines ago that says "comaisa based in", you would return it, as opposed to, uh, that's the star hove that we were talking about before, "hasa", I'm gonna put a diamond around the word "hasa", and two, four, six, seven lines later, I put a diamond around the word "gabi". So when it comes to that word "makhsiramaisa based in", high new time, here's the reason, Dhamri, because he figures. Ihu Daf said enough shei, over there, he's the one who caused the loss to himself. De Beinah de Parre, in general, if he did indeed pay off the loan, Ibaile le mikar la shtare. What he should have done is made sure that the document, which is documenting that he owed the money, after he paid it back, gets torn up, and then there would never be a problem. Inami, alternatively, lemith le star kween, that you love a. Let's say the guy says, listen, okay, you're gonna pay back the money, that's wonderful, you want to say, I don't have the document right now. So say, okay, final, write up another document that says that they paid off the loan. Demi Dina a la Ibaile le mahadir, that like mikar adin, and this is, I believe Rashi says, tah amna is in the divergence, it's almost like an explanation as to why that is, because really, the land doesn't have to go back. Umi shum, why do we give the land back? Because it's like the right thing to do, because of the concept brought out in the postukva sisa yashava tai bani a shem, hu dama robon, and that's why the rabbi said, all right, give him back the land. Hilkach, therefore, mirecha, hu dikazov, and really, it's like this is a new sale, so to speak, ebiolimics of sharsvini, and it should have written out a sale document if indeed that was the case. However, common, here we have the diamond round gobi, when it's coming to a regular old star hive, like a loan document, mai ke le maimar, what are you possibly going to say? im isa de pari ebiolimikar le shtare, that if he really paid off the loan, he should have torn up the document. No. Aemor, I'll tell you what could have happened. Ishtamooti kamishtamit lei. He was trying to get out of that responsibility of tearing up the document. Amr lei, he said to him as the money was paid back, the malva said, "Listen, the lei machar lea havna lach de hashta lei ka gaboi, okay, you came back to pay the loan. I don't have the document right now, but I'll get it for you tomorrow." Claiming that he doesn't have it right now, enami alternatively, what's he waiting for? Why doesn't he give the document back? A pshiti disafra, zayer lei. It's a good little question of who pays the scribe fee for the original document that was written and it wasn't paid. And he says, "Listen, I'll give it back to you, but you just got to pay me the $10 that was originally paid for the scribe's fee. And therefore, schmool's ruling is not supported by the teneic source." Adkhan.