
Showdown Episode 20 3-15-24

Broadcast on:
15 Mar 2024
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(upbeat music) - Welcome to Showdown, I'm Mark Casein, and this is definitely the Ides of March, which as you all probably know, was not a really good day for Julius Caesar, but I think the rest of us are doing okay, and we seem to be getting through it. Of course, Nathan Wade didn't survive it, but he'll be okay, and the next thing is, what happens to Fawnee Willis? But the answer is so far that Fawnee Willis did survive all of this, and it looks like she's gonna go forward, and she'll handle the case in Fulton County. Now, the good news is that she won't be obstructed in any way from moving forward with the case, and handling all of the various criminality that Donald Trump has gotten involved in with regard to the officials in the state of Georgia. On the other hand, there are a couple of things that are still hanging out here for her. As an example, what's the bar association going to do? How are they going to view what the judge said this morning? Because that business about the odor of mendacity doesn't really sit well with anybody. It's been talked about today at length, and certainly anybody that wants to get Fawnee Willis, that person is gonna be happy about what the judge wrote. Anybody who is on the side of Fawnee Willis is going to say, really what I'm gonna say. First, this lady, she has worked very hard to bring a very important Rico case against a very dangerous person for the United States of America. She has put this case on the table, and she has worked very hard to get this to where it is right now until she made that personal error of getting involved with somebody in the office that was not smart. That's not smart, we all know that. Anybody knows that, and she should have known it. However, it wasn't against the law, and the judge has made it very clear that he's not even slightly concerned by what she did with Nathan Wade. What the judge is concerned about is did Fawnee Willis actually testify honestly? And here's a problem for her or anybody else. When you put your hand up and say that you will testify honestly in front of a court, you're supposed to tell the truth. And I realize that people have lied forever. But if you get caught, there's a big price to pay. You have to tell the truth. Now you can lie about things that aren't material. That's true. But you're not supposed to lie about things that are important to the case. And I want you to remember that, Stephanie Harmon, for the future, right? Can you hear me, Steph? - Yeah, I can hear you. - Okay, very good. - Evening, happy Friday. - Right, you know it's the Ides of March, right? - Right. - That's the day, you know, the Julius Caesar got aced, you know, and so that's number one. And the second thing is, as you can see, it's sort of a casual day. - Yeah, 'cause you missing something. - Yeah, no tie, you know. - You see, I'm trying to look around that microphone. - Like you with? - Yeah, it's, listen, I wasn't worried about being choked, so it wasn't-- - Well, you know casual means that you don't have to button it up to the top. - Oh, well, it's not bad. - I mean, I work. - Oh, okay, I couldn't see. - Oh, no, no, no, no, I got that under control. Now, so, you know, I was just talking about what happened with Fannie Willis, which worked out exactly as we had talked about, which is that she survived the case, and she will go forward as the prosecutor. No doubt, Nathan Wade didn't make the cut. He's gone. - Yeah. - And I said from the beginning, I didn't like the guy. I really didn't like his attitude, but that's another story. She'll be fine. Look, Donald Trump got a tiny bit of what he wanted, and really, so little that it really doesn't even matter, because this case is going forward. She is going to push as hard and fast as she can to make this thing happen before the election. Everybody agrees. Probably won't happen. We just gave up two months. - Yeah, did you see that Vice President Pence is not going to support Trump? - Oh, yeah, what a surprise. Look, there are a lot of people who aren't going to support Trump, but one thing for sure. But wasn't that his look partner? - Yeah, well, until the people wanted to hang him, and then when they wanted to hang him, Donald said, well, he deserved it. So, I suspect that probably played a role in diminishing the enthusiasm of Mike Pence for Donald Trump, but somebody else will have to figure that one out. But anyway, I was already saying, the Fawnee Willis does have one problem. She's got to hear any possible complaint from the Bar Association, because the Georgia Bar could say, it was written in the order, this thing about an odor of mendacity, meaning that it was sort of a hint that she might have been lying, and you're not supposed to lie in court, and certainly not if you're a DA. But nobody is. - No, no, no. - Nobody is, and I can tell you that I've been in a courtroom, and the people, I was the plaintiff, and the defendant lied. I mean, just flat out lied. - Somebody lied on you too. - Well, you know, no big deal. I mean, first of all, we won, okay. - I'm sure, 'cause that doesn't even sound like something that you would be involved in, but okay. - Yeah, Horton and I had sued these attorneys, and in any case, they lost. - You know, it was 12-0, you lose, okay. And so, I know what it's like being in that courtroom, and I know what it's like to hear somebody lie on the stand, and these were attorneys who lied. - You know, everybody lied. - Well, but you're not supposed to lie when you raise your hand in the courtroom. - Yeah, that you're supposed to tell the honest to God truth, but some people just feel like, once they tell a lie, they have to keep up with it. - Yeah, well, I think that Fannie may have told a little bit of a fib, I don't know. But here's the thing, who cares, really, if she was sleeping with Nathan Wade. But you know, she's been put through unbelievable hell, and let's face it, it's worse than what we're even talking about here so far, because you know, the death threats are a gigantic part of what's happened to her. You know, they threaten her all the time, they threaten her family, they threaten anybody near her, they threaten anybody involved in the case, they threaten to kill people, this is Donald. - Of course. - You know, and so, you know, you gotta wonder about where we are in the country, because you know, somebody will say, well, Donald didn't do it, he doesn't control these people, but you know. - The scary thing is that, - Yeah, go ahead. - To her, a threat like that, coming from Donald's people, per se, is very scary, because as we see, you know, they trampled the White House and everything else, you know, and then, I mean, it's been a whole lot of things, you know. - And let me point this out, Donald has never said, please don't threaten these people. - That he won't. - No, I'm just saying, you know, if he claims that it's not him, okay, he could do that, but if one time, he got up in front of a camera and said, you know, don't do it. At least he could do that, but no, not even that. So I say that it comes from him. You know, just like, you know, Hitler. I mean, that's the same thing. You know, when John Kelly says that he was told by Trump that he loves Hitler, and listen, we haven't heard Donald come back and say, I don't wanna hear one more word about this, because I have nothing to do with Hitler. No, not a word. Not, didn't say that John Kelly was a liar. Didn't say John Kelly was a liar. Didn't say anything. - You were swiping down, I have a wap-wap-wap, and then August didn't look. - Your dog is making, is agreeing with my point. - Apparently she is. - Yeah, exactly. So, yeah. - Mama. - So again, I'm just saying, you know, clearly Donald didn't even say, Kelly's a liar. I never said I'm in favor of Hitler. Didn't even say that. So, you know, it's not good for him. And listen, he is going to go forward in a case in Georgia, in Florida, in New York, everywhere. I mean, there are four cases where this is happening. And none of this is stopping. And yeah, I left out a man happy. So, you know, all of this is getting him. And there's no end to it, except let me add this. Here's a problem for you. This is in Florida. This is an interesting problem. You know, yesterday, Judge Cannon, Aileen Cannon, said that the filing that Donald made to the court asking for the case to be dismissed, that that filing was not going to lead to a dismissal, that she was not doing it. However, she then said, come back later if you like and raise the same issue once we get to the point where we're looking at the jury. Well, this is a big problem, Steph, because in saying that, she's left out one point that if she dismisses the case right now, well, then Donald is still in trouble because they can refile the case. They can refile it over and over again. And she knows that the 11th district will take her off the case. However, if it gets in front of a jury and then they ask for it to be dismissed and she agrees, then double jeopardy applies. And that means it can never be brought again. It would let Donald off the hook. So here's the deal. And I don't know the answer to this one. I'm no attorney, but I can tell you that Jack Smith had better get to work on a plan because if he doesn't get on this plan, the day this gets in front of the jury, Donald is gonna jump back up with his request for a dismissal and she's gonna give it to him. She just told you that she's gonna do it. She's invited him to come back, but only after the jury's in place. I'm telling you, she wants to end this case and Smith has got to act. Well then, something has to be done with her. 'Cause she cannot be... 'Cause basically, she didn't already made a firm mind on what she's gonna do with this whole case, which she cannot do, judge or no judge. That's not her place. - Well, she can do it though. She is following the rules. There's only one thing that Jack Smith can do right now, but he doesn't wanna do it and I understand why. He could go to the 11th district right now. - And say... - We have her disbarred. - No, ask her to be replaced. - Okay. - Replaced. But the problem is he's only speculating at this time. In other words, he goes to them and he says, "Look, listen to her words. "I suspect that this is what she's up to." And the 11th district, first of all, could say, "Nah, we're not doing it. "That's not enough here, okay?" And then Jack Smith finds himself into more of a fight with the judge. But see, I'm gonna say, at this point, you got nothing to lose, pal. Go to the 11th district because they're telling you, this case is over unless you do something to remove this judge. So you gotta do everything you can or else. - Yeah, it's over before it began and they say it. - Yeah, so this is difficult. No, I will say, a lot of people get upset about this, but my response honestly, it is the rules of our system. And if you take advantage of the rules. - Well, you know what, the system sucks. - No, no, the system's really great. - Yes, it does. - Well, look, okay. - Who is the system grateful? - Okay, the rich or the poor? - Okay. - So let me tell you what you just said. You just said correctly exactly what Al Sharpton said this afternoon. I mean, you're right. He said that if you are wealthy in America, you can pull this routine that Donald did. But if you're poor, if you got no money, or you have no position. - It does. - Exactly. You would find yourself in jail right now. So yeah, that's true. But I'm gonna say, Steph, that it's still a great system because you just gotta find some way to get some representation. And I know that it's not simple, but what are you gonna say? Are you gonna say if you're poor, you've got a different set of standards than if you're rich? I understand we do. Yes. - They have a different set of standards if you're black and if you're white, Mark. I mean. - I agree. It works out. - Yeah, I mean, you know everything that me personally have been through. I say, I have looked at things very closely and coming from a family of legal and justice and so on and so forth. I really have seen both sides. - Yeah. - And when you can compare a woman who deliberately went out and killed two, three people and her bond is less than, it's like 250,000. And somebody else going to kill somebody, one person and their bond is a half a million 'cause they're black. Come on now. - Yeah, I agree. And there have been efforts to even the playing field on this and they're still not working. It still doesn't work. That, you know, when it comes to poor and black people and Latino also, you know, they are not treated the same as somebody like Donald Trump, even if-- - Yeah, our prison systems show it in numbers. There's more blacks and Latino than it ever will be a white person in prison system. - Even if Donald Trump's broke, he's not being treated as broke. So I agree. Now, let's back up a second on that. Look at the cases where in New York, Donald has been held accountable, $90 million in the Eugene Carroll case. - Okay. - Almost $500 million in the fraud case in the state of New York. Leticia James brought that. So, you know, there is accountability and unfortunately it doesn't always work out quite the way we want it. But at 550, I'm sorry, 500. Almost 600 million, okay. - Yeah, 600 million. - Almost 600 million. 590, whatever it is. Donald is in trouble, may lose his entire company. And if he's not careful with the Eugene Carroll thing, and they get an injunction against him next time, he could still end up in jail on that case. - But you know what? This is America. He could sit up here and have all of that against him and go and found bankruptcy and still have a lot of his-- - I don't know. I'm not on this. Can't file bankruptcy on this one. - If he don't have the money, what he's supposed to do. - Well, let's put it this way. In the case where he put up the $90 million, there's no bankruptcy there now. He didn't put it up, but somebody cosigned for it. So that deal is done. That $90 million is now in place for Eugene Carroll. Okay, now-- - Yeah, but the 500. - Okay, so here's on the 500. Let's see, what does it say, the 15th? So in nine days, if he doesn't come up with the bond, for the, oh, it's gotta be a bond because he doesn't have the money. So if he doesn't come up with the bond in the state of New York on the 500 million, let's teach you James is gonna start selling all of his properties. It's the end for him. Maybe he will file bankruptcy, but he'll have nothing left. He'll be wiped out. And that's good. So that's all I'm saying. He will be-- - Yeah, but I don't believe that he'll ever be wiped out. I'm telling you, even if he filed bankruptcy, he's gonna come back somewhere, somehow. Trust me what I'm telling you. - He's not allowed to even to be in business in the state of New York. - That's in New York. - Well, it's important to him. - At least he's got 49 of the states. - His business is in New York. That's where his business is. - I'm just saying, Mark. - Whatever it is, well, I don't know what his business is. He's a mob boss. I mean, that's what his job is. You know, so anyway, I'm just saying this. Yes, the system has got flaws. And we all should hate to see a regular person mistreated when some criminal maniac can get away this far with the things that he's done. But I'm telling you that it's still closing in on him from all directions. And for example, you take the criminal case in New York in Manhattan. First of all, there's a 30-day delay now, okay? That's what it looks like it's gonna be. 30 days, 30 days we can handle. 'Cause the trial will start instead of March 25th, it'll start April 25th. That's okay. Donald was trying to make it 90 days, but that's not where it's headed. So a 30-day delay, that's okay in New York, that that'll still go forward, that'll still be litigated before Donald gets to the voting booth. So, and that's what he's just trying to delay all this so he can get to the voting booth. But if they find him guilty in Manhattan, it's a big problem for this man, big problem. So, okay, so first of all, we're gonna get something to eat here for a second. It's 4.30, so we wanna eat just a little bite to eat. Like, not a lot, not a lot. Like for example, all the smoked meat you can find, yeah, just a little bit, a little bit. All the smoked meat. You know, all the wings, okay. And pizza and hamburgers, cheeseburgers, salad, baby back ribs. No, just a little, we don't want to eat too much, you know. Okay, so that's Wendy's, and that's at 18,000, Chesterfield Airport Road in Chesterfield Valley. And it's a great place to eat. And don't forget the phenomenal owner, Ben, who is right there waiting for you. Yeah, so yeah, that's the deal. And we got some visitors, that's okay. So anyway, again, my emphasis here. Go to Wenties and enjoy the great food and company, and you will love it, it's a fabulous restaurant. Now, I'm gonna send you down to see Al over on 4506 Hampton, and he will talk to you about all the great jewelry. In fact, I was down there today, and he had so many pieces of jewelry on his desk. It was making me nervous. There was just-- - He didn't pick me up a friendship bracelet or anything. - I'm telling you, he was trying to sell me stuff right there. He was trying to get me to buy things for everybody. But anyway, I can just tell you right now, Al is another great one, and he is at 4506 Hampton, and that's in St. Louis. Great jewelry, they'll buy and sell coins and so forth from you. You know, it's just good business and tools on Hampton, 4506 Hampton. Now, here I am very casually dressed this afternoon. - You got on jeans? - I do have on jeans. And I didn't get the jeans from the St. Louis suit company, but I did get this. By the way, you're gonna have to tell me, I don't know, can you tell what color this is? It looks like it's brown. - Yeah, see, I'll tell you, this thing, I think it changes colors. Sometimes-- - You see the dark brown or it could be a green, a dark green, or I don't know. But it looks brown. - Okay, so now I'm hearing brown, okay. (laughing) I'm hearing more brown. But let me say this, I've been told gray, I've been told, I mean, my eyes say purple, but I guess that's not true. - Then what color is your shirt? - Blue. Well, that's it. - Are you sure? - No. (laughing) But I've been told. So anyway, ah, Charles Bohannon says-- - It's brown. - Brown. Thank you, Charles. Okay, if you insist. I mean, all these people here are saying brown, maybe it's brown. - Just-- - Exactly. - It doesn't seem like it's for me, but look, I'll tell you this, it's micro suede, it's really nice. And it's from the St. Louis Suit Company. And in fact, I was in there today and I saw Jay, the owner, I saw Jay and Nick, the owner and his son, and I said to them, you know, "You gotta love what I'm wearing." And they laughed, you know, 'cause they know it's, you know, one of their pieces. But anyway, St. Louis Suit Company is on the corner of Forsyth and Central. - Yes. - In Clayton. And it is a great place to buy suits and sports coats. And you can't beat the ties. Five bucks for a silk tie. And Charles Bohannon, listen to this. You'll never believe this one, but you should go down and try it. And I mean, I don't want you to be hurt, but you know, if you go and get a tie, just like this, not the one I'm wearing, but just like what they sell, if you get those ties from Donald Trump, first you'll pay $50 and you probably don't wanna do that, if you can buy it for five, but beyond that, you get the Donald Trump tie and it actually chokes you. - Yeah, it's a special added attraction that Donald likes to throw in there. Anyway, love silliness Forsyth and Central, and that is the St. Louis Suit Company. So let me go back here and say that there's another problem for Fannie Willis before we move on from Fannie. And that is that there are ethics panels that may be looking at her also. The ethics of what she's done involving her engagement with Nathan Wade and then also most importantly, what she testified at the trial. And let me add another thing, you know-- - I have a question, an ethical question. - Yeah, go ahead, I'll tell my other, go ahead, question. So you need to tell me that you cannot have a relationship with another attorney that works in the office. I mean, I know you, we say, you know, you don't sleep where you eat, you know. But if these are two grown adults and if they didn't, you know, if they were holding themselves professionally at work, et cetera, et cetera, who's business is it? I'm not understanding. - Yeah, well, obviously allegations have been thrown out here with regard to why they were together and why they were pursuing this case together as if perhaps they were doing something to benefit themselves. And the judge said, no, that's not going on here. He was more worried about what happened once it got into the courtroom and people were testifying because you can't lie. That's the problem. So, you know, Donald threw out all this other nonsense. And you're right, Stephanie, whether they were sleeping together or whether they were riding in the car together or going out horseback riding or whatever the heck they were doing, it doesn't change the fact that Donald picked up the telephone called the Secretary of State and asked the Secretary of State to make up some numbers to try to get him to win the election. - That's, I mean, I just don't need it. - That's right, no, you're right. The judge didn't say that was an issue. In fact, the judge said it's not an issue. But the issue is if they'd have walked into that courtroom and said, you know, we did it all. We went out together. We bought dinners together. We did everything you said. Okay, see you later. Judge would have said, okay, nothing here. - That's what people do that's in a relationship. - She, she and-- - They did not deny that they were in a relationship. - Yeah, but they sort of fudged possibly the dates of when. And they allowed Donald to get them into an argument over when all of this took place. And once that happened, there was the possibility that they were lying. And you're just not a lot of lie. And if you're the boss-- - Okay, so in other words, if I forgot that we started seeing each other in January and we actually started seeing each other in June, that's a lie. - Well, if it's material, and in this case, it was material based on the accusations from Trump. And all they had to do is say, all these dates are correct. However, we weren't doing anything wrong, certainly nothing that affected Trump. And then that would have been fine. It would have all gone away. But they got into all these details, which, like the judge said, he's not convinced that they were telling the truth. Not that it matters, not really, but it matters based on the allegations that were thrown out. And so they needed to address those allegations rather than possibly fudging the dates. Maybe they didn't. It's possible they did not. But if it gets in front of an ethics committee, or if the bar association digs into this thing, they're gonna try to find out if the truth has been told here. Now, beyond that, it looks like she's in the clear. That's a lot. But beyond that, she's in the clear because there is an election that she's gonna face in Fulton County. But she's very popular, so she's gonna win that. There are also some investigations that are being raised by different political people in the state of Georgia. Those are probably going nowhere, but it'll still bring all this right back up to the surface again, because they wanna get her. I mean, they just do. And you can understand why they wanna get her because they want Trump. And Trump certainly wants to survive all of this outside of the gray bar hotel. So that's where we're at. It's a little sticky. - It's a myth. - Yeah, but she at least got the go-ahead from the judge today. And I'm sure that she is gonna push as hard-- - I was happy to see that. - No, that's for sure. No, that was very important. And in all honesty, throughout this entire thing, you've never heard one word about what Donald has done and whether he's in trouble. - We can't keep up with what Donald has done. - Well, that's true. - His list is bigger than an encyclopedia, what we got? - Yeah, well, that's what he hopes, okay? I mean, that's what he absolutely hopes. So he's hoping that he can survive all of this in a way that would never really look in detail at what he has done. But-- - How old is Donald? - Well, he's gonna be 78 in a minute. - He got one foot in. - Well, he does. And of course, it doesn't help him that he's way overweight and you can see he's sweating profusely. What's his name? Joe Scarborough calls him Fat Elvis. So, you know, but look, all the name calling in the world is meaningless because the truth is this guy has broken laws tremendously. - Yeah, but beyond belief. - Yes, but here's another point. - And has gotten away with it? - Well, no. - Up until this point, he has gotten away with it in the past. - Up until this point. - But look what happened. In 2019, that's five years ago, the case was brought against Trump by Eugene Carroll. Five years. Now, if the Justice Department had been on this earlier, we'd be all the way down the line there. So you gotta put some of it on the Justice Department for not doing what they should have done because they could have taken action earlier. These cases could have been far down the line. They might've even been litigated by now, but they allowed this time to slip. - And that's what I was telling you that the Justice system is naturally justice. It's only justice for certain people. - Yeah, look, that's absolutely true. But only because Donald has the resources, I'm not gonna say he's wealthy 'cause he's not wealthy. The man, I'm telling you, the man is broke. He couldn't come up with 90 million and he's not gonna come up in nine days with 500 million. This man is broke. He's gonna get somebody to stand up for him. Now, that's what's gonna happen. You know, somebody's gonna say-- - Well, they would be an idiot to put their money up for this man. - Well-- - 'Cause they're gonna lose their money. - They're gonna lose their money. No, that's a good point. They're gonna lose their money. But they may be willing to lose their money because there may be something Donald is promising them that makes it worth a $500 million risk. - Yeah. - No. - A double sale. - A double sale, there you go. - No, that's-- - Two twin beds right next to each other. - No, that could be-- - Or some bonkers. - That could be. And the other thing, of course, is it might be money even coming indirectly from Vladimir Putin. You know, let's not forget. And everybody forgets. No one talks about it anymore. But the Mueller report identified 144 illegal meetings with the Russians, 144. I mean, we're not even talking about it. There's no case being brought over any of that. I mean, all of that has been shoved way into the background somewhere because people are afraid that it's an unwinnable situation. - So what if it was you or whatever was me? - Being jail. - A bunch of the jail. - It wouldn't take, yeah. It wouldn't take 144. It wouldn't even take 44. It wouldn't even take four. - Yeah, one time to get caught. - No, that's absolutely the truth. - No, that is the problem here. But in the case of Eugene Carroll in the state of New York, they have begun to get a pound of flesh out of this guy. True enough, right? You know, over $500 million and some teeth additionally behind all of this. So it's not true when people say he just gets away with everything. No, he doesn't get away with everything. He didn't get away with this in the two civil cases and he's not gonna get away with it. It's coming down on him in a way that is gonna take his business away and you could say, well, what does he care? He thinks he's gonna be president. I know people all day telling me he's gonna be president. That's all everybody says he's gonna win, but they said it in 2020 and guess what? He didn't win. - Did you see SIEU yesterday? - Uh-uh, tell me. - They endorsed, they endorsed Biden. - Interesting. - That's a lot, yeah, a lot of money, a lot of votes. - Yeah, well, that's a huge union, so yeah. But here's the problem, a lot of endorsements for Biden, a great speech at the state of the union, but there's one thing that he can't erase. He's old. - What's so on there? - Well, so am I, but here's the point. They're looking at him and they're saying, this man's too old because you know what they're afraid of? They're afraid of Kamala Harris. That's what they're worried about. - Afraid of her away. - That she would be the president. - If he died. - Yes. Yeah, well, that's the issue here, Stephanie. I mean, this, you know, all the time, 25 years, I broadcast with Onion Horton. I learned all of my lessons very well because Onion always said that any time that you can't figure something out, just look to see if there's some race there because that'll explain everything. - That's true. - And here it is, because-- - Right, 'cause we discussed that the other day. You know, they're not ready. They're not ready for that. - You know, well, not ready. I mean, if the vote is there, they're gonna be ready. Right now, she is unpopular in the country. Why? I don't know, she's unpopular. But, you know, the things that are-- - I don't hear much about her, I really don't. I don't hear much about her at all, what she's doing. She's not really in the news in regards to anything. And to me, that's a good thing. Well, she's more in the news now and she got in the news yesterday because she went to that Minnesota Planned Parenthood facility and she stood up for women in a way that no president or vice president ever has in our history. No-- - She should have. - Yeah, well, she did. - Good. - And let me tell you, there are some people who are angry about that. - Is it the Catholics? - No, no, no, that's not the problem. No, that's not the issue. No, the issue is not that. The issue is Trump people who don't wanna see anybody black anywhere close to that White House. So that's big, that's very big. And certainly, look, women are gonna vote in a very big way in the coming election on behalf of women's medical rights. Right? I mean, they are. You know, and I know people say that abortion word but I wish everybody would stop saying it because it's not about that. It's about women's rights to be treated properly in a doctor's office. And it starts with, you know, women, black women certainly, facing very high levels of mortality when it comes to trying to just bring a child into the world, you know, three times the level of white women, three times. It doesn't matter whether you're wealthy or whether you're poor. You could be a wealthy black woman and you still have three times more possibility of losing your child and maybe your life. This is not good. I mean, this is-- Well, you know, again, the country has been doing this for centuries. They brought the drugs into the low poverty neighborhoods into the black neighborhoods. So how do you think the guns got that? They brought 'em there. They wanted, they want to see us basically kill off each other. So, and, you know, then you have the women because the women populate. So you don't want them around. I mean, look at the history. It is what it is. There's no doubt about it, but the thing is, on every level in this country, people need to speak out. And, you know, certainly there aren't a lot of right wing-- I'm sorry, there aren't a lot of left wing shows that are out here talking about these things. There are lots of right wing nuts who are on the air everywhere. You know, the main shows, like you take somebody like Joe Scarborough and Mika. You know, they're out there doing this and they're bringing all the people in and they've got four hours in the morning and they've got a tremendous following. Millions of people. And you know what? It still doesn't get through very well, does it? Okay, but you still have to get everybody out here on every level. You could be the biggest show on MSNBC or you could just be local radio, local internet, local television-- African Americans have been raising their voices for centuries. Okay, but that-- We have not stopped. We're still raising our voice. Okay, and-- And we're still not getting any justice. Well, wait a second. In 2020, Donald Trump was beaten. And by the way, let's go just two weeks ago, three weeks ago, this guy Swazzy in New York he won that special election where everybody thought that he could be in a lot of trouble. I mean, he replaced George Santos, you know, a complete liar. But still, he had to get the support of people in order to win and what did he do? He used immigration. He went and told the story about what Donald Trump did to kill the immigration bill and what Joe Biden did to try to get an immigration bill with Republican and Democratic party support. And he used that story to get himself elected. So my point is that you can win. And, you know, with that mind, and I don't know if you've heard this one, did you hear about Ray Hartman? Okay, you know Ray, right? Okay, so Ray Hartman, former owner of the Riverfront Times, started the Riverfront Times, used to be on Donnie Brook, used to be on a couple of different radio stations around. He's pulled himself out of everything. He's off of all the airwaves, which he has to be. And he has now announced that tomorrow he's filing papers to run for the second congressional district in Congress. So he's going to run against Ann Wagner. And, you know, it's not easy. This is Missouri. I mean, yeah, this isn't like, you know, Ray Hartman could just walk in and say, "I'm here and everybody's going to say, come on in." No, there are a whole bunch of people who are going to have to be convinced of this. But again, I'm just making the point. If you will stand up and fight back, you know, there are ways to do this. Now, frankly, I have thought about that seat. See, I think he could win. I really do. I think of, I told Jamie, anyway, I talked about it on the air. And I've said, I could win that seat. I think I could win that seat. But I have to tell you, in the long run, I decided it's better to be on the air and making the arguments than messing with his congressional stuff. I think that Ray Hartman can win. Now, the question is, does he have the sense to pick the right issues and wrap them around her? And certainly Trump is one. I mean, that's the big fight here. You know, right. Now, the other thing is, I think I would say, I would use Hitler. I mean, I really would. You know, and so, I mean, Ray's Jewish too, but it's not about being Jewish. Nobody in the United States of America supports Hitler. So, you know, here's a man, Donald, who has said to John Kelly, that he supports Hitler. So, all I'm telling you is that if I'm running for office, I am absolutely going to use this. I'd use it big time. I'd use it all the time. Now, I'd also use what worked in New York. I mean, if New York was a winner over the border, over the immigration business, then do it everywhere. And plus, on top of that, women's rights, because there's no question. - Yeah, you have like a top four. You have women's rights. You have the immigration issue in the border. You have healthcare, which is part of women's rights, I guess. And then you have the gun laws and you have the drugs. - Yeah, but some people on the gun laws, some of those people, they're going to have a problem, okay? Because they're a lot of-- - Well, you know, that's because it's not happening and they back you. - Well, exactly. But all I'm saying to you is that we know, women's rights are a winner. The border has become a winner for the Democratic Party. And that's so ironic, because, you know, two months ago, if you'd have said the border, the border was strictly a Republican issue. They could win. But suddenly, because Donald Trump ruins everything that he touches, everything he touches. But, you know, here we are. And now the Democratic Party has the advantage on the border because they tried to pass a bill. It was a Republican bill. The Republicans came up with this. Langford from Oklahoma, the Senator Langford. He worked on this with the Democrats, got the right issues and everybody was ready to sign off on this thing. And it would have been a big win for the Republicans that have gotten what they asked for. Joe Biden was ready to sign it. And look what happened. Donald steps in and says, don't do it. I'll lose my issue. So, here they are in serious trouble now. They've already lost one election over it. And there are undoubtedly more to come. But there's one thing for sure. 'Cause we saw the results of the State of the Union. We saw the polling after the State of the Union. The polling for Joe Biden was terrible. I mean, he did a great job. Everybody knew that. But see, he can't get past the fact that he's old. And people are worried about that. They're worried he won't survive for years. Even if they think he's got enough strength and he's smart enough and he's articulate enough, even if they heard that speech and they thought it was good, they are absolutely not being moved because they are saying, the man's old. - And they don't trust the cold pilot. - They don't want a black woman in the White House. There's no way. I mean, like we talked the other day, my kids in school, they may be talking about how she's light skin, okay? But I'm telling you right now, that isn't flying with white people in America. They see Kamala Harris as a black woman. And that's all they know. And they don't want that. So that's all. - I feel like this, you got your pilot, you have your cold pilot. So if your pilot dies, then you have your cold pilot to continue on. So then it's like, okay, well, you don't want them in there. Who the hell go fly the plane? - Stephanie, they just want at the moment, they're. - All these other idiots gonna get together and try to figure it out now. - Listen, the Republican party is trying to figure out how to get Trump elected because that's their guy. That's what they're stuck with now. They don't have Nikki Haley. They don't have anybody. They certainly don't have Chris Christie. They've got nobody. Maybe, maybe Nikki Haley will run as a third party also. See, that's the other thing. We don't know how that's gonna work out. So, Nikki Haley, RFK Jr, Jill Stein, that's gonna hurt Joe Biden, okay? Cornell West, it's not gonna get many votes, but that's gonna be something. I mean, the point is, there are a bunch of people out here that could pull votes from both of these guys, and then we have to see where we end up, and I know some people said to me today, you know, if you win the presidency this year with 35% of the vote, that may not be so great for the country. - All I could say, Mark, is if you vote, if you vote, count your places, just count your places, because if it was me, I personally believe that Joe Biden is gonna outlive Trump. I honestly believe Joe Biden will outlive Trump, okay? Mark, remember I said that Joe Biden will outlive Trump. So, you need to think about what these people, they need to think about what they want, because at the end of the day, they might put that man in there in a week later, he might kick the bucket. Then what you gonna do? - Well, I have no way of judging the medical issues, but I will-- - I'm not either, but I can guarantee you Joe Biden or I'll live him. - Well, I will tell you what I have said in the past. I have said, and I don't know if you've ever seen a movie called White Heat? - Yes, I have. - Okay, so you know, James Kagnie was standing up on top of the oil wells and basically committing suicide and screaming, "Mom, I'm on top of the world." Right? (laughing) Okay, I have predicted that that's Donald. He climbs up on top of Trump Tower and jumps off head first, because he thinks it'll be an excellent end to this reality show that he's done here and it gets him out of all his legal problems too. So maybe you're right, Steph, because I would go for that one rather than the medical judgment, 'cause I just can't guess that one. - Mm-mm, I just think that the man's gonna outlive Trump. I'm telling you. - Yeah, well, yeah, maybe-- - He's gonna be like a Jimmy Carter, he gonna be like 99.99. (laughing) - I'm telling you. - It could be. - Okay, but I'll tell you this, if you wanna continue to outlive everybody, here's the way you do it. You go to Wenties, get yourself some great food. - Yes. - You go to Al over at Jules on Hampton and go buy some great jewelry for your woman. Okay, 'cause that'll keep you healthy, okay? And finally, you go get some really nice clothing over at the St. Louis suit company, because if you do all three of those, you will find yourself healthy, wealthy, and wise. Right? - Yes. - Okay. - Yes? - I agree with you. Have a great weekend, Steph. - You do the same. - This is Showdown. - Hey. - I'm Jason. - I'm Stephanie Harmon. - Good night. [laughs]