Gemara Markings Daf Yomi

Bava Metzia 18

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17 Mar 2024
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(speaking in foreign language) We had squiggle underline the violin, call this number two. This is the Gomara's second attempt and not gonna be successful to find a source that an almana mina irisen is entitled to a ksuba. Well, (speaking in foreign language) the following almost three-line teneic source. Says like this, if you have a couple, they're not fully married, they're not nesua, but they're an aros, an arusa, they got engaged, so to speak. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) If she passes away, he, the husband, will not go into a state of aninus, which is what somebody who wanted their close seven relatives, wife usually included, like a full wife would include, or (speaking in foreign language) if he is a Cohen, he will not participate in the funeral, whereas if they were fully married, he would. (speaking in foreign language) He also, she, let's say, have a couple who got engaged, (speaking in foreign language) she will not be an aninus, or she will not become a tomme for him. (speaking in foreign language) If she dies, (speaking in foreign language) he will not inherit her things, which normally has will inherit his wife's things when she passes away. (speaking in foreign language) If he dies, (speaking in foreign language) I dot underline, (speaking in foreign language) She will collect your (speaking in foreign language) So here you have, apparently there's an Arusa, and she is collecting her (speaking in foreign language) That's the end of this innate source. So isn't that a good proof that an ammonium in Harrison has a (speaking in foreign language) Well, maybe not. Maybe only if it was written out, (speaking in foreign language) but if it wasn't written out, she doesn't automatically have the, is not entitled to a (speaking in foreign language) if she was only an Arusa. (speaking in foreign language) We're gonna try to say, well, (speaking in foreign language) Then what would be the Hiddish of the point that he would call, excuse me, she would collect the Ksuba if he died, if there was a Ksuba written out. Like, of course, we would know that. They're almost like, (speaking in foreign language) answers the Gomara, or points out the Gomara, that indeed that's right. And we didn't necessarily need it for that, but more for the parallel case of Mesa, if she dies, (speaking in foreign language) the fiance, the man will not inherit his deceased fiance. It's strictly is why we need to be told. In other words, the mace who point was brought in sort of Agav of Mesa he, and Mesa he was an important point to teachers. That's the end of the brackets, and we have not really found a clear source that a bottom in Arusan is entitled to a (speaking in foreign language) even if it wasn't written. Ella, so the brackets ended, and we get back to the regular Gomara, which was a Baye explaining why his question that Ribeocana said, ooh, there was like, we lifted up that Charda Potter, and found a pearl, like a pearl of insight into the Hoxia get for any Muyksuba to make source. Ella, so I squiggle around this Ella, and this point that's gonna be made really takes us till the mission. So I guess it's about a 12 line point or so, and here it is. Where does a Baye know that from, that he should back off his original question? Ella, a Baymi Gufa Dimastis and Kahadar Bay. From what the same source itself said, comma, and here's the explanation. De Isalka Daitach, if you were to think that the reason is not because that we're not towing Akhara Mysa based in, rather it's because the get is like 10 amount of the (speaking in foreign language) but Markhamshain, Christwing, Subah, Skina, that we're talking about a place where they don't write a (speaking in foreign language) De get Hainuk Subah, so that which she can produce her divorce document is the equivalent in a regular place where they do write Akhara for her producing Akhara. Well, to get, (speaking in foreign language) does the get itself say 100, say 200, no. So how does whipping out her get prove at all whether it's been paid off or not? (speaking in foreign language) Well, (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) since like the rabbis instituted that you collect a woman who in a place where they don't write a (speaking in foreign language) uses her get to prove that she needs to collect the money that's out from her (speaking in foreign language) and it says though it's written, well, (speaking in foreign language) could be written, but then the husband can turn around to the representatives of the husband's estate can turn around and say, (speaking in foreign language) I paid it off already. No, he can't say that. That must be the proof that Abba's question was not a question. (speaking in foreign language) If you're gonna try to say, (speaking in foreign language) we, the churches of the court will say to the husband, "Hey, one second, you're claiming you paid it off?" Normally, if you pay something off, you rip up that document. (speaking in foreign language) You buy Lakhlamik Kari, you should have torn it up. (speaking in foreign language) The husband could reasonably say back to the judges, one second, you want me to tear up what? It wasn't a (speaking in foreign language) it was the get, (speaking in foreign language) The husband could say, (speaking in foreign language) well, I wanted to tear up the (speaking in foreign language) excuse me, the get, but she wouldn't let me tear it up because Amra, she claimed, but in Suvi Bay, she's gonna wanna get remarried with it. So, I mean, she needs to have some sort of proof that she was divorced, namely the get, (speaking in foreign language) And if you wanna try to say, (speaking in foreign language) still, we the judges say to the husband, if you're all, you claim you paid it up. And there's like a lack of clarity, whether that was or not. (speaking in foreign language) What you should have done is the (speaking in foreign language) to like make a little tear in the side of it, (speaking in foreign language) and have written like, you know, an official scribe right in on the actual document of the get itself, the following two lines, (speaking in foreign language) this here get that is torn, (speaking in foreign language) let me assume the get up (speaking in foreign language) it's not because it is an invalid get, (speaking in foreign language) rather, it's so as to prevent having to pay a second time for the (speaking in foreign language) and that's what should have been written. Now, like theoretically, if everyone was torn knowledgeable in all places, that could have been done. However, (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) maybe we say that everyone who collects in all these different cases is doing it under the auspices of a court sometimes, yeah, but sometimes no, so it's not necessarily reasonable claim that the husband should have done that. Says the (speaking in foreign language) let's say, person is walking along wherever and he finds, oh, look at this, there's a document on the floor, oh, it's a get Bob is divorcing his wife, Sue, or an Emancipation document, Leroy. Leroy Smith is hereby freed or a Dietiki that he is usually the document where a person's on his death bed gives out various, his last will on testament. Matano would be a star that documents a gift that is being given and show even would be receipts in all of these different cases. What do you do if you find it? In other words, who do you give it back to? Maybe back to maybe the giver, maybe the receiver, maybe neither of them. Well, says the mission, (speaking in foreign language) better not to give it back to anyone. Why? Shawnee, I'm here 'cause I'll tell you, like, you don't know who it is, could be. Kissouvin' Haiyu that yes, these documents were, were written out, obviously that you just found it, written out, but maybe the one who wrote it out never actually gave it the Nimlachal and Shlai Lit'an, the one who wrote it out, decided not to give it, and like, so we don't know who to give it to, it better just not to give it to anyone. It's got this ray of stuff that has been lost and it's some sort of like suspicion and we'll just keep it at status quo, which is, I can't give it to either party. Okay, notes the Gamara. (speaking in foreign language) The reason, apparently, that you're not gonna give it back to either party is because, like, it never, oh, maybe the party that was going to give that document for whatever reason decided not to. Let's say though, Ha, Amart's new, nice and I wrote above Amart, Duke number one. So the first thing that we could make from our mission is that if the party, I guess it stands to lose, says, oh no, go ahead and give it, we would go ahead and give it, and that would be the case, comma, point number two, or Duke number two, not only immediately, but I feel as Monmaruba, even if it's way after the time that the document was dated, that you found it, and well, this is from like three months ago or six months or a year ago. That would be still, that it would be given as long as the party that stands to lose, says, oh no, go ahead and give it, that you would go ahead and give it Ureminhu. We have its innate source. I boxed it off, it goes by a line and a half, and this seems to indicate otherwise. This is a Mishnah that we're going to bring now from the necklace Giten, and it says as follows, how may he get? You have a person who's delivering a get. He's traveling from one place where the husband is to another far off place where the wife is, and he's the day in charge of delivering this divorce document. The Al-Vad He-Manu, and then he misplaces it. Can't find it. Comma. Muzz-Oilah-Alter, if it's found, found it. L'Alter, I squiggled underline Muzz-Oilah-Alter, if he found it like pretty soon after he lost it, whatever the altar is. So basically, that probably is the one that he lost. Em, then his kosher, it's a valid get. He can continue taking it and deliver it to the woman. She's a divorce being loved, and if not, which seemingly is that if it's not immediate, like if he finds it, but it's later, then a puzzle that would be an invalid divorce document. He can't continue traveling to deliver it to the woman 'cause it's not good 'cause we're not sure. It's really the same get. Okay, that seems to be a contradiction because we had, the Duke from our mission was that even if it's a long time after, you would still go ahead and deliver it. And in the mission's case, though, meaning the mission that we brought from Ms. Echos Giten, that maybe get case, it's only if he finds it immediately. So I'm a Robba, I circled Robba, and I put a Roman numeral one in the margin. Robba is going to have one approach to deal with this. When we get about 12, 13 lines down and I'm at Bayes, first word's line or absei-ri, circled rib-zay-ri, put a Roman numeral two A in the margin. Approximately eight lines before the end of the daft, meaning like eight lines from the bottom, first word line is abrei, I would half box rib yearmia, who's the second and third word, and put a Roman numeral two B in the margin, and five lines from the bottom, last word line is amar, right before I was revashia, I would half box revashia and put a Roman numeral two C. So we're going to have two basic approaches, there's the Robba approach, that's Roman numeral one, and then there's the approach that we're going to see on the flip side, rib-zay-ri, rib-yermia, revashia is going to be the Roman numeral two approach. So let's see the Roman numeral one approach. What's our issue? We have our Mishnah here, the Duke of which indicates that even if it's like found significant period of time afterwards, you would still go ahead and deliver it, and the Mishnah from Masakus Gittin, which seems like only if it's found immediately, do you deliver it? So says Robba Lakeasha, we're about six lines from the bottom, Khan, the Mishnah from Masakus Gittin, that says only if it's right away, it's been welcomed, shares from the serious reason, is because it's in a place, it's a lot of coming and going, a lot of people, literally a place where caravans are commonly found, they've come, they've gone, all sorts of people have been through, that's why only if it's immediately that you found this divorced document, are you able to continue to deliver it? Whereas Khan, the Mishnah, which seemed to indicate even though I don't know, like three, six months later, would be okay, meaning like it's dated, three, six months earlier, 10 months earlier, a year earlier, Khan and Makkam, why can you do that? 'Cause it's not as common for people to be traveling through here, or you found it, is Makkam-Shah-Ain, Ha-Shah-Ars-Mitzu-Yayis, where common, coming and going of people traveling is not the scenario. Khama, (speaking in foreign language) even in the place where there's coming and going of all sorts of people, when would it be possible? (speaking in foreign language) It's gotta be known that from the city that that get was being delivered from (speaking in foreign language) whatever the name of the husband on the divorced document is, it's known that there's at least two people by that name in that city. Now, how do we know that it needs both of those things? Number one, that for it, it not to be able to be delivered, it has to be number one, that there's lots of people coming and going, and it also has to be that there's two Joseph and Schimmens, and then if it's not found right away, you wouldn't go on and deliver it. (speaking in foreign language) And the point that the Gomorrah's gonna make over here really takes us about 11, 12 lines down the Ummud base. Why, essentially, we have to say that. (speaking in foreign language) 'Cause if we're not gonna say like that, well, then we have an intrinsic or internal steer within what Raba says. (speaking in foreign language) Why? Well, here's a little story. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) That was found in the court of Rufuna, it was one of the main diana at the time, the very busy place, and it had written in it to have a (speaking in foreign language) that it was, get that was written (speaking in foreign language) by the city of Shfiri on the Ruckus River, Kama. And somebody mentioned, and he looked what I found, so Amor Rufuna, the officiating, was his basin, the officiating rabbi. He kind of inquired of the crowd, and the crowd was often the students. (speaking in foreign language) Either he inquired, like are we (speaking in foreign language) there might be two places named Shfiri, or the place that we know that Shfiri is good, and that was sort of like the issue that was to be discussed. (speaking in foreign language) So Rufuna said to Raba, who were two of the tell me to be in the crowd, poke, iron, ball, go out and look into this issue. Basically, are we cautious that there might be another place called Shfiri, or not? (speaking in foreign language) For come the evening, I guess, when the courts are no longer functioning, and it's now the nighttime, and we have our learning session together, (speaking in foreign language) Rufuna is gonna ask you what we say on this issue. Are we cautious? Are we concerned there might be another city the same name or not? (speaking in foreign language) Raba, when he scrolled through his entire knowledge of all sort of today material, (speaking in foreign language) It was actually a mission. We've seen this mission before. We'll see you again. And it goes here, the quote of it is all of six words. (speaking in foreign language) Whenever you have a Mysa-based in, you would, yes, give it back. So, Mysa-based in, it was processed through the courts. That's what this is. And you would, yes, give it back. Apparently, we're not concerned for two Shfiris. (speaking in foreign language) Now, we're just pointing out that Rufuna's based in (speaking in foreign language) There were a lot of people coming and going, so it was tantamount to a place that there were lots of coming and going. (speaking in foreign language) He concluded, (speaking in foreign language) Oh, you should give it back to the fellow who says that he lost it. What do we see? (speaking in foreign language) The only time we're going to be hosted is if there's two of the same name, whether it's two cities of that have the same name or two men that we know that have the same name, however, elo, if not, lo, then, not, period. (speaking in foreign language) Raba once poskinned in a case. What was the case? (speaking in foreign language) It was in a flax area, flax or cotton area in the city of Pomodisa. 'Cause you might say just like his teaching. Now, a little bit of specificity. What was exactly the case? Well, there's two short term, (speaking in foreign language) A, and we'll have a (speaking in foreign language) B, and about a line and a half from now. So there are those who say, what do we mean a flax place? It was (speaking in foreign language) where they sold flax. It was like a garment market, a flax or cotton garment market. Now, there's usually lots of people coming and going in those types of places. But who, why would it be okay? In other words, why do you continue and deliver it and assume it's the same one? Because they looked into it and knew (speaking in foreign language) there are not two men of the same name of the document that was found there. (speaking in foreign language) Even though clearly like a market, I guess a textile market, flax, cotton, wool market is definitely a lot of people coming and going. But you could already be alternatively, it was not when we set a flax place, it meant not where they sell the finished product but rather (speaking in foreign language) where they soak the flax, which is sort of like where it's produced in the factory and then there's like smelly, not a lot of people (speaking in foreign language) and it was returned even though there were, it was found to be at least two people by the same name. However, (speaking in foreign language) it was not a place where it was common people coming going so we could certainly assume that it fell from the character who says he dropped it, period. Ribsera, who we circled and we had put a Roman numeral two in the margin, we have the two A and then near the bottom two B and two C. He takes a slightly different approach to how this issue is raised. Ribsera, what he does is (speaking in foreign language) Ummishani, he has the Mishnah, which is the Mishnah of the (speaking in foreign language) let's quote it now, it goes for a line in a few words. Maybe you get, again, Ribsera, (speaking in foreign language) he brings one against the other, a Mishnah versus a Brysa and answers and it goes like this, (speaking in foreign language) on the one hand we have a Mishnah, and we have a Mishnah that says, how may we get, (speaking in foreign language) person is in charge of living a get and as he's on the way, he loses it. (speaking in foreign language) I'm squealing on the altar and he actually finds it shortly after kosher, it would be valid, (speaking in foreign language) and if not, it would be possible it would be invalid if he found it like much later after he lost it. That's him and that's an egg source, that's the Mishnah of the (speaking in foreign language) in Uremini, we have a Brysa, that seems to indicate otherwise, know what we had done on Amadolif, what Raba had to dealt with is compared our Mishnah of the (speaking in foreign language) to that Mishnah of the (speaking in foreign language) here we have the Mishnah of the (speaking in foreign language) but we are going to compare it to a Brysa. Uremini says this Brysa goes for about two and a half lines and I call this the number two today, the one that we just finished a line it goes going to be the number one today's source, so the number two today's source, matzah get Isha Bishuk, let's say guys walking along in the marketplace and look at what's this and it's a get Isha colon, Bismansha Balmoydah, if the husband agrees, he says, yeah, yeah, that's the get, I wrote out for my wife, I gave it to her, Yaksul Isha, then the finder would deliver it to the woman, Kama. Ainha Balmoydah, if the husband doesn't admit or agree that he gave it to his wife, or I guess she would be his ex-wife now, then lo Yaksul, lo Yaksul, lo Zevala, lo Zevala, the finder cannot give it to either party, not to the husband or his representatives or the wife or her representatives. Okay, what do we want to focus on in that snake source? Katani Miha, here's a almost one line quote from the snake source. Put the right angles in, Bismansha Balmoydah, when the husband agrees, meaning like he admits that he gave it to her and it's really, must have fallen from her, Yaksul Isha. Okay, and that's like unqualified, we didn't say, is it a day later? Is it six months later? Apparently, Connector Vafila's Monmaruba. That is even like a significant period of time later that we would do that. Okay, but the first snake source that we had quoted about five lines ago said only if it's right away that it's found. And we answered, Mishani, well, it depends. The first snake source is Bemokum Shingiara Smith-Suyayis. The reason why only if it's found right away is because it's a very public area, lots of comings and goings. If it's found right away, okay, fine. But after that, you can't assume that it fell from the person who claimed it fell from if it's been a while. Whereas Khan, the second snake source, is a welcome Shingiara Smith-Suyayis. It's in a much less busy place. And therefore, even if time has passed, we will assume that the person who claimed it lost, it is the one who is the rightful owner of it, or the rightful shaliah of it. Ikadamri, I squeal on an Ikadamri here in one line letter. I squeal on an Ikadamri again. So, Ikadamri, those who say that the, the Hu Shihoksekhu, it's a case in other words, like in addition to the fact that Shayaras are Mitsuyayis in the number one right. So you also have that there's two people, at least known by the same name as that man. That's where Delo Nahadir, it will not be returned, because there's like a second couple with the same name that exists. The Hainu Daraba, and that would be, well, more or less exactly the way that Raba had explained things in the Roman numeral one approach. However, Ikadamri, alternatively, I squeal on an Ikadamri, Afagav de Loyahoksekhu, Lo Nahadir, that, oh no, even if there's not known to be another person by that name, another couple by that name, you're not gonna give it back, that would be Pliga Daraba in contra distinction. In other words, it would be Makhlokas between this approach and the Raba approach. Okay, now, going with the Makhlok that we just said that this approach, the Rabsayr approach, is different than the Raba approach. Bishla, my squeal on the Bishla mother, the way that Raba brought out the point was by comparing a Mishnah to a Mishnah. So Bishla, we understand Raba, didn't wanna say like Rabsayr did about 10 lines ago, because Raba would prefer to bring it out from a Mishnah versus a Mishnah. If you have a Mishnah, it's much more powerful to ask a question on it from another Mishnah. Masneesen, Alimalee, it's stronger to ask from. Ella, I squeal on the Ella, however, Rabsayr who seemingly brought out just about the same issue, but did it by quoting a Mishnah and quoting a Brissa, my title and Makhama Raba, why didn't he bring out that same point the way Raba did? Kammalah, well, there's a good reason. You know what he would tell you, Rabsayr? Rabsayr would tell you, yeah, Raba brought out that point, but it wasn't beforeish in the other Mishnah that he brought, it was a duke that we made. Mi kat tani, did it actually say, which it didn't, but did it actually say ha, amar, tanu, nastid, and aphyllasmon maruba, did it say both of those, those were deukim, by definition of it, it said deukim, it doesn't say it already, it didn't say, oh, and if the party says to go ahead and give it, we'll go ahead and give it. And also, if it's much later, Dilma could very well be, like we always say that all today's sources that are valid are deukable, but for one deuk, not for two. So, maybe the deuk to make is ha, amar, tanu, nastid. Right, we're not gonna give it back to either party, the deuk would be that, oh yeah, if the party that stands to lose says, oh yeah, sure, give it back to the other one, then we will definitely give it, loylum, ketikaimal on the altar, but maybe it's all within the same case, not a double deuk, but it means it's only, you couldn't make one of the two deukim, and it has to be, basically it was found immediately after it was lost, not like three or six months later. Lamanda, amar, according to the opinion that says Le Robsera, and this we had about six, seven lines ago, is bemaukhamshahshara smitsuyois, that the case is where caravans are common, a lot of people coming and going, and that's where we don't give it back, fa alfagavan, and that's even, shulil sakushnaiyoisabin shimmins, where we don't know there to be two, like to get it from a guy by the name of Josabin shimimin, we don't know there'd be another Josabin shimin in that town, ooh, pliga deraba, and that Robsera approach would be in contradiction to Robba. Well then, what is the point that they're arguing about? What's the essential point that Robba versus Robsera would be arguing about? But am I coming fliggy? Question mark, well, here's what they would argue about. Robba, why underlying savar? Dick katani, when the snake source says, here's a quote, right angles till the end of the line, komai sabaisin, hare za yaksir, that when it says, all my sabaisin, you would return, that's connected to Ishtar, the base in Askinen, we're talking about what was found in the basin, and like any normal basin, there's a lot of coming and going, who based in is keh, makkum sha sharas mitzuis, it's like a place, there's all sorts of people, literally all sorts of travelers coming and going, kamavuhu, it's gotta be though, colon, sha huxa ku, loyaksir, so there's people coming and going, and there's also known to be numerous people by the same name, that's what we say, loyaksir, you can't give it back, however, loyaksa ku, if it's not known, so is anyone else by that name, yaksir, you would give it back, that's robovar abseiro who we underlined, on Marlach, he would say, mikitani, I mean, that's wonderful, but does it actually say, komaisabaisin, that's found in a basin? No, does it say, komaisabaisin shimtsu bebastin? I put that all on a phrase marking, an underline bebastin, it would be wonderful, it did say that, but it didn't say that, what it did say was, here's right angles, 'cause this is the actual quote, komaisabaisin, yaksir, does it say you found it in the basin and it says it was something that was processed, via abasedin, kitani is what was taught, oolum, this brice could be, that it's referring to a case, isshtakasabrai, who says what's found in the basin, it was found outside, period. Rebir mia, who we had half box and a Romanum rule to be in the margin, 'cause he's going to deal with that steerer that robserra brought out between, how maybe you get velvety many, you can return it to the person who is delivering it, if it's immediate, and the other snake source, which says that you can give it back even after a long period of time has passed, says, "Rebir mia amar," that when it says, "give it back," kitani komriaidim, it's where you checked into it and the witnesses who signed on the document, let's say Bob and Steve, they say, we only signed on one divorce document with this couple's name, loy chassamno ela al-getechad shalyou sabin shimun. So then it's pretty clear that this is that divorce document. Well, so clear is it that when you ask, "How can my love membera?" If we go back to Bob and Steve, the two witnesses, and they claim they only ever signed on one divorce document for their couple by this name, then, like, of course, you would be able to go ahead and deliver it. Well, that's so, of course, because by the time you might thought to say, if we're concerned that maybe there's a couple that have the same names, the husband and the wife, loy chassamno el-ishramno, you never know, like it could happen, schma kishma, that the name of the husband and wife is the same as somebody else in town, and ADIMK ADIM, Bob and Steve, who are two witnesses, well, there's, I don't know, there's 75 Bobs in town and 103 Steves, and the ADIM also could have someone who's the other ADIM, and maybe this is really a get-from-another couple, Kamash Milan that we do not go that far. Ravash, who's half-boxed, is a Roman numeral 2C approach, 'cause, again, he's gonna bring out the steerer-the-way ribs they were, did. Ravash, you know, we're going to kammar that the person who lost it makes a almost irrefutable claim that the one that was found as his, he says, neck of yage, boy, it's Ado, he's plain-ness. Actually, if you hold it up to the light, there's a tiny little pinhole right next to, on the third line, and the third word, next to, like, the olive there. In other words, literally, there's a hole next to this particular letter. Okay, now, that's a pretty clear simmon. The daf get has to be specifically beside his plain-ness that he specified which letter the hole, the pinhole, was closest to. A vanneke, a vanneke, if he just says, yeah, yeah, I'll tell you, I lost it, and it had a little hole in it, low. That would not be the case, kammar. Ravash, you miss off-kalay. Now, Ravash, you was not sure. That which simmon him. Other than, like, a simmon movak, simmon movak is, like, where it's clear that, you know, the person says, oh, yeah, it's got a little tiny pinhole on the 47th line, next to the A and the third word, so that's pretty. But, regular simmon him. Is that which we will return a night into somebody because they gave the simmon of it? Is that darissa, oh, darabana? Well, Ravabakhana, irchis lei gita, baby drash, he once lost a divorce document. He was a shalyak to deliver it from a man to his wife, and he lost it in the base madrish. Kammar, and he, as proof when somebody claimed they found it to say that it was the one that he was supposed to deliver, he said the following, is to be govai. Is to be govai, is to be govai. If you, Mr. Finder of that document, want to simmon, I can give you a simmon for it. And if, now, this is not a regular, this is not like a simmon movak, this is just a regular old simmon. Or, is to be a saina, if you, a one, I could say, I'll look at it and say, oh, yeah, yeah, that's the one, and recognize it, I also have that. And, you know what they did in that case? Adruya Niele, they returned the document to him, to Raba Bar-Brahana. Kama, Ammar, and Raba later commented that he wasn't sure why they returned to him. Loyaddan, I don't know Yimishum Simana, Adruya Niele, is it because I gave a simmon, and it's because, in that base madrish, they were of the opinion, the cassavais. Simana Mardar, I remember, if he goes ahead and delivers his divorce document, we're taking a woman who had previously been a married woman, and letting her sleep with some other man, if she gets married to them, which is a very heavy darissa issue, which is fine if it's valid. But, the simmon that he gave must have been darissa, and that's why they returned to him. Yimishum, or maybe, 'cause of the Tiviyus Ina, Adruya Niele, or really, some amount of money to Raba Bar-Brahana. Why did they return it to him? Because he is a rabbi of great esteem who they trusted, and if he said he recognized, he recognized it, and maybe that's why they gave it back to him. U-Dafka, however, that would also be specifically because he was a sort of marijuana in a Talmud scholar, a great rabbi. If Al-Inish Dalmif was just some other Joe, or Bob, or Steve, or Bill, low, we would not return a divorce document, 'cause it could be that, well, that person has Tiviyus Ina, and only, we say, Tami the chamomar, believe that there's Tiviyus Ina, and the Simana are not good enough, 'cause it could be Simana Mardar Bar-Brahana.