WBCA Podcasts

Never Give Up "Where Giving Up Is Not An Option"

Broadcast on:
28 Oct 2024
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Rochelle Jones speaks to web designer Cassandra Desrosiers and discusses the question "how can I know my purpose and how can I stick to it once I find it?"

Hello, hello. You're listening to never give up. We're giving up is not an option. Hello. I'm your host Rochelle Jones Welcome back. I'm glad that you are tuning in today. I have recently been asked several times this question How can I know my purpose and how can I stick to it once I find it and so I I thought that was a great great topic for today and I asked a guest to come in the studio and kind of helped me out. I know they are a business developer and owner and you know just wanted kind of just Talk to her kind of about, you know, did you ever feel like giving up? And if so, what are some of the things that you did and then want to deal with the question of purpose and so But once again, I just want to invite and welcome back to our studio Cassandra DeRosier and She was out of Atlanta and now she's in Boston. So let's just welcome her. Hello Cassandra. How are you? Awesome. Thank you so much. I'm so happy to be here. Yes, as you were saying, I used to be out of Atlanta. I'm now Moved back home and in Boston, Massachusetts Truly for as long as God needs me to be here. Yes, ma'am. Yes. Yes, and so We we kind of try to motivate our audience about, you know Taking adventure taking a step of faith doing what they feel God has called them to do hence today the topic of walking in your purpose and so Want to talk a little bit about, you know, what the Bible says about purpose and what our purpose is and and that Everybody was born with a purpose No matter what, you know, happens or happens in your life that God has a plan for your life Amen, he tells us that he knows the plans for our life and I mean I used to read the book by Rick Warren the purpose driven life and I was so excited to dive into the book And and did a Bible study around it so it was self several of us reading the book and you know Diving in and only after spending months in this book We finally came to the conclusion that the really the purpose driven life is the life that is Glorifying God amen that we really were created to praise worship and to glorify our Lord What do you think about that Cassandra and so funny you bring that up? I read that book as well with the intention of yes, I'm gonna finally know how to discover what my purpose is in life and I got to the end of that book and it It does an interesting way of pulling out the concept of purpose because as it describes for you Why Jesus created you why you're here on this earth? You become to realize that it's all for the glory of God as you were saying And I feel like so much So much of just our our selfish endeavor as human beings. We want to know You know, what are we supposed to be doing? What makes us special? Why are we here but to be told that in its essence our purpose is to worship and our purpose is to praise Really transforms, you know the way that you think about how you go forward in the world I mean of course we want to be told oh you're supposed to you know lead many nations and and go overseas and do this and that but the essence and the true and the true petition from God is to serve the Lord and to make sure that everything we do honors him and I think that that in itself Really should empower all to realize that you do know your purpose I know you want to know exactly what you should be doing for the next five years and how life should look But it should always look like glorifying the Lord Yeah, that's really really great Exactly, you know, it's like hitting the ham then you know the hammer on the nail is that a lot of times We want this grandiose plan and somehow can feel disappointed when really? You find out that you know God has put into us many gifts and talents and how we go about using them can vary but ultimately our motive of why we do what we do is to Expand the kingdom of God and to glorify God You know and to tell people about the good news And I think sometimes we get so we hear preachers and you know we get so caught up into Cleaning the fish and per se that we forget that it's good news You know that God died on the cross for you that he actually paid a debt You know he went to the bank per se and paid off the loan paid off the student loan Come on, you know, we got some bills some credit You know that we might have misused and now we can't we're we can't do anything about it I back against the wall and he came and paid a debt that we couldn't pay and So that's some good news and everybody ought to know that we should have a proclamation of wanting to tell people Listen, you know, we're gonna go through some things, you know, but we get to be of good cheer Because God overcame the world and yeah, I still see some saints. They still, you know, get cancer. They still get sick They still get in debt. They still, you know, struggle, you know, and the Bible tells us that you know Many other struggles are the afflictions of the righteous, but God is in the in it. He's with us He's in the mist. He's gonna deliver us, you know He's a very present help at a time of trouble and so sometimes I I have to lean back and just remember what his word Says like in Ephesians 210 that we're not a mistake. We're not an accident We're not an afterthought, but God had a plan for our lives before we were even born while in our mother's womb and so if we could just trust the process and Trust that an almighty creative God had a plan amen and I know that when from childhood up amen that we get kind of Disassociated with that point and we start living life and we start, you know And how we're trained up and brought up, you know Hey, you want to be a doc to be a lawyer what you want to be when you grow up and so our minds are always geared to striving and Accolades and things of that nature and never to the point of hey Come on, let's sing a song. Let's worship God. Let's praise him. Let him be our motivation So that we can draw strength and and and power and energy amen and that we can walk in the fruit of the Spirit How will you yeah, amen? Yeah, it reminds me of you know what God says that everything that have breath Praise the Lord, you know, it our our role here Really becomes as simple as that but then we have the gospel that allows us to Kind of go forth really because the price has been paid and so now as I look at how do I spend my time on this earth God what do you want from me? I believe in you how you use me Lord is usually our call for God then that's where he can he can use our lives to To enhance the kingdom of God and that's where I think it's it's special to look like to look at the different gifts that God has given us and it's in those gifts that he wants us to cultivate and Use them for his glory use them to evangelize and ultimately use them to serve others and to serve God's people I'm so glad you said that too because we want to put the emphasis on you, you know, we have to When we get Anyway, this is what I want to say is that We want people to know what you're saying Cassandra. I wish somebody had told me in my younger days You know and so we want to get the word out, you know that amen It's God that both works in you to willing to do of his good pleasure And so trusting the process knowing that it steps strategic steps Being able to get to know You know, who you are, you know asking questions journaling finding out what what it is you're about What is God giving you and some some people have multiple gifts multiple things? Yeah, but we want to be able to utilize whatever it is For God for his kingdom for his glory, and I know we keep saying that you know He wants us to be happy and and we have to realize and the reason why we say never give up is because there's always things that get thrown into the situation, you know, Corinthians 10 and 31 if we could just remember that That we got to live our lives in a way that brings glory, you know, and honor to God, you know And that he's gonna call us amen that whatever happens that we can trust That God is working things together for our good And I think we sometimes let go of that important fact, amen that the you know The enemy might bring destruction, but God is gonna work those things out for our good And if you walk in that mindset and you you keep moving in that direction You'll realize that you know, it does seem bad right here right now But don't take a picture there and just stay there that every day as a different day to get to make a different effort You know and planning more seeds and to what it is you feel God has called you to do Yes, it also makes me think about how Then it really takes that closeness with God It takes that openness to want to learn more about him It takes being in your word and ultimately as you cultivate that relationship and that closeness and that intimacy with the Lord He begins to speak to you and he begins to tell you and show you exactly what he needs and wants of you You should allow him to guide your footsteps and direct your path truly and that takes a humbleness and a surrender So on this path of wanting to develop, you know, what is my purpose and what am I here for? you really must begin to Surrender your will To the will of God and that becomes a process in itself of you know prayer Being in your word and listening for what God has for you It also in in that process you'll find that once you develop that intimacy He'll make himself very clear and very plain to you. You know, this this is not a complicated situation it really becomes a sense of ease that once you realize that nothing else truly matters, but but glorifying God up lifting his kingdom and serving his people the Anxiety that you feel to discover your purpose in this way It begins to dissipate because you'll find that you are truly living your purpose And he'll begin to show you and reveal to you who he created you to be because it's already in his word who you are He's already He's already told us that he's come to bring us Life and so that we can have it more abundantly. He wants to give you good things in a good life so as you pursue this this question in your own life of what can I do to Find out why I'm here and what my purpose is you have to go to God your creator to find out those answers And to get to know him and be open to what he shares with you It's in those moments of intimacy and surrender to what he has for you that you'll consider those next steps And your life will begin to have meaning and you'll you'll begin to Have order and realizing, you know, what path he has for you. Um, it's interesting because You know, I remember That I too was in this phase. I think in my early twenties, you know, even even being a question and growing up in the church I Still was although, you know, faith and godliness was around me. I Still was missing the intimacy with the lord and without having that I really struggled determining. Why am I here? What is my purpose? What does god want for me? And it wasn't until I began to surrender my life to god Rededicate my life to christ and therefore seek his kingdom and all the things that I was doing in my life That he began to reveal and slowly share with me the purpose that he had for me And the things that he wanted me to tackle well on this earth He showed me the ways that he wanted me to serve others He began to make it clear to me what my skills were and what my gifts were And he built up a confidence in me that I could do these things with him and It really just reminds me of the scripture of you can do all things through christ who strengthens you Hey, man. Amen. I like that. Um, if if we were listening there there are a lot of steps in what, um, you were saying You know, so, um, and I love What you were saying about the intimacy and you're absolutely right. First of all, god is not playing hide and seek He wants you to know It's like he's not trying to keep it away from you. You know, I know i've had friends. They're like, oh, I wish god would write it on the wall You know, um, and I believe really he does when we spend that time when we pray for guidance when we ask When we're in that process of asking god to reveal what his purpose is, but I'll have to say Cassandra Um Even for me is that I I didn't kind of like the purpose And I was off trying to do something else When god would say no, this is it here, right, you know, but I was like wow I was um, you know, because back in the day, you know, it's like, you know, monetize Um, your career your profession. I I became a electrical engineer that wasn't many female black women Engineers and so I was like, oh, that's definitely gonna bring me the money and it's funny too that Yeah, it does bring you money. However, I was so discontent I was over over the period of time, you know And so it wasn't until I was laid off from that particular role and I really was in a season of transition and um, they were able to redirect me Um, uh, part of the package was they would send you to school And then I could really get into uh, what I really love And as time goes on you get more and more understanding You know of what that is, you know, and and you can always read in the bible genesis. Genesis is um A great way to begin to see that's all about creating It's all about purpose, you know, and as you read you begin to ask god the questions, you know And god is trying he will uh, reveal it to you. Also, you gotta be patient You know, um, and I think that's another thing. It's like, wow, I thought you know, because I was sitting down that day You know, I wanted the 30 day plan, you know instantly But it's it's really through time. It's through Um, a process. It's taking notes Um different people would begin to speak into my life. It's jotting down those notes and stuff and um, you know, and and combing through It's uh, it's asking god, you know What are my unique talents and gifts and because you are let's say a teacher in your profession Doesn't necessarily mean that's your gift to use in the church, you know, so, you know Sometimes we settle on uh, things and and gifts, but we want gods you um, unique um Plan talents and gifts to show us, you know, and we have to also remember that reading the bible Um, we're going to find that, you know, different verses begin to repeat themselves, you know, and and in all of a sudden, you know Uh, things will begin to stand out to you that excite you, you know All we also have to remember that um, there are so many stories in the bible of people who found their purpose Through their relationship with god, and I like that's what you were saying It's like we don't find it outside of god Our you know, we find it while in relationship with god as we spend time with him, you know, and uh, and like I say There's no fast way, uh for intimacy, but doing the time taking that time. Yeah Agreed. Yeah, you have to cultivate Your relationship with god Just like any other relationship It's interesting while you're talking I began to feel for this person feel for that person out there who really Is seeking and asking god lord, what do you have for me? And I know that oftentimes when you're in that that phase and that state where you're not confident in your next step Your life is filled with uncertainty. Yeah, and in general you truly feel lost I really would want to encourage that person that For lack of a better word I would like to just tell them that You can be found in jesus christ that ultimately try their first try jesus Yeah, yeah at the end of the day. Yeah, we we try so many things you try so many people are coming to jesus so many different outlets You go You try everything in the world from from smoking to moving or anything that you feel like we'll get you that that that ultimate feeling that void that's missing in your life, but Try jesus first If I can help you avoid those years of heartache going down the right the wrong path Making mistakes 10 years later still not where you want to be Just try jesus. Just seek god first and all the other things will be added unto you I truly believe that once you start developing that relationship with god your purpose will become clear Even like that book told me and my mom Where it shared with us, you know at the end of the day your purpose is to pray is your purpose is to worship God literally made human beings to worship him And so with that being your first step and without being What you truly devote yourself to I know Mainly because I trust god's word that all those other things will come You don't have to be afraid you don't have to go out trying to find the answers for yourself God will reveal the things to you And most definitely his timing is better than yours So don't think that just because you're in this phase And you don't have all the answers. You don't know what god's going to do next in your life Just continue to seek him continue to worship him give him the praise open your word Cultivate that intimacy in that relationship with the lord and trust that he will add the rest Yeah, a lot of times I know when that was kind of uh mentioned Almost 40 years ago Um, it didn't seem exciting You know, it's like we want to go with the who who did you know the excitement the movement Uh the action, you know, but um, and just when you think about your house and how it was built You know it all started with a blueprint, you know They didn't just go go in it's like they had to count the cost they had to think about the materials They had to think about the shape in terms of um on the land Um and how many units they could get I mean a lot of thought Where the bedrooms would be what would get the most son You know, so, you know, and I I started thinking to how god is uh a very strategic Detail oriented god he he he doesn't just he's not a fly by night a lot of thoughts, you know went into um the tabernacle being built and and and The measurements and the order and how things were placed and set You know, he he's a detail. I think about Noah and Noah and the ark how detailed god was and um And and and constructing Uh the ark, you know And how god had a plan to send his son jesus, amen And so god's very very detailed And um anything that he creates sometimes I say that if it's too quick It's in one not gonna last and it's not going to be appreciated, you know And I live in a house that was built in um, you know over a hundred years and it's sturdy You know, um, there's a few little things you might have to do here and there But it was built with uh precision and sturdiness and it was strong And I think sometimes the houses today those uh prefab houses They're built so uh quickly, you know And uh the materials on is strong, you know Particle board and things like that and so not really built to last but god is trying to Um, the the things that he's putting in your heart are gonna last, you know Um, and they don't only just benefit you just think the ark, you know There's a plan that god has that he wants to do through your life Yeah, you know if if we allow him to he wants to use you he wants to use your life He wants to use your mishaps your past he wants to use it to bring glory to god And when I look at you know You could name a character in the bible, you know, and they have their ups and they have their downs, you know But god was fulfilling a purpose What, you know, I was just thinking the other day Can you imagine god went to mary and you know and explain what was about to happen? And she said, you know, um your will be done, you know You think about john the baptist you think about peter paul you they they didn't have easy roads amen Um and your road may not be easy, but it's your road And you get to um have joy in the journey Right The bible tells us that weeping may endure for a night but joys coming in the morning So enjoy the journey take it step by step We came we wanted to encourage you to let you know that god has a plan And you might have abandoned something that god put on your heart 20 years 10 years five years ago You know, and if you feel that stirring that's the lord trying trying to go maybe this um This message to you today stirred you up bringing back possibilities Returning back to your first love whenever you hear it hard not your heart I'm not going to go by what what was said to me, you know two months ago, but today What is god saying to you now? That's why I love um the faith scripture Uh in Hebrews 11 or now faith is Not 10 minutes ago right now when you're thinking about it Exercise your faith Because without it you're not pleasing god Amen Well, I'd like to know cuz sandra we have a a few minutes left and I I just want you to speak into um young people who And you did but just wrapping it up speak into the hearts of Those who are graduating from high school or college this year And how would you inspire them to hold on and not give up? Yes, well if you are a young person and you just graduated You might be in that space where You might know exactly or I think you have an idea of exactly what your next steps are might be confident in that way Have an internship have a a job to look forward to Or you might not and you you're looking at life like what's next lord? What do you have for me? Lord, I believe in you. I'm I'm at this stage. I'm hearing from you. I'm I'm listening to this podcast today lord And how do I get from from here where I'm at? To there god I feel this urge. I feel this This calling on my life. I feel Like you have a purpose for me lord beyond what I can see Lord, how do I get to that next space in that next stage? If this is you, I just want to encourage you to continue to continue to stay at the feet of god and allow him to direct your path by specifically saying in your word praying And not ceasing in your faith using all opportunity to worship and praise god exactly where you're at Don't be defeated by what circumstances look like. God has a plan for you Amen, amen I that wow time is up. You've been listening to never give up. We're giving up. It's not an option I'd like for you to join us again Next week where we kind of go in a little bit about the business Aspect of purpose and faith so tune in next week when we all bring Cassandra back And talk a little bit more about business um Once again, you've been listening to never give up or giving up is not an option I'm your host rishel jones And remember greatness is in the inside of you and so stay encouraged amen [BLANK_AUDIO]