Jesse Kelly Show

It's Medal Of Honor Monday featuring Vietnam soldier Captain Jack Howard Jacobs

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19 Mar 2024
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It is the Jesse Kelly show, another hour of the Jesse Kelly show on a Monday. And of course, this hour, we have all kinds of stuff to get to the Biden team, getting a little testy with people in some real political trouble. The census data don't lie, people are leaving. What happened to Niger emails so much more coming up this hour on the world famous Jesse Kelly show? If any of that was too fast or it confuses you, just I want you to think about it as if it's tic-tac-toe. This is not an attempt to ban tic-tac. It's attempt to make tic-tac better, tic-tac-toe, a winner, a winner. A winner. I hope that made it perfectly clear before we get to any of that, though, it's Medal of Honor Monday time. You know what time it is every single Monday for you new listeners at this time. We do Medal of Honor Sunday, Medal of Honor Monday, where we take a Medal of Honor citation. All are available online and they're all available free. And we read it. That's it. We read it. And as I always do, I want to encourage you to do this in your life wherever you have influence over people, especially, especially kids. Are you a school teacher? You can do Medal of Honor's. You can have them do reports on Medal of Honor's. Are you a football coach, a Sunday school teacher, whatever, it's just a Medal of Honor citation. You're just remembering a man and his deeds and this stuff is important, not just to honor these guys and what they did to remind the next generation what they should be, what they could be, all right? And remember, we also take email suggestions. Love, hate, death threats and email suggestions. If you have ones you love can be emailed into Jesse at and we got this one, the Medal of Honor citations for a Jack Howard Jacobs and we got this recommendation from a man named Jim. So without further ado, honoring those who went above and beyond, it's Medal of Honor Monday. For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty, Captain Jacobs, then First Lieutenant Infantry, distinguished himself while serving as Assistant Battalion Advisor, Second Battalion, 16th Infantry, 9th Infantry Division, Army of the Republic of Vietnam. But that confuses you just know that I'll come back to that in a minute. The Second Battalion was advancing to contact when it came under intense heavy machine gun and mortar fire from a Viet Cong battalion positioned in well fortified bunkers. As the Second Battalion deployed into attack formation, its advance was halted by devastating fire. Captain Jacobs, with the command element of the lead company, called for and directed air strikes on enemy positions to facilitate a renewed attack. During the intensity of the enemy fire and heavy casualties to the command group, including the company commander, the attacks stopped and friendly troops became disorganized. Although wounded by mortar fragments, Captain Jacobs assumed command of the Allied Company, ordered a withdrawal from the exposed position and established a defensive perimeter. But I'm going to get over some combat things and explain all this to you in a moment. So just hang on. Despite profuse bleeding from head wounds, which impaired his vision, Captain Jacobs, with complete disregard for his safety, returned under intense fire to evacuate a seriously wounded advisor to the safety of a wooded area where he administered life-saving first aid. He then returned through heavy automatic weapons fire to evacuate the wounded company commander. Captain Jacobs made repeated trips across the fire-swept, open rice patties evacuating wounded and their weapons. On three separate occasions, Captain Jacobs contacted and drove off Viet Cong squads who were searching for Allied wounded and weapons, single-handedly killing three and wounding several others. His gallant actions and extraordinary heroism saved the lives of one U.S. advisor and thirteen Allied soldiers. Through his effort, the Allied Company was restored to an effective fighting unit and prevented defeat of the friendly forces by a strong and determined enemy. Captain Jacobs, by his gallantry and bravery and action in the highest traditions of the military service, has reflected great credit upon himself, his unit, and the U.S. Army. To be noted, we got this little tidbit from Jim who he mailed in. Jack Jacobs was turned down by the Army three times because he was only five-five. Okay. I want to explain a couple of things and we'll get back to the politics and stuff. Okay. First, why was he part of this unit that was part of the Army of Republic of Vietnam? That was one of the first things that might have raised some eyebrows in the beginning. Well, remember many, many, many, many, many times of Vietnam, especially early in the Vietnam War, we were trying to pretend like we weren't actually at war. We weren't that involved. We just were sending quote advisors over there. And so what guys like Jacobs will do, who's a ranger? Is this a stud? Is it? Sorry. The Army Rangers are studs. Who's a stud? They take J. They take a Jacobs because he had a college degree. He was an ROTC guy and they make him as an advisor to a South Vietnamese Army unit. Why is he there? Well, you don't really understand. You don't fully grasp until you've worked with other countries, how truly great the U.S. military is and how great our training and equipment is. These guys would have to go into some foreign units and teach them out of patrol. What do you do when you get contacted? What if there's an ambush? How do you, how do you bed down at night? There are things. There are techniques to this. And so they assign advisors to this. So he wasn't, these weren't mostly Americans, as you heard. These are mostly South Vietnamese. That's one, two. This phrase always gets me. The unit itself, maybe you have noticed, was quote, advancing to contact. What does that mean? Well, that's a military term that means this. You and all of your friends, everyone in your unit, you're going to put on all your gear and you're going to walk in this area. And in this area, you're going to walk in this general direction. And here's what we want you to do, guys. We want you to walk until someone starts shooting at you. And then we want you to shoot back. That's what advancing to contact means. But of course they don't want to put it that way. So these units would, would set up and they would start marching into these areas where they didn't know via calling strength. And that was the case a lot. That's the case a lot. Actually anywhere in areas heavily wooded, if you can't do aerial reconnaissance, it really hurts figuring out who's who, who's where, how many. So you would march in units like this and you would quote, advance the contact. You keep going till you get shot at. Well, they ran into an ambush, a fortified area. As you heard, they ran into an ambush. Now, this is where it gets interesting and this is where the bravery really comes into play. Okay. So what had happened was they were in an open field, an open rice patty. So there's no cover and boom, boom, boom, you're getting shot. And friends are dying and people are dying and people are going down wounded. You have to back up retreat is what it is. You have to retreat back to an area where you can secure. You have to get to an area that has the terrain that will allow you to set up and they reference it in there, a defensive perimeter. I can't set up a defensive perimeter in the middle of a rice patty with no, not so much as a shrub to protect me. We must get out of the killing area of the ambush and get back to a defensive perimeter so we can get our guys locked in, set up so when they keep coming at us, they will then die. All right. So he does this. One, he assumes command. I'm going to make sure I point out how important that is. There are a million examples throughout the history of the military, every military of a leader's leaderless organization. When enough leaders die, the organization itself just kind of dissolves and the guys start running without leadership and combat you're finished. So he takes leadership, he gets them back to a defense perimeter, but then this is the thing. Imagine being in an open rice field, getting ambushed, everyone around you is getting shot, dying bullets, whizzing around you, explosions. They are dead and wounded everywhere and you manage to get your men out. You pull them out of that and you get back into a defensive perimeter and then once you've got your men to safety, you go back in, you leave your defensive perimeter and you run out into the open of a rice patty with people shooting at you. I mean, if you ever, we brought this up before, have you ever even played a nerf wars or paint ball? Even the paintball, you've played paintball at all. Now it stings a little. It's a little nerve wracking in paintball when you're running across a little open area and you think you might get shot, isn't it, Michael? It's a little, you're kind of a little, you're kind of a little tensed up. Yeah, imagine if those are mortar rounds, AK-47 rounds, guys are stud, man. All right. All right. Enough. Biden team, let's talk about that, then some trouble and I'm not going to put just a sunny face on this, but dang, there are a lot of indications out there that they're in deep trouble. We'll talk about that next, before we talk about that, let's talk about this. Let's talk about making preparations for the future, financial preparations. Done for you, real estate is there to help us buy things we can touch and feel, hard assets, nation states and finance giants are buying up two things right now. You know what they're buying up? Precious metals and real estate. What do you think that is? What do you think you wake up every day to some corporation buying up more houses because tangible things you can touch and feel last? Oh, Jesse, I'm just the normal guy. I'm not some real estate investor. That's what done for you. Real estate is for. It's not for a millionaire guy. It's for you. They will walk you through. They handle everything, the financing, the rental process that finding wherever the rental property will be, they handle it all for you. You will start out with a property one. It'll turn into more. One day you may find yourself retiring many have courtesy of done for you real estate and these are wonderful family people. Treat them right. They will treat you right. I love these guys. All right. Go to done for you and let them take care of you done for you We'll be back. This is not an attempt to ban tik tok. It's attempt to make tik tok better tik tok toe a winner, a winner it is the Jesse Kelly show on a Monday and we are winners here on the Jesse Kelly show. Don't forget if you've missed any farther show. You can download the whole thing on iR Googles, Spotify, iTunes, I'll get to the Biden stuff and why I think he's in trouble politically in a moment. I have to get something off my chest though. I had a really unfair accusation tossed my way yesterday and you know I normally don't stress about such things but this one it was too far. It was from the wife. You know what she said to me? She accused me. There was a bunch of glasses on the table. We took the kids out for burgers and shakes. We went to church and we went out for burgers and shakes afterwards. It's kind of last day of spring break thing and there were a bunch of glasses on the table. There were water glasses and we got milk shake glasses on the table and I was talking with my hands and she said to me, watch it. You almost hit that glass. You're going to spill something and I said to her, excuse me? I'm not a spiller. I don't spill things and she said, yes you are. I do your laundry. Okay. So we need to have a serious talk before we get to Joe Biden in the politics. We need to have a serious talk about truth here. Here's the truth and Chris, don't be obsequious or so or whatever it was. Here's the truth. There are two different types of people on this planet. There are spillers and there are dribblers. Those people are not what, Chris? Those people are not the same people in me. I am perfectly willing to admit that I, I, Jesse Kelly, am a dribbler. Okay. I dribble when I eat wings, I'm going to have some wing sauce on my shirt. If I'm eating spaghetti, some of the stuff is going to flip onto my pants. I've had K so fall onto my shoes before and had to bring my wife shoes with the case so spot on them, asking if she can get the stain out. I will have food that will randomly, maybe it'll, maybe I'll even have a little, a little sauce on the side of my mouth like, don't and people are all, Jesse, you got to wipe it up. Maybe that will happen. I admit to being a dribbler. I'm not denying that I'm a dribbler. However, dribblers are not spillers. I have a son. He's a spiller and I have one son. He's never spilled anything in his life. One of my other sons, he just, honestly, we thought he was doing it on purpose for a while. He'll, he'll walk around. I'm not even making this up. He'll walk around the house with just a glass of water, a string of glass of water. No one bumping into him. No nothing. And he'll just, they will fall out of his hands. That's right. They had spoons. Fall out. If there is, there's anything on the counter, he'll knock it over. He'll be talking with his hand. So bust it over. So I know what a spiller looks like. I am not a spiller. I am a dribbler. Dribblers are of a higher form than spillers. What Chris? It's just a volume thing. There's so much less cleanup involved. I will never be able to spill her again. I just want to put that out there right now. I'm a dribbler and you know what's wrong with being a dribbler? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Sorry, I'm enjoying my food and every now and then things get crazy. It is what it is. Speaking of crazy, let's talk about the Biden team. This is going really poorly and I don't want to get anyone's hopes up, but my hopes are starting to get up about 2024. Let me explain almost everything they're doing. It looks like someone who's losing. It looks like a side that's losing. They're getting desperate and their desperation is coming through and you know, desperation is one of those things you learn when you're applying for a job or maybe dating. Maybe you're going through this right now. Desperation is a stinky cologne as the saying goes, if you are desperate, hide it. You know, I really got to have this job. Don't act like that. Okay, if you're desperate, ladies for a dude, don't come on too strong. It's just human nature. You don't want to come off as desperate. But when you're printing articles like this in on the joke, the comedic Trump, the comedic trick Trump uses to normalize his behavior and they go on to write it's something like a 10 page article talking about how Trump's use of humor means he's like Hitler. Desperation. Joe Biden. Joe Biden can't stop with the cringe. He should be doing a general election campaign right now, speaking to norm and Norma, telling them that he's not the anti-Christ. Instead, it's a bunch of this they'll focus on supporting women together. Our administration has turned around the economy because we focused on women, by the way. Of course, of course, headlines like this from NBC news. One of the more evil media outlets out there. They really are as communist and gross as it gets behind the scenes. Biden has grown angry and anxious about his reelection effort. This is from the Washington Post. The Washington Post is somehow more more evil than NBC news. And that is saying something. Do I need to remind you about the ISIS leader who died in Washington Post quickly publicized an article calling him an austere religious scholar. Do you remember that? The Washington Post today or wait no yesterday, opinion for the country's sake, Vice President Harris should step aside. The wolves are circling the Bidens and it's really, really, really bad out there. Well, bad for them and possibly bad for us. Now, why would that be bad for us? Well, we'll talk about that in a moment before we talk about that. Let us discuss this. You know what? Let me just play this from Joe Scarborough. And so now abortion is banned. If your 10 year old girl is raped by an illegal immigrant and you don't want your 10 year old girl to have to carry the illegal immigrants, baby, the term, you don't want the state to force your 10 year old girl to these people are evil, man. These are the forces of evil we fight against. This is why we support preborn because that's actually fighting against these people. That's what they truly despise. That's what they fear. Remember, the communist always tells you what he fears. What's the communist been vandalizing and firebombing preborns pro life clinics? They know that's where lives get saved. That's where babies get saved and what takes place inside that clinic, preborn gives a young woman who's about to have an abortion. They give her an ultra sound for free. She hears the heartbeat, she chooses life preborn that $28 you send them. It saves a baby's life. Remember preborns tax deductible. You send them five grand. You fund the whole network for a day and save 200 lives, but just save one save five thousand save 50,000 slash Jesse, go give slash Jesse sponsored by preborn. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Monday with me, Jesse, the dribbler Kelly reminding you, you can send me emails, Jesse at Jesse Kelly now. I will say this and I don't want to say in Biden's defense, that sounds bad, but in their defense, in the defense of their chances, I should say for 2024, they do have a ton of money. The Biden's team says it has a hundred and fifty five million. I have warned about this many times. There's nothing you can do about it or I can do about it to what are we doing? But I've warned about the money disparity. They were already out raising us Democrats in general do out raise us, but not only are they out raising us all their monies going to the campaign, I just, I, I worry about the norms and normas of the world, right? All right. Forget about that. All of the things, including the changing demographics and the census and many, many other things I want to get to a bunch of emails. So Jesse, I heard you say on the radio today that you tell your wife had a vote. Well, hold on a second. Yes, I do tell my wife had a vote, but let's also understand she asks. She's all who I vote for and I tell it, anyway, this lady goes on. This is what Republican women are known for. They just let their husbands tell them out of vote. I'm a Republican woman and my husband is not telling me how to vote. I have heard that it is a waste of time for political people to appeal to women voters because their husbands just tell them how to vote. Anyway, I don't know who is more at fault here. You or your wife? Well, let me explain something very, very, very clear to you, woman. The GOP taking time to try to appeal to the women vote is exactly why the communists own the United States of America. Listen, listen, lady, you're the one who wrote the email, not going to name you, but I want you and everyone who thinks like you to understand something. We have a bunch of rabid demon communists. Those are called Democrats. They're trying to destroy this nation. They want to chop off your son's penis. They want your daughter gang raped by a group of illegal immigrants. They're destroying the value of the dollar. They will burn the country to ash and they're well on their way to do so. Okay. So that's the demons. So wait, we should stop them, right? There should be an opposition party to stop them. You're right. There should. There should. It should be the GOP. They should be the hardcore freedom loving anti-communist party, but you know one of the main reasons to GOP are a bunch of sissies and why they only grab their ankles for the communists, you want to know this is, you want to know why this is what you get out of the GOP all the time, lady. If you take the one about the bloodbath, which arguably could be about an economic bloodbath, not about kind of street violence related to the election, then it gives his defenders something to focus on as something which was distorted. So yeah, see always it's because of you. You are the reason they feel like they have to talk like that. Not women, women exactly like you who talk about the GOP needing to appeal to them. You are the problem. And the reason I am so emphatic about this is because I have had private conversation after private conversation with this GOP or in that GOP or this Senator and this Congressman and this Senator and this Congressman and this Senator and this Congressman and I'll have these private conversations and we'll go down the list on exactly what needs to be done to stop the Democrats and to a man when I asked them why we can't make these things happen to a man. They tell me, well, we'll lose the woman vote, gotta appeal to those woman voters, just can't be too harsh, can't take things too far, woman, whoever you are, who wrote this email, change the fricking channel, all right, or maybe you should allow your husband to tell you how to vote. You suck at it. I bet you voted for Mitt Romney last time. I bet you did. Use come across like someone who sucks at it. Jesse, how are organizations that are funded with public tax dollars allowed to contribute to campaigns? Again, that's because Republicans are too soft to go after them. That should not be a thing that exists in the United States of America. In the United States of America, quote, non-profits are not supposed to participate in the political process at all by law, they're not allowed to. Now, communist, communist, non-profit after communist, non-profit currently does participate in this. Why? Because Republicans are soft because communists will create some group and it'll be the saving sick puppies group and then you'll dig into their finances and you'll find out through this guy and through that guy and through that guy. They're actually funneling $10 million into your local city council race to make sure communists take over your town. But Republicans will find out about this too and since they don't want to look mean to the women, they don't go after the group that's dedicated to sick puppies. This is why I call them the low T G O P. This is why I rant about chalk all the time. Gentlemen, it's time to start telling women like this to pipe down. Get your T levels up. You have a woman in your life trying to get you to vote comedy because it's nicer sounding. Get your T levels up. Now Vitality Stack from chalk, gentlemen, T levels up 20% in 90 days, 20%. Now imagine how you will feel after a year. They have a huge discount in March on subscriptions. It's female Vitality stacks for the ladies to chocolate powder. It's Chad mode. They're an all natural pre-workout again. These are natural herbal supplements. It's time to leave big pharma behind promo code Jesse C H O promo code Jesse. Get to some more of these Jesse just got back in the star from the grocery store. One of these days you were talking about government spending this week and I just want to throw up these days. Anytime I go to the store, it's 80 to $100. For anything special, milk, eggs, fruit, yogurt, thankfully we're able to absorb the increases but I'm starting to get really concerned. The chicken nuggets my kids eat were $9.99 on Tuesday and by Saturday they were $11.99. Nothing is slowing down. I heard a line about milk and eggs being down but I'm curious if anyone else's are. Mine still cost a fortune and I haven't seen anything drop in price. Is there any chance politicians stop the spending and their names Carolyn and look do we care enough to force them to we have to understand this about government spending government spending and printing. It's why inflation is up. It's why you're left is so expensive. Your life is so expensive now because we stopped an economy for a virus like a bunch of insane suicidal people and then we promptly printed six to seven trillion dollars. That's why you have inflation. That's why you can't afford eggs. That's why you can't afford power. That's why you can't afford lumber. We can't afford these things because of covid lockdowns. You can't afford the things you want to afford because of covid lockdowns. You can't afford the things you want to afford because of covid lockdowns. I cannot stress this enough. Either we the people are going to decide that these politicians will never do that again to us or we deserve this inflation and the reason I'm getting upset about this is because I watched every single covid lockdown politician every single one get reelected. Every one of them. Oh, there were a couple of extenuating circumstances like Cuomo here or whatnot, but it didn't matter whether it was a mayor, a senator, it didn't matter who it was. The American people after being abused by their government went out en masse and voted for them all again, all of them. So the answer to your question is I don't think we're going to get relief because as of right now, the American people don't seem to want it. I'm constantly being told now that the American people have had enough that they've changed their minds, that they're waking up, that they're constantly being told that now about the voting public. Someone please let me know anybody, Chris, Michael, anybody, where have we seen that at the polls? Anyone in 2020 or was it 2019? Gosh, I forgot. It was 2020 in 2020, the United States government at every level, every level, federal, state and local decided to abuse you and your freedoms over a chest cold. They lied about everything. They destroyed our dollar, our mental health. They hooked us all on drugs, wiped out small businesses. And since that day, virtually no lockdown politicians have lost their jobs. None. In fact, the comment I hear the most I guarantee I'll show up to emails tomorrow telling me Jesse, well, Jesse, we have to be nice. No one knew at the time. In fact, the American people seem to want to bend over backwards to excuse the ones who've done this to us. And if that's what we're going to do, then we will not save ourselves. Either we will get in the punish politicians mindset or we can't be saved. All right. We're going to do some demographic shifting and some emails. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Monday. We're going to get to this Supreme Court Justice Katanji Brown Jackson with the doozy. She dropped out there today. It's politician calling a female pilot a stewardess who are going to get to a bunch of emails. Yes, I am going to address what took place in the Supreme Court today with the immigration law. I just want to first bring up something that I've said many, many times so far on the show when it comes to Biden and the Democrats and how they're handling Israel, Hamas and this all and all this stuff because it seems like they're talking out of both sides of their face every day. Right? We love Israel. We love you. Oh, hey, man. The Gaza boy. This is really sad. We need to get you guys the help we need. We'll get you your own state and here's a port. No. Is there what we love you do? And it's been on. I've been explaining. Well, Chris, if you wouldn't mind, just go ahead and play one of the 8,000 times I've explained this Joe Biden actually lost one primary last night, American Samoa. I know you don't care about that. Neither do I. So we're not going to focus on that. But what you should understand is he lost 19% of Minnesota as well. I'm telling you right now, there is trouble on the horizon for the Democrat coalition. Yes, I do worry and I've shared those concerns with you that there is trouble on the right in the with the Trump coalition. I am worried, not not not not desperately worried, but I'm apprehensive. I guess I should say that the whole coalition can come back together. But Democrats still have the same problem and their problem might be worse. Joe Biden and really it's the Israel Hamas thing that's that's causing this Joe Biden cannot possibly hold the coalition together. How many is he going to lose? Is he going to lose enough to lose the election? He might, but Joe Biden has a serious Democrat coalition problem. The sitting president of the United States of America. He doesn't lose 19% of Democrat votes. That's not a thing that happens. And you remember why I've said that because of the Democrat Jewish coalition and the Democrat Muslim coalition at each other's throats. And remember, I've explained many, many times how their interest in this conflict, the reason they're so adamant about certain things has nothing to do with Israel, it has nothing to do with Hamas or Muslims or Gaza has nothing to do with any of that. They're only interested in their domestic power in this foreign conflict is affecting their domestic power. That's why Nancy Pelosi, Schumer, all the rest of them. That's why they keep just absolutely dropping bombs out there on that. It's curious to me to see Netanyahu talk the way he does when he tried to interfere in American elections. But that's another subject when he came to the Congress, criticized the president of the. Look, I don't expect you to like Nancy Pelosi or Netanyahu or any of these people. I don't, I don't care. But for the American politicians, our most powerful politicians to openly call for the political head of an ally that is not something that's done. Ever, you would never hear it. It's not done between allies. It doesn't matter who the allies are. You would never hear some big shot in UK's government come out and say, Joe Biden needs to step down. Man, we need another election. You wouldn't hear it. They're upset because of their domestic coalition. Now, maybe every time I've said that you've rolled your eyes and said, Jesse, you're crazy. Jesse, where do you get that from? Well, shout out to longtime Democrat strategist James Carvel went on the TV over the weekend. Have this say, but we already know you and I know this is a problem in the party and they got, they're going to have to tell BB Netanyahu, Hey, dude, you're not, we're not going to lose our election because you scared to go to jail. You got to think of something else because this, this, the negligence of this man was breathtaking and why we over there begging him, we're not going to lose our election. As you screwed something up, boy, he just gave it away. Didn't he exactly what the Oracle has been telling you? It's all about what you're seeing every side, especially in a, in a religious war like this in religious wars, gets so spicy and so emotional and there, there's, there's all this time right there. Always really bad. Everybody thinks that the other side is saying this against them or for them. He's for us. He's against us. And they're totally, everyone is missing what they're seeing with the Democrat party. The Muslims are and Jews are Jews feel like the Democrat party has abandoned them. They hate us. Look at how anti June, they're anti Semitic now and Muslims feel the same way. No, they've abandoned us. They hate us. Look at them taking the side of the, the Jewish dogs, isn't that what they call you people? Dogs, Chris is the Jewish dogs. They've taken it, but you're all missing it. They've taken their side, the side of Democrat power. And the truth is this religious war creates a threat to Democrat power. And they know it and it's a big, big problem for them. And no, I don't know if they can hold this band together. I do not. All right. Let's do a couple other things here before we leave. In fact, I want, I want to play something for you here. Why? Because it friggin makes me laugh. Here's a politician interviewing a female pilot. My name is Laura Hainer and I'm a Minnesota resident and a Minneapolis based pilot for Delta Airlines. Miss Hainer. Is that correct? Yes. So can you tell me what a typical week, work week looks like for you as a stewardess? How does, uh, Hey, I'm a female pilot. I work for Delta. Hey, what's it like being a stewardess? Man, I got to tell you, I didn't know my dad had run for office in one. It's totally something he would do. He wouldn't even hear it. Otherwise he'd go, well, I mean, who's this stewardess here sitting here? I don't understand. Hey, listen, these things happen as you get older. You know what else happens as you get older? Pain aches, pains happens. You know what happens. Your muscles, your joints, your back. It happens. The daily pains that nag at us. It costs us our sleep. It costs us our mood. Once the last time you snapped at someone you loved, cause your foot hurts, your shoulder hurts. Start getting real relief, relief that doesn't wreck your liver, drug free relief from pain. It's something that's available to you through relief factor. Relief factor is drug free for key, all natural ingredients and what it does is it helps support your body's natural response to inflammation. And it works so well. They sell three week quick start kits for 1995. They're all, hey, just try it for three weeks. You'll be back and you will call them. One 800 the number four relief, one 800 the number four relief, or you can go to I mean, after all, it would be pretty painful being a stewardess. My name is Laura Hainer and I'm a Minnesota resident and a Minneapolis based pilot for Delta Airlines. Miss Hainer? Is that correct? Yes. Tell me what a typical week work week looks like for you as a stewardess. How does I just want to say this one more time because we have to go into next hour and I'm going to address this Supreme Court. What happened today? In case you missed it, the Supreme Court stopped Texas from enforcing immigration law and they did it indefinitely. I'm, I'm going to address that here in a moment. I, I just want to say, I don't like it that all the stewardesses are dudes now. Before we go on, look, this is a problem. What Chris, it's a problem we need to address. It's a national emergency. Look, stewardesses should be chicks, all right. It should be dimes because the dimes make flying better. Now when you get on a plane, it's all a bunch of dudes and it's not like that internationally and I don't know why it's like that here in America, but it's got to stop.