The Howie Carr Radio Network

Team Hamstring, Brockton High School in the News, and Biden's New Shoes | 3.18.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

It seems Boston is never in the news for something good these days. Grace shares the public school in Brockton, MA, that's making national news.

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18 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Ibiba Trateria studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello everyone. Welcome back to The Grace Curly Show on this gorgeous Monday afternoon. Thank you all so much for joining us today. The lines are open. Thank you to Bob Price, by the way, from Breitbart, who called in. He just emailed me and said, "I was so happy to talk to your Boston audience." And, yeah, we got a lot of people in Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire. We love hearing from all of you, and the lines are open. It's 844-542-42. We've got an update for you because, as we talked about earlier in the show, the Supreme Court is hearing arguments today on this case about whether or not the White House was coercing social media platforms to take down content that they did not like or did not approve of, or that they deemed was disinformation. Dangerous disinformation, because that's really the only kind of disinformation, right? And I had made the point earlier that I do think is relevant to a degree that all that disinformation ended up being true. Like all the things that they deemed dangerous and, you know, fake and misleading. It all, maybe not all of it, but a good deal of it ended up being correct, whether that be that social distancing was bogus or that by getting the vaccine, you're not going to not get the virus, and you're not going to not spread the virus. The Wuhan Labley theory, there were so many things that if you dared put them on social media or make a video about them, whether you're Tom Cotton or Rand Paul or Aaron Rodgers, you would be accused of spreading dangerous disinformation. And you could have your First Amendment rights basically taken away from you because the government didn't like what you had to say. And I read a little bit from the Wall Street Journal. It says the Supreme Court considers if government can coerce social media platforms to censor content it doesn't like. I wanted to remind people about where the Biden administration leaders, where their heads were at during all of this, because as always, they're very careful about what they say, unlike Trump who's out here using the term bloodbath. So, Willie Nilly, Joe Biden likes to choose his words carefully. Do we have this cut of what he said about Facebook, Jared at the time. Let's play. This is a little flashback for you. COVID misinformation. What's your message to platforms like Facebook? The only pandemic you have is among the unvaccinated and they're killing people. Fact checkers say that is false. How many Pinocchio's can you give that statement? No, it wasn't a pandemic of the unvaccinated. No, Facebook was not killing people, but that was the leader of the free world being very, very thoughtful and really choosing his words carefully. Well, now we have Katanji Brown Jackson Supreme Court Justice. And this is what she had to say today during these arguments. Let's hear this. Jackson? So my biggest concern is that your view has the first amendment hamstringing the government in significant ways in the most important time periods. I mean, what would you have the government do? I've heard you say a couple of times that the government can post its own speech, but in my hypothetical, you know, kids, this is not safe, don't do it, is not going to get it done. And so I guess some might say that the government actually has a duty to take steps to protect the citizens of this country and you seem to be suggesting that that duty cannot manifest itself in the government encouraging or even pressuring platforms to take down harmful information. The problem here, and there's an expression you could go back to. I don't know if it's the perfect one. I'm sure people who are more poetic than I am could come up with something better. But you know that expression, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, like everything's subjective, you know, and in a lot of ways, most things we talk about are subjective. So Katanji Brown Jackson is so concerned that if there's something dangerous that the government isn't going to be able to warn people or take things down or censor things that could cause harm to the citizens of this country. But here's the issue, who gets to decide what is dangerous, who gets to decide what is disinformation? Because as I pointed out, eight, nine months ago, something without was considered dangerous disinformation today is something you could print in the New York Times and you wouldn't even be fired for it, because it's common knowledge. They're like getting fashion from Europe. They're two years behind everything. So they're printing all these things that a lot of conservatives had the guts and the will to actually say beforehand. And now it's common knowledge, but at the time it was considered disinformation. So, yeah, disinformation is in the eye of the beholder, like what you consider dangerous, what you consider worth censoring, what you say rises to a level of oh that's too much. People can't handle that truth. I might differ and who's going to decide and it kind of goes back to that other expression. Which I think it's attributed to a poet. I'm not I'm going to get the name wrong, but who guards the guards. Some people say who watches the watchman. And by the way, I would like to be on the side of hamstringing the government whenever possible. Consider me pro hamstringing the government. If it's going to ham, they need to be is the correct tense hamstrung when possible ham string it up with the government. If that's our biggest problem, it's all the government has, you know, there's there's too many checks and balances on the government. They can't run wild and censor the citizens. Then put I'm all in for that. I love how she's more concerned. Like if you had to decide what's more in jeopardy right now, what would needs more protection. The first amendment. Freedom of speech or the government's power. What what needs katangi Brown Jackson to come to its rescue more. I wouldn't say it's the government. I really wouldn't I think they're doing just fine based off what I've been witnessing for the past couple years. I think that they have plenty of power. I think they have plenty of levers to pull when they want to punish someone or when they want to take something down or when they want to condemn someone for something they said that isn't approved by the mainstream media and the fact checkers and the truth police. Based off what I've been able to see, they're able to do that just fine, but I'm happy that it's a time to brown Jackson is so concerned about the watchmen. I'm concerned about who's going to watch the watchmen when they decide that something shouldn't be on Facebook because it's disinformation. I just don't know if I trust the disinformation police. Yeah, the solicitor general's view of the First Amendment as katangi Brown Jackson called it is the actual point of the First Amendment, which is to in fact hamstring the government from lying to the people. Team hamstring. We should make we should make t-shirts team hamstring the government. All I can think about when she's being like, well, you know, if the government really needs to make sure that people aren't saying dangerous things, all I think about is that woman. Supercalifragilistic expialidocious. Like, is this the person that we're worried about hamstringing? Is this the person that we're worried she just doesn't have enough power. She's just not allowed. She's just not able to silence as many people as she would like to. Hmm. It's got to be tough. Hey, I wanted to mention something else here. There's a lot of talk about Kate Milton and we touched on this before. I've been getting a lot of text from people. Friends of mine. Actually, surprisingly, a lot of men are very into this Kate Middleton conspiracy theory. Or I don't know if they're reaching out because they think I would have some sort of insight, which I don't. But there's a conversation happening about where is Kate Middleton. And what I think is bizarre about this is some of the theories that people have because she said she was getting abdominal surgery. She said she was going to take time off until Easter, which has not happened yet. So as far as I'm concerned, she is still on schedule. But that's neither here nor there. You can't, as Jared, as you guys know from experiencing Jared Diglio, when a conspiracy theorist wants to believe something, there's not a whole lot we can do to help them. Okay? It's kind of, it is what it is. But a lot of the theories as to what's going on with her are very dark and very scary. Like she's having some sort of health issue. She's having marital issues. And here's what I think is weird. Everyone is using this. You know how it's strange, Jared, how certain people you're not allowed to make fun of and then other people, you can say whatever you want. Kate Middleton, because she's part of the royal family and people don't like them. You can make fun of her or like this has become an internet joke. Where is Kate Middleton, LOL, Kim Kardashian posted something saying, I'm looking for Kate Middleton. People are making it kind of like part of their shtick. It's a big joke. And I'm sitting here going, well, if maybe I'm getting too soft, maybe I'm too sensitive. But if in six weeks she comes out and says, Hey, just so you guys know, you were all asking where I was, this is what I was dealing with. I wonder if these people are going to feel a little bit crappy for making it into such a big thing. But that's not why I'm bringing this up. The White House was asked about it. And for a bunch of people who couldn't arrange a two-car funeral, they are so smug when it comes to anyone else's issues, take a listen at KJP. Does the White House ever digitally alter photos of the president, vice president, first lady? - digitally altered? Not that I know of. I would say no. Why would we digitally alter photos? Are you comparing us to the, what's going on in the UK? I'm doing, it's totally true. The leader of the other country wouldn't alter photos. Why does the motor have to do anything with us? No, that is not something that we do here. That's why I asked. Okay, I have so many thoughts on that. One is that, why is she acting like that would be so out of bounds? These are the same people who, last time I checked, built a fake White House movie set across the street from the real White House so that Joe Biden could sit in front of a window with fake snow pouring behind it and talk to the American people. They didn't tell us about their dogs biting people for months until there was a FOIA request. They're not exactly forthcoming with information. They're not very transparent. He doesn't take questions from anyone. He's constantly hidden from the press at all times. But we're supposed to, oh, but when it comes to, why do we do that? It's not that much of a leap. - Well, you're telling me they didn't Photoshop a pork chop and a single slice of American cheese onto a plate for the Fourth of July. - That was different, Jared. That was different. That was celebratory. I always think it's weird how they get so arrogant on certain things. And it's like, you guys might not want to throw stones. Okay? I wouldn't put it past you. Let's just say that. Allergy season is here and you need the Eden Pure Thunderstorm. Jared, right now they've got a great bogo deal going. You can buy one, get one. This is one of my favorite deals that Eden Pure has to offer. And it's really great because you can have one in your office. You can have one in your kitchen. You can buy one for yourself to purify the air, to keep the air clean and moving. But you can also give one to a friend. It makes a great gift. Yeah, that's the best part about having multiple machines is that everybody can enjoy the Eden Pure Thunderstorm because what it does is it ionizes the air, creates a super oxygen, which gets rid of any allergens and pollutants in the air. The same way it gets rid of odors that are in the air. And the best gift you can give somebody is the gift of clean air. It really is. And how the thunderstorm works is it's like a real thunderstorm. It quietly sends out super oxygen and ions to kill odors in your room and purify the air. So whatever your issue is, whether it's pollen, pet odors, kitchen smells, musty basements, tobacco, anything you don't want to smell, anything you don't want lingering in your house, the thunderstorm can get rid of it quick. So take advantage of the Vogo deal. Here's what I want you to do. Go to and use code GRACE BOGO. Hurry. These Vogo deals don't last long. Again, now everybody is pointing out the shoes. It's on Fox right now. Joe Biden's big shoes. This is not new. I read about the big shoes weeks ago. And a textor said, "Grace, you better be careful talking about the big shoes." How he once had a big shoe and how he's going to get mad at you for making fun of him. Listen, how we can take a couple of jabs every once in a while. He is not opposed to me bringing up the shoe controversy. And you know what? I'll prove it. I'll bring it up during the crossover. I'll ask him about his experience with the big shoe and what he thinks of Joe Biden. You know, Stephen Miller described them as hovercrafts. They're giant. It's just also, it's a weird pairing when you have a business suit on and then you have sneakers on. It's always hard to make that look normal. We'll talk about this and why it's becoming such a big story. Plus, Brockton High School, in the news, a lot of fighting and really, really scary statistics out of Brockton High School. Some people are blaming it on COVID and the effects of the lockdown. Other people are blaming it on a policy that involves not being able to suspend students. We'll talk about that when we come back. Don't go anywhere. Pye, it's Toby from Cape Gun Works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for 2A Tuesday, Tuesdays at 2PM. This is The Grace Curly Show. Am I crazy or is this the best song ever? I'm so underrated. Add it to your playlist. Rock and roll, baby. That's stylistic. And whenever I see Joe Biden's shoes, it's the first thing I think of. The other thing I think of is Seinfeld, with Jimmy in the shoes and he's the shoes give him a really good jump shot. But yeah, for some reason, the shoes are back in the news and that's not the only thing. There's this NBC report about some of the insiders, some of the aides at the White House who are giving Joe Biden different info, it's just the last thing they should be doing. He doesn't need too many cooks in the kitchen right now. He needs one person telling him one thing, "Hey, when you go out there, do this." He needs a little checklist that says, "You say this to this person with a picture of the person's face." But instead, he's got all these aides giving him different information, including some of them who are telling who are thinking that he should be walking faster. Which to me, you come to me if I'm like the chief of staff and you say, "Hey, Grace, I got a really good idea. I think the president should be walking a little bit faster, throw people off about his strange gate. He's disturbed gate." I would say, "Okay, you have until three o'clock to gather your belongings and to get out." Because clearly, you have lost your mind. And you know what else they said, which again, this would be a fireball offense. If I'm running this ship, this Titanic into the iceberg, it says a fifth person said, "If you try to change the person, meaning Biden, you're making a mistake, let the president go out there and do his thing." Do you know what his thing is? If history is any guide, his thing is going out and smelling people's hair and falling down. Why would you want that out there? Actually, you know, I changed my mind. I think that's a good idea. Let him do his thing. Or, as they like to say, "Let Biden be Biden." And of course, the last refuge of a scoundrel, what a lot of people are trying to claim here is that Biden's sinking pole numbers. It's not due to the fact that there's an open border because he reversed all of Trump's policies. It's not due to the fact that the economy's in the tank. It's not due to the fact that inflation is so high. It's not due to the fact that he has no idea where he is, or he's talking to dead people. No, according to Mary Landrieu, who's a former Democratic senator from Louisiana, she said, "I think it's actually a bit of a failure of communication on the part of the White House. What do we have here is a failure to communicate." And you know, Jared, I've been... I can say quite clearly. I've been reading a lot about different minority groups and how they're backing away from Joe, including black voters, are not impressed. And at one point, Joe went on with Al Sharpton, and he was talking about all the wonderful things he did for the black community. And then there were callers afterwards, or there were people who made comments about how, "Oh, Al, I didn't realize he had done all these things for the black community." And the way I feel about it is, if you're doing such a great job, then the communication part of it, it shouldn't be this much heavy lifting. Like, if everything's so much better for people, to a degree they should just be able to feel it. As opposed to the silver tongue communicator Donald Trump. It's like the electric slide, you know? You can't hold it, but you know it's there. Like, if you're doing such a great job as president, I might not be able to communicate it, but you should be able to feel it. And I don't think anyone, whether it's Hispanic voters, black voters, suburban women, I don't think anyone is feeling it right now. We'll be right back with more, don't go anywhere. [music] Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio. [music] Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. Today's poll question is brought to you by The Nossa Beach Inn. Book your spring stay at Nossa Beach Inn, with April rates starting at $2.49.99. To reserve your pet-friendly ocean view room with the fireplace, go to That's Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is what inflation increase upsets you the most. Gas, groceries, utilities, or fast food restaurants. I'm going to say groceries because I got a lot of favorites that it's hard to shake. It's hard to change your habits. So if you have something you like, a certain brand you like, and the price is skyrocketed, you notice it. You notice it because you've been buying it for a very long time. And I definitely, that's where I notice it the most. 75% of the audience agrees with you on groceries, 13% say gas, 10% say utilities, 2% for fast food. Before I get into Brockton High School, Brockton City of Champs. City of Champs is what some people say, but that's not what I say. I say City of Champs. I wanted to make mention here, Jared. Do you know when I started watching this weekend? I do not. Oppenheimer. I started Oppenheimer. It's over three hours long, so I watched the first half last night, one and a half hours down. I will watch the second half tonight, and then, lucky for all of you, I will give my movie review. A little late, and I think you can all guess that it's a pretty good movie based on how well it did at the Oscars and all the other award shows, but I will give you my full review come tomorrow. It's a lot of dialogue, though, and I don't know if I'm going crazy, but my husband, like, he really doesn't like the clothes captioning. He does not like that. He wants to just watch it and not have the words at the bottom of the screen. I almost at this point require it, and I don't know if it's because I don't know what it is. If I'm not a good listener, that would track based on my personality, but some of these movies, it's hard to understand what people are saying, and it all happened so fast. Yeah, and it's not quite the same as it was, like, when DVDs first came out, where the music was so much louder than the dialogue. But, I mean, it's still... Well, Christopher Nolan, though, gets kind of dicey with that. Yeah, we have the clothes... when we watch TV, we have the clothes captioning on, and I actually do enjoy it myself. Here's a question. Are you or your wife, or one of you, a pauser of the TV? Like, do you like to pause and discuss? No, we pretty much watch, and then if we want to talk about it, we... yeah, no, we don't usually pause during, unless it's for some reason. Okay, so I want everyone to extend your sympathies to Will, my husband, because not only is he sitting through this three-plus-hour movie with me, but oftentimes, I will stop it, and I will ask questions, and my brother was watching it with us, and he said to me, "Grace, a lot of the things you're asking... First of all, we're not experts on this movie either. We saw it in theaters. This is our second time seeing it. It's three and a half hours long." Second of all, a lot of your questions, they will be answered by the end of the movie if you just wait. Like, just wait five minutes, but it's like, no, I get an idea on my head, I stop it. I say, "You know when I think about that guy? That guy's giving me a bad vibe. I don't know why." Why did he... oh, so he wants to tell the Russians, but the Russians, what? No, they don't already know that. And at this point, I'm asking my brother and my husband to explain the science behind the atomic bomb, which trust me, they're not equipped to do. Yeah, I haven't gotten to it with my son quite yet, but I remember with my brother's kids, if I was watching TV with them, they'd ask all these questions. It's like, "Guys, I'm watching this for the first time. I don't know any of what you're asking." I know as much as you. You'll figure it out. We'll find out, but yeah, no, so I know where your brother was coming from. And I also like to pause it just to comment on things. There was a line I really liked yesterday, and I thought, "I could use that in the show at some point." So Oppenheimer, he's trying to get a security clearance, and there's this guy who's in charge of it, and he says, "Listen, I need a security clearance." And he says, "Just because your history makes it difficult for you to get a security clearance, that's not my fault." And Oppenheimer says back to him, "It might not be your fault, but it is your problem." And I thought, "That's a great line, because that's in life, Jared." It's like, "Yeah, something might not be your fault, blame-wise, but it's still your problem." It's why I pause it at that point, and I say, "Guys, I like that line." Watching movies with me is truly, no one deserves it. Like, no one should be put in that position. Yeah, but I'll give you guys the full review tomorrow. Now, onto a more serious topic, local story, though, out of Brockton. This is from the New York Post. It says, "The troubled Massachusetts High School, where parents and community members wanted the National Guard to help restore order, was labeled exemplary by a Harvard University study just 15 years ago." Obviously, times have changed. And now, we have a National Guard going into the subway in New York City, but parents wanted the National Guard to come to the school, Brockton High School, because there was so much violence breaking out. And what this story does is it interviews a mother who homeschools her daughter, who otherwise would probably be going to Brockton High. And she said, "No, I just didn't want to send her there. There's just too much violence. There's too much chaos." And they have a quote here from Cliff Canavan, a Brockton math teacher of 22 years. And I appreciated this quote from him. He said, "We used to have a timeframe where people were traveling from across the world to come and observe how we manage a large school as well as we do and produce the educational results that we do. Things have changed." The school superintendent said the pandemic hit Brockton family's heart. Now, here's something that, again, we want to talk about disinformation. Remember how often we were told by Fauci and by these other people that kids are resilient? Like, yeah, you can shut down the schools for a while. They'll bounce back. There won't be any long-term effects from the loss of education, from the loss of socialization. They'll be fine. They're resilient. That was the term. They're resilient. Not that resilient, though. Everybody's got a breaking point. And for a lot of these kids, I think they reached it. But here's what's interesting. The school superintendent, he acknowledges that the pandemic and the lockdowns affected Brockton families, but he actually blames a Massachusetts law for what's happening there. This law prevents administrators from suspending students from class for the breakdown in discipline. So they can't suspend these kids when they act up, so there's really no consequences. And so the turmoil and the violence just continues. Brockton has lost nearly 500 students since 2020, a decline in enrollment of about 12%. Catavan, whose arm was broken while breaking up a violent fight between two students, has seen that attrition playing out in real time. Brockton School Superintendent Mike Thomas believes the current situation was brought on by a conflation of factors made worse by the COVID pandemic and its effect on Brockton's lower income families. He said Brockton was hit hard by the pandemic. A lot of the students' parents lost their jobs and it affected the kids a lot. I think a huge part of it is you got students that are dealing with a lot of mental issues and it causes a lot of misbehavior. As we came back to in person across the country, I don't think anybody realized the toll that the pandemic took, especially on kids. You have these schools now. And we've seen videos of this. And you know what? It's, I, if I'm being completely honest, I don't talk about it as much as I probably should. Partially because, well, in part because a lot of it has to do with viral videos that they'll play on the news networks of these horrible brawls that break out in schools. And it's a hard thing on the radio to really get across. But I think you all know what I'm talking about, that there's these videos of kids in the hallways of these schools just beating the crap out of each other. In some cases, there's been kids who are dead, like they're beat up by other students and they end up on death's door in the hospital. It's horrible. And I think that the pandemic and the mental health crisis and the violence in these schools and kind of the lack of resources, the lack of discipline that the teachers are allowed to have at the schools has all contributed to this. But it's a really incredible story. You should check it out in the New York Post. It's Brockton High School. And Thomas believes the genesis of the current behavior issues began before the pandemic with the passage of Massachusetts chapter 222 student disciplinary law in 2012. The law was intended to make suspension a last resort for student punishments, but teachers have complained it left them helpless to enforce discipline and that no additional funding was provided to help teachers deal with trouble making students. And you know what it reminds me of, Jared, is when we talk about how if you make it so that none of these crimes, none of these thefts rise to the level of any sort of actual charge, then you can obviously say, "Oh, look at the amount of thefts that have gone down." Well, no. Well, now you just made it so that it has to be $950 worth of stuff stolen for it to be considered a theft. But it doesn't mean that people aren't stealing things anymore. And it's the same thing here. You want to say, "Well, it's not nice to suspend these students. We have all these kids who are suspended, so stop suspending them." Well, they're not going to stop misbehaving just because they're not getting suspended anymore. James, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. What's going on, James? Hey, there, Grace. Thanks for taking my call. I apologize if this was already brought up, but I tried calling earlier as a heading to a meeting on the bloodbath question. Yeah. I wasn't sure if anyone brought up that if you look it up in a couple different dictionaries, but I'm looking at the American Heritage Dictionary right now. And bloodbath is the third definition is substantial losses by many people as in mass termination of employment or widespread financial loss. It's actually a definition in the dictionary of bloodbath. It's such a great point, James. And I appreciate you bringing it up. We had a caller, Tom, who alluded to the same thing. But no, you're absolutely right. A lot of people are bringing up the dictionary definition. But again, what I go back to is they know this. Like, Nicole Lawless, Joe Scarborough, the ignorance here is intentional. And it's the same thing. And I was trying to find it, but I read this great piece last week about all of these things that become part of the narrative, even if they're debunked. And actually a really good example is Fannie Willis and the find the fraud case. Nobody ever said find the fraud. Trump didn't say it. But it's amazing how by the media of putting it out there over and over again, if you say it enough times, it's almost like it becomes true. People start to believe this lie. And it doesn't matter if Grace Curley on a radio show tries to debunk it. It's already made its way across the world. And so there's no amount of fact checking. There's there's no amount of rebuttals that actually are going to slow this thing down. And bloodbath, it's the same thing. They understand how this works because they've done it so many times. And they've done it against Trump so many times. How many times have we heard? Oh, he said this. He said that. Very fine. That's why I brought up the very fine people, fine people on both sides because that was the biggest one to me that was such an obvious lie that they peddled and it worked. I'm going to have a coughing fit in a second. So let's go to break here. We'll be right back. The Grace Curley Show will be right back. The Grace is the Grace Curley Show. Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curley Show. You know what's another really good story people should check out? I read all of you the piece by Molly Hemingway last week about January 6th in the National Guard and how Trump won a 10,000 national guards. People to be there on January 6th. He also made that clear to Mark Meadows who made it clear to Bowser. And yet nothing happened. Well, Cash Patel has a great piece in the Federalist confirming a lot of this. And again, zeroing back in on Liz Cheney and why she suppressed that evidence from the January 6th circus kangaroo court performance spectacle that they put on. So it's there's a lot of information there that I think you guys should check out. Let's play a couple more of these cuts of the media reacting to out. Well, first, before we get to the media, let's go to Nancy Pelosi. She loves spreading fake news. This is cut three because he's even predicting a bloodbath. What does that mean? He's going to exact a bloodbath? There's something wrong here. How respectful I am of the American people and their goodness. But how much more do they have to see from him to understand that this isn't what our country is about? Yeah, that's Nancy Pelosi and Jared, you actually put you put a flashback in here to remind people of another one of Pelosi's finer. Yeah, that's tough talk from the woman who made pens to look like bullets during during the thing. But yeah, this is Nancy Pelosi explaining exactly what's going on right now. Self-fulfilling. You demonize and then you we call it the wrap up smear. If you want to talk politics, call it the wrap up smear. You smear somebody with falsehoods and all the rest. And then you merchandise it. And then you write it, and I'll say see it's reported in the press that this, this, this, and this. So they have that validation that the press reported the smear. And then it's called the wrap up smear. Now I'm going to merchandise the press's report on the smear that we made. And it's, it's attractive. And it's, it's, it's. Find the fraud. Very fine people. They've done this wrap up smear so many times. The only frustrating part of it. Is that the American people, some people at least tend to believe it. Joining us now is how we car how we, first of all, let's settle this. Some people think we're in a little bit of a feud right now. Because I was making fun of Joe Biden's with look like orthopedic shoes. Your big shoe has actually come into the conversation on the text line. Tell us about that time period for you. And are you upset about this scrutiny that Joe Biden's footwear is receiving? No, not at all. I, you know, I was so concerned about the big shoe that I can't even remember the circumstances of it. You know, you can't remember why you're wearing it. No, I can't. I, you know, I've, you know, I've been lucky. I've had, I haven't had any, you know, really serious medical problems, but I've had a lot of different things that have gone wrong with me, you know, like minor stuff. And I guess the big shoe was one of those minor things. So, you know, I can't, I can't even recall it. Well, I'm glad you didn't. I think it was on my left foot. Cause my left, my left side of my body is where I always have all my bone problems. So it must have been on the left side. But that's about all I can recall. I'm sorry. I don't, I don't take it personally. You can say what you want. Every knock a boost. You have a pretty thick skin. So I honestly was not worried about it. How we, obviously the bloodbath comment is the big story of the day. I don't think this is the last time we're going to see this. We've watched this happen before. You always say a lie makes its way around the world. Well, the truth is putting on its pants. This is no exception. They're already running with it. And people will call up to the show. Howie and they'll say, well, Grace, what he meant was this and he was referring to the auto industry. And I'm sitting here going, I know that Joe Scarborough knows that they're just banking on the people listening, not knowing that. You know, it was really something when, you know, Joe Scarborough was shamed into taking down the tweet. And then he comes back with it this morning and he's so angry. He's, he's, he's swearing on the air. That's his tough guy. You know, that's, that's how you show you're a tough guy is I'm going to curse on the air. It's to show you're a real, you know, you don't mess around. But you're right now. Why didn't he get in a war? Why didn't he get in a Twitter war with Elon Musk if he was so sure of his, of the rightness of his position? You always know someone's in trouble when you're reading a story about them. And it says, in a now, in a since deleted tweet, they wrote XYZ. And that's exactly what happened. He deleted the tweet. Now he's telling us how stupid we are. If we're so right and we're so stupid, why don't you leave it up? Yeah. In a battle of Whitsau between Elon Musk and Joe Scarborough, I'll let you tell people what you think that would, how that would turn out. Right. Joe Scarborough comes unarmed. He was a Jack Leg lawyer in Pensacola, Florida, before he got lucky in 1994. He wrote, he wrote on Newt Gingrich's contract with America into the house. And, you know, he doesn't want to go back to closing wills and, you know, fighting parking tickets in Night Court in Pensacola. Yeah, it's really insane. And we've seen this all before. Now, Howie Carr is coming up next. And, you know, there's a story I didn't get to that Howie sent me this morning. And it's by someone I think is one of both of our favorites, Jonathan Turley. He actually mentions Rachel Rollins, who's appeared on Howie Show before. I'm sure he'll get to that after the break. So don't go anywhere. Howie's got a great show planned for you. We'll be back tomorrow with more. [MUSIC]