The Howie Carr Radio Network

Breitbart's Bob Price Discusses Terrorists Coming into US and the Return of Measles, TB, and more | 3.18.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Grace welcomes Bob Price of Breitbart News to the show to discuss America's "newcomers" who have bestowed upon the population every illness you got a vaccine for! Where was all this inclusivity and welcoming spirit when the COVID vaccine debuted?

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18 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trateria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. Thank you all so much for joining us today. We open the show by reacting to the media's meltdowns over Trump using the term bloodbath. He was talking about, if you want to actually look at the context of it, he was talking about the auto industry. He was talking about Mexico making cars and then whether or not we would buy them from Mexico. If he was president, he would put a tariff on it. The comment got completely distorted as the media loves to do with anything Trump says. They're trying to make it into some sort of ominous threat that he is claiming there's going to be another January 6th. If he is an elected. And so I said to the textures, I said, please text in with some examples of violence that the leftists said over the years that has not garnered the same kind of panic from the media. And there are so many great comments. 508, 508 says Grace, the Madonna comment about the White House. Right, I believe she had said she wanted to blow up the White House. And then we found out like, oh, she was just kidding. That's just a turn of phrase. And I didn't Johnny Depp ask when the last time an actor killed the president was. Yeah, he wanted, yeah, he was making a joke. Again, these are all jokes when the left says it about the assassination of Lincoln. We have more here. Of course, Jane Fonda mentioning murdering Republicans. And again, Jared, what's the common theme? That's a joke. That was just ha ha, just having fun. And then we get all the headlines about how if Trump doesn't win, it's going to be, you know, if Trump does win, it's going to be the end of democracy. There'll be no elections and all of these kind of things that come up all the time when the media wants to have their very, there's not a lot of readers out there. There's not a lot of people watching their shows, but they always want them to be in a panic. That's something you can guarantee. And Joe Scarborough said he warned that Trump is going to go full Hitler. Then you had Joy Behar saying that Trump was going to kill us all. So these are all just things that if you're on the right side, if you've got a D next to your name, it's totally cool. You don't have to worry about it. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. We're trying to get Bob Price on the line here from Breitbart. You know what Jared, here's what we'll do. If he does call in, we'll move him to 130 because at this point now, we're not going to have enough time to even take him. I wanted to talk about something else because last week we got news about Fannie Willis and this decision by Judge Scott McAfee. And I was not impressed with the decision. I wasn't surprised by it, but he basically, some people were describing it as a split, the baby. That's what Megan Kelly said. He said, okay, well, Fannie Willis, you can't be on this case unless you fire your lover, unless you fire your ex boyfriend, Nathan Wade. So Nathan Wade's got to be off the case, but you can stay on the case. Now, it's ridiculous because, well, first of all, it sounds like something out of a rom-com, but also, it doesn't make sense that one of these people, they both lied. They both show terrible judgment, but one of these people is going to be punished for it and the other one's not. Well, Marco Cleveland, who typically writes about Hunter Biden, she typically focuses on the Bidens, she decided to write a little bit about this. And the headline is, it's perverted justice to let Fannie Willis keep prosecuting Trump. Now, there have been arguments from people that this is actually going to help Trump, that having Fannie Willis, the Grey Goose drinking, caviar eating, believe it. If we are eating, believe, traveling, D.A., prosecuting Trump is only going to highlight and expose what a farce this is. But other people are concerned that after all of the shenanigans we've seen, if that's not enough to get someone kicked off a case, if that's not enough to show a conflict of interest, then what are we doing? And Marco Cleveland had some really specific problems with this ruling that I wanted to read because it hadn't occurred to me, but they make a lot of sense. So let me just read you a little bit here. She said, McAfee cited Willis's financial position. She earned more than $200,000 per year as evidence that Willis and Wade roughly divided evenly, traveled expenses. And he used that as saying it negated the premise that Willis benefited personally from the criminal case against Trump and his allies. She's making a lot of money. He's making a lot of money. She claims she paid, you know, they went Dutch a lot, according to Fannie Willis. So it doesn't really show that she benefited financially. The court also noted that Willis's efforts to quickly prosecute the case countered any argument that the financial benefit to Wade influenced the DA's handling of the case. In other words, it didn't seem like she was delaying things or dragging things on so that Nathan Wade would get his paycheck for longer. There are two fundamental flaws with this reasoning, according to Margot Cleveland. First, McAfee ignored that Willis could benefit personally without benefiting financially. By bestowing her bow with the Cushy County contract, whether it gave Willis a sense of control in the relationship helped her curry favor with Wade or merely provided Willis a chance to spend more time with her lover. Yeah, Jared, like sometimes when somebody at a network, NBC or any of these places, if they get in trouble for having a relationship with a subordinate, it's not necessarily that people think the subordinate is not qualified to have that job. It's actually the argument that the dynamics of having someone who's your boss have a personal relationship with you. It's an odd dynamic. It can be a toxic dynamic and it can set people up for being intimidated or bullied or persuaded to do certain things. That's the argument there. It's not always about the money. It's not the fact that she was helping Nathan Wade make all this money. It's also the fact that now she has this leverage over him. I got you this job. Who's to say she's not going to turn to him and say, hey, you know how I got you this great job that you're not qualified for? Make sure you make the decisions that I want you to make. Make sure that that affects your judgment here because don't forget who got you this job in the first place. It completely, completely changes the playing field. You're telling me that he's not going to work that in to his conclusions? I wonder what Fanny thinks. After all, she was nice enough to give me the job in the first place and I'm sleeping with her. I think that could have a little bit of effect on your judgment. That's not the only flaw. Second, it isn't only delay that would benefit Wade financially and will as personally as an increase in work on a shorter timeframe also added to Wade's compensation. On this latter point, Judge McAfee missed two key facts that support a make work theory. Yes, somebody on Friday had texted in and said, this Wade fella, he was working around the clock. He was working on the crack and something else that a texture made note of that I was mad I didn't get to on Friday. So Scott McAfee says, the judge in this case says, Fanny Willis has to leave unless she fires Nathan Wade, unless Nathan Wade is off the case. And one of my textures said, why should he leave? She's the one Jared who went on this speech at the church and talked about how he was a superstar. He was over qualified for the job. He's the best at what he does. If anyone should leave based off her own remarks, shouldn't it be Fanny Willis? Nathan Wade is the one who's going to save the case. He's the the all star here. So there's a lot wrong with it and that's not the only case that we're keeping an eye on because Jonathan Turley, who you guys know is my go to for all these things. He has a great piece out about the double standards and the two tier justice system that we're currently dealing with. And we'll talk about that in just a little bit. 844, 500, 42, 42, all of that and so much more when we return. But right now, oh my gosh, I almost forgot. I almost forgot. Five of weeks is Kathy Griffin, the bloody head. Yeah, the Trump effigy that she posed with. She had Trump. She was holding him by the hair. 619. Oh, there's so many examples. There's so many examples of this. I'm not even going to read all these because I got to double check them first. But this one about Obermann, Jared, I fully believe he said this at one point. I think Breitbart probably has a printout that we can have of all of the times that the left used violent rhetoric. That was a lot more egregious and concerning than the comment Trump made about the auto industry on Saturday. We'll get to all of that when we come back. Allergy season is here and you need the Eden Pure Thunderstorm air purifier. You can hear it right now. We're all a little bit stuffed up. But this is why I'm going to turn on my thunderstorm today in my office. I'm going to let it purify the air. It works very quickly. And when the warmer temps are creeping up, you're going to want to open those doors and windows. And that's going to allow some of those pollutants and allergens to come in. But if you turn on the thunderstorm, it works like a charm. One user wrote the thunderstorm does what it claims. It definitely is effective on my husband's allergies, sneezing, runny nose and coughing. The thunderstorm is a small device you can hold in your hand and plug in to your electrical outlet or into your car by USB cable to purify the air. And right now you can get two thunderstorm air purifiers for the price of one. This is a BOGO deal by one get one. And all you have to do is go to and use code GRACE BOGO. The thunderstorm air purifier works like a real thunderstorm. Jared, explain to the listeners how the thunderstorm operates. So what the thunderstorm does is it actually will purify the air. It ionizes the air. That creates a super oxygen. And what that super oxygen does is it eliminates any odors that are in the air. And it's the same way it does with allergens and pollutants. Yeah, it really is a great device. And you can take advantage of the BOGO deal right now by going to and using code GRACE BOGO. Hurry. These BOGO deals don't last long. That's Don't forget to use code GRACE BOGO at checkout. We'll be right back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. The number is 844-542-42. Let's go to some callers here. David, you're next up on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, David. Oh, Grace, it's interesting. Joe Scarborough looks like a real-life cartoon character. Actually, he is very stupid because Trump was wrong, Grace. The bloodbath has already begun. We lost Drake, Lake, and Riley just a couple of weeks ago. The girl that was murdered by the illegal immigrant. Then we have this rape here in Rockland that's been on national news. And then there was a four-year-old boy killed by an illegal immigrant. And then there was a woman that lost a child in a head every week. Every week, the bloodbath began as the gun, Grace. Every day is a new account of attacks on our citizens. They're bleeding all across the country. So I don't know what the heck, Scarborough, and these people talk as the bloodbath has already begun. That's a really, really great point, David. And I never thought of that looking at it like that. But you're right. And I just want to give people an update on that second story you mentioned. Obviously, people are very familiar with the Lake and Riley story. We've talked about it at length on this show. We'll continue to talk about it. But the second story that David mentioned about the Haitian illegal alien has not been getting as much attention, but it is just as disturbing. DHS calls. This is from Fox News. They do a good job with the illegal immigration. A lot of times it involves Bill Malugin. This is Bradford Betts. DHS calls Haitian migrants alleged rape of disabled teen heinous. So the Department of Homeland Security has called allegations that a Haitian migrant raped a disabled 15-year-old girl heinous. As David pointed out, that was in Rockland, Massachusetts. We've had several of these stories come out of Massachusetts, unfortunately. And just to kind of bring back to what the Democrats, what the White House is trying to frame this as to David's point. There is kind of this denial of reality when it comes to these tragedies, these atrocities that we're seeing with the legal aliens. And Katie Porter, who thank God, lost her Senate race and also was going to lose her congressional seat, which is in a swing district. She went on CNN with Aaron Burnett and she talked about how we can't let one incident shape policy. It's not one incident to David's point. It's happening every single day. And Lake and Riley, who was brutally murdered while on a jog at the Athens campus of the University of Georgia, there have been several stories that are very similar to hers. If you want to talk about people being killed by drunk driving illegal aliens, there are stories about that. If you want to talk about people being raped, there's a story out of Rockland. But if you want to talk about women going on jogs or women being alone and being murdered by illegal aliens, there are several that come to my mind right off the top of my head. Molly Tibbetts, Kate Steinle, Lake and Riley, these are names that if you are in tune with what's going on in the world, you know their names. But if you're watching Joe Scarborough on MSNBC, you might never hear these young women's names for as long as you live. Because they don't want to talk about that. They don't want to talk about that bloodbath. They want to talk about Donald Trump referencing the auto industry and try to make that into something that it's not. Because that's more comfortable for them than to acknowledge the reality of the pain and the savagery that is happening every single day because of this open border. It's a great point, David, and I thank you for calling in. Jeff, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Jeff. Hi. Sir, time call it Grace. You're doing a great job. Thank you, sir. Good thing. Trump was talking about commerce when he used that phrase. He was talking about China building large factories to make cars down there instead of in the United States. And what they say in commerce is if we don't make any money, we're going to go into the red ink. It's going to be a bloodbath. That's what people are missing. It's like it's a common term. And to be so put on a joint, it's like, you guys are really stupid. It's all just convincing. We're talking about killing people, so. No, but you know what, Jeff, it's not. Here's something that I think is important to point out. And, Jared, you were talking about this on Friday with something different. We were talking about naivete and how to say, like, oh, these people are really stupid if they don't understand what he was referring to. Or, like you said, if you're talking about the economy, if you're talking about jobs, people use that term bloodbath. They're not stupid in that sense. Like Joe Scarborough, he gives that whole lecture about how I'm not stupid. You're stupid. I don't think Joe Scarborough is stupid in the sense that I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt. They know what Trump was getting at. They're something a lot more devious at play here. They know exactly what Trump meant, but they're going to exert all of their energy and all of their time and all of their tweets to try to convince people who might not know the full context that he meant something else. It's not stupidity here. It's not ignorance. They know exactly what he meant. They are just going to try to contort it in a way that makes him look bad. And typically, when I'm given the option of incompetence versus something more nefarious, I go with incompetence. I go with, yeah, maybe they just don't know what they're talking about. That's not what this is. They know exactly what Trump meant when he was talking about the auto industry. Just like most people do. Anyone who listened to that cut would understand. But they're hoping that nobody listens to the cut in full. Tom, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Tom. Hey, I just want to give two examples and then circle back to people resigning from positions of power with this having affairs of the subordinates. Number one, when Trump visited France a few years ago and John Bolton was with him, John Bolton takes notes every day he was with Trump. And that's when a New York Times reporter said that Donald Trump said the soldiers over there in Normandy were losers. He never made that comment. However, right, Nancy Pelosi yesterday on CNN on Face the Nation or whatever it was, made that same comment again in the reporter of the talking head for the network. Didn't correct her on that. It was debunked. Here's the other one. When Donald Trump was talking to his wife Melania at the CPAC conference and then he mentioned a few seconds later and there's Mercedes. And then that's when CNN ran with Donald Trump for God's wife's name. No, that was debunked as well. I heard that a week later on that Michael Smirkhanish program of where Michael Smirkhanish himself, who prides himself on being a fair, independent-minded journalist. His words, not mine. He said that Donald Trump for God's wife's name and he's showing cognitive decline. And the third point I wanted to make is that a few years ago, Jeff Zucker had to resign over a consensual relationship with a key lieutenant. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I actually was thinking of Jeff Zucker when I was talking about that, how it doesn't necessarily mean a person is not qualified, but it presents a situation that HR does not like. We'll be right back. I'll touch on some of those points. We got Bob Price coming up next. [MUSIC] Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio. [MUSIC] Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show. 508 says, "The Shakespeare and the Park performance of Julius Caesar as a Trump look like." Man, I forgot about all these. It was a wild time. It was amazing what you were able to get away with when Trump was president. You have bloody Trump heads, photo shoots, plays where you show yourself assassinating Donald Trump. That was all art. That was all, you know, free speech. This art path. Speaking truth to power, but now Trump's out there. He says, "It's going to be a bloodbath referring to the auto industry." That's where we draw the line. The line has been drawn. Things have changed already. We're going to come back to this in just a little bit. I actually do want to comment on that last caller, Tom, in a few of the things he said about these lies and how, just like this bloodbath comment, it doesn't matter how many conservatives try to fact check you or try to show, listen, there's more context to it. Once the headlines out there, this will become one of the talking points in the media. For years to come, not days, not weeks, not months, years to come, they'll be referring to bloodbath as, you know, one of the examples of why Trump shouldn't be trusted. And it's despicable, but it's predictable, as I always say. Bob Price joins us now. We're so excited from Breitbart. Bob is the Breitbart Texas Border Team's associate editor and senior news contributor. And there's plenty to talk about today, Bob. I wanted to start with this amazing story that you've been reporting on about this Lebanese illegal alien who was apprehended near El Paso. There's been a lot of attempts, Bob. I've noticed by the mainstream media, Jake Tapper being someone who comes to mind to downplay the danger of some of the people who are trying to cross our border. They're often flagged on the terror watch list. So give us the rundown. You're one of the original members of the Breitbart Texas team. Tell us about this Lebanese man who's making headlines today after being apprehended near El Paso. Yeah. So 22 year old Bessel, Bessel at the Dobby. I think I said, I'm sorry. His Lebanese national who self-proclaimed himself to be a member of the terrorist organization Hezbollah. He said that he's trained with Hezbollah for seven years and that he's worked for them in additional four years where he was guarding munitions dumps and things like that. Then when he was captured, the day he was captured and interviewed by Border Patrol near El Paso, Texas, he told the Border Patrol agents, they asked him, "Well, why are you coming to the United States?" He says, "I'm coming here to go to New York City and I'm going to make a bomb." Then later on a couple days later when they brought the terrorism task force into talk to my guy, he started talking about, "Well, you know, he's tired of killing and he doesn't want to be around killing anymore and so I don't know what the whole bomb thing was about." But this is indicative of who's, you know, what's going on in the Biden administration and the true national security risk that this poses for Americans. The Biden administration has set a lot of records when it comes to illegal immigration, but perhaps the most disturbing is the absolutely skyrocketing number of people who are coming here who are on the terrorist watch list. Now, Bob, there have been people in the mainstream media, I referenced Jake Tapper, who want us to not panic over that, that yeah, their names might pop up there, but it doesn't necessarily mean they're terrorists. What is the level of danger here? And you just mentioned the numbers, the sheer numbers of people coming in. Do you have a feeling, because there have been, you know, Catherine Herridge and other people have been saying that we're setting ourselves up here for a national security disaster. Do you have that feeling, Bob? Well, absolutely we are and here's why. You know, you can say, okay, somebody that's on the terrorist watch list is not necessarily a terrorist. Well, this guy just flat out admitted that he is a terrorist and that he came here to build a bomb. So, with the hundreds and hundreds of migrants on the terrorist watch list that have come, says Joe Biden took office, those are the ones that were apprehended. What about the over a million gotaways that we have in the Biden administration that we have no idea who crossed the border? How many terrorist or potential terrorists have crossed the border under that scenario? And then when you look at the number of Chinese migrants that are coming across the border, it's mostly military age, single adult men crossing the border by the thousands now in the San Diego sector and previously in the Texas, some of the Texas sectors. And even in the Miami sector, we had a lot of Chinese migrants that were being apprehended crossing the border. So, why are these people paying up to $50,000 to get to the United States? And where do they come up with $50,000 to pay these smugglers to bring them here? So, yes, there's definitely a severe national security threat. And when you look at the massive amount of damage done by a small number of illegal aliens that were in the country on 9/11 and other terrorist attacks that have happened since then, that it's port, gosh, what was the port in New Jersey that the terrorists that had crossed the border in Texas attacked not long after 9/11. Those kinds of things just go completely unnoticed. The mainstream media wants you to believe that most of these people are coming here to seek asylum because of whatever abuses that they're facing. But we know that the overwhelming majority of them are coming here for economic purposes. They're coming to be economic migrants and not true asylum seekers. And then you've got this guy like Abadi here today that flat out admits that he came to build a bomb in New York City. Yeah, and the thing I was going to ask you, Bob, and I think we've talked about this before, but it's come up in the atrocities, including the murder of Lake and Riley, is when people are allowed into this country, oftentimes they're given, because sometimes, yes, it's got a ways, but then I think what's very frustrating for a lot of people is that they're not got a ways that people are allowed into this country and they're given court dates. What's the timeline looking like right now for if someone enters this country illegally and the Border Patrol officers are saying, "Okay, we've got to check in with you. You're going to have to come back for a court date." First of all, what's the likelihood people do show up for these court dates? And also, how far out are we talking here? I remember once reading that a woman was given a court date of 2031. So how far off are we on the timeline of these court check-ins that ICE is giving out? Yeah. For the ones that actually have court dates, and keep in mind that the Biden administration released hundreds of thousands of people with not even a court date, just a promise that whenever you get to whatever destination you're going to, please check in with the immigration officer and put yourself into the removal process, "Oh, yeah, sure, that's going to happen." And so you're looking anywhere from five to ten years now before you can get an immigration date. And just last week, the union that used to represent the immigration judges before they were decertified by the government and no longer allowed to represent those people, they've been put under the immigration judges have been put under a muzzle, a gag order now, to where they can't even come out and tell the public what's going on in their courts and how much backlog they're seeing. But we know from some of the senators that have spoken out before that of the ones who have court dates, about 90% of them do not show up. And then of the ones that do show up, about 90% of those don't qualify for asylum. And so it just shows how bogus this whole asylum process is. And of course, Congress really does need to fix that. That is something that the Congress needs to do. But we don't need these blanket, all-encompassing laws that they're trying to shove through that bring in all kinds of unrelated, what we call poison-filled things that make it completely unacceptable, like the last bill that the Senate tried to pursue or even the old gang of eight bill that Marco Rubio tried to push through. Bob, there's a story in Breitbart that also has to do with illegal immigration. And it's talking about the mayors of New York City and Chicago. And I think that this is an issue that's also affecting people in Boston, where the mayors are trying to appear as though they're pushing back and being a little bit tougher on illegal immigration because they're understanding how frustrated their constituents are. And whatever what Breitbart is reporting is that this is all just posturing and that there's actually nothing in these new rules or these revisions to the right to shelter laws that is actually going to help the situation at all. Can you expound on that a little bit and tell us why Breitbart wrote that a closer look shows that the tough stance that these two mayors, meaning Brandon Johnson and Eric Adams, are playing up is about an inch deep. Yeah, so this was some excellent reporting by my colleague, Warner Todd Houston, who looked at this and, you know, like a lot of feel-good Democrat policies that really don't have any impact, that appears to be what may be going on here. And the reason we say that is when you look at what the text of the message is actually say, they'll be all these little caveats and cutouts and exclusions, so, you know, this, that and the other thing. So how many people are really, is this going to apply to? And, you know, right there in Boston this week, Mayor Wu came out and admitted that this migrant crisis is going to impact your city's budget. And, you know, she doesn't know exactly how much yet, but it's definitely getting into your pocketbooks. And, you know, this is the brilliance, if you don't mind me saying so, of Texas Governor Greg Abbott's migrant buffing program. Because before it was just Texas and Arizona, when Arizona was under Republican governors that were complaining about the real cost to the citizens of these illegal immigration and illegal aliens that are actually entering the United States and hitting our schools and hitting our hospitals and hitting our prison systems and all these other things. Well, now with Governor Abbott sending just a few thousand migrants to these sanctuary cities like Boston, like New York City, Chicago, and Philadelphia and Denver, these mayors are now having to publicly come out and cry for the moon. Now, is it a real cry for the moon? Or are they just trying to get some more federal funds out of the White House to get them to shut up? But the fact is that it changed the national discussion on this. And now you see in every single primary so far that's happened this year, immigration is the number one priority of the voters that are going to the polls in these primaries. Yeah, I was just going to ask you about that, Bob, because I keep seeing the same polls that, you know, as far as the issues that are number one for people typically were used to it being the economy, but that immigration is actually kind of edging that out for the first time in a long time. Do you think this issue has the potential to move the needle as far as bringing people from the Democrat Party to the Republican Party or for voting for Republicans? Or are we thinking that this is more along the lines of independent voters who are going to be swayed into leaning more towards conservatives? Well, I think it will impact the independent voters certainly because it's very clear that, you know, this is the first time, only the second time in U.S. history where you've had a president and a former president running for office, both of whom have records that the public can look at. And in this particular case, they see a highly successful record under President Donald Trump in dealing with illegal immigration and a disastrous record under President Joe Biden. So it's a very easy comparison to make. But then, you know, when you look at how this was impacted, the immigration now is really an economic issue because these cities now are going to be coming back to the taxpayers asking for more money. It's affecting the cost of your schools. It's affecting the cost of housing. It's affecting the labor market. All of these are economic issues now that are being impacted by the immigration issue, and voters are seeing that. And so that's why I think you see the immigration issue per se leapfrogging to the top of the stack. Normally, it's down around two or three. I think in the 2016 election, it was probably number two or three. And unfortunately, because Trump was successful with it, it wasn't quite as painful of a situation in the 2020 election, but now it is again, thanks to the disastrous handling of this. And I don't mean that they were inept in how they did it. This was an intentional decision by the Biden administration to change these policies knowing full well that this is what would result from it. Yeah, and they were very proud of it in the beginning. You had my orcas kind of doing the weekend shows bragging about how they were reversing all of these policies. And now that they're realizing that it's poison at the box office, they're trying to kind of pivot away from that. And the other, the last thing I wanted to ask you, Bob, we've talked about the economics of it, the price, how it's going to cost the taxpayers a lot of money. We've talked about the safety issues. Obviously, Lake and Riley, the crime that's happening in Rockland. We had a Haitian Mike, a legal alien who allegedly raped a disabled 15 year old girl. But on top of that, and this is something that in Chicago, you're seeing it with measles here in Boston, we're seeing it with COVID-19 and COVID-19. There's also a lot of health and safety concerns in these migrant shelters that because of a lack of vaccinations, that these things are now spreading into the school systems. Well, and you know, that was one of the issues that Donald Trump brought out early on in his administration was the diseases that were coming back that had been virtually eradicated in the United States, polio, smallpox, tuberculosis, things like that. So you're seeing now these diseases coming back into the United States, Border Patrol agents, of course, unfortunately are exposed to this every single day. They have to make, in many cases, close physical contact with these migrants that they're apprehending, especially the ones that run and have to be apprehended. So it's a dangerous situation for our country, but it also creates a massive cost to the local communities in terms of dealing with health care. They show up to the emergency rooms with, which is the most expensive way possible to get regular health care. And you know, they just show up at these and the hospitals can't turn them away because of the law. And so you're seeing now our health care costs going through the roof. But you're also seeing yet another magnet to draw more illegal immigrants. When you look at New York City, actually issuing health insurance cards to these migrants at no cost to them with no deductibles. It would be a great policy. I wish I could get one like that. But they get them. Our veterans don't get them. Our homeless people don't get them. But yet we take care of these illegal aliens with these very, very expensive health care policies. Right. Bob Price, thank you so much. We got to end it there. I wish I could have you on for longer. Bob Price is a senior editor at Breitbart. He's part of their Texas team. You can follow him on Twitter at Bob Price BBTX. And you should read all of his work at We will be right back with more. Thank you, Bob Price. We'll talk to you again soon. Don't go anywhere. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is the Grace Curly Show. Today's poll question is brought to you by the Nossett Beach Inn. Book your spring's day at Nossett Beach Inn with April rates starting at $2.49.99. To reserve your room, go to Every room has a fireplace and they're pet friendly. So that's Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at is what inflation increase upsets you the most. Gas, groceries, utilities, or fast food restaurants. All right, so I'm going to say groceries because two things. One is because when you pay so much and you notice how much less you're getting. Like you pay so much and you have one grocery bag instead of six. And two is that most of us get similar things every time we go to the grocery store. So you know how much it used to cost so it stings a little bit more. So I'm going to vote groceries. 74% of the audience is with you on that. 114% sick gas, 10% say utilities, and 3% for fast food. Brockton City of Champs is in the news for not good stuff. This is Brockton High School in the New York Post today. We'll talk about that and also the Royal Family when we come back.