The Howie Carr Radio Network

Bloodbath Meltdowns, Orthopedic Shoes, and Covid "Disinformation" | 3.18.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

It's the part of the campaign season when the Democrat-sponsored media nit-picks Donald Trump's rally, chooses a word with a violent connotation, and plasters it across the Internet wildly out-of-context. Today, that word is "bloodbath." Plus, tune in to learn all about Joe Biden's functional footwear and more!

Broadcast on:
18 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattoria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice by YoungBoys, ArrivingBoys, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the Spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello everyone and welcome back to the Grace Curly Show. Thank you all so much for joining us, for starting your week off with us today. On this gorgeous Monday afternoon, and we have plenty to get to. Lots of reactions to Trump's rally in Ohio on Saturday. And believe it or not, some people in our media. Some of the honest, integrity-filled, wonderful people in our media are taking Trump out of context. And I really do think that it's bloodbathgate, this bloodbath comment that Trump made. Nobody makes me bleed my own blood. That is being completely distorted and taking out of context, which is ironic because that's always the left says. They always claim to be taken out of context, even though no context can ever save them for what they're trying to say. In this case, Trump was actually taken out of context and will explain why. And it has become a massive story and I actually have a theory. I think this is going to be the new, fine people on both sides. We've got good blood, kids. If you don't remember the very fine people remark, I actually think it's pretty relevant right now to just refresh your memory on it. So back in 2017, this is a little bit of a fake news folklore for you. We're going to have a history lesson before we dive in to the present fake news. In 2017, Trump was responding to this Charlottesville riot, this clash between neo-Nazis and protesters. And he made a comment. He was holding a press conference afterwards and he made a comment that has become infamous. And actually Joe Biden cites it as the reason he ran for president. He also cites several other reasons why he ran for president. But I would say it's his favorite. It's the one he comes back to the most. That Trump called neo-Nazis very fine people because Trump said there were very fine people on both sides of this clash. Now, the important part of this because the media went berserk and they said Trump had sympathies with white supremacists and he was saying the white supremacist neo-Nazis were very fine people. The actual quote, which no one talks about when we've had people call into this show and tell us that they feel as though the very fine people comment is why they can't support Donald Trump. And I have to inform them. Oh, you've never actually seen the full quote. The full quote. He says you had some very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of to them a very, very important statue. And they were renaming of a part from Robert E. Lee to another name. There are people there. This was during the period where we were tearing down a lot of statues. The left of that was a really good idea. Then Trump says you had people and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists. They should be condemned totally. You had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. But it didn't matter. It didn't matter that he specifically tried to avoid being taken out of context. By letting people know this is what I mean. I don't mean this. He was able to have the foresight to go. They're going to try to say I said this. So let me be perfectly clear. Yeah, KJP, you're not the only one who could be perfectly clear. Let me be perfectly clear that I am not talking about these people. Now the press didn't care. And really Jared, with that moment for me, what that's solidified is it doesn't matter. Because there have been times and there have been times where I've been critical of Trump. And there have been times where I would say on this show he plays into things or he sometimes gives the left ammo that they don't need. Whether he's tweeting out a picture about him in Bragg with like a baseball. But you know stuff like that where I go, couldn't you just sit this one out. But the importance of the neo-Nazi comment or the very fine people comment is that it's important for Trump's supporters to remind yourselves that it doesn't matter how careful he tries to be or how much context he tries to put things in. These are nefarious actors who are going to always not only assume the worst in him, but twist his words to whatever they want. And that's what that's solidified for me. I was like, oh, so it doesn't really matter what he says. They're always going to find a way to lie about him. And that's their MO. They never include the pertinent detail that he actually condemned the neo-Nazis totally. And it became a rallying cry for these Trump deranged looney tunes. As I said, they still call into the show with that. Well, now we have bloodbath and this is going to be the new one. And so Trump set this rally on Saturday night. Now we fast forward to the present day. He's at this rally Saturday in Ohio, and he's discussing the auto industry. Now this has become a very big problem. It's always important in elections to talk about automakers, unions, you know, the auto industry as a whole, how it's doing. But it's become specifically important during this election because it's a huge problem area for Joe Biden. In fact, some political commentators think that Michigan was a trouble spot for Joe, not just because of the anti-Israel contingency that gets a lot of credit for all of the uncommitted votes, but also the auto workers. Michigan has a huge, huge number of auto workers there, and they're not happy with Joe Biden. So it makes perfect sense that this is something Trump would hit on during a rally. And appealing to this group of dissatisfied voters. And also talking about where this industry's going and what's going to happen next. And especially considering Ohio hosts some major assembly facilities, including Honda and Ford. So there was nothing unusual about where this speech went, despite what you might read. So take a listen to the full context. This isn't the cut up, spliced up stuff you're going to hear from Jen Psaki and Rachel Maddow. Take a listen to the full comment from Donald Trump. Let me tell you something to China. If you're listening, President Xi, and you and I are friends, but he understands the way I deal, those big monster car manufacturing plants that you're building in Mexico right now, and you think you're going to get that, you're going to not hire Americans, and you're going to sell the cars to us now, we're going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line. And you're not going to be able to sell those cars. If I get elected, now, if I don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath for the whole, that's going to be the least of it. It's going to be a bloodbath for the country. That'll be the least of it. But they're not going to sell those cars. They're building massive factories. A friend of mine, all he does is build car manufacturing plants. He's the biggest in the world. I think it's safe to say that bloodbath was referring to the economy and the cars. I don't think you have to be someone who follows this speech or who listens to the whole thing or who. I think you could just listen to what we just heard and you could gather that information. That's the context. Now, the media, including Jen Psaki, who has always told me, Jera, that context is important. Context is key. It's a great cut from her. Context matters. Ryan Psaki. This is former press secretary, former Baghdad Bob. But you know what? Why call her a former press secretary? She does the same thing on MSNBC. She's a host on MSNBC. She does the same exact thing. She peddles lies and propaganda for Joe Biden. She carries water for this old man in orthopedic shoes. She has no shame. And this is what she had to say in reference to this cut. This is cut too. Context, everyone. Otherwise, it's irresponsible. Well, if they want us to consider the full context, let's do just that. Because the full context is that Trump kicked off the same exact rally by saluting the people who were convicted for the deadly assault on the US Capitol on January 6th. All to the tune of the national anthem, sung by a choir of imprisoned insurrectionists. The full context is that some of the first words out of Trump's mouth last night, same rally, were thanking those rioters and calling them "prite patriots." The full context is that he also said in this same rally, "If this election isn't one, I'm not sure that you'll ever have another election in this country." The full context is that he went on to say... Hold on a second. Hold on a second. On MSNBC, Nicole Wallace told us the same thing. She said, "This is the election that decides if we're going to have other elections." And you know what? I'm so glad Jen Psaki brought that up. Because I was thinking about this. And I was like, "Okay, let's play. I like to play the game." Because they're all apoplectic. Oh, Trump said there's going to be a bloodbath. You know, if he doesn't win, there's going to be a bloodbath. He's threatening this. He's threatening that. You know, I could just dismantle this argument by saying he was referring to the auto industry. He was referring to Mexico and the cars and, you know, not buying the cars from Xi Jinping and all these things. And that would make perfect sense. And I could end it right there. But I like, you know, Jen Psaki said, "Let's take the full context. I like to be cute, too. I like to say, let's pretend he was implying that if he doesn't get elected, there's going to be a bloodbath." He wouldn't be the first one to imply that, would he? He'd actually be repeating what all of these same people talk about day in and day out. Joy Behar told me that if Trump is elected, he's going to kill people. He's going to kill us all. Well, let me hear this. Trump needs to be medicated and hospitalized at this point, or he is going to just kill all of us. And, you know, my feeling is that probably they're getting closer to him in the Mueller investigation. Now, hold on. If he were to kill all of us, Jared, would that rise to the definition of a bloodbath? I guess it depends how he's going to kill all of us. Yeah, I mean, it depends how deep the blood is. I mean, is it a bath or is it a puddle? Right. These are questions that we'd have for Joy Behar. I am not a flobotomist. Now, Joe Scarborough at one point told us that Trump was going to go full Hitler after some rhetoric he had over a weekend in November. Full Hitler, that also makes me think we're talking something dangerous there. Rachel Maddow once told me the country was doomed if Trump wins again. That's the end of politics is the quote. So even if Trump were to say that if he wasn't elected, or if Joe Biden was elected, there would be a bloodbath, that's not different than anything you hear on all of these low. The only difference is more people probably heard it because people actually watch Trump rallies, and nobody watches these despicable, boring, lame television shows. That's the only difference. But they all say the same things, but it's hysterical to me that all of a sudden they're like, oh, he's -- did you hear what he said? That's so extreme. You guys talk and hyperbole day in and day out. You're all trying to one-up each other with how bad things are going to be if Trump gets elected. So he didn't even play your game, but let's say he did, and he said, I think there's going to be a bloodbath if you don't elect me. He's not allowed to do it? Well, you all do it all day long. And by the way, the funniest part of the story, of course, is that Joe Scarborough tweeted out that Trump said there was going to be a bloodbath, and he made a comment about January 6, and then the weirdest thing is that Elon Musk responded to his tweet and ratioed him. Like everybody was just piling on Joe Scarborough, and he deleted the tweet. He deleted the tweet, Jerry, but he came back today on -- Desecration? On morning Joe to let people know that he's not stupid. He's not stupid, and he doesn't need the full context of Trump's bloodbath comment. We'll get to all of this when we come back, but it is. I think it's the new "find people" on both sides. This is -- Joe Biden's going to be out there so quick. He's strapping on those orthopedics right now. He is getting ready to go out there and go, "I'm going to be a bloodbath. I'm going to be a bloodbath." And again, like this is stuff they say, "Dang it and they out." They tell us how dangerous everything's going to be. If you don't elect Joe Biden, there's, "Oh, you're electing a dictator. He's going to throw us all in jail." I heard Robert De Niro saying that last weekend on Bill Maher. "He's going to throw us all in jail. He's going to blah, blah, blah, blah." What's the difference? So if your guy doesn't win, there's going to be a bloodbath, and if our guy doesn't win, there's going to be a bloodbath. But one side can say it and the other side can't. And he didn't even say it. I mean, that's the biggest part of this. He didn't even say it. But even if he did, they're still wrong. This just drives me completely insane. 844-542-42. I want your reactions to this before we come back. Get on the line and we'll take all your calls. It's Monday. We're just getting going here. This is The Grace Curly Show. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. ♪♪ There are so many examples of the left using, I would say, inappropriate expressions to describe things or using violent rhetoric, I guess, is the way that you would say it. Especially, let's think back to the summer of love and all of those protests. When we were told that looting and destroying police vehicles, that was all, you know, an act of social justice. I'm sure if I wanted to dig back into some of the headlines and some of the comments made by these members of the media, that there were plenty of things that you could take issue with as far as inciting violence for, you know, using dangerous words. But now they're all melting down over Trump using the term "bloodbath" to describe the auto industry, and they know it. Some of these media talking head people, they're not insane enough to try to claim they don't understand what he was saying, but they say, "Yeah, yeah, well, he was saying it in the context of the auto industry, but still, but still, even so." And somebody just said, "Oh, is that, like, releasing the whirlwind?" Yeah, that was Chuck Schumer's comments about the Supreme Court justices. There are so many, and I'm sure throughout the show, people will text in more and more. Another texter, by the way, said, "Oh, there's a new report out that Joe Biden's wearing orthopedic shoes." That's not a new report. That came out a while ago. For some reason, it's just starting to gain steam. I think the Daily Mail had that, like, three weeks ago. But today, the New York Post had the story, and they had a picture of the shoes, the lifestyle sneakers. And observers have likened the shoes to boat anchors and piers. But the Inside Edition report attached to the tweet reveal that the president's new shoes are actually lifestyle sneakers that are made by the shoe brand Hoka. And they're supposed to give him great stability. They've got a wide soul because he has a history of stumbling. All I can think about when I read these stories, Jared, one of my favorite songs -- and we have it as a bumper. It's rock and roll baby by the stylistics. And for people who know this song, there's a great line. It says something about a little bit of rhythm and blues, and then it says, "Got a funky walk in his little orthopedic shoes." It's all I can think about with Joe. And I see these big sneakers that he's wearing. So just for that texture, it's not a news story. But I put it in there for you. Now, let's do the poll question here. We'll take your calls on Trump's bloodbath comment. How quickly do you think it's going to take Joe to incorporate this into one of his speeches? Well, we hear from him. He might make a special exception and actually show up today. He might not take the long weekend. He might show up on Monday just to take a victory lap and talk about how dangerous Donald Trump's bloodbath comment is. Trump's already been on true social, explaining, excoriating the press, explaining that this is complete BS. Fake news, fake news is back. And this was the inception of the term fake news, Jared. It was all about this. It was all about the fact that they take them out of context and they run with it. And unfortunately, there's dumb people in the United States of America who don't do any further digging. I think there's fewer and fewer though. I think more and more people are looking at this and going, "Well, what was the full context of it?" And then they hear and they go, "Oh, I mean, really? Is that our biggest issue right now?" Trump said there's going to be a bloodbath. I don't know. I think people have bigger fish to fry. Today's poll question is brought to you by the Nossa Beach Inn. Book your spring stay with April rates at $249.99. To reserve your room, go to That's What's the poll question, Jared, and what are the results thus far? What inflation increase upsets you the most? Gas, groceries, utilities, or fast food restaurants. Groceries for me. 71% of the audience says groceries, 17% for gas, 9% for utilities, 3% for fast food restaurants. You can vote at I think it's because you spend so much money and you walk out with like one bag. It makes you kind of depressed. We'll talk more about it when we come back and I want to talk Princess Kate on the other side. ♪♪ Live from the Aviva Thratria Studio. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. That's the thing about the orthopedic shoes is that it kind of it's a double edged sword. Because there's a report out in NBC that Biden staffers his aides that they're all over the map. They're just like, "Joe, they've got no idea what they're doing." And the advice that they're giving him, according to these sources, who obviously don't want to be named, there's no way to actually believe them. But there was a line shared in this NBC report. And it's talking about how Joe Biden gets really mad about in the scenes. He's swearing. He's lashing out at people. Which I guess I can believe, but they always want to convince you that he's doing that because he's such like a perfectionist. And he doesn't think that they're communicating all of his great work enough. I don't think that's why he's swearing and lashing out. I would actually attribute it to very different reasons, but we can fight over that later. But there's a part in this report that says that some of the best and brightest, some of these people who are so much smarter than the rest of us, are advising that Joe walk faster. They think that if he walks faster, it's going to distract from his bizarre gate that he has. And so they're encouraging that he pick it up a notch. Now, out of all of the advice I've heard that is so boneheaded and so out of bounds, that has to be top five. My advice for Joe has always been walk slower. Are you ever going to look at the guy and just because he's walking fast, he used to run. And I would say, why is he running? What is he proving by running? And then what he would do is he'd run up the stairs and when he'd fall, he'd run faster upon getting up. And I would think to myself, why does someone pull him aside and say, slow the hell down? Trust me, Joe, you walking slow is a lot less of a bad optics move than you falling upstairs. We would take the slow walking over the falling. But no, apparently there's aides who are going, he should really be. He should really be speeding it along. Great advice, guys. Keep up the good work. I wanted to make mention of something here. We just played a little bit of Jen Psaki. She's actually in the news for a different reason. You heard about what the Supreme Court is hearing today, these arguments about big tech censorship and whether or not the White House went too far. This is from the Wall Street Journal. In case you're not following the story, it is very interesting. I'm keeping an eye on it. I want to see how it plays out because remember during COVID, there was a real push, especially from the Biden administration for these big tech companies to crack down. That was the term they used a lot to crack down on disinformation. Now, what I would consider a pertinent detail here is that the disinformation that they're talking about, it all ended up being true, but I guess hindsight is 20/20. So maybe we shouldn't focus too heavily on that. But at the time, this disinformation was, according to Joe Biden, killing people. He said Facebook is killing people. Jen Psaki at the podium, as press secretary, talked about Facebook, talked about how these big tech companies need to do more. And now the Supreme Court is going to hear whether or not they cross the line. I would vote yes, but I'm obviously biased. So here's a little bit from the Wall Street Journal. It says the Supreme Court is back on the First Amendment beat Monday when it hears cases asking whether government officials can jawbone businesses to restrict speech. It seems government needs remedial constitutional training. In Murthy versus Missouri, states and individuals whose posts on COVID were censored sued federal officials for violating the First Amendment. Lower courts ruled for the plaintiffs based on the copious evidence that government officials pressured social media platforms to suppress their posts. Now, I'm going to skip down here. It says officials reinforce these private lashings with public threats. Former White House press secretary Jen Psaki said platforms could face legal consequences if they didn't censor vaccine misinformation. Yeah, she's a pretty good mob boss, Jen Psaki. She played it pretty well from the podium. You know, it'd be a shame if something were to happen to Facebook. It'd be a shame if we had to break a couple legs here. If you don't do our dirty work, she was very upset that people weren't cracking down on disinformation. White House officials floated anti-trust action and eliminating section 230 liability protections. But Biden officials weren't merely out to persuade the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals concluded that Biden officials crossed the line by using threats of legal action. Now, because of the way that I think the court system, the justice system has been weaponized and politicized, I don't think Biden has anything to worry about. I'm sure they'll chalk it up as like him trying to protect the American people. But it should be noted that whenever you hear COVID disinformation, it's all become information later on. Like, remember the things that were considered disinformation? If you said that by getting the COVID-19 shot, you wouldn't actually be prevented from getting COVID or spreading COVID. That was considered disinformation until we found out, oh, no, that's true. What else was considered disinformation? Oh, the lab leak theory. That was considered fringe, right-wing, tinfoil hat, Aaron Rodgers style disinformation until it actually was proven pretty much true. And John Stewart and other funny people were talking about it on late night shows. With no apology given to the wacko right-wing people who had posted it on their social media, no apologies to Tom Cotton who had brought this up, or Rand Paul who'd been thrown off of YouTube. So just a few of the incidents that we saw of these double standards of this censorship and why it is a problem, and I don't think it's going to be resolved with this Supreme Court hearing, but it's certainly something to watch. Okay, now back to the bloodbath comment by Donald Trump that has the media, Jared. This is like they're in love all over again. This is puppy love. They are so excited about this comment. They're hoping that they can, you know, I used to always say about Trump running again. I would say it's hard, you know, after 2016, it's like lightning in a bottle. It's like that one great party you have. You're always trying to have that party, recreate that party, get the same crew together, but it's never the same. And that was my fear with Trump running again. I said, I just don't know if he can make lightning strike twice. I'm not that worried about that anymore, but I think that's exactly what the media is worried about. I'm worried that this kind of rabid hatred that they were able to gin up so successfully over the last couple of years that it's kind of on life support and they need to give it a jolt. They need something to jolt it back to life. And so for today, that's the bloodbath comment. Now Joe Scarborough comes out and he tweets Donald Trump's America, and he is proud of it, promised another bloodbath if he loses again. And there's a picture of January 6th. So that seems to be a theme here with Joe Scarborough and with Jen Psaki is that the bloodbath comment that was about the auto industry, they are taking it as some sort of promise that January 6 is going to happen again, but there's an issue with that as well. January 6th wasn't a bloodbath by any means. The only person who died on January 6th was Ashley Babbitt, who was part of the insurrection. So there's plenty of, and I know Joe Scarborough, he loves to push the lie about police officers having their heads bashed in with fire extinguishers and flag poles and whatever. But right there, that's an issue is that there's going to be another bloodbath like January 6th. Well, problem, January 6th wasn't a bloodbath. It wasn't a great day for America. I always, I will always concede that, but to call it a bloodbath is just being dishonest, which is Joe Scarborough's brand, so that makes sense. So he puts out that tweet, Elon Musk, who was very active on social media this weekend, responds back, January 6th was not a bloodbath by any definition. And Trump was referring to job losses in the auto industry when he used the word. Your post is extremely misleading. I think Elon Musk probably knows that that's kind of what Joe Scarborough likes to do. Anything he's posting is intentionally misleading. So Elon Musk's tweet just goes completely viral, his reply to Joe Scarborough. And then Joe Scarborough deletes his original post. Now, at first when I saw that, I go, "Oh, good. Maybe he's understanding that he made an ass for himself." And he feels remorseful. So he's trying to delete it. But then I see this from Joe Scarborough. This is from Today. Let's have 13. He's throwing a hissy fit. He doesn't like that he got called out on Twitter by Elon Musk. He doesn't like the people pointed out that he is out of his mind that January 6th was not a bloodbath, that he's taking Trump out of context. So this is what he says, cut 13. Obviously, he's talking about a bloodbath for America. It's laid out in the terms of it. And these idiots on Twitter, these idiots on cable news, these idiots on Sunday. She's like, "Well, here's my president." You know, he was talking all the way about the auto industry. And this is one more, it's just bull. Let me say that at 6.15 AM. It's just bull. He knew what he was doing. We're not stupid. Americans aren't stupid. He was talking about a bloodbath. Sometimes a bloodbath means a bloodbath. And when you finish this by saying, "And that's just going to be the least of it," seriously, these people may be stupid. We're not. Okay. So as one of the stupid people, Jared, stupid person here, can I ask you a question? If he's not one of the stupid people. And we're the stupid people. And he's right. And we're wrong. And there's going to be a bloodbath. And that's what Trump meant. And it was a threat. And all these things. And I know this is a stupid question. So please just bear with me here. Because my stupid brain is trying to compute all of Joe Scarborough's brilliance. But my question would be, if all of that is true, why did you delete the tweet? If you were so in the right, and everybody else, including Elon Musk, who's, by the way, the guy who created Tesla, SpaceX, big idiot. Yeah. You put him up against Joe Scarborough in a battle of wits. I think we all know how that would turn out. Oh, it would be a bloodbath. Joe Scarborough would be, he would drowns Elon Musk. Okay. He would make a fool of Elon Musk. Because that's how smart Joe Scarborough is. Elon Musk cannot compete with the IQ of Joe Scarborough. But with all that being said, if he's right, and Elon Musk is wrong, and you know, I'm wrong, and all the Trump people are wrong, and why delete the tweet? Because the tweet then is correct, and it's brilliant. Keep it up. Keep it up. I've never seen someone delete a tweet who thinks they're right. And you could say what you want about like a Keith Oberman. Because these two guys get compared to like Keith Oberman, Joe Scarborough. But there's something to be said about people who are unhinged and who stand by that. I delete tweets sometimes. If I'm wrong, Jared, I will delete a tweet. And then if I get called out, you deleted this, I'll say, yeah, because I was wrong. I misread it, or I jumped to conclusions, and I was wrong on that. My bad. So I deleted it. But you can't delete a tweet, and then the next day say, you know what, I actually do think I'm right. And here's all the reasons why you're all stupid. Well, then why did you delete it? You should have kept it up and framed it as an example of your brilliance. That part's just not making sense. You don't want people to do to help me out. I'm not going to use an old Howie trick here. Text in some comments over the past, and I would say four, but it's been like, let's say the past 10 years of when Democrats have used extreme language. And by the way, unlike Trump, you don't have to take them out of context. Usually if they're using an extreme, you know, some sort of extreme rhetoric, it's in the context they want it to be. But refresh my memory, because I'm sure there's been a lot of examples of this. I don't think that reaped the whirlwind was the only example. I don't think Joy Behar saying Donald Trump's going to kill us all. That can't be the only example. There's got to be stuff I'm missing here, and I want to put together, like, a best of. I remember Nancy Pelosi saying sometimes you have to punch somebody in the face for the children. I mean, that was pretty because the children love the books. Yeah. She's had a couple in her day. Maxine Waters has had a couple of pretty violent things. She said, um, I think that there have been a few examples of that. Kamala, I remember Kamala, I think she was with Colbert when she was talking about how, you know, the, the, the writers are going to keep coming and they should keep coming. And it's not going to stop after the election. There'll be more. Yes. Yes. That was very summer glove. Bloodbath ish. Bloodbath. Give us some bloodbath adjacent examples. We'll try to pull them out of the sound archives and we'll have a little bit of fun with this today. And again, it's just, it's funny on two fronts, Jared, because on the one side of it, it's not what he meant. And if you take it in context, if you're, if you even have a modicum of sanity, you can take it in context and realize what he was talking about. But if you want to have even more fun with it and say, let's pretend it is what he meant. They still don't have a like to stand on because they've said so much worse. They've fear-mongered like that, but way, way worse. So even in this hypothetical world, they're all living in where Trump is like trying to have people foaming at the mouth over this. It still doesn't hold up, which just makes my job so much more fun today. We'll be right back. We'll take more of your calls. Don't go anywhere. The Nossa Beach Inn just opened reservations for the spring. Jared, you've stayed at the Nossa Beach Inn. I wish I was driving to the Nossa Beach Inn today. Such a gorgeous day. This is the exact kind of weather, exact kind of vibe that you'd want when you visit the Nossa Beach Inn. Yeah, this, this would be the day to go and spring on the Cape is still the off season, which is a great time to go. That's why their spring rates are fantastic and you want to take advantage of that. Grace is going to get to that in a minute. But what I loved about the Nossa Beach Inn was I just, I love the tranquility. My wife and I, we went down in December. We loved to be able to just walk on the beach and just hear the sounds of the ocean. I don't have to worry about crowds. We love sitting out by the fire pits. We did that. We watched the sunrise in the morning. You just get that peaceful feeling. Every room has a picture window, like a giant picture window and a fireplace. So if it's too cold or if it's one of those really rainy days that you get, you can stay inside. You could be nice and cozy. You can still enjoy the views. You can enjoy the, the Cape as it should be enjoyed. Yes. And right now you can book your April stay at the Nossa Beach Inn from 249.99 tonight, which is an unbelievable deal. And in May rates are from 259.99 tonight. So don't delay because these rooms go fast. Go to to reserve your ocean view room that's We'll be right back. Follow Grace on Twitter at G underscore curly. This is The Grace Curly Show, but as reports tonight on the quote, bloodbath at the RNC headlines calling it a quote, bloodbath, a bloodbath. Not only is it going to be a bloodbath, but after they leave New Hampshire, it's a blood bath on her home turf. That's really tough. Has left a lot of corpses in his wake. I mean, we have an account in the body is as part of the quote, MAGA drive to take over Maricopa County and the headline refers to it as an impending bloodbath. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh, please tell me they were referring to the auto industry, please, please tell me they were talking about China building cars in Mexico and selling them back to the US, Jared. Otherwise, I just I'm scared. I feel scared. It doesn't matter if he was talking about the auto industry. According to Michael Beshloff, presidential historian, he tells you he'll be a dictator for a day. We all know that dictators don't resign after a day when he uses the word bloodbath. Yes, it was in the context of an automobile industry speech, but he knew exactly what he was saying. Oh, OK, I just I'm and by the way, we're getting so many. Jared, can you read us a couple of those text messages? We're getting great texts. People have this is what I love and this is something that I love about Twitter. Sometimes I hate Twitter, but sometimes I love it because people have way better than me. People have steel trap memories. They do not forget things and everybody remembers a different moment that stuck with them. Read some of these texts that people are reminding us of Chuck Schumer talking about the CIA has a six ways from Sunday to get you Obama if the Republicans bring a knife to the fight and we bring a gun to be fair to a knife. Yep. That is the Chicago way Sean Connery has told me. Yeah, there was the the whirlwind comment. There's so many that we could go through, but you know, it's probably better that media I just put together or was a Gravian that just put together the cut of all of these people that are now melted out using blood bath. Capuano Capuano called for literally called for blood in the streets. Jane Fonda murdering Republicans. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, baby. We got a lot to get to. By the way, when we come back, we're going to switch it up just a little bit here and go to a legal immigration, including a migrant illegal migrant illegal aliens from Lebanon who was caught at the border and admitted he's a Hezbollah terrorist hoping to make a bomb and that he was headed for New York. Well, you can't ding him on the honesty department because he's very truthful about what he wanted to do. We'll be right back. We'll talk about this and so much more. Don't go anywhere.