Christian Music Industry Podcast

We're Back + A Big Life Update from Wisdom

you're listening to the Christian music industry podcast powered by pure mosaic collective. I'm your host to wisdom moon and we're here to share wisdom and insights to help artists and songwriters navigate the Christian music industry. Let's get started. Hey friends, welcome back to the podcast. Yeah we're so bad you're here. It's been kind of a long break. Yeah and we're gonna talk about partly why that was and also naturally I think a lot of podcasts take a break during the summer so we did that but then we took a longer break after that so but yeah if you're first time to the podcast my name is wisdom moon. I'm Rachel Panasuk and we are your co-hosts and we just love talking about Christian music and really helping encourage and empower artists. Well there's a reason we kind of took that longer break and because you have a pretty big update. Yeah. You recently moved to India. No. Oh my gosh. No. We moved to Nashville. Mm-hmm. Yeah actually last time we did an episode I had no clue we were gonna move to Nashville so a lot has changed. Yeah yeah update us on that. What led you to move back to Nashville and what was the specific moment or decision that made it clear it was time? You know yeah it's been one of those things I would say that have been on the back of our minds like my wife and I for maybe a year or so but not something we were seriously going like hey we should probably you know think about moving soon or whatever but we saw maybe like we sensed that it might be something in the future that we would do as the kids start to like graduate high school and stuff. And you know we were in Kansas City for six years after being in Nashville for a few years and really what got continued to put on our heart and became stronger and stronger is this burden to help shepherd artists and songwriters in Nashville and to really be a part of the community be present and it's kind of like a discipleship in a way I was telling our pastors in Kansas City where I was a worship director at part time and you know discipleship is like such a needed and important thing as believers and a lot of times for artists that is lacking and there's a lot of people speaking into artists like career and the music side and marketing but I feel like there's such still such need for the shepherding side that's discipling you know the mentoring so yeah that's incredible I love that that's y'all's heart is was to move back here specifically for artists to pastor them that's huge how has it been since you've been back it's been just super rewarding I would say you know it's really like every week I feel like there's just more and more confirmation of yeah this is where we need to be and this is what we're called to do and just having just awesome conversations with people that either have you know moved to hear themselves to pursue music or that work in the industry in different capacities on the business side and there are so many like new friends I've made even just being back that I would not have made being in Kansas City because I'm not here you know and it's really hard to nurture relationships consistently when you're not present so I mean I would make trips I would be here every usually about every three months or so to you know keep those relationships but here it's like you go to a meeting and then you also run into people because you know you're at a coffee shop and yeah everybody's at Christian coffee shops but yeah I mean it's been really rewarding I've had to navigate just the I guess like schedule side of things because I looked at your calendar he's pastoring a lot of people and you know the way I'm wired I'm like very driven very you know just like I like getting things done and being put productive so in Kansas City I would have all these video calls but they were very just like time blocks that pretty much kept to those time blocks and I have to drive anywhere hardly ever I was like stuck in my office doing all these video calls sometimes you know like eight calls a day or whatever but you know they would be pretty productive calls but it would focus a lot of times like you know it's hard to have long conversations on video here it's like I drive to most meetings now and obviously if you've ever been in Nashville the traffic is no joke so I've learned that yeah so like even a loting for traffic and people being pretty spread out in this area but it's been yeah really just awesome connecting with people and being able to actually like we can talk about last night it's event yeah I was about to say you wouldn't have been able to do that event if you're in Kansas City yeah yeah tell us a little bit about what happened last night yeah so part of my role this year like really shifted and my role at Pure Mosaic Records now I'm the president of the label and being here like part of the reason you know for being here it was to be present at present as a leader of Pure Mosaic Records to make connections and connect and meet with artists and things like that and also to like pour into the community and provide opportunities for artists to really you know build community and connect with other people and basically my thought was what if we did something a little different then a lot of the events that you know go on in this area which are a lot of writers rounds if you've never been to a writers round it's typically like three to four or five artists all sitting on stage at the same time and typically they each take a turn like sharing a story about the song they're gonna sing and then they sing the song and then the next person goes and does the same thing and then you know it rotates so those are great events and there's a lot of them that happen like multiple times a week typically in this area I go to a lot of those but you know I was like what if we did something a little different and maybe be able to showcase way more artists in one night in a short span of time and also be able to share and impart knowledge and insight to especially independent artists and like artists starting out that maybe you have not had any access to you know industry pros to ask questions so we basically combined both things and we if you haven't been to Nashville there's a city called Spring Hill that's more south of Nashville and Franklin and in Spring Hill there are a few like Christian owned coffee shops they're all amazing one of them is called Just Love Coffee I think there's like a different efficiently but I always call it Just Love but the owner Frank he's amazing and he really sees his coffee shop as a ministry disguised as a coffee shop and he will open up his shop to like any Christian artists or organization that want to you know put on events so we basically partnered with them to host it at Just Love in Spring Hill and just opened it up to any artists that wanted to do a song so we called it an open mic and we pre-screened everybody and selected a few people I think we had like nine artists total last night that shared a little bit of their story and the song and then played the song and our goal with that was really for artists to see each other and hear each other's music and see who they vibe with and be able to collaborate build relationships and then in the middle of it we did a little Q&A it was myself Claire who is A&R and publishing manager for Pierre Mosaic and then Adrian Thompson who is A&R for Bethel music and he also consults for Pierre Mosaic so the three of us answered a bunch of questions and it was such a good time and you were there it was one of my favorite questions from that night was how do you stay pure as an artist in the industry yeah I was blown away by y'all's answers can you share a little bit about just what that question I mean I feel like it opened up so many doors to talk about so many other things but that was a really significant question yeah yeah it really was I was whoever asked that I was like this is probably the most important question tonight oh yeah I feel like it's something that isn't discussed often that needs to be discussed and I think that's where I've seen a lot of artists not be able to have longevity in this industry or you know they fall away and deconstruct or they start pursuing the wrong things you know whether it's fame or money or their you know marriage over time starts to be destroyed just because I mean being an artist is it's hard it's very hard yeah and being on the road is very hard and it is such an important thing to keep in mind as far as like how do you keep your heart pure and all of that and never like veer away from why you even started this in the first place you know yeah I really feel like you guys were fathering and mothering artists last night specifically that question opened up so many doors and so welcome to Nashville this was the first event of many that I just feel like are gonna open up so many opportunities for you to do what you want to do here in Nashville so I want to talk a little bit about this podcast and kind of the future and what you're seeing with this and where you want it to go can you kind of share a little bit now that you're back in Nashville what is your dream a little bit with the Christian music industry podcast my dream is to really make it a stand-up comedy oh my god wow that'd be great I didn't share all my dad jokes that I'm sure you're funny I literally can't remember any of them and I always have to like pull up oh no search them I mean now I guess you could use AI oh yeah I just pull that up yeah but besides you know just all the dad jokes which I'm sure everybody appreciates really I would love to go deeper with people in conversations and make it feel I guess less interviewee I don't is that a word it can be a word yeah I mean interviewee is a word but it means something different it gets the person that it's being interviewed but yeah like make it feel less of an interview format and more of a conversation that you get to just hear like almost like two people just having a conversation at a coffee shop or for coffee and talking about just the different aspects of doing in this thing and being in this industry and you know for people that work in in the business side of it of the industry you know like sharing about what it's like to work with artists and what they do what they've learned on this journey you know and on the artist side because I would love to even sit down with artists and unpack their journey and learn from them of like what have been their wins and their maybe pitfalls and things that they've had to navigate that were challenging you know on their journey because we all face those so yeah I I love geeking out on marketing and all the things like even you know just like royalties and publishing and all of that I love talking about that stuff but I also want to emphasize the heart side which we were just talking about like what really is gonna help you have a legacy in this yeah that's amazing I'm really really excited for that are there any specific guests that you're excited to have on there's a someone called Rachel that nobody knows how to spell her last name but it's a little complicated it's Panasuke guys Panasuke it's almost like soup but yeah I know literally that's how I've helped people pronounce it but I mean yeah I'm seriously though it it will be great when you're in town because you live in Atlanta I do you know not that bad of a drive so yeah when you're in town like just being intentional about recording you know episodes with you I think those will be really great and then I started reaching out to some folks in town to you know set up in person conversations so actually in a few days I have my first one yeah it's a booking agent which we've never talked to a booking agent on this podcast so that's amazing excited about that because that almost seems to be this mysterious thing that artists are like how do I get into to bring a booking and you know it's like this thing that everybody wants to do but like they don't really know how to get started and a lot of people don't know like how does that work how does touring work and booking work so we're going to unveil the curtain Wow well guys stay tuned this is a big deal yeah we're gonna you know just dig up all the secrets and you know that's awesome so yeah excited about that and many other guests more to come guys yes so yeah what are you excited about yeah I'm excited it's in person I feel like that's gonna open up so many opportunities for people to just feel more personal yeah as they're talking and more comfortable so I'm very excited about that and yeah I think also you being in Nashville now is just gonna open up so many other opportunities for us to meet more people and other people that have that same heart to father and mother this next generation of artists so I feel like we're gonna meet a lot more people that are wanting to do that and I think this podcast is gonna be part of that helping people feel kind of supported and encouraged and challenged so yeah I'm very honored and excited for the future yeah and if you are new to this whole thing maybe because I actually recently met somebody that was like yeah I just you just search a great job with your like SEO you know like search optimization on your podcast because it's called Christian music industry so they were like searching I guess those words Christian music industry and our podcast popped up and yeah he was like I've been listening to episodes like just going way back and so helpful and so yeah if you're new to this maybe you stumbled on this podcast for the first time maybe somebody shared it or you did a search on your podcast app we're glad you're here and we really hope that this podcast is helpful in you know in practical ways but also in in the spiritual side of things and also just talking about things maybe that a lot of people stay away from and like are afraid to talk about yeah and we really want to be a light here and be a light through this podcast and so yeah we would love to hear from you and you can find both of us on Instagram like I think that's where you're most active - yeah yeah Rachel Panasuke yeah I'm also very active on Myspace it doesn't even exist anymore does anybody that will does it that's what I'm gonna ask somebody recently told me that it's still out there what somebody bought it from somebody and wait I'm googling it right now it's still exists okay guys I'm very wrong wisdom do you have a Myspace Myspace is how I got started with podcasting no way I don't I mean I think I deleted a lot of it but yeah like Myspace is literally my first social media platform when I launched my very first podcast which was called all about worship my space page and that's how I like started to learn how to really cultivate a community online and connect with other like worship leaders just like all over the world through that platform well if you are ever interested in being a part of like what we're doing in person and things like that you can yeah follow us on social media we're constantly sharing about what's going on so yeah grateful for you guys and we'll see you guys very soon thanks for listening to the Christian Music Industry podcast I would love to hear from you you can connect with me on Instagram or visit Lula music this episode was brought to you by pure mosaic collective bringing together diverse artistic voices to amplify the name of Jesus be sure to check out pure mosaic or follow pure mosaic collective on Instagram you (gentle music)