The Howie Carr Radio Network

Can we all agree now the point of COVID was to get Trump out? | 3.19.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

Orange man bad, which means all the nonsense between March 2020 and now is completely justified. Howie and his listeners recount the absurdities and hypocrisies of Leftist COVID policy. Plus, does cross-dressing make you a better spy? Tune in to find out.

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19 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. The President has done everything that he can to deal with. To deal with oil, obviously, lowering the actions that he took led to lowering gas prices. What is the reason you're requesting a loan today? Wait for it. Gasoline. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Today was a very good day for Donald Trump. And, you know, it's an embarrassment. All of this. I mean, Funny Willis has hung on, but this case is going nowhere very quickly. We don't want to say this out loud, but I'm going to say it. Trump is smarter than us. I mean, what is this? Bizarro World? You must marvel at how somebody that stupid is that smart. I feel like my old self again. Totally inadequate. Completely insecure, paranoid, neurotic. It's a pleasure. Trump swabs, hacks and moon bats beware. It's Howie Car. The COVID crime tip line. It's kind of murky in my mind, but I think there was one. I know there was a, there was a hate crime line after Trump's election. I remember that one, because we FOIAed the, we FOIAed the records from then, Attorney General Marahili's office. I remember the one call. I'm driving on 128 and I have a Trump sticker on my car and someone, a hippie just came by and gave me the finger and tried to run me off the road. Is this the right number to be calling? No, I guess not. I remember that one. I don't remember. I don't remember that. I think the COVID tip line was mainly for people reporting businesses that were lax in their mandates. You mean that we're allowing you to say, I don't know, get a haircut? Right. They weren't checking vaccine cards. It reminded me of what my father was, you know, was alive during prohibition. He used to tell me about prohibition, you know, the knock on the door. You had to have a, you had to have a card if they didn't know you from somebody they did know. It was the same thing. It was, it was speaking, he's only just only for barbershops. Never been anything like it before. Eight four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. Arden says my aunt got COVID marched in 2020. She was ninety six. She quickly got better and was fine, same with about a hundred others at her residence. For some reason she got the jab a year later and it killed her blood clots. So many people have similar stories. Never forget. It's, you know, they want to make, they want to make mountains out of molehills. And they want to make molehills or not even molehills out of, out of mountains. This is, this is a, this was a major mountain, is a major mountain. There was a new study came out today saying that, that, that the educational setbacks and failures have affected every demographic group, every economic group. You know, if you're rich kids, poor kids, everybody in between. They've all suffered lost years of, of results, of learning. And it's just going to go on and on. Because they get, they go into the workplace thirty years from now. They're not going to be as productive as they would have been if they'd, they'd gotten a good education for those two or three years, however long it was. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. We'll take a few more calls on this and then we'll go on. We got a, there's a, there's a ton of amazing stories that you may not have seen today. Including one from the San Francisco Giants, believe it or not. You're not going to believe the story from the San Francisco Giants. Mary, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead Mary. Hi Howie, thanks for taking my call on behalf of my much younger sister, Amy, who died of COVID. I couldn't get her any of the other alternatives here in Maine, I just couldn't. Anyway, yeah, my husband had, had to drive me to the building where she was kept on the Fauci protocol and play the rosary outside in the car. So I will never forget. But there was a great article I read last week. Your listeners will need a barf bag to read it. It was from America out loud. And it was from Maggie Thorpe, J.D. and Jim Thorpe, M.D. And here's the headline, US government coerced leaders of faith to push COVID-19 vaccines on Americans. They had regular meetings, Francis Collins and a couple of the other guys there. Yeah, they convinced the leaders of faith from all the different denominations, a whole bunch of them, that this was God, the shots were God's literal answer to prayer and pushing the shots was, quote, love your, love your neighbor moment. And I remember Hocho was at a news conference she gave Howie and she called on everyone to be apostles. Yeah, right. That's right, that's right. We did this article. Yeah, you know, and the other thing too is, Mary, we haven't talked about this, but, you know, church attendance has never come back. You know, that was, that's another, another casualty. And again, I remember getting a call when they opened the golf courses after they, you know, the golf courses hired the lobbyists who was the DA when, with Baker's son had a, had the problem on the airplane and nothing happened. And a clergyman, a minister called me up and said, how do we get, if the golf courses are open, how do we get open? Then, you know, I was, I was a wise guy, but I said, you know, it's, it's like the New Testament, you're under Caesar, unto Caesar, what is Caesar's, you got to hire a lobbyist to do this. And the church, and the churches went along with it and it was a bad thing. The other thing about the churches is, that's what the AA meetings are, all the 12-step programs, they were in the basement of the Protestant churches usually, and they were all shut down. A couple of textures have mentioned that some people, you know, especially in the early, early times when you're in recovery, they, they just, they relapsed. The, the, the booze problem is worse now than it was pre, than it was a pre-COVID. Just because they, they didn't get that support. And then they, then they said, then they said, well, you could have them outside. You know, it was, it was winter. It's, you know, New England, the weather is not very good. Seven, eight months out of the year. Peter, you're next with highway car. Thanks for the call, Mary. Go ahead, Peter. Hi, Howie, three times I was in my local upscale grocery store with the arrows on the floor, and three parents said to me, you're going the wrong way. Finally, when the fourth one said it to me, she said, you're going the wrong way. You're killing people. I said, yeah, I know. Well, give me their names and I'll send flowers to the family. You're killing people. I saw a guy today driving alone in a car wearing a mask and I checked his bumper sticker. Guess what it said? Biden. Yeah, of course. Of course. I'm sure there are a few Trump voters that do it still, but it's there. 98% of them are Democrats. Thanks for the call, Peter. Scott, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Scott. Yeah. Hi, Howie. Scott, I'm an RN. I worked at Gillette and Fenway doing the vaccinations, unfortunately. Regret it. Been fighting the fight for a long time. Probably the most craziest thing is there was a period in Gillette where people were showing up wearing two masks and security told them to take one side off, put a clean mask underneath their two dirty mask. And they would come upstairs, get their vaccination wearing three masks. They couldn't take the dirty ones off that they walked in. I don't know why. So they literally would come upstairs wearing three masks. Who were that, Scott? Do you have any idea? I have no idea. I don't know if it was security from, you know, Gillette thinking they were doctors. I can't imagine it was, you know, medical protocol or the, you know, our chief doctor probably was out of Mass General. So I asked for it. I questioned it. It didn't matter, you know, just follow it on. So people need to wake up and, you know, there's a lot of good information out there. If you wanted the best research on masks is from the Brownstone Institute. There was, I think, as Dr. Paula Alexandra, he evaluated over 150 mask studies and, you know, the result is going to work. Yeah. It's the same. It's in this Scott Atlas study that came out today. Thanks for the call, Scott. 844-542-978 car. Not only are the meetings for AA and the churches, but also the meetings for families whose children are on fentanyl and opioids and those meetings are also in those same churches. And look at the rampant drug use we have now. This, yeah. And 508 says cutting down on church attendance is not a bad byproduct for the people that were pushing this thing. No, you're right. You're right. They want everybody dependent on government. They don't want any government. Government is the God, you know, and you, you know, we're hardwired for some kind of religion or looking beyond ourselves. And they'd rather have us looking at government or at the COVID devil or the climate change devil, whatever it is, anything but, anything but traditional religion. 844, we'll keep going with this for a while longer. 844-542-442. I'm Howie Carr. Got a great cop story? Email it to and listen to police plotter facts Friday every Friday at 530. Your story could win you a great prize from the Howie Carr Show Store. Ooh. Howie Carr is back. I love my pillows products. I sleep with their pillows, I wear their slippers, I dry off with their towels. Now you can enjoy all of their products with great discounts by using the code From pillows, towels, slippers, and even their giza dream sheets, go to and use code Howie for amazing discounts. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is who is the U.S. Senator you like least? Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, or Elizabeth Warren, Ed Markey, or Dick Blumenthal. I go back and forth, but right now it's Chuck Schumer. 54% say Chuck Schumer, 27% say Liz Warren, 7% say Mitt Romney. All right, before we take some more COVID, I got to just read you this story. This is this crazy stuff. The San Francisco Giants, you know, the National League Baseball team. They have apparently a long time public address announcer who was very popular. Rennel, R-E-N-E-L, Rennel Brooks Moon. I don't know who she is. You don't know who she is, probably unless you're from San Francisco. But she's very well known and popular out there. Rennel Brooks Moon. So apparently she wanted more money or there was some kind of contract dispute and all that. And they fired her. So they put out a press release. And here's what the press release was titled, "Headline." Ahead of 2024 season, Giants name Rennel Brooks Moon, public address announcer Emeritus. They fired her, so now they're calling her the public address announcer Emeritus. Oh, and they named the public address booth after her. The woman they fired and named her public address announcer Emeritus. I hope President Biden is President Emeritus come November. President Emeritus, Steve, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Steve. How you doing? Good. A couple of weeks, I remember going to work at my company and I'd wear the band, Hannah. And I got spoken to about that. Apparently that wasn't good enough. But the first outbreak in Italy, my son was out there going to school. And now you see on news reports, people just dying left and right out there. So I gave him a call, and I was trying to engage, you know, like how bad is it at that time if he was going to play with himself that passed away or his campaign. I kind of knew, you know, people knew a great eye or something like that. And I'm like, "Oh, okay, you know somebody, I guess." But my son says, "But Dad, can we count your smokes?" Teen agents, only in their 80s, they all spoke cigarettes. Every one of them. Yeah. So that gave me an idea. They just told me, "Did the net tell you that?" Well, you know, the thing is, in Italy, they had a lot of Chinese people have come into Milan to work in the leather industry. And they were the ones who brought it in originally. And they just died in droves and droves and droves because they were directly, exposed to it, apparently. And then it spread, and Italy has an extremely elderly population, even by European standards, and it took out a lot of really elderly people. Again, if you looked at the charts, people over 80 were a very, very large percentage of the people who died. And it's unfortunate, but that was the reality. And I used to put it, I used to tweet out those age statistics every week when they came out. And finally, they started just burying them, making them harder and harder to find. I would track them down and get them out there. And then they just disappeared totally because it wasn't part of the narrative. They wanted everybody to be scared. And it wasn't true. It was a lie. And Charlie Parker knew it was a lie. And they all knew it was a lie. 844, 500, 42, 42, 774, Daffy Festival 2020 canceled on Nantucket. I don't know if it's Daffy or if that's the word. I'm not familiar with it. 15 of us outside barbecuing. And at one point, a white SUV with New York plate slowed, down the window and counted. Nantucket police showed up within minutes and ordered us to reduce our numbers by 12 or else. Oh, the irony. Yeah. Exactly. My wife is the least confrontational person I know, says 978. She told a Karen in the grocery store to shut the bleep up because the Karen yelled at her for turning around to grab something. I was so proud. How about Biden claiming we were going to die if we didn't get the Vax? Right. Did he say he was, he said, they were putting down the Vax when Trump was promoting it. And then, and then once they got into power, they said you could, you could be fine. They wanted to fire people, private and public sector alike for, for not taking the vaccine once they got in. But they were telling people not to take the vaccine before they got in. Well, it's here now and it's spreading and it's going to increase. For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winner of severe illness and death. A winner of severe illness and death. Ron, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Ron. Now, we just stop and never get old. But I think one of the most outrageous mandates was for children to rat out their parents. Do you remember that? Oh, yes. From what I go to teach you, teachers would tell them the students. If you see mommy and daddy without masks and something, let us know tomorrow. Things like that. Outrageous. Yeah. It was something like Paul Pot would have done in Cambodia. You know, I'm not even sure the North Koreans do stuff like that. It was the ultimate in a totalitarian big brother state and they were all in on it. And again, like all those totalitarian big brother states, they were pretending that they were doing it for the good of everybody. Not just for the children, but for everybody. Mom and pop will be happy when you turn them in and they're dragged out of the house and you're put in the orphanage. You'll make it safer for everybody else. 844-542-4242-Daffy. It's the Daffodil Festival on Nantucket. I'm sorry, I don't know that. I should know that. Right? I'm highway car. [music] [music] Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-542-4242. Lady in upstairs apartment says 857 war six or seven garbage bags over each other. She removed the top one if someone rubbed against her insane. So how did she get the garbage bag off? I assume she was wearing plastic gloves as well, but so she had to touch the infected bag with the gloves. And then the gloves must have been infected. How many pairs of gloves was she wearing at the time? 844-542-442-844-542-4242. I'm going to play a couple of Biden cuts here as we go along. We'll take some more calls. Just take it over the whole show. But again, it's just channeling the anger. I mean, again, they want you to forget this bloodbath. You're supposed to... Well, we accomplished what we wanted to do. Trump's gone, isn't he? Oh, yes. There was a price to be paid, but aren't you man bad? He's gone. That's what it was all about. Can we all admit that? As Jane Fonda said, it was God's gift to the Democrats. It wasn't God had nothing to do with it. It was the red Chinese gift to the Democrats. Joe, though, it's still top of Joe's mind. Here he's delivering remarks today on lowering costs to American families. Cut 12. You know, before the whole thing, COVID. Before the whole thing, COVID. Before the whole thing. Cut 10. Well, guess what? Already passed the law beginning in 2024, January 2025. No matter what the total cost of prescription drug costs for a CDR, it will not have to pay more than $2,000, period. Cut 11. If we drove out to the airport and put you on Air Force One, you said you had a prescription needed to fill. And it was an American company that made it. I'd say, okay, let's go to... Let's fly to Toronto, or to Berlin, or to London, or to Rome, or any major city in America. I'll get you that same prescription fill in those cities for 40 to 60% less than the cost you had a pharmacy year. Tell her, I don't understand the point of that story. So... Why do you have to go to Berlin if you can get it done, if you can get the same price in an American city? Okay, I thought you were being... You were being facetious, I see. Was this in Nevada, too? Yes. So the prices of prescription drugs, or drugs, as he likes to say, are 40% higher in Nevada than they are in Berlin, or in New York? Unless you go to Las Vegas. Wow. What happens in Vegas stays very expensive in New York. Percription jobs. Cut five. I also met another mother named Latree. Latree shoe, where's Latree? Latree, excuse me. There she is. Latree, Latree, Latree, Latree. Cut six. Factories and jobs back here in America where they belong. For example, in Reno, redwood, redwood materials. Redwood? Is that a tough word? Redwood? Cut eight. We're also making more affordable to refinance your home by eliminating title insurance fees on federally funded mortgage, back mortgages. That's going to save folks as much as $1,500 that federal government can afford to do that. No title insurance? That doesn't seem like a good idea to me. Title insurance, I think there's a reason why you want to have title insurance. It protects you. It's like any kind of insurance. Cut nine. A record 1.7 million new housing units are under construction nationwide right now. Because everything is really, really, whatever. Cut three. And folks, you know, we're going to keep making the case for second term by lowering the cost and creating more jobs. Lowering the cost. So far, this campaign, we've more than 1,300,000 people have contributed under $200 to us. He's lowering the cost. Boy, that's why people are behind him. That's why he's got that sparkling favorability rating of 37, 36%. So he's just rambling and raving. This is in Nevada. Or should I say New Hampshire? Or should I say Vermont? But he's just rambling. So finally, not having a giant hook like they used to have in vaudeville or burlesque in the old days, they just decide to turn up the music. Cut four. I'm going to long. I apologize. Hail! How long have you gone on, Joe? Hail! Cut two. Hail! And you're going to be able to get to -- not that anybody wants to get to Los Angeles, but people for Los Angeles wanted to get to Nevada. I don't know. I mean, I agree who wants to go to L.A. You know, if you're the President of the United States, should you really be saying that? Cut -- this is the old debunked losers and suckers, hoax. He always is dragging out hoaxes, the very fine people, the bloodbath now. And, of course, we go back to the losers and suckers, hoax. Cut one. You know, this is a guy who said when he wouldn't go up to visit a cemetery, a veteran's, that there are a bunch of losers and suckers. My son was one of those losers and suckers. You know, it's just -- I've never heard of the President say any combat. Your son didn't die in combat. This guy said. And he didn't say it to begin with. But other than that, it was totally legit. Who the bleep is going to refi when the interest rates have doubled? Yeah, that's exactly right. 844-500-42. I thought the flight for Jugs was to Moscow as well. It was last week, but someone got to him and drilled it into his head not to say Moscow anymore. So he just said Berlin instead. But then he said to throw in all American cities so it kind of rendered the entire statement meaningless. Kind of like everything else he says. 844-500-42-42. 781, the millions of COVID relief given to landscapers, illegals, and anyone saying they employed 100 fictitious ombres. They're still indicting people every day of the week across the country for these fictitious COVID loans. And there's all kinds of them. There's for businesses, for payroll protection, PPP. Every time I read a press release from the U.S. Attorney's Office, it seems like they've charged people for stealing money under a different COVID program that I never even heard of before that. But again, it was like blowing a dog whistle for grifters. People were getting COVID relief money who were in prison just because they knew how to scam the system. Or in one case, in Massachusetts, when Charlie Parker was governor, they had a woman whose husband, she got out of jail and was immediately hired to begin processing COVID loans. And she was processing not loans, they were forgivable loans. In other words, payoffs for people in her husband's prison because he was still in prison. Remember that? There are so many of them. I just remember that one because it was Charlie Parker and the hack of Rama. 844-542-4274 prescription jughead has got to be the biggest buffoon who ever held public office. Thank you, Mr. President. We're not going to have time to get to it, but there's the daily wire filed a FOIA request for this internal CIA document that circulated around to the agents. Obviously, someone tipped them off to it. And they have a guy who wrote a long story saying that he's become a cross dresser. He dresses up as a woman and it's made him a better spy. I'm not making this up. I don't have time to get into it. I want to take these calls. We'll get into this. Excuse me, it's man. It is man. I'll just read you a little bit of it. We'll get into it more and more. I am an intelligence officer and I'm a man who likes to wear women's clothing sometimes. The name was Bond, Jane Bond. The name was Jane Bond. I think my experience as someone who cross dresses have sharpened the skills I use as intelligence officer. I am more aware of and hopefully more supportive of my women colleagues. For instance, I have a better appreciation now of how uncomfortable it can be to wear women's clothing sometimes. I know firsthand how wearing heels can make your feet hurt and make it take longer to walk somewhere. When I cross dress, it still distracts people even though it is professional. This is a CIA agent. It is my hope that we can learn to accept a wider range of gender identities and expressions. Do you know what his complaint is about cross dressing, Taylor? Wearing heels? Not wearing a bra. Although I like wearing a bra, I know it isn't comfortable for everyone and is less comfortable after a few hours. On top of the biases the women often face at work, it must be hard to be uncomfortable too. Everyone is better off if they can bring their whole self to work. I definitely felt that and now I have supportive allies. I am part of a community that is not the majority and sometimes I feel discriminated against. I was thinking about giving that to you for a walker joke, Taylor, but it was burning a hole in my pocket. Monique, you are next with Howie Carr. Go ahead Monique. So you are absolutely right how the bloodbath resulted from the actions of the lockdown. We were a legal in the case of Remondo, they weren't even legal. Exactly, that's exactly right. I just wanted to chime in with a sort of grimly humorous incident of hypocrisy. I don't know if you had heard about in July of 2020. She is telling all of us to knock it off when we do ordinary things. There was a Black Lives Matter rally at the State House and even though it was calm, she decided she had to attend a calm things down. Not only did she not wear a mask, obviously it was all covered by all the local media, she not only did not wear a mask when she was close to a lot of people, she actually had people hold hands and pray without masks. It was amazing. Wasn't she photographed in a bar, too? Absolutely. Without a mask? Without a mask, enjoying the glass of wine and not putting your mask back on in between sips. It was one of those paint nights. Yeah, that's right, Taylor. Do you remember Gavin Newsom when in California didn't he say that if you went out to eat, you should have a bite to eat and then put your mask back on while you were chewing? Isn't that right? I think that was a rule in California. I'm sure the empty-headed surfer boy has such a rule. But none of them were defeated. You know, Ramondo moves on, becomes a cabinet secretary. There was very little pushback for any of these ten-pot dictators, these jerks, these hypocrites. Thanks, Monique. 844-542-42. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show. The Howie Carr Show is back. 844-542-42. 603, we took our toddlers to swimming lessons during COVID at a local YMCA. They gave the parents the option of wearing a mask in the pool. Well, with your toddler, you could easily pick out the moonbat by who was still wearing their soaked masks. Well... 781, mask COVID testing website that crashed the first hour. Yes, exactly. About the cross-dressing CIA agent, Jane Bond. 508, he has supportive allies, but apparently not a supportive bra. If you're a guy, why would wearing a bra be particularly painful? It's just kind of bulky, but how would it really be that pain, that annoying? If you're into that stuff, I mean, I wouldn't wear a bra, but I'm not into that stuff. If you're into it, I think you would enjoy it. 844-542-42. Jill, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Jill. Well, I'm from the socialist communist, whatever state of Maine. Yes. I am, you know what, Janet Mills did. She shut down the beaches for one thing, and that's the place you should be breathing in good fresh salt air. But my son and his family live in Massachusetts, and I had to miss their birthdays and everything because I couldn't travel. And then my youngest grandson was under two years old, and sadly, one of his first words was mask. As we were about to show the door, he pointed her hand. Oh, that's really a sad story. Uh-huh. And then recently I was, um, I was this November, I think I was watching my two grand sons and one of my daughter-in-law, we're in Jamaica. What's wrong with that picture, but anyway, the boys got sick. And I said, "Oh, I'm sorry, boys. I'm going to have to test you for COVID." And sadly, the six-year-old said, "It's okay, Grammy. We're used to it." Isn't that heartbreaking? It is. I can remember my daughter was working for these people, I won't say where, but they wanted to take a trip to, uh, on a private jet they had. They were really rich, and they were going down to the Caribbean, and they had to keep taking the, they had to take the test, and one of them tested positive. And so they just kept taking it, so they wouldn't let them take off until they tested negative, so they just kept taking the test, you know, every couple of hours. And those tested didn't mean diddly squat, so they finally, they just had to wait like six hours until they got a test that they could manipulate or would show them negative. And then they took off. None of them ever got sick or anything. It was just, it was just nonsense. The whole thing was nonsense. Thanks for the call, Joe. Sean, you're next with how we car go ahead, Sean. Hey, I'm following from the people's Democratic Republic of Vermont. Hey, I got a couple quick comments regarding COVID, but first I've got a comment on, uh, Brandon and his daily gaps. Every time the report that his favorability ratings, like 30 something percent, 36 percent. How does it always stay in the 30s? I don't know. That's, that's a, that's a riddle and a mystery. That's a real mathematical riddle. Absolutely right. The COVID comments I had is, um, I don't know if people have kids really lost two years of education and really felt behind that respect because I thought that I didn't know that they taught arithmetic writing or history in schools. I thought the only, uh, did worthy woke topics, you know, like, yeah, but I mean, they, you know, they, I mean, they weren't learning a lot to begin with, but it, they just fell off. The, uh, the cliff in terms of, uh, learning anything. And now they have these terrible truancy rates in the big cities. Nobody, nobody goes to school anymore. And they, they, they give them, they, they give them three meals a day, but nobody's showing up. What is, it's a disaster. See you tomorrow on How We Car.