The Howie Carr Radio Network

You Say Nevada, I Say...Vermont? plus more COVID Chronicles | 3.19.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 3

Join Howie and his listeners as they recount the worst of the Panic and the best of Charlie Baker, circa 2020. Then, Howie shares Biden's latest blunders and, as always, the Chump Line.

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19 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. The president has done everything that he can to deal with, to deal with oil, obviously, lowering the actions that he took led to lowering gas prices. What is the reason you're requesting a loan today? Wait for it. Gasoline. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Today was a very good day for Donald Trump, and, you know, it's an embarrassment, all of this. I mean, Funny Willis has hung on, but this case is going nowhere very quickly. We don't want to say this out loud, but I'm going to say it. Trump is smarter than us. I mean, what is this? Bizarro World? You must marvel at how somebody that stupid is that smart. I feel like my old self again. Totally inadequate. Completely insecure, paranoid, neurotic. It's a pleasure. Rum swabs, hacks, and moon bats beware. It's... Howie Car. There's a debate going on in the text line right now about what kind of potato best stops the COVID virus. Some say poutine, what is it, poutine, that French-Canadian potato stew? Others, you know, concur with the collar that's waffle fries. What's the curly-cue fries that they used to have at the Burger King? Do they still have those? And a crinkle cut. I think crinkle cut fries really fight it. And what's the best dipping sauce for a French fry when you're trying to avoid dying of the panic? Is it the traditional ketchup? Or is it the more modern, you know, jalapeno sauce of some kind? Anyway, 844-542-42617, Baker combined the worst elements of the rhinos and moon bat left with his left hand. He...he virtually signaled. And then with his right hand, he smashed the working class and privatized like crazy. 413. My daughter graduated from UMass in 2020. The school canceled all ceremonies, but promised the class of 2020 would be honored at a later date. They never did a damn thing. 200 grand, I paid. And I didn't even get to see my kid walk across the stage and get her diploma. Yeah, we used to...when our kids were at BC, we used to buy a table for their big fundraiser, just to thank them for letting the kids in, basically. And we spent thousands on that table. You know, we could afford it. You know, we liked the school. But the last year, same thing as this guy at UMass, they canceled it. And you know what they sent us instead for thousands of dollars? They sent us a bag of cookies. They were delicious cookies, but they weren't worth all the money we spent for that table. 844-500-4242. Oh, man. We would keep talking about that. Again, they're talking about this bloodbath that allegedly happened or that Donald Trump is promoting. This was their bloodbath. This was the worst. This killed more people than a war. Even a big war. This killed more people than it's still killing people. It's killed the work ethic in tens of millions of Americans. Nothing has ever been the same. People, like Mr. Garcia says, he works in a government building. There's nobody there. You go to those big government parking lots around the beltway. They were all built for an earlier age. And it's not because people are taking the metro or the bus to work. They're not going to work. They can get away with it. And it's all because of COVID. And they did it to get rid of Donald Trump. It was a political warfare. They're using lawfare against them now. They were using a pandemic warfare against them four years ago. All right, time now for the Chump Line. Howie, Charlie Baker calling. I want the folks in the community to recognize and understand that this week marks the fourth anniversary of the start of the COVID emergency. My various protocols and procedures save millions of lives. I know folks fondly remember the mask mandates, social distancing, speech closures, taking down the basketball hoops, virtual learning, closing the churches, one-way aisles, plexiglass, and the vaccine mandates. But I'll never forget those small Thanksgiving turkeys. Those were the days. I love the fact that he uses all these medical words that usually you only get from your doctor. Even if you're asymptomatic. Asymptomatic. Oh, doctor, did you get my COVID test back yet? Yeah, I got some bad news for you. You're asymptomatic. That's the worst thing of all. You got no symptoms. It's so sneaky, you know. Who's got a better than Joe Biden? I mean, every day he gets up out of bed and finds out he's president of the United States for the very first time. That's probably true, actually. Global unrest is battering the food supply chain and the energy markets. It's incumbent upon you to be prepared. Get ready with ReadyWise. Go to and use code Howay20 to get 20% off your next purchase. Peter Navarro should have pulled a corrupt midget. I could recall remembering anything. Yeah, I want to know why he's going to jail and Devin Archer and Hunter Biden aren't going to jail. They refused to testify, didn't they? They refused to be part of a show trial. Last night, when the surgeon general, my sister, Dr. Jill, told me it was time for my bath. I asked her to make sure it was not a bloodbath. Even if there are some fine people who use the term. A bloodbath. A bloodbath. Go for it. The way Jill Biden stumbles and mumbles his way through any public speech nowadays makes mumbles menino look pretty good, doesn't he? At least you knew that mumbles, even though his tongue was the size of a cow's tongue, and he couldn't speak worth a damn, that there was a certain level of cunning, a street sense in him. You don't get that with Joe Biden. Hey, Holly. Is it just me or is the new Supreme Court Justice Kintanji Brown? This found like Kamala Harris with a better vocabulary. She's not terribly bright. Remember, she's as bad at math as those New York Times reporters that thought that Bloomberg was giving a million dollars to everybody in the United States. She got all of her math screwed up. I can't even remember what the issue was. Think Claudine Gay. Think at KJP. That's one thing that really surprised my nose. At least you knew what he meant. He wasn't saying it very well, but it meant he was angry. Hey, you know, if you hung out on drugs. Miami has a chief of heat, believe it or not. Her job is to let people know when it gets hot, she'll cure her unease about the warming seas, then head to the dispensary to buy more pot. Again, that's Peter Navarro turned himself in today to the federal lockup at Miami. It's next to a zoo. The diary of Roscoe the Bug, day 225 of my captivity. The prison warden, who looks like David Brinkley, refuses to transfer him back to MCI Wellesley, even as the Haitians are descending on us. But little does he know, Haitian cannibals prefer their meals with spray cans. The prison warden won't be coming down for breakfast because he'll be breakfast. Woof! The place where they would have put the Haitian cannibals was torn down years ago. Thank goodness. Because, you know, if Roscoe had never gotten loose off the leash, he might have been an appetizer before they ran down one of the local dowagers. I don't know how profitable is the Javits Center right now. You think the Javits Center could take in a few cannibals? Probably. Yeah, well, I know the Berkeley Center in Brooklyn is going to be used for the first round of the March Madness. One of my youngest daughters got tickets for Friday night. So they can't be until at least Monday to open up the Berkeley Center for cannibals. Too bad Brandon and Mayorkas won in both 15 days to slow the spread at the southern border. Boy, that is an excellent point. I'd like 15 days turning into 1,150 days. Actually, I'd like 15 days turning into 1,150 years of a closed border. Might get the country back in somewhat of stable condition. Yeah, in relationship to your news, I must say Joseph Biden is dumber than all of us. You know, the thing is, even on his best day, he was below average. And his best day was now more than 40 years ago when he first started getting those brain aneurysms. Howie, I heard someone today say that Joe Biden was fighting for a political life. I disagree. Joe Biden is fighting for his mortal life. Joe Biden is just trying to get someone to tell him what's on me TV tonight. He's looking forward to Matlock. He thinks it's either Matlock or wagon train tonight. That was your last Chumpline message. Thank you for calling Howie Carr. You chump. 844-542-42, like an albatross around my head. It says 71. Like an albatross around his neck. Like an alcatraz around his neck. It all kind of runs together after a while. 339. The worst bloodbath was the Biden butch withdrawal from Afghanistan. Yeah, they had a hearing on that on Capitol Hill today. That was, yeah, now that was a bloodbath. Not just the 13 U.S. soldiers, military people killed, which was horrible enough. But then they went for revenge and they wiped out a family on a drone strike on a car that was delivering water. Claiming it was Taliban. That's it for the Chumpline today. The Chumpline is the recorded voicemail message service of the Howie Carr show. You can call and leave a message at any hour between 1 and 4 p.m. Eastern time. The Chumpline number, if you wish to leave such a message, 844-542-844-542-442. Press 2 for the Chumpline. Leave your message. We may or may not play it at this time each weekday. If you didn't hear your message just now or you like to hear a second brand new Chumpline, we have one. It's called Chop Chumps. It's posted around 7 p.m. every weeknight Eastern time. And it's where we put all of the messages that we didn't have room or time for just now. Chopped Chumps. You can get it wherever you get your Howie Carr show podcast. Global unrest is battering the food supply chain and the energy markets. It is incumbent upon you to be prepared. Get ready with ReadyWise. Go to and use code Howie20 to get 20% off your next purchase. The Diary of Roscoe the Bug. Day 225 of my captivity. The prison warden, who looks like David Brinkley, refuses to transfer me back to MCI Wellesley. Even as the Haitians are descending on us. But little does he know, Haitian cannibals prefer their meals with spray tans. The prison warden won't be coming down for breakfast because he'll be breakfast. Woof. And then who will take care of you Roscoe? Be careful what you wish for. 844, 500, 42, 42. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show. Howie Carr is back. 844, 500, 42, 42. I love my pillows products. I sleep with their pillows. I wear their slippers. I dry off with their towels. Now you can enjoy all of their products with great discounts by using the code Howie at From pillows, towels, slippers, and even their Giza Dream sheets, go to and use code Howie for amazing discounts. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is who is the U.S. Senator you like the least? Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, Elizabeth Warren, Ed Markey, or Dick Blumenthal. Schumer. 55% say Schumer, 27% say Warren, and now 7% say Mitt Romney. All right, people are just remembering their greatest hits. Officer Mark says all this COVID reminiscing has me waxing nostalgic about the great barbecue restaurant in Manchester that no longer exists. Somebody has a favorite restaurant that didn't survive the COVID panic. I like the Eastern Standard and Kenmore Square. That was a great place. We used to do broadcasts from there on Tuesday nights when the Red Sox were in town. That was a fine restaurant. A lot of good times there. White's Bakery, the one in Wellesley, it expanded from Brockton. They opened it up and it was doing well and then COVID hit and it was gone. Everybody's got these stories about stuff that happened. They lost places that they liked, little businesses, mom and pop stores or restaurants. People couldn't survive being shut down and they were shut down for no reason. Dan, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Dan. Hey, Hallie. I'm so glad you brought this up today. Down here in New York is where I am. I know it's a little outside your area, typically. I'm never, ever, ever going to forgive them. These tinpot dictators. We had Governor Cuomo here and he got a lot of flack. He was standing right behind him as Lieutenant Governor letting it all happen too. Somehow, she's some kind of superhero. They locked down our businesses and schools and ran every little bit of our lives and they were the Vax cards and you couldn't travel. There were people getting dragged out of restaurants and children being arrested and the mask mandates. We were just one sneeze away. This is the thing, man. We've got to have our "Never Forget" moment about this. I'm being serious as a heart attack when it comes to these lockdowns. We were just one sneeze away from losing it all to these tyrants, man. I didn't hoke one time go to a church in Brooklyn or somewhere and say that Jesus wanted you to get the COVID shot or the booster. Totally. They were all doing it. Your call brought up before AOC party and in Florida. You remember when she got critiqued? Those are just Republicans who were frustrated that they can't date me. You remember that? Nancy Pelosi was at the beauty parlor and all of these private school kids were going to private school wide open and all the public school kids. Right. Like Newsom's kids. And the mobs of little Malice Tung, like Red Book, Carrie and Shamers, like shaming everybody that wasn't masked. Remember they were taking pictures? There was a woman I used to work with in TV news and she lost her mind. She was out in South Boston at Carson Beach and she was taking pictures with her cell phone of this family. Just enjoying themselves and screaming at them. I posted pictures and I said I knew this woman before she went insane. How we car? Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. All right. Before we go back to the COVID calls, we have an update. It is primary election day in four states, including Florida, Kansas. I think Nevada is another one. And Brandon is in Nevada and he just mixed up, according to Taylor, Nevada, New Hampshire and Vermont. New Hampshire and Vermont. Okay. How do you mix up New England and Nevada? I don't know, but we're going to find out. Did I have that story semi-stripe? As president, I was probably born wealthy and a comfortable significant background economically. Well, I had to do a distinction between listed as the poorest man in Congress for 36 years. I got a phone call. My wife was campaigning. I was campaigning up in New Hampshire back when that statistic came out in the 90s. And I used to call one because the kids were low when I was away. They said, "How's everything going? I got this fine." You know you're in trouble when your wife or husband says, "Fine." I said, "What's the matter?" She said, "Only elected officials husband and wife to understand this." She said, "Do you read today's paper?" I said, "They don't have today's paper, Wilmington paper, Delaware up in where I was laying here from Vermont." And she said, "Well, let me read it. Top of the fold headline, Biden, poorest man in Congress. Is that true?" So he started out in New Hampshire and then he was in Nevada and then he ended up in Vermont. That's about the size of it. 844, 500, 4242, 413, all these tyrant mandate tyrants were re-elected, Lamont, Whitmer, Go figure. I know, I know. That's the unfortunate thing. 2022 was the time to get rid of them. And Cuomo and Baker were the only ones who suffered in one way or another. And there were other issues in both of those fights. 844, 500, 4242. How about the four guys who got arrested that drove to Rhode Island and played a round of golf? Yeah, they had a stakeout for them. Didn't they stake out the McDonald's? They were going to meet at a McDonald's for a McChicken or a Big Mac before they played around a golf and the cops collared them right there at the McDonald's. And they decided to park in McDonald's because they knew they'd get cuffed if they parked in the golf course parking lot. But the cops were not baffled. Inspector Knacker was there. They were at the top of their game during COVID-19. Yeah, they were dealing with master criminals who wanted to play a round of golf by crossing the state line. And 844, 500, 42, 42, 781. Waiting in line at Whole Foods Wellesley during COVID, I'm very familiar with that place. Guy in front of me sneezed and another almost assaulted him telling me he is endangering the public and not following the laws. Oh my God. It's walking distance from where I live. It's my local 7-Eleven. But yeah, it's woke to the max. 844, 500, 42, 42. Nancy, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Nancy. Hey, Howie. How you doing? Good. To me, COVID was just like a fear and control campaign and they won. The whole place, I mean, the whole world was in total fear of everything. But wait, nobody showed us proof of anything. Right. Actually, there was no proof. I mean, the proof was in the charts and in the actual statistics, which proved it was a big nothing burger. You know, unless you were, again, very old, very sick or very fat. Let me tell you something. I was 66 when all that happened. I'm 69 now. I'm unvaccinated and untested and I never got a sniffle. And I went to grocery stores without a mask on. I had people pointing at me like it was in the body snatches. Honestly, God, they would come after me. I almost had to manage a bodily handle me in B.J.'s. And I would just look at these people and say to them, look, you got to have trust in the thing that you're putting on your face. I'm not wearing one because let me tell you, my husband got pneumonia for that goddamn thing. I'm sorry. That's okay. He got pneumonia from that mask wearing that mask at work every day. You got bacterial pneumonia because, you know, you're breathing in your own stuff. Oh, I know. And Fauci sends his Dr. Lane from the NIH to China. And he come back now. If you ever read it, I've read, I get them on a PDF. I read all of Fauci's emails. I've seen them in every congressional thing. He eventually said that the mask never worked. No, he said it. He said it right up front. He said it up front. The first thing he said was no mask, a mask, don't matter. He said it on 60 minutes. We still got the cut. And then he said one mask. And then he said two masks. It was like he was in a poker game and he was throwing more chips on the pile. You know? It was ridiculous. And it was all nonsense. As Dr. Atlas and his crew said today, they were, you know, I had to read that. There's a really good part in that. Right now, in the United States, people should not be walking around with masks. You're sure of it because people are listening really. No, closely to this. Right now, people should not be walked. There's no reason to be walking around with a mask. When you're in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better. And it might even block a droplet. But it's not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is. Yeah. But then he decided it was, you know, it was necessary for the cult. It was, it was a sacrament to wear a mask. Masks were of little value and possibly harmful. Again, this is COVID lessons learned a retrospective after four years. And basically they just, they said, I hadn't listened to that cut from Fauci for a while. They're basically saying exactly what he said. Mask mandates were likely imposed as a way to calm people's fears and help them re-engage in society. But they ended up doing the opposite, amplifying fears by creating the irrational belief that an unmasked face presented a threat. There's nothing wrong with people wearing two masks. I often myself wear two masks. So from no masks to two masks at, you'll pardon the expression, warp speed. It causes conflict and division among citizens and gives high risk people the mistaken impression that masks are protected, potentially resulting in some people risking exposure who otherwise might not have. But this is my favorite one is lesson four. Government should not pay people more not to work. Congress authorized $600 per week unemployment bonuses early in the pandemic, despite warnings that the consequences would be substantial, prolonged employment and associated economic underperformance. The evidence shows conclusively that bonuses for not working, think about that, bonuses for not working. Increased unemployment rates, which plunged rapidly when the six original $600 bonus ended before stalling when a $300 bonus took effect. Alan, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Alan. Hi, thanks for taking my call. I like to remind everybody that remember this is a pandemic of the end vaccinated. I mean, we couldn't bury our loved ones, how we couldn't bury our loved ones. But yeah, Obama could have a birthday party because that was a sophisticated crowd. That's according to the New York Times. That's what the New York Times wrote. There was no problem because it was a sophisticated crowd. And then BLM, BLM could go out and riot. I mean, that did it for a lot of people right there. Once they could go out and riot and then, I mean, it really just showed what it was all about after that. I mean, but not being able to bury our loved ones, how we, and shutting our churches down was a massive blow. And I really was hoping in 2020, 2022, I really thought we were going to come out and come swinging. And it really just, the votes didn't show it. And people just didn't, we got to talk about it around the water cooler. I mean, that's the only way it's going to be talked about because there was silence in us online. We couldn't even talk about it online. You know, you're considered, I mean, we had one doctor up here in the state of Maine that was being being crucified by our own governor. You know, I mean, it was, it was getting scary, Howard. Thanks for bringing this. Thanks for bringing this up, Howard. Keep it going. Thanks. I only brought it up in the context of a bloodbath. I mean, this really screwed everybody up. I mean, what Trump said was truthful. The Chinese who gave us this bloodbath called COVID now want to give the auto industry a bloodbath by building these huge manufacturing plants for EVs in Mexico. And if Biden continues in office or any Democrat continues in office, they're going to basically wipe out the auto industry. Cut 23. Inces that people have been playing their part. They've been washing their hands, covering their faces, went out in public, distancing themselves from others when they can, and everyone is staying vigilant with respect to symptoms. The sciences, we all know, and this is clear, doing these things. No, we don't know that. We stop and kill the virus and we all have to keep it up. Now, remember to that every illegal alien in the world can come into the United States and do whatever he wants. There's, there's chicken pox outbursts, outbreaks in Boston. There's measles outbreaks in Chicago. There's tuberculosis down on the Cape. But damn, if you're an American citizen four years ago, cut 43. The most important thing I'll say today is very simple. Every traveler coming to Massachusetts, no matter where they're from, has a responsibility to help keep COVID-19 out of the Commonwealth. Today, I'm signing an executive order that effective August 1st is mandatory for all travelers entering Massachusetts, both out of state travelers and Massachusetts residents returning home. What a bunch of crap. And by the way, he'd be letting into all the illegal aliens, just like Mara Healy is. Is there any doubt in your mind? There would be, there would be no difference. But he was going to, boy, was he going to make Americans pay people who pay taxes, people who obey the law. They had to be, they had to be punished severely. 844-542-42. I'm Howie Carr. Howie will be right back after this short break. He's Howie Carr. 844-542-42. My father was on the fence about the vaccine until it allegedly killed Marvin Hagler. My father then refused at saying nothing in the world could take down Marvin Hagler, but the vaccine did. Yeah, I mean, you know, you don't really know who, you know, what, what killed people though, do you? I mean, that's, that's, that's another thing. Let's see. Remember Rhode Island's Governor checking cars with New York plates? Yeah. That was a violation of the Commerce Clause, I believe, of the U.S. Constitution among, among many other things. 844-542-42. I still have my, I'll take COVID-19 over Biden 20 this shirt. It was true then, and unlike the science, it is greeting truer by the day. 844-542-42. Newberry Street boarded up, jewelry store robbed of millions, police car on fire where Phileans used to be. Baker said it was peaceful protesting, shows how scary corrupt leaders can brainwash the weak public following. How about, how about, they mean, he was like a, a religious leader, you know, with a, with a big tent coming down to a revival meeting. And in this, in this cut, we're going to play, he's, he's warning against backsliding. Cut 49. We're making progress and have made progress in our fight, but we have seen the effects of too many people letting their guard down and simply relaxing. Get in the way that some of our continued move forward. 844-542-42. You should do this. COVID pissed off hour once a week. It'll be a money maker for advertisers. We're still angry. I, I, you know, I just brought, I, I cut out and save all these stories about COVID disasters and, you know, people trying to say, "Oh, let's forgive and forget." But I don't want to do it all the time. It just, you're right. It just makes people really angry. But I, I wanted to do it tonight because I'm just the, the same people that are going after Trump for saying, "Bloodbath, they're the ones who unleash this on this bloodbath, on us." Scotia, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Scotia. Yeah, let me tell you, any, any doctor who had any brains would say that one of the healthiest things for the immune system for elderly people is social contact. And I lost a relative in a nursing home to COVID who was completely isolated. I couldn't go see them. I had to stand outside in the winter through a window. It was the most heartbreaking horrendous thing I'd ever seen. They couldn't leave their rooms. Their rooms were sealed up. There's a lot of blood on these people's hands. And I'm beyond the pale, still angry about the whole thing. There was no joke the way they treated the elderly and locking them up with COVID patients. It was, it was horrendous. Yeah, that was Cuomo doing that. I mean, when he had those boats, he could have put them on any, in, in, on the Hudson River, on the West Side. And he, he didn't even use the boats that, the, the, the ships that, that Trump sent him. He put him in the nursing homes. And he killed thousands of people unnecessarily. And, and, and Charlie Parker had all the, had his hacks running the Ho-Yo soldiers home and 72 veterans, elderly veterans died. The, you know, I don't know how many of them would have survived. You know, when a virus like that gets going in a, in a, in a place like an old, basically a nursing home. But some of them could have survived if he had had legitimate people running. And he never gave back any of the money he got from the nursing homes. They, they passed legislation in demifying the nursing homes from being sued. And, and, and he got 52,000. His lieutenant governor got 30 or 40,000. The, the, the, the unindicted co-conspirator of a house speaker got 45,000. None of them ever gave the money back. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two in Rhode Island. The governor also closed outdoor garden shops because science. Yeah. Well, what about. They took the seeds away from Lowe's and Home Depot. Well, Gretchen Whitmer in Michigan. She, you couldn't buy seeds. Seeds. They were packaged, probably, you know, produced a year or two before COVID and she wouldn't let anyone buy them. She was insane. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, cut fourteen. We continue to ask everyone to do four things. Cover your nose and mouth when you can't distance yourself. The science is clear. Simple face coverings prevent the spread of this disease incredibly effectively. Incredible. Wash your hands and wash surfaces often. This one needs no explanation. Keep your distance. Again, we all know this one by now, but it's as important today as it's ever been. And more so as we start this reopening process. The more we stay about six feet apart from one another whenever possible, the more we stop the spread. And lastly, stay vigilant for symptoms. Stay home if you think you're sick. We all know this one by now, too. Just shut up. Just shut up. You gave us a bloodbath, Charlie Parker. I'm how we car.