The Howie Carr Radio Network

Four Years Later: Charlie Parker's Greatest COVID Hits | 3.19.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 2

Happy Fourth Anniversary of Fifteen Days to Slow the Spread! Howie opens the hour with a list of things America did horribly, horribly wrong at the dawn of the Panic. Then, Howie and Taylor take a trip down memory lane by playing the least science-y takes from former Governor Charlie Baker.

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19 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. What is the reason you're requesting a loan today? Wait for it. Gasoline. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Today was a very good day for Donald Trump. It's an embarrassment, all of this. Funny Willis has hung on, but this case is going nowhere very quickly. We don't want to say this out loud, but I'm going to say it. Trump is smarter than us. Wait, wait. What is this? Bizarro word? You must marvel at how somebody that stupid is that smart. I feel like my old self again. Totally inadequate. Completely insecure, paranoid, neurotic, it's a pleasure. Rump swabs, hacks, and moonbaats beware. It's... Howie Car. Welcome to the Howie Car Show 844-542-844-542-442. I wonder what I call them today about the bloodbath nonsense, but you know, everything has been said about that. So I was wondering how I was going to work it, and then it occurred to me that this is the fourth anniversary of the 15 days to flatten the curve. I was at this week. It was St. Patrick's Day, actually. Sunday. And I mean, that was a real bloodbath. And then I figured that's a good way to write the column. And then I saw this thing that's been put out today, the Committee to Unleash Prosperity. I'm holding it up for the social media right now. COVID lessons learned and retrospective after four years by Scott W. Atlas. He's the physician from Stanford who was an aide and a special assistant to Donald Trump and three other guys. And it's a retrospective, as I said, after four years. It's really good stuff. And so it got me thinking that was the way to go, because that was a real bloodbath. I mean, that screwed everything up. And all the people that are screaming about Donald Trump, they're the same people who promoted this hoax. It wasn't, you know, the Russian collusion hoax or the find the votes hoax or the Ukrainian phone call hoax or all the other hoaxes that they, I mean, they were incredibly damaging to the, to the republic, to the democracy. But, you know, they didn't have the all encompassing negative effects that the panic hoax had. And it's just, it's the worst thing that's probably ever happened to the United States so far. Joe Biden is still the president. So, you know, you can never say that you've reached bottom when Joe Biden or any Democrat. Or any Democrat is president, I think. But I just want to let people talk about what this, what this meant. And we're already getting great texts and people talking about this. Like one person said that one of the symptoms of COVID that you had to watch out for, you had to be very concerned about, was no symptoms. I'd forgotten all about that. What are the symptoms? No symptoms. It sneaks, it sneaks up on you. It's, it's a dirty rat with disease. You couldn't get an organ transplant unless you got the vaccine. So, chances are, you need an organ transplant. You're not in good health. Because they don't give you an organ transplant unless you have a significant organ failing, right? But then you had to get the organ, you had to get the vaccine and some people died after they got the vaccine. Maybe a small percentage, but some people did. I'm just going to go over this very quickly. We're going to take a lot of calls here. 844, 500, 42, 42. Here's the executive summary. This report, this is, we outlined 10 key lessons that must be learned to avoid mistaken policy responses to future pandemics and other crises. I'll just, I've mentioned without, with minimum comment because they're, again, they're obvious and we could talk about them afterwards. Lesson one, leaders should calm public fears, not stoke them. Lesson two, lockdowns do not work to substantially reduce deaths or stop viral circulation. Lesson three, lockdowns and social isolation had negative consequences that far outweighed benefits. Lesson number four, governments should not pay people more not to work. Number five, shutting down schools was a major policy mistake with tragic effects on children, especially the poor. Lesson number six, masks were of little or no value and possibly harmful. Lesson number seven, government should not suppress dissent or police the boundaries of science. Lesson number eight, the real hospital story was under utilization. I'll, I'll, I'll just mention that because that, that just means that no one was going to the hospitals to get tests. Routine tests that, that discover cancer, what it could be treated just as an example, right? Lesson number nine, protect the most vulnerable. And that, that just means that young people were not at risk. Old people were more at risk, older, the more risk. But we didn't, we didn't differentiate. Lesson number 10, warp speed. That was the program to get the vaccines done. Deregulate, but don't mandate. Conclusion, limit government emergency powers and earn back public trust. That's the hardest one of all, because they don't, they just discovered, I mean, it was, it was an aphrodisiac. Somebody said, you know, power corrupts, absolute power corrupts, absolutely. And that power, and there's another old saying, power is the ultimate aphrodisiac. I think that's the key here. It was for all these, all these net wits. Murphy, Whitmer, Baker, Newsome, Pritzker, all of them. All the, all the Democrat governors and some of the Republican governors as well. 844, 500, 42, 42. Order, prohibiting gatherings of more than 25 people and on premises consumption of food or drink. I'm holding up the 15 days to flatten the curve order. Your papers, please. Your papers, please. Your papers, please. Whereas, the system, whereas I, Charles D. Baker, declared that there now exists in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, a state of emergency due to the outbreak. Whereas, section 7, 8 and 8A of chapter 639 of the Acts of 1950 authorized the governor during the effective period of a declared emergency to exercise any and all, any and all authority. Overpersons and property necessary or expedient for meeting a state of emergency, including, but not limited to authority over public assemblages in order to protect the health and safety of persons. Now therefore, I hereby order the following. Your papers, please. This order is effective March 20th, March 17th, 2020 and shall remain in effect through April 5th, 2020, unless further extended. Earlier today, I signed an executive order requiring residents to use a face covering in public places when they cannot socially distance from others. This order does not apply to children under the age of two or to people who are unable to wear a mask or face covering due to medical conditions or other DPH issued exemptions. The public's required to wear a face covering at all times in grocery stores, retail stores or on public transportation. The order goes into effect on May 6th. That's a different, there was several different orders as time went on. It's kind of like the five year plans in the old Soviet Union, but it kept going on until May 11th of last year in one form or another. So for March 17th, 2020 to May 11th, 2023, that is 1,150 days, 15 days to flatten the curve turned into 1,150 days. That's a bloodbath. That's a bloodbath. Okay, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, four, one, three says, let us not forget lesson number 11 is that the ends justified the means for the never Trumpers in the left. They got what they wanted. They got rid of Trump and they proved that they can create an emergency to take over the country whenever they want to. Well, you know, and of course the problem is once they saw they could do it, they want to do it all the time. And that's, they're trying to take Trump out so he can make, so you know, with whatever, you know, with these phone, all these phony baloney trials around the, around the country. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, we're going to take a lot of calls in this, in this hour, maybe longer, but get on board now eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. Allergy season is just getting started and if you struggle with allergies, you need the Eden pure thunderstorm air purifier. We know the thunderstorm is great for removing unwanted odors, but it also helps to cut down on those seasonal air events too. One user writes, I bought the thunderstorm air purifier for my son who has allergies. Since installing it in his room, he's had a lot fewer problems and says the air smells cleaner. It is a great product for the price, unquote. And speaking of price, right now, you can buy one Eden pure thunderstorm air purifier and get a second unit for free. Just go to and use code howiebogo to take advantage of the thunderstorm air purifier bogo deal. The Eden pure thunderstorm air purifier is so small and light that you can hold it in your hand and plug it right into the wall. The thunderstorm can handle pet kitchen and tobacco odors or that damp smell lingering in your basement, as well as filtering out seasonal allergens from your house, office or car. The Eden pure thunderstorm air purifier has received thousands of five star reviews. Be the next satisfied customer. Go to and use code howiebogo for the thunderstorm bogo deal. Hurry, these bogo deals don't last long. I'm Howie Car. Howie Car will be right back. The emperor of hate Howie Car is back. I love my pillows products. I sleep with their pillows. I wear their slippers. I dry off with their towels. Now you can enjoy all of their products with great discounts by using the code From pillows, towels, slippers and even their Giza Dream sheets, go to and use code howie for amazing discounts. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is who is the U.S. Senator you like least? Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, Elizabeth Warren, Ed Markey or Dick Blumenthal. A couple of weeks ago, I might have said Elizabeth Warren. Now I'm voting for Chuck Schumer. 56% say Schumer, 26% say Warren, and Mitt Romney is crept up to 6%. 844-542-4242-978. I was 66 in 2020. I love senior only shopping at 6am. I remember standing in line. How about when you would stand in line to get into the supermarket? And you had to stand six feet apart outside before you were allowed in line. 844-542-4242. I will, 508, I will never forget summer of 2021, early 2022 being mandated by Biden to get a rushed vaccine, to lose my job and being frozen out of other jobs. Biden came after my job, my paycheck, my career and my ability to earn a living going forward two years later. He's giving work permits to unvaxx the illegals and everyone forgot about the evil vax mandates. Yeah, there are still state cops in Massachusetts. I talk to them sometimes, and they're lawyers. We've had them on. Who still haven't got their jobs back? Because they refuse to get this silly vaccine. 413, it's still going on in Massachusetts. You still must wear a mask in any medical facility. I told my doctor's office last week, if this stupidity is still going on in May when I have a scheduled yearly physical, I will not keep my appointment. That's the only way this will stop if people refuse. 844-542-781. Remember when some liberal rag wrote a column saying it was time to forgive and move on from COVID tyranny? Yeah, they always went, when they're at fault, they always want to forgive and forget. Stop the finger pointing. That's what they always say. Yeah. These demons bleeped up my daughter's education, made her wear a face diaper, took away her fourth and fifth birthday parties, prevented us from having a proper funeral from my uncle, whom I loved dearly and damn near bankrupted in my family. They tried to force a dangerous jab into my arm just to keep my job. I will never forget the bloodbath. That's what this is all about. This is the real bloodbath committed against me and my family. Frankly, introducing my fist to Charlie Parker's nose would... Don't say that. Don't say that. 844-542-442. Todd, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Todd. Hey, Howard, thanks for taking the call. Rule number one, never forget who their foot soldiers were. They're trying to fade back into the woodwork, say their names daily. At the time, I was working at Harvard doing construction. If you were even a roofer working up on top of the roof and you had your face mask down below your nose, there would be Harvard professors walking around the job site, around the fence, taking pictures of you. And you were going to find $500 that the company couldn't pay. You had to pay it. And Harvard, so far as I know, never paid those guys back for that. And/or people like my father-in-law, who were the biggest policy adheres that there were out there, that you had to follow everything by the law. But when he got really sick after his fourth COVID jab, well, now suddenly now he's on our side. And I don't want to hear it because we don't need you on our side right now. We need you back then three years ago and you would know where to be found. Yeah, you've got to forget your people in your own family though, Todd. But I understand what you're saying. How about, I didn't play the cut a couple of weeks ago when they said, "Get ready for your tenth booster shot." I mean, you would have to be insane to get that many. I mean, I think I dodged a bullet with two shots. And people tell me, "You don't know if you dodged a bullet or not. You know, you may be dead ten years earlier, you know, ten years from now because you got the booster shot." I don't know. I mean, I think my daughter who didn't get any of the shots and just bought a phony ID. I think she was the smartest person in our family. 844-542-42. Officer Mark said, "Did big plexiglass hire the same lobbyist as the golf courses in Massachusetts? They made a huge profit from the COVID panic." Yeah, by the way, Officer Mark, you raised a good point about plexiglasses. Is that biodegradable? That's about as biodegradable as a plastic straw, isn't it? Probably worse for the fish than a plastic straw. But nobody ever complained about that. That that was going to be a problem down the road with all this plexiglass going into the dumps. Mr. Garcia, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Mr. Garcia. Hey, Howie going? I want to ask you a question. If depression and Trump win, you can even pull all the government back to their office. Those people working home are not doing the work. You're not doing the proper work to help people. What the hell going on? I want to know. Mr. Garcia, you work in a government building. It's still empty, isn't it? No. And now we come once a week, whenever you implore it, come once a week. You imagine that once a week, and a lot of people suffer because of the benefit of anything. There's one agency in Massachusetts, the Secretary of State's office, the guy who fills in when the governor and the lieutenant governor are gone, which is all the time. His office answers their phones. Nobody else in state government or local government, for that matter, answers their phones. You're absolutely right. Sometimes you're happy when you get a call back within an hour. I'm not available to take the phone call. Can you why please email me? And then they used to say, here's my cell phone number in the case of an emergency, and the cell phone number just goes straight to voicemail. Does anybody ever pick up their phone? I mean, I know some people do, but the percentage of people in government that pick up their phones now is next to nothing. It's negligible. 844-542-42 on highway car. [music] Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-542-42. What do you call it when you give an inanimate object or an animal object to a human characteristic? It's called anthropomorphic. I shouldn't, that's a tough word for me. I'm not going to use that. But Baker, when he was governor, Charlie Parker, he made the virus. He made it like it was the devil, like it was Satan. Because it was a cult, it was a religion. And you need, most cults needed demon, whether it's Donald Trump or global warming or people wearing a MAGA hat. In this case, it was the virus. Cut 13. This is not a virus to be trifled with or disrespected. Cut 36. The virus doesn't care about today. What it's focused on is tomorrow and the day after and the day after. It's looking for possibilities and opportunities to jump from place to place and from person to person. The way you kill it is by and contain it is by stopping the spread. It sounds like a crazy nun when I was a kid talking about the devil. And you know the thing about it is just like the devil, COVID-19 works a lot of overtime. COVID-19 does not have any union protections. Cut 33. Keep in mind that COVID-19 will not take a summer vacation. Other states are seeing surges right now. It's a clear indication about how important it is for people to continue to be vigilant. And we want to avoid anything like that happening here in Massachusetts. No summer vacation for COVID. Cut 38. We know that COVID-19 won't be taking any time off this summer. Oh no. And we need to maintain vigilance if we wish to continue to move forward. Maintain vigilance. Maintain vigilance. Cut 44. In addition, all travelers must quarantine for 14 days unless they're coming from a state that has a lower rate of infection and retransmission, such as Massachusetts. They can produce a negative COVID-19 test recently administered no more than 72 hours prior to arriving in Massachusetts. They fall into one of a number of limited circumstance specific exceptions. Travelers will not be required to quarantine after they receive a negative test result after they arrive in Massachusetts. Everyone who chooses not to quarantine must be able to provide proof of their negative test result upon request. Like illegal aliens with fake passports or fake driver's licenses. What if I say I lost it? A robber took it away. Like all the illegal say. Oh, I was robbed in Costa Rica at knife point. You know, I've compared this before. There's an old movie out. I think people have forgotten at Atomic Cafe. It's all the old propaganda and the stories about, you know, the cold war days and duck and cover and, you know, the sirens going off like when I was a kid in Portland at noon every Saturday. But that cut we just played was crazier than anything in Atomic Cafe from the 1950s and the cold war red scare. That was insane. Now we morphs into a cotton mather as a, he's a Puritan. He's doing everything short of hanging witches or burning them at the stake in Salem or on the Boston Comet. Cut 46. The situations I just recapped are a recipe for disaster and need to stop if we want to continue to reopen and get back to a new normal in everybody's lives here in Massachusetts. The new normal is everybody has left Massachusetts except for illegal aliens. That's the new normal Charlie Parker. By the way, Taylor, people are requesting the Charlie Parker theme song for all time's sake since we're talking about the bloodbath that he imposed on us. You know, he was, he was also a scientist when it came to fast foods and potatoes particularly. He knew what kind of potatoes would stop the spread of the virus and what potatoes wouldn't kind of potatoes wouldn't stop the spread of the virus when you were in a restaurant. Cut 48. One of the things that's come up a number of times is the pretzels and potato chips meets the food service requirement. It clearly doesn't. And what we try to do with the amendment of the order is make absolutely clear. You need to be serving food that's prepared on site and the people who are in your venue need to order and eat food if they're going to order a drink. And again, some of this came out of conversations we had with the ABCC and some of it came out of conversations we had with some of our colleagues in local government. But that is clearly not consistent with either the spirit or the intent of what we put in place when we authorized outdoor dining and indoor dining. So, so potato chips, if you have a potato chip, you're going to die. If you have a French fry, that's okay. Now, are you even more inoculated or immunized against the virus if you have a cheese fry or a chili is a chili cheese fry better than a cheese fry which is better than a fry which is better than a potato chip. What about how about a potato stick is a sour cream potato chip give you marginally more protection than a barbecue potato chip. 844 542 you talk about blood baths. This is these are the blood baths. Cheer up Charlie. Give me a smile. Remember the white lab coats, 71. Yeah, the first time I saw that woman in a white lab coat, I looked her up online and I said, she's got like a PhD. I don't even know if she had a PhD, maybe an eddy like Dr. Jill, but she was not a physician and she was making the calls. It's like the woman in LA County, Ferrar. She had a PhD in social welfare from Brandeis University was a former middle school principal in Jamaica Plain in Boston. And she's in she's calling the shots like she's like she's a physician like she's Dr. Marty McCarry or Scott Atlas. Just just astonishing. 844 542 619. I have zero sympathy for the branch comedians. My wife, Mr. Mamogram, due to the panic and what should have been a lumpectomy ended up as a mastectomy due to draconian COVID restrictions and insane mandates. That's what I mean. That's that's why the life expectancy for Americans has declined in the last few years. I mean, do you know how many, what do they call it, excess deaths are required to drop the life expectancy of a country with over 300 million people? A lot. George, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, George. Yeah, how's it going, Howie? Thanks for taking a call. I thank you. I founded a, you know, when you were talking about the plexiglass that it reminded me of, you know, shopping at stop and shop and, you know, we're not allowed to use plastic bags when we take our food home, but the oranges and the apples and the lettuce. And, okay, cereals in a codwood box with plastic on the inside and bread and you, I mean, you go down the aisles and everything's in plastic. And when you get to the register, oh, Jesus, you got to, you got to put it in paper. It's plastic's bad for you. It's just ridiculous. Well, how about in the years, in the couple of years before the panic, they were encouraging people to buy reusable bags. Remember that? And then once COVID came in, they told you, you couldn't bring those reusable bags, which they weeks or days earlier had been encouraging you to buy. You couldn't bring them in anymore. Right? Remember that? No, it's unbelievable. And, you know, some of your cuts, you know, COVID's not going to take vacation. Wasn't it AOC that took vacation down in Florida without her mask on? About the mayor of Austin, Texas, he went to Mexico for his vacation and the mayor of Denver did the same thing. Yeah, they all went. And the graduation parties, here he is screaming about the graduation parties, cut 50. One of the other words that would come up was graduation. It's very clear that a bunch of these folks were very cognizant of the fact that there were a lot of parties that took place around graduation. And I have three kids who graduated from high school. I get it. But people need to understand that there is a lot of asymptomatic transmission going on, and there are a lot of people who don't know. Asymptomatic. That means no savings. They even carry the virus, but they are, in fact, contagious. And even if it's, you know, your neighbors and your friends, if it's a decent sized group, people really need to wear face coverings, not share food, not share drink, and take this stuff seriously. Unless you're the lieutenant governor of Massachusetts that I put on my ticket, because she had a graduation party for her family, right in the middle of it. Kegger out on Lake Quinsigamond. So it did, you know, again, face masks and mandates for the, but not for me. 844-500-4242. Do you know anyone that has long COVID who wasn't immunized? Long COVID is BS. There's a whole story. I'll read that when we come back. This was from the New York Post. On long COVID awareness day, remember this, long COVID is fake. Now, a new Australian study shows the idea was always wrong. The result of this study from Australia, those who tested positive for COVID did not experience long term impairment at a higher rate than those who tested negative or simply had the flu. The study shows the disease, quote unquote, is it an utter phantasm? Part of the endless litany of socially chic ailments, beloved by the anxious and the affluent. Worse, evidence has been public since 2021, suggesting that most people now claiming to have long COVID have never had COVID to begin with. That is, whatever condition or illness they were suffering from had nothing to do with the virus, but they wanted to be labeled COVID victims and or someone official wanted to count them. 844-542-42. It was a bloodbath! I'm Howie Carr. You're listening to the Howie Carr Show. We even checked out what size turkeys people were buying and it turned out that the big ones were still around on Thanksgiving Day and all the smaller ones have been sold. So it was a big success. We don't want you eating those big butter balls or oven stuffers. Because, you know, next thing, you know, you might be dipping a chip in somebody's guacamole and then you'll be dead. Cut 16. Nice to everybody over the weekend. I would be the same advice I would give to my friends. I would give to my kids. I would give to my neighbors, which is respect the virus and understand the distancing and face coverings if you can't stay distant. Are your two greatest allies in preventing the spread? The spread. I heard I heard Mr. COVID left town for a long weekend. Is that true, Governor? Cut 29. Our progress to date is encouraging, but it doesn't mean the virus has left town until there's a medical breakthrough with a treatment or a vaccine. It's up to all of us to continue to do the things that we know can kill COVID. Face coverings and washing, distancing, monitoring for symptoms and getting tested when appropriate is how we fight COVID-19 and continue to reopen Massachusetts. Governor, how come you had to fight COVID-19 at the driving ranges and at the miniature golf courses, but not on the regular golf courses? Cut 8. You know, we've all known as the golf courses are led to reopen with certain restrictions. Now, I was wondering what changed what wasn't about the presentation, the pitch to the advisory board, the appeals to you and your administration that made you better make this decision. Well, I think several weeks, I can't remember, I can't remember times, but at some point in the recent past, we made a decision to join with the other sort of Northeast states on a coalition to talk about the issues associated with reopened. And for some reason that was viewed by some people through a political lens. I didn't do it that way. I know the lieutenant governor didn't. We basically saw it as a way for us to make sure that we were communicating with and collaborating with the states that were contiguous to us or in our general vicinity so that we wouldn't do things that were terribly out of line. What they were doing and they wouldn't do things that were terribly out of line, or at least if they were going to, we would know about it, okay? If you take a look at what the states around us have been doing with respect to a number of things that gets factored into the way. Were they taking money from Latvia? The advisory board is working on guidance. It gets factored into the way the DPH folks think about this. It gets factored into industry specific decision making and in this particular case with regard to golf. We basically took a model that was being used in several of the states that were around us that we thought was consistent with what our concerns were about it in the first place and applied it. Baker gave advice to his kids to respect the virus. Did he give his son advice to respect women or to observe the drunk driving laws for that matter? 844-542-42. Andrew, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Andrew. Hey, how are we going to ask for the honest Howie's voice changer, if I may? The voice changer, the witness protection program of the Howie Carr Show. Once we turn on the witness protection program, the voice changer, no one will be able to recognize it. You can see from the fact that my voice is totally unrecognized. Go ahead, Andrew. You could speak with complete confidence. I much appreciate it. It's ironic because Kobe Baker is the butteriest and most expensive turkey I think that the state ever had. That's so far. For the listeners in Rio Linda, you said something about the fries there which one protects you against COVID. It's actually the waffle fries because the interlocking fries grant the layered protection that you need against the virus. If you add spice to it, then that acts like a booster for anybody gullible enough to need that sort of protection. But anyways, I got a quick grocery store story for you back during all the mask mandate hoopla. I was outside the market basket up and born. And I was standing in line and they were letting people in one at a time once one person came out and this lady noticed me standing there without a mask and a trump hat on. And insisted that for the good of the community, I must put my mask on every night. We'll take some more calls.