The Howie Carr Radio Network

4 Years Since 15 Days to Slow the Spread | 3.19.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

Happy fourth anniversary of when our lives changed, possibly forever. Grace and the listeners reminisce on the silliest parts of coronavirus regulations and the parts that aren't as funny to those whose livelihoods were upended.

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19 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." Live from the Ibiba Tratria Studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice. Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially, Grace, they stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello everyone and welcome back to The Grace Curly Show. We just finished discussing COVID and how we're at the four-year anniversary of Slow the Spread. You know what the other thing was that they did a lot during that time period of the 15 days to slow the spread. There was just like commercial that was airing or some PSA about matches. Like how if one match, you had all these matches lined up kind of like dominoes and how one match stepped out of line, then it would stop a fire from spreading. And it was all along the same line of do your part. That was the overall theme in the beginning, do your part. And then that didn't work after a while. People started to kind of go, "Well, why does my part, what good is it if I'm wearing a mask?" And it doesn't really matter because the mask isn't going to stop the particles and Fauci already said the mask don't work. People started asking too many questions. And then do your part became, "Don't be a grandma killer." They had to step it up a notch. And whenever the left and these politicians specifically, whenever they feel as though they're losing their hold on the masses, I noticed that they usually ramp up the emotional manipulation. And so that had to come into force at that point. It had to be not just, "Oh, follow these rules because we're telling you to, but follow these rules or else we will accuse you of being a really horrible person." And something I mentioned, is Taylor still back there? "Taylor, would you be willing to come on and share your story, sir?" I had mentioned that everybody had a moment that kind of woke them up from the craziness and made them realize, "Oh, none of this is making any sense." And when I said that, Taylor, who oftentimes doesn't even listen to the show, because he's very busy, you brought up to me that you did have a moment. I'm going to go on a limb here, Taylor, and say, during the COVID span, which was like over two years, you probably had several moments like this, confrontations. But this was one that came to mind for you. Everybody remembers the train story, right? Yes. And this is different from the train story. I don't remember it, please, Taylor. Tell us about the train story. So it was just after my first-born Harrison came into this world, so late summer of 2020, we went to—it must have been early fall—we went to go vote early at Town Hall, and the six-foot social distancing was in place. So my wife and I drove with our son to Town Hall in the same vehicle, put on our masks, because this is when we were all duped, we didn't know what was going on, so let's all wear the mask. We walk into Town Hall and we stand as a family, six feet from the person in front of us. One of the town workers comes buzzing out from— And she's excited to do this. From the belly, the underbelly of Town Hall from the central office comes making a beeline for us. You're going to have to— Because you can't hear anybody. You're going to have to stand apart from each other, and I said, "What?" She said, "You're all too close." "You've got to stand apart for six feet apart, please." I said, "This is my wife." I said, "This is my wife." I sleep in bed with this woman. What sense does that, but she's like, "You just have to stand six feet up." We came here in the same vehicle. Do you understand that what you're saying makes no sense to my wife? This is before she really started to relent and just let me be a jerk in public, much to her dismay. She was just like, "Come on, just what they say." I said, "All right, fine." So I took my son, took a few steps back, six feet. Do you want me to put the baby back in the— Does he need to be six? You're on your own, kid. Do you want me to shut up? Does that make sense? Does that make sense? And I think that that was the part of it, too, that drove people nuts, is that when you would confront someone— People ceased to think for themselves. When you would confront someone with this information, you would say, "But this doesn't make sense." They wouldn't come back at you and say, "Actually, well, no, we think this." They would just say, "It's just the rules. It's the policy." The policy doesn't make sense. And you're just going along with it. And I honestly got upset with my wife. And I said, "Please don't ever do that again. I know I'm in the right. I'm on absolutely solid ground here. Please stand with me in this fight." No, I think that makes sense, especially because there's so few people who are willing to have that fight. And oftentimes— And you know what I think was part of it, too. And this might be a little in the weeds, but I think a lot of people— That was the time period where you had a lot of people filming other people on their phones and the Karen thing was coming out. And I think a lot of people felt like, "Well, if I make a stink, someone's going to record it, and I'm going to go viral, and I'm going to get in trouble." Because you would get in trouble. Like, you'd get in trouble at work. "Oh, I saw a video of you at a supermarket. You refused to wear a mask. You got dragged away for not wearing a mask." And that kind of fear, it was like the Salem witch trials. It was like everyone was just trying to get through the day and not cause any trouble. But then what you have is you have a bunch of sheep. Right. But we were following all of that is the point. We were wearing the masks. We were standing six feet apart from people that we did not know or socialized with. And we were— We all traveled together. People just lost all reasoning ability. And that has held through a lot to this day, where we're still seeing the remnants of COVID. That's one of the lasting effects. That's long COVID. The loss of common sense. Yeah, the loss of logic you're right. It's already on the decline, but it really accelerated the fall of common sense. You know what I wasn't a fan of? I remember Will and I went to Nantucket for the day. And this was— I can't remember the exact— everything's kind of a blur, but it was enough. It was far enough along where dining was okay if it was outdoors. They had everyone separated. So, like, summer 2021. Yeah, it was definitely— Yeah. And so, we get to this restaurant and the hostess said to us, "Could I have—?" This was when Charlie Baker was being on the contact tracing. "Could I have your name and your number?" Because we're contact tracing in case somebody here gets COVID. We contact you. And I don't know what it was. I hadn't thought about it a long time, but something about it to me was so creepy. And I was like, "I don't want you calling me up and letting me know that somebody had COVID, and therefore I have to now inform six people I work with." Like, something about it was so big, brother. I was like, "Wait, what?" And I'm also thinking of myself— We just want your name for the list. This is all. Yeah, I was like, "I got to put my name on a list to have a mediocre cheeseburger and an overpriced margarita." Like, no, thanks. Just weird. And there's so many moments like that. But Taylor, we thank you for sharing yours. Sure. I got my blood pressure up in the afternoon. Thanks. Yeah, it was gonna happen anyway. It was peaceful today. It was in my corner. You were with your pistachios. You were pretty peaceful. Yeah. Yeah. And I think we're all uneasy when you're peaceful. You're better off this way. Okay. Yeah, when we come back— Actually, you know, though, before I go to break here, I want to say one other thing. Speaking about ways to get your blood pressure up, there is a conspiracy theory that's taken hold. And that conspiracy theory involves Kate Middleton. And we've talked about this a little bit here and there. And by the way, we're going to take your calls. I know people want to talk about COVID. We're going to keep with this. But yesterday, a video comes out, Jared. And this is actually a bone I have to pick with you and your kind. And by your kind, I mean you and your fellow conspiracy theories. A video comes out of her going to the shops at Windsor Place or whatever it's called. And then immediately, the people on TikTok, the people who have been wondering where she is, they say, "It's not her. It's a body double. It's not her. It's someone pretending to be her." And I don't like this line of thinking because then there's— It's almost like, Jared, it's like rock covers— How am I trying to describe this? There's no way to argue with it. Like, there's nothing that I can say to go, "Well, you were wrong because look it. There's Kate. Well, that's not her." Well, what am I supposed to say to that? And you guys do it all the time, Jared. You and your friends use the body double excuse when everything's aren't going in your favor. It's like, "Oh, well, that's just a body double." Okay, where'd the mole go? The mole. She had a mole. She doesn't have a mole anymore. That's not abdominal surgery. Where did the mole go? You believe it. Is there some mole wormhole in the UK that we don't know about? I should have known that you— Body doubles are well established. Clones? I don't know. But body doubles, they're well established protocols. I just don't think it's fighting fair. Like, how am I supposed to? If everyone can just, "Oh, it's his body double. Oh, it's her body double." Okay, then you win the arguments from now until the end of time. Is that what you want? You want to always win? We want you to get you to just think that the possibility is there. Yeah. Okay. You know what? Before I go to break here, because we've had people in the lines, let's go to Bob, your next up, and then we'll continue to take calls as we go. What's going on, Bob? Hello. Hello, sir. What's up? Can you hear me? Yeah, you sound great. As a nurse for like over 35 years, what didn't make sense to me at first was how all the medical people had to protect their eyes, because it's a permeable wet membrane that the virus can easily enter through. So they made this big deal about everybody wearing masks, but yet everybody's eyes, the corneas were open to the virus, but no medical professionals, darkness or nurses, would come near you without eye protection and breathing. And also, the breathing masks that were worn did nothing but contain the virus within the person that had it. Okay? So if I were to wear a mask and go near someone with the virus, my corneas are exposed, but the virus can penetrate that mask. And that was just a bunch of nonsense. Right, because the virus, the particles, I don't know the exact verbiage, but from what I've gathered from listening to a lot of a lot of Dr. Fauci over the years, is that the droplets, it would stop the droplets. Like if you sneezed, it would stop that from getting all over somebody. But the actual particles of the virus were small enough to go through the mask. And so Fauci told us himself, the masks don't do anything. And then he had to, you know, then he put his finger to the wind and he said, and things are changing. And all of a sudden masks were like the greatest things since sliced bread. But you're right, Bob, the eye thing was weird. And it also, and Bob, oh, he dropped off, I was going to ask him if he was a nurse during COVID, because that was another thing. I had a lot of friends who were nurses who it took a huge toll on them every day, getting into all of the gear. And then when the vaccines came out of some of them didn't want to get vaccinated, all of a sudden they were pushed to the side. Like you're good enough to come in and risk your life before the vaccine. But once we have a vaccine, we can't risk having you come back in here. And yeah, so so many, so much respect for all the medical people who are dealing with this day in and day out and having to follow all this protocol, even while knowing that some of it didn't make any sense. Nancy, everybody else who's on the line, stay right there. We're going to come back to your calls. It's the four year anniversary of slowed the spread. Also the four year anniversary of Joe Biden calling Charlie Baker, Charlie Parker, which is a how we car favorite. So this is a big day for Howie as well. Jared, the Nossa Beach Inn is the perfect place to go to unwind, to unplug, to relax. You can enjoy the beach. You can enjoy Cape Cod, a lot of the restaurants. I mean, a lot of these places are year round at this point, but right now they're really picking up. They're getting excited. They're getting ready for the summer season and they're open and you can enjoy them before the huge rush. Yeah, the off season and the Cape is the place to be. And like I said in the last time we talked about the Nossa Beach Inn, April vacation is coming up. So get the April rates while you can. It's a great getaway. You can bring the family. You can bring its pet friendly. You can bring your dog. You can bring your pet. You can walk along the beach and just you can experience the beach as it's meant to be. You can hear the waves. There's a serenity and tranquility of being down there because wherever you stay in the Nossa Beach Inn, whatever room, you are literally steps from the beach. Today will be a great day to be there. And then you know what night you can just sit around the fire pit, hang out, watch the moon rise, look at the stars because you can see them down there. It's the perfect getaway. I can't recommend it highly enough. My wife and I went, we loved it down there. It is absolutely a prime spot that you need to get to. And right now you can book your April stay at the Nossa Beach Inn for $249.99 a night. And this May rates are from $259.99 a night. So don't delay. These are great deals. Go to nossatbeach That's nossatbeach You know it was for me one of the biggest signs or one of the biggest moments where I thought this doesn't track. I think the math isn't mapping here. When you could go into a restaurant with the mask on, you'd be waiting around people mask on. And then if you got to your table and sat down, you could take the mask off. It was like the virus was only above shoulder height. And then once you sat down, you were in trouble. That for me was a very convenient for Anthony Fauci. Yeah. And it was also a weird thing about the time of night. Like all the restaurants had to be closed by 10 because the virus would come out after 10. And the fact that you had to have food and they would say pretzels don't count. The soup doesn't count. It needs to be a real meal. And I started going, how smart is this virus? What is this virus like trying to make money here? What's going on? We'll be right back. We'll take more of your calls. Don't go anywhere. Follow Grace on Twitter at G underscore Curly. This is the Grace Curly Show. Now big government and big tech were both involved when it came to the COVID-19 pandemic shut down two year scenario, two years plus scenario. And that actually has to do with our poll question. A lot of people are complaining that this is unanswerable. That's that's one way someone described it. I don't care. You have you have to answer it. You don't have a choice. You have to make the tough decision. So go to Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houghton in Nashua. Call 1-844 a Perfect Smile or visit Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, and you don't even have to wear a mask to do it, is who do you trust more? Big government or big tech? I'm going to say big tech because they haven't been around as long. 88% of the audience agrees, big tech. 12% say big government. All right, so it's shifting a little bit and there's still time. It was 90 something percent. It starts so slowly. Faith and big government is rising. Yeah, that's a scary thought right there. Go to Let's go to Nancy, your next stop. We're at the four year anniversary of 15 days to slow the spread. What say you, Nancy? Hi, Grace. That is an interval. I'll have to think about that. I wanted to just, I was remembering, do you remember when the beauty parlor, owner, beauty shop owner refused to shut down? And then she somewhere down south, I think, and she got arrested? Yes, I think I do remember that. I don't know if we had around the show or how we had around the show, but the beauty parlors and people getting their hair done, that became a huge part of this conversation, Nancy. Yes, it did. But I remember thinking, I thought, okay, what somebody breaks through like that. There'll be a whole bunch of other businesses that will open up and say, we're not doing this. But it didn't happen and I was so disappointed because then I really, oh, people are kind of like sheep when they're in a situation that they just don't think for themselves. I remember telling friends that, I know it's a new situation, but I still have a brain too. I don't have to just believe everything somebody's telling me. I evaluate it. Think about it and decide if it makes sense. And they would look at me like, oh, you're not just going to go along with everything you're told. Yeah, I did. I mean, you know, I think Nancy for a lot of business owners, and we saw this happen in Maine and I apologize for not having was it Sunday River Brewing Company? I think was the name of it. I might be wrong on that, Jared. Double check me there. But we did see business owners and businesses who they just decided we're not going to shut down. We're going to keep it open. And the issue that you had there is that they would have to deal with a lot of repercussions for that. They could lose their liquor licenses. They could get fined day after day. Every day they didn't close down. They get fined. Every day they didn't follow the rules. And so it wasn't just a matter of, you know, shirking off the the the rules that were put on you. It was also kind of a matter of can you financially withstand the punishment that you're going to get for doing this? Was it Sunday River Brewing? I'm looking for yes, it was. Yeah, they decided to keep their their restaurant open. But it wasn't without cost. Yeah. Like that you became a target for the COVID Hall Monitor police. And they were going to make an example out of you. And so I'm not sitting here trying to claim that I would have been a tough guy or I would have done something different. But I know when Nancy's saying that there were a few people who who stood out there. Now, speaking of the hair salons, you hadn't multiple situations with Nancy Pelosi getting her hair done and then saying she was set up. Lori Lightfoot saying she had to get her hair cooked. She was the face of Chicago. So the beauty parlors really did have a big part to play in the COVID-19 shutdowns. We'll take more of your calls when we come back. Live from the Aviva Thratria studio. Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly show. Thank you all so much for tuning in today. It is the four year anniversary of 15 days to slow the spread and we have a lot of people who want to discuss that. Some people are reminding me of bizarre rules and moments that I have forgotten about. Somebody said that at bars at one point you weren't allowed to look directly at the bartender. Was that like the the horse blinders things that we had? Yeah, some of them had like a cubicle. Some of them had the the dividers. Yeah. But I remember I can't remember exactly why. But I was in a restaurant and yeah like you had to sit sideways and like your drink was served around the plastic. Yeah. And you could turn. It was yeah. Nightmare for for the service. Very scientific. Very well sourced scientific settled science. And then in New York in New York City they had all these igloos that you could go into and you could rent an igloo for the night. It is it's like and the kids in the Washington band that had to play the instruments in the pod with like the instruments like all of the wacky stupidness like you can't remember all of it but then these images just come floating in. Yeah, that was like the bubble boy. That was like a Seinfeld episode. They had like the little tubes that they could put out their arms in to play the saxophone. And then you couldn't eat in a restaurant but you could eat outside in like hermetically sealed pods. What does that run burgundy say? It's science science. Jim, you're up next on the Grace Curly show. Go ahead, Jim. Hi Grace. How are you? First of all, I'd like to say I'm a big fan. Your inspiration on how you rationally discuss the issues. I love listening to you. Thank you, Jim. I'm calling because my daughter worked through COVID. She was with nurse before COVID and worked all the way through COVID and three quick things that happened to her and then why she quit if you have time. Yeah, go ahead. First, she's she's very, you know, five foot four. She's very slim. And during COVID, the orderlies would not be able to come into the room with her and she dealt with a lot of significantly overweight people. So she had to move, take care of all their bodily functions and the orderlies refused to come in even though they were designated one to come in and he wouldn't. And then if she called the doctor, she said there's an issue a doctor needs to look at. I'm a nurse, not a doctor. The doctor would come and stand in the doorway and say, describe to me what's going on with the patient. And she said, no, you're supposed, I called you because you're supposed to come in here and take a look at that. And I've got other patients, you know, I'm dealing with a lot more patients than I should have to. Like Jim, the doctors didn't want to get close to the patients. They'd like to stand at the threshold. Doctors would not come in, their doctors would not come into the room. There's some that would, but a lot of them would not. And then the final thing, I mean, she also, for family members, she broke protocol a lot of times because people would want to see people who were terminal. A lot of some of her patients were terminal. And she would have Zoom calls with the patient when they are awake so that they could talk to them, say goodbye, do whatever. And so she would run back and forth to the, you know, talk, try to talk to the, and she was violating programs. She got yelled at because she wasn't spending her time charting the patients, which was annoying. And then final, the last straw was these traveling nurses near the end when there was a real nursing shortage would come in. They're not trained to do anything that she does. They sit at the nurses station and they got a lot of rewards because they, oh, they're doing all their charting. They're doing all the paperwork. Meanwhile, my daughter is doing all the work that they're supposed to be helping with and they're getting paid twice as much as she's getting paid. So finally, I'll be real quick. She left because she asked at the end of all this, I just like to get a $5 an hour raise. I've been working overtime. I've been working extra shifts. I've been working at night, you know, to make that little extra money. I wanted a $5 an hour raise and they said, no, we can't afford it because it's been hospitals struggled. She said, but you're paying all these traveling nurses. You can't afford $5 more an hour for me. And they said, no, and she said, I'm just done. So that was last year. Yeah. And I think that, Jim, first of all, thank you for calling. Those are some things about being a nurse that I wasn't privy to. I hadn't heard that before, especially about the doctors not going in. But the other thing I'd love to hear from, if anybody's out there as teachers or people who have daughters or sons who were teachers, because I think that was also a huge part of this. And I personally had family members who were teachers, one who's around my age, who was dealing with the fact that the unions felt one way about certain situations, and they felt the other. And they didn't feel like they could really go against the unions. But it wasn't a cake walk for them either. You're trying to get all these kids to focus up and pay attention on the Zoom learning, on the remote learning. And if you're a good teacher, and there are so many good teachers out there, I was blessed with wonderful teachers in my life, you want to be in the classroom. You want to be making sure the kids are getting it, that they're understanding, that they're interacting with their classmates. And the socialization was a huge part of it too. And that's all things we lost. And now what you're dealing with in a lot of these schools is kids just didn't come back. And the other part, which I know has been brought up, and I think it's sad to think about. It's sad to really grasp it. But it's important to remember is that a lot of children who were not in good situations at home and who were abused, the teachers did not have the ability to keep an eye on those kids, or to check in with those kids, because they were at home. They weren't coming into school. And so that was also something that spiked, unfortunately, during the pandemic, during the shutdown. I wanted to make mention here, this is a really big update for everyone. The Supreme Court, I'm reading now from NBC News, Supreme Court allows Texas to enforce immigration law. The Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that it will allow Texas to enforce, for now, a contentious new law that gives local police the power to arrest migrants, a contentious new law. I mentioned I was reading from NBC, right? So there's, there's going to be, there's going to be a little bit of a narrative here. The Conservative Majority Court, damn, they really, sometimes I like to give these outlets the benefit of the doubt. I like to just say, oh, I'll get a straight news story from them to just give everyone an update on something. They can't help themselves. The Conservative Majority Court, with three liberal justices dissenting, rejected an emergency request by the Biden administration, which said states have no authority to legislate on immigration, an issue the federal government has sole authority over. That means the law can go into effect while litigation continues in lower courts. It could still be blocked at a later date. So these were, this was the dissenting opinion. And I, I believe it was Justice Sonia Sotomayor who wrote it. The court gives a green light to a law that will upend the longstanding federal state balance of the power and so chaos. The majority did not explain its reasoning, but one of the conservative justices, Amy Coney Barrett, wrote separately to note that an appeals court has yet to weigh in on the issue. If a decision does not issue soon, the applicants may return to this court, she wrote. The law in question is known as SB 4, allows police to arrest migrants who illegally cross the border from Mexico and imposes criminal penalties. I, I'm baffled that this had to go to the Supreme Court. I'm going to read that again just because maybe there's just maybe like Joe Scarborough said, maybe I am just too stupid to get it. But it seems, it seems very, there's nothing contentious in my mind about this law. But if NBC Jared says it's contentious, then it must be, right? There's no way they'd be trying to mislead me. It says the long question allows police to arrest migrants who illegally cross the border. So let me rephrase that really quickly. The long question allows police to arrest illegal aliens, right? Is it migrants who illegally cross the border? Is that, if you translate that into common sense speak, isn't that illegal aliens? And if you're an illegal alien, don't the police have a right to arrest you just because you're breaking the law? I'm just confused why we need it to use like, Oh, hey, we got to bring this to Amy Coney Barrett. Don't they have other things they could be worried about? This doesn't seem like something that even needed to reach the Supreme Court. It would also empower state judges to order people to be deported to Mexico. The dispute is the latest clash between the Biden administration in Texas over immigration enforcement on the U.S. Mexico border. So the law is going to allow police in Texas to arrest illegal aliens who cross the border illegally. Wow. What has the world come to? At this rate, Jared, I mean, the liberals are probably apoplectic over this. This is outrageous. How can I not welcome them into my home? Because, you know, it's my home. If we can't let them in. 844 542 42. I want to mention something else. This is a very, very sad story. And I'm just going to read directly from Breitbart because there's a lot of details here. It's a heartbreaking story out of Chicago. As most of my audience is probably aware, there's a lot of violence in Chicago. It's constant. Every weekend we get updates about the shootings in Chicago. But this is about an 11 year old who was murdered while trying to shield his pregnant mom from her paroled ex. So I want to read you. This is Jaden Perkins as the 11 year old victim in this case. Officials sentenced the man to 16 years in prison. So this is the man who's accused of stabbing this young man. Official sentenced the man to 16 years in prison after he choked another ex girlfriend and stole her vehicle in 2015. So listen to this guy's rap sheet, okay? He was freed in October, but given a memo that said there was an active order of protection against him from contacting Jaden Perkins mother. Although Perkins's mother informed authorities about what happened because he had sent a threatening text showed up was ringing the doorbell trying to open the door in January. So Jaden's mother alerts authorities to what happened. And the ex-boyfriend was locked up again. Okay, that they dated more than 15 years ago. And this guy, this nut is still showing up, knocking on her door after he gets released from prison. You would think like, you know, you go into prison, you're there for a while, you think maybe he'd turn over a new leaf and just leave these people alone. No, he shows up again. And he's locked up again. Now I should give you his name because it's Chris Eddie brand. The story focuses on Jaden Perkins, who was the 11 year old who was killed. But Chris Eddie brand is the 37 year old who is the suspect here, okay? Okay. So although Jaden's mother informed authorities about what happened and brand was locked up again, he was freed on Tuesday and the woman was informed of the situation. As Perkins and his younger sibling were preparing for school early Wednesday, their mother unlocked the door and found brand who was accused of forcing his way into their home and stabbing the woman. The young boy, 11 years old, tried to intervene and rescue his mom. But brand also allegedly stabbed the boy in the chest. Once the boy's mother got away and locked herself in another room, the suspect tried to enter but eventually fled. He was later located and arrested at his mother's home. This is a chilling story. But it's important to read this because, you know, as a lot of people were pointing out, you're not going to hear much about this in the media. It doesn't fit a narrative. There's not going to be, you know, there's not going to be a lot of talk about Jaden Perkins, this 11 year old who tried to save his mom. But just a really, really horrible story. 844 542 Cindy, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show and you're probably going to be the last person we get to talk to. What's going on, Cindy? Just quickly, I was listening to the show. I love each show, by the way. I work for public health during this whole thing with COVID and we used to, you know, always personally answer our phone and everything. But as the time went on, we had to get an answering service because we would get hundreds and hundreds of calls daily about someone not wearing a mask or someone at a grocery store not standing six feet from them. Their neighbor mowing a lawn with an escrow. It was just, it got to the point. Yes, I swear to God. One person called and I said, oh, my God, you must be really scared. This is like May. I said, you need to shut your windows, shut your doors, close the shades and stay in. I was just, we can't deal with this every single day. It was just an incredible amount of, we hired people just to answer the phone because there was one particular bar and we're talking near September. So this has gone on all summer and the bartenders, they're behind glass, by the way, not wearing a mask. And it would every day, every single day. This bartender, and it was, it was, it was unreal, really. It became like a telltale line. Oh, it's like Karen's, all the Karen's. I was like, I can't even do this anymore. That's just crazy. I don't, I don't blame you. And then you almost become a therapist. You're like on this hotline being like, and how did that make you feel when the bartender didn't have a mask on? Oh, it made you feel scared. Okay, let's work through that. You're sitting here going, what am I doing? Thank you, Cindy. I appreciate the call. Hey, I had mentioned something three hours ago when I told you guys I'd get to it and then I almost forgot. But we're circling back. Joe Scarborough went on a rant yesterday, Jared. We talked about this rant. He was talking about how he tweeted about how Donald Trump had brought up a bloodbath and he, and then Joe Scarborough said that he wants another January 6 to happen and Elon Musk corrected Joe Scarborough and said, January 6 wasn't a bloodbath. And he was also, Trump was referring to the auto industry. This tweet is very misleading. Joe Scarborough deletes the tweet and then the next morning goes on MSNBC and goes on this giant, like, tirade about how we're stupid. He's smart. Yeah, the other, the other. But something I didn't mention is that, do you notice he swore on the air? Yeah. Yeah, I had to be twice in the car. Do we have the cut? Yeah. Can we? Let's, let's find it. I didn't. So yesterday, I do Grace's news on how he shows people now. It's coming up soon. And how he said, and he swore. That's what how he said to me. And he swore too. Take a listen to this. Obviously, he's talking about a bloodbath for America. It's laid out in the terms of it. And these idiots on Twitter, these idiots on on cable news, these idiots on Sunday shows on where I have my presence, you know, he was talking all the way about the auto industry. And this is one more just bull. Let me say that at 6 15 a.m. It's just bull. He knew what he was doing. Okay. So how he says to me? Oh, he and he swore too. And I said, I hate. This is a new thing. My favorite part of the meeting was like, okay. No, but Jared, I hate media now that that's the new way of being like, this is how you know, I mean business. That, that started with the bleep hole countries. Yes, Don Lemon. I all of CNN was like, oh, okay, we can swear now. Yeah. And they do it in this way. That's like, yeah, I'm talking tough. And this is how you know I'm serious because I'm going to swear on the air and it just doesn't impress me. It's like, okay, great. Now I'm supposed to be scared of Joe Scarborough. He really means business. He said BS and he said the full word on the air. I don't care. He's still some dumb. You're not making the points you think you're making, but that's supposed to be. That's the new way for these losers like Donnie Deutsch and Joe Scarborough and all these fake tough guys to flex their muscles and say, look at this is, I'm not scared of anybody. I'll swear on my morning show. I don't care who gets mad at me. It's like, okay, okay, cool your jets. We get it. Thank you very much. 844, 500, 42, 42. When we come back, someone who never swears on the air, he can get his message across without cursing. That would be how we car. We're going to talk to him after the break. This is the Grace Curly Show. Joining us now on the line is how we car, how we, we spent some time today going over the memories we had. This is the four year anniversary of 15 days to slow the spread. What sticks out in your mind? Everything sticks out in my mind. I got, I had Taylor pull some of the sound cuts. This, you know, I wrote a column just, I just sent it to the Herald. You know, they talk about a bloodbath. I mean, this was a real bloodbath. Yeah. I mean, this was the biggest, this was a big, the biggest bloodbath in American history, actually, you know, and they, and the people who are screaming at Trump, they're the ones who promoted the bloodbath. It's a really, really good point. How he's got such a great show plan. He's got old cuts of Charlie Parker, otherwise known as Charlie Baker, and he's going to go down memory lane. He'll take your calls. He's got so much to get to. So do not miss the Howie car show coming up next.