The Howie Carr Radio Network

Obama vs. Biden: Is Joe Jealous of Barry's Success? | 3.19.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Maybe Biden misses being back in Barack's shadow...the good ol' days of 2009! Now that he's the front man, all eyes are on his presidency, and he's not very good at it.

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19 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattoria studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace, stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show. Before we get into COVID, we already have people on the lines who want to talk about it. And I have a feeling it's not because they have fond memories on this four-year anniversary of 15 days to slow the spread. Oh my God, it was like, and this is how naive I am. You guys ready to lose all respect for me? For today, I mean, there'll be a new reason tomorrow, but for today, instead, I kind of believed it. I did. I was kind of like, okay, what day are we on? Well, it's day eight. All right, more than halfway. You know who didn't? My mom, my mom has so much common sense. I like to think I got a little bit from her and my dad, but she was from the beginning. She was like, no, there was something about it. And I know that a lot of my listeners were the same exact way. And something I noticed about COVID right from the beginning is that when they started, so they had all the requirements. You have to have a mask on. You have to do this. You have to do that. And then as they started easing up on them, like certain stores started saying, okay, you don't have to wear one or whatever. And this was years into it. I started to notice the same group of people who would be going maskless and they all reminded me of my mom. It was like women, women who get bleep done, who've got a lot going on. I be at CVS. There'd be some 45 year old woman picking up prescriptions for her kids and for her parents. And she'd be standing there and there'd be a 15 year old kid next door with a mask on. And she'd be standing there on the phone be like, hey, mom. Yeah. So what is it? What is it? The eyedrops? Okay, I got it. I'm thinking this lady doesn't have time for this BS. This lady has moved on mentally, physically. She is moving on to something else. And we're going to talk about this time because it's the four year anniversary. And Dr. Scott Atlas and other people, you know, other well known figures when it comes to health and science are raising the question like have enough people been held accountable. Has there been enough accountability when it comes to all of the measures that were put in place during that time period? But before I jump into that, I wanted to read just a few lines here from a story. It's the editorial board at the Wall Street Journal. Democrats turn against Israel. Now, this isn't new. This has been happening since October 7. Some people were quick to turn on Israel. Some people didn't waste any time. You had like, for example, Jared, Rashida Taeib. She wasn't going to wait the week out and say, okay. Yeah, that was bad. But she was almost immediately immediately. She was the Norm McDonald tweet. I'm worried about the backlash. Instantly, there was Jews that were butchered. More Jews killed. There haven't been that many Jews killed since the Holocaust. And Rashida Taeib was immediately thinking about, but what about the backlash? And now you have Joe Biden, who's very concerned about this faction of his party that is radical, that is progressive, and that is mad at him. That's the most important part. They're mad at Joe. And I always, I say this probably once a day, but I think it's important to remember because this is what we always say about alligators. You can appease the alligator. You can keep feeding him and saying, oh, he's not going to eat me. But once you're done with that bucket, once that bucket's empty, he's going to eat you. It might be last. It might be later, but he's going to get you. And I always go back to that Nancy Pelosi interview where they asked her about Ilhan Omar and Rashida Taeib and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. And now we have like Jamal Bowman. We have these new members of the squad, Ayanna Pressley. And her response, her very dismissive response was, yeah, that's like five people. That's like five people. Well, that like five people have Joe Biden by the, you know what? And all their supporters have him by it too. And it's very obvious. So I wanted to read you a line from this, and I'll read a couple, but one that I really liked. It said, the joke around Jerusalem is that while Mr. Biden once worked to help Israel after October 7th, he's now working on the two state solution. And they have that in quotes, Michigan and Nevada. That's his two state solution. He's very worried. It goes on to say to condemn Israel, Mr. Biden trots out the Hamas figure of more than 30,000 casualties in Gaza. And I talked to Ari Hoffman about this. If you ever miss any of our podcasts, we have Ari Hoffman. We have so many great people. And I brought this up to Ari because they're using these figures from a terrorist organization. They're just taking them at their word. Like they wouldn't take the Biden administration, the White House, is very skeptical of certain organizations. But when it comes to Hamas, they will take them at their word. You know, Hamas is worried about their standing in the international community. They're going to give us accurate numbers. So they're more than willing to use the 30,000 casualties. Why doesn't he mention that Israel says more than 13,000 of them were Hamas fighters? Kind of feels like it'd be an important since, you know, Joe Biden keeps claiming, I'm all in for eliminating Hamas. That's a big part of this Jared of this equation. It's like the A part and then the B part. He likes to say, I really want to eliminate Hamas. However, with that being said, but comma, here's why I don't actually support Israel. And so you'd think since he's all about eliminating Hamas, if 13,000 of those were Hamas fighters, that might be something worth mentioning. The resulting combatant to civilian casualty ratio of around one to 1.3, a test to Israeli accuracy and restraint. But that isn't what they want to hear in Dearborn, Michigan. I mean, that's what Joe Biden is interested in doing. He wants to deliver a message to these radical far left voters who are mad at him that says, I'm with you. And he's, it's a real, it's, it's a real delicate balance, you know, he's walking a tightrope because he doesn't want to tick off the other contingency of his party Jewish Democrats. He doesn't want them to not vote for him, but he needs to give a wink wink to these radical progressives. Mr. Biden has also endorsed Senator Chuck Schumer's declaration last week that Israelis must oppose the elected Mr Netanyahu. Other Democrats are piling on. Even more serious are delays in U.S. weapons transfers, leaked threats to cut off arms. And later it says, Mr. Netanyahu doesn't treat the U.S. as an unapproachable black box, which spits out a presidential policy in that's final. He knows U.S. public opinion can be influenced to constrain the president's power. If Mr. Biden thinks he's the only one with leverage here in advance of a U.S. election, he's wrong. I would say Joe Biden is the last person with leverage. Joe Biden is, he's fighting for his political life right now. He is, remember what Dana Prino said when he came out to respond to the Robert, her report? She said it's like a wounded rabbit animal backed into a corner, a wounded political animal. And he was just yelling, hoping that something he yelled out would save him from himself. Behind this spat is the dawning of knowledge in Israel that perhaps the U.S. can't be relied on. I didn't read the whole thing. It goes into Ukraine. It goes into other things. But I thought that was an important thing to read right now. When you have a lot of these, and maybe it's now we're just so used to all of these foreign policy disasters with Joe Biden, that you don't realize like the Senate majority leader telling Israel they should have new elections. There's no elections on a calendar for right now. And basically telling them you should get rid of Netanyahu and bring in a new prime minister. That's not normal. Like remember we were told everything was going to be normal? That's not normal. And I was reading because they're going to have these house hearings now. They just started on Biden's chaotic Afghanistan exit. Another thing we don't have a lot of answers on. Thirteen dead Americans, not a lot of answers though. And I was reading this story today in Axios. And it was all about Biden and Obama and how Biden, whenever he has something, and these are just sources. You know, this is my favorite. This is palace entry. But I guess whenever Biden thinks he's done something great, he'll say to his staffers, Obama would be jealous. That's where his mind goes. Obama would be jealous. And it talks about how this her report actually exposes some of the parts of their relationship that they don't tout to the media. Like the not so nice things that Obama has said about Joe and how he didn't really support him in 2016. And according to Joe, Joe thinks, according to this report, I should say, Joe thinks that he would have had a better shot than Hillary. At beating Donald Trump. He's privately told aides that he believes he could have beaten Trump in 2016. Now, here's my favorite part though in the Axios report. It says, "Many longtime Biden aides have long felt that Obama and his team did not fully appreciate Biden's experience with foreign policy." And that they were disrespectful. Now, it takes a lot for me to look back fondly at the Obama years. It's heavy lifting, Jared. But read this piece about how little Obama thinks of Joe Biden and how he didn't trust his foreign policy expertise. Makes me think that there was more going on up there than I gave him credit for. Because keep in mind, Obama was the same guy who told us, "Do not underestimate Joe Biden's ability to bleep things up." Biden was the one guy in the room who told Obama, "Don't go in and take out Osama bin Laden." That was his foreign policy expertise, five decades of that. And that's what we got from it. It was five decades of foreign policy experience in one crucial moment. And then this is another great line from this. One former Biden aide told Axios, "The Obama people thought Biden would suck as president. They didn't think he'd be organized enough to execute." Right. Again. Seems like they might have been on to something. Barack Obama's lot of things, but observant is definitely one of them in this case. But they're saying, Jared, he thought that Biden was going to suck as president. Look at us now. So, yeah, you definitely proved him right. You definitely, for once in his life, Obama can say, "I told you so." Obama was warning all of us about this. And later it says, "At times, Biden's competitiveness with Obama has affected how he governs. He tried to correct for what he sees as the former president's mistakes and shortcomings." Oh boy. The ego. You thought that that would be a great question. Who's got the bigger ego, Obama or Biden? I'm here to tell you guys something, because I've done that before as a poll question. Everybody calls in and it's like, "It's Obama." And I was here for, I was working for how he went Obama was president. I had to pull a lot of his speeches. And he is very, very arrogant and, you know, definitely takes his time when he talks. He says, "I" a lot. He makes everything about himself. But I don't think he holds a candle to Joe. And he doesn't have the same level of vindictiveness that Joe has. Like, bitterness. You know, Joe, Joe has all the arrogance of Obama, but he has it with a massive chip on his shoulder. Yeah. It's like Obama thinks he's God. Joe thinks he can beat up God. Like, that's the best way I can describe it. Like, that's really the way, that's the dynamic here. Jared, I'm so glad he brought this up. Because, total separate note, you know how yesterday we were talking about Joe Scarborough so much? So Joe Scarborough goes on TV and he says he put out this tweet about Trump and the blood bath comment, which now, if you've listened to my show, you know this that Trump was referring to the auto industry, trying to make these vehicles, you can listen to the whole cut. There's plenty of context there. If you haven't been lobotomized, you should be able to figure it out. But the crazy thing was Joe Scarborough's response. And I'm just now hearing, I'm not going to have time. I do have a read. But when I come back, remind me of this. Because I had a thought yesterday about Joe Scarborough, I did not get to it. And I think it's important. We'll be right back. And for right now though, Jared, I'm going to remind you to tell everyone about the Nossa Beach Inn. It's such a wonderful spot to stay, to book your room right now. You cannot beat the price. I'll tell you about that in a little bit. But Jared's going to tell you about the experience of staying at the Nossa Beach Inn. Yeah. So we went in the winter, we went in December, which is the off season and spring is still the off season, which is great, which is why you can get the spring booking prices now. You should hop on that at But the tranquility that you get when you're at the Nossa Beach Inn, you are almost on the beach. Like whatever room you're in, you are steps from the beach. You can enjoy the beach. You can listen to the waves. They're pet friendly. You can bring your dog. You can bring your family. You can bring whoever you want to. They have fire pits. So you can sit outside. These are the perfect days to sit around at night or early in the morning on fire pit. My wife and I love sitting by the fire pits, drinking our morning coffee, watching the sunrise. If it gets a little too chilly, which it can, you know, every room has a fireplace, a nice picture window. You can stay cozy. You can still enjoy the ambiance and the tranquility. It's the perfect getaway destination. April vacation is coming up. I'm just saying. And your April stay, you can book that for $249.99 at night. This May rates are from $259.99 at night. So don't delay to reserve your ocean view room. Go to That's Everybody on the lines who wants to talk COVID, we will get to that. I know I delayed it here. What can I say? This is just what happens. But we will be right back with more. Don't go anywhere. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. It was the movie review nobody asked for. But I will say since then, we've been getting a lot of people calling up, not wanting to go on the air, but just saying, hey, Taylor, I've got a movie for Grace to watch. So I've got a whole list here. And I'm going to tell you guys which movies are going to come first. Whichever ones I can watch for free are going to be top of the list. It takes a lot for me to purchase a movie these days. But thank you to everyone who's calling in with recommendations. And if you missed my Oppenheimer review, you can catch that in the first hour of the show. Ron, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Ron. Hey, Grace. Hello, sir. I'm going to practice being-- this is about COVID and Fauci. But I'm going to practice being very careful. So Dr. Fauci, our national savior, allegedly funded the research on coronaviruses in the Chinese lab where the virus allegedly either leaked or was released from, allegedly killing over 20 million people worldwide, making him an alleged mass murderer or at least guilty of manslaughter. And the Biden administration allegedly was the benefactor of a medical and political coup similar to the way that Fidel Castro rolled on Cuba in a tank and Biden rolled on United States on a virus. Well, allegedly, you use the word allegedly a lot, Ron. So technically, I don't think you can get in trouble for anything you just said. I'm not going to confirm it. Per se, I wouldn't say Fauci is a mass murderer. I would say that he is an egomaniac, a narcissist, a bureaucrat who has so much power, way more power than he should have had, and he wielded it in really dangerous ways. He should be held responsible, but I wouldn't go that far. But I'm glad you brought up COVID because it's the four-year anniversary of 15 days to slow the spread. And on top of that, yesterday, we have the Supreme Court hearing arguments about big tech and whether or not it was right for the White House to kind of bully big tech into censoring what they deemed COVID misinformation. Remember, Joe Biden said to us, the Facebook's killing people. He said something like that. Facebook's killing people because they didn't take down the stuff that Joe Biden didn't want you to hear and or didn't want you to read. And so this actually brings us not just to the COVID topic, but it brings us to the poll question, because as skeptical as we are. And so Katanji Brown Jackson, the Supreme Court Justice, she had this moment where she talked about how she's worried that the government is being hamstrung because of the First Amendment. And they should be able to, you know, take things down or they should be able to censor things that are dangerous for the public to consume. And that brought me to my poll question, which is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houton in Nashua. Call 1-844 a perfect smile or visit perfect So Katanji Brown Jackson says the government is being hamstrung by the First Amendment. What say you, Jared? What's the poll question? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at is who do you trust more big government or big tech? Some people are texting and saying, oh, they're on the same team. That's not what I asked. Say, who do you trust more? I'm going big tech because they haven't been around as long. 87% now say big tech, 13% for big government. I'm from Facebook and I'm here to help you. We'll be right back. Live from the Aviva Trattria studio. I'm sorry, I got one more thing in this Axios story about Joe Biden. Joe Biden keeps trying to, he seems like he's very insecure about his relationship with Obama and he compares himself to Obama a lot and there seems to be a lot of tension there. I don't think he's actually happy when Obama succeeds. I think he's jealous. I think there's a jealousy aspect and I told you how Biden staffers don't think Obama respected his foreign policy brilliance enough, his foreign policy experience. Well, it also says at times Biden's competitiveness with Obama has affected how he governs. He tried to correct for what he sees as the former president's mistakes and shortcomings. Biden was adamant about withdrawing troops from Afghanistan in 2021, in part because he felt vindicated that Obama should have followed his advice in 2009 to largely withdraw them then. You think Obama watched what happened in Afghanistan in 2021 and thought, you know what, Joe was right on the money with that. This is what I should have, you know, the helicopter landing on the embassy. This would have been a great visual for my presidency. Oh man, I bumped out, but I didn't take his advice. It's not a brag. It's Jared. It's the weirdest thing because it's so skill. They brag about things that are abject failures. They brag about the weirdest things. It says when talking about lobbying Obama against surging troops to Afghanistan in 2009, Biden told her that he was trying to quite frankly save his ass. So he's telling Robert heard during their interviews that he was trying to help Obama with Afghanistan. I was trying to save his ass. Obama, Obama, Obama, I'm going on record to saying Obama must hate this guy. I think it's, it's passed like, oh, they're competitive or Obama jokes around that he knows Joe's a little bit of a dope and oh, you know, Joe talks so much and yeah. He doesn't really, I think Obama hates him. I think he hates him. I think he looks at him and is like this moron and you know what else? I think there's a lot of things that would have never come to light if Biden had just been happy taking a backseat and, you know, riding out the rest of his life in retirement as you know, this elder statesman, but he had to become president. That's why Obama said you don't have to do this Joe. It wasn't because he was concerned about Joe and he's like being the wife that Joe Biden clearly needs and doesn't have in Dr. Jill. It was because he's going, you don't have to drag all of us through this. You are not equipped. You are not sharp enough. You haven't been sneaky enough with all of your, you know, corrupt influence peddling schemes. You don't have to do this. It's not necessary. That's what it was. It wasn't a friend looking out for a friend. No. Obama never liked him. Obama just saw him as a way to grip some money out of him. He saw him as a bag man, basically like this guy's taking all this improper money from here. I got to get me in on some of that action, you know, that Joe Biden guy is vice president. He's a dumb, dumb. Yeah. He's even a screw this up. Anyway, it's never going to get traced back to me. I'll be a useful idiot. You know what? I wanted to mention here. I just had an idea. We're talking all about Israel and how Biden is doing this weird dance where he's trying to pretend that he still supports Israel and the way he does that is he says, you know, has support eliminating Hamas, but dot, dot, dot, dot. And I have this good idea, I think, for Donald Trump. And that would be that we know now that this group of Biden supporters are so angry at him. They see him as, I think they're calling him a genocide enabler. Is that the last thing I heard they're showing up. They showed up at the Oscars and they had Joe Biden's like bloodied head on a stomp. It was obviously not it was a dummy head, but they they're very angry at Joe. They're showing up at all these protests. They're protesting Dr. B. Imagine they're protesting Dr. B. She's just a teacher trying to make a living and she's doing all these events and they're showing up. They're protesting Nancy Pelosi. Poit society as we know it is at risk here. And so I've got this great idea since we know that Joe Biden is terrified of losing these nuts. And that's how he's doing everything now. There's nothing to do with Israel. He's more concerned. Like they said, a two state solution. I love that Michigan and Nevada. That's his two state solution he's concerned with. I think Trump should get out the next time he does a rally and he should or better yet the next time he has one of these press conferences after a ruling in one of these cases, he's got like six cases pending at all times, he should get out there and say, you know, I don't agree with a lot of what Joe Biden does, but I want to give him credit for being such a staunch supporter of Israel. You know, this is a guy and he could just go on and on and really drill because Biden doesn't want that either, Jared, Biden doesn't want the headline to be that he is like the most supportive ally Israel's ever had because then all of the Ivy League nuts are going to be mad at him. So Trump should just go out and be like, what a guy he is sending all these weapons and all this money to Israel. Good on you, Joe. You know, you impressed me on that front. All right. Now let's get back to that's just a free idea. Let's get back to COVID here. So we are at the four year anniversary of 15 days to slow the spread. Now, COVID, I think in general, COVID for a lot of people comes with a lot of painful memories and we're seeing a lot of the after effects now we're beginning to see the full scope of the damage that was wrought by a lot of these politicians, by a lot of these health administrators and policymakers, whatever they want to call themselves, but the 15 days, that time period, because this is what the anniversary is. The time period of the 15 days to slow the spread, it was so weird and it really sticks in my mind. And I'm sure I would think it does for everyone because as a country, we never experienced anything like that before. It didn't matter what your age was. It's not like your parents. It's not like a blizzard, you know, where your parents will say, well, when I was a kid, everyone from, you know, the young kids in the household to the grandparents were going, what is this, never seen anything like this? And you know, you had Tiger King that was sweeping the nation at the time, people making sourdough from scratch, Dr. Birx is out there showing us all how to fasten these new masks. If you don't have a mask, here's how you make one at home. I don't, at the time of the 15 days to slow the spread, we were told don't use the medical masks because the medical people need them. So don't make your own masks, I think that was the thing at the time. Things change very quickly. You had Larry David telling people, stay home, watch TV, do your part. People were having happy hours, Zoom meetings. It was very weird. It was a weird time. And we had no idea during that 15 days. Maybe some people did. Maybe some people had a crystal ball and, you know, they just had different intuitions. But I don't, for most of us, I think I can say we didn't know we were about to enter such a dark period for our country and for the world. And the 15 days to slow the spread, it was the first lie of many lies during the pandemic. We went on to have like six feet distancing, plexiglass, you had bouncers at the supermarket. Remember, you just have to wait in line at the supermarket. They let like six people in and then they say, okay, we got to let those people shop. And then once you got inside the supermarket, you had to follow the arrows. You had to follow the arrows. You go one way. They go the other. And you had remote learning for kids, which we'll get to. You had restaurants shutting down. You had the targets were open, but the small businesses, the mom and pop stores were closed. And it was a lot of it didn't make any sense from the beginning, but the polite thing to do, like the decent thing to do if you were a good person, if you weren't a grandma killer, which at the time is becoming clear, there were some people who were thought of as grandma killers. If you immediately pointed out that none of it made any sense, it was like, oh, you just don't care about people. You just don't care about your neighbor. But a lot of it from the beginning wasn't science. It was an arbitrary set of rules that people made up to make themselves feel better and to really enforce their power on people. And I think as far as that goes, as far as that experiment, and I'll always remember Jared, somebody posted it. I don't know if it was like social media, but somebody said, you know, down the line, we'll forget this time. We'll forget like the specifics, the details, but the government will never forget how we folded, how we obeyed. How we bent the knee and did whatever they wanted. And that part of it, I think, is true. So the reason I bring this up beyond it, just being the four year anniversary, is because in the Wall Street Journal, Dr. Scott Atlas, he corroded a piece about the lessons learned four years later. Now he was an advisor to Trump in 2020. He's a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution. And he's one of, I would say he's one of the good ones. If you prefer, or if you prefer the media narrative, you might say he's one of the bad ones. He was one of the non-believers who ended up over the course of the last couple of years being proven correct. So what he really was urging people was to keep a cool head, which immediately gets you blacklisted by the panic porn pushers in the media in a Democrat party. His piece isn't about how he was right, like I told you so, but rather it focuses on the damages that we're now witnessing. And he zeroes in on two things, learning loss, which has been astounding. And I don't see it being fixed in a year or in two years. I see that being something we deal with for decades. And if there's any teachers out there, I would love to get your take on it, because maybe you'll tell me no, you're wrong, it's actually we're all doing great. And the second thing is a loss of trust in these institutions. Because think about it, yeah, the CDC became a joke, like they were changing things so quickly. And I remember at one point, and I was when this was all going on, I wasn't married yet. So I wasn't really in the headspace of I'm about to have a child per se, but a lot of my friends were getting pregnant. And I remember at one point they were saying, get the cook, get the booster shot or get the COVID shot. If you're pregnant and then a couple of weeks later, don't get it. And I'm like, what if somebody did when you're pregnant, you're so concerned about every single thing. Can I drink this tea? Can I have something weird in it? And they were just, they were switching things so willy nilly. And so then the conversation became what happened if there was an emergency and I'm not downplaying what COVID was, but if we did need to listen to the CDC and all of a sudden you have all these people who don't trust the CDC anymore. And that's not something that's going to come back again in a year and two years. This stays with people. So Scott Atlas wrote about the loss of trust in these institutions and the learning loss that kids endured. And it's funny because there's a real push, one from people who know they were wrong and who were obnoxious about it, like the rules for the even not for me types, the French laundry types. There's a push from them to move on from this. And that makes sense. They want to cover their tracks. They don't want to dwell on the fact that they were tyrannical morons for two plus years. But the other part I think it's natural is for people to say, I don't want to talk about the most depressing part of my life. Like I don't want to talk about the time period where I wasn't seeing anybody and I was some people were drinking, some people were doing drugs, some people were suicidal. It was a dark time. It was a low point, not for everyone. Some people like Dr. Fauci get awards, pillows made after them, magazine photo shoots. But I think for the most part, there was a lot of people who were struggling during that time. And so I totally understand the desire to push past it and not look back. But Scott Atlas and other people today who are writing these kind of these look backs at the last couple of years, they're urging Congress and the states to rewrite their public health emergency guidelines in a way that going forward, we don't have these rules that can be bent and twisted and contorted into whatever a Charlie Baker type wants it to be. And I think putting in those guardrails is the least we can do on the four year anniversary of 15 days to slow the spread. I think if we don't do that, we've learned nothing. That means the next time, whether it's because an election's coming up or whatever the reason is, I'll let the conspiracy theorists come up with those, but there's plenty of reasons. There's plenty of reasons to pull the emergency lever and say, oh no, no one can leave their house, shut down the businesses. That means the next time the politicians and their health advisors want to, they can do the same exact thing they did four years ago. Isn't that crazy? Yeah. Well, they just, I'm surprised they stopped extending it because remember every however long, oh yeah, the COVID emergency has been extended. So they get to maintain their power to just do whatever. I think that they stopped at one point, they stopped extending it because it was everything was bumping into each other like, oh, well, it's still an emergency because we still need the rent moratorium, but it's not an emergency because we need people like there were too many things contradicting themselves. So they said, okay, we got to be done with the emergency, but you're right, Jared, they they milked it for as long as they possibly couldn't. And it doesn't mean they won't bring it back in a year in two years. I don't know the next time, but they'll definitely try it again. Oh, you're trying it a couple months. Come on. Yeah, eight four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. You've been waiting for it. And now it's here. The even pure thunderstorm air purifier BOGO offer is on. The BOGO is great. Buy one, get one. It can purify the air of so many different things, allergens, pollutants, smells, you know, that musty smell you get in your basement or maybe your car, the thunderstorm, you just plug it in. It's small. It's easy to use, but it works. And you know what, Jared? It works really fast. I think that always surprises people. Some of these devices, these big bulky ones, you might notice it after a couple of days with the thunderstorm. I noticed in a couple of minutes, yeah, it's right away. It works. And it's the nice thing about it is you just plug it in, you turn it on. And it ionizes the air immediately, which is what creates that super oxygen. So you don't have to wait for something or, you know, it's like one of those things where you plug it into the outlet and there's some time-released spray that makes things smell flowery. No, this gets to work right away. I mean, people have written the show, they've texted us. We've talked about it countless times within 10 or 15 minutes. That odor is on its way out or completely gone. Yeah. So take advantage of the Bogo offer that ends this Sunday. Get the Eden Pure Thunderstorm air purifier today and get another one for free. Here's what you need to do. Go to and use Code Grace Bogo. That's Code Grace Bogo. We'll be right back. Coming to the Grace Curly Show. This is the Grace Curly Show. I haven't forgotten about Joe Scarborough, but I'm still going to save it. I want to save that for two o'clock. We'll talk a little bit about the tough guy from MSNBC. But to go back to COVID here, there's a piece in the New York Post. It says, "Even the New York Times now sees sense. The more time students spend and remote instruction the further they fell behind and experts say extended closures did little to stop the spread of COVID," a Monday piece declares. The architects of these disastrous policies, figures like Fauci, Francis Collins, and Debra Burks, escaped any reckoning. Times like Cuomo, Pelosi, and California Governor Gavin Newsom cheerfully flouted the rules they imposed on the little people going to dinner parties and otherwise cavorting in defiance of social distancing and mask mandates. Yeah, the French laundry thing, that should have been the end. There should have been. There were so many Scooby-Doo moments where we pulled the mask off and went, "Oh, I see what's happening. This is all just a power grab." And yet we'd see that. We'd have these politicians saying, "Well, I had to go to the club because Tony, Tony, Tony was performing." And we'd go, "Okay," and we put our mask back on and go into the store again. There were so many Eureka moments where you could have figured out, "Oh, wait a second. None of this makes any sense." But it still went on for so much longer. And there was a lot of times, Jared, where something would happen, where I would go, "Oh, okay, this has got to be the end of it. No. This has got to be the end." But it lasted a very long time. And there were people, as I pointed out, there were people who from the very beginning were defiant and did not take the instructions, did not do what they were told. And I give those people a lot of props. I wasn't one of them, though. Like, I didn't start fights. I did get in trouble here once in the building because someone ratted me out for going out on the hallway and making phone calls. They said to Howie, you know, "The woman in your office uses the hallway a lot. She's out there without a mask on making phone calls." But that was really, that was the craziest thing I did. And I'm sure everybody has a different story of the moment where you looked at this and said, "I'm not partaking in this anymore. I'm not partaking in this delusion any longer." A44, 500, 42, 42, we've got Joe Scarborough updates on Walmart and Michael Moore in the news when we come back. [MUSIC PLAYING]