Turley Talks

Ep. 2440 CNN Reporter STUNNED SILENT on LIVE TV! Elon HUMILIATES Don Lemon!!!

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19 Mar 2024
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It was not a good day to be a CNN reporter, especially when your mindless Democrat talking points go up against the caliber of someone like Vivek! Also, Don Lemon humiliates himself again. 

Tune in to learn the latest on the former CNN host’s propensity towards self-embarrassment and how Vivek stunned a woke CNN anchor speechless on live TV!


  • “You have a cost-of-living crisis throughout the country, you have the world order unraveling, but you’re number one priority as a supposed news agency is to quibble over name-calling? That was the brilliance of Vivek’s response.”
  • “Former CNN albatross Don Lemon was hoping to make a big comeback with his interview with Elon Musk on X, but as it turns out, he only ended up proving what an insufferable ass he really is!”


[03:08] Vivek’s response when asked about Trump’s ‘vermin’ remark

[05:50] CNN’s deliberate misrepresentation of Trump’s ‘bloodbath’ comment

[08:17] How Elon Musk humiliates Don Lemon


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**All clips used for fair use commentary, criticism, and educational purposes. See Hosseinzadeh v. Klein, 276 F.Supp.3d 34 (S.D.N.Y. 2017); Equals Three, LLC v. Jukin Media, Inc., 139 F. Supp. 3d 1094 (C.D. Cal. 2015).

Are we seeing the revitalization of conservative civilization? All over the world has been a massive backlash against globalization, its leftist leadership, and its anti-cultural liberal values. And it's just the beginning. I'm Dr. Steve Turling. I believe the liberal globalist world is at its brink, and a new conservative age is rising. Join me every day as we examine these worldwide trends, discover answers to today's toughest challenges. And together, learn to live in the present in life of even better things to cover. This is Turly Talks. It was not a good day to be a CNN reporter, especially when your mindless Democrat talking points go up against the caliber of someone like Vivek Ramaswami. Wait until you see how he stunned this woke anchor speechless on live TV. And then... We don't agree on this. Yes, you want censorship when I don't. No, I don't want censorship. Yes, you do. No, I want responsibility. I think there is... I think there... You desperately want censorship. No, if I want censorship... You want censorship so bad you can taste it. No, this is not true. Don Lemon humiliates himself once again. We're going to see the latest on the former CNN host's propensity towards self-embarrassed that you're not going to want to miss this. Hey gang, it's me, Dr. Steve, your Patreon professor. Here to help you stay sane during these insane times. So make sure to smack that bell and subscribe button. And let's dive right in. That language, they live like vermin. Do you believe that that is, as your Republican colleague, Chris Fristia, said, neo-Nazi rhetoric? This is a classic mainstream media move. Pick some individual phrase of Donald Trump. Focus on literally that word without actually interrogating the substance of what's at issue. The word was chosen for a reason. We are a middle of a cultural war in this country. The word was chosen for a reason. You know what it is? It's actually describing a series of behaviors. You have Antifa and other related groups that have been burning down cities for the last three years in this country. Would you describe that as vermin? While violating the rule of law, we have an invasion on our southern border. We have millions of people crossing our southern border. Let's talk about the substance of why we have to recognize that we're not in ordinary times. Would you use that language yourself? So the vocabulary of the vermin or not is not what's important. Well, I haven't used that language. So you can look at my track record on the campaign trail. I talk about the issues. We all talk about them differently. But what I'm not going to do is play some game of focusing on some word that somebody else said without ignoring entirely the substance of what we're actually talking about. A border crisis of historic proportion. Economic stagnation. We haven't seen in 50 years a national identity crisis and a loss of national pride in the next generation that's potentially existential for this country. Let's talk about our dependence on China today. We're actually talking about Xi Jinping picking on Donald Trump's word vermin to talk about that status quo. You know what's vermin? What's running around San Francisco on a given day before Gavin Newsom cleaned it up on a dime to roll out the red carpet for Xi Jinping. If he could do that for Xi Jinping, he could have done it on an ordinary day and yet we're here sitting talking not about the substance of that, but on one word that Donald Trump said in some speech in Miami, this is what's wrong with the mainstream media. Focus on the substance and let's have an actual policy debate rather than talking to a presidential candidate instead of the policy substance of what's actually going on in the country picking on some word that Donald Trump said on a certain day and asking me for comment on it. Give me a break. Now that's the very definition of getting wrecked. I mean getting rhetorically wrecked. That of course was Vivek Ramaswami stunning CNN anchor Abby Phillip into a silent stupor. I mean she literally had no idea how to even remotely respond to what Vivek was saying there. I mean think about what you just saw there. CNN cannot possibly, plausibly defend Biden's border disaster. They can't defend liberal migrants getting public services at taxpayer expense. They can't defend Biden's violent crime wave. They can't defend his inflation crisis. They can't defend the sad state of the economy. They can't defend the geopolitical mass abroad. They can't take sides one way or the other between the Israelis and the Palestinians without splitting their Democrat base. And so instead, because they can't talk about and defend any of these issues that voters actually care about, instead they've reduced themselves to junior high level gossiping squabbles about name calling. I mean seriously. I mean think about it. I mean think about the level of drivel of mindless babble that tries to pass itself off as serious journalism today. You've got an invasion at the southern border. You literally have millions of illegal border crossings over the course of months. You have American citizens being murdered like Lake and Riley by illegal migrants murdered by perpetrators who should never have been here in the first place and a president who can't even pronounce her name. Look at Lincoln, Lincoln. You've got a cost-to-living crisis throughout the country. You've got the world order literally unraveling. But your number one priority as a supposed news agency is to quibble over name calling. That was the brilliance of Vivek's response there. He in effect forced this poor excuse for reporter to defend CNN's deliberate choice to ignore precisely the issues that voters care most about instead, admire themselves in the gutter of junior high level squabbles. And can I also point out here, given CNN's deliberate misrepresentation of Trump's bloodbath comment yesterday, who the hell are they to argue about the meaning of words? Who the hell are they to cast dispersions against the words people use when they turn around and deliberately misrepresent them? Because he's even predicting a bloodbath. What does that mean? He's going to exact a bloodbath? There's something wrong here. How respectful I am of the American people and their goodness. But how much more do they have to see from him to understand that this isn't what our country is about? Praising Hitler. Praising the Russia. Now you'll notice there, where was the pushback? Where was CNN saying the Nancy Pelosi? Well, hold on now, we at CNN take words very, very seriously. You do know, Miss Pelosi, I know you may have been too busy, too distracted with your insider trading, but you do know that Trump was talking about the auto industry when he used that term bloodbath, don't you? I mean, you do realize you are misrepresenting his words, don't you? I'm going to bunch of freaking clowns. I mean, the good news is that nobody gives CNN the time of day anymore. Your audience is down 90% over the last two years. And word on the street is that there's about to be a bloodbath of layoffs at CNN in the coming months. So how's that for irony? But you know, it's even worse because we have an example, perhaps the single most embarrassing anchor of the mall. We ended up getting fired from CNN, literally fired because he was so bad. He's back. And he's more cringeworthy and insufferable than ever would until you see this. But you know, speaking of Pelosi, you know that she and her ilk have been getting insider trading secrets for decades now, enabling their returns to beat the market every single year. But thanks to a little known SEC database, guess what? We can have access to the very same trading secrets that these politicians are privy to. We get to see what stocks corporate CEOs are buying up in real time. And then we get to piggyback in their trades to gain the same advantage for ourselves at Pelosi and the crooks in DC have. My friend Ross Givens has been tracking insider trainings for years now and his recommendations have led to investment return to get this over 200%. Some of it is high as nearly 1500%. And now it's your turn. Click on that link below right now and learn how you too can learn to trade like Pelosi. Click on that link and learn how to gain an insider advantage for yourself today. Former CNN albatross Don Lemon was hoping to make a big comeback with his interview with Elon Musk on X. But as it turns out, he only ended up proving what an insufferable ass he really is. We don't agree on this. Yes. You want censorship and I don't know. I don't want censorship. Yes, you do. No, I want responsibility. I think there is I think there you desperately want censorship. No, if I want to censorship censorship so bad, you can taste it. No, this is not true. It's not true. I think that there's right and wrong and I think that everyone says it. And I think that when you have a platform that's as big as yours and as powerful as yours and as influential as yours and you are a person of consequence to the world with what you do, that there is a certain responsibility that goes along with what you have on your platform and what you put out to the world. And I think that's important. You don't see that responsibility. I think the we have our responsibility to adhere to the law. And if people want the law changed, they should talk to their lecture representative and get the law changed and then we will adhere to the law. Okay. But if you want to see a big beyond the law, that is that is us deciding to be sensors. So and I'm against censorship. I'm in favor of freedom of speech. And freedom of speech only is relevant when people you don't like say things you don't like. Otherwise, it has no meaning. That was such an interesting exchange because I mean, you heard it. Elon called out the bullshit. I mean, he called out the literal bullshit. There you got Don Lemon appealing to all of these meaningless, mindless euphemism. I believe in right and wrong. I think there's right and wrong and you, Elon Musk, you've got a responsibility to the to the world, Elon, to silence the wrong. And Elon's like, you're so full of shit. You want censorship. You're calling on me to censor. And lemme is like, no, no, no, no, no, no, I would never use this sensor. No, no, no, no. I just want you to silence bad people. It's like Arnold Schwarzenegger in true lies, right? When his wife finds out he's a secret agent, she's like, have you ever killed people? And he's like, yeah, but they were all bad. That's Don Lemon. Oh, Elon, the only people I want you to silence are the bad people. I believe in right and wrong. And I want you to silence those who I believe are wrong. That's the very definition of censorship as Elon incessantly pointed out to him. But don't expect lemon to get it. I think it was Tucker who once described Don Lemon as someone who ought to be publicly embarrassed, but never is, that's a guy who just, I mean, again, he just got rhetorically whacked and he has no idea it happened. So all of this is to say, especially in light of the obvious lying and misrepresentation we saw yesterday with Trump's bloodbath comments, the legacy media's deceptive duplicity is publicly being called out. They're being exposed each and every day from all corners of society as being blatant partisan hacks, which is all but guaranteeing their eventual and inexorable demise. Hey, gang, I just wanted to give you a huge note of thanks to each and every one of you. The thousands of you that have recently clicked on the link below and joined our insider's club. As many of you know, we were, we took a big hit from big tech. Our channel was completely and totally demonetized, but you literally thousands of you stepped in and you rescued me and this channel by bypassing big tech and joining our insider's club. You made it loud and clear to the Silicon Valley oligarchs that were a movement, an army of like-minded patriots who refused to be silenced by the international woke police. And so once again, I just want to take this moment to thank each and every one of you who have joined our insider's club for coming to our rescue. And for those of you who want to join in on the effort and take action, gang, just click on the link below and join our email list. That way we will never, ever, ever lose touch with each other, no matter what big tech does. So just click on that link below, join our email list and become a part of an army of literally hundreds of thousands of patriots dedicated to taking our nation back, most importantly, together. Thanks so much for listening to this episode of The Turley Talks Podcast. Don't forget to subscribe, leave us a five-star review and share this episode with your friends. Help us defeat the fake news media and rank us the number one news and commentary podcast all over the world. Come back again tomorrow for another episode celebrating the rise of a new conservative age. [MUSIC]