Jesse Kelly Show

Tony Bobulinski testified today and basically said 'How do you know a politician is lying? His lips are moving'

Broadcast on:
21 Mar 2024
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It is Ryan here, and I have a question for you, what do you do when you win? Like are you a fist-pumper, a woohoo, a hand clap or a high-fiver? I kind of like the high-fiver, but if you want to hone in on those winning moves, check out Chumba Casino. At, choose from hundreds of social casino-style games for your chance to redeem serious cash prizes. There are new game releases weekly, plus free daily bonuses, so don't wait, start having the most fun ever at no purchase necessary. The WWE report reviewed by loss in terms of conditions 18 plus. This is a podcast from WOR. It is the Jesse Kelly show. Let's have some fun. On a Wednesday, you have made it. You have crusted the beak. It is hump day and it's gonna be such an awesome night tonight on the Jesse Kelly show. Tony Bob Alinsky took his big axe to grind into Congress today and just blasted away at the binds. We have all kinds of stuff on that tonight. AOC is an actress. We're gonna talk about what the Fed did today. Savings accounts are being wiped out. Baby pictures and making money off your baby's pictures. Credit scores are down. We got a bunch of drag queen trannings in the government and parents financially supporting their adult children. All that emails so much more coming up tonight on the world famous Jesse Kelly show. In fact, I have a special guest about a half hour from now. Gonna talk about a company that you should never, ever, ever, ever, ever patronize again. And one you might already be patronizing. We will get to all that and so much more on the world famous Jesse Kelly show. Now obviously we're gonna tackle all this Tony Bob Alinsky stuff. Tony Bob Alinsky Biden family business partner gave all kinds of testimony today in Congress. We'll talk about why it matters what he said everything else. And I'm gonna get to that in just a moment. I'm going to do something right off the bat though that's a little bit different than that. We ended up having a pretty long talk last night about we were talking about the Afghanistan testimony and what global war on terror veterans are going through. And there was there was a lot of that kind of talk last night. And we had a lot of emails like this today. I just wanted to open up and just let you know that I hear you and follow it up with a little something. Anyway, I got a lot of emails like this various versions of Jesse. My oldest son graduated MCRD and 06 high school same year went to Iraq and Afghanistan. 0311 dog handler dark horse lost 30 warriors, IEG, RPG suicides. My younger son graduated 08 third L.A.R. That's also imagery by the way. Also went to Iraq Afghanistan hit by a double IED in his eight-wheeler command vehicle in Afghanistan. Both retired as sergeants. Both would have stayed in to do their 20 but they came out disillusioned from what they saw and what they heard and what they had seen. Both have gone to therapy for PTSD. Thank God. Both are still alive. Got a bunch of those Jesse. I'm going through this Jesse. I've been through that Jesse. It's been hard for me. I just want to make sure I remind all of you that I also got a bunch of these Jesse. I'm listening to your radio show. I want you and your fellow Marines to know your service wasn't for nothing. I turned I turned I know Iraq turned out to be a disappointment Afghanistan withdrawal was messed up by the Biden administration but those of us in the United States of America still value your service to our country. I know the military is severely mismanaged but we still love you guys. There are stacks of these gentlemen. If you're listening and you're struggling just know all kinds of support still out there. All right. Now let's deal with Tony Bublinski and the Biden family and let's let's clear something up right off the bat. Toba Tony Boba Linsky showed up today and right off the bat started chucking bombs in a way that you don't normally hear in congressional testimony when people sit in front of Congress. This is official proceeding and you have all these congressmen up there. People generally try to sound lawyerly but I answer the questions try to get through it. Tony Boba Linsky showed up and he started pulling the pin on grenades. Recognize Mr. Boba Linsky for his opening statement. Should I allow Hunter to give his opening statement first? We'll uh doesn't appear Mr. Biden showed up for his public hearing so we'll recognize you Mr. Boba Linsky. Ouch. All right. Let's deal with Tony Bublinski first. If you ever known someone who got divorced or maybe you yourself have gone through a divorce or two you ever been through one seen someone go through one in general the norm is there unpleasant we'll put it that way not very many people out there enjoy the whole divorce experience and frankly not many people out there get through it and say you know that wasn't so bad we still get along really well it really wasn't that bad you are they ever hear that do you you know all you ever hear is he's such a jerk I hate him she's an evil witch and that's all you ever get but why well there are a variety of reasons why that's the case but one of the big reasons kind of the overarching reason is when you've been married to somebody you know them and they know you you know their strengths you know their weaknesses you know their flaws you know what gets to them and because you were once together and now you're separating you're wounded and you have the unique ability because of your knowledge to wound them you know what we'll get to them you know what will drive them crazy I can see the divorced people right now cringing because they know exactly what I'm talking about I've just I've seen it a bunch it just happens all the time well Tony Bob Alinsky showed up today in the House of Representatives and we should all be very clear on Tony Bob Alinsky Tony Bob Alinsky is a human being who did business lots of business with the Biden crime family Tony Bob Alinsky knows the ins and outs of the Biden crime family because he was involved in Joe Biden's criminal empire and Tony Bob Alinsky was absolutely screwed over by the Bidens we know from text messages from from testimony we have now that essentially Tony Bob Alinsky he feels like he was left hanging out to dry by the Bidens when the Bidens were starting to get caught up in all their various wrong doing they were running cover for each other oh sure cover for Hunter and cover for Jim and cover for this and cover for that Tony's looking around he's saying where's my cover and boom now you got a problem on your hands it's no different than a million pieces of uh mafia testimony that you have heard in your lifetime so so often that testimony comes from a wise guy who feels like he was done wrong by the family he was loyal to and you can tell exactly how personal this was for Tony Bob Alinsky because the dude just crucifies members of Congress in his opening testimony I'm not exactly sure that this is the norm but it was so bad Jamie Raskin that piece of trash stepped in and he's like hey wait he's calling me a liar the same people preaching this mantra no better they continue to lie directly to the American people without hesitation and remorse rep Dan Goldman and Jamie Raskin both lawyers I'm going to pause for a moment representative Dan Goldman and Jamie Raskin who he just referenced there they're on the committee they're sitting about 10 feet away as he goes after well continue to lie today in this hearing and then go straight to the media to tell more lies Hunter Biden's defense attorney Abilaw weaponizes letters to Congress to try to smear my name mr fake the cold art facts this is Jamie Raskin's voice you're about to hear he's he's so aghast that he was just blasted in the opening statement he's stepping in chairman in an attempt to save his powerfully connected client and his father he foreseen I apologize for the disruption from the my supposed to say it's my time mr. Raskin yeah but please get mr. Bob Liski please pause for a moment I want to do a little housekeeping thing in case you're not aware you probably already are but sometimes people don't know how these annoying little procedural things work witnesses and the individual congressmen in these hearings they are allotted time certain specific amounts of time the witness gets so much time to speak the congressman gets so much time to question the witnesses that's how these things always work and so what you're going to hear is a bunch of haggling about time what do I get my time do I reclaim my time he gets his time don't take away his time that's all you're hearing here come to order mr. Bob Liski mr. Bob Liski please proceed please proceed I apologize for the disruption from the minority okay well we may mr. Chairman they've saved his time but he called members of this committee liars and I just want to know whether the order and decorum requirements of house rule 11 apply to witnesses appearing before the committee uh do that does it apply or does it not should I address I don't there's hard lot there's decorum from the members we've asked for that there's no language that I'm aware of pertaining to a witness thank you no so uh don't make sure we didn't waste any of his time on the opening statement mr. Bob Liski I'm sorry for the disruption please continue your open statement I think you mr. asking you we'll make sure it's right we'll make sure it's great I just want to restate uh make sure the American people hear all these facts yeah it got uncomfortable today and it was fantastic we'll talk about that and a lot of the internal workings and what we saw and why we saw we'll go into all that in a moment before we do any of that let's do something else the federal reserve um they kept interest rates at the current level why do they do that well here's the headline they kept interest rates at the current level as inflation persists inflation is not getting better as you know you buy groceries it's getting worse the fiscal crisis is coming that's not a maybe I'm not doing one of these well I think it might it's coming prepare that's all we can do we can't sit around and cry and whine and suck our thumbs we can prepare or we can get buried when it gets here oxford gold group is how we prepare for the fiscal crisis because things you can touch and feel hard assets they are what make it through the hard times oxford gold group will mail gold or silver coins to your front door let them they'll get it in your ira they'll get it in your 401k they'll handle these things for you and they make it easy so call them and let them make it easy 833 995 gold tell them I told you to call they will take care of you but call them 833 995 gold we'll be back feeling a little starchy follow like and subscribe it's the Jesse Kelly show on a Wednesday fantastic hump day we have a special guest coming up about 10 minutes from now there's an american company you probably have never thought of as evil and we're not talking about run-of-the-mill corporate insanity here i'm talking legit evil they will take every dime you send them and they will use it to destroy you we're going to talk about that company will reveal it we'll talk about the details of it it's going to be a great explainer on how all this communist dark money works anyway that's coming up about 10 minutes from now so buckle up for that we're talking about the tony bubble linsky testimony today and i'm going to play uh representative brian donalds here in a moment it's a little long but he essentially lays out everything before he lays everything out i just want to say on a personal note sometimes when things get bad enough i find humor in them when things get so bad that you're not sure if they can be fixed that they're just so horrible i don't know why i'm sure it's some kind of a coping mechanism i think it's funny sometimes i think it's funny and i was thinking about this as it pertains to joe biden today okay let's talk about this joe biden he's the president of the united states of america that is i think it would you could fairly say that's the most important job in the world chris michael is there a more important job than president of the united states of america that you can think of i can't that as far as responsibilities go and things that are at state it's the most important job in the world in the president of the united states of america has dementia think about that we have now multiple pieces of recent testimony from people who have sat down with joe biden and it's not that they've really said he's a little off they've come out and basically said he's losing it he doesn't have his faculties anymore that human being is the president of the united states of america so that's one part of the presidency that's bad okay that's bad but then there's another part of the presidency communist in part because he's so weak and feeble joe biden isn't actually running anything his staff is okay so who are his staffers who are the people pulling the joe biden puppet strings well it's people like susan rice and victoria nunez and it's communists not even really people who hide the fact that they're communists full-blown america hating communists are the ones making decisions on behalf of the dementia atwood president of the united states of america so again it's worse it's even worse than that it's not just that he has dementia he's got dementia and communists run his administration but wait there's more here i feel like the infomercial guy the oxy clean guy but wait there's more he's also a criminal joe biden is a criminal it is a crime a crime to use your elected position to enrich yourself in any way that is a crime and i understand crimes committed by our politicians have now been simply baked into the cake in this country but it is criminal it is a crime if i was even uh let's say i was a senator a congressman and my oldest son james he's looking for a job and let's say i was dealing with the oil industry i'm dealing with a bill that has to do with the oil industry and it comes out that i send a text message to some local oil guy here in houston hey it's congressman kelly here you know we got this big oil bill coming up soon you know my son james he's looking for work i'd love it if he could find a spot in your office that's a crime there's a crime no matter how sly and slick i try to get i just tried to use my position in power to enrich myself or my family that's a crime i committed a crime joe biden has committed crimes the entirety of his career what we're about to hear a lot and a lot of this is from donnell does he outlines then where you're going to get specifics from the communist chinese to the biden family but what it generally comes down to is this joe biden has spent his entire career as senator as vice president and of course we all know this is still happening as president using his political positions to enrich himself and his family the president of the united states of america doesn't only have dementia he's not only controlled by committed communists he's a criminal to the money flow could this is this is where the rubber meets the road on august fourth a hundred thousand dollars is wired into a wasco pc from cefc infrastructure mr chairman i want to submit for the record of uh i need to pass for a moment sorry i don't mean to interrupt but this can get a little convoluted in a little confusing so i want to lay out exactly what you're hearing here beforehand i should have done that otherwise but i'm i'm professional and unprepared so let me explain joe biden's family they set up various shell companies and when i say various i want i want you to understand there is an a shell company uh biden family ink there are many many many many many many many shell companies if i was to lay them out and some of these congressmen have done so you can go find them online if i was to give you a visual of it i know we're doing radio or podcast here it would look like a gigantic spider web there are all kinds of companies many of them now you should know that that's obviously it's just more evidence of criminality you don't have that many companies yeah you might have an llc here a side company here you don't have a spider web of them when you're part of a politician's family unless you're washing money unless you're hiding money that's the whole point of these so as he lays all this stuff out it can get to be a lot but that's what you're listening to okay and i'm going to let him i will let him talk i swear after we talk to our special guest with a special reveal before we talk to our special guest maybe as they lay all this corruption stuff out your mind will have a hard time following along all that means is you haven't taken your chalk today you understand that chalk is as much about your mind as it is your body when i tell you about a male vitality stack from chalk or female vitality stack or whatever but let me let's make it about the male one for right now your mind is foggy right now and you don't realize it because your t levels are low and once your t levels begin to rise 20 percent increase in your testosterone levels in 90 days it honestly it's like you wake up every day and the 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say you might have made a mistake as well because you definitely could have gone with the worst song you could have gone with Dylan Mulvaney's new song oh you know that's a you know what that's a very fair point that's a fair point all right so before i bring in parker to talk about what he's going to talk about a couple things we don't realize you could write a book on this someone should probably parker should you could write an entire book on how much evil you fund with the money you spend in corporate america and i'm pointing fingers at myself too that average american does not understand how a lot of these corporations work but there are some there are degrees of evil in the corporate world patagonia is something anybody who's outdoors he'd always heard of patagonia i grew up hiking hunting fishing i know all about patagonia very very popular patagonia is a uniquely evil company parker it's your story it's your work it's not mine the floor is yours yeah i mean i i also grew up loving patagonia a big outdoors in myself um i don't think most people realize this but a few years ago the founder of patagonia's names yvonne schuenard uh he gave his entire company 98 percent of shares to a left-wing dark money group that's managed by a for-profit company called the hold fast collective uh that company uh runs five non-profits they're called people like to call them dark money 501c four advocacy groups in total it was 1.7 billion dollars between five non-profits it was the biggest dark money contribution in united states history the whole company is now owned all the profits from patagonia now go to funding supposedly saving the planet now what is saving the planet look like to the left of course it always means electing democrats no matter what cause they profess to be supporting it always means electing democrats this group gave a hundred thousand dollars each to chuck Schumer's uh senate majority pack and the house majority pack it's funding groups like the center for american progress action fund which is the place john pedesti used to work it's funding the black voters matter fund which is really telling about we've now transitioned from black lives matter to black votes matter um and now this group is facing an f_b_c_ complaint for not properly filing allegedly their uh campaign finance receipts it's a gigantic rat's nest of money uh and people really need to stop supporting it you heard it from parker stop shopping at patagonia okay parker now walk us through some of this stuff because this stuff gets so confusing even as you lay it out in writing it can get confusing let alone for people listening right now okay walk me through through a c4 what is what does that mean to mention all these c4s underneath this group what's a c4 how's that work yeah so a 501c4 itself is totally fine in fact the left hates even though they use way more of them and fund them more heavily than the right of the 501c4 is kind of what people associate with like lobbying it's a public interest group uh similar to a charity but they're not the contributions to them are not tax exempt half of what they do essentially there are a lot of complicated rules but half of what they do have to be by the IRS's definition definition charitable but the other half can be contributions to pax um you know uh lobbying expenditures and the reason the left doesn't like them is because people are allowed to contribute to these anonymously they don't have to disclose their donors now lowest learner would love to force people to disclose their donors um but we on the right we don't really support uh doxing people um now the left uses way more of these 501c4s which is the epitome of hypocrisy for them because they hate citizens you know you have the decision that really popularized these uh they actually even the New York Times says they use way more 501c4s than the right does um so you know to have the largest 501c4 contribution in history being made to a left-leaning group uh and then the entire mainstream media just ignores this fact uh you know it's it's um it's astonishing uh and it's something that people really need to be aware of you need to be aware of how you're spending your money what companies you're giving you dollars to because patagonia isn't even a company anymore it's just a left-wing activism group if you shop at patagonia you are funding the destruction of your society I want to make sure I continue emphasize that every dime goes to destroy people hate you yeah every dime goes to destroying you okay parker can you tell me a little bit more about this guy this patagonia CEO who just hands over his whole company to these various commie groups even for a dirtball commie that's a rare thing what's what is this guy yeah I mean he grew up as you know kind of like a normal person he liked the outdoors and then he found a way to make you know he's a great capitalist he found a way to make a profit off of the things that he loved and he produced a really valuable company a lot of you know employed a lot of people did a lot of created a lot of good products um but now as he gotten he's gotten older and maybe his his kids have gone to college and come back woke and then they started whispering in dad's ear um and they've told him all sorts of lies about you know the world is going to end in 2016 or what I forget what al gore said it was 2016 2018 I'm sure that's been all of the years that the world was going to end um and now he's committed to funding climate change activism which of course means funding things like abortion act it's the intersectional left uh that yvonne has been taken in by um and now it like the legacy of so many great capitalists like Henry Ford and Andrew Carnegie it's all funding basically socialist activism speaking with investigative journalist parker Thayer who's exposing patagonia and and what they are parker can you help me understand if this is all legal because the the people listening right now myself included they hear okay so you're given all this dirty commie money and you're funding democrats with it and and you're allowed to be a nom an anonymous how is that how's that legal could a red state attorney general for instance break up this kind of organization well so anonymous political speech as defended by the citizens united decision I think is a good thing that should be encouraged I mean it goes back to the federal papers anonymous political speech is very useful in society especially when you have left wing cancel culture trying to destroy everybody who has an opinion mild lead to the right of mit romney um but in this case the americans republic truck has filed an f_e_c_ complaint against this organization because looking at their tax forms there are some weird discrepancies that i won't even try to explain but they're extremely it seems clear that somewhere along the line uh a campaign contributions uh a contribution to a pack with mislabeled as being from one of these five nonprofits that the patagonia is now owned by um when it was actually from another one which means that there's some sort of weird uh pollution one might say going on between these nonprofits in a way uh that the f_e_c_ the federal election commission does not allow um so I think they have that that allegation absolutely should be looked into the by the f_e_c_ and if attorney general can find a way to look into it they should do because uh when money in politics when money in politics at the scale of one point seven billion dollars is being used in ways that it might not supposed to be uh i mean if there is not a single bigger contribution in american history it absolutely should be looked into by anyone who has the authority to look into it parker working people read your work if they want to absolutely i'm on twitter at parker fair i always have tried to have an excellent twitter feed but you can also catch me on capital research dot org we have a great website we're posting articles every day about uh the malfeasance of special interest in politics parker appreciate it brother thank you hey you want to find out how how deep the rabbit hole goes that's the kind of stuff that you can dig into that keeps us uniquely informed and it's crazy to think about right look i i bet you money and i'm sad to admit this i bet if i went and dug through all my stuff at home i better have something patagonia in there i bet i do never again all right never again all right let's get back to this testimony from today Byron Donald's out just laying everything out for us what joe biden how the crime family actually worked before we get to that i'll make you a deal all right i want you to listen to something and then we're gonna make a deal here here was joe biden from today and we've cut deficit by over by the time it's out over two trillion dollars we cut the deficit if you believe washington dc is cutting spending then i don't want you to get an emergency food kit if you however believe washington dc is spending more and more and more and bringing about an imminent financial collapse then you should get an emergency three-month food kit because things are going to get rocky over three million families since just oh wait have used my patriot supply why because they're the best they have emergency three-month food kits prepped ready to go they ship fast they ship free honestly you order by 3 p.m they ship the same day and right now there's three-month food kits are two hundred dollars off per kit at prepare with jesse kelly dot com everyone in your home needs an emergency food kit prepare with jesse kelly dot com we'll be back i've got an animal is the jesse kelly show on a wednesday do not forget you can email the show and you should email the show jesse at jesse kelly show dot com i want you bet you won't be shopping at patagonia again anytime soon will ya uh before we get back to the biman donald stuff and the marjorie taylor green said the joe biden crime family stuff i just want to actually put out a call for something daniel penny united states marine squad leader so we're talking a stud here united states marine his trial now officially has a date october eight this is a human being who fought for this country this is a human being who found himself with a very bad man on the subway threatening innocent people and as the studs do he stepped up and stepped in and put a stop to it and this united states marine is facing state prison in new york we're doing the right thing i'm not going to yell and scream about how evil and wrong all this is we've done all that just say a prayer for daniel penny that i don't i don't have any way that we can help him not any way that i know of i don't know him i don't want to act like i do but man alive if there's anything we can do we need to try so say a prayer for daniel penny that's something we can do all right back to this back to what we were talking about before the president of the united states of america is a criminal and before i play the margarita the green thing in the byron donald donald's thing i just want to again remind everybody that we found out china had a spy balloon over alaska we found it out when it was over alaska a spy balloon not even high altitude it's a spy balloon it's there the spy it's gathering information maybe just pictures maybe it's gathering signals we're talking cell phone radio signal stuff but it's there to spy on us china sent it here and it began to traverse traverse i don't know why it's such a hard time saying that it began to traverse the united states of america it stopped over the military bases and started doing figure eight over our military bases the by administration allowed a chinese spy balloon to traverse the entire united states of america and they waited until it was over the atlantic before they shot it down do keep that in mind when you hear things like this from marjorie taylor green in tony bubble in this message doesn't call zang chairman zang doesn't it just says the chinese want to do business with the bidens as a matter of fact it says both coming to be my partner to be partners with the bidens with an s he zang is implied has implied that the number one has made it clear and available to him who is the number one the number one is zijin ping zijin ping the president of china yes or no the leader of the communist party the ccp yes is the number one yes that's the number one that hunter was referencing in that message hunter biden referencing zijin ping as his chairman and again i want to emphasize as you already know this is not hunter biden's business not hunter biden's organization it wasn't sammy the bulgravano's crime family it was john gaudy's crime family is joe biden's business the president of the united states of america is just how beholden to zijin ping well Byron donald's great rep out of florida don't you lay it out for us to the money flow good this is this is where the rubber meets the road on august fourth a hundred thousand dollars is wired into a wasco pc from cefc infrastructure mr chairman i want to submit for the record of a portion of the bank statement for the time period august third of 2017 to august 31 2017 stipulating a hundred thousand dollars going from cefc into the bank account of hunter biden through a wasco pc on august eighth four days later five million dollars is then transferred from the northern international capital account of five million dollars to hudson west the third hudson west the third is a bank account controlled by hunter biden and mr gone wing aka kevin dong who is a cefc associate that dong that money comes from the northern international capital of bank account a bank account that is tied to the ccp on august eighth i'm going to pause it there for a moment i just look this goes on for another minute and a half i'm going to remind myself and you that this is all your money you understand that the joe biden we'd like to say that he was what was he selling what was he selling he was selling influence you hear that a lot now a joe biden was selling influence he was it but influence what is influence work go go tell your boss that hey i know you laid me off but i'm very valuable and he says well how valuable and you say well you don't understand my influence influence is not a tangible asset at all so what does that mean taxpayer money what joe biden has been providing to various entities over the course of his senate career and vice presidential career and our presidential career is joe biden provides money that's what he provides and it's your money you worked for that money that 25 35 percent that's taken out of your paycheck every day you want to work today and at least a quarter of your day was spent working for the federal government and joe biden has spent the entirety of his career taking the money you earn today and handing it off to foreign entities so they will cut him off a slice and give it back to himself through his family members always always always remember we're talking about your money oh i'm vice president now i'm in charge of Ukrainian affairs hey Ukraine oh man i'd love it if my son could get this eighty thousand dollar a month job with the energy company and i'm in charge of Ukrainian affairs maybe maybe a generous grant to some Ukrainian companies i could i could arrange coming your way it's your money your money joe biden is a rich old man with your money remember that this has been a podcast from w o r with lucky land slots you can get lucky just about anywhere nearly beloved we are gathered here today to has anyone seen the bride and groom sorry sorry we're here we were getting lucky in the limo and we lost track of time no lucky land casino with cash prizes that add up quicker than a guest registry in that case i pronounce you lucky for free lucky land slots dot com daily bonuses are waiting no purchase necessary void we're 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