Jesse Kelly Show

Commercial real estate companies and banks have a gigantic problem, but so do you

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21 Mar 2024
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With the Lucky Land Sluts, you can get lucky just about anywhere. This is your captain speaking. We've got clear runway and the weather's fine, but we're just going to circle up here a while and get lucky. No, no, nothing like that. It's just these cash prizes out of quick, so I suggest you sit back, keep your tray table upright and start getting lucky. Play for free at Lucky Land Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary. Void we're prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply. See website for details. This is a podcast from WOR. It is the Jesse Kelly show final hour of the Jesse Kelly show. Here's what we got on top of this hour. Well, on top on tap. I guess it's not on top. It's not on tap for the hour. We're going to talk about commercial real estate. Stop, stop. It's not going to be boring and I'll make it really fast. There's something coming that I'm not quite sure how it's going to materialize. We're going to talk about that. Mexico won't accept our illegals back. Parents still financially supporting their adult children. Members going up. I'll discuss my thoughts on it. Cute baby photos. So much more coming up this hour. Now I just want to I want to begin here with the commercial real estate thing. All right, so COVID hits. And I know you saw it. I saw it. I already went over it. We started watching office space become available all over the place. I don't know if you spent any time in cities, but it didn't have to be in a big city. Small towns, big cities. Office space became available. If you were in any big cities at the time, you really, really saw it. And I remember thinking to myself immediately, I thought to myself, wait a minute. This is going to create a commercial real estate disaster. Okay, so fast forward to where we are today. There was an article. We went over it. It was a while ago, six months a year ago. That in a place like New York City in New York City, this one was about New York City that 50% 50% of the office space was empty in New York City. So you can picture a New York City skyline. All those tall buildings. Half of them are empty empty. All right. Well, allow me to explain. Businesses, they build these buildings. They purchase commercial real estate with the intention, obviously, of renting it out. You rent it out. You get full. You get enough renters. You end up making money. Businesses, oftentimes they won't use liquid capital to purchase, let's say, a skyscraper. It's Jesse Kelly, incorporated. I want to buy this big skyscraper or build this skyscraper. I don't have, I don't know what it costs to build a skyscraper. I don't have $100 million laying around. I need a loan. So I go get a loan from what? From a bank, from a financial institution, from a lender of some kind, I get a loan. Well, I got that loan and I have it built into my, I don't want to have it calculated out that I will have so many renters that will give me so much money that I will take in a month. And I will in turn be able to turn around and repay my loan. I'll be able to make my monthly payments on my loan while bringing in a profit for myself. Obviously, it's very basic concept. I'm not telling you anything you don't know. It's just very basic business. But what happens if the renters don't come? What happens if I build my $100 million skyscraper and the renters don't come? Well, if the renters don't come, then I don't have any money. If I don't have any money, I don't pay the bank. Now, sometimes, I guess I probably should say in your experience or my experience, that would then create a huge problem for me. Personally, I have this huge loan. I can't pay the loan back. That's a huge problem for me. But we're not talking about normal people. We're not talking about you. We're not talking about me. We're talking about gigantic corporations. And we're not talking about that $200,000 home loan you took out. We're talking about $200 million commercial real estate loans. But what's that old saying in banking or whatever? If you owe the bank $100, that's your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million, that's the bank's problem. Our banks have a huge problem right now in this country because of the commercial real estate problem that is getting to be more and more of a problem. The companies that took out these loans from the banks are unable to pay the loans back. The banks, now, maybe you're sitting there, shrugging your shoulders and saying, well, who cares? Screw the banks. I'm not going to stress about the bank going belly up. Allow me to explain. Let's say you have a pool of 100 banks sitting in front of you. Some of those banks are going to be the giants that you already know about, Chase and Bank of America and the Citibank and these huge, huge banks. But of the 100 that are sitting there, 300, 400, are going to be smaller banks. Smaller, it can mean a lot of different things, but not Bank of America. America, maybe half as big. But then part of that also is going to be a bunch of credit unions, regional banks, things like that. There are a bunch of different kinds of banks in that 100 bank pool that I just pointed out. Well, the problem with a huge banking crisis that comes from a commercial real estate crisis is this, if you're Bank of America, if you're Chase, if you're one of these monsters, you will undoubtedly be able to weather the storm of a commercial real estate license. You just have enough access to different capital to move this here and that there, that whatever crisis comes, whatever storms may blow, you will be able to handle it. The smaller banks, regional banks, they're the ones that can't just go on. They're the ones that have to finally decide, Hey, we crunched the numbers. Nobody's making their commercial real estate loan payments. We don't have enough capital on hand. It's time to close the bank. Who loses in the end there? I'm not sitting here asking you to, to pull out the Kleenex and start crying over the banks. Who loses in the end? You do. We do not want to live in a nation where the only place you can put your money or get a home loan is some gigantic evil corporation and corporations aren't all evil. But in America, the biggest ones mostly are lie because we now live in a gangster capitalism society where big corporations aren't competing. They're partnering with the federal government to smash their smaller opponents, to smash them. So the government has aligned with big business. Big business will, of course, do the bidding of the government. I brought up B of A. It's a great example. Bank of America handed over all of their customers data from January 6th without even a warrant. Did you know that? Bank of America took your data. If you stopped in DC to poop on January 6th, Bank of America registered, recorded that you bought a cup of coffee in a DC area and they sent your information to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Now, why would the Bank of America be so anxious to sell out its own customers to the FBI? Because Bank of America understands its bread is truly buttered, not by you, the customer. Its bread is truly buttered by being partners with the federal government. Gigantic corporations partnering with the federal government to smash you and smash their smaller competition is a bad thing and it affects us all. And that's a problem. That's going to be a problem. Remember these gigantic corporations. Look, by the way, remember, if you missed any part of the show, downloaded iHeartGoogle, Spotify, iTunes, download a podcast of it. Go download the interview from the first hour. Parker Thayer was on. He's talking about Patagonia specifically. I'm going to play a clip from Congress today. This isn't Parker, but this is about Patagonia specifically. But all of us, we need to be a lot more vigilant about who we patronize, especially when it's a big corporation of any kind because big corporations are turning increasingly evil. But I do have expertise in political operations that camouflage themselves as grassroots groups while quietly exploiting complicating funding streams enriched by billionaires. Some people call this dark money. The phenomenon often appears in environmental debates, including pressure groups that claim to represent outdoor recreation interests, but receive cash from billionaires and other elite political operatives for crude political purposes. Take Patagonia, whose owners donated billions in company stock to a series of 501(c)(4) or dark money groups. Initial reports said the money would go only to save the planet, but even the New York Times fooled at first, investigated, and found money is going to political machinations like saving the seats of the majority's congressional delegation and pushing non-environmental issues like abortion. This Patagonia network of dark money nonprofits already has an FEC complaint because it appears to have falsified the actual sources of its contributions to the Senate majority pack and others. Yeah, we have got to be vigilant with our money. And the problem when it comes to this commercial real estate problem and a bunch of these finance problems is that a lot of that stuff is out of our control. You can't stop it. You can't work out some of these problems. But in the very least, we can work out where we spend and don't spend our money. Look, again, I'm not pointing fingers. I guarantee if I went through my older stuff that I have something Patagonia related in my home. They're just a huge outdoor brand. That means I funded communism with my money. We've got to get better about that. And I'm going to make one final point on that here in just a moment when it comes to finances and where we're at and where we're going. But just listen, this applies to everywhere. Everywhere we go, we have to be better, more purposeful with putting our money where our morals are. I tell you about cell phone service all the time because it's the easiest one. It's the easiest one. If you're out there buying a new car or maybe even outdoor gear, maybe your options are limited. Maybe they're nonexistent. But with a cell phone, you have no excuse. I have no excuse. When you switch to peer talk, you switch to a patriotic cell phone company. You switch from your America Hating Company like AT&T to one that loves you. You pay less, so that's another penny. You get incredible. Same 5G service is one of the big guys. You don't sacrifice. It's not like you're dropping calls. I have better service now than I used to have with T-Mobile. There's no reason not to switch. They even hire Americans to switch. You'll spend 10 minutes on the phone. So go spend 10 minutes on the phone. Dial pound 250 and say Jesse Kelly. Pound 250 say Jesse Kelly. Switch to peer talk. The Jesse Kelly show. It is the Jesse Kelly show. We haven't ever played that song. I don't think before on the show. Chris Smooth hits the song. It's about me. It's what that song is about. What, Chris? You wouldn't understand. It's too confusing for you. So let me lay it out as clear as I possibly can. This is not an attempt to ban TikTok. It's attempt to make TikTok better. Tic-tac-toe. A winner. A winner. That makes sense now. I hope that cleared everything up. All right. There is something. One final word on all the finance stuff and restrictions and banking and whatever before we move on to some of the things. I know I want to get to emails and some Disney stuff and we have to make fun of Joe Biden with his Latino outreach. But before I do that, there is something I have adjusted my thinking on as I've gotten older and as I've watched America change and not necessarily for the better. So here it is. I'm just going to lay it out for you here how I used to think versus how I think now. Because there's an article out today, 47% of parents still financially support their adult children. That's obviously very bad because they're supporting them because they have to, right? It's a significant increase of 10% from the previous year. So it's bad. It's a bad thing for society, but I'm just going to talk about me for a moment. I used to believe this about my kids. In fact, if you've listened for long enough on the radio, you probably know that I've said this. I've been. I've said this on the year before. And I was always out of the house at 18. That's how I've always been. That's really how my folks pretty much were. We raised you. You're 18 fly little birdie. There's, there's the branch. Bye bye. See you. Goodbye. And honestly, I've been so emphatic about that that I have told my sons that their entire life. I've just flat out told them in my own way, as you can imagine. Tell them, no, that 18, you're gone. You graduate high school, pack up your stuff and get out. Go get a crappy apartment somewhere. I don't care. Time for you to go live, learn to live on your own. As I've watched America change, and honestly, maybe that's not fair. Maybe that's not totally fair. Maybe I've changed too, as I've gotten older. Maybe I'm getting, I mean, honestly, maybe I'm getting soft. Maybe that's it. Maybe I just love my boys and I don't want to lose them. But as I've watched everything kind of shake up around me, you know what I dream of now? And it's probably not something that's ever going to happen, but you really want to know what I dream of now. If you could hand me something, it wouldn't be fancy diamonds or Lamborghini or something like that. I would want a big piece of land and I would want my family, my sons and their families they eventually have, maybe even their grandkids too, everyone to have their own kind of plot of ground on a land for a gigantic Kelly family compound. And I know that's ridiculous and it's too expensive and I'm never going to be able to do something like that. I understand that. And I understand that may not be what my boys want, obviously. Who knows what they're going to want? Who knows what their wives are going to want? But I've gotten more, I don't know if insular is the way I want to put it. Is that it the way you'd put it? Really focused is probably how I'd put it. Community focused as I look on and horror at what's going on in our country. Yeah, I'm horrified and I'm bummed about it just like you are, but I'm just kind of changing how I view things and changing the way I view the future. I want to preserve my family and protect my family, my community, my own town, my own state. Placing these things for the first time in my life, I'm placing these things above country. Does that sound bad? Does that make me sound bad? I don't want it to sound bad. What, Chris? Well, I guess maybe that's the good point. Chris just said, well, is it still your country? It is. We've talked about that, but look, here's one thing I continue to dwell on and I've brought it up before. And then we're going to move on. We're going to talk about some other stuff, some dizzy stuff. I want to get to emails. I'm going to do other things. Joe Biden has allowed in 8 million illegals in three years. Just stay with me. I'm going somewhere with this by the time Joe Biden's four years is up, whether or not he gets reelected, Joe Biden will have imported. Let's be honest. These numbers are light 12 million illegals into the country and the world. I'm making a point. Stay with me. The world will know, will, if they have known that a Democrat president like Joe Biden, that it gives them the opportunity to dump the bottom of the barrel into America. You can empty out your prisons, dump them onto America. America will take them. And they did. They've done that over the last four years. You have a bunch of rapists. Give them to America murderers. Give them to America. This flat out poor people who are proven to be a drain on your nation's resources. Give them to America. Joe Biden will have imported 12 million illegals at the end of this four years. Now here's where I'm going with that. Even if Donald Trump gets elected, and let's say even if this mass deportation thing happens, it won't. Don't get your hopes up. But even if it did happen, we still live in a country where that's now the policy position of Democrats. So anytime a Democrat gets elected, we are in store for four years of an open border and a country filling up with murderers and rapists. Any time a Democrat gets elected president, maybe it's not my country anymore. But even if it's not, even whether it is or not, this is the thing that's making me more insular. I'm now the guy. I don't want my kids to go. No, I'm not going to raise some freeloading losers with no job, but I'm trying to keep everyone close now. Is that weird? That make me weird? Maybe I'm just getting old and soft and you know what's making me soft is comfort. It's my pillow that's making me soft. Comfort makes a man soft. You see, I used to sleep out on the ground sleeping bags out in the mountains or when I was at home, I had all this subpar bedding. And so it made me a harder man, but now now that I've discovered the glory of my pillow, it's so comfortable and so wonderful. It's making me soft, even walking around the house. You know, I used to walk around the house barefoot and at the end of the day, of course, my feet would hurt my back hurts and all that other stuff. But ever since I discovered my slippers, now I walk around the house all day long and they have so much support that my feet never hurt. It's making me soft when I go to bed at night. I wrap myself now in Giza Dream sheets and it's just like I'm sleeping there in this lovely little cloud, a Jesse cloud in Giza Dream sheets are on sale right now. And my slippers are 60% off right now. Go take advantage at my of the sales. Always take advantage of the sales. My click on the radio list or special square, use the promo code Jesse, get soft with me. I don't want to put it that way. But you know, Jesse Kelly's show on a Wednesday reminding you, you can email the show Jesse at Jesse Kelly's show dot com. All right. Let's do a couple of things really quickly. We're going to take Biden's comments today here in just a second. I just wanted to say something. I saw this article and the headline of the article is I sent my baby's photos to a modeling agency on a whim. And now she's the face of two major ad campaigns and I was thinking about this lady. She sent pictures of her kid and her kids already earned $4,000 for Walmart and Costco and I was just, it made me think to myself, I bet my parents could have made a fortune off of me. What Chris? No, listen, Chris, have you ever seen pictures for me of me when I was younger? I know you probably think I'm insanely handsome now. You should have seen me as a baby. I am the cutest baby I have ever seen in my entire life. I think about all the money my parents missed out on and I just want to say, mom and dad, I'm sorry that you missed out on the lucrative amounts of money that adorable baby Jesse would have brought you in now. Joe Biden, obviously, it's going to be a year of cringe. It's a Democrat election year. This is what they do. They go to their various groups and they pander Joe Biden, though, he just takes it to a new level because as I've mentioned before, there's something different about Biden different from then from even other politicians. Joe Biden is the biggest liar in the history of American politics and allow me to explain before you for you. I understand that every politician lies, Democrats lie, Republicans lie. It's honestly, especially when you're president, frankly, it's part of the job. You're going to tell little white lies. You are sometimes bigger, sometimes smaller, but they all lie. Everyone of them did every single one did. It's how it goes. Trump lied. Obama lied. Bush lied. Clinton lied. Bush lied. Reagan lied. Carter lied. They all lie. Every single one of them. All right. Everyone gets it. They lied. But Joe Biden, he's a different animal in that Joe Biden is such a natural liar, such a pathological liar that Joe Biden will tell the huge absurd whoppers. Yes. Yes. Get that Chris. Get that one. Actually get that. I want you to get that one. Joe Biden will tell these huge absurd. We're about to play one for you. He'll tell you these huge absurd whoppers that everyone knows are alive and in fact, easily verifiable. Remember, I've told you before, he's gotten in trouble with his own staff by his talking point where he says, you couldn't own a cannon back when the second amendment was there. Even dirty, comedy, Democrat staffers have come to Joe Biden privately and said, could you please stop saying that? Yes, you could. Everyone knows that that was the law, but he doesn't stop. He just he's so pathologically committed to it. Remember the story? People forgot about this. Remember, Joe Biden was campaign and he was going for the black vote during his first run, of course. And so he always would show up in these black neighborhoods and he shows up in this black neighborhood. He's surrounded by all these black people and he starts, he starts telling this story about how he was this lifeguard who almost got in a razor fight with a gang banger named corn pop. Remember this? Corn pop was a bad dude and he ran a bunch of bad boards. And I did. And back in those days, and sure things have changed. One of the things you had to use, if you use palm aid in your hair, you had to wear a baby cap. And so he was up on the board with a list of them. I said, Hey Esther, you off the board, I'll come up and drag you off. Well, he came off and he said, I'll meet you outside my car. My car. There was a gate on here. I parked my car outside the gate and he said, I'll be waiting for you. He was waiting for her three guys and straight razors. Not a joke. And I walked up to my car and they had step those days used to remember the straight rays. You had bang them on the curb, get them rusty, put them in the rain barrel, get them rusty. And I looked at them, but I was smart then. I said, first of all, I said, we got it, we got it. It never happened. Joe Biden didn't take on corn pop and his gang of gang bangers because of the palm aid he put in his jerry court, Jerry curl of the public pool. That's not a thing that happened. And in fact, most human beings, even many, even most, I would venture to say Democrats, they would feel kind of gross and probably would avoid telling a story like that, especially in front of a group of black people who they're all going to know you're lying, but not Joe, totally just pathological. And so today he gets up in front of a bunch of Hispanics and you know how he always says something different. Got him into politics. Today, it was Caesar Chavez, a little bit in her blood, Caesar Chavez was her grandfather. And he's the guy that got me interested to be came to know we didn't know what's a lie. But of course, he always adds in this kind of weird thing. You know, when I get criticism, some places for having such a strong interest in Latino voters and Latino Americans and people here in the country. Yeah, Joe gets a lot of criticism for having an interest in Latino voters. All right. All right. One more quick cut on this. All kind of Joe's Latino press conference today. All right. Quick focus. Let's get to some emails before we get to Disney and all this other crap. Oh, by the way, Mexico says it won't accept. Of course, the headline has to be migrants won't accept migrants set back under Texas's new immigration law. It's accept or don't accept. They're coming back by the truckload. At least they should be seeing a normal country. You don't ask you back up a truck right across the border and you dump them off, try and stop us. Jesse, on your recommendation while on a road trip, I got to experience buckies for the first time beyond words. Wow. Amazing. I am now hooked. Thank you for suggesting the buckies experience told you you cruise by a buckies. You just know it's about to be good. Jesse, Senator Lindsey Graham is proposing interest free loans to Ukraine as if they would have any sense of urgency to pay it back at all. Do you see any problem with this? This name's Gary. Well, Lindsey Graham. Lindsey Graham is a human being who spent a long time wrecking this country. And for some reason, blood red, South Carolina keeps sending him back to the United States Senate and Lindsey Graham loves loves to take your taxpayer money and sprinkle it all over the globe. He just thinks it's the best. That's what he's done for the longest time. He's never going to stop and apparently South Carolina voters are never going to take him to task over such things. Jesse, the 2024 bid will be Biden Newsome with Kamala taking the next Supreme Court seat. I could see that imagine if dome imagine this dome gets on the Supreme Court and then publishes a book and titles it oral arguments. Tell me that's what Chris. It's fine. It's fine. That's what I would title the book. Anyway, speaking of judges, this lady Nancy Maldonado said an interesting answer about the weapons you use to protect yourself. She was getting interrogated by Senator Kennedy today. You said quote assault weapons may be banned because they're extraordinarily dangerous and are not appropriate for legitimate self-defense purposes. Close quote. Tell me what you meant by assault weapons. Thank you, Senator Kennedy. Just to clarify there, I was local counsel our Supreme. Notice just this pause. Notice how she doesn't answer the question. She starts off trying to hedge a little bit. I'll let her continue. You wrote the brief. Tell me what you meant by assault weapons. Senator Kennedy, actually I did not write the brief. The brief was written by- You signed the brief though, did you? Correct. I signed the brief. You signed the brief. You're testifying to the court that everything in it is true, right? Yes. Okay. So they're your words in terms of the court, right? Well, you're correct, Senator Kennedy. I would never sign- Tell me what you meant by assault weapons. So I am not a gun expert, and at the time that brief I think was about- They were given the court advice about say, ban assault weapons. What is- You told the court you were an expert? Just tell me what you wanted to ban. Senator, sitting here today, as I said, I did not write that brief. I was local counsel. She signed the brief. I understand. Let me just remind you again. I'm not going to let it go. She goes on for another minute like that. Let me remind you again, that you're wasting your breath when you show liberal and pay gun statistics. When you show her the murder statistics that show virtually all the murders take place in big cities that have gun control laws, you're wasting your breath because really they just want you disarmed. That's why they don't know anything about them. That's why they can't define anything about them because they don't want to define anything. They don't care about that. The point is they want to disarm you because they want the freedom to hurt you. I know that's hard to accept. That's why Democrats go for your guns. They want the freedom to hurt you, period. There's never a second explanation. All right? All right. We'll make fun of Star Wars and we'll do a bunch of headlines I didn't get to and some other things. Let's first let us do something good, let us talk about tunnel to towers. Let's talk about widows and orphans. We talk all the time about blessings. We have this blessing and that blessing. Things we're grateful for. Look, how many kids out there don't have dad anymore or don't have mom anymore. It's heartbreaking to think that that how many cops go off, especially now they go off to work and they never come home. How many gold star families are still suffering because mom or dad never got back from Iraq or Afghanistan? Tunnel to towers is the organization helping when you support tunnel to towers with 11 bucks a month, you're supporting widows and orphans tunnel to towers is out there finding these people in need and they're helping fill at least a little bit of that hole that dad or mom left behind. Give 11 bucks a month, sign up to give it automatically. You'll never know it's gone. T the number two T dot org will be the Jesse Kelly show final segment of the Jesse Kelly show. One more thing about Tony bubble insky. I played all the other comments from today's you've heard all that stuff ad nauseam. One thing that I will say that it shocked me about today. I was a little bit surprised about this bubble insky testimony today. It shocked me that I mean he's a Democrat used to work with the Bidens. I had no idea that bubble insky was a loyal listener to the Jesse Kelly show that have given you tremendous amount of evidence that outlined they they worked to obfuscate it create layers of obstruction. That's the reason why Rob Walker was getting sent millions of dollars on the only one who knows how to use that word obviously he's been listening to the show Tony shout out to you. I admire what you did today, buddy. I admire your courage. Big fan big fan of what you did also big fan of this exchange as raskin gets his panties in a bunch over all this stuff the same people preaching this mantra no better. They continue to lie directly to the American people without hesitation and remorse. Rep Dan Goldman and Jamie Raskin both lawyers will continue to lie today in this hearing and then go straight to the media to tell more lies. Hunter Biden's defense attorney Abilow weaponizes letters to Congress to try to smear my name Mr. Chairman the cold art facts Mr. Chairman in an attempt to save his powerfully connected client and his father and then raskin jumps in trying to save his own skin. I want to do one other thing to use to have Disney plus you a Star Wars fan and to play you a little clip Leslie Hedlund no don't stop stop that's her name Leslie Hedlund is her name used to work for Harvey Weinstein I should note she's the new director of some new Star Wars show they're going to play Star Wars fans listen to me I'm actually not going to be one of the guys that makes funny you I enjoy Star Wars I've never been a super fan but I enjoy Star Wars don't turn your nose up Chris anyway I enjoy Star Wars but Star Wars fans Disney owns it now and I'm sorry but you need to cancel Disney plus and you need to stop going you need to let it go this is Leslie Hedlund these people hate you when I saw frozen as a as a grown woman I I cried through the entire movie there was just something about the relationship between the sisters the the like de-villainization of the classic kind of fairy tale bad bad guy you know the concept of true love being between two sisters and not a heterosexual relationship like it just it just destroyed me completely and I thought gosh you know I would love to make something like this that is you know for lack of a better term Disney meaning it's something that like my parents would have allowed me to see when I was younger as a queer person but I would have been able to understand as a queer person and I think I I would have had a completely different life and so I really was inspired by it and so when I was developing this original idea to pitch to Kathleen I thought well you know it can't just be that you know when you're pitching Star Wars you have to pull from what you know George was also interested in like it can't just be like well I'm referencing especially if you're gonna you hear what she agonized over hey I need to sit down I need to make a Star Wars movie I need to make a Disney because I need to make sure your family will come see but how do I let this whole thing up look I want to make sure my religion is pumped into the eyes and ears of your kids and I want to make sure you're still such a sucker that you'll pay money to go see this stuff how do I merge those two worlds that's how the communist approaches absolutely everything remember that and now headlines we didn't get to you after four years fifty nine percent in the U.S. say COVID pandemic is over only fifty nine percent it is important to remember that the Democrat in your life lives entirely in a world that is not real he or she the liberal Aunt Peggy in your life is insane Biden wonders off stage after spotting a baby in a crowd an Arizona campaign event quote couldn't resist old Joe like a kid in a candy store with those kids delta pilot jailed for being drunk with blood alcohol more than twice the legal limit before a flight to New York City sorry I thought this was America special election to replace Kevin McCarthy in the house heads to a runoff in California I'd almost forgotten that Kevin McCarthy after he got bounced from speaker of the house took his ball and went home resigned from Congress reducing the GOP majority gosh all these guys Republican Senator Todd Young will not vote for Donald Trump don't care conservative social media influencer charge for her role in January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol her name is Isabella de Luca she's like 20 years old Chris it doesn't matter if she's hot okay yes she is but that's not important to the story what matters is they're still rounding up these poor innocent people and chucking them in jail friggin unreal father of lake and Riley worries about how slain daughter's death is quote being used politically as I have said many many times it's why I don't like all that crap Biden launches Latinos Khan Biden Harris to court Hispanic voters wooed by Trump I don't know why he would launch the fact that he's conning them multi survey only half of New Yorkers plan to stay in democrat city no no no no no no no no no if you vote democrat you stay right there and enjoy it all this has been a podcast from WOR Judy was boring hello then Judy discovered chamber casino dot com it's my little escape now Judy's the life of the party oh baby mama's bringing home the bacon whoa take it easy Judy the chumble life is for everybody so go to chumpa casino dot com and play over a hundred casino style games join today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prices chumpa casino dot com no purchase necessary for you provided by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply see what's like for details