The Howie Carr Radio Network

"Don't MASS it up:" NH Gubernatorial Candidate Kelly Ayotte joins the show | 3.20.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

State Senator Peter Durant starts off the hour outlining his plan to undo the horrible ramifications of a Right to Shelter taken wildly out of context. Then, Howie welcomes New Hampshire gubernatorial candidate Kelly Ayotte to the show to make a pitch to keep the Granite State red...maybe even redder than it is now with Gov. Sununu.

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20 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book, Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. And look for it. This election is not a referent on me. It's an election between me and a guy named Trump. Cesar Chavez is a grandfather. He's the guy that got me interested. He came to Delaware. Who are you? The spirit of Cesar Chavez. Why do you look like Cesar Romero? Because you don't know what Cesar Chavez looks like. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. This message doesn't call Zang Chairman Zang, does it? Has implied that the number one has made it clear and available to him. Who does number two work for? Who is the number one? The number one is Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping, the president of China. He was number one. Should I allow Hunter to give his opening statement first? Yeah. We'll uh, doesn't appear Mr. Biden showed up for his public hearing. Where's Hunter? Rum swabs, hacks and moon bats beware. It's Howie Car. 844-542-42. Stories out earlier this week about how New York and Chicago are supposedly reforming and amending all of their shelter laws to try to force these foreign freeloaders out of the shelters where they plan to live forever. And we told you that the stories indicate the liberal mayors Brandon Johnson, Eric Adams are, they're just running these are scam reforms that they're running and they're all kinds of loopholes and they're just going to keep putting these letting these people flop in these how, in these uh, these migrant shelters so-called forever on welfare. This is just cosmetic changes. Well, guess what? Now it's time for Massachusetts to have its own cosmetic changes to try to so allegedly reform the system. I'm reading from a headline in the Herald right now, Mass Senate prepares for another debate over contours of state run shelter system. And it's case of monkey see monkey do like New York and like Chicago. They've got, they've got all these scam proposals that aren't going to change anything. Joining us now on the line to talk about this is Senator Peter Durant, a Republican from Spencer and he's been, he's been looking through all this, all this proposed legislation and all the amendments and uh, Senator Durant, thanks for being with us here on the Howie car show. Tell us about some of the loopholes. And remember, we've only got, we've only got an hour left on the show. Thanks for having me on how. Yeah. Um, you're right. So we've got this bill. We're going to be spending another couple few hundred million bucks. Um, but you're right. There are loopholes in this bill, which really won't force anyone out of the shelter system. As you know, the governor has, uh, has proposed in this bill proposes a nine month, um, stay in the shelter. So you only get to stay for nine months. But of course you can apply for one or more extensions and really that's where you find these loopholes there. Um, because you can apply for a loophole. Um, maybe some of the things that you would suspect like, uh, if you are pregnant. Oh, okay. Maybe you can go with that one. But if you, um, are making progress towards getting a job, that's good enough for you to stay making progress. Yes, making progress. Um, and, um, if you have a medical condition, now nobody defines what that medical condition is. So, you know, I have athletes foot and I, and that's going to keep me in love in the shelter. Um, I have a headache. If you have, I have a headache. This is a medical condition. Um, if you have, um, for example, if you have children in the school system, that would be disrupted by moving them to another school system. Now, I find that one particularly interesting because, uh, if we implement this nine months from now is January and all these kids will be in school. So there's automatically, you'll get to stay because you're in school. So it's just things like that that, that, um, it's really section three of this bill that has an enormous amount of loopholes in it. And, um, and, you know, it makes the bill practically worthless in my opinion. And I was looking at some of the other amendments that are some of them filed by Democrats like a Becca Roush from Needham. She wants to have the inspector general look at the programs to see if the money's being spent wisely. I mean, this is, this is ridiculous. You know, of course, the money's not being spent wisely. I mean, it's, it's turned into a black hole, billions and billions of dollars. It really has. And, um, you know, we would love to have the auditor, um, audit the program. We would love to have more transparency given to the legislature. Those are some of the amendments that we put in as well. We want to know some more information that comes out in the, in the governor's biweekly reports. Um, so there are things like that that we need to have. We're, we're looking at a commission, um, to, to study the efficiency of this. Um, but there's no minority being Republican representation on it. And so we're looking to change that. So there's a, there's just a number of things here that, um, really making scratch your head about this bill and wonder exactly what it is that we're trying to accomplish. And seemingly we're, we're trying to, we're trying to do something just to do something. They, you know, the, the obvious solution is not these band-aids. It's to shut down the flow. It's this, this law right to shelter was never intended for, uh, for every foreign freeloader in the world. All eight, nine billion of them to come into Massachusetts and, uh, and go on welfare forever. And, uh, and the Democrats don't seem to want to confront that reality. Are there, are there any Democrats that want to, uh, that want to make the right to shelter law just for U S citizens or legal aliens? Well, you know how we, I'm going to, I'm going to, um, I'm going to kind of pass on that one and say, I don't want to speak for them, but I can tell you that we are being said publicly. Have any said publicly that they, the, you know, had issued a statement or told their local newspaper or whatever? Not that I'm aware of, not that I'm aware of. Um, but I can say we are getting, we are hearing the most in pushback within the democratic caucus. Um, from some of those more moderate Democrats that, that are, are looking for a way out of this and looking for an end to this program. And we all know that the first step, of course, is to, um, you know, limit this just to those citizens of the United States. Well, again, we have an amendment in there, uh, for tomorrow's debate that would do that. It's an amendment that we've already tried to put in the house. It's failed in the house a couple of times now. And, uh, we're going to try it again tomorrow, but I don't expect that. We're going to, we're going to be successful in that for GOP senators. So they'll vote for it. I assume any, any Democrats in the Senate going to vote for, uh, for this, this amendment to, to make it just for the right to shelter law, just for Americans, just for citizens and legal aliens, as opposed to, you know, the people that are just coming over here for a free ride. We're going to have to see tomorrow. I, uh, I, I don't want to predict how that's going to go, but I think, um, I don't think what it's going to pass. I think it's safe to say that that amendment won't pass. Um, it would be, uh, I, I'm not going to put, I'm not a betting man on who's going to vote for or against it. I can tell you that the full Republicans are going to be voting for it. I'm going to say the over, I'm going to put an over. I'm going to be the handicapper on this one. I'm going to say the overunder on the number of Democrats who vote for this is going to be one. That's the overunder. I'm going to take the under. All right. You might be right on there. I'm not sure, but, uh, I don't think I want to take that with you. Oh, well, you know, if we do have a lot of, we do have a lot of debate tomorrow, this is going to, I think this, I think there were the last, they looked, there were about 60 or so amendments to this. So we expect it to be a long night, but again, at the end of the day, how it's really a shame, because it's so far unless this bill changes significantly, and I mean really significantly, um, I think we're just doing a lot of window dressing and it's, it's, it's, it's for us to do something. To say we've gone and done something and look at this, we're making progress, but at the end of the day, um, I don't think you're going to see any changes nine months from now. We're still going to be in this same mess and, uh, and people aren't going to be cycled out of the shelters. So yeah, and you know, the thing is to, uh, Senator Durant, last, last comment I'll make is they're not fooling anybody, not even readers of the Boston Globe, not even not, not even people who listen to national panhandle radio think this is going to do anything. Yeah. And I think you're right. You are seeing some of that, that, that media, that left wing media is actually starting to make noise about it, which to your point though, is, is that pressuring some more of the moderate Democrats to, to re look at this. And, and I hope we have some, uh, defections if you will tomorrow. Um, but I'm not going to take a bet on your overunder. Okay. Senator Peter Durant, thanks for being with us. We appreciate it. We'll be right back. We've, uh, former Senator Kelly Aort, uh, who's in a, uh, they had dispute with Mara Healy and, uh, her Democrat opponents for governor of New Hampshire. I'm Howie Carr, the Howie Carr Show will be right back. The Howie Carr Show is back. Kelly Aort is the former Senator from New Hampshire, US Senator. And, uh, she is now a candidate, one of the Republican candidates for governor of New Hampshire. Chris Sonu is quitting after, I think, four terms or five terms. And, uh, she's, she's running against a, uh, a woman, uh, the, the mayor, former mayor of, uh, of Manchester, who has been endorsed by, uh, Mara Healy. And, uh, Mara Healy, the other day said, uh, about the rape, the alleged rape of a disabled girl by a, uh, an illegal alien from Haiti. It is unfortunate from time to time things will happen. And Kelly Aort, well, I'll let Kelly Aort explain what she said after she read that quote from Mara Healy, just kind of trudging off the, uh, this, this horrific incident in Rockland. Uh, Senator, uh, Aort, uh, thanks for being on the show. We appreciate it. So tell us, uh, tell us what you said and what the way that why it's so controversial, what you said. Oh, well, it's, it's great to be on the show, Howie. And what I said is, you know, I was the attorney general. I was a former prosecutor. And when you say things like from time to time, things happen about rape, especially, uh, from people who are not even supposed to be in our country, it's, it's outrageous. And my opponent, Joyce Craig, has been endorsed by Mara Healy. So I asked her, you know, what do you think about her statement? And don't you think you should denounce her endorsement? And, you know, Howie, I heard crickets. In fact, we've been pressing her for over 200 days about, well, you tell the voters where you stand on sanctuary policies. Well, she won't say anything about it. You know, Why, Howie? Because she's for them. And we know these policies, you know, lead to situations where unfortunately we saw what happened in Georgia with that, that poor, um, you know, girl, Lake and Riley, um, you know, so these are the situations that, you know, we, I look at what is happening in Massachusetts and how you know what one of my campaign teams is it's don't mask it up. So, you know, we can't have. And we all know what you're talking about, Kelly. We all know we all understand it. You don't have to be from New Hampshire to understand it. Well, you see it. You see what's happening. We're housing illegal immigrants in at Logan, youth facilities. And then, of course, this horrible rape, um, that happened for this 15 year old disabled girl and to have, you know, the governor callously say, Oh, things happen. No, this is a rape. And you'd think that my opponent in New Hampshire, uh, Joyce Craig, no, she's embraced Governor Healy's endorsement. And I don't want her to bring those policies to New Hampshire as she won't tell the voters where she stands. But we know with that endorsement, she's going to bring the policies that we've seen in the base state that are causing problems down there. I want to ask you about something else that just came out today. The, uh, the, the latest, uh, New Hampshire rankings in the wallet hub, which is a, uh, you know, pretty, pretty big, organization. And they rated New Hampshire has again been named best state for taxpayer return on investment ROI ninth consecutive year that the granted state has taken the top honors in the analysis. And, uh, you know, I was just reading a column, uh, from a New Hampshire journal. Uh, so Joyce Craig and the other, uh, the other candidate, the Democrat have to explain again why it's time for a change when the state and the economy are already performing at so well. Yeah, that, that's right. How are you? If you look at our state, we don't have an income tax, a sales tax, no death taxes. Uh, we've reduced the Republican legislature and the governor have reduced business taxes. This is a very, uh, pro taxpayer state. And that's really what's at stake in this election because the Democrats that are running for governor, uh, you know, they take us in a very different direction. And again, we don't want, we all do respect to our neighbors. We don't want to become our neighbors because we have the best return for taxpayers here in New Hampshire. And to me, that's the New Hampshire advantage. It's what we need to preserve and fight for. But it's not something we can take for granted because we saw, I mean, look at what has happened in Massachusetts with this so-called millionaires tax. You've seen an out, you know, an outflow of money from the state as a result of that. You know, we're number 41. You're number one and we're number 41. Right. Exactly. That says it all that. Now, you know, of course, that makes sense why we have buttons that say don't mess it up. Yeah. And you know, I think another thing you've been saying is, uh, New Hampshire is one election away from becoming Massachusetts. That's, I think that's, that's another tringent observation. I mean, that's true. I think it is true because if you have different leadership, you know, we've had governor's new new in officer last eight years. And when he was in office and the Democrats actually had control of the legislature, thankfully the Republicans have had control the last few year, you know, last, you know, four years, but he, there was a term where they had control and he vetoed almost 80 bills. He detorted things that would have led, you know, income tax, taxes, all kinds of things that if that corner office were to be in the hands of, you know, a Joyce Craig or Cindy Warmington, you know, both of those women, they don't share the fiscal philosophy that really makes our state so special. Yeah. And my textures are pointing out that, uh, you know, when, uh, during the BLM riots and arson and looting sprees in 2020, she said, uh, uh, that's, she was talking about the fires and she said, uh, yes, that's how forests grow. Remember that? Oh my. Oh, that's so troubling. Really. Crazy stuff. I mean, and then, you know, but my opponent in the governor's race in New Hampshire, happy to have her endorsement. Of course, she doesn't want to talk about it now. But she's obviously, those are the policies she aligns herself with and not what we want, uh, in New Hampshire and for the people of New Hampshire, you think about our live-for-your-die state motto. It's the opposite of live-for-your-die. And I think it's really important that we fight to preserve that. Yeah. And fight to preserve no income tax and no sales tax. No income tax, no sales, no death tax is like, you know, government works for the people, not the other way around. Uh, I don't know. So how can people become involved in your campaign? And I know you have a Republican opponent in the, in the, uh, in the fight, Chuck Morris, but how can people become involved in your campaign? Kelly, A.O. You can be come involved by going to my website, Kelly for New Kelly, F.O.R. New And how we, they can also check out, I've laid out my positions on that website. Uh, this is really an important race because we are one election away from becoming Massachusetts, but I'm gonna fight to make sure that doesn't happen. So I'd love your listeners to check out my website and what I stand for. And we're not going to mass it up, my friend. And you know, my, my listeners, and so there's still, there's still texting in. You know, Manchester did not exactly flourish under Mayor Craig did it? No, it was, it was a mess. Unfortunately, you walked down, you talked to the business owners downtown. Uh, you know, there was, uh, essentially homeless. Uh, there was urine, feces, needles. Uh, the city went downhill. And in fact, elected a Republican mayor, Jay Ruay, uh, who is turning that city around and working on it, but her leadership, she was such a weak mayor. And now of course she wants to be governor. And that's not what we need for our state. Kelly, thank you for being with us. We appreciate it. And I'm, I'm on your side. I'm glad you called, uh, called out Mara Healy. I wish more of our Massachusetts, uh, people that called called her out. Thank you, Kelly, I'm Howard Carter. This is Dan Rizzo. It's been well over a year since my brother Paul and I started advertising with Howie. It's been great to meet and work with so many of his listeners and staff. Our goal here is simple to provide peace of mind and build strong relationships based on trust. Our clients know how much we care about them and their insurance needs. So if you want to save money and experience great customer service, contact us at You might be amazed by the cost savings you can achieve. Again, that's We wanted to do a Howie Car Show sale for the month of March, but our lawyers tell us we can't use the word March and the word madness together. So introducing the merch madness sale. All this month save $5 on Howie's new book, Paper Boy, Read All About It, or save $5 on a Trump mudshot t-shirt, a cheaper to deport than support t-shirt, or any of the t-shirts in Howie's store. Just go to, flick store, and enter the code March at checkout to take advantage of the merch madness sale. That should keep the lawyers happy. Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. 844-500-42-42-844-500-42-42. By the way, these South American gangs that have been allowed in under the Obama-Biden open borders policies dating back to 2014, they're not just operating on the coast in LA, Southern California, Nassau County, Long Island, etc., etc. Authorities in the western Philadelphia suburb of West Whiteland Township, it's a little village, a suburban village, are reporting clashes with organized gangs of retail thieves made up of illegal border crossers. Police officials have identified at least three gangs of illegal aliens responsible for the theft of thousands of dollars in merchandise. This is in a little township, West of Philly, since January. Officers arrested two Venezuelan illegals on February 1 and charged them with stealing more than $2,000 in merchandise from an Alta store in Exxon. The suspects, Albert, Torio, Jordan, and Kvar Gularte camps both entered the U.S. illegally. Did their mothers have a comment? Taylor? He's a good boy, a very good boy. In another case, an illegal from Peru was accused of stealing $17,000 from a Coles in extant. The suspect had been deported but is reportedly already back. Stop me if you've heard this one before. That was less than a month ago and he's already back in the United States stealing, said a police officer. The groups are also being implicated in home and car burglaries. In January, authorities in the western suburb of Oak Brook noticed an increase in thefts and multiple retail outlets being perpetrated by illegals who've been traced back to flop houses for foreign freeloaders in Chicago. Other areas in the Chicago region have reported gangs of illegals engaged in criminal activities. Lake County, Illinois, located just north of Chicago, reported that a migrant gang was suspected of operating a theft ring targeting businesses. Authorities in Michigan found similar circumstances after a gang of illegal aliens from Chile was arrested robbing a Macy store in Oakland County. It's amazing Macy's is going to keep any stores open the way they're getting robbed across the country by shoplifters and just general thugs from the third world. 844-542-42 rocky year next with highway car. Go ahead, Rocky. Thanks. I always take my call. Hey, I thought I was like drinking. Actually, I was drinking but I heard that illegals can walk into Illinois in a gun shop and a judge said they have the right to buy a gun with no ID or anything. Is there anything credence to that? Yes, there is. I should have printed out a story. I've mentioned it. Yeah, there is a story. Let me pull that story and I'll read you the whole thing. I mean, so much for background checks, right? I mean, you have to undergo a background check. You have to, in Massachusetts, you have to get someone to write a letter of recommendation to get a gun permit. You have to pay 100 bucks. How much do these illegal aliens have to pay to get a license? I'm sure they don't. I'm sure they don't have a license. Illinois. The legal alien guns. Okay, here we go. After an Obama appointed Illinois federal judge ruled the Second Amendment covers the gun rights of a particular illegal alien, Marco Rubio, Senator from Florida called it the latest development. Let me look here. Hold on. Okay, judge rules, illegal aliens have gun rights protected by Second Amendment. Judge Sharon Johnson Coleman, Obama, ruled that a federal prohibition on illegal aliens owning firearms is unconstitutional as applied to defendant Ereberto Cabal Flores. The court found that, well, the federal ban is, quote, facially constitutional. What the hell does that mean facially constitutional? There is no historical tradition of firearm regulation that permits the government to deprive a non citizen who has never been convicted of a violent crime from exercising his Second Amendment rights. He's in the country illegally. Doesn't that make him a criminal? I can't get a gun. If I'm a criminal in Massachusetts, if you're arrested for drunk driving in Massachusetts, you have to give up your guns. If you have a domestic complaint, a 209a, it doesn't matter if it's false or not. You're going to have your gun taken away. But the illegal alien gets to keep his gun. Cara Ball Flores is an illegal alien who on June 1st, 2020 was found to be in possession of a handgun in Chicago. By the way, who is providing legal counsel for this illegal alien from Chicago? 844-542-844. So they're saying he's not a danger to society. He's an illegal alien. That makes him, in my opinion, prima facia, a danger to society. He has no concept of laws in the first world. 844-542-542. Good Lord. Sharon, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Sharon. Good evening, everyone. I'm calling from Medford. Thank you for taking the call. I've been kind of attuned to some things related to this during the last week or so, Howie. I'm wondering if this is tyrannical, if this is actually endangering, you know, with the Haitians and also the southern border and they're also coming to Massachusetts over the last three years, if it's harming life, especially with the germs, et cetera, poor Diaz. I'm not criticizing them for that. In all the terrorists who have been found so far in the raping and the murders of that poor, like Riley, can't the president be arrested? I mean, are someone who's allowing this, like my August? How did he get through on that trial? Are the people that stupid and callous? What's your view on that? Well, they have control of the levers of government right now. I mean, they've got to be ejected from political office in November to start to try to clean up this mess that they've created. I mean, I don't know how many of these people we can ever get out of this country. I mean, they don't want to go home. They'd have to work if they went home. I mean, you could have it. You're an illegal alien. You can have a gun. An American citizen who's who's committed a crime or is accused of a crime can't have a gun, but the illegal alien can have a have a gun. 844 542 42. You want an American? You want an American reprobate? We've been talking about illegal alien reprobates. This is from the New York Post. In Orlando, Florida, elected official allegedly took control of a 96 year old woman's finances and spent more than $100,000 of the non-ajarian. That means in their 90s money on a facelift. Miami hotel room for New Year's Eve and other personal expenses, according to recently filed court documents. Orlando County, Orlando City Commissioner Regina Hill also allegedly used the six figure sum on dental surgery, pricey perfume and clothes, and multiple intravenous vitamin infusions. Oh, I take those, but I pay for them. I don't steal the money or excuse me, I don't get the money from 96 year old women. The spending spree came after Hill met the senior citizen in March 2021 and retained power of attorney over the over the 96 year old the next month. She Commissioner Hill, I looked her up on her on the city of Orlando website today. She says that she approaches her public service with a mindset best stated by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. quote, everyone has the power for greatness, not for fame, but greatness because greatness is determined by service. Unquote. She quotes Dr. Martin Luther King and she says she comes from humble beginnings. She's also had some humble not so beginnings. She has a 21 past arrests. She is, by the way, it's a nonpartisan position, but I'm going to guess that she's registered as a Democrat, even though being elected as a city commissioner is nonpartisan. She has a list of 21 past arrests to go all the way back to 1983. The past charges include drug offenses, fraud, passing bad checks in DUIs. Martin Luther King could not be reached for comment eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. Justin, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Justin. Luckily, if I'm wrong, but isn't being in this country illegally a felony? So if this is there's hundreds of us or hundreds of thousands of us, I should say in this state who can't get FID cards or even I should say LTCs or FID cards and we don't have a felony, but just because the cops have the ability to say, I don't think you're a suitable person. They're allowed to give you the permit, but yet these people come over and just their presence on our soil in general is a felony and they're going to let them have a gun. So does this mean I can go back and tell the police in the town I live in? I want my LTC and they're going to give me the damn thing now because if they're able to have it, I can have it because hashtag equality because that's what is left just that's their favorite word. And that's their go to things to try to get away with everything is whoa, everybody's equal, right? So we have to give them everything. Well, they're good. If they're getting enough and LTC, I want my damn LTC to because hey, it's all about equality, isn't it? That's what you people tell us. Yeah, but Justin, you're a citizen. You don't have the same rights as an illegal alien criminal. You have to pay for your medical insurance, don't you? You have to pay for your dental insurance. By the way, you also have to pay for your dry cleaning. Illegal aliens in Massachusetts don't have to pay for their dry cleaning and they get free pickup and free same day service. Yeah, like you usually say, I don't want any special privilege is just treat me like an illegal alien. If they can have an LTC, then give me mine. I can understand your frustration. I mean, this is absurd. This is totally absurd. You know, when Martha Cokley said technically is not illegal to be illegal in Massachusetts, we all laughed at it. We played that cut millions of times. But you know what? She was right. Technically, it is not illegal to be illegal in Massachusetts. Technically, it's better to be illegal in Massachusetts or Illinois or any other damn place in the United States than it is to be a legal citizen because if you're a legal or a legal alien, as opposed to an illegal alien, you have certain responsibilities and duties and you're expected to obey the law. Illegal aliens have no such restrictions on their behavior. 844-542-42. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr show will be right back. He's Howie Carr and he's back. 844-542-42. How does one federal judge override the Constitution? They override it and then they get overturned on appeal and sometimes it has to go all the way up to the Supreme Court. What does that mean? The federal ban on illegal alien criminals having firearms is facially constitutional, facially. I guess that means on its face. But she can read it because she's very talented. She got her degree, her undergraduate degree from Northern Illinois University and then she got a JD from Washington University School of Law, which doesn't mean that she has less ability than a Harvard or Yale law grad. I think she was picked for reasons that have not so much to do with her legal scholarship. Let's put it that way. Tommy, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Tommy. Yeah, this is going to have some very bad ramifications because to legally purchase a gun, number one, this guy illegally had a handgun. In the city of Chicago, it is extremely difficult for a private citizen to get a concealed carry permit in that city. It's almost as bad as New York City. Not quite there, but very difficult. But what's going to happen, states like Massachusetts, Illinois and other blue states, they're giving driver's licenses to illegal aliens to purchase a firearm from a federally licensed dealer. You have to show a government issued ID and all they have to do on that form is lie about their immigration status. If they have no background in the United States of America as far as criminal activity or drunk driving or arrest or what have you, they're not going to go to Interpol and see Chico from Honduras or wherever they come from. This is bad. How about this, Tommy? One of the reasons she said that the judge said that the guy should be allowed to have a gun, he bought the gun in the spring of 2020 during a time of domestic civil unrest. In other words, he was trying to defend himself. He's an undocumented Democrat trying to defend himself from other Democrats who were rioting and looting and taking advantage of the death of George Floyd in the police custody to engage in some freelance reparations collections. Well, one question, who funded his attorney? Because to go to a court like that, that's very expensive. Well, that's what I was just asking. I'm going to guess some public advocacy group. Well, I guess it is a criminal case, actually. I guess it was a criminal case. So maybe he has an Illinois public defender. I doubt it. Somebody had some serious cash to get him into that court. You just don't go into a federal court like that with a public defender. No way. I don't know. Thank you. Thanks. Thanks, Tommy. 844 542 42. 82 year old woman threatens lawsuit after trans incident at YMCA pool. This is in in Washington state. I was showering in the women's dressing room when I saw a man wearing a woman sweatshirt watching little girls undressed. I was obligated to speak up and ask for help. She heard she heard the she heard this guy when she she heard a male voice in the women's locker room. When she pulled back the shower curtain to see who was there, she saw a biological male wearing a female swimsuit. The the individual was watching two young girls who appeared to be about four to six years old as they were preparing to use the toilet. The 82 year old woman asked the man, do you have a penis to which Adams replied, "None of your business." Then she was yelled at by the pool of staff. I'm Howie Carr.