The Howie Carr Radio Network

AOC vs. Bobulinski, Judge Jarred Presides, and 2A Tuesday on a Wednesday | 3.20.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

Everyone's least favorite millennial congresswoman takes the stand in the Hunter Biden Oversight Committee hearing. Then, Toby Leary joins the show from Colorado amidst his freedom-fighting endeavors out west.

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20 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattoria studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, stay stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. As I mentioned, Toby Leary's going to join us at 220. So if you had a question yesterday and you were curious as to why he wasn't with us, he will be joining us today. You can ask your question at 220, the number is 844, 542, 42. You know, we are playing sound cuts of Tony Bubbleinsky versus Representative Dan Goldman versus Representative Jamie Raskin. And I would say there were fireworks. I would say that it got tense. It got rowdy. But when AOC shows up, it gets stupid. And that's really what I want to play. So a Congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who is a very, very big defender of Hunter Biden, which is just always amusing to me. Because she's supposed to be for like the little person, you know, or the common man she's standing up against the billionaire class. She's standing up against white privilege. She's standing up. She's standing up for the people, the forgotten people. And what does she do? She's defending what I... someone I would argue is like the definition of white privilege. The definition of a spoiled, pompous, corrupt, rule-breaking, law-breaking brat. Not to mention womanizer. Did I forget that? Because isn't she the big feminist? I am woman hear me roar. Hunter Biden doesn't have a good track record when it comes to his treatment of women. But she's always there defending him. She's like one of his high-priced lawyers. She's like Abby Lowell's mouthpiece. She's always there defending Hunter Biden and trying to claim that he's the victim. That he's the one who the system is rigged against. And so she decides to take some of that anger that she's typically wielding at Donald Trump and other Republicans. And today she's using it against Tony Bublinsky. But again, Jared, the Democrats are used to this game going one way. They're not used to getting a witness who they can't control. So now they're all screaming like, "Oh, they're in the court. He won't stop talking." Because he's playing their game. It takes two to tango, baby. So she's asking Tony Bublinsky and she thinks she's got him. She does this thing and Kamala Harris does the same thing. I remember this during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings, which is funny because today we're talking about Christine Blasey Ford. They do this thing where they pose a question. And if the question requires more explanation, they like to use it as a way of going, "Aha, I got you." Like, it's a yes or no answer. It's very simple. It's very simple, even if it's not. And so she's asking Tony Bublinsky if he ever witnessed Joe Biden commit a crime. And then things get off the rails as they want to do when AOC has a microphone. So let's take a listen. Is it your testimony today that you personally witnessed President Joe Biden commit a crime? I believe the fact that he was sitting with me while I was putting together a business deal. Did you witness the president commit a crime? Is it your testimony today? Yes. And what crime do you have you witnessed? How much time do I have to go through it? It is simple. You name the crime. Did you watch him steal something? Corruption statutes, Rico and conspiracy. What is it? What is the crime, sir? Specifically... You asked me to answer the question. I answered the question. Rico, you're obviously not familiar with corruption, sir. Excuse me, sir. Excuse me, sir. Rico is not a crime. It is a category. What is the category of crimes that you're then charged for? You have charges. Oh, long hundreds. You have charges, sir. Please name the exact statute on Rico. Yes. Well, it's funny. In this committee room, everyone's not here. There's over eight. All right, sir. I reclaim my... Lawyers that went to law school. I'll leave it up. Oh, my God. My head hurts. My head hurts. What is the... Yeah, I know there's a million things you could talk about with that cut. And she didn't like it. You know, she thought she was going to get him there and say, "Did you person?" And he just, you know, he goes, "Yeah, sure. Yeah, I did. And I did." And then that's when her wheels started spinning. But Jared, what's up with the cadence? Like, is this supposed to be powerful as a woman in Congress? It's a cis girl, boss grace. As a woman in Congress, do she think that she's coming off as, like, strong and put together when she's going... That is a cacti gore re. That is, sir, sir. Excuse me, sir. Like, who thinks this makes her look good? Who's telling her, "Yes, Queen? I know people on Twitter and social media, which is really all she cares about. I know those people are, you know, retweeting, reposting, going, "Yes, awesome job." But it's brutal to listen to. And I love this, Tony Bubbleinsky. Tony Bubbleinsky for president. I want Tony Bubbleinsky. Can he be Trump's VP? I'm voting. I don't see any reason why he can't. I mean, if the chair of Halliburton or a Rockefeller could be vice president, why can't this guy be vice president? But isn't it crazy that she's so in the bag for the Bidens, and they really do stand for... Like, if you were to take AOC out of her word of what she believes, you know, her platform or her mission statement, AOC stands for, in theory, what she claims, the exact opposite of what the Bidens represent. They are like establishment, swamp creature, privileged, arrogant, greedy, corrupt, white people. And she's out here defending them at every single flip and turn. And doing it in such an obnoxious way, that's the part that kills me the most, makes my skin crawl, hearing your voice. And again, I don't even have a... I get it. I don't have a great voice either, okay? I'm sure a lot of you are going, "Really? You want to throw stones?" But it's the arrogance factor, like, yelling at this guy to answer the question and then not letting him actually answer it. And when he's listing off crimes... That is a categore re! It's a category of crimes, but that was great. I'm glad he's just saying, like, you keep interrupting me. Tell me when you're not going to interrupt me, and then I'll answer your question. I mean, actually, technically, if you think about it, this really is perfectly on brand for this socialist. I mean, it corrupts all the dark family at the top, basically running rough shot over everybody in the country. I mean, that really is awesome. She's playing the smallest violin for them. She's like, "Oh, there." "How times have changed, AOC?" "I thought you were a real one." "I thought you... I thought you were a real..." "Is she a communist or a socialist?" "She's a socialist." "I thought she was a real socialist." "You know, I thought she really..." "I thought she was a real phony." "I thought she believed her own BS." "But if you're selling yourself out for the Biden vamp for Hunter Biden... Who's not even good for paying prostitutes back?" Talk about a womanizer. He doesn't even cough up the change, like... Or then when he does send the money, he sends it too many times, then he asks for the Venmo back when he's prostitutes. Like, this is the guy that you're going to die on this hill. This is the guy you're going to risk it all for, Hunter Biden. You're just... you're not who I thought you were. It's really made me question AOC's integrity. Yeah, I thought she was a true believer, too. Like, that's what, when she first came on the scene, I was like, "Okay." When she was posing in, like, the $1,000 suits on the show cover, I was like, "This girl knows what she's doing. This woman is... this woman walks the walk and talks the talk." Yeah. And talks, that talk! Yeah, I mean, Bernie, you know, I get it. He wants to be the guy at the top in communism or socialism. He wants to be the guy with the money, I get that. I thought she was really a true acolyte, and that she actually believed this. But again, she's just another phony socialist who wants to crack into the top stratosphere. If you are running cover for the Biden family, you are not, like, a pioneer. You are not a renegade. You are a swamp creature. You're a Democrat corrupt swamp creature. And you're a cello. That's what she is. She's a cello. If the Tesla didn't tell you that, if the French Bulldog didn't tell you that, this should be the nail in the coffin. That she is a complete cello for the Democrat establishment. I hate to break that to all the socialists who listened to the program. She's not who you thought she was. "Hey, I want to read you the story, Jared. I want to get your reaction." Okay? This is out of Florida. It's out of Orlando. It's from the New York Post. It says, "Norlando elected official allegedly took control of a 96-year-old woman's finances." Now you hear these stories where there's like an old person and somebody comes in. I think there was a movie about it recently with the woman from a gone girl. She comes in and she convinces all these old people to sign over their belongings or to let her become their health care proxy. And then she swindles them. This is what this woman did. She allegedly took control of the 96-year-old woman's finances and spent more than $100,000 of the woman's money on a facelift, a Miami hotel room, other personal expenses, including IV infusions, dental surgery, perfume, clothes. She also allegedly used some of the funds to renovate a home owned by the alleged victim, who inherited it in 1988 and where Hill resided before a judge forced her to leave the property last week. Another home that Hill reportedly bought in 2022 included the woman's co-signature of the loan. Now, she met the senior citizen of March of 2020 and she retained power of attorney over the 96-year-old last month. Now the 96-year-old is saying like basically I got tricked. I didn't know this is what I was signing on for, which I think is very believable. But my question for you, Jared. What -- and forget the statutes, forget the law in Florida. I'm not asking you to give us any -- in the Jared Digglio court of law, if everything proves to be true, what kind of -- and she's the Florida city commissioner, by the way. I should mention that. She's not just like anybody. She's a public -- or she's, you know, a public official. What punishment fits this crime? Put you in jail, right away, no trial or no nothing, right to jail, right to jail, right away, jail, jail, you right to jail, jail, also jail, jail, right away. Well, yeah. When Zard Digglio takes over the country and soon the world, there will be no trials. You're just going to -- yes, no. Let's roll by field. But what would you say, jail-wise? How long are we talking here? In my mind, this is one of the worst -- and I know there's horrible things people do. But to take a 96-year-old woman and take, like, her whole life-spending so you can get a facelift and so you can get your teeth worked on and so you can buy perfume and by -- it's life-sent and stuff in my mind. Yeah. How old was the woman that she swindled? '96. All right, Hammurabi style. This woman goes to jail until she's 96. That's so beautiful. I love that. And then she has to -- yeah, all of her stuff, all of her possessions are forfeited to the state and the state uses the profits from that to repay the woman she swindled. You know, Jared, I'm going to start a campaign for you to take over the world because I don't think it'd be that bad. That is a very fair punishment. But really, is why I hear stories like this? That's grotesque. Oh, my gosh. It's like when people take advantage of disabled people or, you know, that -- For scam calls? Yeah. They use AI now on the scam calls. It's like, you are the worst kind of person. How could you do this for your facelift and your IV transfusions shame? That's pretty good, though. Okay. You know what? You know what? I really liked Jared in the studio. Can you make this happen for me? I would like a -- A gavel? A gavel. Sound. I was going to call it a hammer. A gavel. So that when you say -- when you come up with something, I'll go 96 years old, you'll be in jail until then, case closed. The court is adjourned. Beep. Done. Texting, if you agree with that, I think that's very fair. When we come back, we're going to take your questions for Toby Leary. The number is 844-500-4242. Toby Leary joins the show next for all your questions. Don't go anywhere. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. 860-DERD says, "Forget prison until 96. Let's make them earn it." I say, "Hard labor until 96." I'm down with that. Give me a little bit of both, I think. In Jared's world, anything is possible. Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show, and we have Toby Leary on the line. Toby, I have some big stories that I really want to get your take on, including the fact that a federal judge has ruled that illegal immigrants can possess firearms under the Second Amendment. We've talked about this before, but before we get into it, let's go to the callers who bid on the line. My question is that I have a HKVT-9 fiscal in its optics ready, and I was wondering for home defense what you would recommend as far as an optics, like a laser, red dot, flash light, a combo. What do you think? Yeah, great question, Lenny. I have become a fan of red dot optics, although it's probably not as practical in the home as it is outside the home, just because I think the biggest advantage to red dot sites are for distance and precision. However, if you had a family member being held hostage, I would certainly want the precision of the red dot site in that scenario, so I wouldn't steer you away from that. I really like the Vortex Defender CCW, that's the one I use on my gun, but there's a bunch of good ones out there from Hall of Sun and also from Trigicon, the RMR. Those are all very reliable and good red dot sites. I'm not a huge fan of a weapon mounted light because I don't want to be searching and potentially covering somebody with a flashlight that doesn't need to be shot, so I'd rather a handheld flashlight for home defense, and then if I need to shoot, I can bring the gun up and fire. Those are just a couple of quick suggestions. Lasers are good for tertiary aiming and certainly have a good use for home defense because if you can't get the gun up and in parallel with your line of sight, certainly you could shoot from an unorthodox shooting position, or if you got knocked down at the ground or whatever, you could see the laser on somebody's chest, however I wouldn't rely on it for your primary source of aiming, make sure you're good at shooting fundamentally with the gun before adding the laser, or don't use the laser until you have the fundamental basics down. But it's a good tertiary aiming system, certainly makes a lot of sense for home defense. So Viridian makes them stream light. Surefire, there's a bunch of good light laser combos where you could select just the laser. So a lot of good options in that way, so I hope I didn't confuse you more, but for me I'd stick with a nice red dot sight, hand held flashlight, and if you want to add the laser, that's certainly something worth considering if it's in the budget for that scenario that you wouldn't be able to get the gun on target in an unorthodox manner. So hopefully that helps, Lenny, and I would be happy to help you with all those at Cape Gunworks. All right, thank you very much, Lenny. We got about a minute here, Toby, before we have to go to break, so let's go to David. Your next up with Toby Leary, go ahead, David. Toby, please give me your gut feeling. You talk and turn at night that our rights are eroded. Will the American way prevail with a second amendment and do you think we have the firepower? Well, literally the firepower to maintain it is, I mean, please tell me that you believe in the, I know you believe in the American way, but that we will ultimately stand for our rights. You know what I'm saying? I know we should, Molly. I know exactly what you mean. Unfortunately, I don't have the confidence that our legislature will do the right thing when they're in our conference committee. I just am sitting in Colorado Springs right now. I spent more than 12 hours at the Colorado State House yesterday, and Colorado is passing a very similar ban. They passed it last night around midnight in the conference committee there, the Judiciary Committee. We're going to go to a full floor vote. It's very similar to Massachusetts. We're seeing it all through the country. Tyrants are going to tie it, and unfortunately, our hope is in the court system right now. So the Supreme Court taking up an arms ban case is the next step, and that's where we have our hope. So it's going to take some time. And we can talk more about that, Toby, on the other side. If you have questions for Toby Leary from Cape Gun Works, the number is 844-542-42, going right back to your calls and questions after the break. Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio. Welcome back, everyone, to the Grace Curly Show. Today we covered a lot of different topics, including the Tony Bubblinski Hearings. There's still sound that's coming out, that's being clipped on social media. But if you missed any of the big moments, you can check that out wherever you get your podcasts. Those will be up shortly. And right now it's time for 2A Tuesday on a Wednesday with Toby Leary from Cape Gun Works. I've got my own questions for Toby, but I'm trying to be less selfish this season. So I'm going to go to Bill up next with Toby. Go ahead, Bill. Thanks for your valuable time. So if you cannot get a gun license or a gun, or you don't want to have a gun, what would be the next available item to have for protection? I would probably pick pepper spray, Bill. I think that's, and there's even these new Burna pistols, B-Y-R-N-A, we sell them at Cape Gun Works, and they hold pepper balls, so it's a CO2 cartridge gun, kind of like a BB gun, if you will, that uses CO2 and it fires a paintball, but instead of paint, it's filled with capycin powder that when it hits, it works like a pepper spray. So that would be a good option, and you can put kinetic balls in there as well, that just hurt when they hit, but I know if somebody who successfully defended himself in his family with one of those Burna pistols, and so I would probably get one of those or a pepper spray. That's better to keep people outside of two arms reach, so you don't have to end up trying to do martial arts or grappling with someone who's determined to kill you, so I would try to keep them as far away as possible, and that's the only thing that you can have that's unlicensed, obviously a good pocket knife and learning how to use it, but those are a couple of simple, simple tools that you could carry every day or keep in the car with you on your day-to-day if you're a prohibited person. All right, thank you very much, Bill. Good answer, Toby, and very good question, which I'm sure a lot of, because some people just are afraid to own a gun or, you know, maybe they need to take one step and then eventually they'll get to that next step, and that's kind of a good intermediary. A4, 4, 500, 42, 42, if you have a question for Toby, I know we have some texts for him as well, but first, Toby, I saw this headline, and it took a lot of people by surprise, a lot of conservatives, but I don't think it probably took you by surprise because you've mentioned this before on the show, so here's the story, it says, "A district court judge in Illinois has ruled that prohibiting illegal immigrants from possessing firearms is a violation of the Second Amendment." This is from the post-millennial, "I would love your reaction, Toby, to this ruling." Yeah, Grace, well, as you pointed out, I actually predicted this would happen on your show, and I said, "If you think about it fundamentally, we claim in the founding documents that our rights are granted by our Creator, and they're self-evident and namely, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, so the only way you can preserve life is if you can defend it." So, if those rights come from God and they're not truly granted by man or government, then it is extended to everybody. That's why I've always said that the biggest security breach in our nation's history is the border. So if you let anyone in through the border, you don't have a nation, and of course, the rights that are extended to citizens, I would say the only right you could probably prohibit is the right to vote, but I don't even know about that. We've heard a lot of people want and make it so illegal aliens can vote, but if the right to defense or right to life is a God-given right, then it extends to everyone in the world. It doesn't extend just to our citizenry because it wasn't granted to us by our government. So therefore, by letting illegals flood our country, we have a problem because all of the rights afforded to us are afforded to them, and so this I predicted would happen. And that's exactly what happened in the courts. And interestingly enough, we still live in a state like Massachusetts which severely restricts the right to keep them bare arms for its citizens, for non-prohibited people, for people who aren't violent criminals, for peaceful, lawful citizens. If you don't go through all the checks and balances and the hoops to jump through, you're not getting a license. So I guess the only safety relief valve to illegal aliens getting guns right at the moment is in prohibited states or restricted states like Massachusetts. Ultimately, I think that's a bad band-aid to the real underlying problem, which is we need to keep people from coming into our country illegally, and we need to make sure that the ones who do come here are vetted and are going to be productive members of society like it was for the last 200 years. All of a sudden, we lose our minds and we start letting anyone in, military-age males from hostile countries, and we think that things are going to go well for us. Well, they're not. It's a sleeping giant waiting to rear its ugly head in our own country from within. So that's a problem, I see. And until we fix that, until we get rid of the illegal aliens through deportation, and I know people don't want to hear that, but that's the truth. If you came here illegally, you broke the law getting here. I'm sorry you've got to go because people have been in line for a long period of time, paid a lot of money to do it the right way, and they shouldn't go to the end of the line because you decided to smuggle across the border under the cover of darkness because you paid off some cartel member. That's not right. Yeah, and a lot of people are texting and asking about that judge's ruling, and so I'm glad you were able Toby to answer that. Now, a big case that was in front of the Supreme Court this week involved the White House and really the government in general pushing big tech to censor disinformation or what they deemed disinformation. We know a lot of it ended up actually being true, real information, but that's an argument for another day. The reason I bring this up is because there's another case out of New York City that reminds me of this. Let me read a little bit from Red State. It says, "At the center of this lawsuit, it involves the Department of Financial Services from the city, the superintendent, Maria Vullo, and the NRA is alleging that Vullo used her position to pressure private organizations to refrain from associating with the gun rights advocacy group. This could be a landmark First Amendment case in determining stricter boundaries for government officials seeking to push a political agenda. I think there's a lot of commonalities with what we're seeing in front of the Supreme Court as well where you might be able to argue, "Well, we didn't tell them what to do," but it's kind of this culture of pressure and bullying that makes banks and makes other industries feel like they can't associate with a group like the NRA. Toby, I'd love your response to this and what you make of it. Yeah, this is a big case because this has been going on in our country for a long time, where it's where if you're a disfavored organization that whatever government control is in control at the time, whatever party is in control and they don't like you, they can pressure their vendors to say, "If you do business with them, we don't do business with you," and the vendor says, "Well, you're a bigger source of my income than the business I get from this vendor." All right, we've cut ties with whatever group you don't like, and it's a form of government censorship. It's a form of infringement on commerce. The Commerce Clause talks a lot about this, especially interstate commerce and whatnot, so the fact that a government agency can dictate to private companies who they can and can't do business with or else they don't get to do business with the federal government or the state government is a practice that needs to end immediately. It's outsourcing infringement. It's outsourcing discrimination to private companies. I'm sorry, I interrupted you. It sounds the way you're describing it. Like the city says, "Okay, we've put out these guidance letters. You shouldn't do business with them." It sounds a little bit like blackmail. It is. It's a hundred percent blackmail. So this has been going on for a while, and I would love to see what the Supreme Court's going to rule on this, because frankly, it's a form of government censorship. All government gets really good at outsourcing the thing that they don't have the power to do. They did it with big tech as far as censorship of what you can say on social media platforms. They did it with this as far as the NRA doing business with the NRA, and they get very creative grace in how they can oppress you and how they can restrict your rights without doing it from the government agency in the first position. They do it in the second or the third position, but they leverage their relationships in order to do it. We saw it with Bank of America here, and the FBI, Boston Field Office, blew the whistle on them, saying, "The FBI is coming to us for our customer's records, and we're just handing them over without a warrant, without a subpoena. We're not even letting our customers know that they want all of our purchase records in and around January 6, and to see if you were in D.C. and if you've bought a gun in the last couple of years, it's infuriating, it's totally insane, and the fact that the government has this unfettered access and power through using outsourced, you know, non-government agencies is something I hope the Supreme Court weighs in on, and it would really cripple government's ability to have this superpower over our rights, and that's really what it comes down through. So if they really want to screw any one of us, Grace, all they got to do is pick up the phone, and we're in serious hot water, which is not a comforting feeling from a small government, patriotic American position. That's the way I see it. And yeah, there's a lot going on in the courts right now, especially around Second Amendment cases. There's two or three before the Supreme Court, and so we've got a lot of interesting cases to watch, and I'm looking forward to it. Yeah, Toby, I never thought of it like that, because I never think of creativity when I think of government. You know, it's like always the last thing, because typically when it comes to a problem, they have no new solutions. They always go back to the same thing, which is spending our money making things worse. But I think you're absolutely right when it comes to, you know, oppressing the citizens of this country, the government for once gets very creative. That's when the creative juices start flowing. That's a really, really good way to say it. Toby, let people know where they can follow you, where they can find you, and where they can visit you at Cape Gun Works. Yeah, thanks Grace. I will be back in the store this weekend, but I'm out in Colorado doing some freedom stuff out here for my kindred Coloradoans here who have their rights being oppressed. So hopefully we'll get some good work while I'm done while I'm here in the Centennial State. But the show goes on back at Cape Gun Works, a lot going on there. We have conference committees that's determining where our rights as base status, the future of our rights are. So you've got to keep your foot on the gas, reach out to all your state senators and reps, and as well as those on the conference committee, go to to stay up to date on that. We have a new campaign coming out about all of that, but you want to stay up to date by following us on social media at Cape Gun Works, at Rapid Fire Radio, or the two places you can find out a lot of good stuff, wherever you get your social media on X or YouTube or Rumble. And please come and visit us, take a class, check out our showroom by that gun that you want before it's a banned item, and we've got a lot going on these days. And we'll try to keep you up to date with frequent updates on social media and everything else. And as always, I appreciate the time here on the Grace Curly Show to get the word out and get people active and vocal about their right to keep in their arms, as well as all the other rights that fall. Absolutely. Thank you so much, Toby Leary. We love having you on. I know the listeners appreciate it, and we will talk to you next week. When we come back, we're going to talk to Howard Lawrence Carr. We always are discussing how the Biden administration is breaking records. It's not records that would have been on my goal list, on my, uh, on my vision board. You said breaking Rico's Rico is a category. If you miss that AOC cut, you should go back and listen to the podcast. Um, yeah, but they're breaking a lot of records and the latest one that they've broken. I want to talk to Howie about it involves embassies. So don't go anywhere. Today's poll question is brought to you by JB AutoCare in Weymouth. Keep your car truck or SUV running in tip top shape. My whole family uses JB AutoCare. I love Bill Broussard. His whole family is awesome. I've been able to meet so many members of his family. Some of them work at JB AutoCare and they are just great people that you can trust. Call today and you can get $20 off an oil change conventional or synthetic. If you call today and you let them know that Grace sent you or book online at Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far today's poll question, which you can vote in at is will Trump sell properties to pay the bond? I don't know. The more I keep seeing of all these kyron's being like, time is running out. The clock is ticking. I don't know. I'm almost wondering now if he's better off just saying to Leticia James, alright, you sell it then. You want to seize the property so bad. Go ahead. Let's see how fast you can put this together. I don't think they thought it that far through. You know, they just assumed that either they were going to be stopped at some point or that he was going to come up with the money. So I don't see him selling properties for this. Yeah, 80% of the audience says no, 20% say yes. Okay. We can get how he's taking on that as well. Alright, everyone. Hang tight. We'll be right back with the captain. Do not go anywhere. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. Hey, JP, Joe Biden, John Kirby, they're always bragging about all the records. They're breaking. I don't know if they'll be bragging about this one. This is from the Daily Signal. Biden presides over record 11 embassy evacuations. Now, the only person who comes close to Biden is former president Barack Obama. Barack Obama had eight and how he's going to join us now to talk about this, but how he, Barack had eight over two terms. Biden's got 11. He hasn't even finished out term one yet. America is back. You know, it's like an illegal alien flop house being set up in the neighborhood. Once Biden closes one of the embassies, he closes all the embassies in the neighborhood. You know, it's like Ukraine, Belarus, Belarus, or whatever they call it, and then Russia itself. And then everything around the Horn of Africa got closed down, sub-Saharan Africa all shut down. You know, it's just a giant mess. I mean, he's just a, he's just the, he has the reverse, mightest touch. Everything he touches turns to excrement. You know what, Howie, this is what you get when you have, how many decades at this point is it like six or seven decades of foreign policy expertise? He's a foreign, foreign policy expert. And that's why he's breaking all of these records. He started out, I think his first or one of his first big votes in the Senate was against the Alaska pipeline, he's a, you know, you gotta say he's been consistent right, right through the, through the decades. Hey, at least he wasn't like Marky in his first vote was just present, right? At least he made some sort of sense. Hey, Howie, if he's a foreign policy expert, I would say that I could file you under the category of Rico expert. Now AOC does not fall under that category. She had a little back and forth today with Tony Bublinski. Have you heard this? I have, I have, it was pretty funny though, I must say you can play it again if you want. No, I just want to get your reaction to it as someone who talks about Rico's a law and you know, his, her response to it basically saying that's a category as if what he's saying doesn't make any sense. Yeah, I mean, yeah, Rico, Rico is a string of predicate acts and it is a, it is, it is a racketeering enterprise. He, you know, they always say in the politicians, he ran his office as a racketeering enterprise. Those are, that's like boilerplate, the first few words of the Rico indictment. And I don't know how else you would describe the, what Biden was running here. Maybe not in the early years when he was just getting loans for his brother, Jim's bust out businesses, but I mean, in the later years, he's, he's, he's definitely been running his offices, a racketeering enterprise. How, how, how would you say Tony Bubblinski did today overall? I thought he did great. I mean, he, he, he, I mean, he knows, he knows it, you know, backwards and forwards and he's obsessed with it, but yet he, he didn't come across as crazy, you know, that's the key. You can't come across as crazy. And he's a bit of a bulldog, you know, he's, he's not as polite as the typical conservative witness. All right. Howie Carr is coming up next. So don't go anywhere. We'll see you all tomorrow for our Friday Junior Show. [MUSIC PLAYING]