The Howie Carr Radio Network

FIREWORKS: Tony Takes on Congress plus Squatters in the News | 3.20.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

It's a bad day for the Biden Crime Family as Hunter's former business partner Tony Bobulinski refuses to lie under oath. He's taking everyone down with him, too. Then, Grace provides the latest on newcomers who overstayed their welcome, and how that's actually the property owner's problem---not the squatter's!

Broadcast on:
20 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattoria studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show, a programming note for everyone. My husband asked me this yesterday when I got home. He said, "No Toby today? What happened to Toby?" Toby was busy yesterday. He will be joining us at 220 today, two-way Tuesday on a Wednesday. And so you have that to look forward to. Also, because that last caller was mentioning illegal aliens coming in and the immunity issues with certain diseases, I had brought up that in Roxbury at Melnea Cast Recreation Center, which has been converted into a migrant shelter. There had been outbreaks of chickenpox. And there's another Massachusetts story that has garnered national attention. And deservedly so. And that would be the horrible situation that happened. The horrible atrocity that occurred in Rockland where a 15-year-old disabled girl was allegedly raped by a Haitian migrant. A Haitian illegal alien, I'm sorry. I'm reading here from the headline. And this is from the Boston Herald. According to the Herald, Jim Jordan is launching an investigation into what happened in Rockland. It says, "Representative Jim Jordan, a Ohio Republican who heads out the powerful House Judiciary Committee." We're gonna talk about them in just a little bit because of Tony Bublinsky. Launched an inquiry on Tuesday into a Haitian charged with allegedly raping a migrant girl at a Massachusetts shelter last week, according to a letter obtained by the Herald. So we will keep you posted on this story. It continues to evolve. We continue to get more information about it. But whenever there is a local connection to the border crisis, I think it's important that we fill you all in. The other thing I wanted to let people know about before I handed over to Jared, who's chomping at the bit, is that tomorrow we are going to be talking to David Harsani. He is one of my favorite writers at the Federalist. He was going to do today, but he's recording a podcast, so we had to put it off until tomorrow. But he's got a great piece out there right now because, Jared, we talked a little bit about the bloodbath comment from Donald Trump at his rally this past weekend. And Trump was referring to the auto industry and China making vehicles and then selling them back to the United States and how he put tariffs on these vehicles. And it got totally taken out of context. And it was this pearl clutching moment, which actually David Harsani wrote about that as well. But it was this attempt by the media, which he says we're going to see so much more of leading up to the election, to make everyone freak out about something Trump said, and can you believe it? And it's so awful. And then when you actually listen to it, you go, "Oh, well, in context, it's not that bad." But there was something else Trump said recently that hasn't gotten as much attention as the bloodbath comment, but still along the lines of something the media can pounce on. And that would be that Trump said that Jews who vote for Democrats hate Israel and their religion. Now, a lot of people on the left and some conservative commentators on the right are offended by that comment by Donald Trump. And I wanted to read you just a couple of lines here from Harsani's piece because he's talking about how Israel is now a partisan issue. Now, Trump said that comment, and that's just days after Chuck Schumer had a stunning remark on the Senate floor where he was calling for new elections in Israel. And you could read it as just like overthrowing BB Netanyahu. It's time to get rid of BB and elect somebody else. And here's just a few of the things David Harsani said, which is why I -- or wrote, which is why I want to have him on tomorrow. He said, "If you're more offended by Trump's hyperbole than you are by the Biden administration hiring a Hamas-boosting Rob Malley to negotiate with the Jew haters in Iran, maybe you're not pro-Israel." And he later says, "The only party clamoring to save Hamas right now is the Democrat party." Now, yesterday I talked about how Biden loves -- he's doing this dance, like he's trying to ride the fence. And you can't ride the fence on this. When you've got one group that wants to slaughter Jews and wipe Israel off the map, you can't really be in the middle. But he's trying, and the way he's doing it is he keeps saying, "I support eliminating Hamas, however." That's his big thing right now. That's like his go-to. And Harsani put it so well. He said Biden claims he continues to quote, "A farm that Israel has a right to go after Hamas, but he also wants a ceasefire." Those positions are in direct conflict as the president accidentally admitted in an interview last week. Hamas, Biden told MSNBC, wanted a ceasefire to survive and rebuild. A ceasefire now, when Israel is at the cusp of eliminating the terror group, is a pro-Hamas position. And I think that the reason that's such an important factor in this discussion about what's happening in the Middle East is because you have all of these young radicals, and I just saw one guy interrupting a show, a play. And I know that the young people are blocking traffic. I know they're spray-painting artwork, but as a thespian, I'm just going to let them know. You're getting into real dicey territory. People who go to see plays. I'm talking straight plays, not musicals. I'm talking straight plays. People who go to see these shows. They love the theater. They take it very seriously. They do not want interruptions. They will be angry with you if your phone vibrates during a show. Let alone this guy walks in and starts lecturing people. Actually, I don't know if he was Israel, if he was the climate, but either way. And so the reason I bring this up is because when people say ceasefire, and then if you try to debate them on that, or if you try to explain to them why that's not possible, it's very easy to paint the side that's not saying ceasefire as like the inhumane side. Well, why wouldn't you want a ceasefire? You want people to die? And it's like, no, of course not. But a ceasefire and eliminating Hamas, both of those things cannot exist at the same time. And Biden knows that, but he just keeps saying it over and over again. But I really did love that line about if you're more offended by Trump saying that Jews who vote for Democrats hate Israel. If you're more offended by that than the Biden administration boosting the Iran regime, maybe you're not pro-Israel. Like maybe maybe you're not as offended as you think you are. 844-542-42. Okay, Jared, without further ado, it's DJ Digglio on the ones and twos. What do you got for a sir? This is the Tony Bubbleinsky hearing. Yes, don't touch that, because it's going to get hot, hot, hot in this studio. All right, I'm done with old school DJ voice now. No, don't be. We love it. We love it. Okay, but give us a little set up here. Tony Bubbleinsky is at this hearing. Yeah. He's he's he's just kind of running through. It's like a roast. He's running through different people. Phenomenal. So Tony Bubbleinsky, we talked about this in the last hour, but we do have the audience is joining us this hour. So Tony Bubbleinsky is Hunter Biden's former business partner who basically put all this information out there. Today's putting out years ago, but nobody wanted to listen. So now he's testifying before the oversight committee. And it is just glorious. I mean, this is I said in the last hour, this is what like congressional witnesses need to do. Just walk in there and just start spitting facts and roasting people and calling people liars to their face and just punch them right in their smug superiority right in their house. And he did a great job of that. But before we get into the fun stuff, there are a lot of factual testimonies that came out of this that are important, which this one with Marjorie Taylor Greene, they're talking about text messages. And this is actually very important to the hearing. Let me show you another message. This message doesn't call saying chairman saying does it? It just says the Chinese want to do business with the Bidens. As a matter of fact, it says both coming to be my partner to be partners with the Bidens with an S. He is saying is implied has implied that the number one has made it clear and available to him. Who is the number one? The number one is Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping, the president of China. Yes or no? The leader of the Communist Party, the CCP, is the number one. Yes, that's the number one that Hunter was referencing in that message. Yeah. So, that is a document to do business with the Bidens. Mr. Biden did his deposition on the road. He said I don't know who it is, even though he was copied on an email that said H will hold 10% for the Bid guy. You searched the Bid guys, is Joe Biden? A thousand percent and there's other text messages that back that up that the brave whistleblowers, Shapley and Ziggler have produced, not from my phones, not from my blackberry that I took screenshots from. They took him from subpoenas directly from Apple's iCloud that back up the fact that Hunter knew the big guy was Joe Biden. The big guy is the brand, the big guy is the lift, the big guy is the one who showed up at golf outings who took phone calls and meetings and lunches and dinners with Hunter Biden and his business associates. Yeah, the big guy I had to call in to talk about the weather with Hunter's business friends. You know, he called him, "Hey son, it's cloudy with the chance of meatballs. Where are you eating lunch right now? Do you want me to come by?" Yeah, they had several meetings and again. We don't do weather until the sevens, Grace. I know that it's tiresome only in the sense that we already know all this. Like if you read laptop from hell, which I really recommend everybody read, it's a great book and it's amazing how Miranda Divine was one of the only people who was delving into all of this information and really breaking down what was in the laptop. But Tony Bublinsky's been around for a long time now and he's been very willing to talk. He went on with Tucker Carlson. I believe that was during the election. That was during the last election. He went on with Tucker Carlson. That should have been the end of Joe Biden right there. Because as Tony Bublinsky pointed out, he is a reliable source, especially when you consider the people that the Democrats drag forward in these hearings as they're reliable sources. He's leaps and bounds ahead of those people. All right, what else you got here? All right, so that's the important stuff. Now, none of us are under the illusion that the Republicans are going to go for impeachment or do anything about it. So let's get to the fun stuff. No, that wouldn't be part of our brand. Our brand is to cause a big stink and then do very little. So basically, this is just fun to watch. And Bublinsky goes scorched earth on everybody. He doesn't hold back, especially on the Biden crime family. You're presented here today with two narratives in this investigation. A false one being pushed by Joe Biden, a serial liar and fabulous, now under this impeachment investigation for public corruption. His brother Jim Biden, a 75 year old man who can't keep his lies straight, including under oath, and his son, Hunter Biden, a chronic drug addict facing two indictments with 12 counts. Excuse me, I would like to rewrite that Joe Biden has the highest IQ in any room he goes into. Jim Biden has had a long career as a disco tech owner and health insurance hospital person. And Hunter Biden is an artist, an author, a lawyer, an energy board person. I could go on and on. I just love serial fabulous. He's fabulous. Because that is the perfect description, so that you just absolutely savage the Bidens by basically calling out what they are. But the real fun started with the insufferable Jamie Raskin and Dan Goldman, who've been Biden, water carriers, coat holders, whatever you want to call it. Tony Babalinski wants to call them liars for Biden to their face. At the same people preaching this mantra, no better. They continue to lie directly to the American people without hesitation and remorse. Rep Dan Goldman and Jamie Raskin, both lawyers and Mr. Goldman, a former prosecutor with the SDNY from New York, will continue to lie today in this hearing and then go straight to the media to tell more lies. Hunter Biden's defense attorney, Abilow, weaponizes letters to Congress to try to smear my name and fake the cold art facts in an attempt to save his powerfully connected client and his father. I challenge Mr. Lowell to make those claims on national television so he can be held accountable for his lies. Prior to my successful business career, I was an officer in the United States Navy. At Navy's elite naval nuclear power training command. I later served as the chief's, the command's chief technology officer. I apologize for the disruption from the. Am I supposed to say it's my time, Mr. Raskin? What is Jamie Raskin? I think he's the only person who can call other people liars during these hearings. Apparently he does. Oh, you're the only one who gets to disparage people you don't like. I don't think that's the way it works. I'm sure he thinks that's the way it works, but I'm glad Tony Bubbleinsky knows better. eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. Jared, the Nossa Beach Inn just opened reservations for spring. I know you went there in the winter. This is such a great time. I wish I was leaving today and driving to the Nossa Beach Inn because this is the perfect place to unplug, to unwind and to enjoy. Yeah, it's so tranquil and it's right on the beach. It's right on Nossa Beach right there. It's only lodging inside the Cape Cod National Seashore and whatever room you're in your steps from the beach, you can walk. You can enjoy the waves. You don't have to worry about crowds, especially this time of year. You can listen to the ocean. It's this pet friendly, so if you want to bring your dog, dogs love the beach. You can run your dog, play fetch you what you want to there. They have hiking trails that are around there. They're close to food and this time of year you can get reservations. It's the perfect getaway and it's not far away. They have fire pits, which my wife and I would love to sit by the fire pit. When it was in winter and a little chilly and we could watch the sunrise drink our morning coffee. You can see the stars. You can see the moon at night. If it is too cold or rainy, you don't have to worry because every room has a fireplace and a nice picture window so you can stay cozy and still take in those great views. Yes, and right now you can book your April stay at the Nossett beach in from 2.49.99 tonight and this May rates are from 2.59.99 tonight. So don't delay. These rooms go fast. Go to That's to reserve your ocean view room. No hunter, which is so weird because he showed up on announced last time and then he gave his, you know, private testimony, his deposition. And then now he's not showing up. He's not showing up to, you know, show us all how honest and brave he is. Weird how that works. We'll be right back with more. Don't go anywhere. You're listening to the Grace Curly Show. This is the Grace Curly Show. Today's poll question is brought to you by JB AutoCare in Weymouth. Keep your car truck or SUV running in tip top shape. I love everybody at JB AutoCare. It's where I take my car, Bill Broussard comes on the show once a month and he is the best. He's got a great family that also work with him at JB AutoCare. And you can get $20 off an oil change, conventional or synthetic if you call today and let them know I sent you. Or book online at That's Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results of the spark? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is will Trump sell properties to pay the bond? I've heard different theories here and everyone keeps saying time is running out. I feel like they're going to get a clock going for this. There's too many clocks nowadays. Oh, there'll be an iPad clock at the Bubbleski hearing. There's a debt counter. There's a climate clock and I'm sure there's going to be a when will Trump pay the bond clock. But I'm going to say, I'm going to vote in the way that I hope. And that is, no, I don't think he'll sell property. 76% of the audience says no, 24% say yes. Jared, I just saw Red State put up a cut between Bubbleski and Dan Goldman. Yeah. And that, I mean fireworks. And you know what I like about Bubbleski? He's not polite, which I really appreciate because oftentimes you get these and trust me. Republican witnesses, and maybe they're not Republican, but witnesses that make the Republicans case in a lot of these situations, they're always polite and they're always like rule followers and they don't interrupt and they let the Democrats, you know, put on this clown show. And what I like about Bubbleski is he's not, he's going to filibuster too. He's not going to take your word for it. He's not going to not interrupt you because you're Dan Goldman, the lawyer from New York, and we all have to bow down to you. No, Bubbleski is like, he hates these guys and he's scaring it right back in their face. Do we have that, Jared? Let's just play a little bit of this back and forth. We're not going to have time. We should play a. Okay, we're not going to have time. We will save it for afterwards. It really is. If we played it right now, it would just be Goldman blabbing before the back and forth. You know what I want to throw out here since we have a little bit of time? You know what kind of headlines I've been seeing a lot of, and I don't remember seeing these during the Trump years, but it's very well that maybe I just didn't pay attention to them. A lot of squatters in the news. Have you noticed that like the Daily Mail has three or four stories every day about squatters and people getting in fights with the squatters? And it's all reminding me of this movie. I'm curious if anyone's ever seen this movie. It's from the 90s, Pacific Heights with Michael Keaton. He plays like this deranged guy who's squatting in this couple's duplex. And almost every day I read a story about squatters and how angry they're getting when they get, when there's an attempt to kick them out of their homes. This is just some of the normalcy that's being restored in Joe Biden's America. We'll be right back everyone with more of Tony Bublinski. Have a break. Live from the Aviva Thratria studio. Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. We are going to get back to the Tony Bublinski hearing that I wanted to cover a couple things. By the way, some people on the Rumble Cam, they do remember that movie, Pacific Heights. It was like one of those weird movies. It sounds familiar. You know, it's kind of movies that are bad, but they're good. Like they're good to watch even if they're, it's not winning any Oscars, but there's something about it. You can't turn away. It reminds me of Endless Love. Do you remember that movie with Brooke Shields? Weird movie, but that was one where my mom would say you. My friend listened to Endless Love in the dark. Yeah, my mom would say to me, do you want to, do you want to watch this? And we watched it one time and I was like, Mom, this movie is bizarre. And she was like, I know it's so bad, but it's good. And that was Pacific Heights. Michael Keaton played this like crazy squatter. And I remember as a kid watching and being like, I don't get it. It's their house. Why don't they just tell him to leave? And my mom had to explain to me like it's squatters rights. And I never really thought about it again. But now every single day I turn on the news and there's this confrontation. And the police oftentimes that they're arresting the people who own the house, not the squatters. They're arresting the people, the Meg Ryan's, who are trying to kick the Michael Keaton's out of their house. Very, very strange stuff. Also just wanted to bring this up really quickly, Jared. According to the Daily Mail, the Biden administration today announced climate rules. Climate rules to phase out gas cars. And make sure the majority of vehicles sold by 2032 are electric or hybrid. Now, call me crazy. I thought we had done this and by we, I mean the Biden administration. I thought they had done this a long time ago. Like how many of these new rollouts or announcements do we need? Just because you put it down on the piece of paper doesn't make it so. And actually based off the statistics and based off the pushback from the auto industry, I would say they're in no position to be throwing out these dates. 2032, 2035, 2037. I don't think they're in a strong position right now to be bullying the auto industry. That by the way has had it up to here with the Biden administration. And when we went on board with all these, this EV rollout, it is not gone the way they wanted it to. It is not gone the way they were told it was going to. And so if I were the Biden administration, especially leading up to an election, I would maybe just take a back seat on this. And the photo they have of Joe, that's the other part of this year. I know that a one point hunter got a, what are they called a frisker? Fisker. Fisker. Frisker. And that was an electric vehicle. And I think he traded it in and then he ended up getting a Porsche. Yeah, that was the Porsche trade. But we know from the Robert Her report that Biden loves to talk about cars. Cars go vroom vroom. That's one of his favorite, you know, discussion points. Are any of the cars he's driving electric? I know the one he drove. It would be bad. They don't allow me to drive anymore. Yeah, they only let him drive. Once I get that electric Corvette, I might get the first one. They only let him go up and down the driveway according to the her report. But the Corvette that he, that he always brags about and that we can trust the, the, the classified documents being kept in a wet zappos box because it's near the precious Corvette. Is that electric? That is not. That is, that's the 64 or the 68 that he got as a graduation gift or stole from Jill's husband or whatever. So again, and let's go back to so many Corvette, so many stories. Let's go back to the climate activists here. You care so much about the climate, but the line that you draw is flying commercial or not flying at all. Like you care so much, but not enough to change your way of life only enough to make everybody else's way of life more terrible. Do I have that correct? Am I missing something? No, that's fine. We care so much, but don't come from my Corvette. There's a big picture of him grinning with his aviators on driving the Corvette up and down the driveway as he's want to do. But sure. Yeah, you guys want to put on these, these announcements about 2032. Go for it. What could possibly go wrong before we go back to Jared here. Let's take Brad. You're up next on the Grace Curly show. What's going on, Brad? Yeah, I just want to, I'm Jewish and I want to second President Trump's remarks about my fellow co-religionist. That's basically it. Can you can you expand on it a little bit, Brad? Like why do you feel that what he said wasn't off the mark because there's a lot of people who are being very critical. And for people who don't know, Donald Trump said Democrats, Jews who vote for Democrats hate Israel in their religion. And Brad, you're saying that that's, that he wasn't too far off with that? No, no, he wasn't. Biden is a big threat to Israel. He's making him lose trying to make Israel lose to Hamas. He may succeed. It's absolutely terrible. And with the millions of Jews in Israel, you know, I'll get to see a holocaust in real time and I don't want that. And so I'm sort of with President Trump on this. I voted for him twice once only because I didn't like Hillary, but the second time because he made our Jerusalem the Capitol. I mean, for his embassy, I mean, so I'm, you know, I'm not going to go crazy on President Trump for this. Yeah, and you know, Brad, it's funny that you mention Trump moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, which was something that a lot of presidents before him had promised and never made good on and he was able to accomplish. And he heard from the media when he did that that it was, it was actually a bad thing. Like they tried to convince us, oh, no, this actually isn't good for Jews. But the other thing that I wanted to mention here, Brad, is that in this piece by David Arsoni, he lists some other things that Trump did. And again, it goes back to Trump. It goes back to look at his actions and not necessarily what he's saying. I get that Brad's point is that he doesn't have an issue with what he said. But I think what even strengthens Trump more is the fact that he walks the walk. Like he's done things for Israel that show that he is an ally of Jewish people. He says, Trump bypassed the intractable Palestinians to forge wider agreements between Israel and Sunni Arab nations. Trump stripped funding of the UNRWA, which Israelis warned for years was bolstering Hamas attacks. We later found out that there were a lot of Hamas people with Hamas sympathies or in some cases terrorists who were part of UNRWA. And when Trump decided to strip the funding from them, he was roundly criticized by the establishment media. Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem. And furthermore, to Brad's point, this is what Arsoni wrote, some progressive Jews hate Israel. For all the reasons socialists hate the United States. Others hate their faith, which is why they're constantly creating bogus denominations of Judaism based more on the leftist rights than any Jewish culture or theology. Other Jews, sadly, are too comfortable wallowing in generational victimhood to support a strong Jewish state. Many others simply don't care. And it sounds like Brad is not comfortable wallowing in victimhood. And he wants there to be a strong Jewish state. He wants Hamas to be eliminated. And that runs very contrary to the Biden administration right now. They don't want that. They can say all they want. Oh, we support the elimination of Hamas. But it's unless you actually walk the walk, no one's going to buy it. So thank you for the call, Brad. I appreciate it. And I encourage everyone to check this out. Again, we will be talking to David Harsani tomorrow around this time, I actually think. Jared Diglio, are you ready? Do you got your? We're back on the two's right now. Okay, Clint Eastwood. What do you got for us? We've got a, this is Tony Bublinski. As I pointed out, very, very, he's coming in hot and I like it. It's about damn time a Republican comes in hot to one of these congressional hearings. And he's going after, so Goldman thinks, you know, Goldman thinks very highly of himself. He thinks he's very smart. Tony Bublinski is there to tell us he's not as smart as he thinks he is. Yeah, and Goldman has been the lead Biden psychopathologist on the depositions and the hearings. Raskin's been there, but Goldman is the guy that came out and said, oh, no, this just shows they were talking about the weather and they're blah, blah, blah. Yeah, he like wants to be the next Adam Schiff. Yeah, so Goldman and Raskin are the two reps that were called out as liars to their faces by Bob Alinsky. And so we heard from Raskin earlier. Now Goldman tries to puff out his chest at Bob Alinsky. And two days later, Mr. Gilear sent an email to UCC, Rob Walker and Hunter Biden, in which he suggested a division of the company and included a proposal of, quote, 10% held by H for the big guy question mark. You remember that, right? The infamous email with the big guy? Yes, I do. Did anyone ever respond to that email? Yes, they did numerous times. Sorry. Hunter Biden themselves did? Excuse me. You're right. That's important because Hunter Biden explained that he didn't respond to it and he responded to it. You're just going to filibuster. I reclaim my time that's running out, but I will say no one responded to the big guy reference for 10. Thank you for making my point. They didn't have to respond because they all knew the big guy was Joe Biden. I'm going to reclaim my time. Mr. Chairman, please control the witness. I would like to say, I would like to get a little extra time, Mr. Chairman, because I want to read what Mr. Gilear said to the Wall Street Journal. Quote, "I would like to clear up any speculation that former vice president was involved with the 2017 discussions about our potential business structure. I am unaware of any involvement at any time of the former vice president. The activity in question never delivered and project revenue. Nine days later, the agreement without Joe Biden was signed. You and James Gilear wanted Joe Biden involved, and that is why Hunter Biden dumped you and did the business. That's a blatant line, Mr. Gilear. Chairman, Tom's expired. I love how Democrats think they're the only ones who can talk over people and filibuster and fight back. No, no, no. Other, most Republicans don't do it because they're weak need and they like to be polite, but occasionally you get a renegade. Occasionally you get a Tony Bublinski, and he's absolutely right. Goldman is lying through his teeth. Anyone who's done any research on this, I implore you to go read any of Miranda Devine's columns, any of how he cars columns about the Hunter Biden laptop. There's plenty of evidence that shows, without a doubt, that they all knew who the big guy was, that Joe Biden was involved, that Hunter was more than thrilled to have his father involved, and that he was selling his father's name, and they were influenced peddling. But if you want to select like a one text and say, "Nobody responded to this," and that's your proof, weak stuff, even for Goldman, and I have a very low bar for him, 844-542-42, I am being told that it's time to break. And before we go here, you've been waiting for it, and now it's here. The Eden Pure Thunderstorm Air Purifier Bogo offer is on. The Thunderstorm is a lifesaver. If you have a kitchen mishap, if you're like me and you try to cook, sometimes you don't succeed. Then you get that unwanted, like that burnt odor, if you overcook something, the Thunderstorm can get rid of it. Any unpleasant scent, though, if it's from sneakers in the hallway, if it's from a damp basement, any musty odors, the Thunderstorm can clear it out in minutes, doesn't take up any floor space, very easy to use, quiet, and it really works. So for allergies, pet smells, tobacco odors, you name it, the Thunderstorm Air Purifier can get it done. It's small enough to hold in your hand, and it's powerful as any of those bulky floor units. So take advantage of the Bogo offer. That's a buy one, get one. It ends this Sunday, but you still have time. Get the Eden Pure Thunderstorm Air Purifier today. Go to Use Code Grace Bogo. That's Code Grace Bogo. We will be right back. Follow Grace on Twitter @g_curly. This is The Grace Curly Show. So you're looking for a deal and you want to make it real? A money-saving deal. It's Grace's Granny's. Goody, goody. I am so excited to welcome on Chef Anthony Di Palma from Eviva Treturia. Chef Anthony, we have so much to talk about, but first let me tell people that if they go to and they click on store, while supplies last, and that's the key here, because these go fast, you can purchase a $50 gift card to Eviva Treturia for just $25. This is such a great deal. We thank everyone at Eviva for, you know, making this possible for our listeners. And Anthony, I have a couple of things I wanted to tell you. Number one, though, is my parents went to the new spot in Hanover and they had rave reviews for not just the food, not just the restaurant, but for everybody there, the bartenders, the waitresses. They couldn't say enough nice things about Eviva. Phenomenal, and as we speak it out often, that's just an extension of our family, and that's how it's supposed to be. Hospitality, service business, without that, people stay home. So that's just great to hear, Grace, and I wish I knew your parents were there. I would have made a special visit just if they hide. I know, I didn't want you to go out of your way, but they really didn't have a great time. They got dessert, they're chicken parm people, they love chicken parm. But today's actually National Ravioli Day, Chef Anthony, and you guys have two different raviolis on the menu. One of them is just a classic ravioli, but the other one, which I know how he is going to be drooling over when I say this, it's a lobster ravioli. Absolutely, and that's made locally for us over at Dino's Pasta. We're in New England, and how can you not be in a Thai restaurant not serving New England seafood, especially homemade raviolis that come from just off the road from us. It's a spectacular dish. It flies off the charts all the time. I'm looking at reports to see how many we sell, and it speaks for itself. It's one of those dishes, Grace, that when it comes to the dining room, everyone's like, "Ooh, what's that?" It's a show star. So no matter what's happening, it sells itself. But we've got so much happening, as you said, and we've got Easter coming up here. The menu's just always, you know, it's like the Easter button's already arrived with all of those treats. But Grace, we're offering Easter brunch both this weekend, Saturday and Sunday, and next weekend, because it's such a great event for us. People always try to get in. We end up with no reservations left over, and, you know, listening to all our guests and extended family, like just offered both weekends. So we're starting this Saturday at all locations from 10.30 to 2.30 p.m. You'll be able to take the whole entire brunch menu from, you know, Easter, all Easter features, which we've got some great stuff happening this year. You know, actually goes through the whole thing. We've got this wonderful, wonderful vegetable frittata oven baked, where we're pulling back the old short rib poutine over home fries. The breakfast pizza coming out of the woodstone oven, the kids' corner for all the kids' goodies, the girls are working on the bar menu, of course. Reservations are really important. We try to do the best we can to get everybody in. That's right, which we're offering both weekends. But please call ahead. You can visit us at the That's E-V-V-I-V-A. Call any one of your favorite locations. Get those reservations in Westford, Marlboro, Rentham. We're in Maynard, Maldon, Stonham. As you mentioned, down in Hanover, up in Rochester, Rochester, we've got a line around the corner. I feel like I'm in the north end up there. But again, give us a shout. We've got some great things happening with the patio coming of the season. So much happening. Yeah, I was just going to mention the patios, Chef Anthony, because this is a really great date spot. You just mentioned Easter, and it's great to take your whole family. It's great to take the kids. But it's also, this is the time of year, I think, where people, you know, they've been kind of bundled up for the winter. They haven't gone out much. The sun's coming out. It's beautiful. You want to go and have a date night. You want to go with your spouse or with your significant other. Grab a cocktail. Maybe get a dessert. And E-Viva's the perfect vibe for that. You guys have the gorgeous outdoor fire pits. You've got the beautiful bars. This is a really fun spot for people who just want to unwind. Yeah, and you know, the wide open space kind of entertains that. And, you know, not expecting finally winter to come upon us as we coming to spring here this week, but as soon as the weather breaks and the patio furniture is out, you know, that's the first spot to be taken. And as you mentioned, you know, the bar, it's hard to not to sit out there with the sangria or amarietal martini in your hand. And have a few small bites or, you know, a sampling of some some some fair. So, but you got to get those greatest goodies because listen, those greatest goodies gives you such an opportunity this coming weekend next weekend to enjoy yourself and your family at Easter brunch with our whole entire family staff. We look forward to having all your guests because there's some of the best guests that we get. Yeah, when you go see chef Anthony, when you go see the team at Aviva Tretria, tell them that you got your graces goodies from listening to the Grace Curly show and really enjoy it. It's a really fun atmosphere. There's great people that are working there. Chef Anthony does such a wonderful job at getting fresh ingredients from local sources. And the food is just to die for. If you love Italian food, if you love new twists on old classics, Aviva Tretria is the place for you. I'm so happy that they're one of our sponsors. I'm so happy that Chef Anthony and Marcy and everybody at Aviva, we consider them very close friends at this point. And we encourage you to get this Grace's goodies while supplies last. Go to Grace Curly Click on store. Get this $50 gift card for just 25 bucks for Aviva Tretria. And there's so many locations. There's probably one near you. Chef Anthony. Thank you. Have a wonderful weekend and a happy Easter. We'll talk to you soon. We'll be right back. (upbeat music)