The Howie Carr Radio Network

Tony Bobulinski RIPS Goldman, Raskin, Hunter, and more in Scorched Earth Testimony | 3.20.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

The former Hunter Biden business partner is turning on the brand! In a House Oversight Committee hearing, Tony Bobulinski goes after the Democrats he claims are willing to lie to cover for the Crime Family in the White House. This is a clip you don't want to miss.

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20 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book, Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. [MUSIC] >> Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. >> We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. >> You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. >> Especially, Grace, Grace stand up. >> Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. >> Hello, everyone, and welcome back to the Grace Curly Show. I apologize if I sound a little stuffy. I think this is the last day of my stuffyness, hopefully fingers crossed. Welcome back, welcome back. We have, it's Wednesday, March 20th, and there are a few big events, big stories that I wanted to hit right out of the gate here. Trump had a great night last night, won five primaries, no surprise to anyone. Last night's primary elections were Ohio, Florida, Arizona, Kansas, and Illinois. And the pick that everyone's talking about, or the candidate that everyone had their eye on, was Bernie Marino, a businessman from Cleveland. He won the Ohio Republican Senate primary, he was Trump backed. There's always a focus on these Trump picks, these MAGA candidates. And that's partially because sometimes it doesn't work out for Trump. He's picked people before, and then the general, you know, Oz comes to mind. Sometimes it doesn't play well. So there's a lot of focus from the establishment media about whether or not the GOP establishment versus the MAGA picks, who's going to fare better. And last night it was Trump's guy. Now yesterday, speaking of yesterday, I ended this show by letting you all know that the Supreme Court had ruled that Texas police officers could arrest aliens crossing the border into Texas illegally, and they're illegal aliens. And this one was described by NBC as like a contentious law. You know, this really has people up in arms that police officers would be able to enforce some law and order in Texas. God forbid. So this news naturally sent the White House into a tailspin. Because they don't, they don't worry about doing their jobs. They just fear that someone's going to be able to maybe offset some of the chaos that they're constantly selling. And if they get wind of that, they get very panicky. We talked about this in Arizona, Jared. Remember the cargo, the cargo shipment things that they had put up the, at the time it was do see was the governor of Arizona. And he said, you know, if there's these big gaps in the border wall, we'll put these cargo containers there and we'll block some of the gaps. The border is so porous in so many different parts of this country. And the Biden administration, who can, they, they cannot drum up energy to tackle anything on the border. They were on that like white on rice. They were on top of that so fast. Oh, no, no, no. They're the climate. There's animals here that you're affecting with these shipment containers. And you can't do that. And I always say, I feel like, uh, Jerry Seinfeld talking to Kramer, if you could only channel this energy into something positive, you're like Lex Luthor, that's what he says to him at one point. And that's how I feel about this administration. Why can't you ever channel? Like if you guys cared, even, even a tiny, if we could just take a tiny slice of the passion they have for pronouns and put it towards any other part of everything that's going wrong in this country, we might be able to turn this thing around. But there's only so few things that they actually can get out of bed for and care about. So naturally, this news that Texas police officers will be able to enforce the law that sends the White House into a complete hissy fit. And despite claiming that they're doing everything we can, you know, it's all Republicans fault. We passed it. We put together a comprehensive immigration reform package. And it has not been passed. That's like the line they keep running with, you know, first it was the border is secure. And now it is. Well, the border is not secure, but we're doing everything we can. You know, we're burning the midnight. We are Nathan waiting this thing 24 hours a day trying our absolute best. Forget the cabins. That's a lot. No cabin booking for the foreseeable future until we get this border crisis under control. That's what they want you to think. So it's peculiar that they claim they're doing everything they can to mitigate the crisis at the border, which they created. And then they are so vehemently against anything like this Supreme Court decision that would actually, um, how do I put this? Mitigate the crisis at the border. It's not going to fix it, but it might make it a little bit less of a disaster. I think you mean a conservative slanted court. Yeah. Yeah, conservative majority. They love to throw that in there. So when the Supreme Court comes out with us and they said, Texas could arrest people breaking the law. Don't, don't, don't admit the craziness. We talked about a banana republic yesterday with Peter Navarro. This is the true banana republic. Police officers enforcing the law against people breaking the law. How can we go on like this, how this cannot stand. So, uh, Kareen, very clear Jean Pierre, she comes out with a statement on this yesterday bashing the court's decision. And I want to read you it because it really made me laugh. She said, we fundamentally disagree with the Supreme Court's order, allowing Texas is harmful and unconstitutional law to go into effect. They just throw that out, whatever they want. Like if Biden does something unconstitutional, i.e, uh, I don't know, uh, forgiving using air quotes here, student loan debt, that's fine. It doesn't matter if anything he does is unconstitutional, but if they just don't like something, it becomes unconstitutional. So she says this unconstitutional law to go into effect as before, that's the name of this law, will not only make communities in Texas less safe, riddle me that one. I am not as smart as Kareen Jean Pierre. Okay, I, I don't claim to be, but I would love to hear her explanation as to how allowing the police officers in Texas to arrest people who are breaking the law is going to make the communities there less safe. I, I need some of this White House logic because I just don't get it. And then she says it will also burden law enforcement and so chaos and confusion at our southern border. Oh, as opposed to all the orderliness that we're seeing at the southern border currently, it will sow chaos and confusion at our southern border. What do you call what we've been seeing for the last four years, Kareen? I don't think chaos and confusion is anything new. I know Bill Malujin used to work for Abercrombie and Fitch and therefore we have to take everything he says with a grain of salt. But based off the aerial footage that I've seen over the last couple years, there's no shortage of chaos and confusion at the southern border. I hate to break it to her. I really do. So, but how will allowing Texas police to arrest people cause more chaos? I don't know. But fear not before this decision by the Supreme Court even had a chance to make the hosts of MSNBC make their heads explode. You know, before Joe Scarborough had to get on TV today and use some curse words, drop some F bombs on all of us. An appeals court issued an order that blocked the Lone Star State from enforcing SB4. Fiyuf! Thank God! Yeah, that would have been bad. We were close, guys. We were really close. Kareen, jump here. You can rest easy. There will not be any law and order on the border for the foreseeable future. Fiyuf! The unfettered chaos will continue to dominate the headlines, so big win for the White House. That's the great thing about this is yesterday was a win for Texas because it was like, oh, they might actually be able to get even just a little bit of control over this. But this is a win too because it's like once again, you're proving that you have no desire to fix this problem. You created and in fact, when we talked to Bob Price about this and he made the same point, he said none of this is like accidental. This is very, very purposeful. They're doing this with the goal of pushing an influx of legal aliens over the border. That's the goal here and they're succeeding. You have to give them credit for that. Also, today, good news for Trump's legal team on the Fannie Willis front. I didn't mean to mention Nathan Wade so early on, but this is from PBS. It said, "The judge overseeing the Georgia election interference case is allowing Donald Trump to appeal a ruling, allowing Fulton County District Attorney Fannie Willis to remain on the prosecution." So we will keep you posted on that. I don't have high hopes for anything involving judges. If I hear judges in Donald Trump in the same sentence, I keep my expectations pretty measured. And on that same thing, there's stories that are reporting that Trump might sell Trump tower or that LaTisha James might seize his property because he cannot pay this $464 million bond, which was actually funny because did you see Ted Lu? Ted Lu tried to dunk on Donald Trump. Emphasis here on the tried. And he talked about how he's a billionaire. How come he doesn't have $464 million and even Mark Cuban, who hates Donald Trump, and made the point to mention how much he dislikes Donald Trump in his defensive Trump had to come out and say, "Yeah, that's... you're not making the point you think you're making." If someone who hates Donald Trump as much as Mark Cuban has to come out and defend him against your dumb point, then you are really, really, you know, just not doing what you think you're doing. And there was a hyper fixation on Trump that I never got, whether he was actually a billionaire. Yeah, without making more or less. The only people who care about that, apparently, is voters, I don't care how much money the guy has. I think what they... How is that a thing? They fixate on it because they know it drives Trump crazy. Like, that does... Yeah, okay. That makes sense. The part of Trump that is sometimes a problem for him is that he's got some tells. Like, he doesn't have a great poker face for things that get under his skin, and it becomes very clear that you... And you know what though? To be fair, Joe Biden is the same exact way. The media just doesn't use it against Joe Biden. The media uses the things against Trump that they know drive him crazy. And that's why you're better off just in general in life. If something drives you crazy, you don't let on. You don't get upset because once people know something triggers you and causes you to explode, they're going to exploit that thing. And for Trump, it's... There's a few things. It's that... It's um... Yeah, there's a couple I could think of, but Biden has them too. But again, nobody talks about Biden's. Everyone protects Biden. They don't want to hurt his feelings. But he's got a... I would say an even worse glass jaw than Donald Trump by far. And he hasn't had to deal with any of these criticisms. Now, when we come back speaking of Joe Biden, we are going to get right into the Tony Bubble Linsky house hearing. So you have the house hearing on the Biden crime family. Starring Hunter Biden's former associate, Tony Bubble Linsky. As he pointed out right away, Hunter Biden did not show up for this public hearing. I don't think Peter Navarro is going to have to make room in his jail cell for Hunter Biden. I think it's okay. He can, you know, he can skip. We'll give him a pass. We'll talk about all of this. He came in scorched earth. He did not miss. He came in and he was ready to go. I don't think he appreciates all of the liars in Congress, especially Raskin and Dan Goldman. And so we will get to all of this audio when we come back. The number is 844-542. We will take all of your calls when we come back. The Nossett Beach Inn just opened reservations for spring. Spring is such a beautiful. I would, I would actually say, Jared, the older I get spring has almost become. It's, it's almost trumped summer as my favorite season. And here's why. It's like the Thursday of the seasons. You know, Friday is great Friday's summertime. But Thursday is like, you're getting ready for it. You're getting prepped. You have so much ahead of you. And that's springtime in New England. And there's no better time to be on the Cape than the spring. The endless possibilities with spring before, you know, winter comes back next week. Yeah, because once you're in summer, summer quickly becomes like Sunday, where you start going, oh, it's going to end soon. Yeah, but it's the dread. Yeah. No, there's no dread whatsoever when you're at the Nossett Beach Inn. It is by far the most tranquil place that I've ever been, because you are right on Nossett Beach in Orleans right there. You're just right there. And whatever room you're in, your steps from the beach. It's the only lodging inside the Cape Cod National Seashore where you can really experience it. And this time of year is great because you don't have to fight crowds. April vacation is coming up. So you've want to go away, not go too far, get the reservations. And they have fire pits, which my wife and I love sitting by the fire pit, drinking our morning coffee. You could see stars at night. You can watch the sunrise. You can watch the sunset. You can watch the moonrise. There are trails you can hike. There's plenty to do. And if you just want to stay in the room, you can do that too, because every room has a fireplace and a nice picture window. So you can stay nice and cozy. Whatever you want to do, Nossett Beach Inn has it for you. And right now you can book your April Stay at the Nossett Beach Inn for $249.99 a night. This May rates from $259.99 a night. So you cannot beat this price. Go to, that's We will be right back. Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gun Works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for 2A Tuesday, Tuesdays at 2PM. This is The Grace Curly Show. Welcome back, everyone. To The Grace Curly Show. As I said, we are going to dive into the Tony Bubblinski hearing. Jared, you were pulling the sound from it. You very rarely come into my office. And let me know about sound you're pulling. But you just thought this was such great stuff. This is a character Tony Bubblinski. This is the way you just walk into the house of the most self-important, self-empowered, insufferable bozos in the world. And you just punch them right in their smug self-satisfaction. It was glorious. Everybody should do this to every member of Congress at all times. More Tony is what we need. And we're going to get to it in just a second. But first, speaking of bozos. Because whenever I think bozos, I think the New York Post, that's always the term they like to use. And the New York Post yesterday had a story about LaTisha James, had a story about Trump Tower. And there's this big, there's this big hubbub brewing about how he's going to pay this bond, which I've seen different figures. I think it's $464 million. It changes every day. The interest is $112,000. Now, Trump needs to put up, and remember, Jerry, when we first started on this story, nothing I'm bitter about people who text criticism to the show, because I have a very thick skin. I can handle it. But somebody made fun of me for calling it a bond. They were like, "Huh, huh, bond, entrust me." When it comes to legal jargon, I tend to mess things up. But it is a bond. It's everyone's calling it a bond. And so what he has to do is he has to put up this bond in order to appeal the ruling from LaTisha James. Now, the tricky thing about that is, in order he's gone to 30 firms, nobody's given him the money, the loan, and he might have to actually sell property. But as his lawyers are pointing out, that's not really fair, because if he does win on appeal, then he can't get that property back without buying it at a higher price. That brings us to our poll question. Yesterday's New York Post, the cover was Trump Tower. Today, it's the front page of the online site. And today's poll question is brought to you by JB AutoCare and Waymith. Keep your car, truck, or SUV running in tip-top shape. Get $20 off an oil change, conventional or synthetic. I should mention my family now goes to JB AutoCare all the time. My dad goes there with his car, my brother, my mom. So we are huge fans of Bill Broussard and JB AutoCare. And you can call today and let them know that I sent you or book online at They've got great people working there. And it's a family-run business. And Bill Broussard is the best. You can trust him. He's awesome. Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is will Trump sell properties to pay the bond? All right, so the New York Post lays out a few different options. And the one that I'm focusing on is the third possibility. It says, "To let the deadline pass, leaving it to New York Attorney General Letitia James to seize Trump's bank accounts or buildings, including Trump Tower, from which he declared his 2016 presidential run, and which famously includes his personal penthouse, it's an option Trump appears to have considered, partly because he believes the chances are good that he could recover the assets on appeal." And also, I wonder if they're factoring in here. And maybe you just can't care this much about the court of public opinion when you're dealing with your own assets and your own net worth. But I wonder if they're also thinking how bad of a look it's going to be for New York to seize his property. Like that is that is Stalin-esque to such a degree that it would even surprise me. And I follow this stuff every single day. So I'm wondering if they're factoring in, hey, it's also going to make Trump even more of a martyr among his base, or if that just doesn't even come into play. I don't know this. So the question is, will he sell property? I'm going to say no. 79% of the audience is with you there. They say no. 21% say yes. "A decision to do nothing poses risks of its own among them that the New York AG's office has the right to sell off any properties it confiscates in order to recover the cash penalties it has owed." I don't know though. I don't know if they'd actually want to do that. Like, I think they like threatening it. But I don't know if they want to put in the work to actually sell these properties. Well, we'll find out. We'll see soon enough. When we come back, Tony B's in the house. And according to Jared, he's burning the place down. Don't go anywhere. Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio. Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. Thank you all so much for tuning in. You know, we started the show by talking about the Supreme Court decision. And we are going to get to Tony B, don't worry. I'm not going to delay this much further. But I wanted to mention here, Jared, that there's been a lot of concern that because of the gang warfare that's going on in Haiti, that a lot of people are going to try to refugees are going to try to come in. And they're going to try to come in through Florida. It's the closest way for them to get into the United States. And Ron DeSantis has been very outspoken. This is kind of his meat and potatoes here. This is how he made his bones is by, you know, really standing strong and standing up for Floridians. And so now he went on Dana Lash's podcast. And he said that if they get an influx of people from Haiti, he's going to send the Haitian migrants to Martha's Vineyard. And if everyone remembers what happened last time, Ron DeSantis sent illegal aliens to Martha's Vineyard. Martha's Vineyard had a bit of a meltdown. The residents on Martha's Vineyard on this beautiful island home to Barack Obama, summer home to Barack Obama, and John Kerry and other beautiful, I think Meg Ryan, who else? There's a lot of famous people who go to Martha's Vineyard. And it's a hate has no home here type of place. You know, the people there are very liberal, very open-minded, very progressive, and they were very much not on board with having illegal aliens sent to their island. And I think it was a total of like 42 hours. I don't even know if we made it to the 48-hour mark before they had, was it the National Guard? Removing them at gunpoint, yeah, on buses. Like you're getting out of here, you're going back to the mainland, you're going off island, and take a listen to what Ron DeSantis had to say about this. This is cut 17. I definitely think we can help put them back over the border if they come across in Texas or Arizona. And so I'd be willing to help do that. I think that the states really have no other choice to do that at that point. It's a little bit different for a maritime state like us. That's why we've got, we really have to get them before they reach the shores. And that's why we're working so hard to do that. Yeah. Although I will say this, we do have our transport program also that's going to be operational. So Haitians land in the Florida Keys. Their next stop very well may be Martha's Vineyard. And listen, there are plenty of Haitians that are legitimately fleeing this warfare. And then I'm sure if you had a system in place, it was vetting people, the people who feel a lot more comfortable with it. But I don't think Ron DeSantis is wrong at all to be very concerned about who is getting in, and wanting to make sure that no one who's actually involved in this gang warfare that's going on and this violence that is going on is going to enter Florida. It's not irrational to think that way. And it's actually the normal, in a normal world, that this would be just common sense governing. Okay. So Tony Bublinski, let's get back to this. We'll take your calls. If you have a request, if you want to hear something that we missed, you can always call in. Tony Bublinski shows up for this hearing, this congressional hearing on the Biden crime family. Hunter did not show up for the hearing, which he pointed out right away, Jared. Can I have that, cut six? Should I allow Hunter to give his opening statement first? We'll, uh, doesn't appear, Mr. Biden showed up for his public hearing. So we'll recognize you, Mr. Bublinski. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Nice. A nice nod to Hunter's absence. And also, he just didn't hold back. He went after everyone from Dan Goldman to Jamie Raskin. And I want to play this stuff, but I also just want to point out that something I think of every time Tony Bublinski's in the news is how he never gets what I would call the star witness treatment, like the IRS, whistleblowers who came out against Hunter and Joe. He is going up against Biden, Inc. And he's going to get similar treatment as everyone else who's ever dared poke the Joe Biden there. And because he's providing testimony that confirms what plenty of Americans, if you look at polls, a lot of Americans suspect there was something nefarious going on with the Biden crime family influence peddling operation. Doesn't mean they didn't vote for Joe Biden, unfortunately. But a lot of people are aware that, you know, something doesn't smell right. And so he's confirming that. And he's confirming that the Biden family was involved in selling Joe Biden's brand and influencing an influence peddling and Joe Biden was the brand. They all knew it. They were selling his name. They were selling his position. They were selling his influence. And whether it was Joe's brother, Jim, Jim, plausible, deniability Biden or the big guy or the bag man, Hunter, they all knew exactly what they were doing. And because Tony is a reliable witness who can connect the dots, as the left loves to say, they've had zero interest in Tony with the exception of some Republicans like James Colmer and Jim Jordan. The FBI's had zero interest in Tony bubble and ski. And despite that, though, Tony seems to be in good spirits. Despite the fact that he hasn't been the bell of the ball, the center of attention, he's in good spirits. So let's take cut 10, please, Jared. I want to start with this. You're presented here today with two narratives in this investigation, a false one being pushed by Joe Biden, a serial liar and fabulous now under this impeachment investigation for public corruption. His brother, Jim Biden, a 75 year old man who can't keep his lies straight, including under oath and his son, Hunter Biden, a chronic drug addict facing two indictments with 12 counts. Yeah, that's a pretty apt description. The only thing I'd add in for where I thought he was going with the Jim Biden, Jared, was he can't keep down a job. Like the man has had more. He's had a long career, nightclub owner, health insurance, hospital, proxy thing. He's had a lot of different career paths. I like that word fabulous, though, because that is that is a real fabulous. It's exactly what Joe Biden is. Because it's not just that he's lying. He's lying about these larger than life situations. You know, he it's not just, oh, back in '82. I used to be able to throw a pigskin core mile. Son of a bitch. I, you know, I had my bow and arrow and I hit the target. Son of a bitch. I, what was he there? Oh, I was in a, I was in a jail cell in Nelson Mandela. Everything has to be larger than life. Everything has to be, you wouldn't believe it, but, but I'm boom. So that's the perfect way to describe him. I also love how he savaged Goldman and Raskin, because this is, yeah, there's a lot of Congress people that I find deplorable, that I find hard to listen to. But Raskin and Goldman are my top five. So take a listen. This is cut 12. At the same people preaching this mantra, no better. They continue to lie directly to the American people without hesitation and remorse. Rep Dan Goldman and Jamie Raskin, both lawyers and Mr. Goldman, a former prosecutor with the SDNY from New York, will continue to lie today in this hearing and then go straight to the media to tell more lies. Hunter Biden's defense attorney, Abilol, weaponizes letters to Congress to try to smear my name and state the cold-art facts in an attempt to save his powerfully connected client and his father. I challenge Mr. Lowell to make those claims on national television so he can be held accountable for his lies. Prior to my successful business career, I was an officer in the United States Navy. At Navy's elite naval nuclear power training command, I later served as the chief, the command's chief technology officer. I apologize for the disruption from the. Am I supposed to say it's my time, Mr. Raskin? Reclaiming my time, I believe, is the way we like to phrase it. If we want to be as pompous of an ass as possible, I believe we are supposed to say reclaiming my time. Yeah, Garcia pulled one of those talking to Baba Linsky today from California. Yeah, you know what I've been thinking, Jared, and we can play more of these Baba Linsky cuts. I'm actually going to hand it over to you and a little bit and let you, you know, dealer's choice here. The DJ can play play the hits, play whatever he thinks, the audience, and the wheels of Stephen, whatever the audience needs to hear. But something I wanted to say here, because I talked a little bit about the star witness treatment and the timing of this couldn't be better. I keep going back to the way Democrats treat whistleblowers because when it's Republicans, it's leakers, you know, it's backstabbers. But when it's Democrats, it's whistleblowers. Take, for example, Christine Blasey Ford, because she's been in the news a lot the last 24 hours. She's got a book out, right? She's doing the media rounds. She's promoting this book one way back. She was actually on the view. I don't know if you saw this. She's honest. I saw a clip. I didn't bother listen. And Joy Behar was angry at the men in the audience. She didn't feel as though they were clapping enough for Christine Blasey Ford. So she reprimanded. She dressed down the men in the audience. To be fair, I will say, if you're a man in that audience, you deserve whatever you get from Joy Behar. I was just going to say, I mean, I, we have to be concerned about the men who are, you know, they're the things. Even the most beaten down and hen-pecked of husbands, you have to say no to that. That has to be the point where you take a stand. That's it. Even if you're, you're trying to get with a girl for the first time, that's not acceptable. You can't do that. That's a line you can't crop. I was just thinking, like, there are situations where I see men with their wives. And I think now there's always the possibility that and sometimes this is the case. They just love spending time together. So that makes, you know, they just want to be together. He doesn't care what kind of errands the wife is running. I get that. But, but once in a while, you'll see. A guy like at the mall and the wife's trying on all these clothes and he's sitting there and it's like, what are we doing? Like, let, let this man go. Let him, let him at least go to the food court and get a soft pretzel. I mean, you put him out of his misery. This is brutal. I remember one time I was at the mall and there was a guy and he was on the phone with his wife, Jared. Okay. It was around Easter. It was actually right around the same time. And he's in the, the dress department of Macy's. By himself and he's on the phone with his wife and he says, all right, so what size are you? All right. I'll just grab a couple of things and we'll see. And I thought, if I ever sent my husband to the mall and said, pick up a couple dresses for me and bring back whatever you think, let's just say I wouldn't be wearing any of those dresses. Like what woman is sending her husband on that goose chase and being like, you make your best judgment and come back with something? Good God. That's terrifying. But yeah, if you're sending, if your husband is with you at the view, you are not a good wife. I'm just going to go out on a limb and say it. You are, you're mistreating your spouse. That is, that should be in everyone's marriage vows. You do not make your husband go watch the view. You don't make him watch it on the couch, let alone bringing him in IRL in real life. But Joy Behar was mad that the guys in the audience, like the two or three guys that were there, they didn't clap. They weren't clapping as hard as they had trained the seals to clap. And this got me thinking because for anyone who's blocked out, Christine Blasey Ford in that period, which I would consider one of the lowest moments in politics over the last decade. Blasey Ford was the woman who accused Brett Kavanaugh of rape before his confirmation to the Supreme Court. Luckily, he was still confirmed. But it became like this real, talk about a witch hunt. It became this really contentious and disturbing spectacle. And Brett Kavanaugh was, and then more people came out of the woodwork with even more outlandish stories than Christine Blasey Ford. But this is what the Federalist wrote about Christine Blasey Ford back in September of 2018. Ford was unable to place her accusation at a specific time and place to fill in many of the gaps in her recollections or to find a single other person supposedly present who could confirm any aspect of her story. It remains a vague claim with no corroborating evidence. That was from the Federalist in 2018. Now, as unreliable as her accusations were and are, she still managed to become a darling of the media. She's a cover of Time Magazine, ACLU award, the Courage award. There will be no kind of that kind of fanfare or coverage for Tony Bubbleinsky. He will not get the Christine Blasey Ford. She's still riding that wave. She's on doing the media rounds now, and they're still going, "Oh my God, she's so brave. She's so brave. She's a hero. All women should look up to her." Now, here's a guy who cannot only give dates and times, and I'm not comparing what they're accusing people of here, because obviously hers is a totally different set of circumstances, but he's a reliable witness. He has text messages. He has emails. He has places they met and what they talked about and conversations that were had, and nobody wants to actually give this guy the time of day, except for James Comer and Jim Jordan. And Jared, explain to me what Moskowitz did today. So, Jared Moskowitz is a Democrat read from Florida, who actually seems like he's pretty decent on a lot of stuff. Like, he seemed like he was kind of not an insane person. Um, it's very dependent. He's, I think he's decent, and I shouldn't even say this, because I'm not 100% positive. I think he's pretty staunch in his support of Israel. Yeah, I mean, he's good on some stuff, but he seemed like he wasn't- He's terrible on other stuff. He wasn't a complete loon, but that's absolutely out the window today. So, he shows up to his office. He's walking through the halls of Congress, and he's wearing a Vladimir Putin mask, like a Halloween mask. That is the, like, a rubber face of Vladimir Putin. And, uh, he starts talking to the reporters, and this is what it sounded like. [INDISTINCT CONVERSATION] I just came to James Comer for taking all of our intelligence and using it in the committee. Maybe he can come see the technology in our grocery stores. Thank you. Congressman, who's against commanders, kind of mature? Wait, what was his- Can you- You don't have to play it again. What was the explanation? Uh, there really wasn't an explanation. He was just pointing out, I think, that this is Russian disinformation that Comer used. -Oh! -So, he was saying, "I want to thank Jeremy Comer for using our information." Then, he took a dig at, um, Tucker for going to the grocery store. But I just love the reporter. Like, he's like, he's a little immature. Yeah, but the Democrats love props. -We know this. -Oh, it's brilliant. Remember, Cohen with the- -Yeah. -The bucket of fried chicken. They love a prop. I'm not a fan of a prop. You know, the same Patrick's Day breakfast was this past weekend. I've never been a fan of props. -I- I think it's- -About done queen outfits. No, I didn't like the jumpsuits. I- I guess that was, like, the least offensive of the whole thing. You know, you're in Boston. I guess that's, like, part of our DNA. We always have talking about talking to no nuts. But, no, I just don't like props. And I think that Bob Alinsky is handling this a lot better than the Democrats, like Raskin, Goldman, and Moskowitz. We'll play more of these cuts. We'll let Jared play whichever ones he thinks. Our- the standouts. And we'll take your calls. All of that and more when we come back. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is the Grace Curly Show. Welcome back, everyone, to the Grace Curly Show. We haven't even really dove in to all of the Bob Alinsky cuts. He was not holding back. We're gonna let Jared be- it's gonna be DJ Digglio in the 1 o'clock. We're gonna let him play the hits as he sees fit. And you're excited, Jared. I haven't seen you this excited in a long time. Hey, dudes and dudes and dudes. Don't go anywhere. We got some Herman's and Herman's coming up. Wow, this is like, play Misty for me. I'm scared. Janet, you're next up on the Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Janet? Hi, hi Grace. Thank you for taking my call. But my question is, when COVID arrived, this country shut down the world. Okay? Right. No trouble. It just totally took away socialization. Now, we have millions of people coming into this country. What about immunity? We do not have the innate immunity to deal with these people, nor do they have it to deal with us. This is- I'm not a doctor, but I think this is a major problem. And I'm wondering if just- is it politically incorrect to mention them? No, it's not, Janet. And in fact, I think that was one of the- there were several factors that kind of made the damn break on COVID. But one of them was the fact that you were being told you couldn't go to a shake shack if you didn't have a COVID job, but people were coming in. Who didn't even have measles vaccines? And that's what you're seeing. In Chicago, there's measles outbreaks. In Boston, at Mel me a cast, there's been chickenpox outbreaks that you're not going to hear a lot about, except unless you're reading the Boston Herald. And so, no, it might be politically incorrect, but it's definitely not incorrect. We'll be right back.